Soul Mates

By Travis

Published on Nov 9, 1999


Warning: This is an erotic story...well not usually...but once in awhile. But it does have gay relationships so if that offends you or you are underage you know what you have to do.

Thank you to everyone that writes and enjoys the story, you keep me motivated. Because I'm lazy. I'll admit it. Yes I'm busy with school, but when I'm not I still don't always write. Eventually you kick my ass over it though and I feel guilty. And in keeping with that tradition I want to see the next parts of the following stories ASAP-Please!:

Forbidden Love, Separate Lives & Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely.

I don't know when the second part of Kindred-Souls will be out.

Soul-Mates 10 By: J.

"Ahhhhhh!" Lance screamed as he opened the door and swung the bat at his target.

With a swift and intense blow the target was directly hit and pummeled falling to the ground. It was clear that the potted plant would never threaten anyone again. Lance's prize fern gave it's life valiantly for it's owner. Immediately after impact, Lance opened his tightly closed eyes to survey the damage he had done. Upon seeing his fern laying scattered on the floor he realized once again, what he had known his whole life: a skilled sportsman he was not.

"What the hell are you doing? You cold have killed me!" Kevin shouted with outrage.

"Wha..Huh..Oh God Kev. What are you doing here? I thought you were Hank.

I'm so sorry. I-I...I'm sorry." Lance stuttered, shocked and dismayed at the grave mistake he had just made.

"It's okay Lance. Just calm down. No harm done, thank God. Lets go inside." Kevin reassured the obviously shaken young man.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Lance exclaimed as he hurriedly ushered Kevin into his apartment. Immediately Lance locked and latched the door, making sure no lock was left open.

"What's wrong Lance? Why are you so panicked and what's up with locking all the locks. Afraid of the bogeyman?" Kevin teased trying to lighten the mood.

"No! I'm just trying to be careful. you never know who's out there, lurking in the shadows." Lance nervously replied.

"Like who? Good friends who innocently visit and nearly get there head taken off. Is that who your talking about?" Kevin sarcastically replied.

"I'm sorry Kevin. I thought you were someone else. I would have..."

"Yeah. You said Hank. Who's Hank, Lance? And why is he on your hit list? No pun intended." Kevin asked.

"Huh. How do you know about Hank? Has he contacted you?" Lance desperately asked.

"Calm down already, Scoop. Your the one who mentioned Hank. You said that's who you were trying to hit. Who is this guy? Is he giving you trouble? Because if he is I can..."

"No!!! You can't do anything to him Kevin. He....Why are you here Kev?"

Lance asked, stumped at Kevin's sudden appearance at his home.

While it was true that both he and Kevin were good friends, as were all members of both the Backstreet boys and N'sync, they usually did not socialize on an individual basis. He couldn't understand what would prompt this sudden visit-and why at this hour of night? Then it occurred to him.

The hotel in Mexico, that had to be it.

'He's worried about my losing it and messing up the hotel room in Acapulco. Damn it Lance why can't you ever keep things together. And why in the hell do you have to have such a lousy aim?'

"I was worried about you, Scoop." Kevin finally answered.

"Worried about what?" Lance feigned ignorance.

"Don't play dumb with me Lansten. You know what I'm talking about. You completely trashed your hotel room in Mexico and then didn't even remember how it happened. I was scared for you. But stop changing the subject and avoiding my question."

"What question?" Lance continued to play the part of naive school boy.

"Quit stalling! Who's Hank? You must be really afraid of this guy if you were willing to risk killing him. I hope your not over reacting." Kevin pursued.

As Kevin uttered those words Lance's mind took him back in time years prior to this conversation. He was remembering when he had finally taken all he could take of Hank's abuse. He was at his emotional and mental breaking point. He had to tell. Tell somebody and he chose those who he trusted the most: his parents.

~Flashback 1993~

"I don't want to play baseball anymore! I'm just not good at it. Why can't I just take singing lessons instead?" Lance pleaded with his father, as his mother looked on uncomfortably.

