Operation Queer Bait

By Dae Cha

Published on Mar 8, 2001


Jake was standing in the doorway to his room, just far enough inside that no one looking down the walkway would see him, as I came back to my room.

"Where the hell have you been?" I said softly as I pretended to fumble with the key to my room.

"Uh...getting...I mean getting acquainted" I mumbled.

"Uh huh?" he replied, the sarcasm heavy in his tone "and where are the two fairies?"

"Sleeping. I think they trust me now. I invited them to my room and at first they said no, but I think they'll come by later on."

"They'd better. Or we don't have jack shit."

"I think they will" I said as I finally opened my door. I paused in case he had more instructions.

"Well, the room is bugged and I have a good camera angle. So do your thing and let's get the hell out of here. I'm going stir crazy in this damned room." I had been so caught up in the excitement of what I had been doing that I forgot all about poor Jake, sitting alone in his room peering thru his camera.

"OK" I replied "I'm sure I can get them in my room" and I was. After the hot session we just had, I was sure that they would accept my invitation.

But the feeling of excitement over what I had just done, what we had done to and for each other wouldn't subside, wouldn't lightly fade away. As I lay on my tatami the need continued to build inside me. I was sure that Jake wouldn't be watching me, so I quickly stirpped out of my trunks and tee shirt and lay on the tatami, masturbating. Only I didn't want to come to a climax this time. As the heat built I wanted nothing less than another sexual adventure, I even conjured it up in my mind. I could go down to the beach, to the toilet, and try to find another willing partner, another cock to suck, or maybe even a cock to spread my legs for. Closer and closer I came to the edge, stopping each time to gauge my nerve, and deciding each time that I had the nerve to go thru with it.

I put my trunks and tee shirt back on and went out to the beach, determined to find someone, anyone , to have sex with. I was possessed now, driven by a combination of thoughts of the sex Ihad in Larry's room, and my more recent stroking. I was hot, horny, and young enough that the two mixed into an explosive cocktail.

The beach was empty, so I cruised the toilet. No one there. I went back to the hotel, circling the maze of small, cottage like rooms to either side of the main building. No one there. It was only after circling back to the beach that I noticed the groundskeeper working intently to hand trim the landscaping bushes on the to the far side of the cottages. I made my way toward him.

He looked old, maybe 50, and not very attractive. But it didn't matter to me. I was in such a state that nothing mattered. I wanted a cock in my mouth, and I wanted it bad. Throwing caution completely to the wind, I made my way to him. He smiled and acknowledged me with 'good day' in Japanese as I came closer.

"Excuse me" I said, half in a whisper, my voice choking with the perverse desire I felt, and the uncharted territory in which I found myself "sakka hatchi?" There, I had said it. It was out. I had made an offer. There could be no question of what I was. What I wanted.

"Huuhh?" he snorted in disbelief. "Sakkahatchi?" he thought I was asking him to suck me. Oh shit, I had to turn this around. Fast.

"Me sakkahatchi" I replied, bringing my circled fingers to my opened mouth and simulating sucking a dick.

"Huhhhh?" he questioned, starting to get the picture. I couldn't let this go misunderstood any longer or the opportunity would slip away. And now I lost the last bit of pretense as I made sure he understood what I was asking. My hand groped for his crotch, my fingers seeking is cock.

He withdrew as if he had been shot, almost tripping over the low cut bushes behind him.

"Me sakkahatchi" I repeated, pointing to his crotch "me sakkahatchi boysan. Sakkahatchi you" I was trying my best to make myself understood and it seemed to be working. He was still taken aback by my boldness, but something about his attitude changed. Now he knew what I was offering, what I wanted. I think it relieved him to know that I wasn't asking him to suck me.

"Bro job?" his broken English was right on target.

"Hi" I replied, Japanese for yes. He continued to stare at me, but the look of disbelief seemed to change to something more akin to interest. I had to conclude this fast before I lost my nerve. Digging into my trunk pocket, I pulled out the small was of paper money I was carrying. I held it out to him.

"I pay" I said, my voice a mere whisper. His eyes seemed to lose a little of their wonder as he understood that I was willing to pay to suck his dick.

"Binjo" he said simply as he took the money from me. Bathroom. He wanted to do it in the bathroom.

