My Teacher Is a Fag

By Albert

Published on Jan 29, 2009



At last it was over. Tyrone left & I caught the bus for home. I couldn't believe what all I'd done. How many times had I sucked Tyrone off...3??? 4??? or maybe 5 times??? I couldn't remember. I'd let him piss all over me, & laugh at me. I'd begged him for his prick, I cried in front of him. Hell, I would've given him a piggy back ride if he'd told me to. I knew I'd fucked up, for good this time. No more Mr Closet FAG for secret was out now, forever...and there was nothing I could do about it. I'd never been able to face myself as a fag before. Talk about mass denial!!!! I must've been living inside a dream world. I'm a goddamn fag now...forever!!! And everybody knows it now. I reasoned my life was over, effective immediately. How could I have let this happen??? What the fuck went wrong???? Did I just dream the entire incident??? It couldn't be true, it just couldn't. I was dreaming, I had to be. There was no other explanation. The bus actually went past my stop before I realized it. I exited immediately and ran back to my tiny apartment. There was only one thing for me to do...I had to pack my things & leave town...tonite, catch the first bus outta here and go anywhere, anyplace. If I had one thread of decency or pride left in me I had to leave. My mind was racing out of control - I could go to jail, lose my job, be publicly humiliated, and even worst than that...I could be publicly labeled - F A G G O T!!!

Quickly I stuffed all the clothes I could pack into a small suitcase, got my checkbook & credit cards, various toiletries and hailed a cab & went straight to the bus terminal. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer. I walked straight up to the counter and bought a tickert for Springfield, the closest town. It was only about 30 miles away. I was informed the bus would be loading in about 45 mins. I finally sat down & took a deep breath. I tried to relax and unwind. No such luck. I closed my eyes, naturally all I could see was Tyrone...and that Monster - fabulous prick of his. No matter, life as I knew it before was over for me now. This was the only way I kept telling myself. Just let my cowardly instincts take over like I always do. A new start in a new town was exactly what I needed, I reasoned. Maybe I'll even have to change my name. Whatever, I was ready to leave now, it was the only way I could think of to save my punk ass. I couldn't go to jail, couldn't face a trial, couldn't face being accused of something so deviant. I had flashes of being in the principal's office and she accusing me of molestation. I would just collapse and die on the spot. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but...if there's one thing I absolutely could not deal with, is to have a woman find out I'm a faggot. The humiliation would be beyond repair. That may even be worse than going to jail. Well, anyway it'll all be over - I thought, in just a few minutes, I'd be on the bus to Springfield and all my troubles would be behind me. I actually closed my eyes for a few minutes and dozed off, I dreamt of my life, all the pricks I'd sucked in the relative comfort of gloryholes and darkened mens' rooms. I'd always thought I led a pretty boring and unexciting life, but now, I yearned for that anonymity. I'd make sure that from now on I wouldn't be tempted by fate or anything else again - no matter how big the prick or how juicy it looked, there was a larger picture to look at. Nothing was worth blowing my secret over, nothing. I knew I couldn't live w/o sex and if gloryholes and mens' rooms were all that was in store for be it. Seems like I faintly heard the announcer calling all passengers to Springfield prepare to board at Gate 7. I snapped myself awake and collected my small bag and prepared to venture off into my new life. I was about to stand up when all of a sudden I felt a powerful hand slap me on the shoulder. I stood up, turned around to see and my heart just...dropped, literally fell out of my chest. My knees gave out, I just knew I was going to faint. It was Tyrone!!!!

OMG - I thought to myself. "Uh huh - knew yo' bitch punk ass would be tryin'na sneak outta town" Tyrone spoke. I was dumbfounded, I didn;t know whether to shit or go blind. I stood there motionless like a damned fool. "Gimme yo' bag, bitch" Tyrone commanded. I was still frozen on the spot. He took my bag and told me to follow him. I wanted to cry. I could could this be happening to me??? What had I done wrong??? Why me, why me??? "I told you to come on, bitch" Tyrone angrily shouted in fromt of all the pther passengers. I was embarrassed beyond belief. But bowed my head & like an obediant dog...followed his master outta the bus terminal. "Oughtta kick yo' ass, can't believe nobody could be as bigga punk as you, goddamn you make me sick with yo' faggot ass!!!" Tyrone didn't care if anyone heard him. I certainly did, I held my head down in shame and hurriedly followed him outside. "Bitch, where da fuck wuz you goin'" he demanded. I was too afraid of him to speak, "Bitch don't make me slap you" again he snorted. "I - I - I - I,, to see my...sister" I managed to stammer. "She's sick, I wanted to help her get better" I lied. He knew it. My ass was gonna get kicked now & I knew it, & there was nothing I could do about it. I quickly lowered my eyes to the ground in stark raving terror. To my surprise and great relief - he didn't hit me. He just kept muttering about me being such a punk ass bitch, over & over. That was fine with me. Yes, yes, I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch, I'm a punk, just please don't kick my ass...please don't.


Next: Chapter 8

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