Soul Mates

By Travis

Published on Jul 18, 1999


I know I took forever with this installment. I'm sorry, but I had some medical problems come up that kept me feeling too bad to write. Thank you for all the concerned E-mails though. As for the J.C. vs. Kevin thing...It tied. So until I get a clear favorite I'm just gonna play it out some more. If any of you have ideas or suggestions feel free to E-mail me at And yes the T has to be capitalized to make it through.

As usual if you are under 18, you're already being sneaky because you had to go through several Nifty pages to get to my story, but still go away because I don't want to "warp your fragile little mind" to quote Cartman.

I also don't know the Backstreet boys or N'sync, so obviously I do not know whether or not they are gay. This is fantasy, not reality.

One final note in the following story Shirley Manson, the lead singer for Garbage is mentioned. Before I get a whole bunch of E-mails I will make this clear before hand: Shirley is not Marilyn Manson. She is a woman who will become intricate to Nick's solo career, in this story. So if you don't know who she is watch MTV. Garbage's new song in the U.S. is When I Grow the rest of the world it's You Look So Fine. I love Garbage and many gays seem to also dig them too, so if you haven't got it already go get Version 2.0.

Soul-Mates 6

By: J.

~Kevin~ (In Acapulco)

"Hold it everyone! Before this gets anymore out of hand. Justin and I are not lovers! Everything was misinterpreted from the angle of the video camera. Yes I had the poor judgment of having a little too much to drink.

Yes I then proceeded to do a semi-strip dance on the bar. It was all meant in fun. But NO, Justin was not grabbing or participating with me.

He was trying to stop me from making a bigger fool of myself."

"Do you really expect us to believe that? The camera doesn't lie."

This bitch isn't going to lay off us. I can't believe this is happening.

A.J. and Howie can go out and get drunk and party, sleep around, and nothing happens to them. One time I have to much to drink and it becomes the scandal of the year.

"Yes we expect you to believe it! It's the truth! You can ask anyone at the bar, ask the bartender that kicked us out! He knew I was trying to get Kevin down from the bar counter. Or didn't any of you bother to investigate the story. Of course not! All your trying to do is print trash, whether it be true or not." Justin yelled out with the perfect save. Thank you Curly!

"As a matter of fact Justin and I are considering a libel lawsuit against everyone of you who has printed and broadcast these lies! I'm sure once we get the Bartender to corroborate our story, everything will be cleared up.

That's all we have to say."

The reporters just kept screaming there question as me and Justin got back in the elevator and went back to my hotel suite. What the hell are we going to do?

~Nick~ (In Orlando Airport)

"Brian what does my having a solo career have to do with US. It doesn't change the fact that I love you. You're my whole world what would I do without you?"

"How could you do this Nick? You swore when you first started getting offers that you wouldn't take them. You promised that the Backstreet boys would be forever."

"Why does anything have to change? I still want to be in the Backstreet boys. Why does one thing have to exclude the other."

"Can't you see! Once you are off having your solo career, you won't want to come back. Why would you?"

"Do you think that I'm so shallow? Fuck Brian, if I could forget about all of you so easily you must not think very much of me."

"Yeah I guess I don't."

"You guess you don't! What am I to you? Do you see past my body and looks Brian? Or am I just some puppet that you want to pull strings for?"

"Don't turn this around to me. You're the one keeping secrets! You're the one leaving the group!"

"Damn it Bri, I'm not leaving the group. I'm just..."

"NO! You ARE leaving the group. We don't need you. Go and have you solo career. but don't come back crying if it doesn't work out. You're just a little kid I don't know what I'm doing with you anyway. All you've ever been is a worthless pain in the ass since I met you."

After Brian said that to me I just fell to my knees sobbing in the middle of the airport. People all around were unsure how to act so they just kept on walking. Fans felt to awkward to approach us. I just was in total shock. I never knew that Brian felt that way about me. I'm just some kid who annoyed him until he figured out he could use me as a piece of ass.

"Are you dumping me?" I whimpered.

"Yeah, I guess." Brian said as he began to cry and fell to his knees in front of me.

"So this is it! After everything you put me through you're gonna turn around and dump me! It's so nice that when the chips are down you come through Bri." I spit out sarcastically. "I trusted you, I loved you and maybe the one time I'm not perfect little Nicky and you bail out. I'm gonna ask you one more time is it over?"

"Yes, what do you think your so special that you can't be dumped."

