My Buddy the Marine

By scooby doo.

Published on May 6, 2011


This is a fictional piece of work. The characters are fictional and any resemblance to real events or people is completely coincidental.

The basic rules apply, if you are underage, etc... do not read this, go play on or something. J

So, I was getting very impatient waiting for the day that Steve would arrive back in town. I know he said he was coming home in a week, but it seemed like years away. I decided I wouldn't touch myself, have sex, or jerk off over the past 2 weeks and I was getting to the point that I knew just a touch would probably cause me to get hard and cum in seconds.

Steve would be home for two weeks and I knew that during that time, we would be spending a week taking a trip. I didn't have a clue as to where we would go, he said he wanted that to be his surprise, but told me to pack swimming trunks, shorts, pants, shirts, long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts. I knew this meant that we would be going somewhere that probably was warm during the day, and colder during the night. I was getting frustrated in not knowing where we were going, but yet excited too.

I spent the week at work looking at the clock continuously. I worked in an office and sitting at the computer all the time working on reports and such was really boring and I had a difficult time keeping focus. All I could think of was where we were going and wondering what Steve looked like after just over 9 months of being in the Marines. I knew from the letters he sent that he said he had actually slimmed down a little, but his muscles seemed to be even bigger.

One thing about him, Steve was muscular, but wasn't like a bodybuilder, just large enough that when he wore a t-shirt, the chest and arms were always stretched. He had a nice six pack and the v that lead down to the pot of gold. His legs weren't huge, but fit the rest of the body well.

I was at work on Thursday working on a boring report and had just returned from work. In my mind, I knew that Steve was coming home on Friday and I couldn't wait. He said he would probably return home and visit with his parents and siblings and such first. Then we would take off on our trip on Tuesday of next week. I could hardly wait!

So as I was working on the report, I started to hear a lot of chatter around my cube and wondered what was going on, but decided to just put in my headphones and listen to some music while I worked on this stupid report. About five minutes after I did that I felt a very strong hand grasp my shoulder. I jumped. I thought it was my boss and was going to ream me out for not being overly productive this week. I put my head down and pulled the headphones out of my ears and just said, "I'm sorry boss, I just haven't been feeling well, that's why I haven't been productive this week. I'll make it up after I get back from vacation."

"Are you sure that is what it is?" said the voice. I realized it right away it wasn't my boss... it was very familiar. It was Steve. I was so shocked to turn around and see him fully dressed in his camouflage uniform. On his left shoulder were two medals, right under the words U.S. Marines. I literally lost my breath. I couldn't speak, I was so shocked.

Everyone in my office was standing up and watching Steve come over to surprise me. As we shook hands and then gave each other a manly hug, they all started clapping. Some of them knew Steve, and I'm sure a few of the girls have even been nailed by him. It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I saw my boss come walking over to see what the commotion was all about. He saw Steve and I talking and came up to my cube. I was expecting him to give me gruff about all the commotion. I was surprised when he saluted Steve and then shook his hand. Turned out Mr. Schroeder was a former Marine, something that I didn't know before. He and Steve talked for about twenty minutes about what Steve was specializing in and how his training and such has been going. I was really surprised at how at ease Mr. Schroeder was with Steve. I guess the old saying that Steve told me , "Once a Marine, Always a Marine" stood true.

They spent some time trading stories about boot camp and how different it is to hear about it than it is to live it. Then Mr. Schroder surprised me. He looked at me and said he had known Steve was coming and they had arranged for me to have Friday off from work also, paid, without using any more vacation time. I was so happy. I had never heard of anything like this happening... but Mr. Schroder owned the business, so he could do what he wanted. He told me I could take the rest of the day off also. I was flabbergasted.

I didn't have to be told twice, I grabbed my stuff, put my arm around Steve and we started walking out of the building. I was so happy to see him. The other thing that was going through my mind was how HOT he looked in that fucking uniform. Holy Shit! He had taken his cap off while in the building and I saw the crew cut, something that Steve never had all the while I knew him was have short hair.. at least not that short! The uniform hid his muscles well, but you could definitely tell he had a hell of a body on him, and the bulge in those pants was very pronounced. I wanted to just take him into the bathroom right there and blow him.

He told me his parents had picked him up at the airport and brought him over to the building to see me. They had lunch together and he had told them he really wanted to surprise me at work. Surprised I was. They seemed cool with him coming over to surprise me, but they wanted him to come home afterwards. I told him I would drop him off at his parents and would head home. I told him I didn't expect to see him until after the weekend. I knew that they would want to spend time with him for the first couple of days, and then we could hang out. Steve surprised me when he said, "Yeah, I will spend the day with them today, but tomorrow, be ready, we're gonna go and have some fun!!!!"

