Soul Mates

By Travis

Published on Jun 22, 1999


Well here is part 3 of Soul-Mates: Frick and Frack. I know I promised it would be here a lot sooner and that Justin and JC would be out by last weekend, but I guess I lied. I didn't mean to, but I had stuff to do.

This part is shorter, I'm trying to get them longer, but it seems I'm just spending one afternoon on each part, so sorry. I guess 'God' comes up in this part and for some of you it's a touchy subject. I don't mean to offend, but I must say, I took a Mythology class at my college (they consider the Bible to be Mythology) and it opened my eyes. Considering I don't read or speak Hebrew I don't know what the original version of the Bible says. It turns out that many of the English translations are wrong.

Passages about women being subservient to men do not exist, the word used meant equal. so I suspect that the passages about gays might have been misinterpreted too. I wasn't brave enough to ask in class, so I don't know for sure. That's what I believe anyway. To each his/her own. Speaking of women, my story for some reason has a strong female following! This is amazing to me, in a good way. For all the questions about Nick's being homeless as a child in the last part: It's true. I did not make that up, I read it somewhere. As for his being an abused child, that I do not know to be true. If you have any comments or suggestions my E-mail is I want to know what you want to happen in the story.

Standard Warning: If you are under 18 don't read, although this chapter is rated PG at worst. No sex. Sorry. I do not know if Brian or Nick or JC and Justin are gay. I wish. One final appeal on behalf of a new cyber pal of mine. For fans of JM's story about Brian and Justin, Rick would like you to write JM and request that he make JC, Justin's best man and not Joey. I agree with Rick, but it's up to you.


Once the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Brian was immediately taken to the ER. I followed quickly behind, shaking uncontrollably with fear. I was quickly ushered out of the room as the doctors began to work on Brian.

I fought to stay but I was dragged out by one of the interns.

"The longer it takes us to get you out of the room, the less time we have to save his life!" the intern sternly warned me. "OK, I'm sorry, but you have to save him." I begged as I latched on to his arm "Please." I whispered as tears freely flowed down my cheeks. "Were all going to do our best, now you wait out here and I or the resident doctor will give you info as soon as we can, now I have to get back in there. Just have faith." He smiled at me, the compassion in his eyes shining through. Then I was left alone.


As I took my final breath I could feel my self leaving my body. It was as if I was floating freely through the air, without the weight of my earthly shell. Instantly I saw the light, the one that everybody always talks about. It was different though, brighter yet not blinding. White not yellow like the sun. I could feel my self drawn to it. I tried to resist but I couldn't, once it enveloped me I didn't want to.

As I continued towards it I felt a voice say "Come with me. I will lead you." "But where am I going?" "You are coming home. You have finished."

"Finished what? I'm not ready." "You have already decided." "But I didn't mean to." "Tell me what you feel is missing here?"

Now I'm explaining this as if it was a conversation, yet it was not. Once in the light there was no vision, hearing, talking. I had no body. But the perception and understanding was at a level I have never known. It was as if my soul was communicating instantaneously.

"Tell me what you feel is missing here?" I felt the presence again.

"Before all others one answer was communicated from soul. "Nick."

I instantly became afraid and tried to shut myself off, but I couldn't.

Was this God? If it was how could I damn myself by admitting I was in love with a man.

"Why should that damn you Brian?" "But how could you ..." "I know everything. You are a spirit, a soul, and you speak to me." "But it's wrong! I was taught it was wrong!" "As you are learning now, when your body fades you no longer are a man. You are just you. No attachment to the physical. You became a body to learn to love and have compassion.

Whether you learn that from a man or a woman does not matter to me." "But the Bible says..." "Well were you there when it was written?" "No, but..." "Then you do not know what was written and what has since been changed. Some learn to love and care for others, some learn to change things and judge. Do you feel guilty for your love?" "No." "Then do not worry."

