Operation Queer Bait

By Dae Cha

Published on Mar 23, 2001


Again I slept thru til the sunlight thru the window brought me to life. Again the feeling of a hangover brought on by too much beer.

But this morning was different. My hole was still stretched from the dual fucking I had received last night, and the feeling of dried jism on my cheeks and the backs of my legs alerted me to the fact that this was not just any morning. Last night had not been just any night. As I lay there, still nude from the adventures of last night, they came flooding into my head. I felt good.

Some people say that the only thing better than sex is thinking about it. I'm not sure if that is entirely true, but in this case thinking about it was definitely a turnon and my fingers instinctively sought the gaping fuck hole that was my ass. I was surprised by the ease with which my finger went in, meeting no resistance, only acceptance, and I gently slid it in til it was buried up to the last knuckle. Boy, those two had certainly stretched me wide open.

I was slightly sore from the experience, but not enough to say that I was in any pain. No, not pain. A feeling of having been used, having satisfied them with this most cherished of all gifts I could give. As much as I liked a cock in my mouth, true sexual satisfaction seemed to come to me by giving this private part to others.

Jake didn't seem to share my sense of giving as he cornered me on the stairs as I went for a late breakfast in the restaurant. In fact he looked disgusted by the whole situation. Oh well, he would just have to deal with it. He knew what he was getting into, didn't he. He was handling a queer. And he was catching other queers. Surely he had watched the film from Gobbler's Alley. Surely he knew what queers did to each other. No, his problems would have to stay his problems. I was too aglow in my sexuality to worry about his problems this morning.

"I think we've hit the mother load" he said as I stood before him "that club in Naha. I'm sure that's where the Soko Gakai recruit. That's very close to where we found the TV, you know, the one they fed him his dick and balls before putting him out of his misery." The picture flashed back across my mind. The boy I thought was a girl. The awful bloody mess in his mouth. A chill ran thru me.

"Look, I know you made plans with them. I got the directions on tape. Whatever you do, go with them, get in there. And tell me everything about it. We might just set a trap for the trappers. This could be big." he was excited now, going on and on about busting the Soko Gakai where they lived, about how important this was.

"You...aren't you going to...you know, the pictures. The proof. Aren't you going to do what you did to that other.....?"

"No no no no no. Don't you understand? They can get you inside. They can get you in and you can tell me all about that operation. We can bust the Soko Gokai. We can break up that ring that recruits queers. No, I'm not busting those two. At least not yet. Not til we get the goods on the SG."

"I don't know....I mean, this could be dangerous. What if they find out about me? What I'm there for?"

"Shutup. They're not going to find out a thing. Cause you're gonna play along, just like a good little fairy. Just like you are. And you can get names, and places, and....and maybe even we let them recruit you. Give them stuff that looks good but ain't shit. Bad intell. You know. A counter op. Yeah, this could be big."

"And you need me to pull it off" I said, the light going on "and what if I say no. What if I refuse Jake."

"Don't even think about it Mary. You'd be back in the States on charges so fast it would make your faggot ass swim. No, you don't refuse me Mary. You don't refuse the ONI. We own your ass for three more years and you do what we say. You may think you're giving it away, like last night. But, fact is, it's ours, and we tell you who to give it to and when to do the giving. Understand?"

"Yes" I answered meekly. I understood completely. The ONI would use me because they had the evidence to ruin me. No need to do anything but go along.

"OK. Here's the plan...so far..you go with your two 'friends' to that bar tonight, just like you planned. You meet whoever you meet. You keep your eyes open. You keep your ears open. You report everything to me tomorrow. Understand?"


"Oh..and Mary, there won't be any cameras on you tonight. So you can get as perverted as your little fairy heart wants. My gift to you" and with that he made a mock kissing sound and was off, leaving me to ponder my fate alone on the steps. It was true. Any gift I got would be courtesy of the ONI.

And the real truth was even more evident now. Jake used me. He didn't like me any more than he liked the other queers he was hunting, but he knew that I would cooperate. He may be disgusted by what he saw on tape, what he heard. But he needed me. He had no one else to do his dirty work but me.

At any rate, I was surprised to find that I wasn't really afraid of this. I mean, what could happen? If things worked out maybe I would make a contact. And then what? I guessed Jake would have all that planned for me in advance. No, there was no need for me to think. Only act. But so far I hadn't really been acting. I mean everything just seemed to turn out. After all, I had done well. I had 'engaged' all the 'targets' assigned to me with no problem. And I had enjoyed the 'engagements', at least so far. Everyone of the three had been a pleasant experience. Where else could you get three square meals and sex on the side with out worrying about getting caught? No, it wasn't such a bad deal, I had to admit it.

