Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on May 30, 2000


Hey peeps...I know I know..the last installment was short...it is just that after so long of not writing,I am getting quite lazy and I guess my heart is are just not into writing as much as they were in the past. Thankz for all the help you guys were trying to give me.. I am so honoured..=)

All comments and criticism to melsleepy@hotmail.com and as usual..this is not real even though it might be in my weird head

Mirror Mirror Part 10 --------------------- Previously :

Lance sprinted inside to room to fall back against the wall in shock. David and Ray entered the room and close the door softly. Lance blinked a few times to make sure that he is seeing things right. AJ's hair is now bright pink while Howie is thankfully still sporting his head of dark brown curly hair. Brian on the other hand had black highlights in his hair and Kev with blond in his.

AnD NoW..

"OH MY GOD! What had you all done to yourselves?" shrieked out Alice, the tour manager. Kev just grimaced and kept silent.

"How am I going to explain to the crowd that their favorite boy band had become PINK?" she pointed her finger at AJ who was growing quite red.

*N Sync snickered behind their hands and looked away innocently when Alice twirled around to face them. She looked around for someone else to lose her temper on and found herself staring straight into an unblinking gaze from Gary, Kevin's bodyguard.

"And you! You as his bodyguard should see that what he does is right and not.."

"Ma'am, our job is to keep them alive, not control their lives like they are puppets," Gary quietly said.

Alice gaped at him, opening and closing her mouth a few times, thinking of what to reply. At that moment, Fatima screeched loudly from the side of the stage, cueing them on. The Backstreet Boys ran towards Fatima, for once grateful to her and promised to do better in their practices.

Aside from the one-second shock of seeing their idols with assortments of hair color, the crowd of girls is still screaming loudly, trying to get the attention of their favorite idols. One of the girls managed to climb over the human barrier between the boys and the crowd and ran towards Nick. Nick's bodyguard, Andrew grabbed the girl but not before she had managed to steal one of Nick's sneakers.

Chris and Joey laughed loudly from the side as they look at Nick hobbling, trying to dance as good as he can with one sneaker on. Even Fatima cracked a smile at the sight. After the set, the BSB came running back in.

"Aren't you graceful today?" teased Joey.

Nick just stuck his tongue at Joey and went bellowing for another pair of sneakers. Britney is working the crowd while *N Sync get ready at the side. Nick soon appeared with another pair of shoes that is just right for dancing. Justin grinned at Lance nervously. Before any big concerts, Justin is always noticeably fidgety but once the concert starts, he is flawless. Lance squeezed Justin's hand softly after checking that the coast is clear.

JC did some stretches to loosen his body while Spencer looked on appreciatively. He could imagine himself kissing every single nook of JC's tightly muscled lean body. Spencer's penis began to harden and he started to shift to get into a more comfortable position. Brian looked at him curiously and Spencer just smiled uncomfortably, thanking the heavens that he had worn a loose work shirt that hangs well below his waist.

"Where is my good luck charm?" asked JC, finished with his stretches. Joey shrugged and tried to pull his spikes into order. JC caught sight of Ann some distance away, talking to someone. He waved his arms wildly in the air, trying to get her attention. The rest of *N Sync and some of the Backstreet Boys who had their makeup done joined in the act. The furious waving of arms in the air soon caught Ann's attention. She excused herself and jogged over to them.

"Heya guys,"

"Hey Ann,"

JC pulled Ann close and gave her a peck on the lips.

"My good luck charm," he said fondly.

Lance and Chris looked at each other and both of them thought of the same thing. Lance pulled Ann out of JC's arms and kissed her on the mouth hard. Ann let out an oof sound in surprise while Chris retained JC who was stunned. Less than ten seconds later, Lance withdrew and said loudly, "MY GOOD LUCK CHARM," and breathlessly fanned himself with his hand.

All of them laughed loudly except for JC and Ann. Slowly JC smiled, he knew that he had soundly really mushy and that this is all a joke. Ann walked over to Lance with a come hither look in her eyes. She walked towards him sensuously, staring straight into his eyes as she neared him. The conversation around them drowned a sudden death. All of them looked on curiously while Lance stared at Ann uneasily. Had he pushed Ann too much?

