Mark Cohen

Published on Oct 11, 2012


Mark Cohen

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Water Sports, Scat, Anal and Oran sex between consenting and non consenting men. All names are also fiction. All places and or events never happened. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this story in your State or Province, you should leave this site now.

Chapter 7

Well the list when I read it was real eye opener. I was actually shaking when I was done.

Well the rest of the week until Friday was pretty hard on me. Marks brother really tanned my ass before he fucked. I was also his toilet boy at least for his piss. Eddy still took me downstairs each morning.

On Friday, Mark showed me my new office. He also gave a real long list of boys that could be out and what their specialties were. He also gave me a customer list and what each customer liked. Some of the boys were from the school. Not many, but most I already knew. The rest of the boys could be brought from other places Mark had them working. It all was about what the CUSTOMER wanted.

The two Jew boys were brought out on Friday too along with Mark, Peter and Andy. The other regulars plus the two new Black boys would do all the customers this weekend. The Jew boys were stripped and locked in a bedroom. They had books and a radio and were fed good, but nothing else.

All the regulars plus Peter and Andy were given the new skirt to wear. Jimmy would be my runner for the night. Mark, as Uncle had said was my enforcer. I took Mark into my office first. Only Jimmy and I were present. Mark looked real scared.

"Relax Mark. Everything my Uncle said to you will happen. He is very honest in his dealings with some people. You will still have your scholarship and still get paid to go to Notre Dame."

"Kay Jeremy. I trust you."

"What you will be is my enforcer. If a boy refuses to do as a customer asks and customer complains you will whip that boy with that cane. Ten for a first offense.

"If a customer does anything out of line, like permanent damage to a boy or something that is not in line with our guidelines you will eject him from the premises. He also will never be invited back."

"Okay." He smiled this time.

"Okay, bring in Andy and Peter."

Well Peter I had seen before and knew he was real cute, but Andy was stunning. Both were hard too and looked not badly equipped for sixteen year old boys. Both were pretty red faced when they came in.

"Wow! Are you two real cute? You're both going to be very popular here."

"Seeing as this is your first night here, I'm going to let Jimmy and you two use the Playroom for tonight."

Jimmy hugged me and then thanked me.

I explained to both boys what was involved and even that they might have to drink piss. Neither even said a word.

"I'll have Eddy in there too as bar tender. He'll make sure no one gets out of line."

"Okay Sir." Andy said.

"Boys from now on, you will call everyone except the boys or me Master. Me you can call Jer or Jeremy."

"Okay Jeremy." Peter said.

"The only thing else I have to say is that you must do anything a customer asked you unless it will do permanent damage to your body. If you refuse, Mark here will tan your bottoms with that cane he is carrying."

Both looked at Mark. Then looked at me.

"We promise Jeremy."

"Good you boys can wait outside until Jimmy comes for you."

Both just left the office.

"Boy are they cute. Andy is really hot." Jimmy said.

"Better believe it. I'd like to fuck him right now." I laughed.

"Me too." Jimmy said.

"Mark, I was going to surprise you later but after all the customers are gone, you will be sleeping with Jimmy and me."

"Oh God thanks Jeremy." He came around the desk and pulled me into his massive arms. Then he kissed me.

"I love you Jeremy." He said.

He set me down. I knew what I loved about Mark, but wasn't sure if there was anything else.

"Jimmy go get Norval."

Jimmy bounded out the office, cute ass showing from under the skirt. He was back real quick with Norval.

Norval looked real hot in the little mini skirt.

"Boy you look good enough to eat Love." I said.

"Congratulations Jer. I'm real happy for you."

"Thanks Norval. Don't worry Uncle Mark has something in mind for you too."


"Norval there's a new rule in place. You got to call everyone except me or one of the other boys Master."

"No problem. Uncle Mark already said something about that once before."

"Okay your regular, you know who I mean, wants you in the basement for the night."

"Oh fucking Great." He smiled.

"I'll let you know when he arrives. You service regular customers until then." "Okay Jer."

"Okay. Mark you will be with me to start with and then go see Red on the Front Desk. Jimmy you can take Peter and Andy and set them up in the playroom. I'll tell Eddy and Red."

"Cool." Jimmy was gone.

