Midnight Thunder

By Cory Power

Published on Apr 2, 2001


It's me again, here with Chapter 4 and the usual boring disclaimer that most of you probably don't read anyway cause I don't. But...

Disclaimer: I don't know them, or am I in any assotiation with them or any of their personelle. And even if I did know them and their sexuality I would not go around posting it on the internet.

Now on with....

Chapter 4 of.....

Midnight Thunder...

"That hurt," I said as I turned around to see who threw it.

"It was supposed to," a tall black haired boy of about 24 stepped up.

"Looks like you want an ass kicking to huh," I asked sarcastically.

"You couldn't," he said in a snotty tone.

I grabbed two beer bottles smashed them on a table to where I was holding the severed neck and threw them like throwing knives, straight at him. They struck just the fabric of his shirt, just enough to pin him to the wall behind him.

"I don't have to," I added.

"You missed," he said trying to win.

"Nope I didn't, don't want a murder or doctor bill to pay now do I," I replied and grabbed another beer bottle doing the same except I threw it to where it stuck in the wall just above his head, "Now I'm going to finish my whiskey and leave. Unless you still think you can win then I'll let you down and we'll fight," he said nothing.

"Damnit boy," I heard them all say from the balcony.

"Thanks," I said and did a flip straight up and landed by Aaron.

"Damn that's a good fifteen feet down or up," Angel said still amazed by it.

We sat down and talked for about another two hours or so and by then they were all drunk except Kevin who was of course the designated driver always.

"Well I think we should head on home," I said standing up and walking to the edge of the balcony.

"Fine with me as long as we can take some with us," Nick said as he staggered over to me and almost fell over the railing.

"Sure Angel five of whatever any one had for each, and Kevin five bottles of whatever he wants," I said and he called the waiter and ordered ten bottles of Hot Damn, fifteen of Crown Royal, and five bottles of Firewater which Kevin had tasted earlier and liked so he got it.

"Why so much," Brian asked staggering over as well.

"To get yall plastered, especially Kevin, when we get home," I said, noticing every one had finished what they had even me and Aaron. Angel and Kevin helped me to get them all to the car and ready to go and I paid Angel for the evening.

"Here," I said and tossed Kevin the keys to him.

"I get to drive," he asked.

"Of course," I said and crawled in.

When we got home me and Aaron went to my room to get drunk, Nick and Brian in theirs, AJ and Howie invited Kevin to join them in getting drunk, and Nishon and Darby went to their room.

"Well I get to get drunk at last," Aaron said and fell on the bed.

"Your already drunk," I said and gave him another bottle.

"Drunker then," he said and snatched the bottle out of my hand.

"Ok," I said and crawled up beside him.

We spent the rest of the night talking and listening to the others in the other room act like fools over an intercom system that they had yet to know of. We finally finished the last of the ten bottles, me drinking most of course, and we dozed off to sleep.

The next morning I got up and went to the kitchen to make some of my 'hangover from hell' juice.

"Morning," I said when I saw Aaron up and shutting the curtains.

"Ooowww," he said as he got back in bed.

"Hangover from hell, huh," I asked.

"Yeah whatever you call it," he replied from under the covers.

"Here drink up, don't stop till you get it all down or you won't like it at all,"

"Will it help," he asked sitting up.

"Yeah you should feel like new in about twenty minutes,"


"I'm going to serve this to the others I'll be back to get the glass in a minute," I said as I turned around and left for Brian and Nick's room.

"Morning all time to get up," I said as I noticed they we're still asleep.

"Ooowww," they said together as the hangover hit them.

"Try this, don't stop cause then you won't like it, and your hangover will be gone in about twenty minutes," I said and left the room for AJ and Howie's room.

"Morning all time to get up," I said noticing Kevin had passed out on the floor.

"Fuck me," Kevin said getting up and falling into a chair.

"Try this, don't stop cause then you won't like it, and your hangover will be gone in about twenty minutes," I said and left for Nishon and Darby's room.

"Morning you two," I said and saw Darby sitting in a chair and Nishon just getting out of the bed, "Brought my juice," I said and left for my room again.

"Need your glass," I said and got it and went to get the others then I went to wash them and put them up. I went to the living room to find everyone there.

"That stuff worked what's in it," AJ asked when I sat down.

"You don't want to know," Nishon said from Darby's lap.

"I take it you know," Brian said.

