Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Jan 22, 2008



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome -

-- Part 3

It was a good few days before the two boys saw each other again, the kissing saga had slightly unsettled Jay. Peter was now beside himself with worry and frustration, he wanted Jay to do things to him. Things that he had no control over. Things that only Jay could control and stop on his whim. The thought of wandering around the allotments naked the previous week really turned Peter on. He hadn't liked it at the time but he'd really love to do it again. Lucy had shown no further interest in her brother's love of bondage despite her previous threats to really show him up.

Peter next saw Jay at break time during school. He took the opportunity to take Jay to a quiet corner and clear the air. How he'd take it, Peter didn't know.

"Look, I'm sorry," said Peter. ""I shouldn't have kissed you like I did."

"Yeah whatever," Jay replied. "Are we cool?"

"Um, no not really. I loved what we did. Never done it before. I want to do it again."

"Yeah?" said Jay, raising his eyebrows at Peter.

"I..." Peter paused, quickly deciding whether Jay would go along with what he was about to say. "I liked it when you played with me. You have warm hands. I can't explain it, it's just... Take me out again. Cuff me, tie me up down the allotments, even leave me there all night! Just... do stuff with me, please?"

"Hmm..." Jay pondered this. He drummed his fingers on a nearby window ledge as he thought. 'Why shouldn't I give the little gay poofter what he wants? I'll happily tie him up somewhere and leave him for a while, no skin off my nose. But what's in it for me?'

"Jay?" asked Peter again, almost pleading.

"Okay Beale. Here's how it is. Do my homework for the rest of the year to Grade C. I'll tie you up somewhere whenever. No questions, do what I say and you will not be a total fuckin' wuss about it. If you do, your old man will find out everything. Ok?"

Peter thought this through carefully. He had seen his dad Ian make rash decisions and get heavily stung for them later. The idea of effectively signing his life away to Jay for want of sexual relief was tempting, but on the other hand Peter had wanted to be tied up somewhere at the hands of somebody else for a while now, as his previous ventures had become boring and stale. A concern at the back of Peter's mind was how humiliating this could be - just plodding around the allotment in the nude was embarrassing enough in itself. However, when would Peter get another opportunity like this to do something that really turned him on?

"Let me get back to you on that." With that, the two students left for their next lesson.

Peter spent the next lesson concentrating not too much on the subject at hand but whether it was worth going with Jay. After all, Jay could have just spat in his face and beaten him up. It was a surprise that he'd apologised to Peter at all, much less offered to fulfil a fantasy.

Jay, on the other hand, had had second thoughts about being so insistent on full control of Peter. He knew how much Peter's athletics meant to him through Lucy, but it would leave less time for him to do Jay's homework. However the idea of tormenting a possibly gay boy really appealed to him.

When the pair met up again after school, Peter had decided he couldn't risk his athletics. It wasn't the teacher that bothered him, more rather he just didn't want to have to listen to lectures from his father.

"Okay, tell you what. Everything we said, and you can go running or whatever too. But If my homework dies, you'll be dead with it."

"Okay, sounds good," said Peter. He realised as soon as he'd said it, he'd rushed into this decision without thinking about it. Would Peter regret it?

"Here you go," replied Jay, reaching into his bag. "Homework. Grade C.

Or else." He gave Peter three exercise books and two big theory books. "Chemistry - questions two, five and nine on page 35. History - all questions on Nazi Germany from the sheet in the book. Maths - all questions on pages 16, 17 and 18. Grade C or else." Peter loaded the books into his bag.

"No problem, I'll sort it," said Peter, forcing a smile.

That evening, it was anything but a problem - it was a major headache. With Jay's load, Peter now had eight pieces of work to get through. If that wasn't bad enough, Jay had forgotten to put the sheet on Nazi Germany into his workbook so there were no questions to answer. The maths questions were covering areas that Peter had never covered before so this was all new theory. Only the chemistry questions were relatively straightforward.

By the time he'd started on his own homework having had to learn a week's new material in the space of one night, it was already 9pm. Two and a half hours to do Jay's load, one of which he couldn't do anyway. He eventually finished the lot at 1:30am and clambered straight into bed where he had no time for a late-night wank - as soon as his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep.

The next morning Peter slept through his alarm and had to woken up by Jane. With no time for breakfast he hurriedly dressed, grabbed his things and disappeared out the front door, grabbing a piece of cold toast on the way. He ran his fingers through his hair in a half-hearted combing attempt and literally ran straight into Jay. The toast fell into a nearby puddle, disintegrated and sank.

"Hello Peter!" he said, with a slight hint of menace in his voice. "Looks like you've just rolled out of bed."

"I have," grunted Peter, struggling to stay awake. "Shift, I'm gonna be late."

"You got my homework?" Peter nodded. "Come on then Sleepy, let's see it." He grabbed Peter's bag and tipped its contents all over the pavement just missing the puddle that had claimed his breakfast.

"Oh yeah, there was one problem," started Peter, as he rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake up. Jay immediately cut him off.

"Where's my history and where's my sheet?" asked Jay, flicking through the work that Peter had done.

