My Buddy the Marine

By scooby doo.

Published on Mar 17, 2012


This is a fictional piece of work. The characters are fictional and any resemblance to real events or people is completely coincidental.

The basic rules apply, if you are underage, etc... do not read this, go play on or something.

[Authors note: This and a previous chapter feature sex without protection. I do not, nor do I condone having sex without protection.]

Steve left for the base and to know that it would be two weeks before I would see him again was tearing me apart. Here I was in a city that I didn't know and I didn't think I would be staying out here this long. I thought I would be here for a few days and then heading home.

I called back to my parents and his parents and told them everything would be ok. I called work and asked for an extended leave. My boss is so cool and said for all that I've done for the company, he totally understood and would see me when I got back, whenever that would be.

Christmas was upon us and Steve was still at the base. I decided I wanted to go shopping and get him something special. I thought of a lot of different things I could get someone who basically already had everything he wanted. I went to a few different stores, but nothing really caught my eye. I thought of getting him a friendship ring, but I didn't know if he would wear it when he was around all the other guys on base. I wanted it to be something special from me that would show our connection and would really show how much I cared about him. My present would be awesome and he would know that I was here for him 100%. I found my gift.

I went back to the hotel and just laid around and watched the television for a while. Sports of course seemed to be on every channel and I just wanted to relax. As I was sitting there I heard a knock on the door of the room. I went and answered the door, only to find a Marine decked out in full cammo gear and was looking directly at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Are you Kyle?" He asked.

"Yes, " I said, looking at him directly in the eyes, "What can I do for you sir?"

"Don't call me sir," He responded with a smile, "I'm just a grunt like your friend Steve. He asked me to come and check on you and see how you were doing. I wasn't deployed wit him, I was stationed at the base while his unit was abroad. My Name is Matthew."

"Nice to meet you Matthew." I said as I shook his hand and invited him into the room. "Is there something wrong with Steve?"

"No, his debriefing is going well. He just said he felt bad that you were left her all alone while he was on base and wanted me to stop by and see if you needed company or wanted to hang a little. I live off base so after my shift is done, I can basically do whatever the hell I want. So I thought I would come by and see how you were doing and if you would care to join me in going out and grabbing some drinks." He asked very politely.

"Yeah, sure!" I said enthusiastically, "I think that would be fun. Sure would beat the boredom of being in this stupid hotel room day in and day out."

"Well, why don't you go ahead and come with me. I have to go to my house, change and shower, and then we can go out and maybe hit a place we can get something to eat and have a few drinks." He said.

I grabbed my things from the hotel room and followed Matthew. He was about 5 foot 10 and even though he was wearing his uniform, I could tell he was fairly built. The arms of his uniform were tight against the material and that usually comes from muscles.

We drove over to Matthew's house and he just told me to go ahead and grab a seat on the couch and could turn on the tv or whatever. He came back a couple of times into the living room to make sure I was doing ok as he was getting his uniform off. The last take he came out, he was shirtless and in his boxer shorts. Holy cow I wasn't prepared for that. Matthew was ripped to all hell. I couldn't help myself as I looked his body over and found he had a nice little bulge in his boxers that seemed to indicate he was well proportioned and he hung to the left.

I quickly averted my eyes from his Marine God. I questioned myself if all Marines were this freaking hot. If I wasn't already attached to Steve, I would have made a small attempt to see where Matthew stood as far as sex with Men. I found a channel on the television and he went and took a shower. I got up and looked around his apartment. I got the feeling he wasn't the only guy that lived here. I saw pictures of different people I took were family, or his roommate's family. I saw an xbox and video games all over and a shelf of movies. In the shelf there was an area that had too doors. There was a lock on the doors, but I pulled on the handle to see if just maybe It might be open.

Sure enough, it opened. What I saw next wasn't too much of a surprise. It was their porn stash; definitely a large collection of porn ranging from just girls to full on, hardcore material. What surprised me was that I found a few videos towards the back that peaked my interest. The cover showed hardcore straight and what appeared to be gay sex for the video. I estimated this to be a bi-sexual movie and there were about 8 others like it. The title of one video had the word `bi' in the title. This really made me interested for sure. I didn't want to assume as Matthew had a roommate, so it was quite possible that it could be the roommate's and not his.

I heard the shower turn off. I quietly shut the doors and returned to my place on the couch. A few minutes later I heard the door to the bathroom open and Matthew came out into the living room, clad in only a towel around his waist. All I can say is I about had an orgasm right then and there. To see the ripped body with water still dripping off of it down to the towel, and I noticed the bulge that was quite evident in the groin area.

