Soul Mates

By Travis

Published on Oct 5, 1999


Disclaimer: No one under 18. This is fiction! I don't know what the heck the Backstreet Boys or Nsync do with their lives, although I do have a crush on Brian.

Well here is Part 9. Like I said in part 8, I changed the style so that it would be easier to write. I was starting to feel like I has multiple personalities the other way. I don't just in case you care. JK Anyway hope you enjoy it.

Thank you to all my E-mail buddies and to Nifty for being a great place to submit stories. For those of you that have subscribed to my ONElist mailing list. Let's start talking about the stories we like.

As always E-mail is more than welcome:

Soul-Mates ~9~ By: J.

Justin's hospital room was silent as a still calm floated over the room consuming the air in its fury. JC had long since stopped crying and just stayed on his knees on the floor. Justin's attempts to reach him had gone unanswered as JC continued to torture himself with guilt. Finally as if by some urging of an unknown force JC spoke up. Calm, cool, and finally collected.

"Justin it was my fault. Those guys that did this to you were doing it to get back at me." JC spoke as he continued to stare at the floor, his shame keeping him from looking at Justin.

"What are you talking about, Josh? You don't even know those guys. I don't understand how this could be your fault." Justin gently argued with his longtime best friend.

"J, when we came down here from Orlando they showed a segment of Entertainment Tonight on the plane. Of course it had to be the infamous one about you and Kevin. Well those guys were on the plane and saw the segment. So when we got off and went to get our baggage they started to hassle me and Lance. To make a long story short?"

"No don't make a long story short. I want to hear everything that happened." Justin pleaded, trying to get to the truth.

"OK." JC let out a sigh, paused and then continued with the explanation.

"Well like I said they were hassling us because of what was being said about you. You know at first I just thought they were fans. I didn't think much of it. But then they started saying things and I just couldn't keep quiet."

"What kind of things?" Justin interrupted. "We don't need to get into that..." JC attempted to protect Justin from the harsh comments they had made about Justin and Kevin.

"Damn it JC! Tell me what they were saying. It must have been bad enough that you got into it with them." "Justin just drop it! It's not worth repeating!" JC argued.

"It was about my being gay wasn't it? Tell me!" Justin demanded. "Yeah, OK! They were making mean comments about you being gay. Why is it so important to you?" JC questioned confused.

"Because now it just proves that this was all my fault! They knew everything so they just figured..." "This was my fault! Don't you blame yourself." JC said from the floor.

After several minutes of silence in which each boy blamed himself for what had happened, Justin finally spoke up. "So tell me the rest."

"Well I started talking back and then eventually the police came and broke us up. After that I just shrugged it off and thought everything would be cool. So me, Brian and Lance went to get in the limo and come to the hotel, but as we were getting in we had another run in. Well I did anyway.

I don't know why I just didn't leave well enough alone. I went and punched out the big blonde one and ran right away to get in the limo. So do you see? If I had just kept my cool and let it roll off my back this would have never happened to you." JC continued the tears freely falling? again.

As JC silently wept on the floor by Justin's bed, the young Mr. Timberlake scooted out of his bed and sat next to his longtime friend. Barefoot and wearing just a hospital gown and boxers, Justin felt no need to be embarrassed in front of JC. As he slid to the floor he groaned a little from his sore muscles and finally relaxed. Just as he was about to speak, he stopped, finally focusing on what had fallen from JC's arms to the floor.

A gold box with a red silk ribbon had been thrown open scattering an abundance of baby blue long stem roses. Justin immediately felt giddy as he picked one up admiring its soft beauty.

"I can't believe you remembered." Justin softly whispered as he turned his head toward JC. "Yeah. I figured it was the least I could do." JC mumbled under his breath, still refusing to look up into the eyes of Justin. "I can't believe you did this." Justin continued in amazement.

Instantly Justin's mind was overtaken by old memories and why the roses held significance for him and JC.

~Flashback August, 1993. The wedding reception of Lynn and Paul Harliss.