And that realization carried me thru the day. Larry and Bobby and I met on the beach in the afternoon and spent hours just lying around, trying to recuperate from the excesses of drink last night. The sex didn't leave a hangover, we all three agreed on that. But it did leave a hungering need for more, and as the afternoon sun turned into the evening crimson sunset, my thoughts were on Naha, and what I hoped would be a fun filled night ahead of us.

We opted for a relatively obscure bar in Kadena Circle, the sprawling traffic circle cum town near the large air base. Drinks were cheap, and we where well on our way to a good drunk by 2200, when the three of us piled in a skoshi cab and told the driver to 'hiaku' to Naha.

The drive to congested Naha City is an interesting one, down the US built highway, past the sprawling outer limits of the city and into the congestion that is only Naha. It was the largest city I had been in, to date, and I was always fascinated by it's size and bustle. Cars, trucks, and buses all converge on it like ants, but the orderly, disciplined Japanese driving habits make it a very comfortable experience. I must admit, I have never seen a frazzled Japanese taxi driver.

We left the cab a few blocks from Thieves Alley, or Market, as the labyrinth of criss crossing alley ways is known. It is a veritable plethora of everything under the sun for sale. >From food, to Hong Kong tailored suits, it is a mecca for the bargain shopper.

Our destination for the evening was Kobiku, a bar on the far side of the Market. It's not off limits, but the area just behind it is. Off limits to US personnel. The US was doing it's part to protect the ethnic community of the island from 'Americanization' and off limits areas did just that. If you were caught by the SP in an off limits area, it was an automatic ten day confinement on base. Only the super drunk, and the very foolish ventured into off limits areas.

We were about to qualify in both categories before the sun came up again.

Kobiku is a small, typical, Japanese style bar with the addition of a small dance floor in the center. As we entered, the juke box was belting out some mindless rock and roll, and a tired looking stripped was performing a very uninspired bump and grind on the floor. A handful of patrons sat, either at the bar, or at tables around the dance floor, smoking and drinking. Of these, perhaps half seemed into what the stripper was trying to do. They applauded and whooped and whistled as she tried, but couldn't quite pull it off.

The rest of the crowd was quiter, sitting in twos or threes, drinking and talking. It seemed a typical night out in a typical bar for typical guys. I suspected the appearance was far from the truth, given the story Larry had related. I would soon find out just how true that suspicion was.

Larry, Bobby, and I took a table against the back wall of the bar, far enough from the speakers to be able to hold a conversation without screaming. Bobby offered me a cigarette, and for some strange reason I accepted. I nursed it, not knowing quite how to smoke, til I was at least a little comfortable with it. It made me feel good, the smoke, the nicotine bringing on a rush.

As I scanned the room, the one thing that made this bar different from every other bar I had been on in Okinawa was the presence of Japanese. The only Japanese in the bars I frequented were bar girls and strippers. But the Japanese seemed to equal the Americans in this bar. Odd. But then again, of course. That was what most of us were here for, right? To meet Japanese. It was actually the loud, whooping few Americans around the dance floor that didn't know what was going on.

Larry excused himself and went over to a rather stocky Japanese standing near the toilet door. They exchanged greetings and I saw them look in my direction, Larry telling him something I couldn't make out. On returning to the table he clued me in.

"Ready?" he asked me as he sat down.

"Huh?..we just got here." I replied, obviously confused over the protocol here.

"Shit, time's a wasting" he said "Tansa tells me that the back room is hoppin'. Don't wanna miss out on the 'early worm' do we?" We all laughed at the reference to our inside joke of last night. He went on to explain that the deal was, as he put it, you went to the toilet, but just before going in, there was a small, closet like door to the right of the entrance. If Tansa knew you, or if you were introduced by someone he knew, he knocked on the door and someone on the other side let you thru. His conversation with Tansa had included such an 'introduction' to me.

Bobby went first, weaving his way unsteadily to the toilet. I saw him pause, then disappear into the darkness. To the casual observer he had gone to the toilet. Slick. Larry told me to go next, and I tried to act casual as I made my way, my head feeling the combined effects of too much beer and the excitement of what I imagined lay ahead.

