Operation Queer Bait

By Dae Cha

Published on Jun 23, 2001


Jake was beside himself when I finally returned to base the next morning. He had tracked me to the first, the straight front, bar and then lost me when we moved thru the door near the toilet and into the gay bar. Luckily he didn't know that I had left and spent the night with Kino. I made up a story about staying in the gay bar all night and he bought it. He was hungry for details and I gave him run down on the place and the Gis who were there. He wasn't satisfied with that and grilled me for details on the Japanese who were there and I told him everything I had seen, omitting anything about Kino.

He wanted me back in, this time with a wireless mike so the Japanese security could monitor what was being said. It was evident that they were more interested in the Japanese than the Gis.

"It's a big time Soko bar, and we're gonna bust that crowd wide open" he explained. The idea of Kino being wrapped up in this had already crossed my mind more than once, and I had worked out a strategy in my mind to try and play both sides, giving them what they wanted while making no mention of Kino. It was the only way I could see thru this. I knew the ONI owned me, they had enough evidence to court marshal me and keep me in the brig for years, I couldn't refuse them. And I knew what the Soko Gaki did to informers. I had seen the pictures. No, if I was going to protect the man and the relationship I had come to cherish, I was going to have to deceive both sides.

Wearing a wire turned out to be much less of a logistical nightmare than I had expected. It was small, and they taped it in the small of my back, just above my belt, with an ultra thin wire running up my back to an equally small microphone on my shoulder. After they carefully glued it in place it was almost imperceptible to the touch, and impossible to detect once I put my shirt on over it. I walked around Jake's office to test the audio pickup while they monitored the transmission from a receiver outside. Convinced that it was functioning properly, I was instructed to catch a cab at the gate and head to Naha, where I milled around in the market before making my way to the club at just past 7 PM.

The place was almost empty at this early hour, so I decided to go right away to the other side. I was surprised to be let thru so easily but then came to realize that my reputation from the night before must have preceeded me. The other side was almost empty as well, with two Japanese at the bar and another sitting at a booth with the blonde boy I had watched last night. The blonde was busy sniffing dope from the glass table top and oblivious to me as I came in and sat at a booth two down from him. The Japanese at the bar checked me out several times but didn't make any attempt to take it any further, so I just sat and sipped my beer and waited.

I didn't have to wait long. Kino appeared out of nowhere to slid into the booth beside me. My heart...well, my heart lodged in my throat at the sight of him.

"Herro" he said cheerfully as he slid closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to pull me to him. I fairly melted at his touch. "Grad to see you back. I think you come back for Kino?"

"Just for you" I replied. It was sort of the truth. I mean, I had to come back, but I had come back for him.

"You miss me?"


"You miss this?" he asked, pulling my hand to his crotch. I could tell he was half hard. I wondered if he had missed me. I hoped so.

"Umm....." I exaggerated as I licked my lips. My eyes locked onto his, sending an unmistakable message "yes".

"Show me" he said, simply. My fingers found his zipper and pulled it down.

I then fished inside and pulled the waist band of his shorts down far enough to pull his penis free. He hardened even more as my hand played over the head, and I felt the first of his precum as it oozed onto my hand. I used my fingers to spread it down the length of his shaft and began jacking him as my free hand tugged his waistband down as far as it would go. He brought his hand up to the back of my neck and gently, but firmly, encouraged me down. I didn't fight his direction and lowered my mouth on the head, taking it gently between my lips and letting my tongue caress the bottom. He drew his breath in quickly as I opened my jaws and took the entire length of his penis in my mouth. I hesitated briefly as my muscles adjusted to the girth of him and then forced myself down further until the head slipped into my throat and my face mashed in his pubic hair. I fished a hand into his shorts and massaged his swelling ballsack as I slowly moved my mouth up and down on his cock. His precum and my saliva mixed to provide just the right amount of lubricant to allow me to slide my tongue along the shaft as it pistoned in and out of my mouth. I was in a rhythm now and bobbed up and down with increasing tempo as my instincts seemed to take over from my mind.

Kino was breathing heavy now, trying to raise his butt and thrust even as I was going down on him. His fingers tightened on the back of my neck and he held me still as I detected the first salty taste of his orgasm in my mouth. I swallowed quickly and kept sucking as he continued to unload in me, four, five, and then six spurts. I didn't miss a drop and I could feel the warm gobs sliding down my throat with each swallow.

