Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on Apr 21, 2000


Part 8! =) thankz for still reading..=P, anyway, wanna say hie to Jonathan..my new found fren who just happens to have so much in common with me..Kor Kor..=) and to all others, HIE! A note to Raymond...WHERE ARE YOU??!!! I am waiting to hear from you..

This story is only a part of my imagination and have no connection what so ever to the actual people..thankz

All like/hate e-mails to melsleepy@hotmail.com, Jade...okie..get on with the story.

I probably won't be posting any new series for sometime due to exams..and also..wish me lotsa luck..i am gonna take my driving exams! =)

Mirror Mirror 8 --------------- Previously:

"It seems like everything is back to normal again," Lance said to Justin as he massaged Justin's tense shoulders tightly. Justin sat up on the bed, looking at Lance.

JC held Ann close to him when he slept on the couch. Britney is sleeping in his bunk. Ann lay there awake, thinking of Greg. Suddenly the bus shooked and Ann heard a crunching sound. The bus toppled and she screamed, holding JC close. All of them woke up at her screaming and the bus overturned. Ann saw the buses' window breaking in as they slided on the road. A large piece of glass came hurling towards her and JC. Ann looked at it, panicked but pushed JC out of the way just in time. She blacked out as the glass struck her.


aNd nOW On witH thiS paRt

"Latest news report. There had been an accident involving the JIVE babies, the BSB, *N Sync and Britney Spears on the way to their next concert venue, Illinois. We will keep you informed,"

Greg switched off the MTV news, a bit stunned. 'Ann..' He ran towards the phone directory in his hotel room and searched for hospitals around that area. When he finally found one that he thinks they might be at, he ran towards his rental car, not bothering to check out of the hotel.

Kev and Britney sat outside the emergency lounge, anxious about the conditions of those who were still inside. Both of them are the best of the lot with only a couple of bruises here and there. JC is pacing the floor, wincing from time to time from the bruise on his left side. Lance has a twisted ankle while Nick has a broken arm. Brian stood nearby, with a cast on his leg.

Joey has a couple of broken ribs and he grimaced when the painkillers started to wear off. AJ has a slight concussion and had to stay for observation much to his distress while Howie sat there, thinking. Other than the twisted wrist, he is okay.

"Damn, we are still waiting for Chris, Justin and.. we don't need to handle with the press yet," Kev shouted into the cellular phone.

"FINE," he hung up and faced them.

"Let's go,"

Kev moved JC towards the direction of the hospital entrance where the press had gathered. He often marveled on where do they get their information so fast on where they are, but today is not the day. They stood in front of the entrance, trying to get the press to quiet down. "QUIET PLEASE," Lance shouted, silencing everyone effectively.

"Thank you. As you all know, we were involved in an accident earlier. We would like to thank you all for your concern and please don't worry. We will take questions now," he continued.

"How did the accident happen?"

"We don't know yet,"

"Why are all of you in the same bus?"

"We are all good pals. We thought that it will be a good time to bond with each other after the long absence," Kev replied.

"Where is Justin and Chris?"

Tears started to stream down Lance's cheeks. Joey and Howie stood close to him, giving him comfort.

"They are still in ER," Brian spoke up from behind Kevin.

"We had news that a girl covered in blood was carried out of the wreck. Who is she?"

JC stared at that reporter, not able to mouth any words. He kept thinking back on the sight of Ann covered in blood in front of him. Brian slung his arm around JC in comfort.

"SHE is one of my dancers and had agreed to keep me company in the bus. THANKS for asking how she is," Britney gritted out sarcastically, coming to his rescue.

The press started to attack Britney.

"Is it true that you are in the bus to keep Justin company?"

"THAT IS NOT AT ALL RELEVANT TO THE MATTER AT HAND. How dare you ask me this when Justin is still lying there in ER with god knows what is his fate," Britney almost screamed. Kev placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to placate her. "Calm down," Nick said softly, coming up beside her.