"Yeah. I thought to you I was Frick. But I guess not huh. Well let me tell you something, one day your going to realize what we had and what you threw away. The difference between me and you Bri, is that if the roles were reversed and you were in my shoes, I would have been so happy for you.

I would have supported your dreams and loved you no matter what. Why should you care? Obviously you've just been using me. Well one day your gonna want me back and I want you to remember that you're the one that ended everything. Because I could never take you back now, Frick." I cried out in anguish.

"Nick I didn't mean it...I don't know what I mean. I'm just angry and hurt. I didn't mean anything I said, I was just trying to hurt you. Let's just go back home and forget about Kev..." Brian stuttered out in a panic.

"Well it worked Bri, you did hurt me. More than you will ever know. Goodbye Brian. I'm sure you can fill the guys in on why I won't be around anymore."

"Nick don't do this to me, to us. Please baby. I'm sorry, NICK!" Brian cried out with remorse.

"Brian I am gonna make it on my own! Whether you or anyone else believes in me. I'm gonna find someone to love me and a family and a place where I belong. I may be just a kid to you, but there's more that you've never taken the time to see!" I whispered and then ran and caught a cab leaving Brian on his knees sobbing.


What have I done? Oh Nick! I just threw away my soul. What am I going to do?

"Brian are you OK?" I heard a familiar voice whisper as he kneeled down and pulled me into an embrace.

"J.C.? What are you doing here?" I asked still crying.

"Well Lance and I were flying out to Acapulco to try and do damage control over the situation Justin and Kevin seem to have gotten themselves into."

"Oh hey Lance I didn't see you. Me and Nick were going to do the same thing but..." I trailed off as I began to rise to my feet.

"It's OK Bri, you don't have to talk about it. We saw the whole thing. I just don't understand why the two of you were crying and fighting so much over Nick having a solo career." Lance reasoned.

"You didn't hear anything else?" I shyly inquired.

"Who could understand the two of you! You were both crying so hard and then you would whisper and scream. Sheesh I almost bought a Coke and some popcorn." J.C. teased.

"If you guys don't mind I don't wanna talk about it. Maybe later. So what flight are the two of you on?" I asked.

"Let me see your ticket Bri, OK, yup, same one as you." Lance answered.

"So are you still going Brian or maybe you should go find Nick." J.C. hinted to me.

"No, I'm still going to figure out what the heck my corncob cousin got himself into. Besides, Nick hates me now. After what I've done I don't think things will ever be the same." I replied as another tear escaped.

~Justin~ "Kev, don't blame yourself. Yes, you did a stupid thing. Okay, a really stupid thing. But it was innocent, we weren't doing anything. I have to believe that the truth will come out and people will believe it."

"That's what I'm afraid of. What if all this gets the reporters following our every move. They would eventually find out that were gay."

"Kevin, would that be so bad. I mean what is the point of achieving our dreams in life if all it becomes is a prison. Now listen you need to just relax and calm down. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to."

"Justy, you are so sweet. Mmm, just like chocolate ice cream. Here I'm the one who probably ruined your life and you're consoling me." Kevin told me as he licked my cheek for emphasis.

"Kev! You didn't ruin my life. Stop saying that. Actually you've made my life better. I feel safe and free with you. I don't have to hide in the closet like I do with the other guys. Now lets just call and get a flight out of here and go home. We can wait there for all of this to blow over."

"No. Were here to relax and have a good time. I'm not going to let some scummy reporters ruin our vacation. We deserve to be happy, at least for a little while."

By this time Kevin was exasperated, he felt so guilty and angry at the same time. It really wasn't his fault though. I mean, yeah, he got drunk and acted stupid. But who hasn't? I just can't believe that video. From the angle it was shot, I have to admit, I looked like some cheap slut that couldn't get enough. Imagine that, Justin Timberlake, the Virgin King (as Joey calls me) in all the headlines as some loose lovin' sex maniac. Ha.

"OK, OK. But I'm really tired. After all those sleazy reporters questions, all I want to do is take a nap and forget about everything for awhile. I'll be back later, I'm heading to my suite."

"You can just take a nap here." Kevin hinted with longing in his voice.

"No. I think it would be better if I stayed in my own room. We don't need to give the reporters anymore ammunition to use against us. I mean they probably paid the maids to find out if we really do have separate rooms and whether or not we actually use them."

"Justin is that the real reason or are you trying to avoid me?" Kevin questioned with uncertainty.

"That's not it Kevin. I'm just really confused right now. I need some time to think. I've been in love with J.C. for so long and now you've come into my life and I just need to sort some things out. Please don't be mad at me Kevy." I whispered as I hung my head down low, afraid of Kevin's reaction.