I started driving him home and we talked about his life in the Marines. He told me boot camp was hell, but it was awesome all in the same sense. Being that he was strong, it didn't take much for him to do the physical stuff. He had been hunting so the shooting part wasn't bad. He said the worst part of being at boot camp was just being away from everyone. He had made a few friends in boot, but they didn't compare to his friend he had at home. Me. When he told me that, I just looked at him. He was staring right at me with the most honest face I had ever seen him give me. I knew at that moment our friendship was stronger and deeper than before he left. While he was at boot I had written him at least twice a week. Most of the time, I got replies, unless they were doing some hardcore training that didn't allow time for him to reply. Steve told me I was the only one that had written him in boot camp among our friends. His parents wrote, but only a few times. I was really surprised to hear that.

We got to his parents house and I drove in the driveway to drop him off. Steve invited me in, but I declined. I told him this was his time to talk with his parents and let them have time with him alone. We would hang out after they had family time. Steve's dad had always known I was gay and didn't really accept me because of his religious beliefs. I just brushed it off, but I knew that it had always bothered Steve. He said he told his dad that if he didn't accept me, he didn't accept his own son. Steve knew the Bible well, and would also quote scripture to his dad about how there are so many sins that his dad committed, and if his dad couldn't accept me because of my being gay, he couldn't accept his dad because of his sins. It seemed to shut his dad up, but I could still feel the judgment coming from his dad anytime they'd see me with their son. His mom always treated me like I was one of their own.

As Steve was getting out of the car, he put his hand on my knee and told me he really looked forward spending time with his best friend and couldn't wait to really let loose. He reached over to give me a big hug and said again those words that just melted my heart, "I love you man!"

I went home and just felt like a glow was radiating from me. My best friend is the best and I couldn't wait to really spend some quality time with him on our trip. Our trip wasn't planned to start until Monday, so I knew when he said he wanted to let loose this weekend, it meant that we would be going out and partying. I knew in my heart that this meant, he would probably find some girl and nail her as much as he could for release after being pent up for 9 months.

Friday arrived and I got a call from Steve at about 1:30 in the afternoon. He sounded really happy. He said his parents and he had a really good time hanging, but he really had to get out of the hum drum of hanging with his parents. All they wanted was to talk and have him help with chores, etc. around the house. He said he couldn't wait to hang out later that night. He told me to be ready after 6 to go out for dinner.

We went to a steak restaurant and had a good meal. He wouldn't let me pay for anything. I hated when people would do that. I like to pay, but he wouldn't let me and faked that he was pissed anytime I would get a little annoyed when I insisted to pay for something.

We ended up out at the bars before the crowds started arriving. There were only like 5 people in the bars. We ordered a few rounds of beers and sat at a booth. He wanted to know how my life was going and I told him all the basics.

"You got a boyfriend yet?" he asked. Right at that moment, I about spewed my beer all over him.

"Not so loud dude!" I said. He just laughed and reached over and ruffled up my hair. "Not funny Steve! Not Funny!" I said sternly while giving him a `I'm ticked off now' look.

We made some more small talk as a few more people entered the bar. He leaned over the booth after a few minutes and motioned for me to join him. I did.

"So, are you going to take care of me tonight if I don't get any pussy?" He asked.

I blushed, but got a big smile on my face. He just started laughing and said, "Yeah... I knew you would."

As the bar started to fill up, there were a lot of people that came up and talked to Steve. Everyone was happy to see him and a few talked to me also. Girls just came up and gave him hugs and a few grabbed onto his ass. I knew it wouldn't be hard for him to get some pussy tonight because he was a military guy and a lot of girls love military guys.

The night rolled on and Steve and I became separated. He had gone off onto the dance floor with a few girls. One thing about Steve, he loved the attention he would get from girls, and when I looked over at him, you could see he was eating it up that he had 3 girls dancing with him on the floor.

Bar close came and Steve had two girls with him, one in each hand. He let go of them and told me that he was gonna go over to Sally's for the night. I just smiled and said, "Go get `em tiger!"

I made the walk over to my house which was a mile away. About half way there I ran into a couple of guys that were standing by the park I passed on my way home. They called out to me, "Hey faggot, how about you come over here and suck me off!"

