Midnight Thunder

By Cory Power

Published on May 9, 2001


Hey there all, it's me again with yet agian another chapter of "Midnight Thunder" so I hope you all enjoy it. I also said in my last installment that I would have my webpage up and going but I caught a virus and had for format my whole hard drive to get it off and my webpage went with it but I hope to have it up and going by my next installment.

Disclaimer: I don't read these and I know ya'll don't but I have to put it anyway. This story is not in anyway to implicate the sexuality of the BSB or Aaron Carter so don't go around thinking they're gay cause I don't know if they are or not and if I did I wouldn't go and post it on the internet so deal.

"I have a life threatening dieses," I repeated.

"How come you never told me," Aaron said with fear welling up in his voice.

"Relax Prince, I have a 50% chance of living through each day if I don't drink the right amount of alcohol, if I do I have a 95% chance of living, if I don't drink any at all I have a 5% chance to live through the day. That's why I drink a lot, doctor says that if I don't drink at least seven bottle of something that is one hundred proof or more I'll die," I explained.

"How could you talk about something so lightly," Aaron said with tears streaming down his face.

"Prince I'm sorry, it don't bother me that much. I'll quit if you want," I said hugging him and letting cry in my shoulder.

"I want to know how," Nick said.

"It can wait until later," I replied giving him a stern look.

"You can go on, I'm a little curious too," he said pulling back.

"Ok, well, you know that if your liver makes too much of that fluid that it makes you'll die. That is what mine does, it creates up to about three times too much so I have to drink a lot of liquor to kill all of the excess fluids. If I don't I pass out, then about ten minutes or so after I wake up I have a seizure and if I don't drink enough Moonshine or Ever Clear I'll die, or something more than one hundred and fifty proof. My chances of living through a seizure are slim, around 2 to 3%. Since I was diagnosed with it, which was about two years ago, I have had three seizures." I continued.

"Won't that much alcohol get someone your age drunk off their ass," Brian asked curiously.

"Normally yeah. My alcohol tolerance level is much higher than that of a twenty- year-old alcoholic. I can drink about nine bottles of Hot Damn before I'm drunk and about fifteen to get me to pass out," I said taking a drink. "Cool, no offense," Nick said, worried I would get mad. "None taken," I replied. "Can I have some whiskey," Nick asked. "Sure," I replied walking over to what looks like the wall but was a fridge. "What the hell," Nick said coming over and inspecting the new found fascination.

"I told you I designed this house myself. That's why I said that Prince would never find his Christmas present," I replied letting him choose among the whiskey.

"If this is for emergencies or something I don't want any," he said backing away.

"No I have one of these in a lot of different rooms. Just don't be snooping," I replied going back and sitting down by Aaron.

"Ok, can I have this," he said pulling out a bottle of After Shock.

"Yeah, help yourself to whatever. Just don't go ape shit wild with it," I said taking a drink from my glass.

"Ok it's like time to go, Prince, come on," I motioned for Aaron to follow me.

"Yall have fun," Nick said turning to Brian waiting for his surprise.

"You too," I said with a slight smile on my face.

"Ready," Howie asked when I got to the living room.

"SHOTGUN," AJ yelled running after me. "Called for," Aaron said walking behind me. We got in the car and pulled out heading for the bar.

"Where are we going," Britney asked.

"Midnight Thunder," I replied, and the rest of the ride went by in silence.

"Excuse me, sir, the bar is closed," the guard at the door said when we walked up.

"Midnight Thunder, party of six," I replied.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me, the bar is not yet open," he said in an agitated tone.

"Perhaps your new here, I own the mother fucker," I replied walking past him.

"Mrs. Denley owns the bar dumbass," he said grabbing me.

"Mrs. Denley is my cousin and I paid for the damn thing now get out of our fucking way," I said pulling away from him.

"Sure," he replied then grabbed me and threw me over the others heads to where I landed on the concrete.

"FUCKER," I yelled then jumped back over their heads grabbing him and, despite his three hundred pounds to my one fifteen threw him over their heads to where he landed close to where I did.

"Damn," he lay there for a minute stunned.

"Now, we're going in here and I'm going to talk to Angel and introduce her to these guys, then we're going to sit and converse until the club opens got it," I said then turning and unlocking the door with my copy of the key and letting us in, not giving him time to answer.