"You know, that is just about the best kiss I had in a long time," she said huskily. The nearer she is, the more Lance look like a deer caught in the headlights. JC bit down on his lower lip, trying to control the laugh from coming out. He had every confidence in Ann. Ann pulled Lance's face close and Lance couldn't move, he was too shocked. Justin stood there with his mouth gaping like the others.

Within centimeters from actually kissing Lance, she stopped. Her light gray eyes boring into Lance's sparkling green eyes. He gulped a few times.

"Sorry but then I did say 'Just about'. You should take lessons from JC. Now he is THE best," Ann pulled back from Lance and walked to JC who was unable to control his laughter by now. She leaned up and kissed him softly which JC returned.

"Close your mouth, baby," Justin pushed up Lance's jaw.

"Didn't I tell you that she is a real brat when she was younger. Whatever tricks people do to her, she will pay them back,"

"Oh," Lance dumbly answered. Britney then ran backstage, cueing them to go on. Both Backstreet Boys and *N Sync ran out, whooping and cheering. Ann walked slowly to the guys'dressing room, hoping to catch on some much needed shut-eye.

Behind the large spare speakers

Greg clenches his hand angrily. 'That slut! Couldn't she stay faithful to me? SO call girlfriend of mine. So that b***h is correct. That girl is cheating on me with that albino of a guy.'

At first Greg thought that Lance is not really Ann's boyfriend but just now as he rounded the corner of the stage on the guise of a cameraman, he saw the two of them about to kiss passionately. At that sight, he couldn't take it and just left.

Somehow, the love for Ann in him turned to hate. 'All this time I had been so patient, waiting for her to let me sleep with her. I bet she is sleeping with that..that...VERMIN!' Greg screamed in his mind.

'No one cheats on me. First, take care of Lance, then Ann baby, there is no one else who could save you from what you deserved from day one,'

Greg checked the area to make sure that it is clear. He slowly made his way towards the dressing room where he had seen Ann going earlier. 'Maybe I can get some fun first,' he thought gleefully. He opened the door softly as to not to startle anyone. He saw Ann lying on the couch, hugging a cushion. 'She looks so innocent but who knows that there is a slut underneath that,'

Greg slowly made his way towards Ann, in his haste to get to her, forgot to lock the door behind him. Greg knew that Ann is a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake up easily. Pulling out some guitar wires that are just newly bought, he slowly put them over Ann's wrists. Pulling them tight together, Ann started fidgeting. Her eyes flew open only to see not JC's comforting calm blue eyes but Greg's malicious black eyes. She almost let out a scream but Greg stuffed a sock into her mouth.

Slowly he took out a knife and made short work of her clothes. Ann tried to pull her hands free but with every pull on the plastic, it gets tighter and tighter. Ann never felt such fear before She had a feeling on what he is going to do. He is going to finish what he had started last time. Greg slowly descended towards her. Ann struggles as Greg comes nearer. She tried kicking out at him and Greg in anger started slapping her around.

Stage bathroom

Spencer couldn't believe how hot they all looked. Especially JC. When JC had pulled his shirt up almost caressingly, Spencer almost blew his load and ran to the toilet. After jacking off in the bathroom to the images of JC sucking his cock, nibbling on his balls and others, Spencer felt tired. He wanted to take a quick bath but realized that he had left his things in the guys'room.

Spencer made his way towards the dressing room. Before entering, he could head someone muffled crying and screams from inside. He peeked his head in and saw Ann being raped by Greg. Spencer retreated. He could recognize Greg from the files that were given to them. He knew that Greg was Ann's ex-boyfriend.

'What should I do? Go inside and make an arrest or wait for him to come out and capture him then?'

'No you stupid. No wonder you don't get laid. You leave them alone. JC wouldn't want her after this and you will get the chance that you wanted.' Spencer's selfish self said to himself.

Spencer thought of all the times that he had seen Ann and JC together and that side of him won. 'Yeah, she is getting what she deserves,' and with that thought in his head, he tuned out the muffled crying from his head and walked off, careful so that no one see him at the area. He made his way to the side stage where he could hear the crowd screaming loudly their favorite idol's name.