"Brian! Brian! Don't leave me." Before I could speak I began to be conscious of hearing again. It was Nick crying out loud, desperate. I had to get back to him, I couldn't leave Nicky. As I felt myself slowly slipping out of the light I felt the voice one final time: "Be with Nick, he is yours and you are his. I will see you again." Then everything faded.

~Nick~ "Mr. Carter? We were able to stabilize your friend, Brian. It seems the paramedics arrived just in time. We had to pump his stomach of all the medication and we are running an IV to help him regain his strength." "Oh thank God!" "Now I noticed that he had a scar on his chest and the empty bottles that I was given indicated that he overdosed, mainly, on heart medication." "Yeah he had heart surgery about a year ago." "Well I need to talk to a family member more in depth about this." "Um, they live out of state." "Well I need someone he trusts to be here for him when he awakens." "I'm his best friend. I'll do whatever you need." "Well we prefer a family member, but I guess we'll make do. Now I talked to the doctor listed on Brian's medication and he explained to me why Brian had that amount with him. Now I have to ask you have you observed any depression in Brian?" "Well, I guess, and tonight he got in a fight and things went really bad." I cried, again. "Well one of the side effects of his medication can be mild to moderate depression. In a person already suffering it can intensify these effects." "So what are you saying? It was the medication that made him do it?" "Well I can't say that for sure, but I suspect it compounded his feeling, making them seem more intense."

"So what do we do now?" "Well he should be waking soon, and I need you to explain his condition to him and monitor him. The IV should drain his body of all remnants of the medication so hopefully he will not be as overwhelmed, but we need you to observe him at all times to make sure he does not attempt to harm himself again." "Oh god please not again." "It's a slight possibility, but I think switching his medications will solve the problem. I do want him to seek psychiatric evaluation, however."

As the doctor left I slowly crept into Brian's room trying not to wake him. The minute I was at his side his eyes flew open and sparkled like sapphires. He looked tired and weak. I just bent down and kissed him gently on his lips, he grabbed my hand as I sat on the chair next to his bed. "Don't leave me, Nicky." "I won't ever leave you again. I should call your parents and the rest of the guys" It suddenly dawned on me.

Before, I was too overwhelmed with the thought of losing Brian to even think about getting them to the hospital. "NO!" Brian's voiced raised above his previous whispered rasp. "Why not?" Brian began to weep his answer. "I don't want them to know I did this. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed." "OK, Frick. I won't tell them now but we have to let them know eventually. Just rest now and we will solve all our problems tomorrow." I hoped.


When I woke up Nick was still at my side. He had not let go of my hand the entire time I had slept. It was morning now, a new day. As my eyes opened I saw Nick looking straight at me, I knew he had been watching me all night without sleep.

"Hey sleepy, do you feel better?" "Yes. I'm so sorry Nick, I can't believe I did this. I don't know why?" "Brian the doctor told me that it was your medication." "What do you mean it was my medication?" "Well he said that the medicine they gave you to take care of your heart can cause depression and with people who are already depressed it can cause severe depression. He thinks that's what may have caused you to..." As Nick trailed off I began to cry again over what I had done. "I'm so sorry Nicky." "Don't you be sorry. It was not your fault. Yes you were depressed and the medication just compounded the effect. This is all my fault, I caused this. If I had never left you this would have never happened. I'm so sorry Frick. Please don't hate me." "I would never hate you Frack and this is not your fault. I should have never done what I did to you. If I had just followed my heart you would be with me and not Kevin." "I'm NOT with Kevin Brian! Yes we went out and had a good time but it was not a date! He kissed me but I did not return the kiss. It took me by surprise and before I could say anything you were there and flipping out." "Then why would Kev kiss you Nick?" " Well he told me afterwards that he was gay." "Well I gathered that much when I saw you two kissing." "I don't know what else to say. Once he found out that we were together he started having feelings for me, I guess. He feels really guilty Bri." "He should feel really guilty. He tried to take my man."

