Midnight Thunder

By Cory Power

Published on Mar 1, 2001


Me again. Here's chapter two of what I hope to be an ongoing saga. If I don't get mail I'm going to assume that yall don't like it and I'm going to quit posting.

Disclaimer: I never read these so I'm assuming yall don't either but I have to put it on here...I don't know the Backstreet Boys or Aaron Carter...although I wouldn't mind...therefore I do not know their sexuality and I can't tell you if they are. This is not meant to implicate anything about them...so don't take it that way...now on with...

Chapter 2 of

"Midnight Thunder"...

"Nicholas Gene Carter," all the guys said in unison. They were about to chew him good. Brian started after Aaron.

"I got him, you take care of Nick I'll be back," I said stopping him. Half way up the stairs, I heard them jumping on Nick.

"Aaron open the door," I said while I knocked.

"I TOLD YOU HE WOULD REJECT ME," Aaron yelled back.

"Aaron he didn't reject you please let me in. They're all jumping him now. If you want I'll go talk to him," I offered.

"You will," he asked as the door opened.

"Yeah, whatever you want."

"Please don't let up if you do he'll think he's winning and go for the kill that's his moves. I should know," he suggested.

"Don't worry I don't plan on it. Stay here I'll be back alone if you want,"


I walked into the living room to see Nick still cold hearted.

"He won't budge," Brian said. "Guys let me alone with him,"

"I don't know if you can handle him he still young and rambunctious," Kevin replied.

"I can," I said giving Kevin a for sure look.

"Alright guys lets go," Kevin got every one out of the room and I turned to face Nick to see the most cold hearted face I had ever seen.

"DON'T EVEN START WITH ME," he jumped me as soon as the door closed.

"No, you sit you sorry ass down and listen to me a minute cause I ain't about to fucking give up on you" I said sternly.

"Fine" he said sarcastically.

"You just hurt his feelings big time."


"DON'T FUCKING INTERUPT ME. I hate that. Just shut up until I'm done. Thank you. Nick he is 14. His hormones are kicking in and he looks up to you. You're his god Nick. You're his every thing, he wants to be just like you and you just crashed his whole world cause he couldn't be like you. He is not too young, Nick, you treat him just like a damn baby give the kid a little slack. Better yet cut him a lot of slack. I'm surprised he even likes you the way you restrict him. If you don't get it though your head he is going to suffer a lot you don't realize it but that kind of restriction is not good mental health."

"Midnight, I'm just so worried for him. I don't want him to be hurt" he started crying.

"That was the most hurtful thing that could ever happen to him, and I'm going back up there and brining him with me and your going to apologize and sleep in his bed tonight cause he is sleeping with me and that is the bottom line so don't even try to talk your way out. Besides right now after what you just pulled I don't think I want to be in a relationship with you," I walked up stairs satisfied with my argument and with the shocked defeated look on his face.

"Aaron it's me let me in," I knocked.

"Is he beaten," he asked as he opened the door.

"Damn right, no one can beat me," we laughed, "but you have to come with me. If he don't apologize me and the rest of the guys are going to kick his ass for you."

"Sure are," came four voices from behind us.

"Well come on Aaron get your stuff to my room then meet me at the bottom of the stairs. You're in my room with me tonight and Nick is in here,"

"Alright," he cheered. Five minutes later he came down, and we walked into the living room.

"Aaron I'm so sorry. Can you please forgive," Nick begged on his knees in front of Aaron.

"Damn, Midnight, what did you say," Brian asked.

"Nothing much," I replied with a smirk.

"Yes Nick I forgive you," Aaron replied as him and Nick gave each other a hug, both crying into one another's shoulder.

That night I got out of the shower and went to the bedroom to find Aaron showered and in the bed staring off in space.

"Earth to Aaron, earth to Aaron, come in Aaron," I joked.

"Oh sorry just thinking"

"About what," I asked as I sat down on the bed.

"This" and he leaned over and kissed me on the lips and brought me into the most passionate and loving kiss ever, a trait that he got from Nick.