Norval took off and headed back to the library. I went and saw Eddy and Red and told them what I had decided. Eddy was happy. Then I went to the library. Uncle Mark was there, but I just said hi,

"Okay, all of you will be servicing regular customers tonight. Only a couple of changes. You will call all customers Master from now on. Also if I get one complaint from any customer, Mark here will be tanning your butts. Ten strokes for the first offense and doubled after that. That means if you piss off a customer today, you get ten. If you piss off another customer next week or next month you get twenty. Customers are always right boys. Unless they try to do something that might cause permanent marks or damage, you will do everything they say."

"Yes Master." Everyone said. Mark just smiled.

"Okay guys you can relax. By the way you all look real hot in those skirts. The first customer should start arriving in an hour. There's cokes or beer if you want it. You have all been here before so all have rooms."

"Do you have anything to add Uncle Mark?"

"Nope. You said it all Jeremy."

"Okay, I'll be busy tonight. If you have problems talk to Red or Mark. Both have my instructions. Come with me Mark I want your help."

I told Mark what I was going to do next. "You mean your just going to rape them?"

"Yes and your going to help."

"Okay Jeremy. I'll do anything you ask."

"Even fuck me later?' I smiled at him.

"If you want me too."

"I do Mark. I really do. I have been dreaming about it."

I had told Mark what to do when I unlocked the boys room. He just walked in and picked up one of the boys. He started to cry as soon as Mark picked him up and continued to cry all the way to Uncle Marks Special room. He hardly struggled at all as we strapped him in the chair.

"Your going to rape me. I don't want to be a fag. I just want to go home." He cried,

For the first time I really thought about what I was going to do to this kid. I knew if I refused, Uncle Mark really would shove a baseball bat up my ass.

How do I tell him that his Father had just tossed him to the wolves? What kind of world did I live in where Fathers could place Money and power above their own flesh and blood? Well my Dad was the same way. Quite few other boys at the school were the same.

"What's your name?"

"Aaron. Please don't do this." He cried.

"Aaron, you and me are pretty much the same. Difference is your not a fag and I am. I like to suck cocks and get one in my ass. Your Dad is just like mine. He's more interested in making money than he is about me. Your Dad is the same. He gave you and your brother to my Uncle to do anything he wanted. He washed his hands of you. My Dad did the same thing. He made me suck him off and then just called me a fuck and suck Slave to anyone he wants. My Uncle, I love very much more than my Dad, but he told me he'd shove a baseball bat up my ass if I didn't fuck you and your brother. He may love me but he'd do it."

Aaron's eyes had got real big as I talked. He didn't stop crying but his mouth dropped open.

I had to figure out a way I could get through to him. I know what I liked, I wondered if he might too.

"Has any one ever sucked your dick Aaron?"

"No." He said quickly.

I just leaned over and took his soft cock into my mouth. He was cut and his knob felt good in my mouth. Like all the other boys I sucked at his age he got hard real quick. He started to moan. His feelings as someone sucked him took over.

"OH! Oh god. OH, Oh." He moaned.

It didn't take long until I felt his cock throbbing in my mouth. Three small shots of sweet cumm shot into my mouth. He tasted super good.

When I stopped and looked at him his eyes were closed as he enjoyed the rush from shooting.

After he came down he just looked at me.

"How was that Aaron? I'll do it again if you want. I really love to suck guys cocks. You taste real good." He never said anything for a long time.

"Jeremy, I guess me and Killen knew something was wrong when we were brought here. I called my Dad and asked him to let us go to another school coz there were so many fags here. He called us back yesterday and said he'd taken care of it for us. Then they brought us here. We thought they made us strip so we wouldn't run away. I knew my Dad was more interested in money than us. He did send us to a Jewish School and did come to our right of passage ceremony. Then he sent us to another private school and then here. I really liked you Jeremy. You were the best teacher I ever had. I learned more in just a few days than I had all year."

"Jeremy, I'm scared. I guess if it going to happen anyway, I guess I'd like you to be first."

"Aaron, I can't stop all the pain, but I'll go slowly so it's better for you."

