Operation Queer Bait

By Dae Cha

Published on Feb 28, 2001


The price I paid for this relative freedom wasn't free at all. I was to become a pawn in their cat and mouse game. As my handler so aptly put it `it takes a queer to catch a queer' and I was their queer. I paid over and over again to escape the dishonorable discharge that awaited me if I so much as screwed up one assignment. I was on the shortest leash possible, in my own self inflicted prison of sorts.

Although I would have continuing doubts as to the decision I made, I would eventually come back to the conclusion that I was doing more good than harm. At least I had that.

Jake was assigned as my handler. In the two days remaining before I was to report back for duty, he went over the facts of life in ONI. I was, as he put it, queer bait. My job was to do whatever Jake told me to do. I was not to question a single order. Jake and the rest of the team formulated strategies to identify likely targets. They had the island wired. A network of Okinawan taxi drivers, hotel keepers, hookers, bartenders, you name it. All on the ONI payroll for usable intelligence, and all available to Jake and the team.

But, as wired as they were, what Jake and the team lacked was someone to engage' the targets. The only way to prove a suspect was homosexual, the only way to catch him in the act, was to initiate the act and capture it as proof. Since neither Jake nor any other ONI agents were homosexual, or even bisexual, it was impossible for them to engage' a suspect. They could rely on a few taxi drivers like the ones who turned me in, but those were few and far between. Apparently I had unwittingly run across two of only three drivers who would let a queer go down on them for the ONI money.

And that's where I came into the picture. They recognized my value as queer bait. As they figured it, I could `engage' the target in sex, and they could take pictures or make a film of it happening. There was no way to refute that kind of evidence and getting a confession would be straight forward.

Of course I couldn't go back to my former duties in intelligence gathering. That was out of the question for an admitted homosexual. But there was no reason to out me either, that would have the wrong effect. Instead, my long awaited `transfer' had magically been approved (I applied for no such transfer, but such was their power) and I was assigned, effective immediately, to the administrative office of NSG. That way I remained on base, in my same barracks, and to the unknowing I was still a member of the intelligence community. This was important as a front for later activity involving the Soko Gaki.

I was returned to base in time to get a decent nights rest, shake the traumatic last 2 and « days from my memory a bit, and report for duty as an assistant to the Chief Administration Clerk for the NSG detachment. No questions asked. None answered.

What I didn't know was when I would be called on to actually `work' for ONI.

I was told to go about my normal routine like nothing happened. I would be contacted by Jake and given instructions to rendezvous for a briefing before each `mission'. It sounded like some kind of spy movie, which I realize now it was.

At any rate, I settled into the relatively boring role of admin clerk, working straight days (8 to 5) and hit the EM club at night. I stayed on base now, on instructions.

By the end of the first week back I was getting bored with the whole setup.

I had made my mind up to sneak out to Kadena Circle, the closest `ville' to the station, on Saturday.

I never got the chance.

My phone rang on Friday.

"It's on" I recognized Jakes voice. He sounded excited. "meet me at Ginka's bar in Koza tonight. 1900 sharp."

"O....OK" I managed to reply. I was taken abit back by the call. I should have expected it,but it had been so long I thought, just maybe, they had second thoughts about me.

Ginka's was at the end of KC Street, a seemingly never ending, crowded, street packed full of bars and electronic shops. It was Okinawa at its seedy best, with thousands of bar girls plying their trade here. I took a cab from the base to KC street, choosing to walk from the opposite end to Ginka's. After being couped up on base for an entire week, I drank in the sights, sounds, and smells of one of Okinawa's premier flesh markets.

Jake was at one of the tables along the back wall of Ginka's and waved to me as I entered and looked around. My eyes adjusted immediately from the bright lights of the street to the bright lights of the strip club cum bar. A short stocky girl was doing her best bump and grind on the dance floor, but other than shaking her tits, she wasn't accomplishing much. Not that it mattered to the half drunken crowd of Americans urging her on.

As I drew closer to Jake I noticed another guy sitting at the table with him. Not the crew cut ONI type like Jake, and my curiousity was immediately peaked.

"This is Sgt Anderson. He's with the Air Force Security Detail." I nodded to Sgt Anderson, a tall , lanky, perhaps 30ish guy. He looked me up and down once and went back to his beer, seeming to ignore me completely.

"Sgt Anderson's got a suspect and we're going to help him get the goods." Jake went on. "Seems a zoomie spook from up the point's been asking around Gobbler's Alley for a boy. One of our whores tipped Sgt Anderson off about him. She told the guy that she could get him a boy, but it would be from Naha, so he should come back tonight. "

"And...I'm..." I interjected, weakly.