I just kept walking away from them, walking faster to try to get home. I turned around briefly and saw that I had two shadows following me. I was about a block away from home and they shouted again, "Come on faggot, I've got a huge dick for you to enjoy." And "Yeah, how about you open up that hot ass and take us in." They were now less than a ½ block away from me. I decided to walk towards the back alley to see if I could dodge them. I ducked into behind a couple of garbage cans and saw them pass me by and head down the alleyway. I thought all was clear after about 15 minutes of not seeing them. I got up from my hiding place and headed down through some yards to the back of my apartment. I walked around to the front and entered the hallway, only to be met by the two of them.

I immediately recognized them from high school. They were two guys from the football team. They knew I was gay at that time and now probably had struck out at the bars, but still wanted to get their rocks off. I tried to turn away and walk back out of the door, but before I could take a couple of steps, they had their hands on me and told me to quietly open my door and let them in.

That night turned out to be one of the worst. I was forced to suck them both and was fucked by both of them twice. The whole time when one was fucking my ass, the other was holding me down. I kept trying to fight them, but they were strong and were able to keep me from fighting. As one of them was fucking me there was a knock at the door. I just yelled, "Come in!" before they could muffle my mouth.

In walked Steve. He recognized both of the guys and asked them what the fuck they were doing. "Giving this faggot something he's wanted ever since we were in high school." One of them replied.

About a second later, the next thing I knew, the cock that was in my ass was literally ripped out, and both of the guys were on the floor with blood coming from their noses and mouths. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR I'LL RIP YOU APART LIMB BY LIMB!" I heard Steve yell. The guys quickly got up and left.

I laid on the floor crying. Steve went into my room and grabbed a blanket. He covered my limp body and proceeded to cradle me in his arms. He reached over and called someone. The next thing I knew, there were two police officers standing in my apartment. I told them everything that had happened. I had a swollen lip, black eye, and bruises on my body from the guys being brutal me during their events. The whole time, Steve had a hand on me to try to comfort me. The police officers talked to Steve. He gave them the names of the guys that did this to me as he recognized them. He told the officers that he had hit the guys to get them off me. He took complete responsibility for his actions.

The officers left and I went into my bedroom and passed out on the bed. I woke up the next morning to a feeling of someone laying beside me. I turned to look and Steve was spooned up behind me. My body hurt all over. I turned my body so I was facing him directly. I loved seeing him sleeping. He looked so sweet and gentle. I just wrapped my arms around him and fell back asleep.

I woke up later looking right into Steve's eyes. He was awake and looking right at me.

"Hey bud. How are you doin'?" He asked.

"A little sore, that's for sure. What happened? Why did those guys do that?" I asked in disbelief.

"I don't know, but I made sure they knew fucked with the wrong person. You are my best friend and I'm glad I showed up when I did. I'm sorry I didn't come home with you last night." He said.

"It's ok, Steve. I knew you had to have your fun. I hope you had fun with the girls before you came over here."I reposnded.

He got a huge smile on his face. "Yeah, the ladies can't keep their hands off this shit!" He said with a big smile as he stretched out his body. It was then that I realized he was shirtless and was down to his underwear in bed with me. Huge turn on, but at that moment I couldn't be thinking about sex.

I just giggled. Then he turned to me and said, "And I know you can't either." I just got a big smile on my face and giggled, but then felt really bad. Steve saw the change of look across my face.

"What's the matter, bud?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know how to say this. I have given head to several people and had fucked a few guys, but I was honestly hoping you'd be the first person to fuck me. I guess that's gone now. " I said with tears starting to flow.

He reached over to me and said he was touched. He didn't know that I was still a virgin after all these years. I said, "Well, my ass was still cherry until those assholes decided to force themselves onto me." He just held me as I wept into his arms.

Later that afternoon, I received a call from the police. They had apprehended the two gentlemen and they were going to jail. Both had confessed to their actions, although both had said they were somewhat blacked out and couldn't remember everything. Steve wouldn't face any charges as he had come to help me and they had been forceful and swung at him. He was relieved because that could hurt his military career.

Later that Saturday afternoon, we were just chilling on my couch, the same one I had sucked him off on before he left. He asked me if I still wanted to go on our trip. I told him that I really did and looked forward to it. I really wanted to get out of this town after all that happened the previous night. He just gave me a big hug and he looked forward to it. I had wrapped my arms around him too, but as I was letting go of him, my had just happened to brush his crotch. Imagine my surprise when I felt Steve was hard as a rock. I didn't even notice it before that. I just grabbed on it and he got a big smile. "Are you sure man?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's the least I can do for the guy who saved me last night." I replied.

I pulled down his shorts he was wearing. Here he was naked in front of me. I just leaned down and took his cock in my mouth. He just gave out a nice groan.

Next: Chapter 3

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