"Don't go slow Jeremy. Just rape me like you said. I'll scream and cry no matter which way you do it. Killen will know. We're twins and sometime we know each others thoughts and feel each others pain. When we go back to the room, I'll tell him everything and he'll want it the same way."

Wow. Well I had to do it quick. I knew I'd blow maybe before I even got all the way in.

I covered my cock in lube and put some on his hole. I brought my cock up. He started to scream even before I did anything. When I rammed my cock at his tight hole he screamed louder. I grabbed his legs and just pushed. My cock popped inside him. His howl was like a banshee. I had to hurry I was so close, but needed to be farther inside. I pushed again and that's all it took. My cock fired my load into him. He hardly noticed. I was still hard so I pushed again. My cock now lubed with my sperm slid all the way inside. He went silent and I thought he might have passed out.

He started to cry. Not something I thought would happen. Big huge sobs. "You okay Aaron?"

"I guess so. I guess I really am a fag. It doesn't hurt now and I guess it does feel sort of good."

I never said anything, just pulled back. He groaned real loud. When I pushed into him again what little he could move in the restraints he pushed up. Wow. He did like it.

"Mark, undo the straps."

As soon as he was loose, he met every push. He even started to get hard. I couldn't believe how quick he changed. When I blew in him the second time, his own cock fired onto his chest. He just stopped, overwhelmed I think from what happened.

There was one more thing he had to do. I pulled out of him.

"Aaron come over here, kneel in front of me and suck my cock."

I never even bothered to look at my cock. I knew it was probably covered in shit and cumm.

Aaron kneeled in front of me and looked at my cock. He then looked up at my face.

"Do it Aaron. Your going to have to do it for everyone that fucks you."

Tears streamed down his face. He closed his eyes and sucked my cock clean.

"Mark drop your pants."

"Aaron go over and suck Mark's cock. I know you won't get much in but you can jack his cock until he comes." Aaron did as I said. He did get the big apple sized head of Mark in his mouth and maybe an inch. He then jacked his cock with both hands. Mark just held his head in place. Mark must have been pretty horny. Probably from watching me rape Aaron. I saw him try to push more of his cock into Aaron's mouth. I also saw Aaron's throat muscles working. He did try to swallow all Mark's huge load, but some shot out around his lips. He finally was able to get his mouth off Mark. Mark just held his head and jacked his own cock a couple of times. Two streams of cumm covered Aaron's face. I watched Aaron's tongue come out and lick his lips. Maybe he liked it. Then I looked at my watch.

Shit. It was almost eight PM. I had to get back downstairs. I'd have to do his brother tomorrow night.

Then I had an idea.

"Aaron, I'm going to take you back to your room. You said your brother probably already knows what happened to you. Well I want you to rape your brother. Then you can play with each other. If you don't Aaron, I'll have Mark shove his cock into your butt. You won't survive."

"I'll try Jeremy." He started to cry again.

"I'm sure you will do just fine Aaron."

We dropped him off and headed down stairs.

We arrived just in time. Norval's customer came in, paid and I sent him to the basement. I informed Norval his customer was waiting. Things picked up from then on. There was almost always a customer waiting. We even told everyone that the playroom was open. Some went there. Things were pretty quiet, but I knew that could change after a few customers had free drinks. Mark had just come back from his rounds when the door opened.

Jesus Christ. A cop was walking in. I hit the call button for Uncle Mark. When Uncle Mark walked out, he went directly to the cop.

"Jed, good to see you. If I had known you were coming, I would have saved one of the Negro boys for you."

"That's okay Mark. I was in the area and thought I might as well stop in.

They walked up to the desk.

"Damn, that's one big boy Mark. Hate to meet him in a dark alley."

He's Jeremy's enforcer. Keeps the boys and customers in line."

Jed whispered to Mark.

"Sure Jed. No problem. Jeremy you can take Jed up to your room and entertain him for a couple of hours."

Damn this might be fun. Jed looked like he was in real good shape.

"Okay Uncle Mark. Mark you keep an eye on things. It could get out of hand here after the customers get a few drinks in them."

"Okay Jeremy. I'll make sure every thing is okay."

I led Jed upstairs to my room. We went in and closed the door. We never locked the doors. Every one knew that if a door was closed it was in use. I turned on the bedside lamps and the bathroom.