"Hi" I responded as he turned his back to me and made his way to the beach toilet. I waited until he had gone in before following him. When I got there, he was standing at one of the toilets, his pants around his knees and his cock in his hand. I squatted over the hole next to him and motioned him to me. He sidestepped until he was in front of me, taking his hand away and revealing his soft, shrivelled cock. It was about 3 inches long, and uncircumsized. I slowly, gently took it between my fingers and began to massage it.

"Uhh..." He sighed, looking straight up at the ceiling. I suppose he was imagining some one, some thing, else. I continued to stroke him lightly. He hardened perceptively now. When I could hold back no longer I raised my open mouth to it, taking the tip inside as I massaged it with my tongue.

"Ahhhh...." he gasped, bringing his hands down to the back of my head and pulling me forward until his entire penis was inside my mouth. His aroma overpowered me, sending me into a sexual spin as rocked back and forth on my haunches, taking first just the tip, the the entire length inside. His cock had hardened to the maximum now and from the feel and fit of it in my mouth I estimated it to be 5 to 6 inches in length. It fit easily in my mouth and after a few strokes to warm up, I was deepthroating him in no time.

"Uhhhhh..." He moaned as I continued to blow him. I was moving faster now, anchoring myself by holding on to his shrivelled ballsac. The combined attention of my mouth and hand was too much for him and I felt his stiffen as the first shot, well dribble actually, poured into my mouth. It was strong, acrid tasting, and it took my breath. I choked, only slightly, before recovering and swallowing the entire mouthful. I kept my mouth on it as he continued to leak the white, warm fluid onto my tongue and into my throat. His balls drew up, almost inside him as he continued to dribble in me.

"Joto. Ichiban" he remarked as he patted me on the head and withdrew from the warm wetness that was my mouth.

"Arrigato" I thanked him as he turned and walked out of the toilet. I was awash in the wonderful afterglow of having pleased a man once again. I couldn't move for the longest time, savoring the taste and aroma of the reward he had left in my mouth. I finally had the presence to stand and make my way to my room, where I immediately stripped naked, lay on the tatami, and stroked my self to a strained orgasm, shooting a stream of warm cum all over my stomach. I couldn't stop until I had completely emptied my balls, my hand drenched in the warm fluid.

My thoughts returned in slow motion as I came down from the tremendous sexual high.

There was no doubt about it now, I had achieved a personal best today. Three cocks in less than 2 hours. And I still wanted more. My sexual appetite surprised me. But what surprised me more was the realization that I had initiated two seemingly random encounters with such ease and proficiency. I mean, it was me who initiated these. I didn't get hit on, or made a pass at. I had made the passes, and I had done well. I wasn't drunk, at least I wasn't drunk on alcohol, so I couldn't use the excuse of diminished capacity as I had in high school or with the taxi drivers. I had taken the initiative completely sober. The only thing driving me was my desire, and the only thing that had suppressed my inhibitions was that desire.

The truth came to me, lying there in my own cum, that I had done this because I enjoyed it. And not just a little bit. I wanted it, and I enjoyed it, both before, during, and afterwards. No, there was no blame here. No feeling of shame for what I had done. In fact, I felt good knowing that I could and would do it again and again with the same sucess. I could convince a man to let me suck his cock, and if I could do it once, I knew I could do it again and again. No, I felt very very good about what I had done.

Another thought, or truth also came to me. The slow, steady, unmistakable realization about my true sexuallity. Up to this point I had always believed myself to be bi sexual. But my recent experience seemed to prove other wise. It pointed to homosexuality, big time. And as soon as I had that thought, I felt even better about myself. I certainly enjoyed it, even more than the sex I had with women. In fact, the thought of sex with a woman, which had always made me hard, had absolutely no effect on me now. The only thing that made me hot now was thinking about sex with a man. A cock in my mouth, or...........my ass. That turned me on.

I must have drifted off to that thought. When I awoke, the sun was low in the sky. Taking a quick shower, I pulled a pair of jeans over my nakedness, slipped into a tee shirt and flip flops, and headed to the bar. Looking, I knew, for more action. I was alive with the realization that I was on the prowl for dick.

Larry and Bobby were in the bar when I arrived and waved me over to their table. The bar was almost empty, with the one couple I had seen earlier the only other patrons. As I sat down at their table, Larry ordered me a beer from the bar.

"Whatcha been up to?" he asked as I settled in beside him.

"Oh.......you know......." I replied with a coy smile.

"You're kidding?" he joked, giving me the once over "my God, have you........?"

"Just the gardener" I said, my voice a bare whisper.