"Where were you?" asked Ray curtly. Ray never liked Spencer not because Spencer is gay but because of the way Spencer treated Ann and the other bodyguards. Spencer thought he is better than everyone else is and the way he had been acting is not professional. "The bathroom," Spencer answered, looking out at *N Sync who was performing 'It's gonna be me' and smiled as he looked at JC fondly with a knowing smile on his face.

The two groups and Britney Spears joined in a song together for the last act. They had decided to sing the quite old song, 'Let the music heal your soul' where everyone could sing a short solo.

Chris started, Always someone writes a song..with a simple sound, just song..where their feeling show..

Justin continued, How if someone feels the same..about a simple song..oh sometimes..you can hear them say

Britney joined in Music give you happiness or sadness...

Nick's turn But it also...also heals your sould...

All together Let the music heal your soul, let the music take control, let the music give you the power to move any mountains

AJ sang Always someone plays piano.. with some simple chords

Joey, So melodic...and endearing too

As they continued their turns in the song, Lance looked at Justin with love in his eyes while the others looked at each other affectionately. The crowd and the press there and then could see that whatever so called tension between the groups are next to none. All they could see are this big group of friends, doing what they love, performing.

After that song, the crowd is visibly close to tears with that touching song. All of them harmonized with each other beautifully. They screamed for encore and all of them on the stage grinned at each other as the musicians started the chords to the song 'Bye Bye Bye'. All three parties performed together and the song continued to 'Larger than Life' and then to Britney's 'What you see is what you get'.

They were exhausted when they finally went backstage. They received pats on the back from everyone as they were congratulated on an extremely well done job.

"Kevy, are there any meet-and-greet sessions?" Brian asked. Brian could barely walk, so tired was he.

"Yeah, in about fifteen minutes. So we have to freshen up quickly."

All the Backstreet Boys groaned while *N Sync and Britney laughed at them good-naturedly.

"I don't know what the rest of you are laughing at because WE two have meet-and-greet session and that includes Britney too," Lance said airily.

This is met by groans while it is the BSB's turn to poke fun at them. As they slowly walked back tiredly to their dressing rooms with their bodyguards trailing behind them, they were stopped a few times to give some signatures to some fans who had managed to sneak through the security. The groups' bodyguards didn't stop the fans from getting autographs when they saw that there were no concealed weapons.

Joey entered the room first and let out a loud gasp. That brought all the others running into the room. They were stunned at first at the sight of Ann's beaten up naked body, which was tied up on the couch. JC ran towards Ann quickly with the others in tow. He threw a towel that was lying nearby on Ann's body. He nudged Ann's face and saw her barely conscious.

"Call an ambulance! NOW!" he yelled out. That brought the others out of their stunned personas and Chris rushed to the phone to call the ambulance. Ray and Gary checked the whole room to see whether is the assailant still in the room. JC hugged Ann's body close while Geri used the small pliers in her Swiss knife to cut the metal guitar strings away. Howie bit his lip in anger when he saw the blood that was drying from the cuts on Ann's wrists while AJ walked around, not knowing what he could do. Brian stood there speechless with Nick and Kev. Britney was kneeling next to the couch, looking at Ann with sympathetic eyes.

"Ann, baby. Wake up," JC pleaded. There was no response from Ann but he could see her breathing. He had to be strong.

"How could someone do this to another human being?" Justin gritted out in anger. He couldn't believe that the beaten up person that is lying in front of him is his best friend whom he knew would never hurt another living soul for no reason. Lance comforted him by laying an arm over his shoulders. Spencer stood there uncomfortably, not knowing that Ann would be that hurt.

A knock on the door startled them.

"Meet-and-greet session in five minutes in the conference room," a voice called out.

"Shit! I forgot all about it," Kev cursed.

"So, what do we do?" Joey asked.

"We have to do it. It is our obligations to the fans," AJ answered.

"Fuck them! What about Ann? I won't leave her alone in the hospital without knowing how she is," JC shouted out, staring AJ in the eye.

AJ kept quiet and looked down.

"Okay, cool down. Your anger is not with each other," Brian reasoned out.

JC looked down too at that comment.

"Why don't we all go ahead to the meet-and-greet and make it fast. Then we will go to the hospital. One of the bodyguards will accompany Ann there," Lance said.

