My Buddy the Marine

By scooby doo.

Published on Aug 2, 2011


This is a fictional piece of work. The characters are fictional and any resemblance to real events or people is completely coincidental.

The basic rules apply, if you are underage, etc... do not read this, go play on or something.

[Authors note: This and a previous chapter feature sex without protection. I do not, nor do I condone having sex without protection. Sorry guys it's taken so long, been working mad hours and putting in a lot of Overtime. I will try to catch up more as soon as I can. Feedback is always appreciated, it's what is making me a better writer. ]

The alarm went off at 4:30 and I made sure I got up and headed down to the couch. Steve woke up and asked me what I was doing. I told him my reasoning for heading down to the couch.

"I understand, but I don't want you to leave." His response made me smile. "I want to snuggle with you as much as I can. We only have a few more days of being together before I head back. What do you say we tell Pete to take a flying leap and just stay in bed all day?"

"As much as I'd like that Steve, I think Pete would be very disappointed." I said as I made my way down to the couch. I fell back asleep on the couch and was woken up by Pete coming into the cabin. He was late, it was now 6am and he was laughing because his `boys' were still asleep. I was a little taken aback that he called us his boys.

We got up slowly and I was still in my boxers and had already taken the blanket off. One thing I realized after I noticed Pete's eyes drop to my boxers was that I was hard as a rock and I had cum stains on them. I was a little embarrassed that I was sitting there with a boner, but even more amazed was that Pete's eyes just couldn't seem to look away.

"See something you like Petey?" I teasingly asked him.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, just can't believe you are so big." He responded. I just laughed at his response. I made sure a couple of times of passing him that my boner had casually brushed his hand. The third time I did it, I felt him grab onto it. I had a feeling about him, but this was a little more than I expected. I gave him a look as to tell him I liked it, but it wouldn't happen.

Steve came down from the loft area and he noticed the predicament. He just started laughing and said, "Pete, is Kyle being a jerk by wielding that sword of his around?"

"Yeah, but I don't mind. Brings back memories of being young. I remember when we were abroad, I would wake up with a boner that just never seemed to want to go down. It's part of being young I guess." He responded.

Pete got into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. Steve came over to me and asked me what that was all about.

"I have a feeling that Pete might not be completely honest with his sexual feelings, Steve. I have a feeling your uncle and him had some fun, just like we have." I said to him.

Steve gave me a pissed off look. "Don't ever talk to me about my uncle being gay. There is no way he did shit like we are. He was one of the straightest men I've ever met and no way would be packing some guy in the ass." He whispered kind of loudly to me. I honestly think that he said it loud enough for Pete to hear because I heard Pete snicker in the kitchen.

"See!!!??!? " I responded to Steve.

We dropped the conversation and Steve was pretty quiet to me during breakfast. I knew that I had disrupted his vision of his uncle and I felt bad that I had ever said anything like that. Maybe he was completely straight and Pete was the one that was the person who enjoyed the pole invasion.

As we headed off to go fishing, we put the boat that Pete had brought into the lake. We enjoyed the bright sunshine and warm temps. It got a little warm and we all decided to take off our shirts and just enjoy the breeze as it came across the lake. I was a little upset because Steve barely said a word to me. He helped me with fishing, but didn't say much as far anything else. He and Pete talked quite a bit about Marine life and I ended up feeling that I was the third wheel.

One thing that happens often with people fishing all day is that if a person has to piss, he will stand up and do it over the side of the boat. After quite some time and a few beers that were consumed, Pete got up and moved over to his side of the boat and decided to pull it out and let his stream loose. I was sitting in the back of the boat and was able to peek over towards his side. I will say, his size was not what I was expecting. It was thick and hung about 5 inches outside of his shorts. He definitely was packing quite the punch. I had to turn away, but before I did, I noticed that Pete had turned my way and caught me looking at his `tackle'.

We caught quite the good amount of fish and looked forward to cooking it and eating the benefits of our day out. As the sun was getting ready to go down, we decided to call it a day and head back towards the cabin. We pulled the boat onto the trailer and got Pete's boat set up.

We got back to the cabin and the atmosphere was thick. I got several glares from Steve and knew that his anger had continued to grow. Pete said he would take care of dinner, if we wanted to go swimming. I took this opportunity to tell Steve I really wanted to talk to him.

We headed down to the lake and jumped in. I told Steve I was sorry for making an assumption. I didn't mean to upset him and was wrong in making the judgment about his uncle. I would never ever say anything of the sort again. I didn't want it to ruin our friendship and I should have never said such a thing! I had tears in my eyes and I think Steve realized that I was very sincere in my apology.

