Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on Apr 9, 2000


Finally Part 6..didn't know that it will reach here..=) anyway a big shout out to Raymond Flores, Elisheva, AJ Shukla (the awesome writer of Josh and Just) Nik nik, Jilly and others who had e-mail me..a Big THANKZ 4 supporting my story. Send all comments to melsleepy@hotmail.com and I'll try to reply all of it..=)

This story is only real in my imagination and hopefully in imagination of others who read this story. It have no connection what so ever to the real celebrities..=)

Mirror Mirror Part 6 -------------------- Previously :

"FINE! See if I care," JC shouted out and stomped out of the room. "JC, I want to tell you but if I do, you will end up hurt," Ann murmured to herself sadly. 'Greg, why do you still keep on making my life miserable even when I had found someone who makes my life complete.'

After entering the suite, she made her way to JC's room. She knocked softly but after getting no answer, she opened the door. She couldn't make out the figure in the dark and started to walk closer. At that moment, the moon began to come out from its hiding place behind the dark clouds and a stream of moonlight shined on the bed. The sight stopped her and she closed her mouth with her hand to avoid her soft scream be heard. JC was lying there naked, cuddled to Nick who was equally naked.

AnD fOr this paRt..

Tears came to her eyes. 'How could he do this to me? He's gay?' Ann walked out of the room as quietly as she went in and went out of the suite. She used the lift down to the lobby and went to look at the hotel map. She then proceeded to the swimming pool, which is on the highest floor, and sat at the poolside, looking into the water which is rippling softly. Her tears had long stopped already. She had cried in this month more than she had ever cried before and she felt really tired of crying.

She stared at the calm water, thinking of what had happened in these two months. She shouldn't have run here to Justin's place the moment she received the call from Lynn just to escape Greg's hold on her. 'I must be strong' she thought as she walked to the edge of the building. 'How did he find me in the first place?' she said aloud, sitting down at the edge, looking at the city moving along below her.


"She is still not giving in yet," Greg said into the phone. "You make sure she goes back to Singapore. I don't want her hanging around the *N Sync boys," a high tone voice replied snappily.

"Of course I want her back here. I loved her and she belongs to me and not any albino rat there,"

"Don't call my boyfriend an albino rat!"

"Fine, but I need some cash to go over there,"

"Okay, I will send someone around your place with tickets to Nashville. That is the next concert venue. I will try to get you the concert ticket and plane ticket for Washington DC if I can"


"Remember this. I am the one who told you where is she and paid you to get her back. Wait for my call and do your job" the woman hang up the phone. Greg stared at the phone and slammed it down. "Stupid bitch," he muttered. 'Ann, you are mine whether you accept it or not. We will always be together. If you don't come back to me, you know what will happen,' he thought and smiled evilly. He looked at the picture that was taken one year ago. It was of him and Ann. Both of them were laughing and hugging each other in the photo.

Back in the suite, Washington

"Why can't I see anything?" wailed out AJ.

"Take off your sunglasses, stupid," hissed Joey who is carrying Chris who was already half-asleep.

"Hey, I can see again. Wait, did you call me stupid?"

"YES, I did,"gritted out Joey exasperated.

"Oh kay, I am stupid, I am stupid," AJ sing songed at the top of his lungs. Kevin closed AJ's mouth before he could wake up Ann, Nick and JC. Lance was trying to find the light switch for the suite while Justin sat on the floor. Brian and Howie are both still at the club, dancing the night away. Lance had already clued Justin in on what had happened earlier in the club. "Both of them asleep already?" Lance asked Kevin.

"I have a bad feeling guys," Justin whispered to Lance and Kevin. He then stood up.

"I am going to check on Ann,"

He walked to Ann's dark room and opened it. The room was dark but he could see that the bed is still not slept in yet. 'Sleeping with JC already?' he thought mischievously. Justin returned to the now lighted suite and sat down next to Lance and Kevin who was waiting for him. Joey is carrying Chris to his room. AJ though had passed out on the couch.

"She is not in her room," hinted Justin. "What? Already sleeping with JC?" Lance whispered surprised. Kevin smiled. Joey returned then with a worried look.

"I passed Nick's room just now and the door was open. He is not there," Joey told them.

"What? But he returned here with JC," Kevin muttered, thinking of where Nick would be.

Justin gets the bad feeling in his gut again. He stood up again and now he went to JC's room with Lance following him. He opened the door and gasped. Lance pushed Justin aside to look into the room and his mouth fell open. 'Nick and JC?!' they both thought. Kevin walked over to where the two of them stand, stunned. "What's wrong?" he asked and then shouted, "NICK? JC?" Joey by then realized what had happened.

