Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Apr 2, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between to males. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy......

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 6:

By. J.J

We left the room and headed over to my room for a bit so I could get changed in some better clothes. Especially for going for a walk. I invited Zac in and he took a seat on the couch while I went in the room and grabbed a blue hollister top and some black track pants. Then when I came back out I grabbed my denim truckers hat and put it on. I looked over at Zac and he was in His shorts from earlier and a black t-shirt.

"Do you want some diifferent shorts or pants or something?" I asked

"If you don't mind" he said

"Nah I don't mind, here" I said throwing him a pair of black sport shorts

He went into the washroom to change into the shorts and I went over to my kitchen and grabbed a pack of gum off the counter and took a few. Then I went over to the front door and put my shoes out as Zac was coming out of the washroom. The shorts actually looked really good on him. They went down to his shins and he had on the basket ball runners. It looked like he was ready to go play a game. It made me laugh a little bit since we were only going for a walk.

"Where should I put my shorts?" he asked

"Just throow them on the arm of the couch" I said

"Oh your going to do my laundry for me?" he asked grinning

"If you bring me all your dirty clothes I will" I said

"I was joking, but you know how to do laundry?" he asked

"Yeah" I laughed "Don't you?"

"No" he said

"Oh well, you will have to learn soon" I said

"Will you teach me?" he asked

"Yeah of course" I said

"Okay so where do you want to walk?" he asked as we were stepping out the door

"I don't know, anywhere really" I said as I locked the door behind us.

Just went we got out on the walkway I saw an Escalade pull into the parking lot and a pretty quick pace. Zac looked at me questioningly and I was just as confused as he was.

"Paparazzi?" he asked

"No they wouldn't just roll in like that without anyone out here" I said

"Well we are out here" he said looking like he wanted to go back inside.

Just then the driver side door opened and out stepped Justin. He looked pretty pissed when he looked up and seen us together. Zac looked at me like he was going to freak out and I mean in a bad way. I looked over at him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Zac you should go" I said

"No there is no way I am leaving you right now" he said

"Please just let me deal with him" I said

"No way man, that punk thinks he is king of the world and I know he is going to snap" he said

I looked over and Justin was walking up the stairwell to our level.

"Zac it's alright I can handle this" I said

"No he's going to hurt you" he said

"No he isn't, he wont touch me" I said

"He doesn't have to touch you to hurt you" he said

"Alright fine, just don't start anything with him" I said to him

Justin made it to our level and was walking down the hallway towards us. When he got there I thought he was going to punch Zac in the face but he didn't because I stepped infront of Zac.

"What do you want" I said

"I need to talk to you" Justin said to me

"Okay fine.........I am listening" I said

"No I need to talk to you alone" he said

"If you have something to say then you can say it right here right now" I said

"What is your problem? Do you know what you are throwing away?" he asked yelling a bit

"Yeah I do, and I am glad to be rid of it" I said

"Why are you shooting down your career?'' Justin asked

"Haha who said anything about shooting down my career? You just aren't going to be a part of it" I yelled at him

''We will see about that. Who do you think you are huh?" he yelled

''What do you want to make something of it" I said stepping closer to him

"Oh please" he said "And what are you doing hanging out with these losers huh?'' he asked then looking at Zac from head to toe

"Shut the fuck up and don't call him a loser" I said pushing him back a little bit

''And what he is wearing your shorts huh?" he asked

"Justin please grow the fuck up" I said

"No you need to grow up and realise that you are making a stupid move" he yelled

"Go fuck yourself. You know what! You act like you are all bad ass and king of the world! Well I got news for you! You are nothing but a punk ass bitch" I yelled

"What did you call me?" he yelled

"You fucking heard me. Think your pimp shit but all you do is shoot others down to make your life better. Where did you get all your street credit from huh? Nsync!" I laughed angrily

"You better watch what you say to me" he said stepping closer

"Back the fuck up" Zac said

"Or what Highschool Musical is going to go kung fu on me" He said almost pushing me out of the way of Zac

"Listen bitch!" I yelled pushing him back "You better watch what you say to me. Your career is in my hands and I aint afraid to run to the paparazzi or the media and let out who you really are" I threatned

"You wouldn't do that" he yelled at me

"Oh yes I can and I will, so before you come here acting like a hot shot, just remember that at the snap of a finger your career is done" I said

"Don't threaten me like that" he said

"Oh whats a matter poor baby.....take a blow to your ego?" I said as he turned to walk away

"Shut up" he said walking

"Yeah thats right punk keep walking" I said

He left. I was so shocked but he actually left. I knew it was going to take some sort of dramatic threat to get him to listen and it worked. I looked back at Zac and he looked like his blood was boiling, but then again so was mine.