"Hi....uhhh" I stammered as I came face to face with Tansa. He was larger in person than he had seemed from across the floor. Menacing was the word that came to mind. He spoke not a word as his hand disappeared behind him and I barely heard the soft knock on the door. It opened and he nodded that I should go, I did. Into darkness. It was as if I had stepped into a closet, which was exactly what I had done. As the door closed behind me I was left in complete darkness. In an instant a door opened in front of me and I was greeted by Bobby standing there. He had waited for me.

It was darker in this part of the bar, lights dimmed. There were booths around the wall, with the bar set dead center in the room, which was perhaps one quarter the size of the room I had just come from. The music was soft, turned down and more appealing to me than the blaring rock on the other side. No dancers, not even a dance floor. A room built for....well, romantic came to mind.

It took a while for my eyes to adjust to this change in lighting. While that was happening Larry joined us from the door I had just come thru and Bobby before me. As I stood there, the room started to take shape, and I began to make out who and what were there.

The booths were all circular, around the walls, with a round table in the center of each. It looked like a booth would seat four or five people. On each table was a candle, the kind in the little glass globes that were a fixture of any bar on the island. The booth backs were low, not even shoulder height, and each booth afforded a view of both the bar and the booths to either side. Cozy, yet spacious, for such a small room.

But the major difference between this an the other side was the mix of patrons. As my eyes finally adjusted enough to take in all the details, I noticed that the ratio was, by my guess, at least four or five Japanese to one American, assuming all the round eyes I saw were American.

"Boy, we're a minority in here" I said out loud, to no one in particular.

"Yeah" Larry replied "but we're certainly an appreciated minority."

"I'd say a pursued, appreciated minority" Bobby added.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Well, there's always the question of who's pursuing who, right? I mean, do you consider you consider yourself pursuing men, or pursued by them? It's always been a question with me. Do you pick up someone, or do they pick you up?" I must admit, I had never given much thought to it, but he was right.

"In here" Larry explained "you're definitely picked up. These Japanese are here to pickup some 'strange', and whether you're cherry, or a whore makes no difference. In the scheme of things they're the hawks and we're the chickens." His explanation made me feel strangely erotic, knowing I may be an object of someone's attention for the intrinsic value of my moral flexibility. And he was obviously right, he had been here enough to know the drill, the food chain so to speak. As I scanned the room again I noticed most of the booths occupied by two to three Japanese and a round eye. Apparently we were their entertainment, at least as they saw things.

We took one of the open booths near the center, and ordered beers from the bartender. As we sipped on them I focused my attention on the booths on either side of us. To our left, there were four Japanese sitting with an American in the middle. One of the Japanese had his arm around the shoulder of the American as they all chatted away in broken English. The American seemed somewhat oblivious to the conversation, even though it was being held in English for his benefit. I don't know if he was drunk, or possibly high, but his Japanese friend was obviously propping him up, squeezing his shoulder to emphasize each point he was making.

But it was the scene to our right that caught and captured my attention. Three Japanese and one American, a slender boy with what appeared to be slightly longer than standard GI hair. My gaze was drawn to his face, which was pulled tight in what I can only describe as a grimace. As I scanned down, it became apparent that he was completely nude, his white skin providing contrast to the darkness of the bar. As I shifted slightly in my seat to get a better look, I got a full view of what was going on. The boy was sitting, facing his friend, his legs spread with his knees resting on the seat, on either side of his friends legs. I continued to stare as he raised and lowered himself, his face illustrating how intent he was on what he was doing.

What he was doing, well, he seemed to be riding his friend like a jockey. As my gaze scanned lower, it became apparent that he was taking the Japanese cock in his ass. As he locked his arms around his lover's neck, he lowered his mouth and kissed him in a passionate kiss. Holding his position, he let his friend buck up and down on the seat as he ravaged the boy's hole. It was a shock. Shouldn't have been, but the sheer audacity of what they were doing, right here in front of anyone who wanted to watch, well, it just blew me away.

"Ommagod" I gasped "they're....jeez.."

"Yeah" Larry replied, he had been watching the scene too "know what I said about cherries and whores? Well, he's a whore. They'll pass him around tonight like they always do. First the booth, then anyone in the bar who wants to fuck him. He's so stoned he won't know how many have had him. And what they do with him later, well...it doesn't matter to him though, he's so easy he'll let them do anything they want."

Larry's words and the scene that was playing out beside us only served to excite me even more.

"What...what will they do....later?" I stammered, eager to hear all the erotic details. The boy fascinated me, I must admit. The idea of being a sex object for all these boys and men turned me on tremendously. I had never had sex with more than two people at one time, and remembering the rush that produced, I wondered what sex from a string of men would be like.

"Bukake" Bobby said, simply.