"Part, I stopped him about half way through the ingredients, and the only reason I still drink it is cause it really works," she explained.

"Well first I put three table spoons of fried alligator guts," I began.

"Yuck, for real," Nick said jumping up and heading for the bathroom.

"No not really," I said before he got there.

"Well we need to get to work on the rest of the stuff and get it out of the way," Kevin said getting groans out of everyone.

"Do we have to," Nick asked in a whining voice.

"Yes we do if we want the last two weeks of our vacation to ourselves," Kevin replied.

"True, well then lets get work," Howie said.

For the next two weeks we all worked and got everything ready to leave for the tour. When we were done we gathered in the living room to go over everything and make sure everything was done.

"Well that takes care of everything," I concluded.

"Finally," Nick said falling into Brian's lap.

"Well, we got the next two weeks off. I plan on sticking around here for one and then flying in to see family," I explained.

"Me too," they all said in unison.

"Well tonight I plan on soaking in my tub then sleeping half the day tomorrow," I said getting up and walking to the stairs.

"Me too," Aaron said and followed, "Man I'm tired."

"You want to join me in the Jacuzzi," I offered.

"Sure why not,"

We stayed in the Jacuzzi for about an hour. When we got out it was about ten o' clock so we climbed into bed.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH," I woke up the next morning to someone screaming. I jumped up and ran after where it was coming from.

"What the hell is going on," I asked when I opened the door.

"THIS SORRY BASTARD THREW ICE ON ME," Brian said then I saw Nick rolling on the floor laughing.

"Damnit Nick, that's the second time I've had to wake up to that," I said trying hard not to laugh.

"What's going on," about five people said from behind me.

"Nick threw ice on Brian to wake him up," I explained making them all laugh. I turned around and went back to my bedroom.

"What happened," Aaron asked half awake.

"Nick decided to pull that stunt on Brian, that he pulled on you," I explained crawling back into bed.

"Oh," he said curling up around me.

"What do you want to do today," I asked.

"Sleep," he replied from the crook of my neck.

"Me too," and we fell asleep again.

"NICKOLAS I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS," I jumped out of my now iced bed, "Third time is a charm," I said as leapt onto him and pretended like I was going to kick his ass.

"Break it up boys," Kevin said coming into the room.

"He started it," I said getting up from the floor.

"Sure whatever, other people are trying to sleep," Kevin said getting on to Nick as if he were a kid.

"Yes, dad," Nick replied walking out of the room.

"Shut up," Kevin said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"What's up with Kevin," I asked Brian when Kevin was out of earshot.

"Dunno," he replied walking out of the room, "I'll go talk to him,"

"Good morning," Aaron said sitting up in bed.

"Morning," I replied knocking the ice off the bed to lie down.

"What's on the agenda for today," he asked trying to be technical.


"Cool," he grabbed me and pulled me down on top of him and kissed me.

"What did I do to deserve such a fine reward," I asked seductively.


"Ooohhh, I get free rewards now. How lucky am I,"

"Very. I say we do this all day,"

"Me too but the others won't let us you know,"

"It's your fucking house you can do as you please,"

"But your Nick's brother,"

"And I'm you lover, fuck Nick,"

"Let's let Brian do that,"

"Cory, I don't want to do anything,"

"Then don't I don't care,"

"Good but you have to join me,"

"Ok," I said pulling the covers over our heads.

"Guys meeting in the living room," Kevin said knocking on the door.

"FUCK ME," I shouted throwing the covers to the floor and getting up to dress.

"Later maybe," Aaron said heading for the closet as well.

"Sure, if I'm in a better mood," I said playing along. We got dressed and headed down stairs to see everyone there.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS SO IMPORTANT," I asked a little too loud.

"Management wants on last meeting with us before we fly out to see our parents," Kevin answered.

"Whoop-de-fucking-do," I said grabbing the keys and walking out the door.

"Cory, don't make this one loud," Aaron asked with a puppy face.

"I won't,"

"Promise," he asked still with a puppy face.

"Promise," I said a little disappointed.

We went to the meeting in total silence. Everyone was a little skeptical about my promise to Aaron. When we got there I noticed Laura looked like she was sitting on tacks.

"Well Midnight, I assure you that this is hopefully goods news and I'm sorry for bringing you out on such short notice," Bill replied as we sat down.

"Don't worry about it, shoot," I said shocking everyone.