"You okay?" I asked

"Yeah I am" he said not looking at me

"Its alright hes gone now" I said

"He made me so mad I wanted to drop him" he said

"I know me too but it shouldn't have to come to that" I said

"I know" he laughed a little bit "You sure know how to handle yourself" he said

"That I do know really well" I said

"So what are we going to do now?" he asked

"You still wanna walk?" I asked

"No not really. That created some major attention" he said point to a few people looking out their room windows.

"Okay well lets go back inside" I said

I unlocked the door and we both quickly stepped inside and I closed the door and locked it. I told Zac to kick off his shoes as I did mine. Then I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and he sat next to me. I didn't know why he sat next to me know but I wasn't complaining.

"He really cares about you" Zac said looking at the wall

"I don't care. I hate his guts right now" I said

"I really wanted to punch his face in" Zac said looking at me laughing a little bit

"I know eh, like oooh highschool musical, what a burn" I said laughing

"I know he's athetic" Zac said

"Well" I said slapping my hand down on Zacs thigh "What should we do now?" I asked

"I don't know, its getting late though" he said

"What you want to go to sleep?" I asked

"Maybe soon" he said "I don't want to drive though"

"Why were are you staying?'' I asked

"My hotel is down the road from here" he said

"Then stay here tonight" I said

"I couldn't do that" he said

"Why not, have to go somewhere tomorrow?" I asked

"No not at all" he said

"Then stop complaining. Stay here" I said

Just then I jumped up from the couch. I scratched my head and walked around in a little circle. Zac looked at me and laughed asking me what I was doing, and I told him I was thinking.

"Ah ha! Are you hungry?" I asked

"Kinda, those fries didn't do me much justice" he said

"Well do you want to eat now?" I asked

"You want to order out?" he asked

"No, heck no. I have some groceries in the fridge" I said

"Your going to make some food?" he asked

"Yeah, I am not like Jessie, I actually have some food in my fridge. Even if its a hotel" I said

"Cool then, can I help?" he asked

"Yeah but what do you want to eat?" I asked

"Whatever you want to make" he said

"Uhm how about some chicken'' I said

"That sounds good. Do you have some stuff to cook it with?" he asked

"Heck yes. When I booked this room I requested a full kitchen" I said

"Thats cool" he said

"Actually, I have an idea" I said

"Whats that?'' he asked grinning as I was still standing infront of him

"You sit here and watch some t.v or a movie while I cook food quickly" I said

"You sure?" he asked

"Yeah I am sure, find a good movie or something" I said walking into the kitchen

I reached into the fridge and grabbed some chicken breasts that I bought and put them out on the counter. Then in the small veggie drawer I grabbed some green onions and some terragon and a couple tomatoes. I slice the chicken into strips and threw them in the pan with some oil and fried them with the minced green onion and terragon. Then I let them simmer with some diced tomatoes and lemon juice to make it juicy and full of flavour. Then I quickly made up a caeser salad with the kit that I bought and threw the chicken on top when it was done. I was impressed a quick good chicken caeser and a couple of pepsi's to go with it.

"It smells soooooooo good" Zac said before I could even walk out of the kitchen

"Thanks, just wait until you taste it" I said walking out with two bowls of our food and the pops in my arms.

"What did you make?" he asked

"Chicken caesar salad, and a pepsi" I said handing it to him

"Man this looks great, thank you so much" he said sticking his fork into the salad and taking a bit "Oh yum" he said with a bit of ranch dressing on his face

I laughed at that pretty bad

"Dude what?" he asked making me laugh harder since it was all over his lips and everything.