"Don't you ever assume my uncle was gay. Don't you ever assume that he had sex with Pete. I don't ever want to hear something like that come out of your mouth again! I accept your apology and we are still good friends, it just hurt you'd say something like that!" He said with a very stern face.

"Well, maybe there's some things you should know about your uncle." Said the voice behind us. We turned around and looked, it was Pete. He was naked except for the jock strap he was wearing.

We looked at the massive man that was coming into the water to swim with us.

"What did you just say?" asked Steve.

"I said I think you should know some things about your uncle." Pete said.

Steve just had a look of complete shock on his face. "What the fuck are you talking about Pete? My uncle is the best man I know and there's no way he went down the slippery pole!"

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but your uncle and I definitely had some fun while we were deployed, and after his divorce, we re-kindled our relationship. I had a feeling there was something up with you two and I thought I'd come clean. Yes, I have sex. Sex! If it's with a guy or a girl I don't care, both feel good and both are fun to please. Your uncle and I had some fun experiences and he wasn't someone who preferred to have sex with me, but when you get lonely, either in battle or at home, you will give it a try. After several times of having fun, he decided he didn't care anymore, it was just sex."

Steve looked like he was about to try to kick Pete's ass. "Don't talk about him like that! My uncle wasn't gay! I know he wasn't. He set me on the path of having sex with women. He taught me some of the best positions to have sex with women. He ... he.. " and with that Steve started to cry. "No, No.. it can't be true! You tried to turn him because you like to slip down the slippery pole. You wanted him because he was a man! You did it to him!"

Pete just looked at Steve with compassion. "Steve, I can understand this is quite the surprise and I am sorry to ruin who you thought your uncle was. Yes, he loved to have sex with women, but he didn't mind having sex with men either. I wasn't the only person he had sex with either. During our tours, there were several of us who gave head, received head, and a few would even allow you to fuck their hole. Steve, he never allowed anyone to fuck him, but he surely didn't seem to have difficulty filling an ass with the huge cock of his."

Steve just kept shaking his head and he walked out of the water and up to the cabin. Pete and I just talked about his relationship with Steve's uncle. Pete had said it ended up pretty serious and it was heart ache when he passed away. I could tell that their relationship was very close and probably very compassionate.

I told Pete that it would probably take Steve some time to adjust to the idea that his uncle wasn't everything he thought he was. Pete said he understood. It's not always easy when you have a complete image of someone and it's smashed when you find out what the person's life was actually.

We headed up to the cabin. I was behind Pete and noticed Pete's meaty ass and how nicely framed it was in his jock strap. It surely looked nice enough to eat and allow my dick to slide into. I had to be careful though, because just looking at it caused my cock to start to harden.

We entered the cabin and the fish and potatoes were done. Steve was already at the table and was eating his portion. He gave Pete and I dirty glares and wouldn't talk to us during the meal.

After the meal, Pete decided it would be best for him to leave and probably never come back. I walked him out of the cabin and did something that I wasn't expecting. I gave him a big hug and thanked him for coming over and spending time with us. I felt so warm and comfortable in his arms as this burly man wrapped me in his arms. I then leaned into him and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "You are amazing, and if I wasn't already attached, I wouldn't mind being your lover." I said.

Pete just got a big smile on his face. "I understand. I hope things work out for you two. I can definitely see the love you have for each other as friends mostly. If there is more there, I will say, Steve is a lucky guy!"

With that Pete said his goodbye and got into his truck and drove away. I sat on the porch of the cabin and my heart sank. I didn't know what to say or do with Steve. I was really scared that this would change our friendship and relationship. I was scared he would blame me for his doing sexual things with me like he blamed Pete for `forcing' his uncle to have sex.

After about 20 minutes, I walked into the cabin and noticed that Steve must have already went up to the bed. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I didn't want to bother Steve and wanted to respect his space and allow him time to process the information he was given.

After a few hours of just being alone on the couch, I decided I would turn in form the night. I decided to just lay down on the couch and fall asleep. I turned out all the lights in the cabin and noticed that the light upstairs was still on. I knew that Steve was probably just upstairs brooding over the information he was given.

As I laid down on the couch and started to fall asleep, I heard Steve yell out, "What the Fuck? You don't want to sleep with me tonight?"

"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to be alone. I wanted to respect your space and so I decided I was going to sleep on the couch."

"FUCK THAT! Get your ass up here! I am not an ass and make you sleep on the couch." He responded.

