My Teacher Is a Fag

By Albert

Published on Oct 9, 2007


Oh well, this time I really did it, I'd passed the point of no return. Whatever small sense of dignity or pride I may have had was completely gone now. I was still feeling very calm for some strange reason, as if I'd resigned myself to whatever fate awaited. It didn't seem so bad I kept thinking to myself. Who knows, maybe I'd enjoy it....yeah....right....enjoy it my ass. I fucked up & I knew it. There was no turning back. I was about to shit my pants because I thought Tyrone was about to leave and I couldn't bear the thought of him leaving me. What the fuck happened to me - I kept wondering. Conservative closet fag, always so careful to conceal my faggotry from the world, it was the most important secret of my life. And today I just threw it all away over some super gorgeous, ultra sexy young black male - with a horse hung dong. I'd suck big pricks before, I'd sucked black pricks before - hell color didn't matter, as long as the guy had a nice piece of meat and it was clean - it was welcome between my greedy lips...just about anytime. But then, I'd always had the safety and anonymity of gloryholes, private movie booths and locked mens rooms doors. Even tho no one was around I'd never openely confessed my faggotry to anyone before. Now I didn't have to...this young punk had smoked me out - COLD!!! Tyrone snapped me back to reality:

"Yo, Mr Holt, you serious????? ya want I should piss in yo' mouf?" I hesitated, and nodded slightly. "I wanna hear you say it" Tyrone demanded. I was beginning to lose my nerve now, I knew I would punk out, my knees were shaking, I couldn't look Tyrone in the eye so I just stared at the ground. "Bitch - you best ta ansa me fo' I kick yo' faggy ass!" Tyrone snapped. Calling me bitch & fag didn't even phase me anymore. I certainly didn't mind one bit. But I was definitely having 2nd thoughts about letting Tyrone piss on me. What about the smell, how would I explain it to someone if they were to stop me outside the door??? All kinds of scary thoughts ran thru my mind. "I need it, Tyrone" I weakly stammered, just like the lil bitch I was. "I ain't hear ya" Tyrone demanded. :Yeah, Tyrone, I need it, I" I practically whispered even softer than before. I think I was half hoping that Tyrone would let me off the hook again. He just shook his head " goddamn, you worse' an a bitch" he torted. I swallowed hard. To my utter surpise and disbelief Tyrone stood up and began to fasten his pants again. Again I started to panic..." I need it, Tyrone" I begged. He looked at me with terminal confusion on his handsome face. "You need what, bitch?" he demanded. Might as well get it over with, I thought. "I need it all on me" I answered, "all over...everywhere...on me, all over" I whispered outta breath. "Ya need what on you bitch?" Tyrone demanded. I couldn't bring myself to say it. All I could meekly manage was "I need it, I just need it...all...over" I looked away, entirely too ashamed to look Tyrone in the face. I wished I were invisible.

