Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Aug 7, 2008



Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 12:

By J.J

So everything went well. Yesterday I performed at the awards show and it was a major hit. I was finally getting the recognition I wanted. People began to take me seriously and I was interviewed for doing what I do, rather then what Justin did for me. The best part of all was that I was signed by Clive Davis just today before lunch and I was on my way home to celebrate.

The driver pulled into the driveway and I got out of the car with my papers and all and walked into the house. To my suprise Zac wasn't there and niether was Jessie or anyone else for that matter. I dropped my papers off on the kitchen counter and went upstairs to change back into a t-shirt and shorts. I noticed there was a note on the dresser from Zac so I picked it up


'Hey babe.....

I had to go to work and I imagine you have been busy too...

I hope your meeting went well, and well....

You can tell me tonight over dinner.

I will be home around eight and we can go out for a movie too

Love you


He really did suck at writing letters. He has been writing me small notes lately and he either never knows what to say or he doesn't make any sense. Then as soon as I ask him to text message me he has a hissy fit. He was funny alright and now I was really excited for dinner. As for the movie I wasn't too thrilled about it really but I guess I could manage.

When I was done changing I went back downstairs and grabbed a quick drink and grabbed my iPod so I could go out for a walk or something since I couldn't really drive anywhere. So I left the house and made my way through the big ass neigbhorhood and down to the local seven eleven.

I made it down to the seven eleven and grabbed a slurpee. Took me friggin long enough to get down there though. It was like a half and hour walk and I was just dying of sweat. When I left the seven eleven I walked past the big front windows and totally forgot that I had dyed my hair dark brown. It did look really good and I was a huge change from the blonde I had before. Because of this I don't think alot of people noticed me and had someone have noticed me I would have told them to piss off anyways.

Then my cellphone started ringing......

"Hello?'' I answered it.

"Hey whats going on?" Jessie asked

"Hey not too much just went down to the seven eleven and I am leaving" I said

"Oh cool your driver bringing you back?'' he asked

"No actually I walked" I said

"Are you nuts? Do you know how many people are down there?" he asked

"Yeah alot but I will certainly not hide myself in public" I said laughing a bit

"Well where are you going?" he asked

"I don't know just out for a walk I guess" I said

"Man you are nuts. I know its a little bit late but do you wanna meet up for lunch or something?" he asked

"Uhm" I said thinking

"As no nothing like before I promise" he said

"I know that Jessie" I said laughing a little bit "And yeah sure meet me uhm down on 91st avenue" I said

"Why there?" he asked

"Because I am almost there and I know how fast you drive so you will probably be there just as I get there" I said

"Okay fair enough" he said

"Okay see you soon'' I said and hung up.

I hung up the phone and just as I thought I could make a clean get away a stupid paparazzi spotted me. He was rolling out of the seven eleven parking lot and I guess he recognized me so he pulled over and started snapping some pictures....

"Jesse Jordan! Can you answer me some questions?" he asked

"Yeah sure" I said bravely walking up to his car

"Wow you are actually over here" he said

"Yeah I sure am, so whats your name?" I asked

"Names Craig" he said

"Well nice to meet you Craig" I said shaking his hand as he got a picture of it "So what did you want to ask me?" I asked

"Why did you go brunette?" he asked

"Really. Thats what you wanted to ask me?" I asked snickering a bit

"Well it looks really good" he said snapping some pictures.

"Well I wanted too and if you want pitcures don't snap them while I am talking, it makes me look bad" I said

"What do you want me to do?" he asked

"Hold on a second" I said standing back from the car a little bit.

Now being the smart ass that I am I put my slurpee down on the ground for a second making sure he got a pic of me bending over showing my briefs a little bit. I didn't want to make it seem like I did that on purpose though. Then I stood back up and took my shirt off.

"Don't take one yet" I said

"Ok" he said

Then I grabbed my slurpee back up and let him take a picture of my wiping the cup on my forehead to look like I was cooling off. Then I let him get a picture of me sucking on the straw.........Then to top it all off I rubbed the cup across my chest with my eyes closed and I heard his shutter going crazy.....

"There you go" I said putting my shirt back on.

"Thanks alot man" I said

"Yeah no problem and I better be number one on beach bodies and try not to spend all you get from that in one shop" I said laughing as I waved and walked away.....