"Justin, it's okay, I understand. But before you go..."

Kevin gave me the most passionate kiss I had ever had in my 18 years of life. Of course Kevin is the only guy I've ever kissed, so I don't have a lot of experience in comparison shopping if you know what I mean? I've kissed girls, but being gay, I'm sure you can see where passionate would not have be the word to describe it. Actually I think yucky is the word my little brother Jonathan used when our next door neighbor Ashley Everett kissed him on the lips. Now I didn't think kissing a girl was yucky, but it sure wasn't gonna curl my toes either.

Anyway, back to the point. I'm really confused right now. I mean I still love J.C. I wish I didn't. After all the things he said to me he maid it perfectly clear how he felt about someone like me. Maybe Kevin is the one I should be with. He sure treats me a lot better than J.C.


As our plane landed in sunny Acapulco, I began to get a sick feeling in my stomach. What would end up happening here? Was Justin really in love with Kevin? I guess I misinterpreted what he was trying to tell me the day he came out to me. He was just saying he was gay, not confessing his love to me. I'm such a bone head. Well here we are in baggage claim. Who came up with the concept of baggage claim? Why do you have to walk a hundred miles away from the plane just to get your luggage?

"That's mine." I said as I reached for a black leather suitcase.

"Hey punk keep your hands off my bag." I heard some idiot moan.

"Sorry man, I thought it was mine." I mentioned as I turned around to look at him.

This guy was HUGE! he looked like he was about 6'5 and about 250 pounds.

He was blonde and blue eyed. He looked like a Viking. Maybe he was related to Lance, hee hee. He was with two other equally big friends. One was dark haired with a goatee and the other had medium brown hair and a broken tooth. They were very cute. Damn what the hell am I thinking!

Their jerks.

"Yeah, sure you thought it was yours. You were probably....Hey aren't you in that band?"

"Yeah N'sync. Listen how about I give you an autograph and we forget about everything." I said to what I thought were genuine fans.

"Ha! Did you hear that guys? This faggot thinks we want his autograph.

We saw the news, pussy. We know what you and your band likes to do with each other."

"Hey fuck you man!" I relied in anger and stupidity.

"I'm gonna kick your ass, you little shit! Nobody talks to me that way!"

The Neanderthal replied.

"Gentlemen do we have a problem here?" A police officer asked out of nowhere.

"Uh, no officer. I was just talking to my friend here. But now I'm done so I'll just be on my way." The moron charmed as he walked off.

"Whew that was close." I sighed.

"Your welcome J.C." Lance yelled right next to my ear.

"Where have you and Brian been? You said you were going to the restroom and that you would be right back. I was almost killed. I'm delicate and fragile. I'm a pretty boy. I'm not made to get into fights." I teased.

"Well then you best learn to keep your big fat mouth shut. We would have been here sooner, but we had to find a cop to protect you big fat mouth, Mr. Tuff Stuff." Lance answered my questions.

"Poor J.C.! I'll protect you next time." Brian said as he put his arm around me.

"Well guys were not here to have fun. I wish this was a fun trip but it's not. Were here for damage control." Lance formerly announced as if he was speaking to a room full of people, rather than just me and Bri.

"Yeah, yeah Mr. Boss, er I mean, Bass. But don't forget it's also personal." I interjected.

After that we continued to walk with our luggage on our way to the limo that was to take us to our hotel. We ran into a few fans and signed some autographs but for the most part we were left alone. Unless our fans expect us to arrive somewhere for a concert we generally don't get mobbed.

Ordinary, everyday people don't just drop everything they are doing and start chasing us. Once we got to the limo we were about to get in when I noticed that my new friend the Viking moron was exiting as well.

"Hey guys get in the limo and leave the door open. I have to go do something really quick." I announced as I ran up to the big dufus. "Hey remember me?" I said and then punched him in the nose. Needless to say I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to the Limo and had the driver take off before the jerk could retaliate.

"Just how big is the crack pipe your smoking?" Brian jokingly asked.

"He had it coming, he deserved it." I replied sharply.

"Okay I guess he did. I just hope we don't ever run into him again."

Brian mentioned with a hint of apprehension.


I don't know what got into J.C. He's usually a lover not a fighter, I assume, but boy would I love to have first hand knowledge of that. I guess all this stuff with Justin has really gotten to him. It looks like he's not the only one upset about something. Poor Brian he looks really sad.