"Hey man, did the new bouncer give you any trouble," Angel asked when we walked in.

"Nope, but I gave him hell," I replied.

"Sorry, just hired him, and he don't know many people," Angel said handing me a bottle of Hot Damn.

"Meet Britney, Britney, meet my cousin Angel, and I believe you know Howie, AJ, and Kevin, Nick, and Brian had business," I introduced.

"Like anything," Angel asked after shaking hands with them all.

"Not right now," they replied in unison.

"Don't drink early, huh," Angel asked motioning to a nearby table.

"Oh yeah, Aaron do you mind if she knows," I asked Aaron.

"Nope sure don't," he replied.

"Well Angel, you know that I'm gay," I started.

"Yeah, and," she urged me on.

"Well me and Aaron are together," I said pulling Aaron into my lap.

"Well congratulations, cuz," she replied, at that we chatted about nothing in particular until the club opened, then we moved up to the owners balcony, where we could be in a more private environment, but on the most part the rest of the night was uneventful.

"Fuck me, Cory could you close the curtains and get me some of that juice of yours," Aaron said when he woke up the next morning.

"Sure, hon, be right back," I replied getting up and heading down stairs.

"You don't have a hang over," Britney asked from the couch where she passed out the previous night.

"Nope, never do," I replied walking toward the kitchen.

"Don't shout," I heard her whisper behind me and I smiled.

"Here, Britney, have some of this. It's my secret juice and it works, now don't stop until your done cause it isn't good. Be sure to tell the others that when they get up, I'll be down in a little while," I explained setting the picture down, and then headed back upstairs with a glass for Aaron.

"My fucking head hurts, don't slam the damn door again," Aaron snapped at me when I closed the door.

"Careful, your venturing on dangerous territory," I replied setting the glass down by the bed and pulling the covers off his head.

"Where's my shit to drink," he said sitting up holding his head.

"Right here, sweetie, drink up and you'll feel better," I said crawling on the other side of him and waiting for him to get done.

"Bitch," he said setting the glass back on the nightstand.

"Lay down with me until the juice kicks in," I said pulling him down beside me.

"Ok," he replied cuddling up to me, and we lay there for about forty-five minutes in total silence, before I spoke up.

"Prince, what is your middle name," I asked.

"None of your damn business," he answered.

"I'll ask Nick then," I replied.

"He knows better,"

"Then I'll ask your mom when I get there next week,"

"She knows better,"

"Come on, I have to know. We're a couple now, we're supposed to share everything,"

"You have to tell me yours first,"



"See, was it that hard to do,"

"Yes, cause I really hate it,"

"Charles is not a bad name, I like it,"

"Really, I hate it,"

"I have to call you Charles now,"

"No you don't, love you or not, you ain't about to call me that,"

"Come on, Charles, dear,"

"Fine, but you have to kick anyone else's ass who even thinks about calling me that,"


"Now lets go see what the other drunks are up to,"

"Sure," and we got up and headed down stairs to see everyone watching TV.

"Morning," Britney replied from the TV.

"Nick, can I ask you something," I said sitting down in my chair with Aaron.

"Sure, shoot," he said looking up from the TV.

"What is Aaron's middle name," I asked innocently.

"I am not about to go there," Nick said cautiously

"Why," I urged him on.

"Cause he hates his middle name," he answered.

"Fine," I gave up a little to easy.

"Not to change the subject or anything, but Midnight, I was curious, everything just about has you trade mark lightning design but one thing, your house, why," Britney asked.

"I am doing that next summer, an eighty grand job," I replied.

"Management said that we were taking your tour bus, does it have your paint job on it," Britney went on.

"Sure does," I answered.

"Is it going to be enough room for all of us," Kevin asked looking up from the TV.

"Nine bunks, one for the driver, and one for myself, then seven for company, complete with a sound proof metal door instead of curtains, one bathroom, a kitchen, and a common room with the driver secluded from our activities," I explained.

"Damn, bet that cost some money," Brian commented

"Over one hundred thousand," I replied not looking up from the TV.

"I'm going to get something to drink," Aaron said getting up and heading for the kitchen.

"Grab me a bottle of Hot Damn out of the fridge please, Charles dear," I said, and Nick's head shot toward Aaron with a shocked sort of fearful look on his face.