'I should do stuff like that more often' I thought smiling down the sidewalk

"So this place is nice" I said taking a bite into my chicken burger

"Yeah I would have to say so" Jessie said sipping on his soda and eating some fries

"Well then again I haven't really been to any fancy places yet" I said

"Fancy schmancy" Jessie huffed "A good old fashioned diner is a great place to eat" he said eating some more fries

"Yeah only because it was my idea'' I said stealing one of his fries

"Shut up" he said playfully slapping me

"So uhm yeah I had something interesting happen to me recently" I said

"What you got your period?" Jessie asked making me spit out a fry before I choked

"Eww oh good no, your fucking sick you know that right" I said matter of factly

"Of course I know that. But anyways what happened?" he asked

"Damn paparazzi" I said trying to sound angry

"Why are you smiling?" he asked

'That didn't work' I thought

"Because........" I said looking away from him

"Because why?" he asked

"Because I kinda posed" I said beginning to crack up

"You what?" he asked

"Yeah the guy seen me leaving the seven eleven and before he took too many pictures I went over to say hi" I said

"Your nuts" he said

"Totally, but anyways I told him to wait and I kinda...too muh sher of" I mumbled trying not to make sense

"What did you do?" he asked confused

"I too muh sher of" I said again coughing

"Come again?" he said now catching on to my game

"I took my shirt off and was like advertising" I said

"You are so sad" he said

"Hey I am no worse then Zac" I said laughing

"Speaking of the devil, where is he?" he asked

"I dunno working or something" I said taking a sip of my soda

"Oh I see" he said as we both finished up our meals.

"I got it" I said reaching for my wallet

"No don't worry about it" he said

"Its okay really I can pay for it" I said

"No its fine I got it" he said defeating me by pulling out a twenty dollar bill before I could get my cash

"Okay but next time" I said

"Thats fine" he said

We both got up and Jessie left the twenty with the waitress that served us earlier. The bill was really cheap but I guess he wanted to leave her a good tip.....aww so sweet. We left the diner and went over to Jessie's car which still had the painfull damage on the front bumper from before. He opened the passenger door for me and it really made me blush, but I stayed true to my work of him being a friend only.

"So where are we going?" I asked as he put his seatbelt on after getting in

"Shopping" he said

"Why shopping?" I asked

"I don't know I think it would be fun" he said

"Rrrrright" I said smiling

"What?" he asked innocently

"Jessie are you gay or not?" I asked cracking a little bit

"I don't know. Guess I will have to find out" he said

"Not with me" I said

"Yeah I know that" he said

"Oh my god!'' I yelled like a school girl

"Jesus what?" he jumped

"We can totally sit in the food court and check out guys" I said

"Ah ha! but you are dating" he said

"So there is nothing wrong with looking" I said smiling devilishly

"Wait......does that mean" he said

"Maybe" I said smiling

"You totally checked me out before" he said

"No comment" I said as he began to drive......

"This is a nice outfit" Jessie said showing me the formal set

"Yeah but I will totally take a knife to it" I said browsing through some more clothes

"So about earlier" he said

"Yes Jessie I have checked you out and as a matter of fact had I have not met Zac or if he wasn't gay I was going to try and go for you" I said picking out a nice funky designed t-shirt

"Really?" he asked

"Yeah really but I guess everything worked itself out" I said

"True and I helped'' he said

"Right, but please educate me, why are we shopping? I have lots of clothes at home" I said putting the shirt back

"I don't know I thought it would be fun" he said not looking at me

"Your hiding something from me" I said

"I am not" he said

"Yes you are" I said

"Okay fine" he said

"Ha I knew you would give in" I said

"So Zac has special plans for you and he asked me to keep you busy while he gets everything ready" he said

"Everything ready?" I asked

''Yeah well you guys aren't actually going anywhere really" he said

"So tonight is all going to be at home?" I asked

"Yup sure is, dinner, movie, the whole nine yards" he said

I seen him browsing through some more clothes but I could tell that he wasn't actually interested in any of them. Something was on his mind and I was really concerned on what was going on with him. He was my friend after all and so what we had a little misunderstanding earlier.

"Look I am sorry he asked you to keep me busy" I said

"What? Why?" he asked

"I think I know what you are going through and its tough when Zac doesn't know anything" I said

"I don't know what you are talking about" he said

"Come on Jessie, I didn't tell him anything and I know what you are thinking" I said

"I can help what I think" he said walking out of the store.........

"Would you just wait a second" I said following him out into the mall.