"Ok," he replied a little skeptical, "Well we're going to have one hell of a tour, cause I just got off the phone with some people. Britney will be joint touring with all of you."

"Cool with me," I replied.

"We have to talk to her about something first," Kevin hinted to me.

"I get it," I said turning back to Bill, "anything else,"

We finished up about thirty minutes later with all the staying arrangements. Then we went home to get ready for her.

"Midnight, we plan on telling her tonight. If that is ok with you two we want yall to at the same time," Nick said from the back seat.

"I'm all for it, you" I asked turning to Aaron.

"Sure," he replied. The rest of the ride went by silently.

"Cory can I check my e-mail right quick," Aaron asked heading up the stairs.

"Sure I'll be up in a little while. Maybe we can get into some porn sites," I joked.

"No you don't," Nick jumped off the couch and lunged at me, but with my skills of unbelievable reaction timing I just did a flip over his head and landed on the other side of a couch.

"Damn, I'm really starting to hate that," he said getting off the floor and sitting back down.

"Poor thing," I said sarcastically and walked up stairs.

"So how long do we have until they get here," Aaron asked when I walked in.

"About two and a half hours or so," I said walking over and sitting in his lap.

"I'm bored,"

"Well we can get started on your lessons,"

"We can,"

"Yeah the first couple are basically stretching and flexibility,"

"Where do we start,"

"Well, let's start with flexibility," I said getting up and going to the middle of the room and motioning for him to come over too, "This might hurt,"

"It will,"

"Well, it will hurt but you learn to get used to it and after a couple of lessons it won't hurt and the soreness will be gone,"

"Ok, I'm going to trust you,"

"You can,"

"When do I get to flips,"

"Getting a little to far ahead there,"

"It will be a while, huh,"

"Not too long, maybe two months,"

"That's not that long,"

"And maybe by the time the tour is over you will not be too far behind me,"

"Good, let's get started then," We did stretching and flexibility exercises for about an hour before Nick came up.

"What are yall doing," he said.

"Getting Aaron in shape,"

"Getting him in shape for what," he said turning back to me.

"To be like me and do all the flips and shit,"

"Ok, Kevin said that you should head out," he turned and left the room. We went through more stretching sessions before it was time for me to go.

"We'll be back later," I announced to everyone, and Aaron and me left for the airport.

"I'm here for Britney," I told the clerk

"Her plane is landing now, wait in the VIP lounge," she replied.

"Ok," Aaron and me walked in to wait for them.

"Hey Aaron," Britney said when she walked in.

"Hey, must be Midnight Thunder," She replied walking over my way.

"Correct, friends call me Midnight,"

"Alright lets get going," I led her to get her luggage then we went to my place.

"We're here," I said getting out and walking up to the door.

"Damn, nice house, man, this yours," she asked when we got out.

"Yeah all mine. The rest of them are waiting inside," I answered letting them in.

"I'M BACK," I yelled as loud as I could to warn Brian and Nick if they were doing anything.

"Did you have to yell," she asked covering his ears.

"Yeah, the walls are 95% soundproof if the door is closed," I replied.

"Cool," replied Britney.

"Alright, bedrooms are on the 2nd and 3rd floor, the 4th is all one bed and bath which of course isn't for bids. Now, find a room and meet in the living room cause me and the guys have something we have to settle with everyone," I explained.

"Everyone meet in the living room now," I said into the box on the wall, which was an intercom as well, and headed into the living room where everyone else joined me five minutes later.

"Well, to start off Aaron and I are a couple," I said, and Aaron jumped in my lap.

"And Brian and I, are too," Nick said hopping in Brian's lap.

"Ok I can deal with that," Britney said.

"Cory, what's for supper I'm starved," Aaron asked.

"Wait a minute, what did he just call you," Britney asked.

"My name," I replied

"How come he gets to," she continued.

"He's special, remember," I said.

"Oh, ok. I can live with that," she backed off.

"You have too," Howie said.

"Why," she asked.

"Well, Midnight isn't the first person that I would get in an argument or a fight with," he explained.

"Do I want to know," she asked.

"Maybe not but this might be a good reason," Darby said lifting his shirt showing his scar.

"Holy shit," she blurted, "he did that to you," she asked motioning to me.

"Yeah, he gets aggressive and/or loud when he gets pissed," Nishon said from Darby's lap.