"Oh nothing" I said laughing hysterically

"Do I got something on my face?" he asked

"Yeah actually you do" I said laughing

"Oh" he said smiling making me laugh even more. I grabbed a napkin off the table and wiped it off for him.

"Thanks" he said

"No prob" I said trying to get my breathing right again

I dug into my salad and began eating away. Zac on the other hand was beat me and was looking pretty full. I took a few sips of my pepsi and grabbed his empty plate and brought them back into the kitchen and threw them in the sink. I came back out and Zac had his feet up on the coffee table and one hand on his tummy as he was looking very sleepy. I went in the room and grabbed him a pillow and a blanket off the bed and laid it out on the big couch for him.

"Thanks" he said getting up and laying on the bigger couch

"No problem" I said

"Will you do me a huge favor?" he asked

"Whats that?" I asked looking down on him.

"Can you play with my hair for me?" he asked

"Yeah sure" I said making him move over and lay on his stomach while I sat and ran my ringers through his hair

"It helps me go to sleep so much better" he said

"Uh huh" I said taking in the sight before me.

Zac had his eyes closed as I played with his hair so he didn't see that I was looking him over up and down. But he was obviously thinking it. He was built, not like a brick shit house, but he was nicely in shape. I could see that he looked really really tired so I got up and turned off the lights in the place and the t.v

"Where are you going?" he asked half asleep

"Just turning everything off" I said quietly

"Okay" he said in a yawn.

When I made sure everything was off and the doors where locked I went back to Zac to play with his hair some more. Not to my suprise though he was out cold. I looked down at him and seen that his shirt was kind of twisting around his torso so I gladly took it off for him and folded in on the table next to us. Then I quietly walked into my room and grabbed another pillow and went back out to the other couch. I laid down and eventually passed out.

I woke up the next morning to a bright sun shining in the room and the sound of some birds chirping. I laid there for a second and stared up at the ceiling trying to come to terms with reality after having some wierd dreams. Then as I went to move something was holding me down. To my suprise I also woke up to Zac spooned behind me. I didn't want to wake him up but I needed to get up. I lightly moved his arm off of me and got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back out to my suprise Jessie was sitting in my kitchen drinking some coffee.

"Whoa how did you get in here?" I asked

"Room service lady let me in" he said

"Okay what are you doing here?" I asked

"Agh well don't sound to happy to see me. Geesh I thought I would stop by and see you guys since I noticed Zac's car didn't move" he said smiling

"Oh" I said

"So have fun last night?" he asked

"Yeah the party was awesome" I said

"Thats not what I was talking about'" he said

It took me a second but I got it. It made me think for a second but I would know if I had sex with someone since I was a virgin.

"What? oh god no we didn't do anything" I said

"Sure ya didn't'' he said sarcastically

"I didn't nor did he" I said

"So why didn't you sleep in your room then?" he asked

"Because I gave Zac my blanket and I didn't want to sleep in there" I said

"I see" he said

"Okay look he was on the other couch and I woke up with him there" I said

"Hey man its okay don't worry about it" he said

"I am not, and plus the day anything like 'that' happens you will know trust me, I would be alot happier" I said

"Why aren't you happy?" he said

"I am. Its just that Justin came here last night being a bitch'' I said

"He's a dick, just stay away from him" he said

"Thanks captain obvious" I said getting up making myself a coffee and sitting back down at the table.

"So what are your plans now?" Jessie asked

"With what music? Huh I don't know, I guess I am kinda stuck" I said

"Meh no worries there are tons of labels out there that would be more then happy to sign you" he said

"Yeah but I kinda want to live my life a little more" I said

"Trust me, if you say that now then going back into the business won't be easy. You need to tackle this head on and keep going from now while you are still hot on the charts" he said

"Your'e right" I said

"But anyways, just wanted to bug you. I have an appointment to go to have a good one" he said getting up

"Yeah you too" I said

Jessie walked over by the couch and gave Zac a flick on the ear to wake him up. Then he went out the door. Zac was now looking up at the door and he muttered asshole under his breath. Then he turned his head and seen me sitting at the table. I seen him rub his eyes a little bit and yawn. So I got up and sat down next to him on the couch.