"For what? These feelings to go away? I can help that I like you okay and I never ever expected it" he said

"I am sorry" I said grabbing him into a hug

"Don't be sorry. It isn't your fault" he said

"Yes it is. I shouldn't have told you that I checked you out, or anything else" I said letting go of him

"Are you crying?" he asked

"Yeah so what" I said wiping a tear away and smiling

"Look don't cry. I am trying my best to stop thinking the way I do. I know I will meet someone and find myself eventually" he said

"Do you really mean that?" I asked

"Yeah I do. I know things will never change with you and me and I would never want to risk losing you as a friend" he said

"That means alot to me that you said that" I said

"It means alot to me too" he said

"Hey how about we blow this pop stand and get back" I said

"Now should be a good time" he said


Zac had finished everything. The house was perfectly cleaned and he had the fanciest of things set up for his big night. He walked over into the kitchen and set the food on a lower tempurature so it would not burn.

After lighting a few candles all he had to do was wait.........

"So are you excited?" Jessie asked looking over at me

"Yeah I am, but for some reason a little nervous" I said

"Why on earth would you be nervous?" he asked smiling in an awkward

"I don't know, its just really serious tonight I guess'' I said looking out the window

"Serious? How is it so serious? You guys are just chillen at home as usual" Jessie said

"I know but its just" I said but stopped

"Just what?" he asked

"Things between Zac and I are great, but everything with us has been so simple'' I said

"What do you mean?" he asked

"I mean.....well.....I mean things just sort of fell into place really easily" I said

"Oh I get cha" He said

"You do?" I asked

"Yeah but my advice would to just be yourself" he said

"I guess you are right" I said

"Of course I am right. If it was so easy and things weren't meant to work out then you too wouldn't be together" he said

"Wow I did not expect you to say that" I said laughing a little bit

Just at that awkward time my cellphone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey honey how are you doing?" my mom asked excitedly

"I am doing fine, why whats up mom?" I asked

"Whats up? You are my son and I want to know how you are doing" she said simply

I looked over at Jessie and rolled my eyes.

"Well I am great thanks mom" I said

"Honey I know I've been watching t.v and I seen that you have signed on with Clive Davis" she said

"Really? How did you find that out so fast?" I asked

"I don't know but you were on my daily tabloid and it said so right there" she said

"Really huh?" I asked

"Yeah really, and by the way that was a little trashy with the whole shirtless thing" she said

"Mom" I said hesitantly

"No worries, its fine but just watch what you do" she said

"I will I promise" I said

"Well anyways what are you up to tonight?" she asked

"Nothing really why?" I asked

"No reason, just seeing what my son is doing" she said

"Okay then" I said testing the waters "I am actually going on a date" I said with Jessie looking over at me really shocked

"Oh really? Who is the lucky girl?" she asked making my chest sink a little bit

"Uhm its a suprise" I said covering up

"Okay then well you have a good night then" she said

"Mom" I said

"Yes honey?'' she asked

"Why don't you come down here for a visit?'' I asked

"Why that would be lovely. We can chat about that some other time though when I clear my schedule" she said

"Okay and how is Chelsea? I keep forgetting to call her" I asked

"Oh she is good but she moved" she said

"Really? Where did she move to?" I asked

"I am not too sure but they just packed up and left" she said

"I will have to try and call her later" I said

"Okay but anyways I just wanted to say hello and see how you are doing. Its four hours ahead here and I need to get to bed" she said

"Okay mom I will talk to you later" I said

"Alright I love you" she said

"You too" I said

"Okay bye" she said

"Bye" I said and hung up.....

"That was really strange" I said to Jessie

"No doubt huh" he said looking at me sympathetically

It really hurt and shocked me. I thought my mom would have known about me. I mean it wasn't totally uber obvious but I was her son and I figured she would have clued in by now. I thought for sure both her and I would not talk again for a while but I didn't want to risk having her disown me. But amongst that negativity there was a breath of sunshine!

"I got it!" I said

"Holy shit" Jessie yelled as I must have startled him "You got what?" he asked

"Okay so my mom doesn't know I am gay right" I said

"Right" he said questionally

"So if my father is looking for me I will just tell him straight out and hopefully that will make him leave me alone" I said

"Crude but a good idea" Jessie said

"I agree" I said looking back out the window in some reflection.....