"Brian are you okay?" I shyly asked not knowing whether I should pry.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm okay, I'm just thinking about someone." Brian said as he continued to stare out the limousine window.

"Are you thinking of Nick?" I pressed further.

"Yeah, I was thinking of what happened at the airport." Brian admitted.

"Brian, I don't mean to be nosy but, well, I guess I kinda do mean to be nosy, but you don't have to answer..." J.C. nervously was trying to spit something out.

"What J.C.? Just tell me what's on your mind." Brian said meekly.

"OK, ahh, you're gay aren't you?" J.C. shouted. Thank god he brought this up in the limo. As usually he was tactful! (I'm being sarcastic! Just in case you didn't know-L.B.)

"What? Who told you? You did hear everything in the airport between Nicky and me didn't you? Please J.C. you can't tell anybody, Nick is making a solo album and it would ruin his chances and...." Brian blurted out in one breath.

"Chill Brian, your secret is safe with me. Nick sure is lucky to have a boyfriend who is so supportive of his solo career. I would be a little jealous." J.C. revealed.

"He's not my boyfriend." Brian said in an almost inaudible tone.

"Oh I just assumed that..." J.C. explained.

"I thought you heard us break up in the airport?" Brian questioned.

"No we didn't hear anything. I thought we already explained that to you."

I finally interjected.

"Well then how did you know that I was a friend of Dorothy's?" Brian asked.

"Oh my goodness you don't actually use that phrase do you?" I asked as me and J.C. busted up in a fit of hysterical laughter.

"What? My momma taught me that. When I came out she told me that it was more polite to say I was a friend of Dorothy, than to say gay." Brian innocently answered.

"When do we finally get to meet your mom Bri? The way you talk about her she seems so funny." J.C. responded casually.

"To answer your question Bri, we just kinda guessed. I mean it's not that you act fruity or anything. It's just that whenever you and Nick were around you would just do stuff for him." I answered as a semi-truck loudly passed by.

"Now that's a complete lie Lance Bass and you know it! Your making that up! I most certainly did not DO stuff to Nick in front of you guys."

Brian answered in shock, his accent thicker than maple syrup, suddenly.

~J.C.~ "For him Brian, he said for him. Not to him. Although I wouldn't have minded seeing you do "stuff" to him." I clasped my hands over my mouth, knowing full well I had just let the cat out of the bag. "Oh my god, I can't believe I just said that...Stupid, stupid, stupid. You're stupid J.C.!" I repeated scolding myself.

Of course Lance was a rock of strength for me. The idiot just busts out laughing. It got so bad that he started choking and gasping for air. He is such a little freak, an albino freak! Of course I'm every shade of red possible. I mean just because I knew Brian was gay didn't mean that I was exactly ready to dart out of the closet.

"Gee J.C., you could have just said you were gay, er I mean a friend of Dorothy's. You didn't need to make a pass at Brian." Lance egged me on.

"I did not make a pass at Brian!" I hollered, horrified at what I said about wanting to see him and Nick.

"No, I believe you made an inappropriate sexual remark towards me. That's called sexual harassment and I will not tolerate that kind of behavior!"

Brian did his best to be serious but finally lost the battle as his giggles escaped.

"Oh shut up Brian! You wish I wanted you." I yelled, trying to regain any shred of my dignity.

"What? you don't want a piece of the Rok?" Brian immodestly asked while pounding on his chest and giving one of his Jim Carrey grins.

"Yeah right Chicken Legs! No wonder Nick ran away from you!"

The minute I said that I wished I could take it all back. Brian's face suddenly became somber and a stream of tears began to gently and steadily flow down his face. I just reached over to sit next to him and held him in my arms as he cried. I knew what it felt like to lose the love of your life. I just hoped and prayed in that moment that God would make a way for Justin and Nick to come back to me and Brian.

~Nick~ (In Orlando)

"Well Nick, we have Max Martin, Kristian Lundin, Eric Foster White and the rest of the usual suspects already pumping out material for your album."

Clive told me in our meeting Friday.

"The thing is Clive, I already have written some songs and I want a producer that will take me in another direction. I don't want to sound like a solo Backstreet boy. I want something different, more edgy."

"I don't know Nick. If it ain't broke why fix it?"

"Because it is broke Clive. I'm not happy and I want a change. I actually called a producer who is flying out to meet with me today and see if we can collaborate on some stuff."

"What producer, Nick?"

"I called Butch Vig."

"You called Butch Vig?! You aren't going for a change you're completely changing your sound! Butch Vig doesn't produce pop albums Nick."