"Get undressed boy." Jed said.

I just striped.

Jed was much older than I first thought. Maybe fifty or more, but he was in real good shape. Almost as good as Mark. He undressed to his boxers. "On your back on the bed." He said.

He then cuffed me hand and foot to the bed. Now I was spread out in front of him.

He sat down on the bed beside me.

He rand his hand down over my chest. Tweaked one of my tits and then grabbed my hard cock.

"You're a real good looking boy Jeremy. I guess that's why Sam likes you so much."

Now I knew who he was. Sam had told me about his Dad being a cop.

"I had a suspicion Sam was queer, so I spent a good chunk of my saving to send him to Excelsior. I figured if he went to an exclusive School like Excelsior he'd grow out of it. But you and your fag friends made sure he turned into a real good fag boy."

I was starting to get a real bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Mark told me I couldn't put any marks on your body or do any permanent damage, but you are going to feel pain boy. More pain than you have ever felt. All the pain and more than I felt when I found out my Son really was a fag.

"I didn't do anything to Sam Sir." He backhanded me across the face.

"Don't speak unless I tell you too."

He got up and walked out of site. Then I saw him kneel on the foot of the bed. I felt him doing something with my balls and sack. Then he yanked my ball sack. I thought he was trying to pull them off and I screamed.

"Scream all you want boy. Everyone knows what goes on here, so hearing you scream won't matter. You'll be screaming a lot more shortly."

He got up and walked out of site again. Then he came and sat down on the bed beside. He brandished a stick in front of my eyes.

It looked like a small baseball bat. Real thin at one end, but real thick at the other.

"You see this boy. It's what I am going to use to beat on your balls and cock. After I might shove it up your ass. There won't be any marks on you and the damage will heal in time, but you can be sure you won't be using your balls, cock or ass for a long time."

That's when I really started to scream.

He just laughed, A real evil laugh.

I felt something cold sliding under my balls. All at once I felt so much pain I couldn't even scream. My stomach knotted up and I wanted to puke. I wished I could roll into a ball. Then I started screaming. I screamed myself hoarse. All I could do after that was blubber and cry.

"That should hold them for a while. After they swell up they will be even more tender and I can work on them some more." He said.

He undid my arms and wrenched me to a sitting position. It relieved some of the pressure on my balls. When I looked I saw they were already twice their normal size.

He cuffed my hands behind my back.

He stepped out of sight and then came back with a short stool.

"On your knees boy." He said as he wrenched me up. That pulled my sack tighter and I screamed again. He just chuckled.

He pushed the stool right close to my legs and tied me to it. That just caused more pain to balls.

"Now I'm going to work on that cock of yours."

He pulled my cock up. He tied a piece of thin rope to the end and yanked it across the surface of the stool. He tied it tight to the other side. I knew what was coming next and started screaming no.

I also screamed I was sorry.

"Too late for that boy." I think he said.

After the first smash with that bat on my cock, I don't think I felt anything. There was so much pain I might have even passed out. The next thing I remember was having my head pushed into a pillow.

The next thing I heard was Jimmy screaming.

Someone was hurting my love. I came awake and yelled something.

The next thing I felt was Jimmy's lips on mine. I was so happy I could only cry. When I opened my eyes all I saw was Jimmy's tear stained face.

"You're alive. Oh god Jeremy I was so worried. The Doctor said you might not." He smothered me almost in kisses.

"What, what happened?" I croaked.

"I'll get the Doctor Jeremy."

A few minutes later the Doctor walked in. "Where am I? What Happened?"

"You're in the hospital Jeremy. As to what happened only you can tell us everything. I've given you some morphine for the pain Son. Uncle Mark will here shortly."

Jimmy came back in and stood by the bed.

"Stay with him Jimmy. You're the best medicine now."

I looked over at Jimmy. Tears were running down his face.

"Come closer Love."

When he leaned over the bed. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down. As I kissed him I started bawl. I was so happy I had Jimmy all I could do was cry.

A little while later Jimmy sat up. He still held one of my hands.

"How are you doing Jeremy?" I heard softly.

I turned my head. Uncle Mark was standing by the bed.

Before I could say anything he leaned over and kissed me.