"Dude is that coffee?" he asked

"Yeah" I said handing him the cup as he took a couple gulps.

"Thanks" he said

"No prob" I said as he sat up next to me on the couch

"So what do you want to do today?" he asked

"Uhm I don't know, obviously not sit in here all day" I said

"True, but first I really really need to use the washroom" he said standing up........

Dear God kill me now......he took his shorts off in the night and was only wearing these black Calvin Klien boxers. I just about dropped my coffee but I managed to keep a short hold on it. I turned my head for God knows whatever reason, and then got up and went to my room to get some clothes. I grabbed a green v-neck short sleeve and some white basketball shorts. Then I went in my back and grabbed a pair of my slide on American Eagle shoes that were black with a white bottom like old school converse. When I looked in the mirror my hair was fine. It was short and still had some hold in it from yesterday so I just flipped it up a little bit like a mini faux hawk. I heard Zac come out of the washroom calling me.

"I am in here" I said as he walked into the bedroom still only in his boxers.

"Dude nice outfit, do you have more stuff like that?" he asked

"Yeah I swear by it go through my bag and pick some stuff out" I said

"Cool thanks" he said

I watched him bend over and those Ck's got ever so tighter........drools. I seen him pick out a white v-neck and a pair of shorts like mine but they were red. He just threw the stuff on quickly and came next to me in the mirror and fixed his mid length hair off to the side like it always looks.

"So what is there to do here?" I asked

"Ha tons of stuff. We should go shopping" he said

"Were do you wanna go shopping? are there any good malls in the area?" I asked

He looked at me like I was crazy "Malls? if me and you walked in a mall there would be chaos" he said

"Right, I knew that so whats close?" I asked

"Well we can go to Rodeo or some boutiques" he said

"Coolio. Either way you are driving so its up to you" I said

"Good, dear God if you were on your own a group of girls would mob you by now" he said

"Yeah I know, but hey you and me fixing ourselves in the mirror reminds me of something" I said smirking

"And what would that be?" he asked

"I'm misses lifestyles of the rich and famous, I'm misses oh my god that Britney shamed wanna piece of me" I sarcastically sang as I messed up his hair a little bit

"Your such a dork" he said pushing me back on the bed as I grabbed him down with me

"Now this I like" he said leaning in quickly and kissing me on the lips

"Okay tiger slow down now, we just got dressed" I said pushing him off of me

"Geesh" he said getting up brushing himself off

"Okay so lets go shopping" I said getting off the bed and leaving the room.

Zac followed me out and we both left the hotel room and made our way down to his car. We got in and he started driving down the road. When I was sitting there though I was feeling really really weird. I couldn't figure it out but there was some feeling stirring in my gut and it was getting pretty bad. Zac looked over at me and noticed my discomfort.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"No I don't think so" I said

"Whats the matter?" he asked

"I think I am going to be sick" I said

"Oh shit do you want me to pull over?" he asked

"Yeah man I think I am going to throw up" I said

Zac quickly pulled into a gas station and I was just getting out to go in and use the washroom. Thats when the worst thing of all happened spontaneously, and I am not talking about throwing up. I just stepped out and so did Zac, and just as I was putting on a pair of sunglasses quite a few paparazzi, okay alot of paparazzi came up and started snapping pictures.

"J.J.....Zac!" they were yelling over and over getting way too close for comfort.

"Shit come on lets go" Zac said grabbing my arm and leading me into the gas station.

"Can I use your washroom?" I asked the clerk

"Yeah sure not a problem" she said

Getting through to the back of the station was a hard enough job since they were following us and taking a ton of pictures. A few of them were asking if we needed them to pump our gas, and a few were just making no sense. Zac put on his best poker face and he was ignoring them like a champ. I on the other hand just wanted to get in there and hurl my guts up. Both Zac and I got into the washroom and there was nobody in there so we locked the door to keep paparazzi from coming in. I literally ran to the first stall I could find and began to puke uncontrollably into the toilet as Zac came in behind me rubbing my back.

"Your going to be okay, just let it out" he said as I puked a little bit more

"What the hell is wrong with me" I said

"I think it was from drinking and the different stuff you were eating, not a good mix" he said

"Thats never happened to me before" I said and started dry heaving a little bit.

