My Teacher Is a Fag

By Albert

Published on Feb 17, 2009


All the usual restrictions apply. Over 18 please.

"Yo Mr Holt, how you git ta be a fag anyway?" I certainly wasn't expecting that, I surely didn't have an answer. "I mean - was it sumthin like - ya know, ya didn't have no daddy, or wuz yo mama a bitch, or real mean ta ya, or sumthin like dat?" Tyrone most definitely could ask some of the more difficult questions. "I jes wanna know whad be up witchu sometimes" i hesitated for a minute - "Tyrone, I'm not sure that's entirely appropriate to discuss such a situation". "Fuck dat, itsa ez question, jes ansa...wuz yo mama a bitch ta ya, or wuz yo daddy faggy too, and dats where you learnt it from?" I didn't know what to say to him, I mean, how do you answer such questions? I could tell he wasn't gonna stop until he got some answers so I did the best I could. "Tyrone, homosexuals are not just - made as you put it" "Why in the fuck dey ain't? Is it ya don't like pussy, or ya don't be liking girls or sumthin?" Goodness, there was no squirming out of this. "Ya mean ta tell me, ya don't nevah want no pussy...not nevah? I' on't blee dat!" He looked genuinely confused. "I mean I can't bleve ya don't want no pussy, dat don't make no sense...Is you ever had any pussy...I mean is you ever fucked a girl or is you jes been with fags all yo life?" There was no letting up, I didn't know what to say, what to think, I couldn't understand why this was so important to him. "Now if you ain't nevah had no pussy, I mite could see it, but I jes don't bleve you don't want no pussy...I could hook you up wid sum". He made it sound so simple. He could just hook me up with some. How could I tell him, not only had I never had any pussy, I'd never even kissed a girl, or held hands with one before. Not because I didn't like them, I was too timid to approach girls when I was his age. I guess I was embarrassed to tell him that. At least I couldn't think of any way to put it in words.

"So, what wuz it...yo mama a bitch, or you ain't have no daddy?" "I don't think it was either of those reasons Tyrone" I tried to explain. "Aww, bullshit, it was one o' em, I think yo mama wuz a bitch, I mean if you scared o' girls it's gots ta be cuz yo mama wuz a bitch...did she like beatchu all da time, or did she kinda down you for errythang you tried ta do? I mean it's gotta be sumthin' like dat". What could I tell him??? I was at a loss for words. "Wuz you like raped or sumthin by one o yo relatives or sumthin...did some older kids in yo hood beatchu up & make you like be suckin' dey dicks, wuz it a bunch a guys made you suck dey dicks?" I gave up completely, he could think whatever he wanted to. "I jes wanna know, I can't bleve a muhfucka jes don't want no pussy, I don't bleve dat!" "Well, I don't know what to tell you Tyrone, I'm not sure there is an acceptable reason for being homosexual"...he cut me off abruptly..."fuck dat, is it you jes scared of pussy, I mean you scared ya ain't gon be able ta make a woman cum, or yo dick won't git hard or sumthin...or yo dick small or sumthin?" He was downright embarrassing me by the minute. "I mean like, did a girl tell ya yo dick wuz to small or sumthin, did she like laff atchu?, I mean dat kinda shit can make a muhfucka a faggot, can't dat what happent to you?" It was completely hopeless, I didn't know what he wanted from me. Finally I just threw my hands up in the air out of exasperation and exclaimed..."yes Tyrone, I'm afraid that I'm a little shy with women, maybe I fear their rejection or something, I honestly don't know". A little awkward silence followed. The tension was starting to get to me. "I wuz rite" Tyrone began, "yo mama used ta beat da shit outta ya didn't she?" I didn't say anything. "She wuz probly one o' dem controlling type womens, ones dat like to boss ya round & shit, and beat yo ass jes for dropping cookie crums on da flo". Wow, he hit the nail on the head about that one. Mama Charlene would damn near whip me into unconsciousness if I spilled anything on the rug. "So, wuz she like always on yo ass foah gittin good grades & shit & always wanted ya ta be clean & neat all da time". "Yeah" I exclaimed, couldn't argue with that. "Whad bout yo daddy?" he asked. "I never knew my father Tyrone, it was just Mama Charlene & me". He almost seemed to feel sorry for me.

