Midnight Thunder

By Cory Power

Published on Nov 4, 2001


I never put the same thing up here for all my chapters cause that would make me a bad writer wouldn't it. Sorry it took so long to get a new chater out, I have a busy life and I kinda caught a case of writers block which really sucks but I caught up and got ahead.

Disclaimer: I don't know Aaron Carter or the Backstreet Boys, although I wish I did and if I did I wouln't put something like this on the internet. I don't know anything about their sexuality and I'm not in any way insinuating that they are gay.

Now on with what ya'll have waited so long for,

Chapter 6 of Midnight Thunder...

"Ok," he replied getting in and admiring the car, I walked over got in and dialed Laura.

"Hello, Laura's office, Stephanie speaking," Laura's secretary said into the phone.

"Hey sweetheart,"

"Midnight, how have you been,"

"Just fine, you,"

"Fine, Laura said that she was on a business errand so call her personal cell,"

"Ok, thanks,"

"Alright, well I have someone here who wants attention so got to go,"

"Ok, bye,"

"Bye," I hung up and dialed Laura's cell.


"Hey, sweet thang," I said in my most seductive voice.



"What the hell do you want,"

"Did you set it up for us to be able to leave,"

"Sure did,"


"No problem,"

"Well, we're heading out now,"

"Alright, talk later,"



"Did Laura set it up," Tyler asked when I crank the car and pulled out.

"Sure did," I replied.


"Where to you want to eat at,"

"Anywhere that isn't too expensive,"

"Lunch is on me, and you can eat anywhere you want and have as much as you want,"

"I don't want you to spend all your money on me,"

"Trust me, right now I couldn't if I tried, now pick somewhere you've always wanted to go,"

"If you insist,"

"I do,"

"Well, I have been to Applebee's once, and I liked it,"

"Good choice,"

"You're different than what you show on TV,"

"I know, a lot,"

"Why do you act stuck up on TV,"

"To make people think I'm something I'm not, don't know why I do though,"

"Oh, cool," he replied, and we rode the rest of the way in silence.

"Hello, sirs, would you like a table in smoking or non-smoking," the Maitre'd asked when we walked in.

"Non-smoking, please," I said and followed him into the non-smoking area.

"Here are you're menus, a waiter will service you soon," he said, when we sat down, and left.

"What do you want to eat," I asked Tyler when the Maitre'd was gone.

"The Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy and biscuit,"

"My favorite, I'll have that too," I looked up and saw a waiter coming our way and I gathered out menus.

"Are you ready to order," he asked when I handed him out menus.

"Yes, we want two, Salisbury steak dinners, please," I replied.

"Good choice, your order will be right out," he said, and walked off toward the kitchen.

"I'm going to go see if I can get something to drink, be right back," I said and went to the bar.

"You have any Hot Damn, or After Shock," I asked when I got there.

"Need some ID," the bartended looked and me weird, I pulled out me card that the doctor gave me.

"Here, call that number on the back if you think it's fake," I handed him the card and showed him the number.

"Hold on," he said and walked toward the phone. I couldn't make out what was being said, but he came back convinced.

"Thanks," I replied as he handed me a glass of Hot Damn.

"What's that," Tyler asked when I sat down.

"My medicine,"

"Looks like alcohol,"

"It is,"

"How is that your medicine,"

"My liver is messed up and if I don't drink enough I die,"


"I was treated at St. Jude,"

"Oh, that's why you do so much for it,"

"No, it's because my aunt died there a year before I was born. She was only fifteen,"

"Oh, sorry," we sat in silence, watching the other people around us eat, until the waiter came with our orders. As we ate the silence between us continued, as if it were a silent moment for my aunt.

"What do you want to do now," I finally broke the silence, after the waiter had left when he gave us our desserts.

"Don't know, what do you want to do,"

"Shopping, maybe,"

"I don't have any money,"

"I'll pay for it,"

"I don't."

"It's the least I can do,"

"Ok, I won't argue," he said, and we got up and left.

"Now, where's a good mall at,"

"Right over there," he said and pointed to a large building to the left.

"Cool," I replied and pulled the car into the parking lot and found a parking space up close. We went shopping for about forty- five minutes then grabbed a snack and put everything in the car and left for the hospital.