"Hey curly what's up?" JC asked his young friend. "Nothing." Justin quietly whispered hanging his head low. "Are you crying?" JC asked with genuine concern in his voice as he concealed something behind his back. "I just feel all alone Josh. My mom has a new husband and my dad has a new wife. So where does that leave me?" Justin complained quietly.

"J, it's going to be all right. Your not all alone." JC comforted the younger Justin, as he gently lifted his head up with his finger. "Yes I am! Before the wedding I overheard my mom arguing with my dad over me.

She wanted me to go live with him for awhile so she and Paul could have time ~alone~ together. My own mom doesn't want me. And if that wasn't already bad enough he said no! He didn't think it was a good idea. He said it would be too hard to have me commuting to MMC. Nobody wants me. What did I do JC? Am I that bad?" Justin asked genuinely believing it was his fault.

"Just anybody would be lucky to have you. I don't know why your parents do the things they do but hey you'll always have me buddy. Oh, I a?figured you might be having a hard time with the wedding and all so I brought you something." JC pulled his arm from behind his back to reveal a single baby blue rose.

JC had stole the rose from the many flower arrangements of the new Mrs. Lynn Harliss. (Justin's love of the color was one he shared with his mother. Hence the baby blue roses all around.) Lynn was fanatic that the flowers be that color and be spread all across the Hyatt ball room. It was a small gesture, but one that meant a lot to Justin. It let him know that someone was thinking of him and cared.

"My mom's gonna kill you if she finds out you messed with one of her arrangements. You know how she is JC." Justin immediately began to worry.

"Well bring Godzilla on. (Godzilla would be the nickname JC and Justin had given Lynn, although not to her face.) I'm tuff I can take it. Besides I wouldn't mind giving her a piece of my mind."

"NO! JC you can't tell her I overheard anything. Please." Justin pleaded. "OK, J. But if she pulls something like this again?I'll, I'll?well I don't know what I'll do. But I'll do something." JC became flustered in his response. He was not yet the mature man he would become.

"Thanks for the rose JC and everything else." "No problem Curly." JC said as he rumpled the young Justin's hair. ~Present~

"Josh, it wasn't your fault, what happened!" Justin's voice rose from its previous timidness. "How can you say that Justin? If I hadn't been such an asshole none of this would have happened." "You don't know that. They came after me the same way they went after you. You didn't put them up to it. They're the ones who did it. At least you stood up to them. I fought them but then I froze. None if this would have happened if I had just fought back harder." Justin blamed himself.

As immediate as the words fell from Justin's lips, JC grabbed the teenagers face in both hands and looked deeply in his eyes. As they stared transfixed by one another JC spoke loud and clear. "This was not your fault! I don't want you thinking things like that Justin. You were brave and strong and you fought back. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Don't let those creeps make you doubt yourself, J."

"I can't help it JC. I just keep thinking I could have done something more." JC didn't know what to say or do as Justin began to weep loudly.

Justin's young body began to shake with sorrow as he repeatedly relived the memory of his beating in his mind, blaming himself for the outcome. JC finally did the only thing he knew to do, he took the boy in his arms and held him as he cried. Before long JC's tears joined Justin's.

His were tears of guilt. Guilt that he may have caused the incident, guilt of the way he had treated Justin when he had attempted to come out to him, but mostly guilt that he was not there to protect Justin when he needed it most.

No resolution was found that afternoon between Justin and JC. Each continued to blame themselves for what had happened. But the door to understanding and forgiveness was at least beginning to open as the two shared their pain together. Not yet as lovers, but still...they were best friends.

As the week progressed everyone in the inner circle of friends found themselves waiting in the airport for a return flight to Orlando.

Unfortunately the break time had not been full of fun and games as many of them had hoped, they had to support one of their closest friends as he barely hung on to his life. Fortunately, Justin did survive and with his rapid recovery came the end of the time spent in Acapulco.