"I'm so sorry Jeremy. I'm just so sorry. I should have known what Jed was going to do. It just didn't register at the time.

When I opened my mouth to say something he stopped me.

"Don't talk Jer. Let me finish."

"I knew what Jed liked to do with boys he got at the house. Up until now I hadn't really cared. I didn't like what he did, but he was part of the protection the house and school had. He's a bought cop. He's paid to stop anyone investigating or getting close to finding out happens at the house or Club."

"The boys he usually has in the basement very seldom live beyond their time with him. He considers Negro boys less than human and just uses them as if they were useless animals. Up until last week that is. Now he's in a cell at the house."

"Why?" I managed to croak.

"Mark was doing his job and was walking by your room when he heard you yell `NO', when he looked, Jed was about to shove his Billy club into your ass. He grabbed him and hauled him off you and into the hall. He almost beat Jed to death before we could stop him. Your Friend Mark is one hell of a strong guy. It took Eddy, myself and Red to pull him off Jed. He kept yelling about you. When I looked in your room and saw part of what Jed had done to you, I almost killed Jed on the spot. Instead I had him taken and put in a cell in the basement. I am very sorry Jeremy."

Before I could say anything my body betrayed me. I shit. Jimmy and Uncle Mark knew almost immediately.

"It's okay Jeremy. I'll get the nurse."

"NO!" Jimmy yelled.

"No one touches him but me and the Doctor. I'll kill anyone that does."

Uncle Mark stepped back.

"Okay Jimmy." Jimmy was a very good nurse. He never said a word as he cleaned me up. He asked for Uncle Marks help to change the soiled sheet. When he was done, he came back and took my hand.

"Thanks Jimmy." I smiled.

"Jeremy can you tell me why Jed did what he did to you?"

"He was mad his son Sam was a fag and blamed me. He said I was going feel all the pain he felt and more. He said my dick, balls and ass would be useless for a long time."

"Well that fits with what he did. He won't be hurting any more boys. You can be very sure of that Son."

"I want to see him before you do anything Uncle Mark."

"Okay Jeremy. Jimmy I know what you said, but there are a lot more boys that want to see Jeremy."

"I know Uncle Mark. I'm sorry I said that. I just don't want anyone ever hurting Jeremy again." Tears rolled down his face.

"I promise you Jimmy. No one will hurt him again."

A few minutes later all the boys from the house came in. Red and Norval both kissed me along with Mark. Even some boys from the school came in. Some I didn't even know. They all hoped I'd be better soon.

Just Uncle Mark and Jimmy stayed.

"Jeremy, there two other boys that want to talk to you alone. I said it was okay. Jimmy will stay too."

Uncle Mark left the room. I was very surprised Aaron and Killen walked into the room. Both were holding hands and both looked very scared.

"Hi Aaron. I never thought I would see you after what I did."

"Well we just had to come. Jeremy I tried to do what you asked, but I just couldn't get it in. Killen wanted me too, but my dick wouldn't stay hard. Killen's screwed me lots and I like it. We even sucked each other. I just can't fuck him." Aaron started to cry.

"Will you do me when you get better Jeremy? I want to be like Aaron."

"Yes Killen I will. Aaron I was not really going let Mark fuck you. He's way too big. Even for me."

The relief on Aaron's face was astounding.

"Jeremy you can do it to me anytime."


"I'm real sorry you got hurt Jeremy."

"Not your fault guys. I guess I'll be okay soon. We'll talk then okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Jeremy." Killen said.

Both left.

I told Jimmy I need to sleep.

"I'll be here when you wake up Jeremy."

He was. He also cleaned me up every time. He gave me sponge baths and helped me eat. He terrified the nurses. The Doctor just laughed. About another week and the Doctor finally allowed me to get up and do my own stuff. Jimmy helped me shower. My dick looked pretty normal, only a few black and blue marks. My balls still hurt a little bit.

Three days later I was allowed to go Home. Well home to Uncle Marks. I was carried up to my own bedroom. As soon as I was in bed Jimmy stripped and crawled in beside me.

"This is what I missed most Jeremy."

"This is what I missed too Jimmy." I hugged him close.

As it was a Friday, there was a full house of boys. Norval was temporarily doing my job. All came up to see me.

