Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Jul 5, 2009



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome and very much appreciated -

-- Part 12

Hindered by his erection and steamed-up glasses, the naked Ben clambered up onto the bed and squatted on the edge of the headboard, looking directly down into Peter's face. He continued to flog his penis madly in direct eyeline sight of Peter, who didn't say anything but simply gazed back at him. Jay's backside continued to dance in front of Peter's face and he didn't know whether he wanted to look at Jay's arse or the underside of Ben's genitals. Both were very appealing sights.

Shortly afterwards, ten minutes had passed of this and Ben applied the blindfolds to both boys as requested. For Jay this was a harder job than he'd intended it to be while the penis was limp as it kept wanting to fall out out of his mouth. Once he'd stimulated it enough for blood to fill the organ up, the job became easier. All the time he thrust his midrift back and forth to get his own penis hard. Once the blindfold was on, Jay's imagination took over at this point and drove his own erection towards a climax with little of the work. Bringing Peter to erection and climax with his tongue took a while longer.

Once Peter had been blindfolded, Ben knelt back down either side of Peter's arms and began to flog his own penis again. Lucy watched as Ben gradually lowered his organ towards Peter's mouth, just outside camera range. It didn't take much to guess what he'd done. She decided to get involved.

"Open your gob," whispered Ben to Peter. Ben had dribbled out a small and very wet semen sample that immediately rolled off his penis and dripped onto Peter's chin. Peter froze as he felt Ben rolling the semen back into Peter's mouth and stroked his throat to encourage him to swallow it. Peter could hear and feel movement above him as Ben repositioned himself, his genitals directly above Peter's head.

"Uh, wha..?" Peter began to cry, but Ben silenced him with a finger on his lips.

"Sshh," whispered Ben quietly. "I always thought you were drop dead handsome, especially after you dyed your hair blonde." He gave Peter a quick peck on the boy's damp forehead. "You're actually quite cute close-up Pete," continued Ben. "Do you think I'm quite fuckable?"

Peter, clearly taken aback by what Ben was saying, didn't quite know how to react to this. He had always thought Ben was far too young for him and acted like a girl most of the time. To hear him talking like this was different. Peter had wanted to shag Jay for a long while now and here was Ben also clearly gagging for it. Peter slowly nodded his head, to Ben's delight.

"How'd ya like to suck my balls?" Ben whispered. Peter didn't know how to react to this either, Ben obviously watched far too much South Park. He didn't have time to fathom the request before he felt something - presumably Ben's scrotum - being guided towards his mouth.

By now Jay had bought Peter close to a climax, though unknown to him he'd had help from Ben. Jay had shot his own load already, but he knew the time was nearly up. Rapidly sucking, licking and generally attacking Peter's organ with his tongue, he finally generated a thick, heavy ejaculation from the boy. Jay sucked the semen straight from the boy's penis before it had even had time to cool down. Once he'd swallowed, Jay turned his head away to call for Ben. Suddenly the sound of the door being swung open gave all three boys no time to react.

"Oh woah!" Lucy exclaimed, trying to look surprised. "A threesome!" She mouthed to Ben to get Jay out of there. She couldn't care less about him, not since he'd effectively dumped her for Peter, but an opportunity to get one over on her pain-in-the-arse poof of a brother was always worth taking.

Ben jumped off the bed and quickly grabbed some tracksuit bottoms from the floor. Pulling them up his lower torso, he began to remove Jay's ankle restraints that were linked under Peter's arms, trapping him on the boy's body. Jay rolled off of Peter and onto the floor with a satisfying thump. Lucy watched as Jay pulled off his blindfold, quickly dressed and disappeared out the door without a word. Peter was still chained to the bed, naked and blindfold.

Lucy examined Peter carefully. Her brother was drenched in sweat and saliva and he had a rapidly shrinking erection. Lucy sent Lauren a text to come over to the house, just to be really nasty and kill at least one relationship today. Peter pulled at his restraints, hopelessly looking for a way out. He could feel a wet sponge being run over his organ, but his efforts were in vain when, ten minutes later, Peter could hear Lauren on the landing. She gasped in shock and horror at the sight of her naked boyfriend trapped on the bed.

In a virtual carbon copy of the first time she'd found Peter tied up in the back garden, Lucy began to torment her brother for information. Lauren grabbed Peter's penis tightly and gave it a good hard tug lifting him off the bed, a sight that made Ben wince. Peter opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out.