Now it was time to return both to home and work. Upon seeing that their son would be all right, Justin's parents made their way back to their own lives. Although they did love their son, it was clear that they may just love themselves a little too much. If it is a crime to put yourself before your children, then these two would be guilty of the crime, but who's to say.

N'sync would resume work on their new album. Britney would resume her North American tour and Christina would join her long time friend as an opening act. The Backstreet Boys would be in limbo temporarily while they attempted to figure out the situation with Nick and his solo project.

As the group began to board the plane JC grasped Justin's arm and assisted him. Justin had made a miraculous recovery. Though he still had some bruises and soreness, he was quickly on the mend. "I can get on the plane myself. I'm not an invalid." Justin griped at JC's overprotective nature, slapping his hand jokingly away. "I know your not but I just don't want to take any chances." JC quietly argued with the grumpy Mr. Timberlake. It was an early flight and Justin wasn't able to get all his beauty sleep.

"So what happens when we get back home?" Brian shyly asked Nick. The two had been getting along great, but had kept it in the safe familiar territory of best friends. Knowing the implications of what Brian was asking Nick was unsure how to answer.

"I don't know Brian. I'm still not sure if I can trust you.

Everything's great now, but what about later? What about when I start working on my album again. I just don't know how your going to react."

"Nick, just give me one more chance. I know we can work this out. Please just trust me one more time." "What are you asking Bri? Do you want us to get back together or do you want me back in the group? What?" "Both." Brian simply stated.

"What do you mean 'back in the group?', Nick?" Kevin questioned, apparently eavesdropping, as any good parent would do. As they all took their seats in first class Kevin would get his answer. "It's not important Kevin." Nick said trying to protect Brian from the scene that Kevin would surely make. Nick knew full well that when Kevin found out that Brian went over his and the other guys heads and asked Nick to leave BSB, he would go ballistic.

"What does he mean Brian?" Kevin now questioned his cousin. "It's no big deal. Really." Brian lied. "You two are the worst liars, so one of you better come clean, NOW!" Kevin emphasized his point. "I did a stupid thing OK. It's all better and everything will be all right." Brian simply stated. "That's not good enough. What did you do that made Nick want to quit the group?"

"Well... I kinda kicked him out of the group." Brian stated trying to tip toe around the subject. "You did what?" Kevin screamed, but quickly pulled himself together, realizing they were in a public setting. "How the hell could you make a decision like that without the rest of us?" "It's more complicated than that." Brian began but was soon cut off by Nick. "He found out that I was working on a solo record and he acted like an ass."

With this new piece of information (Kevin had also not known about Nick's solo record) Kevin turned to the side window by his seat and began to dramatically bang his head into it. "I'm gone one week. One week! That's not much to ask for. I work hard watching over everything. All I needed was one week. You couldn't hold it together for just one week?" Kevin went on one of his tangents. "I screwed up Kev, but everything will be all right." Brian tried to soothe his older cousin's worries. "So you are staying then?" Kevin asked of Nick.

By now Howie and AJ had picked up on the gist of the conversation, as did the guys from N'sync as well as Britney and Christina. Everyone waited with baited breath for Nick Carter's answer. Would he stay? "I don't know?" Nick finally said feeling tension from all the staring. "What do you mean you don't know? You have to come back!" Brian pleaded.

"Well even though I'm making a solo record, I never thought about leaving the group. But now that it happened, I started liking being on my own.

I've never done that." Nick tried to justify his answer.

"I'm going to kill you Brian. Once we get off this plane, that's it. See what you've done! Now he want's to be alone. You kept breaking up with Nick and accusing him of being immature, but you're the one who does all the stupid stuff. This is all your fault." Kevin fumed while glaring at his younger cousin.

Before Brian could form and answer Britney, Christina, Justin, Joey and Chris (those who did not know Brian and Nick were gay) all shouted "breaking up with Nick?" in shock. "Great, you big mouth." Nick complained as he punched Kevin in the arm. "You two are a couple?" Justin asked fascinated. Up till then he had only known about Kevin. After the time he had recently spent with JC, he just assumed he was just being nice to him like always. He wouldn't let himself believe in the possibility that JC could be gay. It hurt him too much last time, so his subconscious was on guard.