"Yes, Maurice," Aaron replied going into the kitchen.

"Maurice," Nick snapped out of his daze and looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Don't even, I'm worse than Prince when it comes to my middle name," I replied giving him a stern look.

"He isn't lying, I wouldn't go there if I were you," Nishon said from her and Darby's making out session.

"Drinking already," Britney said when Aaron handed me my bottle of Hot Damn.

"Have too, long story, but to make it short if I don't drink enough alcohol I will die," I replied, getting a shocked expression from Nishon and Darby, "I have already told Prince, Nick and Brian the whole story."

"Well, I get the feeling it's not to light a subject," Britney said turning back to the TV.

"Well, I figured that you'd tell Aaron, but not anyone else," Nishon said returning to Darby.

"That looks like fun, Brian," Nick said looking at Nishon and Darby.

"Sure does," Brian said grabbing Nick and lip locking with him.

"You know, Prince." I was cut off by Aaron taking me into a kiss.

"This is truly disgusting," Britney said pretending to vomit into an imaginary bag, and I simply threw a pillow at her without even letting Aaron leave my lips.

"Midnight, may we have a word with you in private," Nick said getting up from Brian's lap.

"Sure thing, be right back, Prince," I said getting up and going into the kitchen where Nick and Brian were waiting on me.

"Midnight, we'd like to thank you for your help," Brian started.

"Yes, it did a lot for our relationship," Nick continued.

"Well, your welcome, and anytime you need help with a problem or just need someone to talk to you know I'm here for you," I assured them.

"As for Brian not satisfying me, he was great, don't think I could find better," Nick said, and Brian turned every shade of red possible.

"I really don't need to hear all the details, but I'm happy for the both of you," I said trying to keep from laughing.

"We really can't thank you enough, is there anything we can do to repay you," Brian asked.

"You don't have to do anything, but if you really want to you can take it easy on my beds," I said causing Nick to bust out laughing.

"Ok, I'll see what we can do," Brian said laughing himself.

"Well, I have someone waiting on me," I replied walking toward the door.

"Oh yeah, Midnight, as for what's up with Kevin, he just needs a break, all the stress has caught up to him, but I think last night helped," Brian said following me back to the living room.

"What was so important that yall had to take my throne," Aaron said when we got there.

"Excuse me, but I do believe you're in mine," I said pulling him out of my chair and sitting down.

"Excuse me, but I do believe you are mine," he said sitting down in my lap.

"Love is a very strange thing," Britney said dodging another pillow from me.

"That it is, but without it Aaron's ass would be as good as kicked right now," I said pulling him around and into a kiss.

"That's a name I haven't heard you call me in a while," Aaron replied pulling back.

"True, and a name I don't intend to use very often," I said letting the recliner back.

"That's what I thought," Aaron said leaning down and kissing me.

"This is going to be the most sickening day of my life," Britney replied looking up from the TV, just in time to get hit in the face with the last pillow within arms reach for me.

"Cory, you can fly home today, and you'll be able to fly home to me on Monday, which will give me enough time to do some Christmas shopping before the tour," Aaron said turning around and lying back on my chest.

"I thought you wanted to do that today," I replied.

"I am going to do your Christmas shopping today, and I am going to do everyone else's this weekend back at home," he explained.

"Ok, fine. When do you plan on leaving today to go shopping, Nick," I asked.

"Here in about thirty minutes or so," he answered.

"So I should go get showered then," Aaron said getting up and going to the bedroom.

"Need some company," I asked him when I opened the stall door.

"Sure," he replied continuing to wash his hair, and I climbed in and got showered with him.

"What are you going to get me," I asked him while we were getting dressed.

"Can't tell you,"

"Come on, I'll act surprised,"

"Nope, not going to work,"

"Fine then, I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to get you then,"

"Don't, I don't care,"

"I'm just joking I don't really want to know until it's time for me too,"

"I know, can we use your car,"

"Nope, I got to use it, I'm going shopping for you today too remember,"

"Then can we use the BMW,"

"Yall are welcome to any of the cars I have except Sparticus,"


"My car's name,"

"I've heard of naming other things but not the cars,"

"I am weird," I replied and walked down stairs and got in my car.