"There wasn't one..."

"Fuck off. Do I look stupid?" Jay was increasingly shouting at Peter the longer he spoke. "Now I'm gonna get detention and its all your fault, you gay shithead!"

"I'm sorry," Peter started. "How can I..." Again, Jay cut him off.

"Shut it! Get your stuff up and let's fuck off out of here. This is not on, fucking arsehole." As Peter crawled around on the pavement in a half-tired state collecting his stuff up, Jay continued muttering and complaining to himself. Once Peter was done, Jay pulled him to his feet. At that moment, he saw Peter's sister Lucy and her friend Lauren Branning. Thinking quickly, he called their attention, spun Peter round and tripped him up. With pinpoint accuracy, Peter's face landed in the dirty puddle.

To the two girls, it had looked like Peter had tripped himself up and landed in the puddle. Their laughter rang in Peter's ears. He pushed himself up out of the puddle and shot a look of despair at Jay as the girls continued to walk by and disappear around the corner. Jay came down to Peter's level and whispered in his ear.

"Next time you fuck up it'll hurt. Meet me after history detention that you've given me."

"Wha... what for?" spluttered Peter.

"4pm, outside history class, Room 17. I'll give you what for then, you rope-loving little faggot boy." With that, Jay stood up, grabbed his homework and then went to kick him, stopping short of actually making physical contact. He saw Peter immediately move his arms up to protect his head, and poked him in the stomach instead. With this, Jay walked off, leaving Peter crouching and cowering in the gutter. After he was sure Jay had disappeared entirely, Peter stood up, went back to 45 Albert Square and cleaned himself up properly, shaking all the while. Okay he'd be late for school but it wasn't worth going to school dirty and setting himself up for more stick. Now he'd seen Jay's dark side, Peter didn't want to go there again.

4pm came and Peter Beale walked slowly across the school towards Room 17. When he arrived, there was no sign of Jay. Peeking inside the classroom, he saw Jay and two other boys frantically scribbling on some paper. Peter took a seat and waited. It would be another twenty minutes before Jay emerged, his face like thunder as he spotted Peter.

"45 minutes detention! Hope you're happy with yourself, landing me in like that. I'm seriously pissed off with you. You're coming with me."

"Where are we going?"

"What are you, my dad?" asked Jay. "Stop asking questions. Just bloody come." He physically dragged Peter round the school to the sports field and the newly planted football goals. He had wanted to just physically punch Peter in the face all day for giving him detention but that would just get him suspended and it wasn't much fun anyway. He'd thought of better alternatives anyway after yesterday's discussion with Peter.

"Shall I go get a football?" asked Peter, innocently.

"NO! JUST STOP TALKING FOR ONCE, YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF!" Peter diverted his gaze away from Jay - he was beautiful when he was angry. "Right, take your coat, jumper, tie and shirt off. Now!" Peter hesitated at this order as he couldn't be sure if Jay was now joking or deadly serious. Jay suddenly grabbed Peter's shirt collar. "STOP FUCKING ABOUT! GET THEM OFF!" he shouted, before dropping his voice to a more threatening tone. "Do I have to get scissors? Tell your dad that you ripped your clothes on purpose? He'll want to know everything, won't he?" Peter snapped to order and slowly removed his entire upper-body clothing, all the while being shouted at to get a move on.

"It might rain..."

"Do you want a bruising? DO YA? 'Cos you're going the right way about getting it. Just shut up! Fuck off over there by the goal post." Jay followed Peter, packing his clothes into the schoolbag, leaving the tie on top. "Put your hands together behind you and behind the pole. Behind the pole, you fuckwit." Jay used Peter's school tie to tie his wrists securely together behind the goal post. For extra security, he pulled the cord out of Peter's coat and used it to wrap around Peter's arms, pinning him firmly to the structure.

"Okay, that's just a bit too tight..." said Peter, tugging at his bonds.

Jay came so close to snapping and physically punching Peter across the face but managed to control himself.

"Don't push me Peter, I'm this close to..." his voice trailed off. Peter thought it'd be better not to say anything else. He watched as Jay pulled off his shoes, socks and unbuttoned his trousers. Down they came and off his body, same with the boxer shorts. Jay then pulled out all the laces from the shoes and used them to tie Peter's ankles to the post. He then stepped back to admire his handiwork. There was the fully naked Peter Beale, beetroot red with embarrassment with his private bits on full display.

"Are you staying?" said Peter, hopefully.

"No. This is your punishment for being an idle and gay bastard. You'll stay here until I return. I have your clothes, your mobile and your stuff. Don't get seen. So... bye." With that, Jay spotted Peter's watch on his wrist and went to remove it. "Oh yeah, I'm having this too."

"But my dad gave me that!"

"Look at my face. Am I Bovvered?" With that, Jay disappeared off behind Peter - and sat on a bench, well out of Peter's range of vision.

He had already forgiven Peter for screwing up on the homework - especially as he found the question paper on Nazi Germany in his own blazer pocket. Nevertheless, Jay did not want to pass up on the opportunity to tie Peter up in some way, especially after he'd shouted at him so heavily in the street this morning and just now. This was more fun than throwing a brick through a window.

