Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on Jun 2, 2000


HeY! =) It is already end of the week..argh..i am starting school in less than 3 days. BOO HOO! Anyway, I thought that I would catch up on my writing before all the schoolwork catches up with me..

All mails to melsleepy@hotmail.com and by now, you had better know what is my name! To all new readers, I am JaDe. =) As a wise friend of mine used to say, constructive criticism are welcomed but if you wanna criticize the whole thing just for the fun of it, then you should try writing a story. It is NOT easy. This story is blah blah blah... not real, never happened.. you know the rest...

Mirror Mirror Part 11 --------------------- Previously:

Greg clenches his hand angrily. 'That slut! Couldn't she stay faithful to me? SO call girlfriend of mine. So that b***h is correct. That girl is cheating on me with that albino of a guy.'

"JC, I don't know how to do this except this way. You won't let me go because you feel obliged. I don't know how to face life with what had happened and I don't think it is right to drag you into my mess so I decide to leave. Forget about me. I won't be going back to Singapore. Maybe Switzerland or England will be a nice place to get lost in.." JC stood there with his mouth fell wide open.

ANd NoW..

JC are still shocked and Justin guided him to the living room and sat him down. All the others sat down around him, providing him the comfort he needed. Kev had replayed the message and told the others what had happened. They sat there quietly.

"Where could she go?" JC asked softly.

"By now, it could be almost anywhere. And somehow, I get the feeling that she have the money to start up somewhere else," Kev replied just as softly.

JC wanted to go and find for Ann but after a long discussion, they all agreed that even if they do find Ann, she wouldn't come back to them. They have to wait for her to come back to them. JC nodded sadly and they were headed off to their concert venue for sound checks. The whole trip there, JC looked out the window, brooding.

'I should have known that she would run away sooner or later. I should have tried harder,' JC scolded himself.

'Ann, we could have settled this thing if you would just let us in, let ME in,' Justin thought, snuggling against Lance.

Orlando, Florida

Ann arrived at the airport with her backpack and the few things that she could call her own. She had bought an apartment near the beach earlier that week through her lawyer with her inheritance. As she hailed a cab, she thought of the others in Kentucky and winced slightly. She had chose Orlando because she thought that the safest place that no one would think of looking for her is in their own hometown.

In a way, she couldn't bear to leave everything that she had grown to love behind, such as memories of her time with JC, Justin, Kev, Lance and the others. If she were here, maybe she wouldn't hurt that much.

Greg hadn't been caught and he even dare to flaunt his very being in front of her in that police station. With no witness, she couldn't do anything but leave things as it is.

Two months later in New York

*N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Britney had pretty much toured the whole of USA, promoting each of their latest albums and giving out spectacular concerts. Earlier, JC was quite withdrawn and all but he knew that he has to show his best to the fans, no matter how he felt inside.

"JC, baby. Hurry up. I think the others are going to the concert venue soon,"

"Coming," JC replied and walked out of the bathroom, slipping his shirt into his pants. Spencer looked up from the bed and grinned slowly.

"Someone looks extremely yummy today," he licks his lips.

JC just smiled and went to get his wallet from the table. Spencer bounded out of the bed and hugged JC from behind, not noticing that JC stiffened.

"Baby, when do we tell the others about us?" Spencer crooned into JC's ear. Spencer nibbled JC's ear gently.

JC shrugged out of Spencer's arms and turned around to face him.

"Spencer.. I"

"It's okay, Josh. We can wait till later and surprise all of them,"

"Call me JC okay." JC didn't want Spencer to call him Josh like Ann used to.

"Anything you say, babe,"

Spencer tried his best to get closer to JC, hoping to fill in the place that Ann had left behind. In JC's loneliness and bitterness, he had let Spencer do whatever he wants. JC felt bad for leading Spencer on but then he figured that maybe this might be the relationship that could make him forget about Ann although he still thinks about her all the time. But then, no matter what Spencer did, JC couldn't bring himself to love him.

