My Buddy the Marine

By scooby doo.

Published on Jun 5, 2011


My buddy the Marine – Part 4

This is a fictional piece of work. The characters are fictional and any resemblance to real events or people is completely coincidental.

The basic rules apply, if you are underage, etc... do not read this, go play on or something. J

That night, nothing happened. We just wrestled around a little more. I couldn't help but be hard with Steve literally all over my body. He just laughed it off and said he always knew his body turned me on, but just never before had believed he would ever enjoy being with another man.

We finally went to sleep at about 9:30pm. I usually lay on my right side, and had my back to him as we fell asleep. I woke up at about 2:30am with his arm around me and his body literally pressed up against me. I could also feel his cock, guarded by his underwear, poking into my ass. I didn't want to do something that I would regret later, so I just pushed back a few times against it, fantasizing that it was really going into my ass, making me his. I fell back asleep and was content with my strong man holding me. In my mind I kept thinking, what if some of his Marine buddies ever found out about this.

I awoke to the smell of food being cooked. The sun wasn't even fully up and it was still kind of dark in my bedroom. I noticed the door was open and the light was on, so I got up. I walked out into the kitchen to see this beefy guy in nothing but his tighty whities cooking eggs and sausages on the stove. The funny part was, he had morning wood. Those underwear were stretched to the straining point and I just started to laugh. I went back into my room and grabbed my digital camera and snapped a few pictures. I would use them later for masturbation sessions when he was gone again. Those wouldn't be the only pictures I had either.

We both took showers and finally were on the road at 6am. I let Steve drive because he knew exactly where we were going and it would be easier than navigating and telling me where we were going. While on the road we talked more about his experiences in the Marines, about his specialties, and his enjoyment of hanging with his brothers in arms. He told me about some of the guys he had become close with. Quite of few of them sounded like they were hot . Steve told me there were about 5 guys in his squad that would lift with him every day and were literally as built as he was. Then there were most of the other guys who were not fat but not full of muscle either. He said he often got asked if he was taking steroids or anything illegal, but he told them there was no way you could do that in the Marines as they were tested quite often. He also joined a boxing club on base and worked out there quite often.

We had been on the road for almost 4 ½ hrs and decided to find a restaurant. It was one of those mom and pop diners that you often see as you get further away from civilization. We sat down in our booth and grabbed the menus and were deciding what we wanted to eat. This blonde waitress, about age of 25 was our server. She definitely was Steve's type and he right away started flirting. She played along and throughout our time and we got our food. As we were eating, I realized we were the only people in the diner now, as the breakfast rush must have been done, and the lunch rush hadn't started just yet. Sally, our sever, came over and started talking to us, mostly flirting with Steve. I mean, who could blame her? Steve was a hot specimen. His haircut gave away that he was military, that was for sure, and she picked up on it and said she always loved military guys because they knew how to take care of a lady and her needs. I about spewed my drink and he started laughing.

We finished our meal and Sally brought us our check. Steve just started laughing as he read the check for our bill. It said it was on the house if Steve would meet her out back in 5 minutes. He got a big smile on his face and said, "Well, bud, this will help us keep our money and do a service for America."

I just walked out to the car and turned on the radio as Steve walked to the back of the building. The whole time I wished I could be there to watch him and Sally get it on. About twenty minutes later, Steve appeared and came back to the car. His clothes were a little shoveled and he had lipstick all over his face and neck. I just started laughing as he had a big smile on his face. He got in the car and I just couldn't stop laughing at him. We didn't say a word, but about five minutes later, the curiosity just got the best of me.

"So... spill the beans!"

"Oh dude, you have no idea. I no sooner got to the back of the café and her hands were all over me. She pulled my cock out and just whistled, saying it's the biggest she's ever had the pleasure of doing business with. She got done and gave me head for about 4 minutes, then I pulled her up, pulled her pants down and just nailed her. She came twice before I came. I wanted to cum in her, but without a condom, no way. I pulled out, turned her around and jizzed all over her face. I just started laughing at the thought of how she was going to explain that one to her co-workers as I started to walk back to the car."

I just started laughing. That's Steve for ya. For about the next hour we were pretty silent. I noticed we weren't on any major highways and there were a lot more trees.

"Where are we going Steve, you can tell me now." I said a little impatiently.

"You'll see soon enough, we're almost there." He replied.

About 30 minutes later we turned off on this old dirt road and drove about 4 miles back. This was a private road based on the signs all over that said `no trespassing'. There were a lot of trees around the road so I couldn't really see where we were going ahead of us.

About another half mile, everything opened up. There was a very nice cabin that was on a lake. It was secluded and there wasn't another cabin or anything that I could see across the lake or to the left or right. We had packed groceries, so that should have given me a hint that we were going camping or something, but I didn't know for sure, so it was all a mystery to me.

The cabin was his uncle's. He had passed away about 2 years prior and had left it to Steve. It was his and his alone as Steve told me. He had never brought anyone up there, because it was his place to go when he just wanted to get away from it all. His parents had done most of the upkeep and such while he had been gone and used it quite frequently during the year.