"What shall we take," Nick came out and asked.

"Take your pick,"

"The BMW,"

"Here," I threw him the keys, "Once I get out you'll be able to get this one out and you can use it for as long as you like," I said walking to my convertible and getting in.

"Going to leave without telling me bye or anything," Aaron said coming up behind me.

"Of course not," I replied pulling him into a kiss.

"Much better," he said, as we pulled back.

"Bye, Prince," I said starting the car.

"Bye, love you," he said going over and opening the other car's door.

"Love you, too," I said pulling out of the garage. I rode down to the jeweler's store.

"Good morning, sir, how may I help you," the clerk asked when I walked in.

"I'm looking for something that would be good for a couples first Christmas," I said.

"Well, what do you have in mind,"

"Two things, one for his birthday, and one for Christmas,"

"Oh, well I have this initial ring and necklace combination,"

"I like it, are those real diamonds,"

"Sure are, this set costs about twenty-five thousand dollars,"

"Well, I need it with the initials AC and on the ring I want an inscription,"

"Sure thing, with the inscription it will raise it one thousand,"

"No problem,"

"What do you want on it,"

"I love thee with all mine heart and soul,"

"Ah, Romeo and Juliet,"

"I'm a big fan of Shakespeare,"

"Me, too. Come back next Wednesday and I'll have it for you,"

"Oh, that will be a little trouble but I can manage,"

"We can hold it for you, for up to two weeks,"

"Ok, I'll be back in Saturday to start the tour so can I pick it up then,"

"Sure thing, who are you,"

"Perhaps you may have heard of me, I'm Midnight Thunder,"

"Oh, yes my daughter is a big fan. Is there anyway possible that I could get you to sign something,"

"Sure can, hold on, I have some pictures in the car,"

"Ok," he replied and I walked out to the car got a picture of me and took a marker and signed it and went back in.

"Here you go,"

"Thank you, I'll get your jewelry in as soon as possible,"

"Thank you," I said and walked out and got in my car and went to the nearest Sonic to pick up some food and go home. When I got back everyone was on the patio out back.

"Britney, still curious about the tour bus," I asked.

"Yeah why,"

"Well, I keep it down in the underground garage,"

"Underground garage," Howie jumped up with excitement showing in his actions.

"Yeah, I won't let management have it, so I had to have one put in," I explained.

"Cool, where," Howie asked looking around for and entrance.

"Right there," I pointed to the backyard, then went over and pushed a hidden button on the wall and the yard rose up revealing the tour bus.

"Damn, that cost a lot," Kevin commented walking over and looking at the bus.

"Money burns holes in my pockets," I replied going over and opening the door to the bus and walking inside.

"Nice place, can we pick our bunks," Britney asked.

"Sure but the single one it the middle room is taken," I said walking around making sure everything was in running condition.

"What did you get Aaron," Britney asked when we were I the kitchen.

"None of you damn business," I replied.

"Fine then, I didn't want to know anyway," she said in a mock anger voice.

"He would convince you to tell him anyway, I know him too well," I said walking over and getting a bottle of Hot Damn out of the 'secret' fridge.

"No he wouldn't," Britney said defending herself.

"Yeah, he would eventually convince you, if I know Prince," I replied sitting down at the bar.

"True, I wonder how he does it," Britney said pretending to be deep in thought.

"What's in the news today," AJ asked.

"Nothing," I replied.

"As usual," he said walking toward the fridge.

"Holy shit," I said putting down the bottle of whiskey.

"What," AJ and Howie said in unison.

"Jim Carry's limo driver attempted to wreck and kill Jim, to make it look like and accident," I answered.

"Damn," was all they returned.

"That's why I drive myself," I stated drinking more of the whiskey.

"Back so soon," Kevin asked coming into the kitchen.

"Didn't take as long as I anticipated," I replied.

"Hope you don't mind, I went to get some of our fan mail and I picked up some of yours from Laura, she said that you get this one immediately," he said walking over and handing me a stack of letters and the special one separate.

"Thanks," I said opening the singled out letter first, just as Aaron and Nick walked in the room.

"Back already, I expected you two to stay out all day," I said pausing, on opening the letter.

"Malls were crowded so we decided to come home for lunch then maybe head out again later," Aaron explained coming over and sitting on the stool beside me.