I lost track of time and space as I ate his semen, and only the eventual softening of him in my mouth signaled an end the blowjob. He pulled me gently up and wiped the ejaculate from the corners of my mouth with a bar napkin.

"Is that what you mean when you say 'show me'?" I asked, half joking, half serious.

"Ichiban" he said as he leaned back in the seat and zipped up. "Joto".

"Ummm.....yes" I agreed.

"You make Kino very tired" he sighed "happy tired."

"Anytime" I replied "anytime".

Having said hello as intimately as we had, we settled into idle chit chat as we drank beer and watched the activity as the bar slowly filled. Several of Kino's friends came by and talked to him in Japanese, which reminded me of the wire I was wearing. It was the first time I thought about it since coming in, and I wondered what the monitors thought when they heard me going down on Kino. Funny, it didn't bother me. Jake had seen and heard a lot more than that and I had lost all feelings of self conciousness around him concerning my sexual orientation anyway. I was sure that I wouldn't see the Japanese police, so that didn't bother me.

Still, I found myself checking the wire every time I went to the toilet. The glue seemed to be holding everything in place.

There were several servicemen in the bar tonight that I didn't remember from last night and by 10 PM the place was fairly crowded. As I watched the activities at the various tables it became clear that all the Americans were gay. I really didn't know if the Japanese were straight, gay, or bi, but it was obvious that the Americans were the ones giving the service. Most of it was discreet, at least in the beginning, but as the night wore on, I saw more and more oral sex. Groups of two and three to a booth.

Except for the blonde, who always seemed to draw a crowd. I watched him work his way around a booth full of Japanese, never getting off his knees as they laughed and joked while he worked them over. He was like nothing I had ever seen before and the more I drank the more I felt a strange envy for him. It made me hot to watch him get used that way.

Kino was more protective tonight, and I sensed an unspoken rule that I was his 'property'. I sat with him as he talked with his friends in Japanese and made polite conversation when spoken to. He kept an arm around me and I really enjoyed the feeling of being with him this way. When we were alone we talked to each other. I didn't mean to do it, but I slipped up and asked about his wife. The comment just came out, and I apologized for the personal intrusion, but he just laughed it off. We decided that she was his wife and I was his bitch. The term stuck, and from that night on I was Kino's 'gijin bitch', a term that came to describe me to a tee. If I had any self esteem left it surely wasn't enough to be offended at the connotation.

As much as I wanted it, I knew I couldn't go home with him tonight. The possibility of him discovering the wire was just to much risk to take, so I made an excuse about having to be back on base early tomorrow but promised to return tomorrow night. He made sure I committed to every night that week, which I agreed to without hesitating.

It was after midnight when we said goodnight the same way we said hello and I slipped out into the dark alley and found a cab a few blocks away, Kino's smell strong on my breath.

From what Jake chose to share with me the next day, the night was a partial success. The wire had worked perfectly and the Japanese police had transcribed the tapes that night. Several of the conversations had revealed some interesting facts, according to Jake. He wanted me to repeat the process the following night.

"Ya might try a little more talk and a little less of that other stuff though. We're trying to get the goods on these guys. I mean, we already know you're queer, you don't have to go provin that all the time."

"Hey, I do what I have to do. OK?" I shot back "I do what's expected in that place. Anything less and they'll start suspecting something's up." I surprised myself with that response. I thought for a second Jake was going to hit me, his face turned crimson at my outburst and he was visably tensed.

"I think you do what you want to do Mary. OK?"

"Look" I tried to calm down "I'm getting what you want, right? That was the deal. I'm doing what you tell me to do. You're not in there to direct traffic and I just have to deal with things as they come up." The choice of words wasn't intentional, but it had the effect of diffusing the situation as it made him chuckle.

"Yeah, but you freaked out the Jap cops" he said with just a hint of a smile "I thought they were gonna shit when they heard you polishin that guys knob." It was the first reference Jake had ever made to what I did. He had filmed me with other men for weeks now but he never said anything about it. I wondered how he felt about me and what I did. I wondered if he considered me a human or just some instrument to get the 'goods' on people. But more than anything, I wondered how he felt watching me. I tried to imagine....then I decided it was probably not healthy to pursue it any farther.

"OK" he switched gears back into his cop role "same drill tonight, only try, I mean.....if you can, to move around a little. Get some other conversations.

The good stuff will be in Japanese, so if you can circulate maybe the Japs can catch some of the other stuff going on in the bar."