It was absolutely awesome! There was a lake, a big fire pit, and this 2 story cabin out in the middle of nowhere. We unpacked and entered the cabin. To say I was surprised was an understatement. It was nicely furnished, had a generator, a tv, video games (he must have brought up), a refrigerator, a stove, and even a bathroom. There were a few couches and a couple chairs also around the place. The second floor was the `bedroom' area of the cabin. It had a large king sized bed and a dresser. Yes, there was only one bed. Now I can understand why he really didn't bring anyone else up here. We put all the food away and unpacked all our clothes in the dresser and hung some shirts up on a pole that was stretched between two large log beams going up to the ceiling. This place was immaculate and was worthy of a king.

"So, what do you think? Do you like it?" He asked.

"Dude, this place is awesome! I'm very impressed!" I said.

"Well, it's a gift from my uncle. After he passed, I found out during the will reading that it was given to me. It's all mine." He said.

"Wow dude, how come you never told me about this place? I mean, come on dude... you can't be holding something like this out on your brother!"I said as I punched him playfully in his chest.

He just smiled and replied, "Remember all those times I had told you my family was going on a trip. It was sort of a lie, because I usually came up here alone, to think, to just be part of nature, and to relax. It was nice to be able to just get away from time to time. It's also where I made my decision to go into the Marines, because my uncle... the one who gave this to me... was a Marine and had fought in Vietnam. So I thought what a better way to honor him for his gift than to go into the Marines. He had told me he would be very proud of me if I ever went into the service."

"Well, I am sure he is very proud of you man. It's awesome that he would be so generous to give this to you." I said.

"Well, his story is this. He had a wife and children, but they left him 5 years after he returned from `Nam. He was having difficulties adjusting back to civilization and his wife said she couldn't handle his flashbacks. She said he was a different person and she felt like she couldn't talk to him anymore because he had become so quiet and reserved. She took the kids with her and he never saw them again. So, to help him cope, about 10 years later he built this cabin. He remodeled it a few times and added things to make it what it is today. He mostly lived here because he just needed his time to think, be with God, and to just relax. He worked at a paper mill up the road 10 miles. "

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear he went through such a rough life." I replied.

"Well, the best part of it is, when I was old enough, he would bring me up here for a week during the summer. We would fish, shoot guns, swim, and just relax. He kind of became a second dad to me. I looked up to him in so many ways. He told me I was his `son' and always addressed me as such. I think that's why I was given the cabin." He said, with a tear in his eye, which he quickly wiped away.

I got up and just gave him a big hug. "You were probably the only person he felt he could talk to Steve. It's awesome you were there for him and that you two bonded. I'm happy to hear you made his life better." I replied.

"Yeah, and he made mine better. I could always talk to him about things I couldn't talk to my own dad about. Like girls, sex, school, sports. I never felt like I had to be somebody around him and that I could always be who I was, no matter what. My dad has his vision of what my life should be. He would never talk to me about girls and sex because it's against God's law to do it before marriage. Jack, my uncle, would just laugh and say it's a normal thing as a teenager to want to have sex. He even hooked me up with a couple older girls that worked at the bar a few miles down the road. I think that's where my sexual life started."

"He sounds like an awesome guy and I know he will live in your heart for your life." I replied as I happened to look at the wall behind us. I saw a picture of a man in military uniform. I realized that was Uncle Jack.

The conversation went on about some of the stories of him with his uncle and I could tell that Steve really missed him a lot. His demeanor was slightly down and I could tell he wanted to cry. I just gave him a huge hug and told him I would always be here for him.

"That's why I want to tell you something." He said.


"If I get deployed somewhere, and something happens to me. I have written it in my directives with my platoon, that I want you to have this cabin." He said looking me directly in the eye with a very serious look on his face. "You are the best friend I have ever had and my brother. I love you and I would hope you won't deny me this gift to you." He said.

"Umm, Steve, this is pretty deep man. I know we love each other and feel a very close bond. I am honored that you love me that much to give me this... but dude, nothing is going to happen to you. You are a fighter and will make it through anything." I replied.

I couldn't stay in this conversation anymore. I was about to bust in tears. I just wrapped him in a hung and kissed him on his cheek. "I love you man, but I gotta say this..."I said letting there be a big pause. ... "That lake looks too inviting for us not to go skinny dipping!" I Said with a big smile.

He looked at me confused at first, like he didn't hear what I just said. He then got a huge smile on his face, stood up and proceeded to shed all of his clothes. I just took him the beauty of his body that was in front of me, stood up and literally almost ripped off my clothes too, and followed that hot ass to the lake. We dove in and let the water cool us off.

We horsed around, wrestled around in the water and every now and again I reached down and grabbed that huge twig hanging between his legs. As time went on, I noticed each time I did it, it seemed to be bigger and harder.

All of a sudden he grabbed me by both arms and gave me a huge hug, chest to chest and cock to cock. His fully hard, mine not even close, until that moment.

Next: Chapter 5

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