"The old man?.......where in the world.....?"

"The binjo" I replied.

"You devil" Bobby chimed in and we all had a laugh at that.

"Queen of the binjo" Larry laughed, and we clicked our beer bottles in a toast.

"It was really fast" I explained, then added coyly "but it was good."

"They're all good" Bobby said "I've never met a cock I didn't like." We all laughed at the joke.

"So, you've got a taste for Japanese meat, huh?" Larry asked me.

"Well.......yeah. I mean it is different. I guess. And, you know, I mean we are here."

"Yeah, join the Navy, enjoy the seamen" he joked "how many Japanese have you had?"

"Well" I started, but decided I needed to lie a little "one taxi driver I talked into letting me, and the gardner. Two"

"And you liked them?"

"Sure. Like I said, it was different."

"Well, if you like, we can see that you get a chance to sample more."


"Well, there's a little club in Naha. Lots of Japanese boys. And men, but mostly young, like us. But you'll need to be introduced. I mean, it's not a real public place, if you know what I mean."

"Um, sounds like fun. Tell me more."

"Well, it's like an after hours bar. You know, after midnight or so. There are always Japanese there who you can hook up with. Some of them have their own places, but even the ones who don't can find someplace private. And safe. You always have to be on the watch for Shore patrol. Or even worse, ONI. You know?"

"Naval Intelligence?" I asked, acting as innocent as I could.

"Yeah. They're everywhere, and they like to try and catch us.......queers. Especially if you're from Torii. They're hell on spooks. Well, anyway, this place is off their radar screen. Real discreet. And the guys there aren't informers. So it's real safe."

"Wow. Yeah, I'm most definately interested." And with that the talk turned to other subjects as we watched the sun set in the China Sea. We were the only ones in the bar now and the bar tender kept answering our calls for more beer.

Larry had discovered his sexual preferences after entering the Navy. He had experienced sex with another boy during boot camp and gone on to Hawaii for his first duty station. Life was wild there and he had found plenty of opportunities to be with other bi and homosexuals during his 12 month assignment. He brought this appreciation for the wilder side of life to Okinawa when he transferred here eight months ago.

Bobby had suspected he was homosexual since early high school, although his first experience at male to male sex was in a bus station on the way home from bootcamp. We agreed that the uniform was a definate attraction for other homosexuals. Okinawa was Bobby's first duty station after school and he had met Larry shortly after he arrived. After a few weeks of hanging around together, they had gotten drunk one night and Larry had made a pass at him on the taxi ride back to the base. He had surprised Larry by responding and they had been regular sex partners ever since, sneaking up here every chance they had.

I explained my meager experiences in high school and the taxi driver here on Okinawa. I was, undoubtedly, the least experienced of the three. They both promised to correct that deficiency. It was bar closing time, and the bar tender shooed us out.

"Come on up to my room" I slurred, "I've got a cooler of Orion on ice."

"K" Larry said, and we all made our way, stumbling, to my room. I unlocked the door and ushered them inside. I honestly didn't give Jake another thought as I locked the door behind us.

"Oh yeah" Bobby said, lifting the cooler lid and digging out three beers "the only thing I like better than cock." We laughed out loud at the joke. Only it wasn't a joke.

We all three sat in the floor, in a circle, sipping on the beer and talking.

I was dying to know more about the Japanese club, and Larry filled me in on the details. There was a small bar near Thieves Alley in Naha that catered to a mostly homosexual crowd. To keep the appearance of a straight bar, and to ward off the prying ONI, they had strippers working the floor. But no hookers, and no bar girls worked there. But the real action wasn't in the bar at all. You went to the bar to check out and be checked out. Later in the morning, around 1 am, the bar started clearing out as the innocents left to beat the curfew. The 'in' crowd left by a different door, thru the toilets and into the 'back' room, a smaller bar that served all night. To gain admission to this bar you had to know the door security, either as having been admitted before, or by being sponsored by someone who was known. This kept the ONI and other security services out and provided safety for those in the back.

"In the back" Larry continued "anything.......and just about everything goes. It can really be a sodom and gommorah back there from 1 til the dawns early light."

"And beyond that" Bobby giggled.

"Soooooo, if you like Japanese men, that's the place to meet them. They line up like hawks to get at round eyes like us. Most of them are really macho, butch types, and they get off having sissies like us service them. I really think it's a cultural thing, you know? Like, it makes them feel so superior."