"Cool," I said as I continued to open the letter and I began to read it,

Dear Midnight Thunder,

I work at St. Jude's hospital for children. I know that it isn't time for the Children's Holiday wish, but I heard about the tour starting and there is a child who would really like to meet you. We do not expect him to live through the next two weeks. I wrote you hoping that you could find it in your schedule, and in your heart to come and visit this child before he passes on. When he was diagnosed with cancer his parents abandoned him and he has no one to be with him. For his sake, please come and have dinner with him, and comfort him. We, the staff who take care of him, would be ever so grateful if you will.


Nurse Gina Parker

As I read the letter I could feel the tears in my eyes, I got up went to the phone and dialed my parents.

"Hello," my dad answered on the other end.

"Dad, its me, I'll be a day late,"


"I just got a letter from St. Jude wanting me to visit a dying fan with cancer,"

"Oh, well I understand. Have a good trip,"

"I will thanks, so I'll shall talk later, bye," I hung up went back to the bar and sat there quietly until I had finished the bottle of liquor, "I'm leaving here in a while so I shall meet up with you two in Orlando."

"Why," Aaron asked.

"I'm going to the hospital,"

"What for,"

"A child is dying, and he is a big fan, they want me to visit before he dyes within the next two weeks," I explained.

"You don't have to go, it's not the holiday thing," Aaron replied.

"Yes, I have to go, you don't understand,"

"Why do you have to," Kevin asked from one of his fan letters.

"I was treated there for my liver problem, and my aunt died in that hospital when she was fifteen, the year before I was born,"

"Oh, sorry," Kevin replied going back to the letter.

"I'm leaving now so I shall see the rest of you when we rejoin here Saturday for the tour,"

"Have a good trip," Kevin said as I got up and walking upstairs to the bedroom.

"Can I come," Aaron asked when I started packing.



"Cause, you need to go see your family,"


"Don't get mad, I'm coming straight to your house in Orlando,"

"I know,"

"This place means a lot to me. I do a lot for it cause it makes me feel like I'm doing it for aunt Judy,"

"I can understand that,"


"Want to make out before you go,"

"You always do that,"


"Put me in a good mood,"

"I have charm,"

"Yes you do," I walked over to the bed where he was sitting and pushed him down and laid down on top of him.

"There you go again putting me on the bottom,"

"Fine," I flipped us over and kissed him.

"The sooner you go the sooner you get back,"

"Trying to get rid of me,"

"No, if you stay too long I'll find a way to talk you into letting me go,"

"Doubt it, but I do need to go," I replied getting up and getting my stuff and heading down stairs.

"Leaving," Britney asked when I got to the door.

"Yeah, long story they might tell you later," I said and walked out and put my stuff in my car, then called Laura.

"Hello, Laura's office,"

"It's me,"

"Get the letter,"


"The plane is waiting now,"

"Damn, you know me all to well,"

"I know, it's scary sometimes,"

"It scares me, too,"

"Well you should get going and I have a meeting in about thirty minutes or so,"

"Talk later, bye,"

"Bye," I hung up and got in the car as Kevin came out side.

"What do we do," Kevin asked.

"You're to stay here until you leave to be with your families," I explained.

"Ok, well be careful," Kevin replied and walked back in the house.

"I will, thanks," I said and crank the car and pulled out.

"Mr. Power, come this way, please," the clerk said when she saw me.

"A valet will take your car to the plane where it will be loaded, and you will be the only one in first class. I'm your captain, David Lesser," the captain introduced himself and showed me to my seat.

"Thank you," I said as he walked off to the cockpit.

"Hi, I'm your stewardess, Lisa Reynolds, if you need anything just call, and the

phones are free of charge for you," a young blonde woman walked, then walked back

into the stage coach area. I picked up the phone and dialed Laura's number.

"Hello, Laura's office," she replied on the other end.


"On the plane,"

"Yep, what all are you charging to my card,"

"Right now, just the phone. I told them that I would talk to you and see if you wanted to charge everything or be billed,"

"Bill me on the rest,"

"Ok, I shall get that done,"

"How's the boyfriend,"

"Romantic as usual, he is taking me out to dinner tonight for our anniversary,"

"Well, happy anniversary,"


"The plane is ready to go so I have to get off the phone,"

"Ok, well I shall talk to you for sure on Saturday,"

"Alright talk then, bye,"

"Bye," I hung up, fastened my seat belt, and prepared for lift. As the plane was going up I dozed off.