"Bingo, Mary. You're the boy from Naha. Only you ain't from Naha, are ya? So the story goes, you were looking for a boy too. And the whore just put two and two together."

"And came up with a queer five" Sgt Anderson said dryly. I shifted my gaze away from the pair. I knew if I said anything I would be in trouble. Sgt Anderson probably wanted nothing more than to kick my ass, and I'm not sure Jake cared if he did. No, the rule I lived by now was to shut up and take it.

"Alright. So. Now we've got the camera set up in a room next to the room the whore's gonna put you in. You get there first, he should be coming by around 9 according to the whore. You just....you know, do whatever it is you do, we get it on film, and we take care of collecting the zoomie tomorrow or the next day. No hurry, he's not goin anywhere."

"You've gotta...well...ya gotta....you know, ya gotta DO IT" Sgt Anderson interjected, putting particular emphasis on the last two words. "If we don't get him doin you, or you doin him, on film, it's no good for a bust. Understand?"

"Mary understands" Jake shot back before I had a chance to open my mouth "Mary's good at this. Don't worry, it'll be plenty good for a clean bust. Won't it, Mary?"

"I..I'll..yes" I finally whispered.

Convinced that we were all coordinated now, we left the bar and made the short trip down on of the side streets connecting KC street with Gate 2 street. About halfway down this crowded side street, Gobbler's Alley shot off to the right, a narrow street, hemmed on both sides by binjo ditches and a jumble of small shacks. These shacks were typical Japanese houses, crushed one upon the other to save valuable space. Each house doubled as a whore house, even though families lived there. It was common to stumble up the slight incline of Gobbler's Alley, open a sliding door where a Japanese family might be having dinner, or watching TV, negotiate with one of the girls, or even the mother for a blowjob. They simply slipped into the bedroom, laid you on the bed, and proceeded to suck you off, while the family might be in the next room. This was common on Gobbler's Alley.

And this is where my `target' had come, probably drunk, asking about getting a blowjob from a boy. Or perhaps giving a blowjob to a boy. Whatever, the word had gotten back to AFSD and now ONI, and he was marked.

Jake knocked lightly on a door halfway up the street on the right. The mamasan opened the door, spoke a few words with Jake in Japanese, and ushered the three of us inside. It was a typical small Japanese house, and Jake's hulking form took up more than half the living room area. A few more words, and the mamasan took me to a bedroom just off the living room. She motioned me inside, and slid the thin paper like door shut. My eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room and I made out the bare essentials. A bed, a small table, what appeared to be a small storage closet. Beside the bed was the customary bucket of water with the wash cloth on the edge. This, I had learned from my whoring around with the women of Okinawa, was to wash the cum from their cunts. I suppose the manasan had put it here tonight by force of habit.

Or had she? It finally dawned on me, as I sat on the edge of the bed listening to Jake and Sgt Anderson positioning the camera in the next room, that I was certainly out of my league now.

I wondered about my target. My mark. Who was he? How old? Had he done this before? How experienced was he? What did he like? I assumed the same things I did, but maybe he was more experienced than me. Maybe he liked.....no, stop thinking I finally interrupted my train of thought. Just ride this out. No involvement. No questions. No interest. No problem.

No way.

I had sat there for what seemed like an hour, first listening to Jake and the Sgt do their work next door, then silence as they sat too, waiting. And waiting.

"Oh, excuse me" the head popped thru the door and then back out again. I didn't even catch sight of him. Then footsteps as he returned to the front of the small house and the mamasan. I heard muffled voices and then her distinctive whine.

"No. No. You go back. Him sakahatchi boysan. Numa one. Numa one, you see." The broken Japanese/English word for `suck dick' was unmistakeble. Every GI knew the meaning.

"Uh..." The head appeared in the slightly open doorway again, this time affording me a good view. The face was pimpled, a young man, maybe my age stood there peering in to the dimly lit bedroom where I sat. "Sakahatchi?" he questioned.

"Uh...I'm American" I said to clear that up, as if my round eyes and compexion didn't "but...yes. Yes, I do."

"Oh. Well, jeez. I was expecting...I mean...a Japanese" he looked bewildered, but not bewildered enough to stand in the hallway. He slipped open the door and stepped into the room, carefully closing it behind him.

"Yeah" I lied "me too. But I guess he's still in Naha"

"So..she's taken the liberty to...." his voice trailed off as if looking for more affirmation of what I was there for.

