Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Mar 25, 2008



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome -

-- Part 5

"Jay, its 4:25. You can go now," uttered the teacher. "Just remember to work on your maths. Its all a question of logics."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." Jay grabbed Peter's bag and headed out the door. "Tosser." He looked at his watch, it was indeed 4:25, five minutes before he was expecting to leave. He decided to head back to the changing rooms to see how Peter was getting on.

"Who is he?" asked one of the girls. "What's he doing here?"

"It's Peter, Lucy's twin. No idea what he's doing here," said another girl.

"Get the teacher, let's get him out," said the first girl.

"No," said a third girl. "Let's try something." She reached out for Peter's bits and gently took hold of his penis, the previous erection having quickly subsided. "Wanking. All boys do it. Do you Peter?" Peter shook his head slowly and stared at the ceiling, a tear welling up in his eye. "I don't believe you." The girl began to stroke Peter slowly. Eventually his manhood began to enlarge once again in front of the crowd of girls.

"Not very big is it? Alex is in his year and has got a bigger one than that," was the comment from another girl. This comment hit a nerve with Peter and he pulled at his restraints.

"All boys wank. It's all their mind runs on, sex. If you could stop a boy from wanking, they wouldn't last two days without needing to wank again. Apparently, if they go too long between wanks their dicks will fall off. You can tell a boy who wanks too much, they have smaller dicks." Peter glanced down at his genitals in the hands of this girl. He didn't know who she was but she definitely knew who he was and she knew his sister.

"All the gay ones have dicks that need a microscope to be seen properly!" said another girl. "I always thought Peter was gay, but that willy proves it!" There was laughter at this but on the inside, this comment hit another nerve with Peter. He made mumbled speech through the baby's dummy but it was incomprehensible, not that the girls were interested in what he had to say anyway, they just wanted to see his juice.

Eventually the girls found Peter's blindfold was moveable, and they pulled it down to cover his eyes. Peter found this far more scary than being trapped in the girls showers at school, because now he couldn't prepare himself for whatever the girls wanted to do with him. He could feel his penis being stroked and female hands prodding various bits of his anatomy. Eventually Peter heard the showers running as the girls washed themselves while ripping poor Peter to shreds with their harsh words, commentaries and insults about him, his body and his genitals. Once Peter felt the need to ejaculate, he didn't bother trying to put it off - after all he knew he was virtually drowning in abject humiliation and embarrassment as it was, so ejaculating in front of female eyes should be like water off a duck's back. He shot his load and absorbed the hurtful comments like a sponge, however he could feel himself going bright red.

After a few more minutes of general insults, piss-taking and abject humiliation including being shot at with cold water, all the girls had showered themselves, Peter had shot his load twice and had semen running down his leg. They decided to leave him where he was, on the assumption that this was a dare, and they wouldn't give him the satisfaction of early release. Peter's blindfold was left in place over his eyes and the last girl to leave stuck her phone number and email address to Peter's forehead with a Post-It note!

By the time Jay arrived back at the changing rooms about ten minutes later, the girls had all left. Leaving the bags outside in a flowerbed, Jay went back inside to find Peter Beale, still handcuffed to the showers but visibly shaking.

"Peter, it's me," announced Jay, removing the blindfold and the Post-It note to find Peter with bloodshot eyes. He had clearly been crying underneath the blindfold. Peter squinted at Jay while he removed the dummy from Peter's mouth and questioned the boy as to what was wrong.

"They... they wanked me off. Twice. And sprayed cold water at my dick. And threatened to tell Lucy. Oh God Jay, what am I doing to do?"

"You wuss. It's not the end of the world." He squeezed Peter's genitals hard, causing him to grimace. "I hope you've learnt respect. Don't you dare let me get fucking detention again unless you want the school to know about you, faggot boy."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," pleaded Peter through a voice so-high pitched only a dog would be able to hear it. "Let me go," he whispered.

Jay pulled the key to Peter's handcuffs from his pocket and waved them in front of Peter's face to taunt him, while Peter began to pull at his restraints with increased determination to break free. He continued to apologise to Jay.

"It's cool. Come on, let's go." Jay removed the handcuffs from the shower end but not from Peter's wrists. "Your clothes are outside." They left the shower and into the main changing area, out through the entrance and to the waiting area outside.

"Unlock me! Get these off now!" screamed Peter when he realised he'd be outside, naked, unable to dress. Jay rolled his eyes.