"Your Man?" "Yes my man! No matter what happens Nick, you belong to me and I belong to you. End of story." "So what if I don't agree?" "I'm sick Nicky, you wouldn't leave me. Would you?" I questioned coyly with puppy dog eyes, batting my eyelashes for the final effect. "No. But you seemed just a little to confident." "Well I can be. If there is one thing in this world that I am sure of, it is that, no matter what, you and I belong together!" "Good, because after all we have already been through, I think I might kill my self if that wasn't the case. Oh Gosh Brian, I didn't mean to say that." Nick clasped his hand over his mouth. "Nicky, it doesn't matter to me what you say as long as your by my side." "Well then you better promise me that you won't ever think of trying this again!

I almost died when I found you Bri. I can't go through that again." "I promise."

~Nick~ "Mr. Carter may I speak to you for a moment?" Doctor Steinberg requested.

"Yeah, Sure. Will you be all right Bri?" "Yeah Babe, I'm fine now. As long as your with me."

I went into the hallway outside of Brian's room to talk to the doctor.

Finally I was given good news. They were ready to release Brian under my supervision.

"Now you must understand while his body is physically able to be released, his mental state may not be completely recovered. You have to keep an eye on him. And don't forget he has an appointment with the Psychiatrist in a couple of days." "But I thought you said his medication was the cause of his..." I still could not form the words. "Well that is what I suspect but I can not be sure until Brian has a psychiatric evaluation." "Thank you doctor."

I just know it had to be Brian's medicine that made him do this. He would have never tried to leave me otherwise.

"Hey babe, I have good news. I get to take you home, but I gotta keep my eye on you! You have been very naughty and not in the way I like!" I teased. "The doctor said I can go home?" "Yup." "Thank God, but I still have a pain."

~Brian~ "What do you mean you still have a pain? Something must be wrong, I'm going to go call the doctor back." "No. You can make it better." "I'm not a doctor Bri. Let me just call..." "NO! Just massage me where it hurts." "Well, OK does it hurt on your tummy?" "Yeah." "OK." "Lower, it hurts a little bit lower." "Brian if I go any lower...You dirty dog, you're making it up. You're just a horny boy. Well there will be none of that. I'm putting you on probation." "What?! But I'm sick!" "You are well on your way to recovery, and we are not going to do anything to stop your progress." "You're MEAN!" "Keep it up and you won't get anything for a looong time!" "OK lets just go home." "And where is home?" "Wherever you take me Frick?" "In that case I think I'm gonna take you to my place.

I'm not ready to go back to your pad just yet. Too many bad memories."

"Well then we have to at least stop by my place to pick up some clothes for me and get Tyke." "You can wear some of my clothes." "Oh of course.

I'd look like I was shrinking! I'm not exactly an amazon!" "I'm not an amazon! Amazon's are women!" "You know what I meant! Plus Tyke can't be left alone. He's sensitive." "Gee, I wonder where he gets it from?"

I've got Nick back! Now I just have to get him to love my puppy and were all set!


Once we picked up Brian's things and the Chihuahua from hell, we were off to my place. I don't know why Tyke hates me so much! It's like there is Brian and everyone else is his competition.

"Tyke can stay in the backyard right?" I asked as we arrived at my house.

"Huhhhh! Of course not! How could you even suggest that, Nicky? He's delicate and fragile. He will stay with us in our bed." "Our bed? Boy you sure make assumptions! What if I expected you to stay in the guest room?" "GRRRR" Tyke responded for Brian. "Well keep that up and I'll make Tyke casserole for dinner." "He just needs to learn to love you like I do!

And as for the sleeping arrangements, I don't care where I sleep as long as you are right next to me." "I guess you can stay with me in my room, but only because you are so cute!" "I am kinda cute aren't I?" "And so modest." "Well I'm going to take a nap. I'm tired. Maybe I will have the strength for some mac and cheese when I wake up? Hint, hint." "I guess when you wake up then you'll have the strength to make it." "But I'm still sick and weak!" "OK. But once you're better..."