"Alright, bitch" Tyrone quipped. "I gots ta go & I gots ta go if you want it, git yo' faggy ass ovah heah & git it, fore' I leave". He said the magic word again. Quickly I scooted around in front of him and closed my eyes and squinched up my face expecting Tyrone to soak me completely. "Open yo' eyes" Tyrone commanded, I opened one eye half-way. I'd just wanted another glance at his magnificent prick again. Just to see the beautiful black tower of ivory, so smooth, so soft, so silky...oooohhhhhh, the veins running up & down the lenght of it, the smooth head...carved out of the finest mouth was beginning to water. I reached out to grip Tyrone's heavenly fuckstick and pull it to my mouth to suck, when all of a sudden he shocked me back to reality with a hot stream of foul yellow acrid piss rite between my eyes. I gasped heavily from shock, Tyrone laughed and let go with another blast of piss, this time hitting me rite under my chin at about my adam's apple. I felt the warm piss run down my shirt, soaking my underwear and slipping across my stomach. Then he directed the hot stream to the bridge of my nose, I felt it splash all over my face, in my eyes, my hair, up my nose run across my lips and finally he lowered the stream until he was pissing directly on my lips...I froze...I didn't know what to do. It seemed like he'd been pissing for hours, and drowning me with gallons of piss. But I knew it was only a few seconds...I continued to keep my lips clamped tightly while the scalding hot piss splashed all over my face. Tyrone pissed harder, deliberately trying to pry my lips open with his hot piss. I felt some slip between my lips and tasted the salty liquid. I wanted to throw up. "I can't do this" I said to myself, "it'll make me sick". Tyrone wasn't in the least moved by my plight or interested in what I wanted. He pissed even harder and his hot piss was forcing itself between my lips, entering my mouth. I tried to let it slide out the corner of my mouth but I was afraid any movement from my lips would allow more hot piss to enter my mouth. Surely he couldn't piss much longer I hoped. His stream showed absolutely no signs of weakening. Finally unable to resist any longer, I let my bottom lip fall open. Quickly seizeing the opportunity Tyrone directed all his piss to my open mouth and let loose with a hot stream forceful enough to make me actually swallow some instead of letting my mouth fill and overflow. "Dat's it, bitch" Tyrone yelled, "swallow all my piss, swallit all!!!" I continued to allow some to slip out the corner of my mouth but I had to swallow a little, I had no choice. At last Tyrone's stream began to weaken. My mouth was filled to the rim with his hot yellow piss. I couldn't hold it any longer and had to expel it, I was just about to spit it out when suddenly Tyrone grabbed my face and mashed my lips close with the palm of his hand. "Swallow dat piss, bitch, jes like you said you wuz!" He was serious, he meant business. I couldn't swallow it, I just couldn't, it would make me puke, I just knew it. Tyrone pinched my nostrils closed. Now with my air cut off and my throat unable to open up, plus burning hot yellow piss in my mouth, not to mention my eyes watering and my stomach doing flip-flops just like it doesn when I'm about to throw up. Tyrone bent my head backwards. "Swallow bitch, NOW!!!!!" he demanded. Unable to breathe or relax, I gulped as hard as I could and managed to choke the hot acrid piss down. I felt the hot piss slide down my throat, reach my stomach and then start to shoot back up, using super human willpower I forced the piss to remain in my stomach and gulped in a few deep breaths of air thru my mouth. Tyrone released me, I hung my head forward and left my mouth open hoping any remaining piss droplets would spill out of my wide open mouth. My stomach was convulsing, almost heaving, I was fighting like mad to keep the hot piss down. I was becoming nauseated, I wanted to run somewhere and puke, but I couldn't...Tyrone was still rite there with me...and what would he do to me if I threw up his piss. I remained motionless for a few minutes hoping that I could just let everything settle down and maybe I'd be alright. I couldn't tell if I was drenched in my own sweat or Tyrone's hot piss. It didn't matter, I needed a shower badly and I knew it. For a split second I thought I observed Tyrone look upon me with disgust, almost as if he didn't want anything to do with me rite then. I hung my head down, I was feeling thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated, but with that look of scorn on his face, Tyrone had genuinely hurt my feelings. Not daring to make eye contact with Tyrone, I just turned my head away from him. I didn't know what to say. Was I corrupting a good kid with my selfish behavior???? Had my faggotry gotten the best of me to the point where I'd lost all sense of reason? I felt tremendous guilt for having involved Tyrone in this sordid mess. The look of disgust on his face had really scared me to my soul. What was I thinking of??? How could I do what I'd just done???? I knew the guilt would eat me alive now. I'd never been able to fully accept my faggotry, I'd wrestled with my conscience all my adult life. Now it seems as if it had come full circle. Tyrone, I'm so sorry, I kept repeating to myself - over and over again. I vowed rite then & there to make it up to him, no matter what. I think at this time we both felt it was time to depart. I grabbed some old clothes out of the lost & found hamper and dried myself off as best I could. The silence in the room was deafening. I couldn't look Tyrone in the eye and felt so guilty and ashamed of myself. I wouldn't blame him if he ran out of the room and never saw me again. Damn, my conscience, I thought again and again. How could I let something like this happen? Tyrone actually grinned at me, revealing all those pretty teeth of his that I love so much. He shook his head a few times and muttered half-aloud..."my teacher is a goddamn fag...damn!!!! dat's sum freaky shit!!!" I almost started feeling better.

Next: Chapter 7

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