"You are a wuss, aren't you? Get your trousers on first, then I'll get the cuffs off." Peter quickly dressed himself and Jay removed the metal restraints to allow Peter to put his upper torso clothing on. Once Peter was fully dressed, the pair left the premises.

"I didn't like that, it was scary," said Peter.

"You bloody loved it, all those naked girls to look at. Pity I couldn't stay to watch because somebody got me a detention."

"But it's all going to be round school..."

"It's gossip, Peter. It'll last three days then it'll be forgotten. It's a rumour, nobody can prove it. They didn't have mobile phone cameras did they?" Peter shook his head. "Well there you go. Just ride it out. You're not going to tell anybody - are you?" He gave Peter the Post-It note that a girl had stuck to his forehead. "I think you pulled!"

Over the next few days Peter was on edge. Even the slightest giggle from another student was enough to start his mind racing. He could not be sure whether his ordeal was around school or not. He kept looking at the Post-It note and comparing writing styles of the girls to see who had effectively asked him out. This kept Peter busy for hours.

Jay, by now, was beginning to build up a profile of Peter. He had never liked the kid (especially now he had admitted to Jay that he was homosexual) and was disturbed that Peter seemed to like him a lot more than he was comfortable with. Yet every time he tried to push Peter away or disciplined him for being too overbearing it always resulted in Peter becoming ever more eager for more of the same. Jay wasn't particularly keen on having Peter follow him around like a lovesick puppy all day, in fact he was surprised that Peter had chosen him instead of anybody else.

It amazed Jay to think that Peter was a considerably handsome blonde boy, but didn't have a girlfriend in school and actually obeyed authority. Jay couldn't have given a crap about authority, after his dad had walked out on the family many years ago. Secretly he loved his father being back but hadn't been particularly overjoyed, especially after his grandfather Bert upped sticks and left without so much a goodbye.

Half term was coming up so Jay was plotting something. He had to get Peter off his back, but simply tying him up somewhere wouldn't work. He had to force the message to Peter, by hook or by crook. As if by magic, the solution suddenly hit him. "Why not hit the horny little fucker where it hurts?"

By the end of the week, Jay had engineered the idea of a weekend 'camping trip' for himself and Peter as a cover story to get them together for a while in order to break the potential relationship off. Just telling Peter wasn't enough. Jay knew he had to really torment Peter to a point where he'd crack and plead to end the lust, being cruel to be kind. He'd already talked his dad into leaving him home alone for the weekend, so he had the flat to himself. Jay just had to charm Ian into letting Peter come on this fictional trip.

Ian had reservations with letting his kid go off into the countryside again on another camping trip, so soon after coming close to losing Peter on the last one, but Jay was a smooth talker, able to adapt to get what he wants, and talked Ian round. He put on his posh voice for this.

"Promise me," Ian stated, pointing a wooden spoon at Jay in the cafe, "that there will be parental responsibility on this trip. I don't want my son coming home in the back of an ambulance again."

"My dad's coming too, Mr Beale. He's very responsible."

"Responsible? He ain't got a job, he ain't got no money, he owes me lots of rent as it is. And he spends all night in the Vic! I should come with you."

"No!" exclaimed Jay. "I'll keep him away from the pub. Alcohol is a viral disease and shouldn't be taken by anybody, least at all when you're driving."

"Well, when you put it like that... Okay, Peter can go. But be good - I'll have your head if I find out you've been bullying Peter."

"Why would I want to go camping with somebody just to beat them up? I can do that here. But thanks Mr Beale. Peter will love it." Jay left the cafe and went to find Peter.

"But I don't want to go camping!" whined Peter when Jay told him about the plans. "I nearly died last time."

"Not my problem. You're coming. Your dad thinks you're coming. Get packed, my house, 7pm."

"Make me."

"Listen, Beale," snarled Jay, getting up close to Peter's face. "My house, 7pm, packed. End of."

"But..." started Peter.

"So if you don't come, I'll just have to tell your dad about your little bondage fun and you'll have to answer loads of fucking awkward questions." Jay paused to let this sink into Peter's brain. "I want you to come because I want to know you better."

"That's good. Okay, I'll see you at 7." As Peter left, Jay smiled to himself. Peter had swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker in one go. He had no intentions of knowing Peter better, he just wanted rid of him.

That evening, Peter bought his camping equipment round at 7pm as promised. He was surprised to see that Jay had not packed yet.

"Put your things in the other room," said Jay, inviting Peter in. As Peter laid his stuff down, he saw no sign of any packing having taken place.

"When are we going?"