I made my way up to the loft and noticed that Steve was on the bed, completely naked. He enjoyed sleeping naked, this I knew, but it still took me by surprise. I laid down on the bed next to him and put my head on his chest. "How are you doing, bud?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm confused. I mean, I know my uncle loved women, but when Pete told me this information, I don't know why I got so angry. I guess I was just shocked that my uncle is just like me. He enjoyed having sex and it didn't matter if it was a guy or a girl. Maybe I just inherited this from him. I mean, I always thought I was as straight as could be, but after some fun nights with you, I knew that I didn't mind having sex with you either. I guess I just wanted to keep him at this image, and now that I found out it's different... . I still love him, and miss him... but wow. "

I listened to him and offered different ideas and thoughts to Steve. It came down to me asking, what is wrong with your uncle enjoying sex before he seemed to understand the situation in a different light.

"Nothing, I enjoy sex and really enjoy sex with you. I love you Kyle, and I'm glad you are in my life. I don't know how I would have handled this if you weren't here." He said.

"Well, I don't know if it would have come out if I wasn't here." I said.

"Well, it doesn't matter. My uncle enjoyed sex with Pete, his good friend. I enjoy sex with my good friend... I guess it doesn't matter." He said with a big laugh.

Before I could even think of his statement, Steve's paw grabbed onto my hand and guided it down to what was now a full mast of meat. Needless to say I was quite surprised that Steve wanted to have sex, but I wasn't going to going to say now to my friend in need of help.

I proceeded to stroke his massive cock. I was always surprised at the beast it was, but really enjoyed it. I felt his breathing as my head was still on his chest. I turned my head so I could lick around his nipple as I was stroking his cock. I then took the nipple into my teeth and lightly bit down on it. He arched his back and took a deep breath, inhaling with a quick intake. I then made my way down his chest and stomach, making sure I gave light kisses all the way down.

I had a decent grip on his meat and let my hand go down a little to the base of his cock. I then allowed my mouth to engulf the head of his cock and slowly take him down more and more. I wanted to take him as deep as I could and enjoy it as it tickled the back of my throat. I could hear the breathing of Steve quicken and then give little groans.

I knew he was receiving some good feelings and was enjoying this. I decided I wanted to give Steve something again that we've only done a couple of times. I pulled off my shorts. I reached down into my bag and grabbed the lube out of it and proceeded to apply it generously onto his thick mast. I got up and looked Steve right in the eyes. I saw the lust in his eyes and knew he wanted this to happen.

I grabbed his prong and aimed it to my man hole and proceeded to squat over him and slowly allow the head to penetrate me. As it slowly made its way into my canal, I looked at Steve's face and saw the pleasure that was written all over his face. I allowed myself to slowly pump his cock into me by doing mini squats over his cock. I then sat completely on his cock and took him balls deep into my ass. I stayed there, and allowed my muscles to massage him as best as it could. This caused him to give a deep groan and grab onto my waist and keep me there. He then started to pump into my hole from the bottom.

I was thoroughly enjoying this as it was passionate but hot all at the same time. I leaned down and kissed Steve as his pumping into my ass changed from quick little strokes, to deep long strokes. As I kissed him, he put his arms around me and then proceeded to turn me over onto my back, cock still in deep. He raised my legs over his shoulders and started to stroke me deep in the hole. I was hard as a rock and started to beg him to fuck me hard like he did the other day.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Do it big guy!" I said with a big smile on my face.

Steve then pulled me so my ass was on the edge of the bed and he then was standing beside it. He then took control and proceeded to bend my legs up towards my chest, pushing my ass out for his invasion. He then just started to pump into my ass with a fierceness that was greater than the other night. His face was beautiful to watch as I could see the different faces of pleasure plastered across his face. His breathing got shallow and his pumping went from short strokes to hard pounding deep strokes.

I grabbed onto Steve's back and just held on for the ride. He then just picked me up and I wrapped my arms around him. From this position, gravity just allowed me to sink all the way down his pole. He seemed to like this position as he then turned us around and pushed me up against the wall and increased his speed of his pleasure. I was becoming so turned on, I didn't realize my cock was in contact with his stomach and the friction of it was causing me to get ready to shoot. I wasn't touching it, but with it rubbing up and down his 6 pack, I just let loose my load over his abs and up to his chest. I grabbed onto his shoulders as the orgasm just racked through my body.

After I came down from it, Steve continued to pump into me. Sweat was pouring off of his body as the intensity of the fucking was growing. His grunts were met with words like, "God you're fucking tight and awesome!" "God I wish this ass was on my cock every minute of every day." "I'm cumming!"

He twirled me around and pushed me onto the bed, pulled out and proceeded to shower me with his seed. His cum was splattered all over my body. I could tell he was so turned on because he came so hard. After he finished, he just collapsed on top of me. He gave me a huge kiss and said something that surprised the hell out of me. "I want to know what it feels like to get fucked, Kyle. Will you take my anal cherry?"

Next: Chapter 11

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