"We will keep you all up-to-date," and with that, all of them left the entrance, leaving the security to deal with the press. Britney broke down crying in Kev's arm, feeling helpless. Soon they sat outside the ER again.

"LEAVE my head alone you old horse,"

All of them smiled when they recognized Chris's voice yelling curses at the nurse inside.

"Don't you come near me you f**king witch,"

"MR. KIRKPATRICK! If you want to lie there bleeding to death, be my guest. BUT I have a job to do," an equally loud voice was heard saying.

Soon Chris appeared with five stitches in his head and a large bump on his cheekbone. They all snickered at him while he glowered. "What, I don't like needles," he gave an excuse. After much persuasion from Kev and Britney, Joey, Chris, Howie, Brian, Nick and AJ went back to their wards to get some rest. JC slumped against the wall with his head in his hands.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked.

"NO, I am not okay...how can I be when she is lying in there just because of me,"

"What do you mean?"

"That glass was meant for me, NOT HER,"

" JC, you can't say that. Everything is fated,"

JC sat there with anger, and fear in his eyes.

"Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you.." Lance started praying with JC following in suit. Kev and Britney joined in, trying to remember all the words. All of them prayed that their friends inside would survive.

Britney soon fell asleep against Lance from exhaustion. Lance stared at JC, not knowing what will happen if Ann is not okay. Kev was calling his bandmates's family, assuring them that their sons are okay.

After a while, the doors opened. JC sprang up, rushing towards the doctor. It was Justin. JC let out a sigh of relief when he saw his bestfriend doing okay. Lance stood next to JC, thanking the Lord because he gets to be with Justin for another day more. "How is he," Lance croaked out with emotion. "He will be fine. We just needed some blood transfusion just now but now he is doing just fine," the doctor smiled when he saw all their faces break out in smiles. Lance followed Justin to his ward, promising JC to return soon. Britney who had woke up also follow suit.

"Doctor, how is the girl?" JC quietly asked with dread. "She is still under operation. The glass had punctured her right kidney. Her body had rejected the drugs so far. I am sorry but you will have to prepare for the worst," the doctor returned to the ER.

JC sat there, stunned. 'Don't die. I still need you,' Kev looked at JC, afraid of the empty look in his eyes. 'Ann, we need you,' After a few more hours, the doors opened once again. By then JC had lost almost all hope. He walked towards the stretcher, hope lost in every step he took. Kev too walked slowly there while Lance sat there anticipating, still praying. JC fell to his knees, crying from relief when he saw Ann still breathing, slowly but steadily. The doctor nodded to Kev's questioning look.

"We almost lost her but then she pulled through. If she survived tonight, she will be okay,"

JC glanced at Ann's pale face and her hair around her face. She looks like she is sleeping, peaceful and serene. "Don't worry about the stitches on her stomach too because the scar will fade in time," the doctor said before returning to his office for a strong cup of coffee. Kev then went to check on his boys while Lance did the same.

Ann's ward

JC sat next to Ann, holding her hand in his. "You can't die on me,Ann. I won't let you. I still have a lot of things that I want to do with you. I want to see the sunrise with you, hold you in my arms, make you laugh, kiss all your tears away...." JC lay his head down on his arm, crying.

Justin's ward

"Lance?" Justin woke up, calling out softly. Lance rushed to his side, smiling down at Justin.

"Yes, babe?"

Lance bent and kissed Justin with relief and passion.

"How are the others?"

"They are all okay, all okay,"

"How about Ann? She was all covered in blood..I couldn't live if I know that she is hurt..." broke off Justin.

"She is okay. She is in a ward nearby," Lance lied through his teeth, praying that she is indeed okay.

Justin accepted his explanation.

"Scoop, I love you,"

"I love you too,"

After a lot of prodding from Justin, Lance agreed to lie down beside Justin, cuddling both of them into a well-deserved sleep.