Lauren continued to roughly manhandle the boy's genitals looking for an explanation from him, while Lucy ran her fingers up and down his feet. Peter was absolutely determined not to explain anything, until he heard Lucy talking about castration. Calling her bluff, he ignored the remark. Peter panicked when he felt something sharp come into contact with his penis. His vow of silence had lasted just seven minutes and the girls were in complete control.

"Argh! Jay's me boyfriend, he sucked me off and I wanna shag him, leave my cock alone!" babbled Peter, his tears gathering on his blindfold. Lucy removed the housekey (and Lauren's grip) from Peter's genitals and began to press him for more information, eventually removing his blindfold. While Ben occasionally re-pressed the key to the older boy's scrotum, Peter spilt more of the beans. As his sexual life was stripped, catalogued and lay bare, Lauren became more and more rough with Peter's genitals, while his face was red from crying and his feet begging for relief from Lucy's nimble fingers.

Lauren took a pair of compasses from Peter's schoolbag, and proceeded to lightly stab Peter with the pointed end. She came to his erect penis and stabbed it slightly harder than before. At this point in time, it was bad enough her boyfriend was cheating on her and what Lauren really wanted to do was teach him a lesson and drive a sharp blade through his penis. Either that or rip it from Peter's anatomy and feed it through a shredder.

"You got any make-up?" Lauren asked Lucy. "I fancy doing some decoration." Peter groaned at this, he could see what was coming next. As Lucy disappeared into the next room, Lauren set Ben up to masturbate Peter again. Upon Lucy's return with a bag of stuff, Peter could feel Ben squeezing his nuts again. Meanwhile, Lucy tipped the bag of stuff onto the bed, grabbed one of the bottles and proceeded to sit by Peter's feet.

"Don't you dare move, or else," hissed Lucy. A few moments later Peter could feel something on his toes, and he could only assume Lucy was painting his toenails some horrible shade of pink. He felt sick to the stomach at this idea, while Lauren waved a make-up brush at him while leaning over his head. She also hissed at him not to move, blink or cry.

Peter lay there quietly like the good little boy he'd been bought up to be. He could feel Lucy on his toes, Lauren's brush on his face and Ben's firm grip on his genitals. He could only gaze into Lauren's eyes silently begging for forgiveness. Lauren had no intention of forgiving him as she began to feminise Peter's face.

By the time the girls had finished practising their make-up on their subject, Ben had bought Peter to ejaculate again. Lauren rolled off the bed and held a mirror to Peter's face to show him what she'd done, much to his humiliation. Lucy grabbed some lipstick and began to scribble something on Peter's chest, while Ben put the chastity cage back on Peter's anatomy, under Lucy's orders. Peter's eyes quadrupled in size when he saw Lauren pointing the camera lens from a mobile phone at his naked body and the click of the shutter hit his eardrums.

"We'll be back tomorrow to finish the job," cooed Lucy. She left the room along with Lauren and Ben, leaving Peter still tied to the bed. She left him there for the next sixteen hours.

Peter closed his eyes, and soon after he could feel himself being carried somewhere. This feelng soon stopped. There was laughter from one direction, a cold wind across his bare chest and he could feel somebody take hold of his genitals. Peter opened his eyes and looked down - no chastity cage. Looking around again he wasn't on his bed any longer - he was in the playground at Walford High and the laughter was coming from his fellow pupils. Peter was lying naked in the middle of the playground held to the ground by his peers.

Other boys and girls came and went but they all threw humiliating remarks, comments and abuse at the naked boy with his genitals on full show for the world to see. Some masturbated him, others tickled him heavily to make him crack. Peter could see nobody that he recognised. Even though it was snowing heavily, Peter wasn't cold.

After a while Peter found himself being taken somewhere else. He was taken to a lesson, chained to the chair and thoroughly masturbated throughout that lesson. There was no particular theme to the lesson, not one that Peter noticed anyway. After the lesson Peter was led away to the playing fields pulled by his erect penis. There he spied a sandpit he'd never seen before. As expected Peter was going to be buried in it save for his feet. Once the sand was generating enough weight to keep him trapped, Peter felt rough feathers moving up and down the exposed part of his soles. However much he tried, Peter couldn't even laugh as normally he was fairly ticklish.