As JC walked out of the hotel room to the lift, he heard Spencer closing the door behind, rejoining Ray and the rest in Ray's room. He let out a sigh under his breath. He couldn't lead Spencer on like that. This has been happening for a month already. He has to let him know the truth.

"JC, what's up?" greeted Nick, joining him on the way to the lift. Nick had become one of JC's most trusted friends even with their misunderstanding last time.

"Still thinking about her?" Nick asked softly. JC just nodded while Nick sighed and slung his arm around JC. As they walked into the lobby, they were greeted by screams that were coming from outside. This is their last venue and then there is the coming home concert in Orlando, Florida before they get their much-deserved break from tours and promotions.

"Lance? Do you think there is something going on with Spencer and JC?" Justin asked.

Lance walked out of the bathroom with shaving foam on his face and wearing only a towel. "I think so. There is this look on Spencer's face that really pisses me off. He always smirking to himself as if there is something that he knows and we don't,"

Justin stood up and guided Lance back to the bathroom. Lance sat down on the closed lid on the toilet while Justin took the shaver from him.

"I hope JC knows what he is doing. Of course I don't expect him to pin for Ann forever but with that guy?" Justin slowly shaves Lance carefully.

Lance nodded slightly, staying completely still for Justin to shave him. After the task, Justin wiped the excess foam off with a towel and softly kiss Lance's jaw.

"Hmm, baby soft," Justin whispered. Lance grabbed Justin's butt and place him on his lap. They kissed softly, slowly darting their tongues in one another's mouth, dueling.

"Curly, I don't know what my life will be without you," Lance sighed out as they lay their heads against one another.

"Me too. Sometimes I really fear about what will I be without you," Justin replied.

"I wish we could be together. If there is a way, I would have married you in a second,"

Justin kept quiet, looking into Lance's amazing green eyes. Everytime he looks in those eyes, he fell in love with Lance all over again.


"About what?"

"Marrying me if there is a way," Justin spoke quietly, worried for the answer. Lance thought about it and replied, "Yes,"

Justin snuggled into Lance while Lance carried Justin to the bedroom. Lance placed Justin on the bed and knelt down slowly, not once breaking their eye contact.

"Just, will you marry me? I don't know when will it be but will you?"

Justin looked at Lance with tears in his eyes and nodded. Lance sprung up and kissed Justin, both of them slightly tearing. They got ready to meet the rest downstairs. As they entered the lobby, there was a spring in both of their steps.

Kev smiled while Brian and Nick looked at them suspiciously. Lance and Justin smiled innocently and all of them entered the awaiting bus. In the bus, Chris pestered Lance while Howie questioned Justin. The only response they received are secretive smiles. Joey checked their fingers and didn't see any rings and assumed that the good news wouldn't be their engagements.

That evening

Lance donned his usual disguise of a baseball cap and some shades. Then he went shopping for an engagement present. He knew that a ring is out of a question because if any reporters see it, the story will be blown out of proportion. 'Lemme see. Justin likes what?' then Lance hitted his own head as he gets the answer.

He bounded off to the nearest jewelry shop. The old man behind the counter looked curiously at Lance when Lance requested for a specially hand made craving on a ring. Since Lance is paying for all the charges, the old man agreed.

After almost two hours, Lance came out of the jewelry shop, holding the prized jewelry in his pocket. He has to rush off to the concert venue for the early meeting between the management and them. Lance decided to wait for the correct and perfect moment to present it to Justin.

Justin sighed as he sat there listening to Joey and Chris squabble again and the sounds from Nintendo which Brian and Nick was playing. He was thinking of Ann and how much he wanted to tell Ann of his engagement. 'Ann would be happy and would probably smack me in the head for being so glum,' he thought out miserably, missing his best friend.