"We're not. I only told your dad that to get you away from him. You're spending the weekend with me."

"Um... okay," stuttered Peter. "So what shall we do?" Jay threw a pair of handcuffs at him.

"Put these on, hands behind. Now I have to talk to you."

"About what?" asked Peter as he struggled to click the handcuffs behind him. Jay helped him out and then sat Peter down, sliding a chair leg between Peter's back and his handcuffed wrists. Putting some heavy books on the chair in the meantime, Jay disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a pair of sharp looking scissors. He started to pull at Peter's clothes, ripping what he could and cutting off what he couldn't. He took Peter's footwear off him and threw them across the room landing in a heap on the porch floor. While Peter struggled helplessly to defend his clothes, Jay gradually stripped him naked with the help of the scissors.

Peter could only watch as Jay emptied the waste paper bin over his legs and load it with the scraps of clothing from Peter's body instead. Jay took a pack of matches from his pocket and an advertising flyer. Making sure Peter was in full view of his doing this, Jay lit one corner of the flyer with a match, fanned it a bit and dropped it into the wastepaper basket. He held the bin in such a fashion that Peter could see the remains of his clothes he'd been wearing five minutes earlier disintegrate in front of his eyes along with the flyer.

Once the basked had burned out, Jay put it outside the front to cool off. On his return, he grabbed an item off the table, Peter recognised it immediately as a digital camera.

"For insurance purposes," he said, turning the camera on and taking a couple of pictures.

"You wouldn't," said Peter, upset that he'd just seen his favourite shirt on fire.

"I fucking would! And I now have the pictures to prove it. So now, you do what I say, whenever I say it. Otherwise the pictures get onto the school notice board."

"Please don't, I'll do anything." Jay ignored this comment and turned the camera off.

"You," started Jay, moving the books and lying on the chair, he gently placing his warm hand on Peter's flaccid penis, "are beginning to seriously piss me off." He began to actively stimulate Peter as he spoke. "I don't like you Beale, I never have. You're a pain in the arse; a gutless tosser and you're built like a girl.

"But you then develop a crush on me. I don't fancy you. You're an ugly little gay bastard and the last person I want to fancy me. So I think we're gonna work on your problem."

"What problem?" panted Peter as he felt his testes warming up ready to shoot.

"One, you fancy me. I don't like that. Two, you're too horny. Three, this is taking up my fucking time and effort."


"So," started Jay, slowing down his stimulation of Peter's penis to a rate where it was not fast enough to encourage semen but not slow enough to allow the penis to become limp. Peter by now was far-gone and ready to shoot. "I might want money. I don't care how where you get it but I should have payment for beating you off."

"How... How much? How much for you not to share those pictures with anybody?"

"Depends how much you value my playing with your dick!" mocked Jay. " You need to shoot?" Peter nodded. "Well I'm not going to let you. That will be your punishment for the next three days."

"Three days?!" exclaimed Peter. With his hormones the way they were Peter could not even last one day, he had had to shoot every day for the last fortnight. "I'll give you £20."

"Twenty quid? You fuckwit! Do I look like I was born yesterday? You'll have to do better than that, you poof!" Before Peter could up his offer, Jay continued. "So no wanking for the next 72 hours. Or else." With that, Jay let go of Peter's penis, cruelly denying the boy the pleasure. "Oh, and no toilet either.


"You heard. I need to drill this into you Peter and if making you stop wanking and wet yourself is what it takes, then that's that."

"I can't help fancying you, Jay," said Peter. "I also can't help wanking."

"So now you have three days to work on it. Get used to being a horny little fag. Don't expect to see my dad, he's not here." With this, Jay arose from the chair, dumped the heavy encylopedias back on the seat to stop Peter escaping and left the room to make a few phone calls. Strain as Peter might, he could not hear any of them.

Upon his return, Jay's gaze fell on Peter's naked body. Dumping the cordless phone back on its charging base, he wheeled the sofa away from the wall and turned it round, the main seating area now facing the wall. Jay moved Peter to the sofa and secured him to the metal structure that was holding the sofa up. It had needed replacing for a while now but it provided Jay with the ideal place to hold Peter while he went and did stuff.

Once Peter was secure, Jay locked the wheels on the sofa and went into the kitchen; Peter heard the sound of running water. When Jay emerged, he was carrying a big pint glass of cold water into which he dropped a straw.