"Shit, where is Ann then?" he asked Justin who is still staring at JC and Nick's naked bodies dumbly.

"Damn, she came back here earlier to check on JC. You think she saw?" asked Kevin.

"Hmm? What's going on?" Nick asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily while JC turned in his sleep. He saw Justin and Lance still standing there staring at him and then looked down at himself. "SHIT!" he grabbed the covers and pulled over him. Justin and Lance left, leaving Nick dressing himself. Soon he came out, looking at all of them.

"You wait!" Kevin said sternly to Nick who looked like a small boy who was scolded by his teacher. "Where do you think she will be at?" he asked Justin. "She likes water, swimming pool," Justin then ran towards the door to make his way to the pool that he had seen earlier when he was exploring the hotel.

"Explain," Lance said looking at Nick who wished he were anywhere else but in this suite. "We were drunk, okay? I mean, he started kissing me and damn, he is a hot looking guy. Of course I kissed him back," Nick babbled out, scared of the cold stares at him from Lance and Kev.

Joey was in JC's room, trying to wake him up. Finally Joey carried JC into the bathroom and sprays cold water on him. JC jumped up startled, trying to defend himself from the cold water. "SHIT! WHAT IS GOING ON!" he yelled out. Joey grimly switched off the showerhead and stared at JC. "Get dressed," he muttered. JC shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs and to reorient himself. 'What is going on? Why am I naked?' JC asked himself as he wiped himself dry and went and put on a pair of jeans and sweatshirt. 'Who undressed me?' he asked himself again.

He walked out and saw Kev grilling Nick about something. "What's going on guys?" he asked them groaning when his head throbbed. Joey tossed him some Tylenol and sat there staring at JC again, thinking about how is Justin doing with Ann.

"How could you do this? If from anyone else, I wouldn't be so surprised, but JC?" Lance yelled at him, not caring that JC's head ached with every word. "Did what?" JC asked.


At that moment, Brian and Howie walked into the suite. "What?" Brian gasped. JC stared at Joey uncertainty, "Really?"

"YES, according to Nick, you two were drunk and then you two slept together. How could you do this?" Kevin now added his piece. Brian put two and two together. He walked towards Nick and dragged Nick with him into his room. "Why?" is the only word that came out of his mouth when he looked at Nick.

"What do you mean why? We were drunk. We didn't know what we were doing," Nick tried to lie to Brian.

"BULLSHIT! I saw you when you left the club. HE was drunk but YOU are sober,"

"I don't know what you are talking about,"

"You set this whole thing up from the beginning. For once, think of other people's feelings instead of your own,"

Brian left Nick there to think about his actions and joined the others in the suite. JC was bewildered and couldn't remember what had happened. He tried to go and find Ann but Kev stopped him saying that he should give Ann time. Brian looked at JC's worried and also astonished face. "Erm, guys," he waited for others to silence. After he told them what really happened, Joey and JC rushed to Nick's room, wanting to beat Nick up but Lance stopped them.

"It won't do any good," JC collapsed on the floor, sobbing dry tears, thinking of how could he have done that.

Pool Side

Justin let out the breath that he had been keeping for the past few minutes when he finally saw Ann sitting there, looking down. 'Shit, don't tell me she is going to jump,' he ran towards Ann. 'Who is that?' he thought when he saw someone walking towards Ann slowly from the other direction. The person was dressed in all black and was quite short but Justin couldn't see the person's figure because he was dressed heavily.

"ANN! WATCH OUT!" he yelled when he saw the person in black coming towards her with his hands out stretched. Ann turned around at the sound of Justin's voice and screamed as she was pushed off the edge of the building. The person in black ran to the door when Justin ran towards them. "Ann?" he screamed, lying on the floor, looking over the edge.

Ann looked up at him wearily, barely standing on the small ledge at the side of the buildings and her fingers clawed into the stone frames. "Grab my hand," Justin yelled, stretching his hand forward. Ann tried to grab some foothold with her sneakers and she couldn't find any leverage. She slowly tried to climb up the stone ledges, glad that the building has quite a few bricks protruding out. She grabbed Justin's hand and Justin pulled her up slowly.

Finally both of them were on solid ground and Justin hugged Ann close, relieved that his best friend is still alive. His heart almost stopped when the mysterious person pushed Ann over. "Who is that person? I WILL KILL HIM!" Justin furiously said. Ann could feel her heart beating hard in her chest and tried to breathe slowly.

"Let's go back to the suite," Justin pushed Ann towards the door and Ann resisted, sitting there.

"I can't face JC now,"

"Why not?"