"And your still friends with him, no offense Midnight," she said cautiously.

"None taken," I replied.

"Yeah, besides he was drunk," Darby explained.

"Sober, I wouldn't hurt a friend like that, and he is the only one I have ever even attempted to hurt drunk," I replied.

"Aren't you underage," she asked curiously.

"It ain't like you never did anything you weren't when you were younger," I defended myself.

"Relax I'm not going to turn you in, just one more thing," she asked.


"Where do you get it," she asked with childlike curiosity.

"My cousin owns the Midnight Thunder," I informed them.

"Oh, cool," she returned her attention to the TV.

We stayed up talking and they got to know me a little better. When I finally called it a night it was about midnight so I got up told everybody goodnight and climbed the stairs with Aaron at my heels.

I woke up the next morning without Aaron by my side and I immediately jumped up to see he wasn't in the room. So, I decided he went downstairs so I headed down to the kitchen to get some coffee when I heard Aaron and Nick talking, so I stopped outside the door to listen.

"Nick, I trust Cory," Aaron said in a pleading tone, which worried me.

"Well I'm not all that confident. No offense on his behalf, but he seems like he would be an abuser," Nick replied.

"Don't say that. I see a side of him that yall only get a small glimpse of every now and then. Behind closed doors, with just me and him, he is the most compassionate, loving, kind hearted, caring person I know," Aaron said pleading with his brother more.

"That was sweet Aaron," I said stepping around the corner causing Nick to jump out of his chair with a frightened look on his face.

"Midnight, how much of that did you hear," he asked with fear in his voice.

"Enough to know you think that I would beat your brother,"

"Please you have to understand."

"Nick, I do. He is your brother and you have every right in the world to worry, and I don't blame you for not trusting me one hundred percent, but me being an abuser not a chance in hell and if you knew my childhood you wouldn't have said that, but I really don't care to talk about that though." I said walking over to the counter and pouring me a cup of coffee.

"You're not mad," he said still not convinced that I wasn't going to jump down his throat.

"No Nick, even thought that was a little too far, I'm not. You should listen to him though; he has seen a side of me that no one has seen. All my childhood I had no close friends, or anybody to talk to about anything. Aaron is the closest friend I have. I'm closer to him and shown him a side of me I never, ever even think about showing anyone. I would never hurt him, and if I have my say so he will never be hurt by anyone."

"You've just shown me a side I have never seen. That was beautifully worded."

"Thanks Nick, I have always been told that I have a way with words," I replied and walked over to Aaron and sat in his lap with one arm around his shoulders and the other holding a cup of coffee.

"There is one more thing," he said sitting back down in the chair directly in front of ours.

"What," I asked sipping on the coffee.

"Well I know it's none of my business and I'm not exactly comfortable asking it but, have you two.you know."

"Had sex," I butted in.

"Yeah, not that it matters it's yall's business and if you think your ready then go for it I'm not stopping you," he said turning bright red and looked down at the floor.

"No, we haven't really found the need, nor have we reached that point in the relationship," I replied taking another sip of coffee, noticing he relaxed a lot, "Your just worried he is going to lose his virginity before you, aren't you."

"NO. Why would you say that," he snapped.

"Well I have always been the therapist so I know these kind of things. It's ok Nick, like I said I was always the therapist so whatever you tell me never leaves my head. No one else will know," I replied.

"Well, yeah sorta," he confessed.

"Holy shit," Aaron blurted.

"Not a word leaves your mouth about this," I said seeing the worried look on Nick's face when Aaron said that.

"Ok," he said and went back to being silent.

"Brian just seems like he just wants me to say he has me, now that we are engaged," Nick said starting to cry, so I went over and he hugged me pulling me in his lap and crying into my shoulder.

"There has to more to it than that. Do you want me to talk to him about it. I don't have to mention this if you don't want, I'll tell him that I noticed it," I replied.

"Will you please," he said looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, when he gets up I'll talk to him," I said getting up and putting my cup in the sink and walked toward the door, "You going to be ok Nick,"

"Yeah I just need some time to myself," he said getting up and walking to the patio door.

"The garden is huge out there, your welcome to go for a walk in it. It always helps clear my mind," I offered.

"Ok, I think I'll do that. Thanks," he said and walked out the door and disappeared into the garden.

"Care to join me in the shower," I asked Aaron.