JC looked at Justin, wondering what is biting him. Spencer sat next to JC, purposely rubbing his leg against JC's from time to time. JC shifted and stood up to walk to Justin. He missed the hurt expression on Spencer's face when he did that.

"Hey buddy. Long time since we really sat down and talk, huh?" JC sat down beside Justin. Justin turned around and smiled at JC.

"So why don't we talk now?" Justin said warmly.

"Great. Let's start with what is bothering you and what's up with all the sighs,"

"I am just missing A.. someone,"

"It is okay to say her name, you know. I won't break at the mention of her name," JC said irritably.


"There is nothing to be sorry about,"

Justin kept quiet, not knowing what to say.

"Did she contact you?" JC broke the silence.

"Nope. I wish she would though. Just so that I know whether how she is now,"

"Me too. I just loved her so much. I wish she would come back," JC sadly said.

Justin whirled about in surprise.

"I thought you are with Spencer?"

"What? I don't love him the way I did Ann,"

"You mean, he is just a fuck-buddy to you?"

"No need to put it that way,"

"I am just calling it as I see it. You are not being fair to Spencer if you are not feeling for him that way,"

"I know. I am going to tell him,"


"Soon. I don't know how to break this to him,"

At that moment, Lance came running into the room with a flushed face and disordered appearance.

"What happened?" Kev laughed out.

"Big mob outside the arena," Lance gasped out, holding his aching sides. He had runned all the way from his car into the arena. Luckily the mob didn't rip off his shirt and the jewelry with it. JC walked over to AJ and Howie on the other couch to make way for the tired Lance. Lance dropped down next to Justin and snuggled against Justin. Justin slowly stroked Lance's hair and waited for the makeup artist to call them in.

Orlando, Florida

"The air is fresher, sweeter," breathed in deeply AJ.

Chris hitted the back of AJ's head.

"There is no such thing as sweeter air,"

"There is,"

"No, there isn't,"

The two are starting to draw attention from the small crowd around them. It is 11 pm and there are still a number of people waiting for their transit and flights.

"CHILDREN, be quiet now," Justin said loudly.

Both Chris and AJ whirled and tickled Justin. Britney let out an Indian cry and jumped into the pile, helping others tickle the helpless Justin.

"Children? Who are you calling children?" Chris jumped on Justin, piggyback riding him.

Lance pulled all of them off Justin who was turning blue. "That's enough now. People are starting to look," he reprimanded. The two settled down and walked towards the entrance. The bodyguards all followed behind. After this last concert, the bodyguards are all returning to LA because all of *N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears are on vacation and didn't want any supervision.

"Yey, I am going to go and meet my honey," sing songed Britney who was going to surprise Chris (Klein, her boyfriend) in his home somewhere in Orlando. Kev smiled at the chirpy Britney. Brian just continued talking to Nick, slightly agitated.

The concert was scheduled in a week. Each of them went back to their own homes. JC and Chris went and stayed with Justin and Lance in Lance's house. Joey and AJ went to Howie's pad while Brian and Nick decided to crash at Kevin's. All the bodyguards stayed in a hotel and were to meet them again in the concert venue. All the bodyguards appreciated the one week holiday they get except Spencer who was upset at not being with JC. Spencer tried getting JC to agree to be with him but JC instead had told Spencer that he needed to bond with Justin and the others with whom he is getting quite distanced with.

Britney entered Chris's house with the spare key that he left with her. She crept in slowly, wanting to surprise him with her arrival. She had missed him so much during their time apart. She stopped in her tracks when she heard a feminine giggle coming from the pool behind. She continued to the pool.

As she peeked out to the pool, she saw Chris donning only a swimming trunk. She was about to go out and call his name when she saw a dark head emerging from the water. The long dark brown hair clung to that girl's body. She was wearing a skimpy black bikini. Britney stayed in the shadows, wanting to see what happens next. Chris pulled out of the water and joined that mysterious girl on the lounge chair. As he leaned forward and kissed her, Britney went red with anger.