"Well there is a first time for everything huh" he said rubbing my back again as I sat up.

"You okay now?" he asked

"Yeah I am okay" I said

I got up and went to the sink and washed my face off. Zac was standing there looking at me concerned. I just rolled my eyes and unlocked the bathroom door. We both walked out casually and I went over to the cooler and grabbed a water and some crackers and went up to pay for them as Zac went out into the car and started it. The paparazzi were swarming his car taking pictures and all he did was sit there after he put his sunglasses on. I shook my head as the few paparazzi in the store where still severly pissing me off.

"J.J when are you releasing an album?" One asked me

"Okay how about you just back up. I am not feeling good and I will hurl on you if you don't move" I said

"Oh come on do it" Another said

"Oh please" I said walking out and getting to the car

When I got there paparazzi wouldn't even move out of my way to let me get in the car. So what I did was push them out of my way and then get into the car.

"They are insane, lets just get out of here" I said

"I would like to but I can't back out" he said

"Thats it" I said throwing my water and crackers into the back seat

"What are you doing?" he asked

"Moving them" I said

"No wait" he started

Too late. I got out of the car and was asking them to move out of the way. They weren't listening so thats when I lost my temper a little bit.

"Okay listen you sick people!" I's where on me now

"What the heck are you doing here! Can't you just see that I had to go to the store? Go chase someone who is going to court or bringing sexy back." I said

Still no movement, just flashing

"Okay thats it, if you don't move your going to get run over'' I said

I got back in the car and told Zac just to back out. He didn't look like he wanted to but I told him to just do it and that they would move. Sure enough when he put it in reverse and slowly began to back up they were moving out of the way but barely enough. I heard a few of them trying to direct Zac as if they were giving a helping hand or something and he looked like he was going to have a panick attack.

"Shut up and move pack rats!" I yelled

Zac successfully backed out and we began to drive away. He looked back in his mirror occasionally to make sure that none of those creeps where following us, and luckily they weren't. I looked over at him and began to laugh.

"Your crazy you know that right" he said

"Yeah I know, they just really piss me off" I said

"Yeah I could see that, but hey who cares at least they are gone. But are you feeling better?'' he asked

"Yeah I am feeling better, god I never got sick like that before" I said

"Oh the joys of alcohol" he said

"I know, and I didn't even get drunk" I said

"That doesn't matter, just the mix of what you ate and drank during the day was enough to do it" he said

"Eww I feel gross. Sorry you had to see that" I said

"What? Don't say sorry. I was more then happy to help you out" he said

"You really treat me good you know that?" I asked

"Yeah I know" he said rubbing my shoulder.

We pulled into off onto the side of the street after a good ten minute drive. Zac parked the car and put money in meter and we hit some boutiques to check out some clothes. The first one was really tacky and the clothes looked like they were all for special occasions. Not to mention the price tags were ridiculously expensive. So we moved on to another shop and it was pretty much the same thing there too. Zac bought a couple of t-shirts though as I stood there and watched.

Those stores did not suit my taste or sense of style since they were all about what everyone else was wearing. So didn't buy anything at all and Zac had like ten bags. When we loaded all of the stuff into the car he noticed that I didn't have anything.

"You didn't buy anything?" he asked

"Pssh no, I didn't like any of it" I said

"Well do you wanna hit some more places?" he asked as we stood at the back of the car

"No not at all really" I said just as my cellphone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hi is this Jesse Jordan?" a voice asked

"Yes this is, can I help you?" I asked

"Oh good yes, this is Mr. Timberlake's publicist. I am phoning on regards to your contract term. Mr. Timberlake has told me you wish to end your contract but I need to work out some details with you before I can terminate anything" he said

"Okay, what are these details?" I asked

"Well in your contract you were required to record a full album and do some promo concerts. As far as the deal is concerned you have only released a single and done a tribute show." he said

"Okay you know what, I am ending this call with you and I am going to call Justin myself" I said angrily and hung up

"Whats the matter?" Zac asked

"Oh nothing Justin just decided to make sure I can't leave his label" I said dialing Justin's number

"Good lord" Zac said rolling his eyes.