Just then, a guy pulled up in a shiny black new corvette. It was gorgeous and naturally captured Tyrone's full attention. There was a beefy, burly looking guy behind the wheel, probably in his 50s or 60s. He had the top down and Tyrone's eyes were transfixed. The guy had silver hair, lot of character lines on his face and seemed to be a rather large heavy set, barrel chested man. "Damn, dat's a prutty muhfucka" Tyrone exclaimed. The beefy guy just grinned. He looked at us as tho we were the odd couple. Tyrone checked out the car all around, inquired about the stereo system and generally struck up a conversation w/ the guy. For a split second, I thought, this mite be my chance to sneak away from there...but wisdom prevailed. Where would I go, what would I do? Maybe I could join the Peace Corps or the French Foreign Legion or something. I was jolted back to reality when the big beefy guy asked Tyrone if he needed a lift somewhere. "Whoa, shit, I sho would" Tyrone eagerly replied. "But shit,,,where can Mr Holt sit?" I don't believe he just asked that. The beefy guy just laughed aloud. "Wai minit" Tyrone said as he turned to me. "You git on da flo Mr Holt & turn round & face me". I swallowed long & hard, I didn't like the sound of this. My knees were beginning to knock, but I did as I was told. I could feel beefy & burly's eyes on me. I got that hot under the collar feeling. I kneeled down in the passenger well of the car, my back to the windshield. Tyrone climbed in and stretched his long legs on either side of me. "Everybody comfy?" beefy & burly asked. "Yea, we cool" Tyrone replied. Somehow I just knew I didn't have a say in the matter. I was very uncomfortable on my knees and fearful of banging my head against the dashboard...and of any passersby seeing the top of my head.

"Lean ova dis way" Tyrone commanded, I naturally obeyed, "Naw, naw, changed muh mind, lean back disaway" he ordered. I did as I was told. After a few blocks the beefy guy calmly politely asked our names. "Um Tyrone & dis heah Mr Holt...muh teacha". I looked at the big guy's clothes, his suit was expensive, no doubt, Italian loafers, some kind of chic expensive sunglasses and a diamond earring in one ear. I could tell Tyrone was duly impressed with him. I was frightened that he mite be a mobster or something. "I'm sorry, did you say that he was your teacher?" the big guy inquired. "Yeah, dat rite he be muh teacha". My stomach started knotting up. What was going on- I wondered to myself. "What kind of teacher...if I may ask?" beffy & burly inquired. "AAhhhh, jes a damn teacha, ain't shit" Tyrone quipped. "Seems more like you're the teacher than he" the big guy laughed. At that point I was just waiting for the hammer to fall. I knew Tyrone was impressed with the guy, I just didn't know what the big guy's angle was. I was thinking he was maybe - after Tyrone. A gorgeous stud like him, who wouldn't be hot for him...but if that were the case, wouldn't he have tried to get Tyrone in his car w/o me? I didn't know what to think. I wouldn't put it pass Tyrone to come on to the guy in order to drive his car or maybe see how much money he could get out of him. After all, Tyrone was a master cocksman, and I was sure by now that he'd done a little hustling every now & then, probably a lot more than I could imagine. Tyrone & the beefy guy exchanged more small talk and then he said what I just knew would be fateful words "Man I sho wish I hadda car like dis...I mean - you must be rich or sumthin". I knew something was gonna go down then. I just knew it.

"What did you say that Mr Holt does again" beefy & burly asked. He gave me a sly grin on the side. I knew rite then he was up to somthing sinister. "He jes muh teacha, Dog" Tyrone responded. "What kind of teacher" he inquired. "Nuthin special , he jes a teacha...ain't date rite Mr Holt?" I nodded. Tyrone grinned and showed all those fabulous pearly white teeth of his that I loved so much. Goodness I was getting aroused, just from seeing his pretty teeth. "Mr Holt lean back, you too close up on muh leg" Tyrone said. I tried to lean back as far as I could. Beefy & burly gave me a long sly look. He was thinking about something. He reached out & patted Tyrone's knee. I couldn't help myself, I mean I was instantly jealous. Not that I was gonna do anything, but I was jealous of him slapping Tyrone's knee. I knew the big guy wanted Tyrone now, and I was jealous just like a little school girl. I hated the thought of him touching Tyrone...I could've scratched his eyes out. "Naw Mr Holt, lean mo over to disaway" Tyrone said. I quickly complied. Then beefy & burly calmly inquired: "Does Mr Holt do everything you tell him to?" I didn't like the sound of that. I knew trouble was just around the corner now. Tyrone grinned..."suck da mane's dick Mr Holt" I froze, paralyzed with fear. I wanted no parts of this guy. "Go head, bitch, do whut I tell ya" Tyrone ordered. Slowly, I moved my hand towards the big guy's crotch. Feeling along the expensive material of his pant leg. I crawled along the upper part of his thigh until I felt the beginning of his zipper. I was starting to panic, fear was overtaking me completely. It was as if I didn't want Tyrone to know I was a fag. I didn't want him to know I'd had sex w/ other men before. I don't know why, but it was just that way.