I wanted to tell him what 'other stuff' was going on in the bar, but I decided against it. He knew enough already.

I was there early again that night and spent time drinking beer at the bar as I waited for Kino. Several Japanese gave me the once over and one followed me to the bingo when I went. He exposed himself to me at the urinal and I was tempted but thought better of it and returned to the bar. As I sat sipping my beer I wondered just how faithful I was expected to be to Kino. I mean, he had encouraged me to suck off his friends two nights ago. How would he react if I did it with someone when he wasn't around? I had been tempted in the binjo, was that a test? Did it matter?

As I was pondering all this Kino appeared at my side.

"Herro" his voice startled me.


"You rike bar? You rike sit with Kino?"

"No, no, I was just waiting for you" I explained, then I remembered Jakes instructions "let's sit at the bar for a while, it'll be different".

"Joto" he said and ordered us both another beer as he settled onto the stool next to me. I glanced around the bar and noticed that the blonde and I were the only two Americans in the crowd. Strange.

"Kino...uh, I was just wondering" but we were interrupted by a commotion at the other end of the room. The blonde was sitting with a group of Japanese in the far booth and the conversation grew heated to the point of a sharp exchange that I couldn't catch from the bar. He tried to stand up but one of the men pulled him down roughly and another moved in beside him, pinning him in the booth. As quickly as it started, it seemed to die down, but Kino was starring at him with a strange look on his face.

"Foorish boy" he muttered to no one in particular. One of the men from the booth came over and spoke to Kino in Japanese. They talked in low tones and I noticed Kino looking in the direction of the booth several times during the conversation. The other man went back to the booth and seemed to be deep in conversation with the blonde who seemed to be trying to leave. They kept him blocked in as two other Japanese joined them in the booth. Things seemed to calm down a bit and I noticed the blonde doing what appeared to be 'lines' from the table again as the men watched him.

The man who had exposed himself to me in the toilet came up to the stool opposite Kino and said something in Japanese. Kino turned, looked at me, and smiled.

"You no rike Akiro?" he questioned as he pointed to the man.

"No, no, I...I mean.....I didn't know if....I mean" I didn't quite know how to explain it. I hadn't been ready to pose that subject with him just yet.

"Akiro Kino friend. You rike Kino friend, nei?"

"Yes....I mean, of course.....Kino, I like all your friends." I really didn't know what else to say. I was completely in the dark over this.

"You be nice for Kino friend?" Now it was becoming somewhat less murky. It was like two nights ago.

"If you want me to. Sure. I just didn't know.....I mean, when he..."

"He no fuckee you. Onry Kino fuckee you. OK? You be nice for Akiro, OK? You want?"

"Sure. If you say so, I mean."

"Kino say so. OK?" he smiled "show Kino friend how good Kino bitch is. OK?"

"Sure. Here?" I asked, indicating the bar.

"No. You go bingo. Akiro come bingo. OK?" The bathroom? Oh well, I wasn't going to question him, he seemed to really want me to do this.

The far booth fairly exploded with activity again and as my eyes were drawn instinctively in the direction of the commotion I saw the blonde trying to rise and being thrown down in the seat again, this time with enough force to snap his head back against the seat back. He was stunned and immediately set upon by the two Japanese to either side of him. The first seemed to hit him in the chest and the second clearly struck him in the face. I turned to Kino who was already moving in that direction.

"You be nice Akiro, nei?" it wasn't a question, it was an instruction. The tone of his voice, his abruptness with me, it all added up to something terribly wrong. I moved as Akiro pushed me, insistently, toward the toilet door. From the corner of my eye I watched Kino approach the booth with what looked like a baseball bat in his hand.

"Kino" I called after him.

"You be nice Akiro!" he boomed without even looking back to me.

The door no sooner shut behind us than Akiro forced me to my knees with one hand as he tugged at his trousers with the other. Something was terribly wrong with the situation and as I tried to struggle to my feet, Akiro slapped me across the face.

"Suck bitch" he hissed as he pulled his cock loose and aimed it at my face. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't have to tell me twice, or even once, but I was concerned with what was happening in the bar now and I hesitated.

"Suck bitch" he repeated as he slapped me again. I opened my mouth and followed his instructions.

The scream from the bar was blood rendering, and I spit Akiro's cock from my mouth the instant I heard it. I didn't know what was going on, but I was sure it wasn't good.