The phone was ringing and Justin picked up.

"Hello?" he answered

"Yeah whats the deal with the publicist phoning me?" I asked

He laughed a little "You have obligations to fullfill"

"Okay so what do I have to do to get out of this deal" I said

"You really want out huh?" he asked

"Damn right I do" I said

"Okay but first I just want to apologize for yesterday" he said

"Thats fine, now what needs to be done?" I asked

"I need you to record an album" he said

"Thats it?" I asked

"And do some concerts if you can" he said

"Ugh, okay so when are we going to do this?" I asked

"Can you come today?" he asked

"Uhm hold on." I said putting my hand over the phone

"Zac he wants to know if I can come today to start recording" I said

"So" he said angrily

"Should I go?" I asked

"Yeah just get it over with" he said

"Okay, look I am sorry" I said

"No don't be sorry I am going to come with you" he said

"Okay cool" I said taking my hand off the phone

"Deal but there is a catch" I said

"Whats that?" Justin asked hesitantly

"Zac has to come with me and you have to be nice" I said making Zac grin a little bit

"Thats fine, as long as he isn't rude to me" he said

"He wont be. Don't worry, he is there for my encouragement" I said trying to make Justin a little pissed

"Yeah okay whatever, be here in about an hour" he said

"Okay see you" I said hanging up.

I looked over at Zac and he didn't look too impressed but he knew I had to do this in order to get out of Justin's record label without a lawsuit. I mouthed that I was sorry to him and all he did was smile. So he finished putting all of his stuff in the trunk and we got in the car and started driving up to Tenman Records so I could hop in the studio.

"So what kind of music are you going to do?" he asked

"I have no idea.....wanna help me with that?" I asked

"Yeah sure" he said

"Okay so I of course want something that is going to be a hit" I said

"Hhm, something retro remade" he said

"That sounds like a good idea'' I said

"But it has to be nearly the exact beat from the retro song" he said

"So in other words something timeless" I said

"Spice girls" he said

"Dear god" I said

"I was kidding" he said smiling

"Oh my God! I have it! I am a freaking genius thanks to your help" I said clapping a little bit

"What is it?" he asked

"Sweet Dreams, Eurythmics style" I said

Zac began to mouth the words to himself and did some of the beat.

"Dude!" he said

"I know, thats going to be wicked" I said

"I can't wait, okay next song" he said

"Uhm, I can't think of one" I said

"Thats okay we will get some idea's in the studio" he said

So we drove for a while talking about this and that, when we finally arrived at Tenman Records. Both Zac and I got out and made our way in past security and threw to reception.

"Good afternoon, can I help you?" the clerk asked

"Yeah I am here to record the album and see Justin" I said

"Sure no problem just give me..........ah there he is now" she said with Justin walking in threw the front doors.

He had a smile on his face when he came in, and I knew it was just for show. He walked up to Zac and gave him a handshake and he did for me too. Its funny though because the one thing I noticed is that the spark me and Justin felt before was no longer there. His hand just felt cold. I shook it off and followed him into the back as we went into the studio.

"So how was your day guys?" he asked as he closed the door

"Good" Zac said

"Okay cut the crap, can we just get on with this?" I asked

"Well I guess that gets to the point. Anyways I have a series of songs and beats for you to chose from" he said

"I don't want those yet. I know what I want right now, and I know you can get the beat off the computer" I said

"What song is that?" he asked

"I want to do Sweet Dreams, by the Eurythmics'' I said

"Good choice, okay go on into the studio and I will pull it up on the computer. I will handle the legal stuff too" he said

"Gee thanks" I said sarcastically walking into the studio.

Now that was a sight to see. Me being in the studio with Zac and Justin sitting next to each other in the control room. I could tell that they wanted to rip each others heads off but I needed Zac for encouragement. I put the headphones on and waiting for Justin to get the beat.

"Okay are you ready J?" Justin asked

"Yeah I am ready"

I seen the recording light come on and I heard the beat of Sweet Dreams start in the headphones......

"Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

I wanna use you and abuse you

I wanna know what's inside you

(Whispering) Hold your head up, movin' on

Keep your head up, movin' on

Hold your head up, movin' on

Keep your head up, movin' on

Hold your head up, movin' on

Keep your head up, movin' on

Movin' on!

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

I'm gonna use you and abuse you

I'm gonna know what's inside

Gonna use you and abuse you

I'm gonna know what's inside you"

I got my breathing back to normal and gave Zac and Justin the thumbs up.

"Dude you did that all on one take" Justin said through the mic "Come into the control room"

I took off the headphones and headed into the control room where Justin did the playback for me. I liked what I heard and immediately ideas for a video started popping into my head. Then I began to think about what Christina had told me at the tribute show. I needed to break out and not get stuck in the kiddy pop genre. It is always a good way to start but if you come into the business like and adult then you will be treated like one. I didn't want to be on teen magazines like Zac was, I wanted to be a serious artist and I knew if I just stuck this out with Justin for now I could get there.

"I think that was amazing" Zac said

"Yeah it was really really good" Justin said

"Okay lets get back in there and let me hear some of those songs you mentioned Justin" I said walking back into the control room.

Later that night Zac and I were at the hotel room celebrating with Jessie, Ashley, and Vanessa. Justin made me a demo disc of all of the songs I recorded, and there were 15 songs with two preludes. Luckily for me I talked Zac into being in one of my preludes and I even got Justin to go in there too. Seeing him wasn't that bad, and I would actually rather be on a better note with him rather then going through a rivalry. Justin told me before we left that he was going to call in some artists to record deuts later and that alone made me really thrilled. But in the mean time I was busy enjoying my album party with my new found friends and Zac of course.

"Dude this is all really really good" Jessie said

"Yeah I really like that you redone sweet dreams" Ashley said

"Thanks you guys, I just can't wait for the album to be released" I said

"What I can't believe is that you got your'e whole album recorded in a day" Zac said

"Yeah who does that. That is almost a record" Vanessa said

"I know, I just wanted to get out of the studio to be honest'' I said

"So when are you going to make a music video?" Jessie asked

"In a couple of days, I have appointments set up" I said

"Thats sweet, are we all invited?" Vanessa asked

"Cha, for sure" I said

"Awesome, anyways. Who wants drinks?" I asked

Everyone put their hands up as both me and Zac got up to grab some drinks. This time I had a plan though. There would be no breaking beer bottles or anything like that, this time it would go smoothly.

"Hey Zac can you grab the drinks my hand is killing me" I said

"Yeah sure no problem" he said opening the fridge and reaching in.

He grabbed some coolers and a beer and put them up on the counter as I was trying to reach a bag of dorito's up in the cupboard.

"Here let me get that" he said reaching up trying to grab the chips.

"Stay here I will get a chair" I said

I grabbed the drinks hopefully noticing that Zac wouldn't catch on about me lying over my hand, and walked them out to the other guys. Then on the way back I grabbed a chair and brought it to Zac. He got up on the chair and got the chips and had a face of success. It was cute and funny but I knew it was all about to change. Just when he went to grab the chair I took his hand and spun him back in my direction and thats when I dropped the bomb.

I quickly leaned in and began kissing him full out and he was more then happy to return the favour. Then I pushed him back on the chair and leaned in and started making out with him even more. I felt his hands wander from my back all the way down to my ass and he gave a good firm squeeze to it. Suddenly I broke the kiss and he looked like he was kissing the air for a second.

"We need a plan to get them out of here" I said

"Okay but what are we going to do?" I asked

"I've got it. Lets tell them we are going to the store so I can get something for my stomach" I said

"You are a genius" he said

"Get ready to give an acadamy award" I said walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey guys I have to go for a bit to the store, are you going to be alright here for a while?" I asked

"Yeah why whats wrong?" Jessie asked

"My stomach is hurting really bad again and I need something for it" I said putting my hand on my tummy

"Are you okay?" Vanessa asked me

"I don't know but Zac is going to drive me quickly" I said

"Okay well be careful" Vanessa said

"Don't worry I didn't drink anything" Zac said grabbing me by the shoulders and helping me towards the door

"Oh man its killing me, we gotta go quick" I said to add some icing to the cake

Me and Zac left the apartment with shit eating grins on our faces. Thats when he decided to openly kiss me in public right outside the door.