All of them reluctantly agreed. Spencer quickly volunteered to go to the hospital with Ann. Lance and Kev looked at Spencer weirdly because they knew that Spencer has something against Ann. 'But maybe he is trying to make up with her this way?' they both thought before agreeing to it.

As they walked out of the dressing room, the paramedics came. Ray stayed behind to tell them what had happened and asked them to inform the police too. Then Spencer and Ann were brought to St. Peter's hospital.

During the whole meet-and-greet, all the boys and Britney are noticeably out of it. Some of the fans thought them as stand offish but they all were occupied with two questions in their head; how is Ann and who had done this. JC is fidgety in his seat and he wanted nothing more than that moment to be out of *N Sync where he could be with Ann now and not here, doing his job.

St. Peter's Hospital

The police came and questioned Spencer on what had happened while Ann is in the emergency ward. He told everything he knew with some exertions here and there. The police then sat there waiting for Ann to be brought out of the emergency room because from what they had heard, nobody knew anything and the only one who could shed some light on this is Ann herself.

The Backstreet Boys, *N Sync and Britney came rushing in to the emergency waiting area. The police asked them of what they know which was pretty much what Spencer had said. JC felt a sense of d‚j… vu. Justin looked around his distastefully. He is always ending up in a hospital one way or another. The emergency ward opened.

Ann was wheeled out slowly by the attendants with the nurse and doctor by her side. The doctors motioned them to one side as Ann was brought to her ward. JC looked at Ann's retreating stretcher, wanting to follow her but also wanting to hear what the doctor has to say.

The doctor cleared her throat carefully, not knowing how to put into words what had happened to Ann. She could see that all of them are worried sick about the girl that she had been treating.

"The good news is, her bruises will fade and she will recover physically soon enough as soon as she regain consciousness,"

Everyone visibly let out a sigh while Geri and the rest of the bodyguards gave each other a small smile of relief.

"The bad news is.. I cannot guarantee the same for her mentally health. We had found some torn tissues in her vagina and came to the terms that she was.. raped numerously. Our hospital has a good physcology program, which I encourage for her to join. Most rape victims need counseling to come to terms on what had happened and I think this program could help her. I am sorry," with that the doctor left to give her statements to the police who was waiting patiently nearby.

JC had tuned out everything that was said by the doctor once he heard that Ann was raped. He slumped against the wall and Chris quickly stood next to him. JC couldn't believe how much pain Ann had experienced. The group was beyond words while Spencer still shifted around uneasily. Justin went and hugged the shell-shocked JC. Slowly all of them form a group hug of support for one another. All of them felt the pain because one of their family members is hurt. They are the only ones who Ann could call family.

After a while they released each other and walked to Ann's ward. The police had decided to come back the next day when Ann had waked up. After a few hours, most of them left to go back to the hotel to get some rest. They are taking shifts to take care of Ann. JC didn't want to leave so at last they persuaded the nurse to bring in a cot so that JC could stay the night. Lance and Justin stayed for the first shift. They had managed to persuade their bodyguards to leave them alone there because they knew that this is a time where they don't need their bodyguards shadowing them.

All of them woke up to Ann's screaming. JC rushed to the bedside and hold Ann's hand, trying to wake her up. Justin sat there rubbing his eyes while Lance was on the other side of Ann's bed. Ann started to struggle from JC and JC finally shooked her awake. When she saw who was it, she hugged him close, crying. Lance and Justin came and hugged her too. Finally she fell asleep in the warmth of their hug.

JC sat with his back at the bedpost, hugging Ann close. Justin and Lance looked on sadly. Soon JC also fell asleep. When Kev and Joey came to relieve Justin and Lance, they asked for any progress. Lance filled them in on what had happened earlier and left with Justin.

In their hotel room, Justin let out the tears that he had been holding in since the beginning of the whole incident. He couldn't cry earlier because he knew that he had to be strong for JC. Lance rocked Justin in his lap, soothing Justin. Lance let out a few tears of his own. Both of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

Britney sat in her room, not able to sleep. Brian sat knowing that Brit is worried. He sighed softly, not knowing what to do. He gently reached out and touched Britney's shoulder and she crumpled there and then. Letting out a loud wail, she cried into his chest. Brian runned his hand through her hair softly, calming her down.