"Sure, sweetie," he replied and followed me into our bathroom, "How did you know that they haven't done anything,"

"I just sense these things," I replied starting the water. When we were done showering and dressed I headed downstairs to see Brian walking toward the kitchen with a worried look on his face.

"He's in the garden, Brian. Leave him alone he needs some time to himself," I said getting Brian's attention.

"What's wrong with him," he asked.

"I don't know. I came to talk to you about that," I replied walking up to him.

"I don't know either,"

"I think I do, come with me," I said and walked up the stairs and back into my room.

"What are we doing here," he asked sitting in a chair.

"I don't think you want anyone else to hear this," I replied closing the door.

"What is going on, Midnight," he said a little scared.

"Well, I sense something between yall and after seeing Nick this morning, I know that there is something. What is going on in yall's relationship that would be troubling him,"

"Did he talk you into this,"

"No, Brian, he didn't. In fact over the years, I have become everyone's therapist. Every time Nishon and Darby have a problem they usually come to me. I promise you that anything said here will not leave here,"

"Well, I guess it is much cheaper than a real one. Well I guess it's probably about the sex, I don't want to do that yet cause he is still young and I feel that he won't be faithful to me if I make such a commitment,"

"But yet yall are engaged,"

"I know it sounds stupid but I feel he won't be, especially if I don't satisfy him enough,"

"That's what your worried about, huh,"


"Well don't be, I'm sure how ever it goes he will be and if your not that good at first a little practice might make it the highlight of the night,"

"I'm still not that confident,"

"I tell you what, how about tonight, be the special night,"

"I don't know,"

"These walls are sound proof, so you two can have a romantic dinner in your room and then what ever happens, happens. No one can hear anything I assure you,"

"Would you set it up,"

"You go and cook it and I'll get the guy's out tonight for you,"

"You would do that,"

"Sure I'll tell them that we are going to celebrate Britney joining us or something,"

"Ok when can I start,"

"Well it's only dinner time, so I will get the others out at about six, so you can start then,"

"Ok, will you talk to Nick and get him to stay without telling him about it,"

"Yeah sure thing," I said getting up and going to the closet and preparing for tonight. When I was done I went to the balcony the over looked the living room and saw everyone was sitting down talking so I did a triple somersault over the edge landing next to Aaron who was in my chair.

"We need to get our equipment shipped here if he is going to do this every damn week," Nishon replied.

"Equipment," Britney questioned.

"Oh yeah, I forget that you are new. The only time he does something like that while he's dressed up he wants to go find some action in a bar,"

"Oh, we get to go clubbing tonight," Nick said with hope on getting his mind off things.

"No, you and Brian don't, but me and the rest are," I said.

"Why not," he protested.

"Cause you have a surprise waiting on you as soon as we're gone, so drop it. We'll go again tomorrow night if you want to," I answered.

"Fine," he said a little disappointed but wondering what his surprise was.

"So we leave at six everyone get ready and meet me down here at a quarter till," I said walking upstairs into my room with Aaron following.

"I take it that you know what is going on with Brian and Nick," he asked and fell on the bed.



"Not a word leaves this room,"

"Ok, promise,"

"Brian won't have sex with Nick cause he thinks that Nick will not be pleased with him and since Nick is young he will go find someone else,"

"Nick would never do that,"

"I know, that's why I hooked them up tonight,"

"They're going to tonight then,"

"Maybe," I said walking over to the computer and connecting to the Internet.

"You're so cute when you're concentrating," he said coming over and sitting in my lap.

"It's hard for me to concentrate with you distracting me,"

"Poor thing,"

"I'm starting to rub off on you,"

"Isn't that good,"

"In a way yes,"

"Come on, baby, lighten up,"

"Are you coming on to me,"


"Well then we'll have to do something about that then won't we," I said grabbing him and carrying him to the bed and lying down on top of him in a deep kiss.

"We don't have time to be fooling around,"

"You wanted this, admit it,"

"You know me too well," he replied pulling me down into a kiss.

"We have about three hours, so what do you want to do," I asked when he pulled away.

"This," he answered pulling me into another kiss.

"Damn, we should know each other's mouths like our own, if we do this for three hours,"

"Not a bad idea,"

"Nope," I replied leaning kissing him.

"Guy's.never mind," Nick said coming in then turning around.

"No, come in. We can wait," I said getting up.

"The hell we can," Aaron said pulling me down on him.

