My Teacher Is a Fag

By Albert

Published on Aug 7, 2007


all names & places have been changed for the usual reasons. Thanks all for the encouragement.

Tyrone had lied. There was nothing easy about eating his prick. The monstrous head slid between my greedy lips easily enough, but it was downright manual labor trying to hold the huge prick in my mouth. I realized right off that accomodating his huge tool was going to take a monumental effort and I tried to prepare myself as best I could. But, Tyrone was having none of it. "Dat's not the way ta suck it, do it rite Mr Holt...suck it good, baby." I tried my best to accomodate him. As the huge prick slid farther into my mouth...crept along, sliding over my tongue - I knew I was now at the point of no return. Even if I stopped rite then & there Tyrone could claim I'd sucked his prick & there would be nothing I could do about it. Damn, I realized I'd blown it (no pun intended) w/ my punk bitch ass.

"Take it in yo mouf cocksukka" Tyrone demanded. Again like the obediant dog, I obeyed. I now had almost half his prick in my mouth. "suck it harder, harder Mr Holt...harder, and suck it rite, do it good, like I know you can". You know I obeyed. Then Tyrone shocked me again back to reality. "Damn, dis sum freaky shit, my own fuckin' teacher is a FAG!!!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it struck me as puzzling to say the least. "Shit Mr Holt, I was jes bluffing, I didn't really think you'd do it, I didn't know you wuz really a cocksuckka, but I sho' am glad you is". More of his prick slid even deeper between my lips. I'd just gone past the half-way mark and again Tyrone said "I shudda guessed...never seen a guy named Albert dat wasn't a FAG!!!!, it's a fag name...Albert, Albert...Albert the FAG!!!" I was steaming, so furious, not to mention deeply embarrassed. But what was I going to do? A young punk had me between his legs, on my knees, sucking his

prick...and calling me names and humiliating me...and I just let him. I guess I must've lost focus on my cocksucking because Tyrone abruptly stood up from my desk and angrily shouted "suck it rite dammit, jes like a good bitch should, suck dat mo'fucka, dam faggot!" He held my head between his hands and slid his prick between my lips to about the 3-qtr mark and I slowly began to gag almost out of reflex. I coughed a couple times to clear my throat and Tyrone broke out in laughter. My nose was running, I was becoming more deeply embarrassed by the moment. Actually now, holding my head, Tyrone began fucking my lips, gently at first, then slowly picking up the tempo. I quickly realized it would be easier not to resist. His fat, rubbery smooth and silky tasting, delicious prick slid easily enough between my cocksucking lips with absolutely no trouble at all. I was almost beginning to enjoy the feeling when I remembered I was w/ a student of mine and not at some porno

shop glory hole or men's room somewhere. I could go to jail for this. "Suck me harder Mr Holt, wrap dem dicksuckking lips a yours round dis mo'fucka and suck it, bitch - goddam teacher - a FAG!!" I wished he would stop saying that. Slowly he sat back down on my desk and for a second I got to wipe my nose clean with my free hand when he wasn't watching. I began sucking his prick w/ renewed ardor. Up & down, up & down i slid my lips all over his magnificent tool. I was slobbering all over it, Tyrone moaned freely, easily and I must admit it did make me feel good to know I was giving that much pleasure. Embarrassed to admit it, but I did so want to please him. Come to think of it, didn't he say he was rite at the edge???? If so, what was taking him so long????

Then it hit me, Tyrone mite be a real cocksman, the kind who cums when he wants to, not because he's getting a good blowjob, I had been sucking him for well over 15 minutes and even though his prick was rock hard - and delicious...he was nowhere close to cumming...and he said he was rite at the edge...what was going on????? Tyrone sat up on my desk, my knees were now beginning to get sore, I hoped he wouldn't hold out much longer. I'm sure he wasn't interested in my knees, my lips were tiring and my jaws were beginning to ache. My nose began running again. My neck muscles were tiring...but Tyrone was having none of it. Without any warning whatsoever he just grabbed me by the back of the neck and began to furiously pump my lips up & down his fat thick prick. So hard & fast he almost knocked the breath out of me. He was pumping my head up & down at over 100 mph, I couldn't catch my breath, couldn't stop slobbering, everything was blurry, I just felt my nose bouncing

off his pubic hairs and my bottom lip slap his balls. "OOOOooohhhhh!!!!!!" he moaned, "harder, Mr Holt, harder, suck it harder dammit!" His relentless pounding of my lips on his prick began to take their toll. I thought I tasted a drop of precum. His animalistic grunting and hard breathing and the incredible strangulation grip he had on the back of my neck had me on the verge of blacking out. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't swallow, I couldn't gag or throw up. "OOOOOoooohhhh, Mr Holt, you da best dicksuckka I ever had, suck dis dick, eat it, eat it up bitch, all of it you faggot ass mofucka, eat dis dick, eat it!"