"Midnight, you guys are back, we need to get you to your room, Tyler, it's time for you medication," Nurse Gina met us at the door.

"Ok, bye, Midnight," he replied and reluctantly went to his room.

"Nurse Gina, may I have a word with you," I caught her before she went in.


"Here is twenty thousand dollars, with ten grand, pay for funeral and things for Tyler. What's left out of that ten is yours. Take the other ten and give it to the hospital as charity," I said handing her two ten thousand dollar bills I got from the bank just for this.

"Thanks, Midnight, you have no idea what this means to us," she said with tears in her eyes.

"It's the least I could do, and I have some what of and idea," I replied and went to my car and sat there thinking for a minute. I looked at my watch to see that is was ten after eight, I figured it up and I could drive straight to my house in Mississippi in about five hours, so I crank the car and started the long journey to my parents. I pulled into a rest stop about two hours later and pulled out my laptop to check my email. Once I was on I saw Aaron had mailed me a map, how thoughtful. I studied the map for a minute and had it memorized well enough to get from the airport to his house then I shut down and was on the road again. I pulled into their drive way at about one in the morning, almost right on my calculations. I got out locked up and went to the back door, sure enough there was a key under the mat. I unlocked the door and went in, after locking the door I went to what was my room to see it still in perfect shape. I fell on the bed, and was out before my head hit the pillow.

"HOLY SHIT," I awoke to my mother screaming.

"Morning to you too," I replied getting up and looking to see it was a little after nine, and I went and hugged her neck.

"Morning, I didn't know you were here," she said, still shook up from seeing me.

"The key is still under the mat, I came in about one and passed out," I replied walking into the kitchen to my dad sitting at the table watching the TV, that was showing the weather, in the living room.

"Morning son," he said turning to me.

"Didn't scare you,"

"Nope I was awake when you came in, I just didn't say anything," he said eating on a piece of toast off a plate in front of him.

"You knew I would scare her, huh," I said walking over and sitting across from him.

"Yeah, sure did," he said with a devious smile on his face.

"You always tried to find something good to get her with," I laughed.

"Hate to break the good mood, son, but we need to talk," my mom said walking in and sitting between me and dad.

"Yes, there is something we need to discuss," my dad backed her up.

"We have noticed that every time you come to visit, you leave when we start fighting, and we want to limit fighting so you can stay longer," my mom explained.

"Yeah, I don't like fighting with you, because one of us gets hurt in the long run, and so far in the past two years, I haven't been," I said getting me a coke out of the fridge.

"We know that," my dad said.

"As much as I want to go and see Aaron and his family, I would like to spend some time with you," I said going and sitting at the bar.

"Whose Aaron," my mom asked.

"A really good friend who knows more about me than you," I said trying to get a fight started, so I could leave. I know evil but I really hate it here.

"Why," my mom asked with anger in her voice.

"Don't go getting in my business, he just does, mainly cause I can trust him, and he is easier talk to," I said happy that I had started the fight that would get me kicked out once again.

"That hurts us," my dad said getting him a beer out of the small fridge in the corner.

"And, you have a lot of room to be talking, damnit. You're the one who missed out on half my life, cause you couldn't quit drinking so shut the hell up about hurting some one. I could also go on and talk about you killing me too, but I'm not going to" I said pretended to be mad.

"I said I was sorry for that, and all the other things I have done," he said tears coming but not falling yet.

"Well, sometimes sorry isn't enough, especially when you kill someone, although I like what they done to me," I turned away and faced the TV.

"Damnit, Midnight, I'm starting to think you start these fights just to leave us sooner," my mom already was crying.

"Well, no shit Sherlock, you guys aren't the best to hang around, and certainly not my favorite," I faced them once more.

"Well then, just go and don't come and we won't have to go through this," my dad said getting up and storming into his room.

"FINE, I WON'T," I yelled and walked out the door to my car and drove to the airport. When I got there I saw that a jet that was painted with my trademark lightning design was sitting away from the rest of the planes, like it was ready to lift off. So I grabbed my cell and called Laura.

"Hello, Laura's office," Laura picked up on the other end.