"What am I thinking?? No way this Marine would even be interested in me! Stop it! Stop it!" I kept saying to myself. He told me he would be ready in a few minutes, just wanted to make sure he got dressed appropriately.

The swelling in my pants started to go down from seeing Matthew almost naked. It was obvious that he wasn't all that modest around other guys, but I kept saying when you are in the Marines, you have guys around you all the time, so it's probably normal for him.

Matthew came out dressed up. He looked so good and for the first time I noticed his eyes were bright light blue. My knees were a little weak when I stood up and saw this hot guy standing in front of me. Again I had to remind myself that I was already `attached' and I didn't want to do anything that would mess that up.

We went out for a good meal at a local restaurant and had some drinks. It was a really nice place and it allowed me to really get to know Matthew. He was from the East Coast and had joined the Marines because pretty much everyone in his family all the way to his great grandfather were in the Marines. "A Family Tradition" Is basically how he stated it.

He talked about home life. He had 3 brothers and a sister. He was the youngest of all of them. Two of his brothers are also in the Marines right now, and the other had just retired from the Marines after serving 10 years. He had fought in the first gulf war and been to other deployments around the world. He showed me a picture of his brothers and him all in uniform. Each and every one of them seemed to be as hot as Matthew. I felt bad for his sister to know all the girls that had to have been crawling around his house when they were in high school.

After we got done with dinner we decided to go out to a local pub to get some more drinks. It was a fairly quiet place and he said he really enjoyed going here because not a lot of Marines actually knew about it. It was a more hole in the wall type of pub, but had friendly atmosphere and drinks were relatively cheap compared to most other places.

"So, tell me Kyle, you and Steve are brothers?" He asked.

"Well, not `blood' brothers, but we are very close friends and he and I developed a great friendship that we basically became brothers. We met in grade school and have been close ever since. We've done so many things together while growing up, we basically are brothers. I never had any brothers or sisters, so he became my surrogate brother I guess you could say." I replied.

"That's awesome man. It's always nice having a good friend that you've known for so long." He said with a smile. "So what kind of things do you guys like to do?"

"We've gone fishing, up to his cabin. We've gone on trips, played in a softball league back home, just a lot of fun stuff. You know all the stuff friends do." I said.

"Yup. That's awesome you found someone like that man. I don't know if I could have been an only child. My brothers have always been close to me. They taught me so much. We did a lot of things together. Hell, they even set me up with my first fuck!" He said with a huge laugh.

"Yeah, it's different. I think that's why I really am thankful for Steve. He's been my `brother' for so long. We're family and very close. He's helped me through a lot of stuff, and I'm happy I could be out here to support him and all of you guys in all you do." I said.

We made some more small talk. Matthew was drinking the beers down a little bit faster than I was, and I could tell he was getting a little intoxicated. I was a little scared when the conversation turned to sex. Matthew talked about girls that he really enjoyed and that he had sex when he was 13. "I was an early bloomer." He stated. Said it was with his next door neighbor. His brothers had set him up to it. The girl was 17 and he was 13. Yes, it was rape in most states, but who was he going to tell. He relived his first experience in detail, saying as most guys have their first ejaculation within seconds of putting it in. He said with a laugh, "We ended up fucking four times that night."

Images started going into my head of him having sex. It was obvious to me that he had a big cock based on the bulge that I saw in both his boxers and the towel. I started getting lost just thinking of the girls he had sex with and wishing at times I could have been one of them.

"Umm.. hello??!!" he said with a smile.

I snapped out of my day dream and Matthew was clicking his fingers in front of my face.

"Dude, where'd you go? I asked you a question and you were no where..." He said with a laugh.

"Huh? Oh umm... sorry, I am a little tired, so I guess I just blanked a little. What was your question?" I asked trying to play it off.

"So, you've heard all about my sex life, what about yours?" He asked, looking me directly in the eyes.

"Well, um. I first had sex when I was 16. Wasn't anything special. Wasn't what I was hoping my first time would be, but hell, who has their first time be special? Outside of you that is." I said with a smile.

"Well, it was special, but still wasn't everything I wanted either. I wanted to last for hours, but when you are that young, it doesn't happen. That's changed now though, thank God!" He said very matter of a fact.

I got up and told him I had to go to take a piss. I went into the bathroom and when I opened my pants, realized I had been so hard, I was leaking pre-cum in my pants. I was turned on by Matthew and I really wanted to have sex with him. I felt I was getting vibes from him that he was interested, but I also didn't want to betray my trust with Steve. I knew that it would hurt him if I did anything outside of our relationship.