"Umm, we were. But now?" Nick trailed off, attempting to answer Justin's question. "We are. So don't get any idea's Kevin." Brian stated, throwing a low blow to his cousin. "Why would Kevin get any?Oh my God! You're gay too!" AJ asked Kevin dramatically as only AJ could. "Why don't you ask the pilot if you can say it over the speakers, I don't think the people in the very back heard you!" Kevin spit out angrily at AJ for his lack of discretion.

"Is everybody gay?" Joey asked. "Am I the only one who's straight?" Joey continued. "I guess that makes you a fag hag, Joey." Britney teased.

"Well you are too." Joey shot back. "Actually I'm a lesbian." Britney laughed. "What?" everyone questioned. "For real?" Joey asked a little to excitedly.

"Jeez it was just a joke. And hey I could be a lesbian." Britney stated seemingly offended that no one seemed to believe her. "Why is everyone still all shocked?" Britney went on. "Because you're a slut!" Came out of JC's mouth before he was able to control the reaction. He clasped his hands over his mouth as everyone looked on in shock. Justin slapped him on the arm and gave him a disapproving look.

JC and Britney had a tenuous relationship. They were the best of friends during the early MMC days, but the minute she began dating Justin, he flipped out. From then on they were cool towards each other, making occasional pot shots, but none as inflammatory as what he just said.

Although Justin and Britney had long since broke up, JC knew she was not over him. And it was this knowledge and fear that triggered his remark.

"What did you call me you skinny freak?" Britney popped out of her seat.

"I don't know where that came from. I'm sorry, Brit. I didn't mean to say that." JC stated. He truly did feel bad, although he was angry and jealous, he did know that she was not that way. "I don't know what's gotten into you. What did I ever do to you that makes you hate me so much, huh. You make these bitchy little comments about me all the time. We used to be friends." "I..I.." JC began but Britney quickly cut him off. "You know what I don't care." She snobbishly stated.

As JC pondered his jealous outburst he noticed Justin turned away from him appearing agitated. "I'm sorry J. I know you and Britney are close friends. I should have never said that." JC conceded to Justin. "Josh you and Britney used to be close friends too. What's wrong with you? First I'm a slut and now Britney's a slut." "No, neither of you are. As soon as we get off the plane I'll explain everything to you Just. Please just don't be mad at me." "OK, but you better apologize to Brit, because that was mean, JC. You humiliated her in front of everyone."

"So for the record Kevin, Brian and Nick are gay? Nobody else? Speak now or forever hold your piece." Joey joked grabbing his crotch lewdly. "Eww your such a pervert sometimes Joey." Christina chastised. "Sometimes? Try all the time." Britney kidded. "Well at least I'm not a slut." Joey joked back as everyone but JC and Britney laughed guiltily. "I hate you JC." Britney finally yelled, from her seat in first class as she promptly put her CD player on to avoid the teasing and ribbing of the others.

"Um, Joey, I'm gay too." Justin finally mustered up the courage to tell his bandmate. "Oh no! It's taking over N'sync too! Ahhhhh." Joey joked.

One thing you could count on Joey for, was that he took nothing seriously.

After Justin's confession both Chris, Joey, Lance and Christina assured him as well as Kevin, Brian and Nick that they had no problem with their being gay. While Britney had no problem with Nick, Brian and Kevin being gay, she was still totally unaware that Justin was. When he had made his confession she had still had he headphones on and was oblivious to everything. JC had not spoke up at all knowing that his coming out had to be to Justin first, privately.

As the plane landed and the group of friends went their separate ways it was apparent that more questions had come up then had been answered on the plane. The Backstreet boys headed to Brian's house to have a discussion over the Nick situation, while each member of N'sync went to their own homes.