"Ohhh....." I said, the beer and Larry's story making me uncontrolable hot now "I've just got to go there. I mean it sounds so hot."

"It is. Believe me, it is. OK, so here's the plan.......let's get drunk and take a taxi down there tomorrow night. We can be there by midnight and go to the back room early. Maybe catch some early.....what is it?"

"Early bird catches the worm?" I finished for him.

"Yeah, yeah, we can catch some early worm." and we broke out in uncontrolable laughter again.

"Do that thing to my ass again" Larry slurred, as he pulled his pants off. He wasn't wearing any underwear. He climbed on the tatami on all fours with his ass in the air. I gazed at the beauty of his brown hole, set off by his cheeks as it beckoned me. I didn't hesitate for a second as I brought my face to his ass. Spreading his cheeks, I brought my mouth down on the brownish pink pucker, my lips pressed against the wrinkled tight skin. His aroma was heaven to my nostrils, and I took it in as I licked around his hole. His lips were gaped slightly, and my wet tongue bore in on it, slipping inside easily. As I pressed further, I strained to bury as much of it as I could inside the warm brown entrance.

"Ahhhhhhhhh.........." he sighed as I continued to lick and suck at it. He was opening up completely now, all the tightness melting away as it welcomed my intruding tongue. He tasted wonderful as I tongue fucked him. I reached up and took his swollen balls in my right hand, squeezing lightly. His cock was rock hard, but all my attention was focused on his hole. Saliva ran down my chin as I sucked on his ass.

Bobby was stripping now. He lay on the tatami, under Larry's stomach, and took the hardened cock in his mouth. As I sucked Larry's ass Bobby sucked his cock. We were working in harmony now and Larry was feeling the combined effects as he continued to moan and groan.

"Ummmmmmh.......mmmmmmmmmh.......uuuummmmmm" Bobby moaned, his mouth stuffed full of cock now. He was deep throating Larry as I kept my lips glued to Larry's hot, wet hole.

"Fuck me" Larry pleaded. Taking my mouth off his hole, I stood and stripped naked, bringing my rigid cock up behind him til it was positioned at his wet hole. Pushing slightly forward, the head of my cock slipped inside him, meeting resistance at first, then overcoming it as Larry relaxed and let me slip halfway inside. The feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced before, and I sank deeper inside him. I began a slow, steady thrusting and withdrawing, fucking him slow. I was amazed that I could slip all the way inside his anal cavity without effort, and the thought crossed my mind that Bobby must have fucked him after I left them earlier today. Either that, or Larry had been fucked a lot. He was so loose that I suspected the latter.

I could feel Larry tense and then relax as he filled Bobby's mouth with his ejaculation.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...." Bobby moaned as he took the entire load in his mouth, never missing a beat.

"Don't......ohhhhh......don't.......don't cum in me......." Larry pleaded as I continued to slam into his ass, nearing the edge of my endurance. I pulled out just as I came, shooting a thick stream of warm, sticky goo on Bobby's neck and chin.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh........." I cried as I shot gob after gob of semen on him. Impulsively I knelt down and licked it off Bobby's neck, tasting for the first time, my own semen. It tasted good.

Bobby pulled off Larry's limp cock and lay back on the tatami, his rock hard prick standing straight up, looking like it needed attention. Larry gave it just that, laying beside Bobby and taking his cock in his mouth. I worked my way in behind Larry and pulled his limp dick back between his open legs. I dropped my mouth to it and took it inside, tasting the spent ejaculate he had given Bobby. It was salty tasting, a combination of his cum and Bobby's saliva. As I sucked on it I could feel it getting harder in my mouth, and after a few minutes he was rock hard again.

Bobby groaned as he shot his load in Larry's mouth, thrusting up to bury his pole in him. I felt a hand, Bobby's I suspected, fishing for my nuts, and I spread my legs slightly to give him access. His fingers wrapped around my shaft and he jacked me til I was hard again. I shifted position so he could get it in his mouth, and we were a threesome again, Larry sucking Bobby, Bobby sucking me, and me sucking Larry. We kept this up til we were all three hard again.

"You like to be fucked?" it was Bobby, speaking to me.

"I.....I guess so" I answered, and with that they both pulled me onto my back, Larry spreading my legs as Bobby positioned himself between them. Larry pulled my legs up to my chest and Bobby raised himself on his hands and knees til he was laying against them, pinning me back to the bed. I felt the pressure of his cockhead at the lips of my hole as he repositioned himself above me. He tried to thrust in, but my muscles wouldn't cooperate and the pain shot up my legs.