AJ pounded the pillow under his head angrily. Nick knocked the door softly. AJ whipped his head up quickly.

"AJ, it's me," Nick whispered urgently. AJ went and opened the door, looking at Nick quizzically.

"I couldn't sleep and Brian is not in his room. Could I sleep here tonight?" Nick silently said. AJ opened the door wider to let Nick in. When they were younger, they were quite close because their age gap is very close. Nick lay down on the bed slowly while AJ did the same. AJ switched off the bed lights and pulled the covers over them. They fell asleep comfortably.

Howie sat in his room, drinking from the mini bar there. Chris did the same in his room. Both of them are hoping the drink could help them sleep.

Spencer lay down on his bed, shifting around uncomfortably. Frank, Howie's bodyguard gave hope of sleeping when he heard the turning and tossing on the bed next to him.

"Something bothering you?" his deep voice startled Spencer who thought Frank was asleep.


"That's a lot of turning and tossing for nothing,"

"I was just thinking,"


"What had just happened,"

"That was terrible, what had happened. I hope there will be some clues as to who did it and maybe an eye witness to prove it,"

"But then the probability of an eye witness is slim 'cos I'm sure that any eye witness would have contacted the security at once. I mean who would have let something like this happen and not do anything about it?" Frank continued. Spencer kept quiet.

"Spence, you still awake?"


"Get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us,"


Silence reigns over the room once more and Frank started to snore softly. 'Who would have let this happen and not do anything about it?' Spencer's inner voice screamed out at him repeatedly. The other voice, the selfish one screamed back saying that this is the break that he deserved and if Ann is gone, it will be all the better.' Spencer slept on that thought.

The next day

The police came and questioned Ann closely. After the long questioning, Ann was visibly worn out and after the doctor came and shoos the police away, they finally went away. Ann slumped against JC who held her hand the whole time. Ann still couldn't bring herself to look JC in the eye because she feared that she would see disgust in his eyes and also.. sympathy. The sympathy that might have been the reason he is still there for her.

JC could sense that something is wrong but then Ann wouldn't tell. He looked at the bruises on her, which looked even darker in the harsh bright light and winced. All of the others slowly walked into the room. They tried giving her a hug but when she noticeably draw back, they stopped. For once, there was a slight discomfort in the atmosphere around them. Ann knew that they knew but didn't know of what to do.

"Erm, I guess you guys knew what happened," she spoke softly. "We still love you, Ann. No doubt there. No matter what happens, we are still a family," gushed out AJ and that comment received nods all around.

"When I find out who did this, I am going to tear his balls out and make his eat it," Britney viciously said. Ann gave out a soft laugh while the others joined in at the thought of the petite singer doing just that.

"It was Greg," JC softly said.

"That bastard!" Justin gritted out angrily.

"The police is out finding for him now," JC replied while the others nodded.

"IF they don't find him, I will do it personally," Ray volunteered out behind.

"Thanks," Ann said gratefully, bestowing him a genuine smile.


They were in Kentucky for the upcoming concert. Ann had vehemously argued against going to a physcologist. They all agreed after they knew that Ann wouldn't change their mind. Kev had decided to bring all of them to meet his parents and family. Ann had noticeably withdrawn from most of the outings that they had and also from the close knit group. She doesn't talk that much anymore and there is always this lost look in her eyes that scares JC.

They reached Kev's home soon and Kev bounded out of the van that they had rented for the occasion. Brian pulled up in the other van while Ray did the same in the third van. Kev's mother, Ann stood at the porch waiting for all of them to arrive. She hugged Kev and looked at her son whom she hadn't seen for quite sometime already.

She smiled fondly at Brian who was walking up with his arms stretched out. "AUNTIE A!" he squealed out and hugged her enthusiastically. She pulled back of the almost rib crushing hug. One by one all of them hugged her except for *N Sync, Britney and Ann.

Kev's mother (since they were both named Ann, I am going to refer to her as Auntie A) took a look at the entwined hands between Lance and Justin. They stiffened but soon relaxed when she hugged them. "You two look cute together," she said softly. Kev groaned while the others laughed at Lance's blushing face.