"Shit, please don't tell Nick, Midnight, I don't know what I was thinking,"

"Damn," was all I managed to say, then I shook my head back to reality, "Its ok Aaron calm down,"

"Midnight, I want you."

"I want you too,"

"What, I thought you liked my brother."

"No me and him are just friends, I like you in that way more than him. I have since I first seen you, and your more in my age range. I chose Nick cause I didn't know about you,"

The rest of the night, well up until midnight, we made out. We finally got to sleep, peacefully in each others arms.

The next morning I woke up to someone knocking on the door, it was Kevin.

"Good morning," I said as I opened the door.

"Good morning," he replied in a whisper when he noticed Aaron still sleeping.

"So what do yall have in store today," I asked.

"Nothing we have the rest of the week off," he answered.

"Damn, yall are lucky. I have a photo shoot today and a audio recording tomorrow then I leave for Hawaii,"

"Why are you going to Hawaii, if I may ask,"

"To visit my friend, you may know her, Nishon,"

"Yeah I've heard of her. Well do you know any good hotels around here,"


"Cause we are here all of next week as well, that's when our photo shoots and recording is."

"Kevin, yall are welcome to stay here while I'm gone, I need somebody to keep the place up while I'm gone. The housekeeper needs some time off cause I'm gone all the time."

"You sure"

"Yes Kevin I'm sure"

"Alright, well I have cooked breakfast so when he gets up yall come down and eat."

"Ok sure thing," When he left I locked the door behind him and laid back down and began to kiss Aaron on the lips.

"That's a good way to wake up," he said groggily as we broke apart.

"Come on get up Kevin has breakfast waiting on us."

"Ok be down in a minute"

"Alright," I went down to see everyone eating.

"Good morning all" I said cheerily

"Good morning" came five full-mouthed replies.

"Where's Aaron," Nick asked when he swallowed.

"In the bed, he said he'd be down in a minute," I answered.

"Well, if I know Aaron that was just to get you to leave him alone while he sleeps," he laughed.

"We'll have to see about that then now won't we," I said as I got up and left the room. Nick was right, when I got to the room Aaron was still fast asleep on the bed.

"Oh no you don't," I said as I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder careful not to hurt him. Then walked back down to the dining room and sat him in a chair.

"Ok, ok I'm up are yall happy," he said smiling.

"Good morning to you too," Kevin said sitting a plate of food in front of him.

"Well I don't have long I have to be at the photo shoot in an hour so lets eat," I said grabbing me a plate.

Breakfast went by quietly and I got up to go get a shower when I was done and helped Kevin clean up some.

"Well anybody that wants to go with me get a shower or whatever and meet me in 20 minutes."

"Damnit boy," came six voices as I entered the living room to find them all ready to go.

"What," I asked.

"The suit, that's cool how much was it," Nick answered. Then I realized that they have never seen my black one-piece suit with lightning streaks that make it look like the suit is ripping, from head to toe.

"This is a one of a kind just for me and it cost me a couple of hundred dollars," I said, "this is what I have to wear to photo shoots and videos, plus this is my concert suit, along with every other suit that has my trademark, so to speak,"

"Well enough gawking we're going to make him late," Kevin said from the door.

"Midnight, I want to ask you something," Howie asked after we were down the road some.


"Well I figured you being a teen and all that I would have done heard every cuss word in the book but there is one that you haven't even attempted to say and that's."

"Don't say it," I interrupted him.

"I wasn't going to say it, I was just going to say GD," he defended himself.

"Well, I may not be a strong follower of God, and my life is just about completely opposite of what he wants, but I respect him and refuse to use his name in vain. I have used it, only when I'm really, really, extremely, super pissed and someone is about to get their ass chewed or beat big time, and that's because that then I don't realize what I say or do until it's said or done," I answered.

"Oh that's logical," he replied. The rest of the ride went by silent. I was the first one to say something when I cut the car off and got out.

"Well this is it, right this way ladies," I joked.

"Kiss my ass," Brian punched me in my shoulder.

"Hi Rob, I believe you know the Backstreet boys, This is Nick, AJ, Howie, Kevin, Brian, and Aaron. Guys this is my camera man Rob." I introduced them and prepared to pose.