"Drink this up," he said, guiding the straw into Peter's mouth. As Peter sucked the water up, Jay was constantly encouraging him to drink it faster. Once the glass was finished, Jay pulled Peter's feet parallel to the sofa and secured his ankles to the support as well, leaving the boy outstretched, essentially lying on his side. Jay put the empty glass on the side and put his coat on.

"Where are you going?" asked Peter, looking round nervously.

"I'm popping out. Literally ten minutes or so. Be good, don't go anywhere." With that, Jay disappeared out the door, leaving Peter all alone in the apartment.

It would be another thirty minutes before he heard the key in the lock and the return of Jay. It was just as well because Peter was beginning to feel his bladder filling up as well as a dull pain in his left arm.

"Jay, I need to go," piped up Peter. "I'll give you £50 to delete those pictures."

"£50? Fuck straight off. As for you needing to go - it's just as well I bought some nappies!" said Jay, pulling the pack out of a carrier bag.

"I'm not wearing those!"

"Well you're not going to piss all over my floor, I'll tell you that now." Jay knelt down in front of Peter. "Does little baby Beale need to go pee-pee?"

"Can I just use your toilet please?" asked Peter. Jay shook his head.

"I told you. I need to ram it home into your thick head and stop all this chasing after me, loving me and what not. So no, you can't go toilet. You're going to lie there and be a good boy." Jay disappeared back into the kitchen and filled up the glass of water again. He bought it back to Peter and forced the straw into his mouth. "Drink this all up." Reluctantly, Peter followed the request and drank the water. He'd now drank well over a pint of water in less than an hour - Peter knew it would only be a matter of time before it came out the other end.

Jay left Peter for a while to unpack his bag of tricks on the main table. He had bought some nappies, a spot of food, some baby wipes and plenty of kitchen towel. He ignored Peter's pleas for the bathroom as he made mental plans for the next three days. Jay then spotted Peter beginning to writhe and squirm - the water he had made Peter drink was now beginning to fall through to his bladder.

Just to rub the pain of the situation in, Jay knelt down and stimulated Peter to full erection, knowing that this would stop him from being able to urinate. He didn't have to say anything - the expression on Peter's face said it all.

After a few minutes of penile stimulation to bring Peter up to the point of ejaculating, Jay deliberately let Peter's penis go. Peter was now begging and pleading with Jay for relief, both sexually and in the urine department. He now had to go and he had to go badly.

"I don't think I can hold it much longer," breathed Peter. Jay unwrapped the pack of nappies he'd fetched earlier. He fitted one of them around Peter's body - they were slightly too small but Jay placed a thick layer of kitchen towel underneath and in front of Peter, just in case. He stood by with the roll.

"Now you don't need toilet. Use one of these. You don't really have a choice do you, nappy boy? Can get an entire show out of this in Japan."

"Help me, let me go," whispered Peter. A few seconds later, he could not hold his bladder any longer, and urinated into the nappy. Jay kept a close eye on this in case he needed to mop up any extra mess but fortunately, the nappy absorbed the majority of the urine.

"Okay, let's get this off." Jay took the soaking wet nappy from Peter's body and threw it in the nearest bin.

"Let me go! I'll leave you alone, I won't kiss you, I won't follow you, I won't do anything to you! Please just let me go!" Peter pulled at his handcuffs holding him to the structure of the sofa.

"Oh, shut the fuck up!" shouted Jay, slapping Peter round the face. After a pause, Jay went off to get some water in a bowl to clean Peter up. As he was wiping down Peter's groin with the baby wipes he'd decided this was going to be too much work to do three times a day so he left a sobbing and heavily humiliated Peter alone to seek an easier solution to disposing of the urine. He found them in the back garden - a funnel, length of clear plastic pipe tubing, some twine and a bucket. Fitting the tubing over the thin end of the funnel and taping it down made a useful urine disposal tool. Jay would only have to empty the bucket every once in a while.

Going back inside, Peter's face was now bright red from crying. Still sexually frustrated from earlier, he continued to tug heavily at his restraints on the sofa in a desperate attempt to get free. As soon as he saw Jay enter carrying some strange looking contraption sticking out the top of a bucket, Peter froze.

"This is your new toilet. You will use this from now on. You're not going to damage my floor so I put this funnel over your pathetic little weiner like so," said Jay as he demonstrated. "And you piss in the bucket." Peter stared blankly at the bucket, not quite with it at the moment.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Peter as Jay proceeded to clean Peter up.

"So you don't smell anymore than you already do."

"I mean, why are you doing all of this to me?" Jay ignored this question and announced to Peter what was happening next.