"What is it you want Nick," I said rolling to off Aaron and lying beside him.

"Well I was wondering if I could borrow Aaron tomorrow," he said sitting in the chair.

"Why, if I may," I asked.

"I want to get a little Christmas shopping done," he replied.

"Yeah, I got to get Cory something anyway," Aaron said.

"Fine by me, I need to get him something any way but I wasn't planning on getting it three months ahead of time, cause he likes to snoop, especially if he knows it's here somewhere. But I have a place for it anyway, I designed this house my self and have the original and only copy of the blueprints," I said with victory already in my voice.

"I'm sure Aaron will find it," Nick said laughing.

"Damn sure will," Aaron replied.

"Doubt it. Sure you two go shopping," I said.

"Bye, bro," Aaron said motioning to the door.

"I get it, you two have fun," he said walking out.

"You too," I said before the door closed.

"Now where were we," Aaron said pulling me back onto him.

"What are you going to get me," he said pushing me away.

"What are you going to get me,"

"Can't tell,"

"Neither can I,"

"Fine then, but Nick isn't going to see what I get you, so you can't ask him,"

"That's not going to work on me,"

"Damn," he said making a sad face.

"Poor thing,"

"You're not getting any tonight,"

"I'm still a virgin, that's not much of a threat,"

"You and my brother,"


"You and Nick,"

"We didn't do anything,"

"You didn't,"



"Don't worry about it,"

"You're not mad at me,"

"No, I could never be mad at you, Prince,"

"You remembered,"

"I made it up myself, how could I forget,"

"Don't know, I just figured that it was just for the argument,"

"Nope," I said leaning down and kissing him, "You're my little Prince,"

"Aaawww, how sweet,"

"Go get ready, remember you have to go,"

"Ok, what will you do,"

"I like to check some of my fan e-mail every now and then,"

"Oh, ok," he said and got up and disappeared into the bathroom.

"Midnight downstairs now," I heard AJ say over the intercom, so I jumped up and ran downstairs.

"What," I said when I got to them.

"There are some people on the phone, they say the know you. They said their names where Dianna and Stanley," Howie said holding the phone toward me.

"That's my parents," I said and took the phone, "hello,"

"Hey son,"

"Hey dad,"

"When do you plan on coming down to visit,"

"Next week, in fact I plan on flying in this Saturday night,"

"That's fine, we should have it ready then,"

"You don't have do anything special,"

"Yes we do,"

"I'm not going to argue I have some business to tend to, sorry I can't talk long,"

"That's ok we understand,"

"Well tell mom I love her and that I'll see her Sunday,"

"Ok son bye,"


"Sorry man," Howie apologized when the phone was hung up.

"Don't worry about it, you couldn't have known,"

"You don't have any business do you," Nick asked from the couch.


"Then why did you tell him that," Kevin asked.

"Don't really want to talk about it right now, but yall will know why soon enough,"

"Ok," Kevin replied.

"See yall in a little while," I said going back to finish what I was about to start.

"Where'd you go," Aaron was done and on the bed.

"Had a phone call,"



"Cool, want to make out,"

"Am I always on your mind,"


"Ok," I said walking over and lying down on top of him.

"How come I'm always on the bottom," he asked sarcastically.

"Don't know," I replied and rolled over pulling him on top of me and pulling him into a kiss.

"Cory, can I check my mail,"

"Prince, we're together, which means it's yours too. I assure you, you can use it whenever you want,"

"It feels weird,"

"I know, but you don't have to ask to use anything, I promise,"

"Ok, if you insist,"

"I'm going to go get me something to drink want anything,"

"Yeah, some Dr. Pepper please,"

"Ok," I got up and went to the kitchen.

"Man, you need elevators or something, as much as you go up and down them stairs," AJ replied when I walked in.

"Now you know if I did that, then all you childish, immature, brat's would wear them out in less than a day, and besides I do," I replied walking over to the refrigerator.

"Where" Nick, Brian, and AJ said in unison.

"Over there," I said and pointed to two double doors in the wall.

"Those are elevators," Nick said getting up and going to them, "where's the control,"

"Right there," I said pointing to a square cut into the wall.

"Huh," Nick said confused.

"Like this," I said walking over and pressing it open revealing control panel in the wall.

"Cool, can I use it," he asked.