"Midnight, we're have slight technical problems with the camera," Rob informed me.

"Ok let me have a look," I offered.

"Don't worry I have another camera on the way from my personal studio," he said.

"Ok cool, I'll just take the guys to the lounge and get some snacks,"

"Alright, I'm starving," Nick shouted

"You just ate you damn pig," Brian joked getting a laugh from us all.

After the camera got there I went through four hours and seventy rolls of film. After that I went home to change and go out.

"I'm going to the mall," I announced entering the living room after a shower.

"I want to go, Nick gimme some money," Aaron demanded.

"I don't know did you ask Midnight,"

"I don't care give him some money so I can go already," I said hastily.

"Alright here's a grand have fun and don't be any trouble," Nick said trying to be fatherly.

"Don't worry Nick he'll be fine,"

"So, what mall are we going to," Aaron asked when we got into the car.

"The biggest one I can find," I answered.

"Can I borrow your phone to call my parents,"

"You don't have your own,"

"No, Nick won't get me one he thinks I'm to irresponsible,"

"Well I'll just have to talk to Nick then won't I"

"Will you, I really want one but dumbass won't get it,"

"Here," I said handing him my phone.

"Cool you are obsessed with the lightning thing aren't you," he said seeing the phone being black with lightning on it like my suits and my car.

"Yeah I am,"

"Hey mom what's up," he said into the phone, "could you hold on a minute."

"Do you mind if I tell them about you and us," he asked.

"No go ahead,"

"Mom I found me a new boyfriend.you know Midnight Thunder.that's him.Yeah mom.hey dad.yeah his name is Midnight Thunder.that's him.alright, love you too.bye.yeah mom love you too.bye," he hung up and handed me the phone.

"Wait a minute, your parents knew but Nick didn't,"

"Yeah, I asked them to keep it from him and that I would tell him when the time was right,"


The rest of the trip was quiet. He was the first to say something when we went past a mall that he wanted to stop at. We went mall hunting the rest of the night and got back at about 9:45 to see Nick up worried to death.

"Where the hell were yall,"

"Relax Nick we went mall surfing," I replied smiling at his concern.

"Well if you don't mind, I'm going to bed," Aaron said climbing the stairs.

"I'll be there in a minute," I said going to the kitchen to get something to drink and then heading into the bedroom. Aaron was already dressed and half asleep when I got there.

"Good night," he said from under the blanket.

"Good night, Aaron," I said back going to the bathroom and getting a shower. When I got out I saw he was gone so I laid down beside him and fell asleep.

"Good morning," Aaron said waking me up.

"What time is it," I asked still half asleep.

"8:30, but Laura or whatever her name, is said that management wanted to meet with all of us to plan the tour, in half an hour,"

"Shit, why didn't you wake me up sooner," I jumped up grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I got to the living room they were waiting so I grabbed my keys and they followed. After the meeting we went shopping the rest of the day. When we got back Nick got me alone in the kitchen.

"Midnight, I have to tell you that I feel nothing for you and that Brian and me have talked and me and him want to try a relationship," he said straight out.

"Good, cause me and Aaron have something going on,"

"That went better than I thought I would. Well, now that that is over with good night,"

"Good night," I walked up the stairs and into the bedroom to find it empty. I walk in the bathroom to find Aaron soaking in the Jacuzzi.


"Shit, Midnight, you scared me," he said as he jumped causing me to laugh.

"Sorry, I thought you went to bed," I asked.

"I couldn't sleep and I figured you wouldn't mind if I used this for a while,"

"Mind if I join you for a minute,"

"Sure jump in," he said "Not literally," he added as I made a move to jump.

"Nick confronted me just then in the kitchen and said that him and Brian are trying a relationship and I told him about you and me,"

"What did he say to that," he asked.

"Good night," I laughed.


"Remind me tomorrow and I'll talk to Nick about you a cell phone,"


The rest of the time was quiet. We got out and went to the bedroom and got dressed and slipped into bed. I was soon fast asleep.