'THAT ASSHOLE! He is cheating on me and he dare to say that he loves me just LAST NIGHT!' she ranted in her mind. She stepped out of the shadow and walked up to the kissing couple.


Chris turned around in surprise. Britney saw Katie Holmes looking up at her equally surprised.

"Britney! What are you doing here? I thought you were due tomorrow?" Chris babbled off.

"I thought I would surprise my BOYFRIEND but then again, maybe not,"

Britney strutted off leaving Chris with Katie who were demanding an explanation. On her way out, she grabbed her luggage and hailed a cab. As she sat in the cab, she realized that she have no where to go. After asking the cab driver to continue driving around until she decides a place, she sat there in silence. She wanted to cry but no tears could come out. She thought of Brian and gave Kev's address to the cabby.

She rang the doorbell and stood there, blankly. Brian answered the door, looking out at Britney. After taking one look at her, he ushered her in, hollering for Kev and Nick to come. Kev made her hot chocolate while Nick and Brian pampered her.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked.

That one question let out the floodgates out from Britney. She buried her face into Brian's chest, sobbing. Stroking her arm softly, Brian didn't know what else is there to do. Kev and Nick sat there worriedly and at last decided to call Justin to come over. The two had known each other for years.

Justin came speeding over with the whole gang in tow. When Britney lifted her head to see ten concerned faces looking back at her, she straightened up. As she told her tale, Brian and Joey became noticeably angry.

"What an asshole," muttered out Brian, receiving surprised glances all around. This coming from Brian who never curses? Britney asked if one of them would let her stay the week and received yes all around. She decided to stay with Kev since she is already in his home. Slowly one by one went back to their homes, leaving Brian, Kev, Nick and Britney behind.

Brian showed the weary Britney to his room. After making sure that Britney is sleeping, he went down to the living room where Nick and Kev are talking. Kev glanced up as Brian entered the room.

"What?" Brian defended when he saw all of them staring at him curiously.

"Admit it. You are in love with Britney," Nick accused. Brian blushed while Kev grinned widely, nodding.

"No I am not,"

"Yes, you are," added Kev.

"What if I am? She won't be interested in someone seven years older than her," threw back Brian.

"Bri, love is blind. It doesn't matter how much difference in age you two are. When you are in love, you are in love. No questions about it," Nick maturely said. Brian and Kev looked at Nick who seemed to have grown mature beyond his young years. Brian nodded slightly.

"I guess I am in love with her," he admitted silently.

"So what are you going to do about it?" Kev asked.

"NOTHING! I mean, she just broke up with Chris, at lease I think they had broken up,"

"Don't worry. Britney surely had broken up with him. She is one tough cookie," Kev replied confidently.

"Don't say a word to her okay? I wanna take things as it comes," Brian pleaded with the two other guys who slowly agreed.

JC called them the next day, asking them whether are they up for a trip to Disney World. They all agreed, wanting to re-live their childhood again and recover the wonders of the place. Justin, JC, Lance, Brian, Britney, Nick and Kev were all dressed casually if not a little bit shabbily and all clad in shades. They were not in any immediate danger from crowds because surrounding them were families who were just enjoying themselves. Other from the once in a while asking of signatures from observant fans, they were covered.

"OH MY GOD! Isn't that *N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Britney?" squealed out Karyna. Hope lifted her eyebrows slightly and turned to where Karyna was staring. Lisa too turned to that side and saw the mentioned ones sitting under a tree, enjoying an ice cream each. Lisa's face fell when she saw that her favorite, AJ is not there but then there is still Nick for her to look at.

"What are you guys looking at?" a new voice asked as she sat down with all the orders. "Annie, look there. Babe alert!" Karyna squealed. Ann turned and saw the whole gang there and froze. 'What are they doing here of all places?' she thought out. She instinctively ducked her head out of sight. "What's wrong Ann?" asked Hope curiously. Ann just shook her head and buried her face in her large float.