Norval came in and after kissing me sat down on the bed.

After all the boys but one had left.

"Jeremy, this boy is Billy. Uncle Mark has assigned him as your servant. He will do anything you wish. Jimmy, sorry to say, but you need to get ready for work."

"I know Norval. I'll be ready in time."

Now as you said to me about three weeks ago, there have been some changes."

"Has it been three weeks?"

"Yeah love and a lot has happened. First you. You are now a permanent residence here at the house. Billy is your permanent servant and will stay with you. Also you will not be doing any customers no matter what they ask. Uncle Mark considers you too valuable to take a chance something like happened to you happened again. He even won't let me do any more stuff in the basement."

"But I got to go to school. Three weeks, god I got lots to catch up on. I was already a week behind before this last happened."

"Jer, Uncle Mark won't let you. He figures your smart enough to get everything done out here."

"Well with just Billy, Uncle Mark and Eddy, it's going to be real boring."

"Well I'll start where Uncle Mark started."

"He said you were now my boss and everyone else in the house. You will take over as Headman when Uncle Mark and Eddy head out on some of his buying trips."

"Buying what?"

"Well boys of course." Norval laughed.

"I just can't get my head around this stuff about owning boys. That's like slavery. Uncle Mark said he doesn't like slavery."

"Well I can't either, but as Uncle Mark said. The school will eventually be a complete training center for boys. As he put it, it will be a factory for toys. Boy toys."

"Wow. Lots of fags to play with." Jimmy giggled.

"Jimmy, you better get a shower and get ready. It's almost Eight."

Jimmy headed for the shower, He didn't look to happy.

"Sorry Jer, but even your boyfriend has to work." "I know Norval. And he knows it too."

Jimmy came out of the shower, slipped on a skirt, ran over gave me a quick kiss and bounded out of the room.

"See he knows his main job around here."

"Especially since he hasn't had anyone since you were laid up. He's been by your side the whole time."

"Yeah I got to thank him later."

"Okay, I got to run. I'll see you in your new apartment later."

Before I could ask, he was gone. I looked at Billy.

"Come over here Billy."

"You want something Master?"

"Well first off, you can call me Jer or Jeremy."

"Oh no Master. Master Eddy said he would tan my hide if I didn't call you Master."

Something else didn't look right. Up close I saw Billy had crinkly hair on his head like a negro, but was as white as I was.

"Undress Billy and climb in here beside me."

Wow was he good looking nude. Nice cock, about 5 inches soft with a short foreskin. The small tufts of hair around his cock were crinkly too. He just climbed under the covers with me. He was quick.

"I need a little bit of sleep." I pulled him close and he spooned himself next to me. I heard him moan as I wrapped my arm over him.

I'm not sure how long I slept, but when I woke up, someone had turned the lights off. Billy was still snuggled up close. He felt real nice. I knew almost immediately I needed to pee. I rolled away from Billy to get up. He came instantly awake.

"You okay Master?"

"I just got to pee Billy."

"I do that Master." He scooted under the covers and I felt his warm mouth on my cock.

That's all it took and I think I had a big load.

I guess he liked my dick. He kept sucking after I had drained my bladder. It sure felt good. I slipped back the covers and saw his nice looking cock in the dim light. Well I hadn't sucked anyone for a while and that dick looked real good. I pulled him closer and slipped it into my mouth. The first thing I got was his very salty load of pee. When he tried to pull off, when he realized what was happening, I pulled him deeper. He started to get hard, nice, and so smooth. I just knew he had to Negro. It felt just the same. No having cumm for three weeks and even though my balls were really aching I just started to pump my cock into Billy's mouth. God it hurt as I started to blow. Billy just kept swallowing. When I stopped my balls no longer hurt. Maybe that was the problem. After I stopped, Billy pushed his cock into my mouth and blew his load. I loved it's salty taste.

Billy turned around and looked at me.

"I'm sorry Master. I didn't want to pee in your mouth."

"That's okay Billy. I like it. I like everything." "Everything Master?"

"Yeah Billy, everything. You taste real good."

"Master tastes good too."

I pulled him close and kissed him. Then snuggled up to him. I felt 100 percent better and went back to sleep.