Greg slowly made his way towards Ann's ward. He finally managed to charm the night-shift nurse to give him her ward number. His phone beeped once and he quickly picked up.


"Where are you?" the voice hissed out.

"I am at the hospital,"

"What the heck do you think you are doing? Arranging that accident?! My BOYFRIEND COULD BE HURT," the person screamed.

"IT wasn't me,"

"What? Don't lie to me,"

"ANN WAS THERE too. Why would I want her hurt?"

The person on the other side thinks slowly. "Make sure that you do your job," and hung up. Greg slipped into another ward when he saw Kev walking towards his direction.

It was finally 8 am when Kev had checked on everyone. He walked to Ann's ward to check on her and found JC asleep there. "Wake up, Ann. He needs you," Kev then walked to Brian's room to check on him and fell asleep there.

Justin woke up to the sunlight that streamed in from the partially opened curtains. He glanced towards the couch and Britney was not there anymore. He saw the note on the table next to them saying that she had went and checks on the others. A quick glance at the door assured Justin that it was locked.

Lance was having an extremely exciting wet dream. In his dream, Justin was sucking his shaft furiously and was working his hand around his balls. The hot moist mouth felt realistic. Justin's tongue swirled around Lance's penis softly. Lance could feel his balls tightened, a sure sign that he is about to cum. Lance pulled Justin's head and thrust into his mouth to the hilt. Justin yelled out in pain.

Lance's eyes flew open and saw Justin sitting at the foot of the bed, glaring at Lance, rubbing his head gingerly. Justin has a big bump at the back of his head where Lance had accidentally prodded. Lance couldn't stop his burst of laughter at the situation.

"Fine, you slowly wait for the day I give you another head,"

Justin sulked there but it only lasted a while when Lance tickled him, making him laugh. The sad puppy look on Lance's face was also too much for Justin to handle.

The door was knocked, startling both of them. Lance pulled up his pants while Justin pretended to be asleep.

"OPEN UP ALREADY. Stop going for it like bunnies," Nick growled from the other side, getting laughter from Lance and Justin. Lance opened the door and Nick, Howie, Joey and Chris walked in. "Let's get Justin going. We are going to visit Ann and the others are already on the way there,"

JC woke up, lost for the moment on where he is. When he saw the still unconscious Ann, he remembered everything. He sang a song that he heard before.

Isn't it funny

How time seems to slip away so fast

One minute you're happy, the other you're sad

But if you give me one more chance,

To show my love is true

I'll stand by your side, your whole life through

He couldn't continue anymore and just laid his head on the bed. All of them looked in from the doorway in tears from the simple song, which had touched their hearts. It was already morning, it was a good sign that Ann might just live but when will she be conscious again is another matter. Justin hugged Lance while Brian stood there with help on his crutches from Kev and Nick.

"God, why did you do this to this girl. What had she done to warrant this?" Kev asked softly. To his amazement, he saw Ann's fingers moving slowly towards JC's hands. AJ smiled broadly while Chris nudged Britney's bent head towards the ward. Ann heard JC singing to her. She didn't want him to stop but she couldn't move her lips to say the words. "Don't ...sto..p," she croaked out, laying her hand on JC's. JC's head jerked up to see Ann looking down at him tenderly. He hugged her, his tears turned to tears of happiness and relief.


Although the concert was not as fast paced as their previous ones, *N Sync and BSB still get a lot of cheers and screams. Britney performed her dance routines perfectly. The partially disabled boyband members glared at her as she kept on purposely flaunt her dancing skills in front of them.

Britney started to sing the song 'Sometimes' while Ann and JC looked on from the side. JC hugged Ann from behind, laying his head on her shoulders, breathing in the shampoo she had used. She had recovered slowly but steadily. Other than some pain in her side from time to time, she was okay.

"Lance, we have a problem," Kev said to Lance in the dressing room when the others are in the make up room. Lance turned around and looked at Kev seriously.