"Hhhmmm," I moaned as I woke up to Aaron kissing me on the lips.

"Good morning," he said as he broke away.

"A good morning it is," I said smiling up at him.

"I thought I'd return the favor,"

"You know you didn't have to,"

"I know. So when ya going to talk to Nick,"

"Oh I get it, that was the whole reason to wake me up huh,"

"No not the whole reason, you plane lifts off in 3 hours so I thought I wake you up in time to eat, shower, and give you plenty of time to talk Nick into letting me have a phone," he laughed.

"Oh ok," I said laughing at his plan, "Do you want to tell the others about us before I leave,"

"Yeah I guess," We went down to breakfast hand in hand.

"What is all that for," AJ asked when he saw us. I took Aaron in my arms and kissed him in front of all of them.

"Oh, I get it, cool," he answered his own question.

"Cory," Aaron said questioningly.

"How the hell did you know my name," I asked.

"I saw some stuff on the bedroom floor and I picked it up and put it on your desk, I couldn't help but to see your name on it," he replied.

"Feel special," I said.

"I do," he replied.

"Nick, may we speak with you alone," I asked.

"Yeah," he said when we were out of earshot.

"Aaron wants a cell phone and I thought I should ask you first,"

"Why do you need a cell phone," he asked tuning to Aaron.

"Well, when Cory leaves I'll need a way to keep up with him,"

"And me cause you have to leave next week cause we're busy. You can go home or you can find somewhere else to go cause I can't keep up with you in an out all week next week,"

"Damn, you know how much I don't want to go home. I'm there all the time and most of the time I'm getting bitched at,"

"You can come with me," I offered.

"I don't want him to get in your way while your visiting you friends," Nick protested.

"He won't be in my way, and besides Nishon would love to see my new boyfriend,"

"Oh yeah I want to go, but I still want a cell phone,"

"Only if Midnight can take you to get one cause I'm busy today,"

"I don't know if I can today," I said jokingly.

"But." Aaron started to say something.

"I was joking," I interrupted.

"Here this should do it," Nick said handing me fifteen hundred dollars, "Are you sure you don't mind him going with you."

"I'm sure," I said and Nick started to hand me more money, "Nick I can handle the rest it's no problem just go and have fun. We'll be fine."

"Thanks. And you behave," he said in a fatherly tone. Aaron and me went to pack and was headed out the door, after goodbyes, at ten. We went by and after an hour we had Aaron a cell phone and was on our way to the airport.

"Hey Nick guess who.yeah, I got it.I'm going to.yeah I will now.alright.bye," he hung up the phone and started to dial another number. "Hey mom.guess what.no.I got my own cell phone.yeah, Cory talked him into it.yeah well I can't talk long me and Cory have to get on the plane in a minute.Maui, Hawaii.to visit one of his friends.no mom he wanted me to go.yes I'm sure.alright.hey dad.yeah Nick gave in to Cory.he puts up a strong argument.yeah.love you too.bye.love you mom.bye," he hung up again.

"You are going to run up the bill and have it turned off before we get back," I laughed, as we pulled up to the airport.

I went up to the desk and told them that my car would be going with me to Maui and I had to go with them to load it then we got on before the crowd. We boarded the plane and slept the whole way there. When we got there a flight attendant woke us up and told us that we would get off after the crowd. We got off the plane to see my car waiting on me with a valet with my keys. I got them and we went and got our luggage and left.

"Hey man I haven't seen you in ages," Darby answered the door and shook my hand, "And who is this."

"This is my boyfriend Aaron, Aaron this is Darby," I introduced them.

"Hey," Aaron said wistfully.

"You seem mighty anxious to do something," Darby said seeing Aaron not be able to stand still.

"Yeah, I want to see Pearl Harbor," Aaron answered.

"We might do that later. Damn, how much did that cost." Darby said as I saw his stare go behind me at my car.

"$31,300, maybe a little more," I answered.

"And you are legal to drive," he asked.

"In any and every country in the world," I answered again. When Aaron's cell phone rang.