"Exactly" I finished for him, my eyes taking him all in as he stood, nevously in front of me. He was about my size, maybe 5'8", I would guess 130 lbs, with his red hair shorn in a flat top. Typical military. I couldn't make out the color of his eyes in the dim light of the room, but his face was thin, whispy, almost feminine like. I noticed his hands were slender, soft looking. Of course, I remembered, he's a spook like me. All his working days were spent at a typewriter, nothing physical.

He came closer as he spoke. "And you? I mean, you were looking for the same....."

"Sex? With a boy?...." I grew bolder now, and I really didn't know where that courage came from. I tried to put the thought of Jake and the Sgt on the other side of the paper thin wall. I had to get into this or it wouldn't work. I had to forget them.

"Yeah" he said in a low tone.

"Yeah" I affirmed his suspicions as he stood directly in front of me. My face was at eye level with his belt buckle, and I knew the time had come to make my move. Reaching out with my right hand, I slid it along the front of his jeans and felt the outline of his rigid pole. He was hard, and my fingers met no resistance as I tugged at his zipper, pulling it all the way down before snaking inside and massaging him thru the fabric of his undershorts.

"Ummmmmm" he sighed as my right hand continued to massage him and my left hand found the buckle and undid it. Not hesitating a beat, I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his shorts down to free his hard cock. I was mesmerized by the sight of it, what had to be six inches of firm white meat, topped by the round, firmness of his cockhead. The fingers of my right hand encircled it and I pulled it completely free as my left hand pushed his jeans and shorts over the hump of his butt and to his thighs.

I lost all presence of mind now. Gone was Jake. Gone was Sgt Anderson. Gone was the shame of what I was doing. I was driven now by the sheer passion of what I knew I was going to do next.

And without thinking, on auto pilot now, I brought my outstretched tongue up to the soft, sensitive underneath side of his cock head and bathed it in warm saliva as I opened my mouth and finally pulled his cockhead inside.

Oh, the absolute pleasure of it all.

"Ohhhhh...god...." he moaned as my sucking mouth drew half of him inside. My tongue continued to massage the underneath side of his shaft as I hollowed my cheeks out into a full vacumn. He slid further inside my mouth until I felt his cockhead pushing, insistently, against the back of my throat. I wasn't loose enough to take all of him, so I bobbed my head back and forth, taking about _ of his length inside.

He pulled out slowly, my head following as I tried in vain to keep his warm cock inside my mouth. "Let's strip" he said, his voice strained now.

"K" I said, my mouth still alive with the taste of his manhood. We both undressed, piling our clothes in the floor, and lay down on the soft quilted blanket covering the bed. I moved between his legs and buried my face in the warmth there, letting my tongue lap at his loose ballsack. He brought his hands down to encourage me, pushing down gently on my head. Eager now, I sucked on of his balls in my mouth where my tongue gently caressed it while my lips feasted on the hairey sack.

"Agggghhhhhhhh" he moaned as his fingers ran thru my short cropped hair. He moved them down to my ears now, putting a finger in each one as I continued to make gentle love to his balls. "Ohhhhh. Yes...."

"Mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhh" I murmured, my mouth completely full now as I sucked his other ball inside. He shifted under me, sliding around and down on the bed until we were head to toe, and his warm mouth engulfed my rock hard manhood now. The feeling drove me over the edge of passion, and I redoubled my efforts, taking his cock in my mouth and doing my damndest to take it all in. I was loose now, and before I knew it his cockhead had slipped into my throat. His ballsack rested on my chin and my nose pressed into his pubic hair as my lips alternatively tightened and loosen around the circumference of his penis. As I held him inside me I felt his face in my pubic hair as my cock head slipped into his throat.

He was practiced at this. Moreso than me, and his throat tightened around my cockhead in a gentle, deep massage that threatened to finish me off. But I held off, concentrating on giving him the maximum pleasure as I began sliding my mouth up and down on his pole, my tongue flicking all around the head as it came to my lips. It was slick and slimey with my saliva, and some inadvertently leaked out and ran down my cheek as I lay on my side now. My cock felt as if it was on fire as he increased his suctioning more with each stroke.

We needed no words between us now as our mouths instinctively pleasured each other. The rhythm was perfect, as if in syncopation, and our heads bobbed up and down as we gave each other the pleasure we both needed.