"I think its time you saw just what lengths I'm going to go to to get you off my case."

"But I can't help fancying you," said Peter again.

"But I can't help fancying you," mocked Jay. "You sound like an MP3 on fucking auto-repeat. I will do whatever even if I have to a) cut your dick off or b) kill you. You have a bloody good think about what you really want, especially if you don't want me to ruin your life with these pictures."

"Ruin my life?"

"Think about it Peter," started Jay, moving in close. "You're tied up and naked. I'm not. I'll make your life hell until the day you grow up and fuck off out of this dump. If you want me to make you piss yourself in public, if you want me to make you naked in public, if you want me to go to your dad and expose all of this, then you carry on. I'm sure the kids at school would love to call you faggot boy once they see your picture."

This worried Peter slightly, for he couldn't be sure what Jay had planned but he knew at the back of his mind that Jay wouldn't put him in any immediate danger, not deliberately anyway. He could not think of anything that Jay could do that would stop Peter from having this crush on Jay.

"Bedtime I think," announced Jay. Peter sneaked a glance at the clock. It was only twenty past eight. After forcing another three big glasses of water down Peter's throat, Jay quickly disappeared into the bedroom before returning to remove Peter's handcuffs and took him away from the sofa and back into the bedroom. It was a single standard size bed lying upside down with metal headboards, footboards and side-rails.

Peter half expected to be told to lie on the bed. Until Jay told him no, he was sleeping under the bed. This proved to be simplier than expected - straight four point restraint and an extra support around the waist. Peter felt his world turning upside down as Jay carefully righted the bed. As he fell, Peter waist support caught his body, but it was a very uncomfortable position to be in.

He waited as Jay tightened up his support to hold the boy closer to the base of the bed - it was naturally uncomfortable but what could he do? Jay then fitted his urine disposal funnel over Peter's genitals, pushed Peter's penis into the main tube, and tied the funnel securely around the top of the bed. 'At least if the main support failed it'd bloody hurt falling onto that,' thought Jay.

"I'm a bit stretched here," said Peter quietly.

"Any more offers?" came Jay's muffled voice from above the bed.


"Just like your old man, you are. Wouldn't give you the time of day for £100. You're gonna to have to do better than that.

"Okay, you have toilet, you have bed and you sleep now." With that, Jay threw the door shut and locked it. Peter heard the sound of the sofa being pushed about followed by the front door being opened and slammed. He did not like being Jay's prisoner at all, much less being under the bed with a view of dust bunnies for comfort.

Somehow, he was able to drift off to sleep despite being suspended in mid-air. However he was constantly awoken at varying obscene hours of the morning by some inconsiderate little sod getting in and out of bed, as well as the pressure on Peter's own bladder to urinate. The sound of urine dripping hurt Peter's ears, it was so loud in the darkness.

The next morning Peter woke up facing the ceiling and to the sight of Jay wiping his genital areas with baby wipes. Jay informed him that the container was almost full of urine when he came in this morning, but that he was far happier to pour the bucket of urine down the drain as opposed to change a soggy mattress.

Jay took Peter to the front room, tied him to the chair and force-fed him burnt toast and orange juice. Peter was not keen on the idea of taking on more liquid - he'd been up half the night to get rid of at least two pints of tap water in a fashion he couldn't even control. He had had no choice but to just hang there in pitch darkness and listen to the urine hitting the side of the bucket. After Jay had dumped everything in the sink, he ran a comb through Peter's hair.

"You have nice hair Pete," said Jay. "Got some scissors here..."

"Leave my golden hair alone, took me years to grow that."

"I'll chop it off in five minutes if you don't watch your gob."

Jay took Peter back to the bedroom, righted the bed, handcuffed him back into a four point restraint (this time the right way up) between the bed posts and ran a toothbrush around Peter's mouth in a hap-hazard fashion. Jay grabbed a blatantly pornographic magazine from the bedside cabinet and sat down on the bed next to Peter. "Do you wear woman's clothing like the other poofs do?"

"Being gay does not mean we all wear woman's clothing. I certainly don't," retaliated Peter.

"Whatever. You'd love wearing this, wouldn't you?" replied Jay, pointing to a random picture in his magazine. "I'll half-inch ya some."

"I'd rather cut my penis off."

"Can be arranged," said Jay. "Or I could spread stuff about you, faggot boy." He opened his magazine to a random page and Peter saw Jay's eyes widen in awe at the content and gently take hold of Peter's penis.