"Your not even giving it a chance Lance! Damn it, be a man!" His father yelled.

"I can't do it. I hate it and I hate Coach Hank! Why can't you just leave it alone. Just leave it ALONE!!" Lance screamed at his father.

"Don't you holler at me, boy. After everything Coach Wilson has done for you, you take an attitude like this? He's spent countless hours trying to whip your sorry ass in to shape on the field and you say you hate him.

What did he ever do to deserve this?" Lance's father fumed.

"He did things to me! Bad things! I didn't want too, but he made me


Lance was unable to finish, he had kept this secret for so long and it was eating away at his soul. He collapsed on the floor crying, nothing could comfort him. As the revelation was processed in the minds of his parents they stood speechless. How could this be? This kind of thing didn't happen to young boys. Unable to deal with the realization of his sons victimization, Lance's father quickly jumped to the wrong conclusion.

"You just misunderstood something. Your overreacting."

Lance fell into a deeper desperation upon hearing these words. They didn't believe him. He didn't know what to do so he did what had protected him during the 'practices' with Coach Hank. He went off into a secret place where nobody could hurt him.

Eventually his parents tried to rouse him, but they could not break through his protective mental barrier. Later that evening he was taken to the hospital and admitted to the psychiatric ward, where he was evaluated for 'mental exhaustion'. Imagine a thirteen-year old suffering from mental exhaustion.

He was released by the end of the week and his parents eventually believed his confession, but they never understood. They never knew how to react towards him. They limited any physical contact with their son-afraid he would react badly. Truth be told, all that accomplished was reinforcing the belief in Lance's mind that he was dirty and unworthy of a hug or affection.


"I AM NOT OVEREATING! HE RAPED ME!" Lance screamed, using the words that up till then he was never able to say. "He raped me...ahhhhh." Lance repeated again in a soft sob as he put his head in his hands and cried.

"Wha..who..huh." Kevin stuttered, speechless, a rarity for him.

It was clear to Kevin that Lance was not going to be able to give any e xplanations right now, so he ushered the younger man into his bedroom and placed him gently on his bed.

"Go to sleep Lance. Just rest. It will all be OK in the morning." Kevin whispered soothingly.

As Lance was just about out like a light he suddenly sat straight up in his bed with a shocked expression.

"I can't sleep what if he comes to get me?" Lance panicked.

"No one's here Lance. I'll protect you." Kevin said reassuringly.

~Justin's House~

As JC shamelessly tickled his new boyfriend, his boyfriend giggled with delight. Justin was over the moon, so to speak. He finally had his secret love. He had pined after JC for years and to his surprise, the older boy had felt the same. Eventually JC stopped tickling Just and regained some semblance of composure.

"Lets go to bed. I'm sleepy!" JC yawned.

"Your always sleepy. Mr. 'My hobby is sleeping'!" Justin teased.

"Quiet you! Besides I was thinking I could replace my stuffed teddy I sleep with, with a curly haired dork." JC hinted.

"Excuse you! I am not a dork. An I am not having sex with you before we even go out on one date. I'm not cheap and easy!" Justin faked offense at JC's questioning.

"Who said anything about sex. I meant sleep! Get your mind out of the gutter. And what makes you think I'm so easy. I can't believe you would think that of me, Just. I thought you had more respect for me." JC said as he turned and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

As always JC played Justin like a fiddle. He knew how sensitive the young man was and he loved nothing better than to tease him, affectionately.

"I..I..didn't mean's just that you said...and then ..but..." Justin fumbled for an excuse.

"Gotcha! I'm still the man!" JC laughed in triumph.

"You faker! I thought you were really mad. You scared me! Just for that you can sleep alone for all I care!" Justin fumed.

"No! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. Don't be mad Cutie!" JC flattered Justin.

"Oh I'm not mad. I'm just getting even." Justin remarked.

"But I get lonely. Oh and I get cold too. I need a tall curly haired boy to keep me warm. I wonder where I could find one of those?" JC continued to beg.