"Bu..what?" I asked.

"Bukake" Bobby repeated, then explained the meaning "they'll take him somewhere, or maybe just here in the bar. It's like a gang bang. Anyone that wants can participate. Maybe every Japanese in the bar."

"Yeah" Larry clarified "I've seen as many as twenty of them gang him. They line up. Someone fucking him, someone feeding him cock. They switch around to give everyone a chance to stay hard. Then for the finale, at least the ones I've seen, they all line up and cum in his mouth, every one of them. Can you imagine how much cum twenty men could produce. All in his mouth. Or if that's too much for him to take, they cum in one of those martini glasses you see over the bar. And when they finish, they make him drink it. All of it. I've seen him take so much that he threw up. Right there in the floor, with cum and vomit all over him."

"Godalmighty" I gasped. I had never heard of something so erotic and disgusting at the same time. I was sure I wanted to try that sometime. Minus the vomiting of course. The thought of twenty men using me at the same time.....oooooooooo. I was so hard I suspected I could cum at any minute. I was wet already.

"Yeah, he's a real whore. And he seems to love it. They fucked him one night with a baseball bat, the large end. Lubed it up and it went in without the first bit of resistance on his part. I thought they were going to split him apart, it was in so deep, but he just moaned and groaned and let them do it. I swear, his mind must be fried from all the dope they feed him."

"Well, you've got to admit" Bobby added "he seems to enjoy it. I mean, he's here nearly every night, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he can, he's not military. Works for some shipping company down at the port." I had never met an American before on the island. I knew they worked and lived here, but my limited experience had been on base.

"Herro Rarry" the voice broke into our conversation. Turning back, I saw a tall, slim Japanese boy standing by our table.

"Kino" Larry exclained as the stranger, to me at least, slid into the booth beside me. "Leslie, Kino. Kino, our new friend Leslie" I nodded in acknowledgement as my eyes took him in. He was tall, perhaps five nine, exceptional for the Okinawans that I was used to. He wore his hair short, shorter than mine, giving him an almost military look. He was cute, no make that handsome, in a Japanese way, and his eyes sparkled with life as he greeted me.

"Herro Resri. Nice to meet you" I felt myself melting and boiling at the same time. He had.........this place had.......an effect on me that I found hard to explain. The word 'anticipation' seemed to best describe it.

"Kino is a friend" Larry went on "of a friend, of a friend........." he laughed.

"Rarry good friend of many Japan man, hai?"

"You make me blush Kino" Larry replied.

"Many Japan man, hai?" Kino repeated, jokingly.

"OK, many" Larry admitted.

"Good friend" Kino continued "Resri rike Japan man, hai?" he directed the question at me as he moved his hand to my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Uh....well.....yes" I replied, Kino's question making me as nervous and excited as a virgin. I was melting again.

"You rike Kino?"

"Well, I mean, I don't know you........but" my voice trailed off at least three octives higher than normal.

"Leslie's getting picked up" Larry said to no one in particular "let's roam Bobby" and with that they slid out the opposite side of the booth and drifted off. I was alone with Kino now and I couldn't shake the nervousness as he continued to stare at me. I shifted in my seat as I tried to collect myself, but Kino's continued presence had me completely frazzled.

"You rike Kino?" he repeated the question.

"Umhuh" I managed to respond.

"Huh?" it was a grunt more than anything else.

"I.....I mean, yes. Yes, I like you. Of course" I managed to put at least that much together.

"Joto. Kino rike Resri. You cute boy Resri"


"Japan man rike American sissy boy. You sissy boy Resri?" God, he went right for the jugular didn't he. Was I homosexual? I was here wasn't I? Did he just want to hear me say it? Suddenly the pent up emotion of the evening, most recently the scene playing out in the booth next to us, overwhelmed me. I wanted to respond now. To put any questions out of his mind. To put any questions out of my mind. Suddenly I longed to be the boy in the next booth, giving myself to anyone and everyone who wanted it. Suddenly my courage returned to me.

"Yes" I said firmly, almost agressively "I'm a sissy boy". There, it was out and I couldn't take it back. Whatever was going to happen could happen now. No questions in either of our minds.

His response didn't surprise me. I was expecting it. I wanted it.

"You rike Japan man dick?"

"Yes. Very much"

"You rike sakkahatchi?"


"You sakahatchi me? Now?"

"Here?" I knew what he would say next. This scene was playing out to my fanatasies, and I knew how that went.

"Hai" a simple answer. An instruction.

to be continued daechat@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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