"I couldn't see him and not remember about him and Nick lying there naked,"

"Ann, let him explain. I am sure that he didn't do it on purpose," Justin explained wincing, 'Shit, how lame did that sound, he didn't do it on purpose?'

"Even if he is drunk but.."

"Ann, you have to face him sooner or later,"

"Just, let us stay here just a while longer. Please," Ann begged Justin who slowly nodded. He looked around worried that the mysterious person will appear again.

"JC's gay?"

"No, he is bisexual,"

"He never told me that," she said softly.

Soon Ann's breath slowed as she fell asleep, lying in Justin's arms. 'Who is that person and why did he or she wants Ann dead?' Justin's thoughts are racing into one another.

"She's asleep?" Joey asked Justin, startling Justin. "JEEZ, you scared the shit out of me,"

"You didn't come back for so long and we were getting worried,"

Justin nodded and told Joey of what had happened earlier. Joey gaped in shock.


"Shh, she is asleep,"

"We should report this to the police,"

"But we have no proof,"

"We'll discuss this with Scoop and see what happens," Joey plopped down beside Justin. "So what do we do with her?"

"Let's just stay here till she wakes,"

"Okay, YAWN.. I am so tired," Joey muttered, stretching and resting his head on his arm. Soon Joey was also asleep with Justin's thigh as his pillow. "What am I? A human bed?" Justin muttered to himself, looking at Ann and Joey. Justin finally lost the battle and fell asleep too, leaning back on the pillar.

Lance and Kev appeared at the poolside, seeing the threesome there sleeping and smiled. They sat there and talked about what to do with the current situation.

"Scoop, we just gotta let them make their own paths,"

"I don't want Ann and JC to keep on hurting,"

"Let it go. All we can do is give support to both of them whatever they decides,"

"Okay, but it doesn't mean a certain fairy god-father can't meddle in a few small things here and there," Lance grinned at Kev who also grinned back.

"JC, go and sleep. You need your rest," Howie soothed JC who was walking up and down the hallway.

"How can I go and sleep when I don't know whether is Ann okay or not?"

"Trust me, JC. I am sure that she is with Kev and the rest of the guys," Brian now added.

JC admitted that it is most likely true and returned to his own room. He saw his silk black shirt lying on the floor, which Nick had previously discarded and felt like pounding Nick to the ground. However he knew that it is also his fault and he shouldn't only blame Nick. JC walked into Ann's adjoining room, thinking of what Ann must be feeling right now. He know that he had walked into a room with Ann and some other guy laying there naked, he would have surely blow up. He fell asleep lying down on Ann's unslept cold bed.

Ann woke up to the feeling of being held close by someone. She looked up and saw Justin's sleeping face, slightly smiling in his sleep. She smiled and then frowned again when she remembered what had happened yesterday with JC and also her almost death experience. Justin stirred slowly, shaking Joey. He smiled at Ann sleepily and pushed Joey off his dead leg. Joey groaned and continued sleeping. Ann massaged Justin's leg softly, knowing which pressure point to press because she had given Justin many massages when Justin joined the basketball team which had given him a lot of muscle strain when they were younger.

Justin smiled his gratefulness and stood slowly. He saw Lance and Kev sitting at the nearby lounge chairs sleeping. He crept up on Lance, giving him a kiss. Lance's eyes flew opened and he relaxed when he saw it was Justin. "Eww, morning breath," Justin said with twinkling eyes. "You are the one with morning breath," Lance retorted smiling. "It's too early for all of your mushiness," Kev said huskily. "You're just jealous," Justin sticks out his tongue at Kev who just did the same back. Lance shook his head at the childish antics of his fellow bandmates.

The whole group went back to the suite after Ann finally woke Joey up. She did it by pushing Joey into the pool and Joey had sputtered up indignantly while the others laughed aloud. Joey squished in his shoes miserably while glaring at Ann the whole time. Deep inside, he was glad that Ann didn't seem that upset about JC.

They opened the silent suite and saw Brian and Howie asleep on the couch, AJ on the floor with JC and Nick out of sight. Brian woke up upon hearing the door open and sighed with relief when he saw Ann with them. He ran towards her and gave her a hug. "Don't ever do that again, I was sooooo worried," he whispered in her ear and she nodded, accepting the hug.


Ann turned towards the door and saw JC looking at her with relief. She stared at him hard and then looked away, not saying a word. JC's smallest hope that she didn't see everything plummet to the ground. She brushed past him and went to the bathroom to shower. JC looked at the others standing there for help but they just looked at him, urging him to explain to Ann.

"Ann?" The shower was running.