"OK, OK. I'll sleep with you, but I won't 'sleep' with you." Justin outlined the plan.

As the two boys headed up the stairs giggling and fooling around with each other, they were interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

"Damn! Who could that be at this hour?" JC questioned.

"I don't know. I'll get it real quick and you go get ready for bed." Justin offered.

"OK, I'll be in your room." JC whispered seductively, or at least his version of seductive.

"OK Skinny." Justin whispered back in a exaggerated breathy voice, making fun of JC.

"Well it's final now! None for you for a long time!" JC pouted as he ran up the burgundy carpeted stairs.

Justin reversed his direction and went back down the stairs to answer the

still ringing phone. Aggravated at the late interruption he quickly grabbed the cordless phone from the burgundy colored couch in his living room and abruptly said hello.

"Justin is that you?" a familiar voice questioned.

"Yeah. Mrs. Lavery?" Justin questioned back.

"Yes its me, dear. Listen I know its late and I hate to bother you, but I have a bit of a family emergency I have to take care of and-I hate to ask-but could you come over and watch my kids for me? It will only be for a half an hour and they're already in bed..." Mrs. Lavery, Justin's next-door neighbor, rambled.

"Sure, Mrs. Lavery." Justin chipperly agreed. "No problem. I'll be right over.

After running upstairs to let JC know where he would be. Justin Timberlake quickly dashed next door to baby-sit for moment while his neighbor took care of her business.

~Britney & Christina's Apartment~

"Well Justin baby, tonight's the night. I'm going to get you back and show you what you've been missing. And I guess I'll see what I've been missing too." Britney thought to herself.

She quickly slipped on the tight fitting black bra and panty ansemble she had bought for just this occasion: The night she would sneak into Justin's room and seduce him. She slipped on he black stiletto heels and put on a beige trench coat and quickly ran to her cherry red corvette.

'I just hope you're mom still keeps the spare key under the door mat.

otherwise It won't be the same. I want the element of surprise. It kind of defeats the purpose to just go and knock.' Britney thought as she drove to the Timberlake/Harliss home.

As JC enjoyed his steamy hot shower in the bathroom that joined his and Justin's bedrooms he thought of how perfect everything was between him and Justin right now. It was better than he had ever dreamed it could be. As he began to lather his hair once more he heard the door to Justin's bedroom open and his heart immediately raced. Justin was home.


Britney entered Justin's bedroom after successfully letting herself into the house. She immediately heard the sound of the shower and assumed that Justin was bathing. She quickly through her over coat off and positioned herself seductively on the bed, awaiting her fair princes arrival from the bathroom. Poor clueless Britney was the only one who had yet to find out Justin was gay. As the water shut off Britney prepared herself and pouted her lips in an attempt at being sexy.

JC in a feisty mood decided he would prance into the bedroom nude as a kind of preview for Justin. He was nervous but wanted to please and surprise his much loved best friend and soulmate. As he slowly turned the door knob of the bathroom door the tension he felt built to a climax. He walked smoothly into Justin's room and then screamed in shock.

"Oh my God!" JC yelled stunned and embarrassed to be standing naked in front of Britney, of all people.

"AHHHHH!" Britney screamed bloody murder as she realized she had revealed herself to the wrong man.

As Justin was entering his home again after his brief favor to his neighbor he heard screams coming from upstairs. He quickly dashed up the stairs and entered his room, stunned at what he saw.

~Brian's House~

"Listen Nicky. I know we have a lot to discuss and work through. But it's late and were tired and were not going to get anything resolved tonight so will you at least spend the night so we can try to work things through in the morning?" Brian asked in a pleading voice.

"OK Bri. I'll just crash on the couch and we can talk in the morning."

Nick answered.

"No, come to bed with me Nick. I mean I know were a far way from making love but I don't have kudies. Pleeeease."

"No funny business. We just sleep. OK?"

"Cross my heart!" Brian exclaimed with glee.