"The bus's brake lines were cut,"

"WHAT!" Lance sat there, thinking slowly. "We gotta tell the others," he then said.

"Yes, later on," Kev agreed.

"JC, hurry up you slow coach," Ann teased, running ahead into the parked bus. Chris smiled at the two of them bickering and continued his conversation with the person he was seeing. "Yes, Sarah. I got to go now," he whispered when he saw Joey urging him to hurry up.

"Group meeting," Kev announced, leading everyone to the game room, which also served as the meeting room. Ann sat between JC's legs, her arms resting on his knees with Justin doing the same with Lance. Britney laid her head on Nick's lap, ignoring the death look from Nick. Brian eased himself slowly on the couch, still not used to the crutches.

"The repair shop called earlier. They reported that the brakes were cut,"

They sat there in silence, thinking over what Kevin had said. "Great, a maniac in his mission to kill us. What else do we need?" Chris dramatically said, slumped against the couch. The tension was broken then.

"The management will be employing more security guards and personal bodyguards for us. They will be with us everytime and everywhere. I expect all of you to give your cooperation,"

"Scoop, must we?" Joey blinked his eyes innocently.

"Yes, it is for your safety as much as mine. It won't be easy but we will be safer,"

'Could it be Greg? He did this before, will he do it again?' Ann silently thought. JC nudged Ann, wanting to know what she is thinking about. She just smiled absently to him. 'If it is Greg, the accident is all my fault'

"Scoop, what about JC and Ann?" Britney asked.

"Yeah, will the security know about them and you and Justin?" added Chris.

Lance and Kevin frowned slightly. Justin looked at the floor sadly.

"I think it is best that we tell them straight for the beginning so that there will not be any surprises for both sides. About their silence, the management will take care of it," Kevin finally replied, looking straight at Lance and Justin.

They all agreed. "Hoo boy, we are in for a long and tiring run," AJ exclaimed.

"They will be joining us in Indiana. There are one bodyguard each, except Ann,"

"Wow, I feel like Whitney in the 'Bodyguard'," joked Brian.

"No, no. Like the President of the USA," retorted JC.


All of them sat there as if waiting for their death sentence. They looked at Kev who just shrugged and sat there waiting with them. The ten bodyguards should be arriving sometime soon. Kev handed each of them a profile of their personal bodyguards. The special thing about their bodyguards is that they are young but as efficient as any high-paid ones. Their young looks enable them to blend in the crowd to avoid arousing any suspicion.

Britney looked at the profile in front of her. Her bodyguard's name is Geri and is 24 years of age. She stared at the serious face staring back at her and grimaced. Nick wailed out suddenly.

"Why must I get him?"

"What are you wailing about?" Chris asked.

"Look at MY bodyguard. He looks soooo serious. I won't be able to have any fun,"

"Is that all?" said Lance exasperated.

"Well, I don't want a huffy hissy serious person," Nick replied sulkily.

"Do you want to be safe or have fun?"

Nick kept quiet, pouting.

The door to the studio opened slowly. One by one their bodyguards walked in. Justin's bodyguard, Ray frowned when he saw Justin and Lance holding hands there. Kev's eyes narrowed slightly. All of them make acquaintance with their bodyguards. Joey looked at Geri appreciably, taking in her great body and looks. While all of them are socializing, JC was waiting for Ann to arrive. His bodyguard noticed his lack of attention.

"What? Sorry, I didn't hear you," JC admitted sheepishly when Spencer snapped his fingers in front of JC. Spencer smiled back at JC and stared at JC's profile carefully. 'He is definitely good-looking. Stop it..he is your client and what are the odds that he will fall for you?' Spencer thought to himself. JC caught Spencer staring at him and looked at him questionably. Spencer blushed slightly and looked down quickly. JC recognize the sign of a telltale crush.