I woke up as someone else crawled into bed with me.

"That you Jimmy?"

"Yeah Love. I'm done now."

I felt my hard cock right on Billy's hole. I wondered if he'd let me fuck him?

"You awake Billy?"

"Yes Master. You want to fuck me now?"

"Jeremy, I want you to fuck me." Jimmy said.

"Okay, tell you what. I'll fuck Billy, while you fuck me. Then I'll fuck you while Billy fucks me. After we can suck each other."

"Cool." Jimmy giggled.

Well I screwed Billy's nice tight ass as Jimmy did me doggy style. Billy screwed me doggy style as I fucked Jimmy. Jimmy was pretty loose but I still loved it. I tasted a lot more than just me on Jimmy's cock when I sucked him. But it sure was nice to have Jimmy's cock in my mouth.

Jimmy didn't blow a lot, but what he did always tasted good. After we were just sitting for a bit, Jimmy asked Billy if he could fuck him.

"You have to ask my Master." Billy said.

"Billy you can let anyone fuck you. I don't mind, just means you will have more for me later."

Billy had a puzzled look on his face when I said that. But he let Jimmy, who was always the hornyest guy I knew screw his butt. Billy loved to get screwed just from the way he moaned and moved as Jimmy screwed him. I got hard just watching the two boys.

"I need a shower." I said when they were done.

"I want yours Jeremy." Jimmy said.

"Sure, coz I get you both." I laughed.

Well that's where the arguments started and Billy was adamant that this was his job and his job alone as my servant. I knew we had to come to a compromise if I was going to live with both boys.

"Okay Billy, you can do me, but for today, Steven will give me his and then you will give me yours."

"Master, you are going to be big boss man. You should not have anyone do it to you."

"Well Billy if I am big boss man, I can do anything I want. Right?"

"Yes Master."

"Well this is something I like to do so in future, you will be doing it to me everyday and I'll be doing it for you." "Yes Master."

Well Steven had only a few loads of cumm in his from me and Billy and his last customer. Billy had lots more and I loved how it went down easy. I did puke my guts out, but figured after three weeks of nothing I needed to get used to it again. Steven got lots from me too, but it didn't bother him at all. After showering and cleaning each other out we went to dress. Billy was only going to wear the skirt, until I told him shorts and a t-shirt and runners.

"Billy, you only wear that skirt and I'll never get anything done." I laughed.

I put on long pants and a shirt. With runners we headed down for some breakfast.

It was Saturday morning and I expected a lot more boys at breakfast. Only Uncle Mark, Eddy, Norval and Red were in the small dinning room. Uncle Mark picked me up and kissed me as soon as I walked in.

"You're looking real good Jer. How are you feeling?"

"Great Uncle. Sex I guess is good medicine."

"Yes." He laughed.

Eddy, Norval and Red all kissed me.

Billy got me some breakfast before going into the kitchen to eat.

"I thought there would be more boys here. It's only Saturday Uncle."

"There is, but they are eating in the library. Too many for the dinning room."

"What's this Norval said about me being the boss here when you are away? I don't know how to run this place Uncle Mark."

"Jeremy, you know more than anyone else. But there have been some changes decided on. The FBI has moved into New York State in force and is investigating anyone that has their hand in Prostitution or Gambling. Also they are looking for alcohol distributors and importers. The council decided to cool things a bit until we know exactly how things will be. This place will no longer be just a high priced whore house. We are making it into a very exclusive Men's Club, but without the golf course. It will run 24 hours a day 7 days a week as a guest house. All the bedrooms will have guests in them and the boys that are here permanently will cater to their needs as required. You will be my Manager."

"Norval and Red will be your right and left hand. Red handling check ins and making sure the guests are happy. Norval will be in charge of the boys. Both have decided to only continue their education as part time students. Most of their spare time here will be doing school work."

"Steven and Jimmy will be continuing their Courses so they can write their finals at the end of this year. You can study here too. Your smart enough to finish with them."

"Because all the bedrooms will be needed for guests, I have opened up one of the guest houses as your apartment. Your office will be my Study."

"I didn't know you had guest houses."

"Jeremy, you have been coming out here for almost two years and you didn't know we had guest houses? I'm surprised."