Tyrone stood up again and backed me to the wall. My head slammed into the blackboard alomost knocking me unconscious, but Tyrone didn't care. "Don't let my dick outta yo' mouf bitch!!" he responded. He knew I wouldn't, I was afraid to. I held onto his prick for dear life with my lips. I felt as if I were dangling off a cliff & his prick was the only thing saving me, & I had to hang on by my lips. I didn't think it was possible to suck a prick this long, it had been almost half an hour and still no cumming. Tyrone began to fuck my lips...furiously, grunting and slamming his hips into me w/ his full force, uncaring about my situation at all. My lips felt as tho they were being rubbed off from the friction, the back of my throat hurt from the repeated stabbings and I was desperately trying not to bite him, or have my teeth scrape his pretty prick, not to mention keep my runny nose off him.

Again, and again, and again, and again he furiously pumped his prick between my lips. What was I doing wrong, how could he not have managed to cum by now??? More furious face fucking, and no relief in site. Why did I agree to this, I just decided 'to hell w/ it" "Do whatever you want, Tyrone", I said to myself. I was about to slump over from sheer exhaustion when suddenly Tyrone lunged forward one last time and jammed his prick even further into my mouth - I didn't think it was possible for his prick to get any deeper in my mouth - and exploded in the back of my throat with enough force to blow the back of my head off. "AAaaaarrrggghhhh" Tyrone grunted and gripped my head like a steel vise. "Eat it...bitch, faggot ass mo fucka, don't spit my shit out either, or i'mma kick yo' ass, eat it. all of it, eat it bitch!!" I felt the tremendous surge flow thru his prick between my lips and hot enclosed mouth like a tidal wave...and...I knew what ...was...cumming!!

His first load almost gagged me. ""GGGGmmmmpppphhhh!" I swallowed, gulped is more like it. I had no choice but to swallow or drown. Swallowing indeed, almost gulping the hot sticky thick liquid as it clotted in the back of my throat. It was like a huge thick wad of gum or wax, like a kid being forced to swallow a wad of gum by his teacher. Again his prick exploded, another torrent of hot cum went straight down my gullet. I gulped hard and choked down at least a dozen more thick, hot spurts from Tyrone's gorgeous black prick. I think I swallowed and gulped out of reflex action, I still could not breathe and at that point completely gave myself up for dead. I began to crumple forward, into Tyrone, his prick still jammed between my tightly clamping lips. Finally, mercifully, Tyrone released his death grip on my lips and let some of his fabulous prick slide out of my mouth. He withdrew all but the head of his magnificent cock and slumped back down on my desk. At

least I finally got to take a breath. I was pouring with sweat, tyrone found it amusing and revealed all his pretty, creamy, glorious white teeth at me and i instantly forgave him for everything. With those dreamy white teeth of his...he could do no wrong in my eyes...and I'm sure he knew it by now. I couldn't help staring at his teeth, just dreaming about them, kissing them, tasting them. I knew I would never be able to take my mouth off his prick, but I still wanted to kiss his pretty teeth, let my lips scrape across his soft and pretty lips, even kiss him, deeply, deeply...tenderly...and just wrap myself around him in an all-enveloping kiss.

"Why you staring at me, bitch???" Tyrone demanded, snapping me back to reality. I quickly lowered my eyes, remembering the demeaning position I was in, on my knees, between his legs and the humiliating oral act I'd just performed on him. "Answer me when I speak to you, bitch" he demanded, and then "oh yeah, you can't wif a mouf fulla my dick" He laughed almost hysterically. He began to rise up and I thought he would let me up off my knees but no such luck. 'Jes gimme a minnit, Mr Holt" he said, "It ain't everyday dat you git da best blowjob inda world like dat". Tyrone's prick was still semi-hard (remember he's only 17), he pumped it with his fist and a little taste of aftercum dropped on my tongue. As soon as his juice touched my tongue, I involuntarily swallowed and instinctively swished the slit on his prickhead with my tongue, back & forth a few times and cannot believe it, but actually raised up on my knees and blurted out "Tyrone...shove your prick back in

my mouth and let me taste some more of that warm, exotic juice" Tyrone grinned, with all those white teeth and a mischevious gleam in his eye. "Yea - I knew you'd want it some mo' baby" At this point in time I'm going to invoke my 5th amemdment priviledge.


Next: Chapter 4

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