Zac had finally finished the food and he heard the front door open. Before he was seen he ran upstairs and quickly threw on his clothes that he picked out for the night. And as a personal record for him he managed to fix his hair in a flash and give himself a couple double checks in the mirror. When he was satisfied he ran into his bathroom and put on his new Dolce and Gabbanna cologne and gave himself the thumbs up in the mirror.

Then in another heart beat he ran downstairs and up to the front entrance but there was nobody there. So he checked over in his kitchen and still nobody there but then he heard something over in his family room and walked over with a huge smile on his face. When he walked around the corner his smile quickly faded.......

"What are you doing here?" he asked his younger brother Dylan

"I just thought I would stop by and visit my brother, whats cooking?" Dylan asked walking past Zac who frantically tried to follow him into the kitchen

"Nothing and none of it is for you" Zac said catching up

"Oh harsh, but it smells good. When did you learn how to cook anyway?" Dylan asked walking past Zac again into the living room

"Seriously Dylan can you just leave and visit me some other time" he said in a bitter tone

"Oh I see whats going on here" Dylan said looking at the dinning table which was set up with candles lit

"Dylan just go" Zac said a little louder

"Thats no way to treat your bro but uh anyways......" he said fixing a fork that was crooked "Who's the new boyfriend?" Dylan asked

"Thats non of your business and last time I checked you were a prick to me" Zac said standing his ground

"Well I can't help it that my brother is a poof but what can you do? We are blood so I guess I gotta deal with it" Dylan said

"You are really starting to agitate me'' Zac said

"No Zac, you are agitating me. Become all famous and dropping everyone like they are dead fish. Speaking of animals real nice of you to drop off your old dogs and cats with mom ever since.......oh what was his name again? Oh right! SInce you and Brandon bought that brute of a dog outside" Dylan said walking back towards the front entrance

Zac flinched hearing Brandon's name again. Especiially during a fight

"Don't come to my house and disrespect me. You have no right to invade my life and try and make it a living hell for me" Zac said

"Oooh big speech" Dylan said sarcastically and laughed a bit

"Now get the fuck out!" Zac yelled

"Okay fine" Dylan said grabbing the door handle.

Jessie had dropped me off and in my opinion I looked presentable enough. I mean its not like I was supposed to wear a suit and tie, and I swore to myself that if Zac was I would go and make him change his clothes. I walked up the path towards the front door and checked myself out in the window's reflection and I looked good. Then as I grabbed the door handle I felt it moving. I thought it was going to be Zac but I sure was shocked when it was someone younger who resembled him somewhat.

"Who the hell are you?" The guy asked

"I am Jesse" I said confused

"Oh shit your Jesse Jordan? What are you doing here?" The guy asked rudely

"Uhm I live here. And who the hell are you?" I asked in a same rude tone

"I get it.....I am Dylan.........Zac's little brother that he seemingly forgot to mention to you" he said

"Oh well sorry I am not a pyschic, go be a prick to someone else" I said walking past him

''So you are gay then? And wow gotta impress Zac by going brunette or something? Doesn't take alot to impress him, hes too concieted. And by the way Brandon left some pretty big steps to fill and so far cutting the dumb blonde look is one step" he said as I closed the door on him.

"What a fucking asshole" I said walking into the house and putting a couple bags on the floor near the staircase

"I am sorry about that" Zac said standing there looking helpless.

"Hey its alright, just thought I would have met the rest of your family on better terms" I said giving him a hug and I could feel him shake

"I'm sorry" he said again hugging me back

"Hey don't let him get to you and what he said about Brandon, well just forget it. Hes only trying to make you mad" I said

"I know, and I care about him but ever since he found out I was gay he's been treating me like shit" he said

"Hey hey don't worry about things from the past. There is a reason they didn't make it to your future. He will get over it" I said letting him go

"Thanks well now that that whole sha bang is over with welcome home" he said giving me a kiss

"Thanks" I said kissing him back and I smelt something really good "What is that smell?" I asked smelling the air

"Its Dolce and......" he started

"No not that" I cut him off and smelling towards the kitchen "The food?" I asked

"Oh right" he said rubbing the top of his head "Here come this way and close your eyes'' he said taking my hand

"Last time I closed my eyes you bought me a car, what is it now? a whole resturant?" I asked laughing as I closed my eyes and let Zac guide me

"Not quite'' he said

He gave me directions and guided me into what I guess was the dining room. Then he stood me there for a second and I heard him pull out a chair. Then he sat me down and told me not to open my eyes until he got back. So many things were running through my head. Maybe he would come back naked or something.....gotta love those dirrty thoughts. Then he came back and put something underneath me on the table and I could feel the heat and smell something really really good.

