Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Dec 11, 2007



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome -

Part 1

Peter lay and tugged at the restraints that now held him tight. It had all seemed just a bit of fun earlier. Ian and Jane had gone out for the day together somewhere, Lucy had disappeared off with Jay who, Peter thought, she had developed a crush on, and Bobby was down the nursery.

In his spare time, and full of confusing hormones, Peter Beale had developed a secret interest in all manner of self-restraint - by any means possible. However his interest had always been diluted somewhat by being unable to totally secure himself - Peter was intelligent enough to realise he'd need a way to get out afterwards.

Having Googled extensively, Peter was searching for new ideas to get a bondage fix. After spooling through a few dozen Google hits, he hit upon the idea of upping the ante on himself. Previously Peter's bondage affairs had been limited to taking off his jumper and shoes in his bedroom before applying any bondage. He'd felt okay with this but it wasn't as exciting to him as it used to be.

Ideas flowed through Peter's head - 'Perhaps I'll move into the back garden! If I hide up tight behind the locked gate, nobody can see me from the Square. I can perhaps just take my shoes and shirt off and loop the rope through to some stakes...'

The thought of moving his experiences effectively into public was enough to get Peter going. Normally he'd wait and plan this out more carefully to minimise risk of anybody else catching him but the idea was so strong the boy decided to do it now.

Having locked the house up from the front and double-checking the back door and back gate were secure, Peter prepared the setup. He found some grounded stakes from the tent and hammered them into the ground - these would hold his feet. After a mock lie-down session, Peter found the positions for the other two stakes. He secured these into the ground.

The metal clips that would normally hold a length of rope to the tent were loose. This gave Peter another idea and he slipped a handcuff in, tightened the link and gave it a good tug. It was firm and secure. As a test, Peter found his key and locked his wrist to the spare cufflink.

After a bit of heavy tugging with brute force, the stake hadn't moved and neither had the link. Peter undid the handcuff on his wrist and hunted around for three other sets of handcuffs in his stash.

This was potentially dangerous for Peter - he knew he could only properly lock three sets and he could not afford to lose the key. Having mentally planned out how best to get himself out, he decided only to lock his ankles and left wrist, and leave his right wrist with the cuff resting on it, key in hand. He could just then push his arm up, lean over and free his other arm. The other key he left by where his left hand would lie, out of reach of his right hand.

Having triple-checked the back gate to avoid any nasty surprises, Peter took his shoes, socks and T-shirt off, put them in a handy pile to support his head, and then proceeded to check his keys. A breeze blew across Peter's bare upper body. He locked his ankles in, followed by his left wrist. A quick final check of his spare keys, and Peter rested his right wrist into the spare cuff and lay there.

He listened as the world of Albert Square went by on the other side of the wall. Fortunately, for Peter, nobody could see him or know he was just lying there with such a rush running through his body. He decided to run with this setup for a few minutes longer as the breeze was starting to bite him on his chest.

Peter heard Stacey seeking cover for her stall again, he heard people discussing the news and events, and he even heard Jay talking to Lucy with ever increasing loudness...

"Jay!" thought Peter. "Oh crap. I've gotta go." His escape plan came into action, however he fumbled with the release keys for his left hand.

By now, Jay and Lucy were on the other side of the gate.

"No, it's only my brother who's in. He'll probably be on a computer game. We'll go to my room," Lucy said to Jay.

"Remember when him and me broke in here? The look on his face when he was caught, it were fucking brilliant!"

"Yeah, wish I could have seen it!" laughed Lucy. Peter continued to struggle with the handcuff release keys and was now visibly shaking, panic had set in and he couldn't think straight. "Hmm, the gate seems to be stuck. It's like it's been locked."

"Looks like it," replied Jay. "I'm going in!" Peter heard the sound of footsteps followed by something dragging on the floor. "This'll do. I'll go over the top!" This statement sent a shiver down Peter's spine.

Jay was going to see him, shirtless and handcuffed in his own back garden. 'Why can't I get this damn handcuff open?' he thought, now suffering a full panic attack.

Within a few short seconds, Peter turned his gaze skyward and saw Jay come from over the top of the wall and come dangerously close to landing on his stomach. Jay had not spotted Peter yet; he was too pre-occupied with getting the gate open. Once Lucy walked through, Jay glanced in Peter's direction as the gate swung shut.

"That's it!" exclaimed Jay, pointing at Peter's pained expression. "That's the look right there! Deer in headlights look."

"Peter? Who's done this to you?" said Lucy, coming over to her brother followed by Jay. Peter just stared at the handcuff that had betrayed him and said nothing. "Come on Jay, let's help him out."

However, Jay had a look of evil in his eye. He had quickly worked out from Peter's reaction, the situation and the calculated ways that the tent-stakes existed in the ground, Peter had done this to himself.

"No, I got a better idea. Let's have some fun!" With this, Jay took Peter's free arm, forced it back to the spare handcuff and locked it full-on, leaving Peter with no way out. Jay also scooped up the keys and pocketed them. Peter preferred to stare at the wall.

"What you thinking Jay?" asked Lucy.

"We don't need your room. We have your twat of a brother here."

"Let me go!" called Peter rather loudly, pulling at his restraints.

"You put yourself up to this," replied Jay. "You'd better be nice to me or else."

"Or else what?" said Peter uneasily. Jay knelt down next to Peter and stared deeply into his green eyes.

"Because I've got the key and gossip spreads easy. Don't diss me, Beale or you'll be sorry." Jay continued to stare into Peter's eyes as the bound boy realised he was right. All Peter could do was ride it out.