"Well, I am going there for autographs," Karyna declared and getting affirmation from all those there except Ann who looked a bit green. Ann waved them off and continued hiding behind her float.

"Excuse me, can we have your autographs?" a giggly voice rang out. Lance looked up and shaded his eyes from the sun. As they signed the papers handed out to them, they made idle chat. "Hope? That's an interesting name," JC said, looking at the stunning blond in front of him. She smiled sweetly.

"My parents had me quite late. And I am the only child. They were thinking between Hope and Thankful. I am lucky they chose Hope,"

JC laughed softly and smiled at the cheerful girl.

"So what are you three doing now?"

"Oh, we are in college. I am taking art, while Lisa there is taking business administration and Karyna is taking law,"

"You mean that giggly bubbly girl there is taking law?" said Chris unbelieving, staring at Karyna letting out another giggle. Hope too smiled.

"She is a damn good debater. I am sure she will be a good lawyer," Hope defended.

Chris looked at her, not really believing her.

"So who else is here with you gals today? Any boyfriends who are coming to reclaim you gals soon?" Joey flirted with Karyna. Karyna laughed out.

"No. None of us have boyfriends," she answered. Lisa is talking to Britney, asking her about the hectic life on the road. All of them enjoyed talking to the three girls. For one thing, they treated them as normal people and not stars.

"Do you all want to join us for dinner?" Lance asked them. The girls looked at each other unbelieving.

"US? Dinner with you all?" blurted out Karyna. "Yeah, us guys and you guys," joked Justin. "Hell yes," Lisa then said. All of them burst into laughter.

"Do you mind if we bring our friend with us. She is sitting at another table," asked Hope.

"Sure, if she is as good looking as you all," flirted Joey. "Where is she sitting at?" JC asked. As Hope pointed out the table, all of them looked at that direction. At that moment, Ann decided to split. Surely the girls have a ride back to their own apartments. She couldn't stay here longer.

All of them saw the retreating figure of a girl with short layered dark brown hair. "You guys wait here a minute," Karyna said, jogging over to Ann. "Ann! Where do you think you are going?" she said, breathless.

"Oh, I am going back home. I don't feel so well," Ann lied.

"Oh darn. We are going to dinner with those guys. Are you sure you are not up to it? Do you want me to go with you?" Karyna asked.

"NO! I mean, go enjoy yourself. I can go back to my apartment by myself," Ann explained.

"If you are sure,"

"Yes, I am," Ann said firmly, walking away.

Karyna looked at Ann's retreating back weirdly before rushing back to the waiting group behind. "So where is she?" asked Hope.

"She said that she is not feeling well and is going back to her apartment," answered Karyna.

"Is she alright?" asked Brian concerned. "Don't worry. Later on I will go over her place with some take-outs," replied Hope. The rest of the guys just agreed and went for dinner. As they get to know one another, they liked each other more and more. Joey talked to Lisa almost the whole time while the others mingled. Justin nudged Lance towards Joey who seemed quite love struck with Lisa and giggled. Hope noticed it and also smiled.

After dinner, all of them are reluctant to let the evening end.

"Why don't we go get some food for your sick friend and deliver to her? Maybe it will make her feel better. Is she a fan?" Kev asked.

All three girls pondered before Lisa replying. "I don't know. I had seen your CDs in her pad before but then I never hear her play them,"

"Oh, maybe a closet fan," Nick giggled out. They decided to hit a club or two before buying some food for Ann. After a while, they went to buy some food and ice cream. Karyna drove Nick, Brian and Britney in her car to Ann's apartment by the beach while the others went in Hope's car.