"Might this be my plane,"

"Yes, the company got though yesterday and I had them fly it there cause I knew you would need it within the next twenty-four hours. It's ready to fly you to Orlando,"

"Thanks a lot, I am off now so I'll call later,"

"Have a good trip, bye,"

"Bye," I hung up and pulled up by the plane and people came over and the rear hatch opened, and then I was motioned in so I drove up inside and got out.

"Hello, Midnight, any other luggage going," a stewardess walked up.

"No that will be all, can we go now," I asked impatiently.

"Yes, right this way," she said and I followed her up after the hatch closed and was greeted by the interior I designed.

"It's more beautiful than I pictured," I said admiring the design. Then the stewardess came and told me I had to sit and put my seatbelt on until we were in the air, and I did, but I fell asleep.

"Midnight, wake up, we're here," the stewardess shook me awake.

"Ok, thanks," I replied getting up and staggering back into the cargo area to see my car and an open hatch ready for me to leave.

"We're ready when you are, if there is no other luggage you are free to go," the crew leader, I assumed, said and started yelling commands off to the crew, so I got in my car and left. The mental image of the map helped, I found the house with no problem at all, so I cut the car off and got out. I was a little nervous but I still walked up and knocked, Aaron answered.

"CORY," he yelled, and jumped into my arms and we engaged in a kiss.

"Hey, Midnight, how is it going," Nick walked up and I high fived him and Aaron never left my lips.

"Don't you think I should come in and introduce," I said after I pried Aaron off my lips.

"I missed you," he replied, but made no move to jump down, so I walked into the living room, with him in my arms, to see everyone there.

"Sit down, no reason to get up, I'm no judge," I said as his mom went to get up.

"Aaron, give the man some air," his dad said from the couch, and Aaron got down and went and sat in a chair beside the couch.

"Now, as a once devoted fan of Nick and Aaron, I know you all," I said and went down the 'row' shaking hands, "Mrs. Carter," I took her hand and placed a kiss on it, "Mr. Carter," I shook his hand, "the beautiful BJ," I took her hand and kissed it, "the mesmerizing Leslie," I took her hand and kissed it, then I moved down to a chair at the end of the couch to see Angel, the female version of Aaron, and I fell to the floor.

"CORY," Aaron was the first one at my side, "what's wrong,"

"I've fallen in love," I said dreamily staring at Angel.

"WHAT," he yelled.

"I'm joking," I laughed, stood up and noticed everyone, including Aaron was laughing.

"Have a seat, Midnight, and you have no need to call us, Mrs. and Mr.," Jane said motioning for me to sit in Aaron's chair, and Aaron jumped into my lap.

"If you insist, Jane," I said leaning back and letting Aaron get his arm behind me.

"Well, you do know a lot," Bob said as his wife settled back in beside him.

"Internet proves to be useful sometimes," I replied.

"A little too, useful," Jane said looking over at Nick.

"So, Midnight, tell us a little about yourself," Bob said and took a drink from a cup on the coffee table.

"Well, there is a lot to tell, but there is one thing I have to tell you." I explained my liver problem to them; I started at about two and finished about three thirty, cause I told the whole story, parts that Aaron didn't know.

"Man, Midnight, that's horrible," Jane commented when I finished.

"Yeah, I don't see how someone you age can live through that stuff," Bob added.

"Well, there is a lot more, I don't have time to tell you, but last year I typed up a sort of autobiography on myself and had several copies made, let me go and get some," I got up and went to my car and opened the trunk and took out six thick stacks of binded printer paper, "here, read these tonight, I should only take about an half hour, straight thought it. There is info in there that Prince don't know yet,"

"When did you plan on telling me," he said a little offended.

"Tonight, while they are reading this," I replied sitting in his lap.

"Did you call him Prince," Jane asked.

"Yeah, pet name, he calls me Cory, and I call him Prince," I explained.

"And Cory would be." Jane continued.

"My real name," I replied.

"Oh, ok," she said flipping through the pages of my 'book'.

"Wait until tonight when I take Prince to his room and tell him everything, to read those," I said sliding under Aaron letting him on top.

"Ok, sure thing," Bob replied, and for about three more hours we sat and joked and talked about nothing in particular, then Jane said that she needed to start on supper, that it would be special for me. After about and hour she came and told us it was ready, I entered the dining room to see all my favorite foods ready, we chowed down and the conversation was kept to a minimum. When we were through I stood and told everyone goodnight and followed Aaron up to his room.