"Well all I ever saw was the inside of the house Uncle Mark."

"And the inside of the bedrooms." Norval laughed.

I think I turned red. They all laughed.

"Well come on I'll show you everything." Uncle Mark said.

We put on overcoats. It was early March so was still pretty nippy out. On one side of the main door was a four car garage. The long driveway ran through large trees. On the other side paths of flagstones lead the way to four guest houses. Each was brick construction and looked like almost miniatures of the main house. Behind the house was a huge expanse of trees and gardens. A big swimming pool was visible as well as tennis and squash courts. Uncle Mark told me there was a boat house on Pontiac Lake with both row boats and a motor launch. In all he had about 100 acres. It must have cost a fortune.

WE walked back to the front and to the first guest house. He unlocked the door and we went inside.

"This one is yours Jeremy."

Inside the front door was a short hall leading to a large living room, with a big fireplace on one side. Carpets covered the floors. Leather couches and chairs made the room look real cozy. It was a single bedroom house, with a king sized bed. A large walk in closet and huge bathroom was attached. A small dining room was attached to the kitchen. He showed me the basement. It had a big oil furnace and hot water heater. Lots of just open space filled the rest. He showed me a door that lead directly to the basement in the main house.

"That's so you don't even have to go outside if you prefer Jeremy. There are other uses you can use it for too." He chuckled.

We headed back to the main house and into his den.

"Now before you meet the permanent staff here I have a few other things to say." "There four Negro boys here now including Billy. The other three are housekeeping staff when not required for other duties during the day."

"Billy, although he calls you Master is not really a slave. Nor do I actually own him. More like I own all of you. Billy I saved from getting himself killed in Jamaica. He ran a foul of the wrong people and I took him with me when I left. He decided that he wanted to be my slave and when I told him about you wanted to be your slave. I told him how you felt about slavery and he said he'd bee your life long servant."

"Well I wish he wouldn't call me Master."

"Jer he will call you anything you want."

"Now, Jed is still in cells in the basement. Do you still want to see him?"

"Yes. I want to know why he did what he did to me. I never touched Sam once and haven't even been to bed with him."

"Sam is now a permanent resident here. With his father gone he cant pay the tuition so he asked to come out here."

"Has Sam talked to him?"

"No. Do you want him to see his Dad? He might hate you Jeremy."

"Can you call him in here?"

When Sam saw me he ran over and hugged me.

"Oh Jeremy. I am so glad Mark got to my Dad before he did anything more. Some one should shove a baseball bat up his ass."

"Sam, your Dad is still in my cells downstairs." Mark said.

"Uncle Mark, he hurt Jeremy, so I guess it should be Jeremy that decides what happens to him. It wasn't Jeremy that did anything to me. Steven was the first boy to suck me and Jerome took my cherry, so I don't know why my dad did what he did to Jeremy. After what Eddy told me about what my Dad did to negro boys, he shouldn't be let loose. Maybe some one should shove a hot poker up his ass."

"Would you like to see it happen Sam?" Mark asked.

Sam stood and thought for a long time. I was about to say something when he started to talk again.

"Uncle Mark, I would do anything Jeremy asked me to do. I was in class one day and I was so stuck on a question. I had my head down and Jeremy leaned over and told me he'd suck me in the washroom after class. Well Steven did. Later when I talked to Jerome, I asked about the football team. He said I was so cute they might rape me if I joined. I asked him if he would and he said no, but he would fuck me. He took me to a room above the old gym. I didn't tell him it was my first time, but he was so gentle I loved it. He said Jeremy had taught him how to love. I knew then I would do anything for Jeremy. If he wants me too, I'll shove a hot poker up my Dad's ass."

Wow, quite a speech. I thought.

"Do you want to talk to your Dad Sam?"

"No Sir. I never want to see him again. All I want is to be where Jeremy is."

"Okay Son. Go back to the library. Jeremy will be in to talk to all of you in a bit."

"Yes Sir."

"Well Jeremy. Do you want to see Jed?" "I guess not Uncle Mark. Like Sam said I don't want to ever see him again."

"You won't Son."

"Now you better go talk to your staff before they storm my office." He laughed.


TBC Comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 8

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