"Okay you can open them" he said

When I opened my eyes the table was set up with some flowers and there were quite a few candles on it. It was so romantic and the lights were dimmed down so it was nearly just candle liight in the room. Then I looked down and nearly died. There was a well seasoned rack of lamb next to some oven roasted potatoes and mixed vegetables over to the other side. When I looked up at Zac he was coming over with a bottle of wine and poured me a glass in a really nice fancy wine glass.

"I would have settled for a martini" I said jokingly as he finished pouring the glass.

"Well lets eat" he said pouring himself a glass and sitting down on the opposite side of the table from me

"But seriously this is so nice and romantic....I think someone is trying to earn some brownie points" I said

"I sure am. It took me long enough to cook all of this, let alone learing how to" he said

"You cooked this?" I asked

"Yeah, I would do anything for you" he said smiling to me

"At this rate lets just skip dinner and head upstairs." I said smiling back

"Don't tease me" he said

"I am not but I really am hungry though" I said cutting off a piece of lamb and taking a bite........

'' I though as the meat and spices made my mouth the happiest mouth in the world..... lol :)

"This is amazing" I said

"Your an amazing cook but I figured I would give it a shot" he said

We both began to eat dinner and I took my first ever taste of wine......Lets just say its an acuired taste.

"So what did you do today?" I asked

"Well I had some interviews and then pretty much did all of this" he said

"Thank you again" I said

"Your welcome. So how did your day go?" he asked

"Oh it went fine" I said

"Thats all?" he asked smiling

"Okay I wont tease. So next week I go in and work on a new album and shoot some music videos" I said

"Thats amazing. I am glad to hear it went so well" he said

"So am I. Its a major relief. Then well afterwards I went for a walk and posed for a paparazzi and had lunch with Jessie" I said

"I bet he flipped when you told him about the paparazzi" Zac said taking a sip of his wine

"Oh did he ever. And then he went shopping with me and yeah" I said nearly telling Zac about how Jessie feels

"And ya what?" he asked

"I think Jessie is gay" I said bluntly

"What? How do you figure? Wait a second. Did he try anything with you?" Zac asked

I laughed a little bit "Oh gosh no. He just seemed all tensed up and I asked him and he kinda told me" I lied

"He told you he was gay?" he asked confused

"Not exactly" I said digging myself into a whole

"Right then, well anyways he will find his way" he said ignoring the subject

"Zac can I ask you a personal question?'' I asked

"Yeah sure" he said

"How long did you know that you were gay?" I asked

"Well uhm......for a long time I guess. Ever since I began to get recognized for my acting. Well really my drama teacher had put in some good words when I was in highschool and thats pretty much when I knew for sure" he said calmly

"I see" I said

"What made you ask that?" he asked smiling

"Well I don't know really. I mean for me its only been a little while that I have known for sure. Almost a year now" I said

"I see so its all kinda new for you?'' he asked

"Well yeah I would say so. But uhm how many have you been with?" I asked

"Before you there was just Brandon. I didn't want to ruin what I had going for me" he said

"I get it" I said

"Okay so I know I have asked this before but you never......uhm...." he tried to finish

"What slept with Justin?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"No I never did. Came close to it once. As a matter of fact I don't think he has ever been with a guy. I think he was just curious or something and thats why it never worked out between me and him" I said

"I see" he said

"There are alot of I see's in this conversation" I said laughing a bit

"Okay subject change. So you were born up in Toronto?" he asked

"Yeah I sure was. I was raised there too. I have been all over the place but to me that was home. What about you?" I asked

"I was born in San Luis Obispo but I moved to Arroyo Grande" he said

"Thats here in California right?" I asked

"Yeah it is" he said smiling at me

I had to melt. Everytime he smiled at me........

"This is really nice. You and me having dinner, sitting here talking, getting to know each other better'' he said

"I feel like I already know everything about you but there is so much more to learn" I said

"I feel the same way too" he said

Dinner was nice and it I had to say I was really stuffed but the best was yet to come. Now we where sitting on the couch watching the movie Wanted with Angelina Jolie. To be brutally honest I was totally zoned out. I wasn't even watching the movie at all. I was just sitting there next to Zac watching him. I loved to watch his facial expressions change at different scenes in the movie. Without looking at me he would frequently give me a squeeze something. I guess he thought I was watching to movie but I totally was in heaven watching him.