"Alright, spill it, what did you not tell me," Aaron said pushing me onto the bed.

"Well, first off, I'm really fifteen, not sixteen. I keep that up so I can keep my license. Now, please don't interrupt me until I'm done. What I'm about to tell you is shocking, my dad punched my mom in the stomach when she was 8 months pregnant with me and I was born dead as a damn door nail. The only reason I survived it because the doctor told my mom that the government wanted to use me as a guinea pig for their experiment, the only reason she let them was because the hospital charges would be paid for if she let them, and I would get to come back to her later if it worked. The experiment was on my genetics, they went in and used tools to rebuild my genetic structure, and I came out as a warrior. I have the strength of about twenty men, and the flips are from that. The one thing that you don't know is this," I turned away and took out the contacts that they didn't know about and then turned back to him, and he yelped, "This is one of their slight fuck ups, my eyes glow in the dark, and I have a form of night vision. The contacts hide the glowing but it doesn't impair my night vision, and the liver thing is one of their fuck ups as well, that isn't from my father. This pissed me off, so for the past two years I have studied what they did to me and now with the tools in my 'genetics lab' in my basement I can take any one and do to them what the government did to me, but without the fuck ups. So basically, I'm a genetically enhanced super human warrior that the government wants to use in battle. Those 'books' say what I just told you. Now, if you think I'm a freak, and never want anything to do with me, I don't blame you."

"Cory, I could never do such a thing, don't think like that, but I could make sex much more interesting," he replied trying to lighten the mood.

"Could, and that's another one of the things that makes me love you more,"

"My charm and sense of humor,"

"Yeah," I laughed then started to put my contacts back in.

"No, don't I like your eyes that way. It's a beautiful mesmerizing bluish glow. Please leave them out if it don't hurt you or anything,"

"No it don't, and yes I will, I just need to go get my case out of the car," I got up and retrieved the case from the glove box and put the contacts in it, and then got my suitcases out of the trunk and carried them back upstairs.

"Parents in the bed," he asked when I closed the door.

"I didn't see any one,"

"Can you cut the light off for a second, I want to see you eyes," he asked before I sat down, so I went and cut the light off and looked at him, he gasped and I turned the lights back on and laid down on the bed.

"They're beautiful,"

"Thanks, ready for bed I have a lot of sleep to catch up on,"

"Sure go get ready," he said and I got up and dressed in jogging pants and a baggy shirt and laid back down, he turned out the lights and I watched him come and lay down, his gaze never left mine.

"Goodnight, Prince, I love you,"

"Goodnight, Cory, I love you," and we fell asleep in each other's arms. I woke up early, I looked at my watch and saw it was about eight thirty so I watched Aaron sleep for about an hour thinking about what all has happened to me. Then he stirred and his eyes fluttered open and his gaze met mine.

"Morning," I said snapping him out of the daze he was in.


"There were some things I didn't tell you last night,"

"What," he sat up quickly and faced me.

"Well, remember when I told Nick that if he knew what had happened to me he wouldn't have made that comment in the kitchen,"


"My dad used to hit my mom all the time, right up until he left her and me when I was only three. Then for some reason his dumbass thought he could come back two years ago and everything would be fine. That's why we don't get along,"

"Man, that's sick,"

"I know. Something else, the reason why I act the way I do and don't trust anyone, which you are the first one in four years I have, is because all of my friends, except Nishon stabbed me in the back and deserted me for no reason at all, not because I'm gay, Nishon and Darby was the only friends that knew that,"

"So you think that you might just pick the wrong friends again, huh,"


"Well, I would never do something like that to you,"

"I know,"

"I smell breakfast, want to go down,"

"Sure, got to face them sometime," we got up and went downstairs to see everyone in the living room with my 'book'. They all gasped when they met my eyes, then I realized I didn't have my contacts in.

"Morning," I said walking over and sitting in Aaron's chair with him in my lap.

"Morning," BJ, Leslie, and Nick said in unison.

"Now I see why you said what you said in the kitchen that morning, Midnight, and I'm sorry I said that," Nick apologized.