"Ohhhhhhhh........" I gasped at the sharp pain.

"Just relax" Larry whispered as Bobby stopped his thrusting "push out. Like you're taking a shit." I tried, and as I did I could feel my muscles loosen just a bit. It was all Bobby's cock needed, and it wedged in my hole, parting my lips and keeping them open. He held that position for a minute before pressing down again. Again pain, not so much this time.

And again my lips opened a little wider, allowing his cockhead to enter past my tight sphincter. Again he held there for a minute, allowing me to relax and open up a little more, and before I knew it, he was past my sphincter and his cockhead lodged in my anal cavity. He was inside, and he stopped and waited again, letting my muscles adjust to the intruder. I could feel myself opening up to him now, and he could too. As I did, he slipped in further, only this time, instead of waiting, he pulled out an inch or so. Then, immediately, he thrust back in, meeting less resistance this time. He continued to rock back and forth, in and out, and before I knew it he was fucking me. I felt my self open completely now, the lips of my hole completely encirling the girth of his cock shaft. My tight brown pucker was now a mushy brown fuck hole, as Bobby fucked me harder and harder, deeper and deeper.

"Ohhh.....yes......oh, fuck.......yes" I moaned as he thrusted inside. My anal cavity was completely open for him now, gaping as he thrust in, and clinging to his cock as he withdrew. I was nearly out of my mind with passion as I tried to scoot forward and give him better access so he could get in deeper.

"Bobby.....oh......fuck me, fuck me, fuck me........." I groaned as he continued to set my insides on fire with his cock. It went deep now, meeting no resistance as I thrust forward to meet him.

Larry had slipped around to the head of the bed and his cock hung down in front of my face as I lay flat. I opened my mouth and he directed the head between my lips. The tight 'O' of my lips locked around the head and my tongue worked it over. I was full in both ends now, sure that this was what I was made for. To be used by two men at the same time, a cock in my mouth as another thrust in and out of my ass filling me with pleasure as I filled them with pleasure. I had never felt this way before. So wanted. So loved.

Bobby couldn't last. I wanted him to. I wanted him to fuck me forever. I wanted this feeling of being filled with his man meat to go on indefinately. I wanted Larry's cock in my mouth tonight and forever too. But sex isn't about forever. It's about the now. And the now can't last longer than that.

Bobby withdrew his cock from the clutches of my anal cavity as the first spurts of his jism shot across my warm, gaping hole and ran down the outside down the crack of my ass, before puddling on the blanketed tatami. His next spurt hit my balls, running down to my hole and puddling in the opening. And the next and the next and the next until he was spent, his entire load emptied on and in me. I shuddered as I felt my hole beginning to shrink, knowing it would eventually return to the small size it was before his cock had invaded it. I sucked on Larry's cock for all I was worth now, pulling it inside until it was buried it my mouth.

But Larry had other ideas, and he slowly pulled out and helped me turn on to my stomach. As Bobby spread my legs, Larry moved behind me and pulled my hips up til his cock was touching my asshole. Bobby's cum was still wet on my hole as I felt Larry press downward and his cock head entered my hole with little or no resistance. That cum, and Larry's precum helped lubricate my loose hole, and before I knew it I felt the slight tinge of pain, which was quickly replaced by a feeling of being full as Larry slipped in me. I was in heaven again, another feeling of being full of cock as he bore down til he was completely inside me, his pubic hair against my spread butt cheeks.

I was in heat now, and I thrust back to make sure there was nothing between me and Larry. He began thrusting in and out now, the full length of his manhood making my hole stretch til I felt myself give up completely and I lost all control of my muscles. They were relaxed to the point that I couldn't even clinch them to make myself tighter on Larry's shaft and the sucking and slurping sound of Larry's cock and the brown mush that was my asshole filled the room.

This was fucking. I would come to know it as one of the best feelings in the world. What I was made for. What I loved and craved. I was queer. The truth filled my mind as Larry's cock filled my insides. I wanted no less than this for my life, and I knew then that I was willing to sacrifice anything to have this feeling. To do this. To have this done to me.

I was vaguely aware that Larry pulled out. The warm feeling as he shot his load on my ass cheeks was one of the last things I remembered before falling asleep.

tobe continued

Next: Chapter 6

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