He slipped his mouth off my cock as he pulled his from my mouth. With my legs still spread from the 69, he came up on his knees between them, pulling my balls and cock out of the way, and positioning his cock head at my hole. I spread further, giving him access to it, and felt the pressure as his cock head pushed against the tight muscles of my anal sphincter. Without saying a word, he reached down and pulled my hips up slightly as I bent my legs at the knees, and spread them as far as I could. I could literally feel my hole opening to him as the pressure increased and I felt the first tell tale tinge of pain associated with forced entry. He held himself in position, not moving. He had obviously done this before, and with practiced self control, he began gently pushing against my straining hole.

Suddenly I felt my self give, just a bit at first, then more. His cockhead forced the lips of my hole open a fraction of an inch and lodged itself in. The pain was a little more intense now, and my sharp intake of breath signalled that he should go slow and easy.

"Are....are you alright?" he said. "Do you want to do this?"

"Yes. And YES" I responded, pushing my ass up to meet him and forcing just a little more of his head inside. The pain was more intense now, but I knew I couldn't stop. I wanted him inside me. I wanted him to screw me.

And that's what he did. The pain, eventually, turned from pain to a dull ache, to a feeling that I had never felt before. He went patiently, slowly at first, until I finally opened up to him, my sphincter loosened by a combination of the screwing and the passion I felt. He buried his entire length inside me, held it there for a wonderful eternity, before withdrawing to the edge. He screwed me til he couldn't stand it any more, then we resumed out sixty nining to finish each other off.

I went first, shooting a series of streams of warm white cum into his mouth where he devoured them all before expertly swallowing them down. He came shortly afterwards, rewarding me with a mouthful of deliciously warm semen which I ate down like I hadn't eaten in weeks. We lay there sucking each other's softening cocks and basking in the sexual release.

"Ummmm.........that was wonderful" he finally said, sitting up on the bed.

"Yessssssss" I agreed as I sat up beside him, putting my arms around his chest. "Most definately."

"I've got to go, though" he said, reaching for his clothes "I've got a mid"

referring to the 11-7 shift of a comm sta.

"Oh? Where are you stationed" I asked, even though I knew.

"The Point" he replied, rather matter of factly "Air Force. And you?"

"Torii" I replied.

"Oh. We're in the same business. Navy?"


"I met two guys up at Ishikawa Beach last Saturday from Torii. They had a room. You know them?"

"I don't think so. What are their names?"

"I don't think they were using their real names. If you know what I mean. I mean the three of us partied in their room. All night." My interest was peaked now. Surely Jake's was too.

"What did they look like?"

"One was sorta tall, maybe six feet. Blonde hair, slender. The other one was short, light complexion, black hair. Said they had just come off an eve-day-mid Saturday morning. Anyway, they're lots of fun. Like you."

"Oh. Thanks. I'll keep my eyes open for them. I don't know any other.........uh"

"Guys like us?" he finished for me. "Me either, just those two. But we have a houseboy in my barracks that lets me fool around some. He says he can introduce me to his friends that might be interested. I think I just might take him up on it." My mind flew back to the pictures the officer had shown me, and the thought 'Soko Gakai' flashed thru my brain.

"Well.....thanks. Thanks a lot" he said as he finished dressing. I was still sitting, naked, on the bed.

"Yeah. Thank you." I replied, coming down slightly from the sexual high. "See you around."

"Definately. Let's just keep coming back here. I'm sure the mamasan will fix us up again."

"Sure." And with that he gave me a pat on the shoulder and made his way out the door. I lay back on the bed, trying to collect my thoughts and emotions. I would never see him again. I knew what would happen to him, and in a pang of guilt I started to call out after him. But what difference would it make? Jake and the Sgt no doubt had all the evidence they needed and I suspected he would be picked up by AFSD tonight or tommorow and confronted with it.

For a second I felt like a heel. I had set him up. I had made sure that he would get a dishonorable discharge. A one way ticket home.

And then, slowly, the realization came to me that I had, most probably saved his life. And as that sunk in, I slowly dressed and made my way out into the craziness of Gobbler's Alley. There was no sign of Jake or the Sgt as I hailed a cab, settled into the back seat, and played the night's events over and over in my mind.

Surprisingly enough, I felt no shame. I had deceived him, true enough, but it hadn't been a spiteful deception. I had enjoyed what I did. I had given him pleasure. He had given me pleasure.

And maybe, just maybe, I had given him the rest of his life.

I savoured the taste of his semen on my breath and suspected he was doing just the same. Two ships passing in the night, I thought. And sucking each other off before passing.

to be continued


Next: Chapter 4

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