"No need to apologize, you didn't know then," I replied.

"What was said," Jane asked, setting the 'book' down on the coffee table.

"Nothing, Nick was watching out for Aaron and said some things," I answered.

"Ok, Midnight, we, Bob and I, want to talk to you alone," Jane said pointing to her husband and getting up motioning to the kitchen, so I followed her and Bob.

"What," I asked when the door was closed.

"After reading your book last night, I'm going to be honest, it touched me. You have skills when it comes to writing. I cried after I read that, and I want you to know that if you need someone to talk to we're here for you," Jane offered.

"All my life I have been the therapist, and the advisor. Even my mom and dad came to me for advice, and still do. In fact most every one I know that comes for advice or some one to talk to, is older than me. I have never had an offer to me before, and it really means a lot to me. I have always had to keep everything bottled up inside," I knew tears were on the verge of coming, but me not being the emotional type, I hid them.

"And if you ever on vacation and you and your parents start fighting you are welcome to come and stay with us instead of going to LA," Bob added.

"Thanks, I might take you up on that. Is there a liquor store around here, I brought none with me," I asked.

"Sure, do you need one of us to get it or can you," Bob replied.

"I could but I don't want to interrupt the doctor, so could one of you, here's five hundred dollars, get what you can with it, but mostly Hot Damn, and some Moonshine in case I have an attack," I handed him a five hundred dollar bill.

"Ok, I think I can remember that," he said and him and Jane walked out the front door and drove off, while I sat down with Aaron in my lap.

"Where are they going," BJ asked.

"To get me some alcohol," I answered.

"You're a damn alchy," Aaron joked.

"Aaron, don't joke about that," Nick scolded.

"Nick, it isn't like I wouldn't joke about it or something as serious," I defended Aaron.

"Well, that is a serious thing," Nick argued.

"So is your damn ugliness but we joke about it anyway," I retorted.

"Damnit, Midnight, can't you take anything seriously," he jumped up off the couch.


"Sorry man, calm down," Nick backed up and sat back down.

"CALM DOWN, I HAVE EVERY DAMN BODY IN MY BUSINESS AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN," I was mad and out of control, I couldn't understand why I was mad, though.

"Cory, calm down, now," Aaron jumped up and grabbed my arm and pulled me into the chair.

"Shit," I sat and shook my head a little, "Nick, I'm sorry, don't know what happened. I just have a lot of anger built up and sometimes it's to much."

"It's understandable, Midnight, you've been through a lot," Nick tried to comfort me.

"No it's not, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it no matter what was said or done," I was still wondering what made me snap like that.

"Look, I understand and you don't have to apologize, I'm the one who should be apologizing, I'm sorry," he got up, came, and sat down on the opposite side of me as Aaron and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Fine, I just want to know why I did it," I replied staring off into space.

"That's bad when you don't know your own self," Aaron joked trying to lift the mood.

"Aaron," Nick scolded.

"This is what caused the fight to begin with," I smiled.

"Ok, I'm backing off this time," Nick replied smiling too.

"I'll worry about this later, lets do something fun," I said as Nick got up and resumed his position on the couch beside Angel.

"Like this," Aaron said and hopped in my lap and we engaged in a kiss.

"Does he taste that good," BJ joked.

"Ask Nick, he would know," I replied when Aaron let go.

"WHAT," BJ, Leslie, and Angel shouted in unison.

"If you don't know, the night I met them all, I went to Nick and Brian's room, before they went out, and we kissed. Shortly after I decided I like Aaron more and he was only one year younger where as Nick is five years older than me," I explained.

"Does Brian know about this," Leslie asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Unfortunately, he does," I barely got out before Aaron was all over me again.

"Damn, you guys need to take a break from that," Nick laughed, I flipped him the bird and from what I felt Aaron's arm do I believe he did too.

"I believe they speak telepathically," BJ commented.

"Nope, I can read minds," I said, when I finally got Aaron off my lips.

"Sure, I have a headache, is there any medicine BJ," Angel said getting up and facing BJ.

"SHIT," I jumped up and ran to the bedroom and got my phone and ran back down stairs.

Well now you have it, the big secret of Midnight Thunder. I would like some imput on what you all think of this so email me at midnightthunder04@yahoo.com

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