"I know that you can hear me. It is all my fault, I know. I still love you. Whatever that had happened last night, I was drunk. I didn't even remember what had happened. If you don't believe it, you can ask Brian. Nick got me drunk and then somehow get me to sleep with him," JC said to the door, listening for some sounds of acknowledgment from behind the door.

Ann sat behind the door, listening to what was said. She smiled sadly, "JC, maybe this is for the best," she whispered. "We are not meant to be,"

"Ann, please..just give me one more chance to fix things up. I don't think I can live without you. I know that you will think that I am just quoting lines from the movie but this is true. You COMPLETE me," JC sobbed to the door. Ann wanted to open the door and tell JC that everything is okay but her hand felt like lead. Ann finally stood up and opened the door. JC stood there looking at her with red puffy eyes. He enveloped her in his arms. Ann wanted to forget everything and start a new life but she can't let herself escape reality. She drew back and JC's arms dropped to his sides.

"Ann, please, forgive me? Shout at me, hit me but don't stare at me with those hurt eyes. They are breaking my heart," JC whispered, looking into Ann's clear ash grey eyes with was shining with tears. "I..I need time. I can't forgive you, not just yet. The hurt is still there," she mumbled out, pushing past him and he caught her arm. "Ann, I.." Ann pulled her arm away and walked into the suite. JC stood there motionless. 'No matter what, I must undo all this,' he whispered to himself, determined.

Justin had clued the others in on the attempt on Ann's life. Kevin wanted to report it to the police but then Ann stubbornly said no.

"It probably is just an accident,"

"ANN! If it is an accident, why would that person run away?"

"Maybe he is just afraid that people will accuse him of trying to kill someone?"

"YOU and me know that it is bullshit," Justin yelled out, waking up Howie and AJ.

"I am not going to the POLICE,"

"Ahh, you are IMPOSSIBLE!" Justin spat out, going back into his room with Lance. "Why don't you want to go to the police?" Joey asked. "Just cause," she answered stubbornly. Joey then retreated to get a well-deserved hot shower while Kev catched up on his beauty sleep. AJ and Howie returned to their rooms to continue their sleep.

Concert Venue, 5.00 pm

"AJ, that is not called DANCING!!!! MOVE YOUR BUTTS AND NOW!" Fatima screamed at AJ who just shook his butt at her face. "AJ!!!!!" she screamed again. AJ quickly hid behind Nick. Ann was sitting in the front row, observing the complicated dance routine involving both *N Sync and the BSB. JC repeatedly missed his cue, and Nick was receiving the cold shoulder from everyone but AJ who still didn't know what had happened.

Ann sighed and sat lower in her seat. Earlier on, JC tried to talk to her about last night again, trying to apologize but luckily Kev came and rescued her. It is not that she didn't want to listen to him but she needs time to process all that had happened. Finally she made up her mind that it is probably Fate trying to tell her that this is not the guy for her. She don't think she could be friends with JC anymore, it will just hurt too much. 'I'll just disappear again,' she thought to herself, her plan making more and more sense by the moment.

"Lance, what can we do?" Justin murmured, kissing Lance absentmindedly in the dressing room. The concert will start in a few minutes. They had just finish playing Hacky Sack and Ann is sitting in the front row with the other fans. "I don't know," Lance kissed Justin's neck and massages his shoulders.

"Washington DC, HOW ARE YOU ALL!!!" Justin yelled out to the excited crowd. They screamed back. "Alright, hereee weeee go!!!!" they jumped into the song 'Here we go' with everyone else jumping up and down to the beat.

Halfway through the concert after BSB's 'Show me the meaning of being lonely', JC walked to the center of the stage with the rest of *N Sync sitting in a row behind him. "I would like to dedicate this song to someone dear to me. I want to say that I am sorry," he said, staring straight at Ann. The girls beside Ann started screaming , "He looked at me!!!". Ann stood there, staring back at JC sadly. JC started 'This I Promise You'

When the visions around you Bring tears to your eyes And all that surrounds you Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength I'll give you hope Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call

The rest of the *N Sync boys joined in: Chorus: And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong 'Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

I've loved you forever In lifetimes before And I promise you never Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word I give you my heart This is a battle we've won And with this vow Forever had now begun

CHORUS Just close your eyes Each loving day And know this feeling won't go away 'Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

Over and over u fall When I hear you call Without you in my life baby I just wouldn't be living at all

CHORUS And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong 'Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

Just close your eyes Each loving day And know this feeling won't go away Every word I say is true This I promise you Every word I say is true This I promise you

JC ended the song, still looking at Ann's eyes shining with tears.

Next: Chapter 7

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