There were a couple of scenes in the movie that made me realize that Zac was a total guy. I mean we both are guys but he was a total guy with his receactions to some outrageous action stuff. There was a part in the movie were a dodge viper is in a car chase with a 'bad guy' and they drift the car sideways and hit a curb to flip over the cops and land on a bus and then drive off of it. Stuff like that was so cheesy but Zac's mouth was dropped in amazement. He actually looked over at me and said

''That was so awesome! Did you see that? Wicked"

"Oh yeah I seen it alright" I said

And right back he went into the movie. But for me I came to a sudden realization. I never had this with Justin. He was just an older guy who didn't know what he wanted and I was just an easy target. I don't know why I started thinking about him and I really couldn't stop. It just seemed like something bad was going to happen and I just couldn't figure it out. I looked over at Zac as if I would never see him again and gave him a kiss which quickly snapped him out of his trance.....

"What was that for?" he asked

"Cuz" I said

"Cuz why?'' he asked curiously getting close to me and kissing me back

"Because I knew you would do that" I said as he kissed me again

"I really do love you" he said pulling away and looking deep into my eyes.....

'I smell a sex scene' I thought to myself

"I love you too" I said

"How did all this happen?" he asked

"How did what happen?" I asked kinda confused

"I mean ever since I met the guy that has made my life so much better and completes me" he said leaning in for another kiss

I kissed him deep that time "Zac I need to ask you a serious question" I said

"Sure whats up?" he said

"I don't know really. Its just I keep getting this funny feeling that something bad is going to happen. I don't want you to leave me" I said

"I would never leave you ever. Whats wrong? Is there something I should know about?" he asked

"No nothing is going on I just have this feeling I am never going to see you again" I said

"How do you have that feeling? Everything is so great. I mean there is so much good about you and come on, now your a knock out as a brunette and everybody loves you" he said

"I know but I feel like something is going to happen to me" I said "Not just to us but me and the way I am" I said beginning to cry

"Why are you crying? Oh don't cry" he said hugging me tightly

"I don't want to be hated. And I don't want a reason to be angry with the ones I love" I said

"Your really worked up aren't you?'' he asked

"Yeah I think I will be fine" I said wiping my face off

"Hey I have an idea. Why don't we just go up to bed. No funny business or anything. Just lets fall asleep and have a better day tomorrow" he said taking me by the arm and helping me off the couch.

I don't know why but I had this feeling that I would never see Zac again. It just spontaneously came up. I thought I was going to have a better night, but as usual I let my emotions get the best of me.

I followed Zac, well actually I was clinging to him like a baby baboon, all the way to the bedroom. From there I took my clothes off as did he and we both lay in bed together. It was really hard not to do anything with him sexually, I mean like come on, who can lie in bed with him naked and not do anything? But despite it all I managed to pass right out as Zac was massaging my hair.

The next morning was pretty good. I was up with Jessie having coffee in the dinning room and we were talking about all sorts of things. I made Zac promise me though that he would not say anything to him about the whole being gay thing because that would have made things a little awkward. Anyways I still had that gut feeling and it just wouldn't go away. It was probably because I had offered for my mother to come out again right when I woke up and she took it.

I told her I really wanted to see her, even if it was for a couple of days. I offered to pay, well actually I did and she was going to be on her five hour flight it just a short bit. I was really nervous and I told the reasons to Zac. He told me straight up that he would be by my side had I have decided to fully come out to my mother, but he on the other hand thought it was a marvelous idea and really wanted to meet her.........god the drama.

"So when do you get to start recording the new album Mr. Big shot" Jessie asked smiling at me

"Hopefully next week. Well at least that is what I was told" I said smiling back

"I see I see" Jessie said as Zac had walked into the room

"Hey Zac" I said

"Hey" he said giving me a kiss and going through some papers

"What are those papers?" I asked

"Junk mail, junk mail, bills bills bills, And uh newspa.....what the fuck!!!" he yelled

"What is it?" I asked looking at the front page of the paper "Oh my god" I let out quietly and fainted


So what did you think? I know kinda boring but you are in for a huge shocker!!!!!! and trust me its gonna be good.

But feedback is always appreciated.......

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