Jay looked at Peter's watch; it was now 4:30pm. A glance at the sky showed black clouds gathering. He would try to ride it out until just after 5pm and hope the school cleaners did not discover them. Jay was in two minds as to whether to use Peter's phone to text somebody to the situation just to embarrass the kid even more. He passed on this, to save it for another occasion and turned instead to flick through a magazine he'd found at the bottom of Peter's bag.

Peter, on the other hand, found himself heavily turned on by this situation. It was okay when he was alone with Jay for company but this was the raw deal. He glanced down at his naked body - he was sure he would be more erect in the penile department if the wind weren't blowing its chill upon his organ. Peter wondered when Jay would be back and continued to pull at his rope restraints. At this stage, the last thing he wanted was for a stranger to find him.

Come ten past five, Jay decided he had had enough of supervising and wanted a change. He came back towards Peter and round to face him. Peter whined about being cold but Jay ignored his complaints to look the boy's body up and down thoroughly for the first time.

He noted that Peter was very pasty-white with no tan, not even on his arms. There was very little hair across his main body at all, his nipples were erect and pubic wise, Peter was fully prepubertal as far as his body went anyway. He also had an innie belly button. Moving further down the body, Jay again saw next to no sign of any tan or body hair on Peter's lower body. He looked so young for a 14 year old. His feet were in perfect condition.

Just for kicks, Jay ran his index finger down Peter's body to find him smoother than a polished glass table. His finger caught in the boy's natural body creases but aside from that, he was able to move across Peter's torso with no resistance at all. Finally, he moved upwards towards Peter's head. Jay ran his fingers through Peter's hair, making a half-hearted effort to comb it. As his hand came down Peter's cheek, he stopped. Something clicked in his head - he had had a sudden thought of being attracted to a poofter!

"Can I go now?" pleaded Peter, continuing to tug at the ropes that held him to the goalpost. Jay responded to this by pushing his little finger into Peter's belly button as far as it would naturally go without any extra pressure.

What this sensation did for Peter sent his emotions through the roof. A sudden rush of pent-up sexual frustration and desire surged through the boy's body, up to his brain and down to his penis. He suddenly found he had to relive his masturbatory urge at all costs.

"Jay!" Peter gasped. "Wank me!" Jay sensed what was happening, put his free hand on Peter's penis and began to stimulate him while continuing to run his little finger around Peter's belly button as though it were a wind-up toy.

Peter had now started to hump his body outwards to get more relief along his penis from Jay's hand. He felt like he going to explode any time soon. After a few minutes of endless stimulation on Peter's genitals and navel, he could just tell when the moment was due.

"Don't stop! I think I'm gonna shoot!" shouted Peter. A few more stimulations and Peter shot his watery load into the grass, just avoiding splattering Jay's hand. It was all he could do to breathe heavily and deeply.

"Happy now?" asked Jay after a few minutes recovery. "Hmm, it's creamier than that from what I've seen on the Internet."

"I'm... only... 14", panted Peter. "When I grow... up it'll be... more thicker."


"Thanks Jay! I really... really liked that! I want to... phew... repay that back to you at some point," gasped Peter. Jay hadn't quite expected the reaction he'd received out of Peter for want of some quick belly button stimulation, but it was interesting enough.

Jay suddenly had his own overwhelming urge to satisfy. He now felt heavily turned on himself at the idea of getting somebody else off. He looked down at Peter's rapidly shrinking penis, once again under attack from the cold, and something clicked once again. Without another word, he pulled himself up to Peter's level, cocked his head and planted a full-blown kiss on Peter's lips.

Peter was shocked at this sudden development but curiosity was the better of him. He forced his head forward as far as his restraints and body would let him and the two boys shared a long kiss. Eventually Jay had to break it off.

"Our secret," he said quietly. "Tell nobody." Peter nodded at this. "It's... shit! Ten to six! We'd better go! Your stuff's on the bench over there." Jay quickly untied Peter from the goalpost and laced the boy's shoes back up. Once Peter was fully dressed, the pair made a quick getaway back round the school and out the main gate before the electronic locks closed at six.

Outside the gates, Peter couldn't resist the urge to scoop up Jay in his arms and hug him in gratitude.

"Put me down you poof!" exclaimed Jay, trying to break away while scouting the area in case they were seen by anybody.

"Thank you! I loved that." Peter felt like he was walking on air as he dropped Jay to the floor. He couldn't remember being so happy after a wank.

"I'm sorry I said all those things earlier," said Jay, sounding as if he meant it. Peter actually bought the apology and forgave Jay for his outbursts. So he'd got away with that one!

"Here's tonight's work. Just Geography tonight, the bit on volcanoes," said Jay, handing Peter his book and workbook. "You're not getting out of the homework no matter what."

"Can we do it again?" asked Peter. "The tying-up mainly, but can we also do an occasional... snog?"

"Maybe." --

All feedback appreciated!

Next: Chapter 4

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