Ann's apartment

Ann slided into the tub, relaxing in the comforting bubbles. She recalled JC's face from Disney World. He still looked great if not a little bit thin. Lance and Justin looks as close as ever. Ann felt a pang of regret of what she had done but still felt that it was for the best. Now she had enrolled in a college nearby, majoring in accountancy and art. The two are an odd combination but she is doing what she loves. Art and accounts. She is starting over, with no more ties to her past, and that includes all her best friends.

Hope rang the doorbell a few times, not hearing any response. "Karyna, are you sure she said that she will be going home?" "Yes," Karyna answered.

"Wait, I hear some music," Kev said quietly.

"Oh, she must be in the bathroom then. She always switch on her hi-fi when she is bathing," Lisa said. She went to the door and reached above the door. After feeling about for a while, she recovered the spare key and opened the door.

All of them went in and make themselves comfortable in the cozy house. Hope went and takes out some forks and chopsticks for the Chinese food they bought. JC looked around and felt nostalgic. 'This will be the type of place I could imagine me and Ann living in,' he thought sadly.

With the soundtrack of 'Ten things I Hate about you' blaring out of the speakers, she didn't hear the doorbell rang repeatedly. As music soothes her, she slowly slipped into oblivion.

Grains sealing on the earth Would it last there for a while Taking my thoughts for what they are worth I was acting like a child Your opinions, what is that It's just a different point of view What else, what else can I do Say I'm sorry yet I'm sorry Say I'm sorry but what for But if I hurt you, I hate myself Don't wanna hate myself, don't wanna hurt you Why do you choose your pain, if you only knew How much I love you, love you

I don't want to be your winter I don't want to be anyone excuse to cry We can be forgiving, I will be here

Oh, picture on the shelf It had been there for a while Frozen image of ourselves We had been acting like a child..

Ann couldn't breath and opened her eyes. She was underwater. She jerked up, gasping for her breath. 'How could I be so stupid as to sleep in my bath?' she reprimanded herself. She stood up and wrapped herself in the waiting bathrobe. She stopped in her tracks when she thought she heard someone outside. Lowering the volume on her hi-fi, she cursed her own bad luck. 'Not only did I have to meet the guys at Disney World, now some stupid fella is burglarizing my house?'

She looked around for the baseball bat she left somewhere in the bathroom. The baseball bat was left there forgotten after a friendly baseball game at the college. 'Ah hah!' she spotted the baseball bat lying behind the sink. Slowly she opened the bathroom door, peeking her head out. She saw a silhouette of someone at the doorway and crept there quietly.

"Stop right there mister! I am having a bad day and this is not a good place to be right now," Ann said fiercely, clenching the baseball bat tightly. The person in front of her slowly turned.

"I said STOP! Put your hands where I can see them and turn around real slow,"

Brian stood there, smiling in amusement. 'So this must be the sick friend,' he thought as he raised his hands. He decided to play along for the moment. As he turned around and came face to face with Ann, his jaw dropped and so does Ann's baseball bat. "YOU!" both of them exclaimed. After standing there, staring at each other, Hope came in.

"Oh, I see that you two met each other already,"

"What are you doing here?" Ann asked still in shock.

"Ann! They are with us. You know, the dinner with them. They thought that they would to visit our sick friend, you," Hope answered, looking at both of them curiously.

Brian took in the features of Ann. Other than the shorter hair and the ever-present sadness and haunted in her eyes, she is still the same person.

"Brian, please. Don't say anything to the others,"

"Ann, you know that the others would want to know,"


Brian nodded, not agreeing with her but respected her wishes. Alas at that moment, Nick bounded in to see what is keeping Brian. "ANN!" he shouted out. Ann looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She ran towards her room and slammed the door shut.

From the living room, all of them heard Nick shouted Ann's name. Looking at each other once, they ran towards the bedroom area. "Ann?" asked Kev. Nick and Brian nodded and pointed to the closed bedroom door.

The lyrics is from the song 'Your Winter' in the soundtrack of 'Ten Things I Hate about You' and is sung by Sister Hazel.

Next: Chapter 12

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