"This must be JC, Chris, and Joey," she said, hugging them all. "How did you know?" Chris befuddle asked. "I am not that old," she answered, getting smiles all around.

"Come here you," she said to Britney who stood there shyly at the corner. Britney smiled widely and they hugged. Auntie A looked curiously at Ann who was standing some distance away as if she is observing and not a participant in it. "Hello, you must be Ann," Auntie A said softly. Ann walked over and shaked her hand softly. "Hello,"

"Come on. Let's go in before anyone spots us. I wouldn't know how to get out of that situation," Nick looked around nervously. All the 11 bodyguards are in the hotel, enjoying their time off.

All of them agreed and walked into the house to be greeted by the smell of the roasted chicken and also other salivating smells. Howie's stomach rumbled loudly, receiving good-natured laughs all around. He looked embarrassed and Auntie A ushered them to the dining room, which miraculously could fit all of them at one time. Kev's father and brother are out on business and won't be back for sometime.

Justin and Lance sneaked a kiss when Brian, Kev and Auntie A went to the kitchen to take out the food. JC looked at them sadly. He and Ann are slowly drifting apart. She wouldn't let him in to what is in her mind and was beginning to shy away from him. Ann was seated across him and wasn't joining in the conversation around her.

The police found Greg but then he denied everything and even had an alibi, an old girlfriend who claimed he was with her all the time. There wasn't any evidence that the rapist was him because he was using a condom then. In the eyes of the law, there is nothing that could be done.

Auntie A cornered Kev in the kitchen.

"Listen here, young man. Tell me what is wrong with that poor girl there?" she demanded.


"Don't you act smart with me."

Kev sighed and told his mother everything.

"That poor thing. She gotta let things out or else.."

"Mum, I don't know what to do. She is like a sister to me. I know she is hurting but she would not let me in,"

"We have to keep on trying, that is the only thing we can do,"

They brought out the food, which received a loud cheer from all of them who hadn't eaten their lunch. Auntie A keep on looking at Ann while Ann just looked straight down at her untouched plate. Justin frowned slightly at his best friend. 'She is getting thinner' he thought. Ann pushed the food around in her plate.

After the dinner, all of them helped to clean up while Auntie A brought Ann to her room.

"Child, what is wrong?"

Ann kept quiet, not wanting to talk.

"Kev told me everything already. You gotta let it out,"

"I.. can't,"

"Why not? You have this man who loves you so much. Even a blind man could see that. All you have to do is let him know how you feel inside,"

Ann gave out a bitter laugh. "He will turn away,"

"No, he won't,"

Ann just shrugged and looked away. Auntie A looked at the girl in front of her. She could see that all the hurts are still there and she is not letting it go. She stood up, leaving Ann in the room to think and walked down the stairs where she could hear Howie and Chris arguing on how to wash a plate properly.

That night, Auntie A invited them to sleep over. All of them have to share rooms to make enough space but they all agreed. All of them treated Auntie A like a really close relative already. Ann and Britney shared a room. In the four bedroomed house, it was a close fit but they managed it. Ann slept in her own bed of course while some of them slept in the living room's couch or cots on the floor while others in the remaining two rooms. Lance, Justin and Chris shared a room.

Chris had opted for the floor, saying that he doesn't need a free show in the morning from the two of them. Justin looked at Lance eagerly. They hadn't made love since Ann's incident.

"Shh, we have to be quiet," Lance pointed to Chris who was on the floor. Justin nodded earnestly and slowly pulled up Lance's shirt. With every inch of skin he bared, he kissed it and teased it with his tongue. When the shirt is finally off, Lance was writhing with pleasure. Justin paid close attention to Lance's rapidly stiffening nipples and soon Justin could also feel Lance's penis poking through the boxers he was wearing.

Justin ignored the standing penis when he removed Lance's boxers. He slowly weighed Lance's family jewels in his hands. With both of his hands, he gently yet firmly squeezed Lance's penis. Lance gave out a soft gasp. Justin brought his face near and blew on the sensitive cock head. Lance groaned softly but both of them stiffened when they heard Chris turned in his sleep.