"First, let me pull over" the big guy said. "Shit, why Mr Holt be sucking yo dick, ya oughtta lemme drive dis muhfucka" Tyrone quipped. My heart sank. I did not want to be alone w/ this guy, at all. I was actually afraid Tyrone would drive off & leave us in the middle of nowhere. He pulled the car off the road at Eden Park. I knew it well. There were lots of out of the way places to be alone and we were at some of the best ones. There was a practically abandoned men's room down the little walkway. It was seldom used and perfect for two fags to get it on. Tyrone eagerly jumped behing the wheel of the sleek automobile and sped off rite away...totally oblivious to me. The big burly guy grinned at me & pointed to the men's room. Hell, I'd been in it before, a few dozen times over the years. By the time we reached the door, beefy & burly had his prick out of his pants and was stroking it like crazy. "Hey baby" he said "are you really gonna suck me off like your friend said?" I didn't even bother to answer, just got down on my knees like I'd done a thousand times before. He slipped his prick in my mouth and wasted absolutely no time in grabbing the back of my head and fucking my lips. I hoped he would shoot early so we could get outta there and I could go home. "Oh shit, you can suck better than this" he exclaimed. "Do I have to call Tyrone and tell him to tell you how to suck my cock?" That shocked me back to reality. I applied my cocksucking lips to his prick with renewed ardor and began to suck his prick properly. "Yeah...that's better...much better" he exclaimed. While sucking his prick I wondered what Tyrone was doing. Could he drive? Did he have a driver's license???? My concern was quickly replaced by jealousy when I thought of him driving down the road w/ Donnessa or Peaches in the car w/ him. Jealousy??? that was the understatement of the year. I was pissed livid. A teenaged boy would more than likely go get his girlfriend while driving a brand new corvette. OOOhhhhh that made my blood boil. "OOOOhhhhhh suck it good baby, just like that" beefy & burly said. I'd almost forgotten I had a mouthful of prick. I sucked harder, in a desperate attempt to get the big guy to shoot his wad so I could get back to Tyrone. He had a pretty decent sized prick, about 7 or 8 inches, large mushroom head, very veiny, just wasn't Tyrone. Tyrone's prick seemed bigger, thicker, harder, hotter and longer. And the thought of one of Tyrone's girlfriends blowing him while he was driving pissed me off to no end. I couldn't help it. I slobbered all over beefy & burly's prick to no avail, I pulled at the tip of it with my lips, I actually clamped them down on his prick so hard I thought I mite break his prick in half. Still nothing. I had to get him to shoot so I could get back to Tyrone. I withdrew my hot lips and began to lick & lap all up & down his prick, I washed his balls w/ my tongue and went back to licking the underside of his prick. Still nothing, what the hell was I doing wrong????? Why wouldn't this guy shoot his load??? What the hell was going on??? I'd sucked pricks of guys who'd had super control before, but I was starting to panic now. Tyrone was gone somewhere, maybe somebody was sucking his prick...which was what I was supposed to be doing...I couldn't contain my insecurities & jealousy anymore.

Any other time beefy & burly's prick would probably be more than welcomed in my hot greedy mouth, but w/ Tyrone around somewhere I just couldn't concentrate. "Ya almost there?" I asked, almost pleading w/ him. "Yeah, just about to cum" he said. I sucked even harder, and sank my hot lips all the way down to his balls in a vain effort to get him to shoot his load. Still, no luck. Now I was trapped in a Catch-22: If I didn't please beefy & burly Tyrone would be pissed, but at the same time, I couldn't help wondering what Tyrone was doing...and who with!!!! I could no longer concentrate on the prick I was sucking. I had to be w/ Tyrone, rite then & there. "I need for you to get in the urinal" the big beefy guy said. "Whaaaat???" I exclaimed, not sure I was hearing him rite. "Slide back into the urinal so I can flush the handle when I shoot my load" he explained. I thought that was the wierdest thing I'd ever heard. "Go ahead, kneel down into the urinal" he commanded. I scooted back a few steps until I was kneeling inside the urinal. "Like this" I inquired, pleadingly. "No, it's got to be all the way back, lean back against the basin" he explained. I thought what the fuck was going on????? Nevertheless I complied and leaned all the way back until I was pressed up against the walls of the urinal as he ordered. He thrust his huge prick into my mouth one last time and finally began to shoot his wad. "GGGMMMMppppphhhh!!!" I choked and as soon as he shot his load he flushed the urinal. All the water ran all over my head and hair. He kept his hand on the knob and continued to flush until his prick finally stopped shooting inside my mouth. My hair, and the back of my clothers were drenched. I was beyond furious. I wanted to spit his prick out and kick his ass, but I knew better - I've never been in a fight before - remember. Maybe I should bite his prick I thought. Naturally I would never do that. I smelled of a combination of piss, water and that little bar of sanitizer they leave inside urinals. I would like to know just what the hell kind of pleasure could a person get out of this???