"Hello.no Nick I'm not in the way of anything."

"Is he lecturing you," I asked, and he just nodded so I grabbed the phone.

"...Aaron if I find out your bothering Midnight I'm going to ground you, you hear," Nick said into the phone.

"Yes daddy," I replied in my best Aaron impression.

"Who the hell is this," Nick asked surprised.

"This is Aaron, daddy," I said making it harder to not laugh.

"Midnight, if this is you I'm going to kick your ass," he said.

"You wish you could," I said in my normal voice, "and Nick, he's not a problem, you are. If you would stop calling and leave us to have a peaceful vacation it would be a damn good one," I said getting a laugh from all three of them.

"Alright, alright I'll stop calling. So I'll see you later and tell Aaron bye and that he can reach me whenever needed on my cell."

"Ok Nick, bye," I hung up and gave the phone back to Aaron, "We're going to have to put them all on call block."

"Well come on in and make yourselves at home. Midnight, Nishon will be in soon she had some stuff come up but she'll be back in and hour or two. Your rooms are here and here," Darby said showing us two rooms.

"We'll only need one," I said.

"I don't know if the bed and walls are up to that, its only sheetrock," he joked, "Ok this one is yalls then."

"Kiss my ass," Aaron retorted.

"I wouldn't say that, Darby's a little too daring to say something like that to even though he don't know you," I said before Darby could do or say anything. Darby just laughed and invited us down to dinner. Nothing was said during dinner and afterwards we listened to him practice his guitar.

"Hey, Darby, do you have a keyboard around here that I can practice on," I asked when he said he was tired of playing.

"Sure we have one over in the game room," he answered as he got up to take us to it. When we got there he had a keyboard that was at least worth six hundred. I played for an hour or so and we heard Nishon pull up.

"Hurry go hide in the kitchen and I'll get her in there and you can scare her," Darby said as we hurried downstairs.

"Hey honey how was your day," I heard Darby ask Nishon.

"It was fine," she answered.

"Could you go and get me a beer,"

"Sure, I'm going that way anyway,"

"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU," I yelled as she walked in still not noticing us.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT DON'T DO THAT," she jumped and yelled, and I heard Darby bust out laughing in the living room.

"Hello to you too," I laughed.

"Hey, I see you brought Aaron," she said when she saw Aaron behind me.

"Hey, you must be Nishon," Aaron said as he walked in front of me and shook her hand.

"Yes well we're an item," I informed her.

"Well congratulations to both of you,"

"Thanks, Aaron wants to go see Pearl Harbor," I said.

"Ok I think we can do that," She said as we turned to go to the living room.

"Hey do you have some Hot Damn, or After Shock," I asked before we got to the door.

"Hot Damn, but they don't have After Shock here," she said as she got the half full bottle down, "You can have the rest of it cause Darby don't like it, he says that is one of few drinks that easily give him the hangover from hell."

"Nothing does me," I said as I got the bottle down.

"You like that shit," Darby asked when he saw the bottle in my hand.

"Yeah it is one of my favorites," I answered as I sat down on the sofa next to Aaron; "Want some," I asked him.

"Nick would kill you and me," he said.

"You really have to learn some things, first off what Nick don't know won't kill him, and second just cause I said that I wasn't going to let you get into trouble don't mean I meant it, plus your different than just a friend you will get to do a lot when Nick is not here. I'm pretty cool sometimes."

"Cool," he said as he took the bottle.

"I wouldn't." was all I got out before he turned it up.

"Damn, that burns," he said when he swallowed.

"I was going to tell you that you might want to take it slow at first but once you get used to it its fine and dandy," I informed him, trying not to laugh.

"Here, this will cool it down a bit," Darby said handing him a bottle of water.

"Thanks," Aaron said when he drank some. The rest of the evening went by with usual talk about tours and concerts and stuff. We decided to get ready for bed at about eleven. Aaron and me showered and went to bed.

To Be Continued... Alright I need opinions...Good or bad. If I don't get enough responses I'll quit posting cause makes me think yall arent' interested. Copyright Cory Power 2001

Next: Chapter 3

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