"Only one goes to my room and you have to have a pass word to get the doors open, so don't try anything," I said walking over and getting mine and Aaron's glasses and walking over to the elevator.

"You going to use it," Brian asked.

"Yeah but you can't watch me put in my password," I said pressing the button going to my floor.

"We won't," Nick said turning his head, so I typed it in the small keyboard in the wall.

"Done," I replied as the elevator shot up and the doors opened.

"Damn that was quick," Nick commented.

"WHAT THE FUCK," Aaron turned to see us in the elevator, "Cool, how come you didn't tell me."

"Then you would have been playing on them all day," I replied as the elevator left and I sat the drinks down.

"No I wouldn't,"

"Yes you would,"


"So, besides you have to have a password to get up here to the bedroom,"

"You'll tell it to me,"

"I will,"

"But of course,"

"It's 555870349, but you can't tell anyone or I kick your ass,"

"You wouldn't,"

"Nope but your still not going to tell them the password cause then we would have no peace,"

"True, you got me there,"

"Alright it's like five now so lets get down stairs,"

"Can we take the elevator,"

"Sure why not," I replied walking over and pressing the button.

"So Midnight, what's up for tomorrow," Kevin asked when we walked into the kitchen.

"Nothing, Friday I plan on maybe flying home and getting the damn fight over with find a good hotel not far from Nick and Aaron's and staying there until the tour starts," I replied walking over and grabbing a miniature bottle of Hot Damn out of the fridge.

"What," Kevin, Aaron, Nick, and Brian said in unison.

"I never stay home more than two days before I'm being bitched at so I usually leave, that is the main reason I bought this house when I hit it big,"

"What about before when you lived there all the time," Aaron asked.

"It got so bad that I looked forward to school. She was ready to send me to boot camp. That's because I lived with her, my step dad David and his three kids, I hate kids with a passion and because I was stuck there, that is why I have the attitude and the short temper, besides the fact that short tempers, and attitudes run on both sides of the family,"

"That's why you told him you had other business," Brian asked.

"Bingo, didn't want to fight and get in a bad mood," I replied.

"You can come stay with us. Mom would love to meet you. She went hysterical when I first told her I was going with Brian. She invited him over and made all kinds of food and treated him like a king," Nick offered.

"You just want all that food she cooks, and you don't get in as much trouble," Aaron said jumping up and diving behind me.

"Hey, I ain't your damn bodyguard," I said and jumped out from in front of him allowing Nick access to him.

"Yes you are, it's a rule; when you're a couple one is supposed to protect the other," he replied and made a move to jump behind me again when Nick jumped up and ran for him.

"Not when you got your own ass into the situation," I said grabbing him and waiting for Nick, who came and tickled him.

"For real though, you are welcome to come and stay with us if you want to," Nick said walking over and resuming his position on Brian's lap.

"No I don't want to interrupt the family routine, besides I take up a lot of your time with Aaron and I don't like that cause I know that you two were pretty close," I said sitting at the bar.

"No offense Aaron, but I do like having the free time it allows me, so I can spend more time with Brian, and you wouldn't be interrupting anything," he replied taking a sip of whatever Brian was drinking.

"Yeah Cory, please," Aaron pleaded coming over and sitting next to me.

"Call your mom and tell her first, and I won't be able to come until Sunday cause I am going to see them so they will be happy," I said in a defeated tone getting up and throwing away the now empty bottle and getting me a glass and filling it up with Hot Damn from a regular sized bottle.

"Damn Midnight, you drink more than a redneck alcoholic," Kevin said looking up from the paper in his hand.

"I can wait if you're uncomfortable with it," I replied sitting back down at the bar.

"No, if you want to drink up, I have no problem with it," he said getting up and heading to the bathroom door.

"Want to, hell if I had a choice whether I wanted to or not I wouldn't be," I said getting a curious glance from the remaining three.

"What," they all said in unison.

"I have to drink at least seven bottles of this a day," I replied taking a sip.

"Why," they replied again in unison.

"Well, I have a life threatening dieses," I said casually.

"WHAT," Aaron yelled.

Well there's chapter 4, I need comments good or bad, suggestions on what I should do with the story, and if I use your suggestion I will send you an advanced copy of the next chapter. You can reach me at midnightthunder04@yahoo.com. I'm working on my homepage which has poems by me and other stories that I write. I hope to have it up and running by the next installment.

Next: Chapter 5

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