Finally his prick subsided, but the big guy refused to take his prick from my mouth. I kneeled there, dripping wet, mouth full of prick for at least 10 minutes, wondering just what the hell he was doing. "Sit tight faggot" beefy & burly commanded, "suck all my cum down, make sure my prick is completely dry before you stop sucking it". I did as I was commanded to, naturally. When the last vestiges of his cum finally slipped down my throat, I relaxed my lips expecting him to remove his prick from my mouth. He refused. Matter of fact, he started pumping my lips as if he wanted to fuck my mouth again. I couldn't believe it. Where in the hell was Tyrone???? What the fuck was taking him so long??? I know it was wierd, but I kept thinking of Donnessa or Peaches being w/ him in that beautiful car and I was boiling over, I couldn't help myself. "Watch your goddamn teeth faggot" beefy & burly blustered. I tried to mumble I'm sorry around his prick. I ovalled my lips to show him I would not intentionally bite him. I let beefy & burly fuck my lips until his hearts' content. I completely gave up on Tyrone ever coming back again. Maybe in another time & place, mainly the anonymity of a gloryhole or another men's room, w/o Tyrone's knowledge I mite acutally enjoy sucking the big guy's dick, but now I just could not get into it at all. It was like his prick was coming between me & Tyrone & I resented that. I had to get to Tyrone before one of those girls could take him away from me. "If I have to tell you to watch those damn teeth of yours one more time" beefy & burly warned. "Sorry" I said to myself. "Don't let my prick slip from your lips, faggot" the big guy commanded. He began to step backwards, slowly towards the stalls. I obeyed, as you know I always do what I'm commanded. "I gotta take dump" he said. Instinctively I removed my hot mouth from his prick. "Keep sucking my prick fucking homo" he roared. This time he scared me out of my wits as he continued to back up until he was inside the stall. He dropped his pants down to his ankles and proceeded to sit down on the comode with my hot lips attached to his prick.

I couldn't believe it, I was on my knees, in a dirty, filthy, dingy mens room - sucking some guys' prick, while he sat on the toilet. "Keep sucking up & down fag boi" he said to me. He grunted a few times, and then I heard the farts...then the smell as he pulled my lips farther down his prick until they were pressed against his pubic hair. I tried to hold my breath, but to no avail. He gripped my head tightly and I smelled the first of a long line of turds slip out of his ass and splash into the bowl. The cold water shocked me back to life as it splashed onto my neck. He didn't bother to flush, just grunted & squeezed out another lump of shit. The water splashed rite against my adams apple. I closed my eyes tightly so that I wouldn't have to look at any of his mess. Finally I gave out and had to inhale. Nothing but the smell of shit...fresh shit at that permeated my nostrils. He maintained his death grip on the back of my head while my cocksucking lips were firmly in place matted with his pubic hair. He grunted a third time and another large turd plopped out and the cold water again splashed me good, this time some even going in my ear. I managed to look up at him, naturally grinning for all he was worth. I was humiliated beyond belief, embarrassed more than words could say.

I'd made up my mind, that was it, I'd had it. Fuck this guy & the horse he rode in on. I was leaving. Beefy & burly was having none of it tho. He was amused no end. He'd just had a fag suck his dick while he took a shit - a big healthy blob of a shit at that. I was so grateful that at least Tyrone wasn't there to witness. Still, the fat bastard had not flushed the toilet...what the hell was wrong with him???? He pulled my lips even further onto his pole, my nose was now buried in his pubes. "Damn you're a good cocksucker, teacher" he said sarcastically. I peered up at him, wondering just what the hell he was gonna do next. I got my answer...He took his prick out of my mouth and at the same time tried to push my face down in the toilet bowl...with his shit still in it!!!!! Can you believe it??? The nerve of this asshole. At the last second I put my left hand out to block my face from going into the bowl, in doing so, my left hand went rite into the bowl and plopped onto his pile of shit. With his weight & strength ovepowering me, his shit squished thru my fingers like mud. Needless to say, beefy & burly laughed aloud. This was absolutely hilarious to him. I could've kicked his ass rite then & there for humiliating me like that. Thank goodness Tyrone was gone. Instinctively, as soon as he relaxed his grip on me, I broke free and ran to grab some towels to wipe my hand clean. But there were none, nowhere, all the stalls were free of towels. This brought more howling laughter from beefy & burly...I was infuriated beyond belief. I was actually shaking with anger. This is as good of a time as any for my first fight I reckoned. Never mind beefy & burly having a good 50lbs on me. But alas, being the cowardly punk that I am, naturally I made no such aggressive attempts. But I actually did want to, I really did. I know you don't believe me, but I swear I wanted to fight after that. I was about to exit and wipe my hand on the grass outside when I heard a car pull up and Tyrone hopped out. I couldn't let him see me like this...a handful of shit...what the hell was I gonna don now?????


Next: Chapter 9

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