Once Brian entered my room to nap, Tyke immediately followed. (Lazy mutt!) I in turn went into the kitchen to make some Macaroni and Cheese for my sweety, er, manipulative sweety, that is! I swear one of these days Brian is going to turn into a big hunk of Cheddar cheese. I'm surprised his face isn't full of zits! Already knowing my Frick well, I ordered a large pizza from Dominoe's, (Cheese, with extra Cheese) knowing full well that 'What goes better with mac and cheese?' The minute the pizza arrived I heard footsteps come down the stairs.

"Do I smell what I think I smell?" Brian pondered as he lept off the final step. "Well you haven't taking a shower in a couple of days, so I suspect you do smell." I teased. "VERY FUNNY. I smell pizza." "Only the best for my baby." I replied. "So how am I going to repay you for all this special treatment?" "Funny you should ask. I happen to have the new Star Wars video game and I thought it might be romantic if we learned to play it together?" "HA HA HA. Only you would find a video game romantic, Frack!

But I suppose I could be persuaded to play." "And how might you be persuaded?"

After that question all I saw was puckered lips as Frick made his intentions be known.


After FOUR hours of playing video games I finally got Frack to come to bed with me! Sheesh, that kid is obsessed with Nintendo! Not to mention the Sega that is hooked up in his spare room or the Playstation in his bedroom, not that any of them are different. But to quote Nick 'the graphic quality of each is meant to be appreciated.' Once we entered the bedroom we quickly undressed for bed. Given my weakened condition it was apparent that we would not make love, but we could at least cuddle.

"Since when do you sleep naked Brian?" "Since today. I want us to be completely open with each other." "Well that's fine but no sex. You're still 'weak' remember." "Yeah yeah!"

As we crawled under the covers I pulled Nick close to me and we drifted off to sleep. him, me and my puppy right in between us.


I can't believe that damn dog spent the whole night between me and Bri.

Anytime I tried to kiss my Frick it seemed Tyke would get in the way.

Once I woke up the next morning I wanted to surprise Brian with breakfast in bed. I slowly made my way down to the kitchen and began breakfast. The minute the bacon hit the frying pan I heard yelping and barking at my feet.

"Oh now you want to be my friend? You sure didn't like me last night." I teased Tyke. "Arroo." Tyke cried. "OK, I will make you some bacon too.

But you have to promise, no more funny business."

By the time Brian walked down the stairs I had Tyke sitting in my lap sleeping, content after his full breakfast.

"Ohhh, you and Tyke made friends." "Yeah we made a deal over bacon. What are you doing downstairs? I wanted to surprise you." "Well my tummy woke me up. Thank you for making breakfast baby." "It was nothing. I'll get your plate. Just sit down."

Of course things were going too well. Something had to ruin my perfect moment, it always does. The phone rang and as I was to busy to get it, Brian reached for it.

"Hello." "Nick? Is that you? I had a great time seeing you the other day and I was wondering if we could get together and do something?" "Who is this?" Brian shouted. "It's me, JC. Don't you recognize my voice, its only been a couple of day since we saw each other and already you forgot about me?"

After I heard Brian ask who was on the phone he slammed it down and everything went down hill from there.

"You slut! You promised that you loved me. You said that there was no one else and now I find out you've been dating JC!" Brian hollered in a fit of rage.


I know I should have knocked, but me and JC never keep secrets! As I entered his room I heard him say 'Nick, I had a great time seeing you the other day and I was wondering if we could get together and do something?'

I immediately ran from the room without him noticing. In tears I slammed my bedroom door. I knew his wasn't gay, I had dealt with that along time ago. I just figured that if I couldn't be his, I would at least always be his best friend, but now even that was being taken away. I was always a runner up to Nick, and now I had nothing. Why can't I stop loving you Joshua?

That's it for now! TBC. Is JC gay or straight? If he is gay does he want Nick or Justin? Will Nick put up with Brian's jealous outburst one more time? Did Nick really feel nothing when he kissed Kevin?

Next: Chapter 4

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