"Jake, get in here now. Something bad's going down. Someone's being hurt" I spoke the words, slowly and evenly, in the hope that Jake was listening to the wire. I tried to get up, but Akiro pushed me back down. He held my shoulders with both hands.

"Suck bitch" he repeated with a growl as he slipped his fingers around my throat and began squeezing. I don't know if he was squeezing to force my mouth open or squeezing to choke me to death, but in the situation we were in, it really wasn't a very smart thing for him to do.

I opened wide and he thrust his cock in my mouth. I brought my lips around it and looked up at his face, he was smiling. There was a look of utter superiority bordering on evil on his face. The gijin bitch was put in his place. The American cocksucker had capitulated as always, unable to do anything but what he was good for. On his knees, accepting his role in the natural order of things, servicing his master. Good for only one thing, and greatfully accepting the honor of pleasuring the obvious superiority of a real man. Too week to fight by nature, a gijin is like a woman. To be used.

It was all there. Akiro had been sent with me for one reason, to get me out of the bar so Kino and his friends could do whatever they were doing to the blonde. No witnesses. Keep the gijin bitch on his knees in the toilet, away from the bar so he wouldn't see. So he wouldn't have anything to tell. Why not? Why fill my silly head with speculation about what was going on in there? Be happy. Here's another nice Japanese cock to concentrate on, another macho man to be a bitch for. Suck his cock like you've been doing for the past four nights. Everyone knows that's what you're here for.

To be used. No, don't worry your silly little gijin bitch head with what's going on elsewhere. Just suck, bitch. We know you enjoy it.

I slowly withdrew his cock until just the head was in my mouth, bringing my hand up to jack his shaft as I did. I was gazing up at him with that look of innocent submission. He had the situation under control, I would protest no more. I would concentrate on the task at hand and give him the pleasure we both knew I was meant to give.

I closed my eyes as my tongue went to the sensitive spot underneath the head and swirled it around the exposed crown, stimulating him even further and bringing, I'm sure, his mind to race ahead to his pending orgasm. I looked up again and this time his eyes were closed as his face tilted to the ceiling in pure pleasure. Yes, the gijin bitch was under control. No problem.

I slipped my tongue back, past my teeth and to the very tip of his cock head, feeling the precum oozing out into my mouth. I sucked hard, closed my eyes.....and.....and

His scream filled the toilet with a horrible boom as my teeth came together sharply and quickly, biting at least halfway thru the shaft where it joined the head. My mouth filled with the taste of blood immediately and I let go, springing to my feet as he sank to the floor, one hand clutching what was left of his mangled penis and the other searching frantically for the gun hidden under his coat.

But it was no use, I was already thru the door by the time he found the gun.

And I didn't stop.

The scene that greeted me in the bar was one of sheer disbelief. The first thing that caught my eye was the Japanese police. There must have been twenty of them. And Jake. He held one of the Japanese by the throat as he thrust a gun into his stomach to subdue him. The others were equally subdued as the police tried to force them against the wall, yelling a screaming at them.

The blonde American was lying on a table, naked, with what appeared to be part of a baseball bat thrust in his anus. There was blood, lots of it, on his legs and on the table. He was wriggling in obvious pain as one of the policemen tried to calm him.

Kino was nowhere to be found.

A policeman grabbed me by the neck and threw me against the bar, his gun drawn and pointed at my face. My hands went up, instinctively, and I crumpled to the floor, cowering before him.

"Stop. Stop. He's the plant" I heard Jake's booming voice over the din. The policeman pointed his gun away from me and I could breathe again. From my position on the floor I watched as first one, then in groups, the policemen herded the Japanese out the back door, pushing them roughly and yelling at them. Things started to quiet down and all I could hear was the awful sound of the blonde screaming and crying out in pain. One of the policemen administered what must have been a pain seditive and the screaming stopped.

The next thing I was aware of were hands pulling me up from the floor, and Jakes face appeared in front of me.

"You alright, Mary?" he asked, a look of concern on his face.

"I...yes" I stammered.

"Good work" he said, obviously relieved that I was alright "and just in time. The Soko were getting ready to mess that boy up real bad before the killed him."

It didn't register in my muddled mind as Jake led me out the back of the bar and into the alley. His car was at the end of the block and he put me in the front seat. He spoke a few words to one of the policemen and we drove off. I was shaking uncontrollably.

To be continued Lesli99@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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