It eventually occured to Peter that Jay was turning himself on sexually and taking it out on Peter's bits. Throughout the morning, Peter had to lie there in agony as Jay played relentlessly with his penis, maintaining great control not to climax the boy and gradually working his way through the magazine. Peter came close to shooting at least half a dozen times - each time more intense than the last. To his frustration, Jay never allowed him to ejaculate - instead the boy reached inside his own tracksuit bottoms with his other hand to get himself off instead, just to spite Peter, who continued to make offers to Jay to get the photos off him, and was now up to the giddy height of £220.

"You don't fucking get it, do ya? You're supposed to up it large, like, not peanuts. £220 is a bloody great fucking insult. Come back when you've a decent offer." He squeezed Peter's erect, horny penis tight because of this, causing the boy to wince.

"What's a decent offer then?" gasped Peter, desperate for any kind of clue.

"A grand should do it." Jay ran his firmly gripping hand right up Peter's shaft and off the top.

"Where am I going to get a thousand pounds from?" winced Peter, pulling faces as Jay squeezed his penis again.

"Your dad owns half the Square, you tit. Not rocket science." Then Jay had an even better idea to exploit the situation. "Give us £750 and you can have the pictures. Give us £1000 and you can have the camera. Give us nothing or not enough by 5pm Tuesday and Peter goes online!" He wrapped his hand around the base of Peter's penis and gave it another firm squeeze.

"Online?" Peter's eyes widened both at this revelation and the sensation of Jay's squeeze. He pulled forcefully at his restraints.

"I can find whatever online. You'd look good on Bebo," said Jay. "Maybe I can put them online somewhere. Or even..." He stared Peter deep in the eye with his next comment. "On a paedo site!" He watched as Peter's face turned to sheer horror, his eyes wider than wide and bulging out of his head. Peter had heard and seen stories about this sort of activity - he did not want to be the next victim.

"Please don't. I'll get you the money somehow!" babbled Peter, pulling hastily at his restraints again as thoughts of hairy paedophiles lusting over his naked body filled him with sickness and horror. Jay surely couldn't be that nasty to him and Peter now could not be sure if Jay was deadly serious or not. What if one of those nasty people came to Albert Square in search of him?

"5pm Tuesday, or else." Then a vision flashed through Jay's mind. "Peter cam! Yeah, that'll be good. I could be rich!"

"I'm not doing it."

"Paedo site it is then." Jay pulled out his camera and took pictures of the naked Peter on the bed. As Jay put the camera away, his gaze fell onto his mobile phone that was lying on the floor. Jay picked up the mobile phone and moved towards Peter, doing a running commentary as he went. He took hold of Peter's penis and pumped it for all it was worth. As the organ turned red with blood, Peter noticed that Jay was actually filming his flogging of Peter's penis. He didn't quite know how to feel about that but he couldn't take much more of this.

"My name's Peter Beale," Jay started in a relatively posh voice. "I live at number 45 Albert Square London E20 and I am a 14 year old gay boy." Jay stopped stroking Peter's genitals and moved upward to bring Peter's entire anatomy into frame. Peter quietly mouthed at with Jay to end it. He did not like being in front of a camera and pulled heavy with his arms to try and break free. "I go to Walford High and I like to have fun in the showers with other boys and I adore being tied up like this with other boys and older men - as you can see. I ask for you to come round whenever you like and play with me. See you soon - bye!" Jay stopped recording.

"Okay, that'll do." Jay had reverted to his usual mannerisms. "Get me my dosh or this is going on YouTube. Explain that one to your old man when all these weirdo's come knocking." He played back the recording and showed it to Peter. "I'm going online with this now actually, just to fuck with your head."

"No!" screamed Peter, in a blind state of panic. "Please, Jay, no!" His pleading fell on deaf ears as he saw Jay fit the plastic urine disposal funnel and tube over Peter's genitals, secured it, then pull a blindfold out of a draw and put it across Peter's eyes, securing it behind his head. He heard the sound of a fan whirring and the beep of a computer with subsequent keyboard typing noises and mouse clickings.

Peter sobbed heavily as the noise of keyboard tapping filled the room. He could almost visualise what Jay was typing and he could just see "45 Albert Square London E20" in big letters on a website somewhere. That what was scared him the most. Now here he lay unable to stop a piece of film being seem by billions of people on the Internet. His life was most definitely over. As his erection had now subsided, Peter had a need to pee which he did with little fuss. He could hear the sound of his own urine hitting the bucket, again.


All feedback appreciated :)

Next: Chapter 6

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