Joey, Lance and Chris all lived alone while JC and Justin lived in his mothers home. While she still owned it she had all but abandoned it, as she spent most of her time working and living in New York City. Christina and Britney shared an apartment that they had just recently moved into.

As JC and Justin walked through their front door Justin quickly kicked his shoes off and plopped on one of the midnight blue couches in the living room. Rather than take the other sofa or a recliner JC picked up Justin's legs and feet and sat down at the other end of the same couch and just placed Justin's legs back on top of his lap. Justin just stared up at JC waiting for his explanation.

"Well I guess I better start talking." JC let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah I guess you better." Justin gave him a firm nod. "Well where should I start?" JC stalled. "Quit stalling JC. What was all that stuff about Britney?" Justin got right to the point. "I just don't know . I..I.. (JC thought to himself 'tell him the truth, JC. Just be honest. Your gay and you love him. Just come clean.') I've just been angry at her because of the way she treated you when you were together." JC lied as the word coward went storming through his head.

"What do you mean?" Justin asked unsure of what JC was getting at. "Well she was never around and she was flaunting her relationship with you in the press." JC dug himself deeper into the lie. "Well that doesn't even make sense. We were the one's on tour and she was making her album?and why am I even making excuses. I'm gay. Period. That's why me and Britney didn't work out. So why are you still mad at her? It was all my fault." Justin explained.

"Because if Brit had her way Justin she would take you away from me and I can see her scheming mind at work always thinking of a way to get you back." JC fumed as he clutched on to Justin's legs, not even realizing what he had just confessed. "Take me from you?" Justin asked. "What? What are you talking about." JC asked confused, not realizing his slip up. "You said take me from you. What did you mean by that?" Justin waited for an answer with baited breath.

After a long pause that seemed to last an eternity, JC simply turned his head toward Justin and said in barely a whisper. "I'm in love with you."

After hearing this Justin was practically over the moon. He immediately yanked his legs off of JC lap and leapt head first toward JC to kiss him. His biggest dream seemingly about to come true.

Unfortunately in his overeagerness, Justin's head slammed right into JC's mouth causing a minor lip bleed. "Oh my Gosh! I am so sorry, JC." Justin was barely able to get out an apology because he was laughing so hard.

"I'm so glad you find this amusing Justin. I'm wounded and dripping blood. Ha ha, funny funny. Look at JC bleed. It's better than Friends." JC sulked.

"Well I can kiss it and make it better." Justin offered as his lips approached JC's. JC suddenly turned away and said "No it's too late the moment is gone." Justin looked up at him with tears in his eyes fearing he had been rejected. But before Justin's tears had a chance to fall, JC pounced on him yelling "gotcha!".

As their two lip pressed together JC and Justin felt a euphoria like none either had ever experienced. The completeness of one joined soul. As their tongues and lips returned to their own bodies Justin licked the side of his mouth tasting the small trickle of blood that had smeared there from JC's injury.

"That's gross Justin." "What?" Justin asked naively. "You just licked my blood, Lestat!" "Oh...I think it's kind of sexy." Justin revealed. "When did you get so kinky?" JC whispered. "Well I learned a lot from Britney, that's the thing about sluts, they know their sex." Justin teased knowing it would elicit a response from JC. "Oh yeah!" JC challenged. "Yeah!" Justin answered back. "Oh yeah!" "Yeah!" With the last 'yeah' from Justin mouth, JC proceeded to tickle the younger man on the couch. Both of them laughing and enjoying the moment, temporarily forgetting their worries.

As Lance arrived at his apartment he quickly checked for any messages, always the consummate professional. The first two were nothing particularly important but the third sent his mind into a tail-spin. What he had feared and dreaded for so many years had finally come to pass.

"Lance, honey, it's mom, I've been trying to get a hold of you for almost a week now and well I guess I'm gonna have to tell you this over the the machine...damn it I hate these things...anyway the thing is honey, um...they let Hank out early for good behavior. I know this is going to come as a shock, darlin' but keep a level head like I always taught you. And call me! ASAP!" With that the sound of Diane Bass' voice left the air.