"Erm, to put things in the open. I have a girlfriend," JC said softly. Spencer's heart felt like leaden and he nodded slightly. JC picked up his cellular and called the hotel. After not getting any reply, he tried Ann's cellular phone but it wasn't on. Nearby, all the others are getting along well with their appointed bodyguards except for Ray with Lance and Justin.

Exasperated with the cold shoulder Ray is giving them, Lance and Justin ignored him. Kev saw what was happening and slowly proceeded towards Ray, motioning all of them to keep quiet.

"Okay, I think it is best that everything is brought out to the open if we were to work with each other for the next few weeks,"

The bodyguards all nodded.

"As you all can see, Justin and Lance are involved in a relationship. No matter what you think of the issue, it is between them and you are to TREAT them with every speck of respect. Understand?"

Ray just stared straight at Kev, unblinking.

"JC is involved with someone at the moment. She will be coming here in a while. AJ and Howie is dating someone while the rest of us are still unattached,"summarized Kev.

None of the bodyguards have any problem with it. They talked about their concert and about everything in between. They treated one another like friends more than clients and employers. Spencer found himself falling more and more for JC while Ray slowly unwind.

At the hotel

Ann quickly brushed her hair and grabbed her watch. She glanced at it once and cursed under her breath. She was supposed to be at the studio area two hours ago. She had lost track of time when she was in the swimming pool. She was half-way out of the door when she remembered that she had forgotten to take her hotel key. She back-tracked to the desk and grabbed the key and the cellular phone that was next to it.

As she rushed to the hotel lift, she bumped into someone. Towels and toilet paper rolls flew everywhere. 'Damn,' she cursed again. "Sorry," she apologized to the guy standing in front of her. The guy just smiled and picked all of them up. She knelt down beside him and started to pick them up too. When she returned a towel to him, her fingers brushed against his hand. She felt an electricity jolt run through her veins. Both of them stared at each other stunned.

A door to the right of them opened, shaking them out of their position on the floor. She just murmured another sorry and continued to the lift, putting what had happened behind her. The guy stared at her leaving, still thinking of what had happened earlier. 'Is she the one?'

She burst into the studio room, startling everyone.

"So sorry...I know I know. I am late but then there was this really huge traffic jam and then the cab charged me soooo much that I had had to pick a quarrel with him. And not only that, I had some trouble coming into her when some security guards which I think are new refused to let me in. I finally crept in through the back entrance and then had to run all the way here to avoid the bullies,"

All 22 of them stared at her amazed by how she managed to say everything in one breath.

"Even if all you said had happened, it wouldn't take you FIVE hours to get here from the 20 minutes away hotel," Joey laughed. JC looked at Ann, relief that she was okay. He had been out of his mind worrying for the past hour.

"Okay, okay. I admit it. I was swimming and forgot about the time too,"

Nick snickered, getting a death stare from Ann and quickly silenced himself. All of the bodyguards had somehow positioned themselves in front of the artists, an instinct practiced on all the time.

JC came forward and hugged Ann. "Next time, CALL me if you are going to be that late," he reprimanded him.

"Yeah, you better do that. Do you know if you were here another minute late, he is going to call the police already," added Howie.

"Don't bluff," Ann looked at JC who pretended to be innocent. "Really?" all of them except JC who was blushing nodded. "How sweet," Ann kissed JC once on the lips lightly.

The bodyguards had summarized that the cheerful girl in front of them is JC's girlfriend. Spencer looked at the girl, trying to see what is so special about her. He couldn't help but feel bitter about her, the girl who had JC. Chris introduced her to all of them. She shook their hands, memorizing their names at the same time. When she came to Spencer with her hands outstretched, Spencer glared at her and pretended to be busy with something else, walking away. She stood there blankly.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Lance shrugged, staring at Spencer. JC knew that Spencer somehow don't like Ann. He hoped that they could get together cause he will be spending a lot of time with Ann and Spencer will be there too as his bodyguard.

Next: Chapter 9

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