Both of them relaxed when they made sure Chris is still asleep. Justin huskily whispered sweet nothings to Lance while stroking Lance's shaft up and down slowly teasingly, always stopping before Lance is going to cum. The head of Lance's penis is becoming quite wet from all the pre-cum. Taking pity on Lance, Justin bent down and sucked the head.

Justin placed Lance's stiff cock inside his mouth but do not tighten his lips around the shaft. Justin began a circle motion with his head. Lance's penis slided to different places in Justin's mouth as he continued the circle motion. It was driving Lance nuts.

"Just, baby!" Lance gritted out.

The hot soft mouth on Lance's cockhead was too much and he soon blew his load into Justin's awaiting mouth. Justin sucked him dry, milking every last drop. Lance lay there, body glistening with a light film of sweat covering him. Justin crawled up and kissed Lance, sharing the taste of his cum with him. Justin giggled and whispered, "I wonder whether did Chris hear that and is pretending to be asleep now or not,".

Lance lightly swatted Justin's hand and slowly groped Justin through his sweats. Justin let out a soft groan as Lance fondled him more. Lance paid the same amount of attention to Justin as Justin had done earlier if not more. Justin slowly rise to full mast as Lance's tender ministrations on his body continued.

Lance decided to give Justin head like what Justin did before. Pulling down the sweats, Lance encases the shaft of Justin's penis with his hand. Lance took Justin in his mouth by sliding his moistened tongue lovingly over the head until his lips close around the shaft. Justin started to push up his penis into Lance's mouth even more but then Lance stopped him by placing his hands on Justin's hips.

Lance withdrew, getting soft protests from Justin. When Lance brought out the lube from the drawer, Justin quietened. Lance applied a generous amount of lube on his rosebud. Then he put a condom on Justin and lubing it too to provide easy access.

Lance sat up and looked down at Justin in the dark. He gave Justin a long kiss and slowly guided Justin in. The initial pain passes soon enough and was replaced by pleasure. Justin waited for Lance to adjust to his size before starting to push into the awaiting hole. Lance slowly rides Justin while pinching Justin's tender nipples with his fingers. Lance let out a gasp everytime Justin's penis hits his sensitive prostate.

The sound of wet skin slapping against skin soon filled the room. They couldn't stop themselves for even a hurricane. Soon Justin came inside of Lance and he pulled on Lance's penis at the same time, which causes Lance to erupt for the second time that night. Lance cummed over Justin's chest and fell on Justin tiredly.

"SHUT UP YOU TWO! I am trying to get some sleep!" Chris yelled out irritatedly, pulling the covers over his head. Justin and Lance giggled and fell asleep soon after that in each other's arms.

The next day, Chris looked at them weirdly. The two of them keep on giggling.

"Wait a minute. Did or didn't you two do it last night?"

"You are not sure?" Lance asked surprised.

"Hehe..I was kinda..you know..half asleep," Chris answered sheepishly. Justin and Lance burst into laughter again and Chris walked off with his red face. Brian walked into the room, passing Chris. "What's with his face?" he asked them which only caused them to laugh even more. Brian shooked his head and walked to the kitchen to get some OJ.

JC stopped by Ann's and Britney's room to wake them up. When he opened the door, Britney let out a squeal because she was in the midst of changing. He closed the door, embarrassed.

"Is Ann there?"

"Nope, she left already,"

"Okay, and sorry about earlier,"

"No biggie," the muffled reply was heard.

JC stomped down the stairs to bump into the half asleep AJ.

"Is Ann downstairs?"

"Nope," AJ continued his ascent up the stairs.

JC looked puzzled as he entered the kitchen where most of them are gathered. "What's with that look?" asked Nick who was stuffing his face with the pancakes Auntie A is making.

"Ann is not here. Did she tell you guys where she went?"


Britney ran down the stairs. "JC! Her stuff are gone," she breathlessly said. "WHAT?" all the rest yelled.

JC ran up to check what Britney had said and realized that it was true. Then he checked his cellular phone for messages. There was one.

"JC, I don't know how to do this except this way. You won't let me go because you feel obliged. I don't know how to face life with what had happened and I don't think it is right to drag you into my mess so I decide to leave. Forget about me. I won't be going back to Singapore. Maybe Switzerland or England will be a nice place to get lost in.."

JC stood there with his mouth fell wide open.

Next: Chapter 11

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