"You don't scare me!" said Peter, bravely. Jay continued to stare deeply into Peter's eyes, following the boy's pupils as he spoke.

"Oh yeah? Let's see what a big wuss you are. You'll be so scared of me you'll be begging me to leave ya alone." He poked Peter in the chest with his finger.

"Let's leave it to sink in," said Lucy. "We'll come back later. In the meantime..." She pulled one of Peter's socks from behind his head and pushed it into his mouth. Using the spare rope that Peter had abandoned earlier in favour of the handcuffs, she wrapped it round his head, over his mouth and tied it to the nearest two tent pegs. "Now be good," she taunted. Peter could only blink at his sister - she seemed so nice before Jay came along.

"Now you be good," taunted Jay, as he pinched Peter's nostrils shut. "Otherwise I'll glue these shut." Jay released his grip as Peter started to shake his head. The chav schoolboy waited until he was happy Peter could breathe easily through his nose and then went inside with Lucy.

It was all Peter could do now to stay calm and wait for his captors to come and fetch him. It had all seemed such as good idea just half an hour earlier. Now he wished he'd never embarked on this silly idea. Here he was in the back garden held down by tent pegs! Things surely couldn't get any worse.

He looked down his topless, smooth body and towards the gate. Fortunately for him Jay had locked the gate again after he and Lucy had come through so there was no chance of another surprise visitor. As Peter lay there, he heard the world of Albert Square going by on the other side of the wall. The sky was beginning to darken now as big black clouds overhung the square. Peter was sure it was going to rain, but he was unsure as to whether he Jay and Lucy would abandon him out here during a downpour.

He must have dozed off because the next thing he knew he could feel water hitting his chest. Peter pulled at his restraints but couldn't go anywhere. He stared up at a dark sky and water falling from it. To his left the back door flew open and out came Jay carrying some pointy looking object. He grunted at Jay incomprehensively in a vein attempt to get inside the house.

Jay did no such thing. He was carrying a big umbrella. Peter half-expected Jay to poke him with it, but to his relief Jay opened the brolly and shielded Peter's upper torso from the rain. Lucy came out with a spare blanket and another umbrella, covered her brother with it and shielded his lower body (and herself) with the umbrella. No speech passed between any of the trio.

As the rain began to ease off after about fifteen minutes and eventually stopped, Jay undid the rope round Peter's mouth and removed his now-soggy sock. He put his finger over Peter's mouth in a silent gesture to tell the boy to shut up. Lucy stripped away the blankets and the umbrellas while Jay knelt down next to Peter.

"Okay wuss. Talk," snapped Jay. "Why did you do it?" Peter said nothing, preferring instead to stare at an emerging patch of blue sky. "Okay so that's your game. I can play games too." He disappeared back into the house for a few seconds and emerged with two small items that Peter recognised immediately.

"No! Not them! Anything but that!" exclaimed Peter, tugging heavily at his bonds. Jay handed one of the items to Lucy. He had picked up two plastic feathers from a display stand in Lucy's room. She, being his twin brother, knew how ticklish little boys can be and just how to press his buttons. She'd done it before as a game but that was childish fun at seven. Now, at 14, this was the real deal.

"Too late Peter!" replied Jay menacingly. "You had your chance, now you're gonna cop it. I told you before - you show respect or else." He knelt back down next to Peter and stared him in the eye. "I can make your life hell. Shall we take this outside?"

"No," said Peter quietly.

"Now TALK!" Peter thought about how best to explain this away, but was immediately distracted. Lucy was now running the feather gently up and down the soles of his feet and across the base of his toes. Peter squirmed about on the damp grass trying to pull his foot away from Lucy when Jay took the other feather and attacked Peter's exposed torso with it. Peter let out pearls of frustrated and pained laughter. His body arced as the sensation tore through him. After a few moments that felt like eternity, all activity ceased.

"Are you ready to talk now Peter?" asked Lucy, waving her feather in the air just above his toes. Peter couldn't take another wave of this so he now had to talk.

Peter spoke to Jay and Lucy in brief, concise sentences about how he loved tying himself up but stopped short of any real detail. Every time he stopped giving detail, Jay would run his fingers around Peter's armpits while Lucy ran the feather up and down Peter's soles. After many stop and starts, the entire saga had been coaxed out of Peter who had by now peed himself. He felt better for that, but was equally worried because Jay could now use it to hurt him.

"Can I go now?" asked Peter timidly. "I'm kind of cold here and my arms hurt."

"Come on Jay, let's let him go. Fun is fun."

"But we can do whatever. He's hardly gonna to tell your old man he tied himself up in his back garden," replied Jay. Lucy looked unconvinced. "Maybe you can keep quiet for some of his stuff."

"You ain't having my Wii," said Peter firmly. "That's mine."

"I don't want it," snapped Lucy. "I'll have your MP4 player instead."

"Fine. Take it."

"I'll also have your Freeview box, your TV and your mobile phone."

"Why don't you just have my room?" asked Peter sarcastically.

"Good idea. I'll take that too. You can have the airing cupboard to sleep in."

"But..." started Peter. Lucy interrupted him.

"Do you want me to tell Dad and Jane about your little secret? How you love to tie yourself up and play with yourself afterward about it?" Peter knew he had no other option but to give in. Jay smiled at Lucy and gave her one of the keys to Peter's handcuffs.

True to Lucy's word, in exchange for Peter's entire room and belongings, their father never found out what happened that day. Lucy changed her mind about owning Peter's room and gave it him back after four days of his sleeping in the bottom of the airing cupboard. However, she hadn't finished with her brother yet.

Part 2 coming soon... All feedback appreciated!

Next: Chapter 2

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