"I know. I don't really feel like making a pop record, I want something harder. I loved what he did with Nirvana and his band Garbage is kickin'.

Maybe Shirley Manson would sing a duet with me?"

"I am completely floored Nick. I just assumed that you would make an album that was an extension of the Backstreet boys sound. Instead your telling me that you want to bull doze right over it."

"Listen Clive. Give me this chance. I know that I can make this work.

Everyone thinks they know me and maybe they do, but not all of me. I can really do this. Just give me a chance. If you don't like what Butch and I bring to the table then we'll do things your way and I will finance the Max Martin project, if things don't work out, sound fair?"

"You know I'm going against my better judgment don't you? What the hell, I have a feeling that you can make this work. Just remember if you blow up, I want to be thanked in every acceptance speech for all the awards."

"Thank a million Clive. I gotta go though. Butch is supposed to meet me at my house in about an hour. See ya."

Thank god that went well. Now all I have to do is actually make all of this work. How do I turn Nick Carter into the next Kurt Cobain? A miracle I suppose. As I pulled up to my driveway Butch was waiting outside for me.

He wasn't alone, Shirley was with him. I don't know why, but I feel so attracted to her. I don't really like girls in that way, but there is something about her. She's not like other girls.

~Kevin~ "Who is it?" I asked as soon as I heard a knock on my door. "It's me Kevin. Can I come in?" Justin was so courteous.

"You can be with me 24/7 if you want to Curly." I huskily replied.

"Whatcha doin'?" Justin asked very flirtatiously as he plopped down on my bed.

"Nothing much I was just thinking." I said as I joined him.

Before we could engage in anymore of our conversation I heard a knock at the door, again. I guess I'm really popular today. Unfortunately the person at the door was a short, rude, and puney little man, who arrived with two of Justin's band mates.

"What the hell do you want Brian?" I asked still hurt that he had punched me. While it was true that I had no business kissing his boyfriend, I never thought he would actually hit me! His own cousin! It really hurt my feelings. But I also felt guilty.

"What the hell do I want? Don't take that tone with me after what you've done!" Brian blurted out.

"Yeah you pig! Taking advantage of Justin's confusion." J.C. screamed at me all of the sudden.

"What are you talking about? I never..." Before I could finish I was cut off by J.C. who had turned and started telling off Justin.

"So are you proud of yourself? Huh? Answer me? Are you his little slut too? Of course you are! Obviously you're sharing a room with him!" J.C. harshly hurled accusations at Justin.

"No, I've never..." Justin began but was swiftly interrupted by J.C. once again.

"Oh yes, that's right. You've never had sex. "Justin" the eternal virgin.

You expect me to believe that lode of crap?" J.C. viciously continued.

By this time Justin was in tears and practically hyperventilating. The man that he loved was saying the cruelest and most disgusting things about him. As I went to punch J.C., Lance and Brian held me back. Once that commotion had died down we looked up and Justin was gone. The minute I noticed he was missing I got this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was going to happen. And it did, but I would have never guessed how bad.


I just ran and ran. I couldn't take it anymore. I left the lobby of the hotel and began to walk down the street, unsure of where I was headed.

Tears covered my face, I was red and flushed and confused. Why did I have to be in love with someone that hated me? How could J.C. treat me this way. He was my best friend. As my mind was being bombarded with all these thoughts, I was not paying attention to where I was going. Before I knew it I bumped into some huge man and spilled his beer.

"I'm so sorry. Let me buy..." I began to apologize but was cut off.

"Sorry? You little punk...Hey look guys. Two in one day. And this is the one that was all over the news with his fruity boyfriend. I ran into your other friend today and he gave me a black eye and a fucked up nose. What do you have to say about that?"

"I don't know what your talking about? What friend?" I nervously asked.

"Say, why don't you come with me and my buddies and we'll tell you all about it?" He answered as they dragged me towards a back alley.

Once out of sight he removed his hand from my mouth and punched me in the stomach. I bent over immediately and couldn't breath. As I struggled to gain air I was thrown to the ground and the three men continued to beat me.

After a couple of minutes I assumed they were through and would leave me alone. My eyes were practicly swollen shut so I could barely see. My nightmare, however was just beginning. I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down and began to holler and scream. But no one heard me.

"Please, I've never done this, please, no..." I begged.


What will happen next? Will Justin survive? Will Nick really be like Kurt Cobain in every way, including getting into heroin? Hmmmm.....

Next: Chapter 7

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