Eventually a sand-covered Peter was dragged back into another lesson populated by girls only. They fixed him to the blackboard and every time a girl came to write on the board she would begin to masturbate him. Writing on the board was a common occurance in this class it would seem. By the end of this class Peter realised he hadn't ejaculated at all, yet one of the girls decided to satisify the horny boy's desire to shoot. This was the prettiest girl in the entire school, all the (straight) boys wanted her. Peter was so thrilled to have this opportunity as he might have been gay but he wasn't totally stupid!

The door opened, much to Peter's surprise, and there stood Lauren watching Peter being beat off by the one girl she believed he'd been eying up all along. Peter watched as Lauren marched up to him.

"You shoot and that's it," she said, rather cryptically. Peter only lasted another 25 seconds before he ejaculated onto the floor. When he looked up Lauren had disappeared. Not that he had time to think about about Lauren had said when he was suddenly carted off somewhere else.

Almost straight away Peter found himself standing starkers in the main hall in front of a crowd of 250 boys and girls all around his age. His wrists were handcuffed together behind his back, while four strangers were plucked from the audience. Two of them held Peter's arms while the other two slapped a chastity cage onto his torso and locked it.

Suddenly Peter saw somebody he recognised - Jay - came bounding onto the stage. Without any hesitation or thought for where he was, Peter watched as Jay shed his clothes and invited Peter to lose his virginity right there and then. There was nothing Peter wanted more, except he couldn't satisfy the other boy's wish much less do it in front of such a huge crowd. Peter could only sadly watch Jay pick another boy out from the crowd and have his wicked way with him up the back of the hall.

Peter felt himself being rotated backwards and was suddenly held in a four-point restraint on a trolley that had appeared out of nowhere. Jay had disappeared, the pile of clothes he'd left had gone too. Almost immediately Lauren made a re-appearance and promptly sat on his upper legs, the boy's cage in front of her.

Showing the boy a bottle, Lauren pulled out a pipette from behind it and began to transport the liquid from a solution she'd prepared earlier into the cage's locking mechanism. Lauren dumped the plastic bottle on Peter's chest so he could read it properly. After a short while Peter finally figured out what was happening but by then Lauren's plan was mostly complete.

Blasting the heat from a hairdrier into the belt's mechanism to harden the solution and thus stop her ex-boyfriend from being able to masturbate again, Lauren savoured the moments that passed. Peter didn't quite know what to say to this, other than he knew he was suddenly taken home and put straight to bed.

Suddely there was a sound of music coming from somewhere. Peter opened his eyes, squinted and looked around - he was still tied to the bed and held in a chastity belt. Poor Peter was heavily confused now. He didn't know what day it was, whether his belt had had glue poured into it's lock, or even whether anything of what had just happened had actually happened in reality. Peter knew one thing well enough - he needed to pee and he needed to pee badly.

When Lucy finally wandered in over an hour later, Peter was actively writhing and squirming on his bed desperately holding his urine in and tugging at the restraints that had held him here for well over half a day. Lucy could see Peter's need etched urgently on his face and disappeared to run a bath for him. When she came back Peter was still squirming. After getting him to lie still, Lucy removed the cuffs on his ankles and used his need to pee as a bargaining tool. Obey or pee yourself.

Lucy eventually freed Peter from the bed, secured his hands behind his back and unlocked the belt. Peter was silently relieved he hadn't been glued into this belt, although he'd fantasied about it before. Lucy took the boy to the bathroom and straight into the bath. She left him there and Peter took the opportunity while he was alone to do something he'd never normally do - peed in the bath, his output covered by lather.

When Lucy returned with Lauren, they'd decided to let him buy their silence. Peter listened intently as Lucy reeled off a list of demands and requirements to stop them outing him to Ian, which basically boiled down to the giving up of a few personal posessions and being physically chaste for a while or having his genitals removed from his body. Peter had to agree to being chaste as he had plans for Jay's 16th - his penis up Jay's backside without the risk of being reported for underage sex. Terms reluctantly agreed, the girls washed Peter and secured him in his chastity belt. He knew he should be grateful to Lucy, considering Lauren wanted to chop his genitals off last night. It was only after the girls had wandered off that Peter had a D'oh moment. He'd forgot to ask how long they'd keep him chaste! It was a classic Beale screw-up, a tendency he'd inherited from his father. Still, Peter figured, Lucy would take pity and release him by the end of the week, surely?

-- All feedback appreciated :)

Next: Chapter 13

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