As the two slipped under the covers of Brian's Queen sized water bed they immediately, instinctively drew near to one another. Neither said anything as they cuddled and went to sleep. Nick's sleep was restless though, he dreamed of his time spent away from Brian when they had broken up. A night of too much liquor and drug experimentation, culminating in his having sex with Shirley Manson.

Truthfully he didn't remember anything about that night. Just waking up with Shirley the next morning, she had filled in the blanks. As Nick continued to dream he woke up with a start. He began to wonder if Brian would understand? They were broken up, but still.

~Lance's Apartment~

"Lance can you tell me what happened so I can help you? Does this guy live in the apartment building. We need to call the police. Are you hurt?

Do you need to go to the hospital." the questions were hurled, one after the other, in typical Kevin fashion.

"No. I'm fine. It happened a long time ago. When I was in little league. He was my coach and..." Lance filled Kevin in on hidden details of his life.

Kevin had shed a few tears as Lance revealed his story of abuse. He felt so bad for Lance and yet he felt a closeness, a bond. he felt honored that Lance trusted him enough to share this with him.

"Well I'm definitely not leaving you alone if some pervert is on the loose. I'll spend the night in your guest room so you won't be alone. If Hank comes by he'll have to get through me before I let him hurt you."

Kevin stated authoritatively.

Lance just sat up and grasped Kevin's neck and pulled him into a tight hug. Kevin rubbed Lance's back and kissed the top of his head and stood up and tucked Lance in.

"Goodnight Lance." Kevin gently said as he left the room.

" 'Night, Kev. Thank you." Lance replied as Kevin just nodded.

After a couple of hours crept by everything was peaceful in Lance's apartment. He was having a restless sleep, though. Dreams and images of Hank flooded his mind and he awoke full of fear. He immediately crawled out of his bed and walked over to the guest bedroom and let himself in. He crawled into the bed next to Kevin, awakening him. Kevin didn't say anything though, he knew why Lance was there, he was afraid. Kevin reached towards Lance and the younger boy immediately buried his head in Kevin's strong chest. Not in a moment of sexuality, but a moment of comfort.

~Junstin's Bedroom~

"Well I'll tell you JC. I was picturing many scenarios about tonight and what I would find when I came into this room, but this was not one of them.

If I didn't know you were gay I would be so pissed right now. So what..." Justin was cut off by Britney.

"Your gay JC? Well I guess that explains why your always going after my man. And how pathetic. What did you think you could seduce Justin by walking in naked?

"Ahh!" JC screamed again as he was reminded of his nakedness. He quickly grabbed Justin's robe and covered himself. "Listen you overstuffed pair of balloons. Justin is my man-not yours. He loves me. So get used to it."

JC asserted.

"What dream world are you living in JC? Justin is not gay." Britney argued.

"Yes he is." Justin shyly whispered about himself. "Didn't you hear me admit it on the plane Brit?" Justin asked.

"Wha..when? I had my headphones on for awhile. You can't be gay! You and me..."

"I'm sorry Brit. I thought you knew." Justin said with sympathy.

"Oh god, I made a total fool of myself." Britney cried as she quickly made a mad dash for the front door. Both JC and Justin chased after her but it was too late. All they saw was her peeling out of Justin's driveway.

~On set of the Garbage video 'The World is Not Enough'~

"Hello?" the woman answered with her whispery Irish accent from her poshly decorated dressing room..

"Hello Ms. Manson. This is Dr. Reid. I have the results of your pregnancy test. Given the circumstance you mentioned during our visit I would say congratulations are in order.

"Something like that I suppose." Shirley mentioned.

As she hung up the phone after gathering the information she needed she began to get angry. 'Of all things to happen to me now. This could fuck up my career. What am I going to do? Of course!' She thought to herself.

'Nick! He's a real sweety, it will all work out perfectly.'


NEXT: Hank's plan goes into action, but with the wrong person. Nick finds out he's going to be a daddy? Justin and JC finally consummate their relationship.

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