As soon as the message ended, Lance ran to the door and bolted every lock.

He then proceeded to check all the window, making sure they were secure as well. Once he had completed these tasks he retrieved his baseball bat from his closet and curled up on his couch in pure terror.

The Backstreet boys arrived at Brian's house with no trouble from fans at the airport. A blessing in and of itself. They all congregated in the living room when all of the sudden Brian's face became panic stricken and he let out a yelp...or what sounded like one anyway.

"What's wrong Brian, are you OK?" Kevin asked concerned. "Oh God! How could I be so stupid? I probably killed him!" Brian raged. "Killed who?

What the hell are you talking about Bri?" AJ interjected. "'lil Tyke! I left him here all this time with no food or company."

With Brians sudden revelation all the faces in the room went somber except for Nick. He busted out in a fit of laughter. All the guys just stared at him perplexed as to what he found so amusing about the current state of affairs.

"That's cold Nicky! You know how much Brian that dog." Howie chastised Nick. "I'm laughing at how forgetful Brian is! He left Tyke at my house last time he was there. I've been taking care of him for awhile now. I had my neighbor watch over him while we were in Acapulco." Nick revealed. "We waste more time on stupid crap like this!" Kevin bellowed.

"It's been a long day and I don't want this to be a long night to. So I'm going to run one of these meetings for once!" AJ announced. Everyone sensed the authority in his voice so they proceeded to let him get down to business.

"Now Nick me and Howie don't have a problem with you making a solo record, we want to do that eventually too. So since Kevin and Brian don't care either that's a moot point. The only thing I want to know is what's it going to take to get you to stay?" AJ got straight to the point.

"I never said I wasn't going to stay. I will stay, I just want to have some more freedom, thats all. You guys are my brothers! I would never leave unless you made me." Nick stated exasperated with the whole line of questioning, yet still managing to throw a small jab at Brian.

"I'm sorry for the hundredth time Nick! What do you want? My blood?" Brian hollered finally getting angry with Nick. "No, I'm sorry. It just slipped out. But you can't act like everything is completely back to normal either Bri!." Nick pointed out.

"Wait, before you guys go into round 12 let us leave first. And whatever happens remember that you both love each other and most importantly you don't have to breakup with every fight." Howie diplomatically stepped in.

"Yeah, you two, Kevy's heart can't take it anymore. You saw how he almost collapsed on the plane." AJ teased. "Get out of here wise guy." Kevin said as he playfully smacked AJ upside the head.

Having picked up their cars at the airport AJ, Howie and Kevin all left Brian's house in separate cars. As Kevin made his way home he suddenly remembered the incident with Lance in the hotel room in Mexico. He got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach and decided that he'd better go and check on Lance. Kevin's paternal instincts had long ago extended to the guys of N'sync as well.

As Kevin approached the door to Lance's place he began to hesitate, pacing back and forth, unsure if he was just worrying for nothing. He noticed that the lights were off in the apartment as he peeked through the window.

'I don't want to wake him.' Kevin thought. Kev finally decided to just knock.

Inside Lance had heard someone creeping around outside and he had become fearful that it was Hank. He then saw, who he thought was a stranger, peep inside his window. Once the knock at the door came Lance lost all control and ran to the door, bat in tow. 'I won't be a victim again.' Lance thought to himself. He swiftly swung the front door open and swung his bat making contact.... ~TBC~

So who's Hank and what did he do to Lance? Will Kevin be all right? Will Brian and Nick get back together? How far did Nick go with Shirley Manson?

Will JC and Justin finally do it? ...and the most important question: Is Britney really a slut? Just kidding on that last one. No she's not! That I know of.

For those who wanted to know my Brian & Justin-JC & Kevin series will drop ~hopefully~ Oct. 22. Its called Kindred Souls.

Next: Chapter 10

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