"Mr. Power," I heard the stewardess calling my name.

"Huh," I answered half awake.

"It's time to get off, all of you luggage has been loaded into your car and is waiting for you in the parking lot," she replied.

"Thanks," I got off the plane and headed straight for the lot before I was noticed, and mobbed. I found my car and headed for St. Jude's Hospital for Children

"Hello sir, how may I help you," the clerk behind the desk asked as I approached.

"I'm looking for nurse Gina Parker,"

"Hold on and I'll page her," then she went to the phone and I heard her voice over the intercom calling the nurse.

"She'll be just a minute," the clerk returned.

"Ok, thanks," I walked over and sat in a chair to wait.

"Are you Midnight Thunder," I heard someone call from the desk.

"Yes, and you are," I asked.

"I'm nurse Gina Parker, I am so glad you came," she said as she came up and shook my hand.

"Well, this place has meaning to me, I will do a lot for it," I replied.

"Did you have someone who came here," she asked with concern.

"I was treated here for my liver, and Judy Power, my aunt," I explained.

"I remember her, she was a nice person, I'm sorry. Well, right this way," she showed me down the hall, "This is the room, hold on a minute," she went in I heard her talking then she called me into the room.

"OH MY GOD," a small boy of no more the thirteen was sitting in a bed.

"Now, Tyler, keep it down," the nurse scolded him, but with care.

"I can't believe it," he said still staring wide eyed, I couldn't help but to smile at his excitement.

"Oh, nurse, is cell phones allowed here," I asked when I realized I had my phone in my pocket.

"On this floor only, you can't take one upstairs though,"

"Ok, thanks," I replied and she turned and left the room.

"You have your phone with you," Tyler asked.

"Yeah, why,"

"Well it's rumored that it, along with a lot of other stuff, is painted like your car,"

"News sure travels fast, yes it is," I pulled it out and showed it to him.

"Cool," as he examined it, it rang and he yelped and dropped it on the bed causing me to laugh.


"Hey, Cory," Aaron said on the other end.

"Hey, Aaron, what's up,"

"Well the guys wanted to call and see if you made it there alright and I was looking for and excuse to call you anyway,"

"You devious devil, you. You are taking after Nick more and more every day,"

"You're rubbing off on me, too,"

"That ain't good,"

"Funny, I really hate to cut this short, sweetie, but we are about to board the plane to home,"

"I don't know where yall live, I meant to get the address from Nick before I left,"

"Well, do you have your laptop,"

"Yeah, email it to me and I shall check that when I'm done,"

"Ok, love you, bye,"

"Ditto, bye," I hung up and pulled up a chair to talk to Tyler for a while.

"So, what's it like in the pop star life,"

"Not all it's cracked up to be,"

"Can't be that bad,"

"It's not that bad, but it ain't always a bed of roses,"

"Was that Aaron Carter,"

"Yeah, why,"

"Just wondering," he replied as the nurse came in.

"You want to eat in or go out," she asked.

"Well, don't want to leave my guest,"

"I can take him out to eat," I suggested.

"That is what I was going to suggest if you didn't mind," she said looking at Tyler for and answer.

"Will, you, please," he begged me.

"Sure, do what you got to do and let's go,"

"I'll get him dressed, if you'll just wait outside," the nurse replied going to the closet.

"Sure thing," I said and walked out the door. They came out about ten minutes later.

"Did you come in the infamous Lightning Mobile," he asked when he saw me.

"Would I drive anything else," I replied.

"Alright," he replied walking up to me with the nurse.

"Have him back in, no later than three hours, in case he talks you into anything else, and be careful," she said and walked into another room.

"Did you talk them into letting me go," he asked as we turned and walked toward the exit.

"No, I thought you did,"

"No, they usually don't let us leave with anyone,"

"Must be Laura's doing,"

"Who's Laura,"

"My agent,"

"Oh. COOL, it's even more beautiful in person," he said when he saw my car.

"Thanks, hop in. Let me call Laura right quick, just to see,"

Well that's it for chapter five, hope to see some comments to midnightthunder04@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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