I came back and Matthew was staring right at me as I walked back to our table. I noticed he wasn't just staring at me, but had also looked over me up and down a couple of times. I was thankful my hard on had subsided when I took a leak, so it wasn't obvious anymore.

Matthew and I stayed at the bar for quite a while longer and we both got a little tipsy in our time there. Matthew started talking to this very cute girl and I stayed at the table that we were at. I noticed a couple of times that she had reached her hand into his lap and it was obvious she was feeling something she liked.

As the night wore on, he was making out with this girl and I knew he would probably end up hooking up with this girl. I went up to him and said I was going to call a cab and head back to the hotel.

"What? Naw dog, you can come back and sleep on my couch. We're gonna take off here soon, bud." He said.

He introduced me to Molly. She was quite attractive and very friendly. She was about 33 and it was obvious to me she was looking for one thing at that moment. Her arms were completely around Matthew pretty much all the rest of the time we were at the bar. He bought her and me a few more drinks and then we got a cab and headed back to his apartment.

We walked in the door and there was another person sitting on the couch. He was just in shorts and a t-shirt and another guy I could tell was decently built. His name was Mike and he was Matthew's roommate. He introduced himself to me and said hi to Matthew and Molly. Matthew and Molly stayed out in the living room with us for a little bit and Mike decided he was going to head to bed. He said he had to work the next day and was a little tired.

Matthew went into his room and brought back a pillow and a blanket for me and told me I could crash on his couch. The lights were turned out and he and Molly made their way to the bed room. I started to fall asleep when I started to hear some moaning coming from towards Matthew's room. Being the type of guy who is horny all the time, I really wanted to see him in action.

I quietly made my way towards his bedroom and it was obvious he was getting some action. Her moans were becoming a little louder and I knew he was pleasing her pretty well. I wanted to know what his cock looked like hard. As I got to the door to his bedroom, I noticed it wasn't shut all the way, so I pushed it open a little to see if I could see anything. The small opening in the door allowed me direct view of his bed. He had a small light on in his room that just added enough light to see them on the bed. I didn't think they could see me as the side of the room the door was on was quite dark, and there wasn't light behind me.

As I looked in, I saw that Matthew was completely naked and was giving the girl oral sex. I could see his body bent over and his ass was in view. It was a very nice and tight ass. The kind I could easily see myself rimming and fucking. To say I was starting to get hard was an understatement. Matthew then laid down next to her and she got up. For the first time I got a view of Matthew's dick. I knew he was large, but I had no idea. It had to be about 7 or 8 inches long, but he was quite thick and I could only think of the damage that it could do.

Molly took the tip of his cock into her mouth and tried to give him a good blow job, but it was evident, she was having difficulty taking more than a couple of inches into her mouth. Matthew seemed to get tired of her trying and just pulled her up to be on top of her. Within seconds, she was riding him and it was obvious that she was enjoying the fullness he was offering her.

After a few minutes of this position, Matthew turned her over and put her down face first into the bed. He got behind her and mounted her. I could only dream that was me in front of him as he sunk his missile into her depths. She was in ecstasy as her eyes were rolled into the back of her head. At that moment, I noticed that Matthew was looking directly towards the door. I didn't think he could see me, but as he was fucking her hard, he was looking over at me. I realized I was found out when I saw him wink at me and wave me in. I just shook my head and sunk a little more away from the door. He just gave a little shrug, and put his hands on Molly's shoulders and gave her a good fucking.

What really surprised me with watching Matthew's sex romp with Molly was that as he came, he pulled out of her cunt and sprayed his load all over her face and body. I mean, I've seen some good cum shots, but the spray went everywhere, and the volume was a decent amount. He collapsed on top of her and they started kissing. He again looked at me in the doorway and gave a wink.

I pulled away from the door and went back to the couch and laid down. A little while later I heard his door open and another door open. A couple minutes later, I noticed that Matthew was out in the living room. He came over to the couch and I pretended that I was already asleep. He leaned over towards the couch and just whispered, "I hope you got a good show. If you wanted some action, you should have joined us... you could have seen it up close." What happened next surprised me. He grabbed my hand and placed it onto his cock, which was still hard as a rock.

I didn't respond. I wanted him to believe that I was passed out and wasn't even aware he was doing this. He wrapped my hand around his cock and had me stroke his cock a few times. My cock responded right away and I was definitely tenting. He just laughed and said, "yeah, that's what I thought."

Next: Chapter 15

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