"Are you nuts? Someone might see us" I said

"Thats a risk I am willing to take about now'' he said giving me another quick pec on the lips.

I pulled away from him and made him follow me down to his car. We got inside and he started the car up, and after getting on the road my hand was in his and he was kissing it frequently.

"How far is your hotel?" I asked

"Like two minutes away" he said

"Okay lets go there" I said

Zac drove down a couple of blocks and we arrived at his hotel. His place was alot different then mine since it had a huge lobby to go through and some elevators. Mine had outdoor hallways and thats about it. He parked his car in the reserved spot and grabbed his hotel card out of his glove compartment and we went inside. We walked through the lobby and he waved to a few of the workers as they waved back to us. Then we got to the elevator and got inside. I was so tempted to kiss him there but there was a camera in the elevator and I could see that he was feeling the same way.

ding top floor

We got out of the elevator and went down the hall to his penthouse suite. As soon as he could get the door open I jumped him and we started making out hardcore. He threw his keys on the table as I pushed him against it letting him bite my neck, then he kicked his shoes off without parting our kiss and then we fell down on the couch. He was on top of me and he was kissing me and feeling my whole body with his hands. Then his cellphone began to ring.

"Hello?" he answered out of breath

"Hey Zac its Jessie, whats going on man?'' Jessie asked

"I just had to run and get J a few clothes because he is hurling up a storm here" he said as I began to silently kiss him some more

"So is everything alright man?" Jessie asked

"No man he isn't doing too good, I think I will just let him crash here okay" Zac said and then let out a really loud yelp as grabbed his ass

"Whats going on?" Jessie asked

"Oh its bad he just hurled on the floor and yeah I gotta go" Zac said

"Okay but if it gets bad take him to the hospital man" Jessie said and Zac hung up

"That was good" I said

"I know, but this is better" he said throwing his phone on the other side of the room and then diving in to kiss me again

"Lets go in the bedroom, and I gotta use the washroom quickly" I said

"Okay" Zac said getting off of me and letting me go into his room and use his washroom.

I quickly released the call of nature and then gave my face a quick wash with some cold water. I heard a thud out in the room and Zac say 'ouch'.

"You okay?" I yelled

"Yeah I am fine" he said

Then I quickly took off my shorts and t-shirt and was standing there in my white tight boxers. I looked in the mirror for a second and I just knew that this was the time and it was now or never. I turned around and opened the door and Zac was lying there in his glory with no shirt on. He seen me and his jaw almost hit the floor. I slowly walked over to the other side of the room and turned on his iPod stereo and picked out a really good song. Kiss from a Rose by Seal. The I hopped onto the edge of the bed and crawled over to him as he flipped me over and pinned me down.

I could feel his hips grinding into mine as I softly moaned with some pleasure. Of course by now both of us were rock solid but there was one problem. Clothing was still in the way. So I pushed him off of me and he fell back on his butt. Then I crawled and my head was low by his crotch and then slowly licked from his waistline up to his neck and then kissed him as I sat up and began to undo his belt.

The look in his eyes were undescribable but they were amazing, and I felt the same way he did. It was like nature took over and we were doing all of this in silence. I undid his belt and slowly slid his pants off and even his underwear. I didn't even think to look down because I was too focused on kissing him. The room was dim anyways and it wasn't a size competition, I just wanted to be with him. Then I felt him reach back and slowly begin to slide off my boxers and I kicked them off onto the ground.

He had his one hand behind my head as he kissed me deeply and I felt him slowly leaning me back down onto the bed. He was on top of me now and grinding onto me and I felt like I was going to explode. He reached over on the nightable and grabbed a bottle of lubricant that looked like it hadn't been used before. He opened it quickly with his mouth and poured a generous amount into the palm of his hand. He then lowered his hand down to the space between us and he began to rub some of the lube on my back end. And then some on himself. To my suprise it was warming and it felt really really good.

He kissed me quickly again and then stopped and looked down at me. "I am ready" I said quietly. He lowered his body onto mine and felt him trying to enter me. It wasn't working so good so I relaxed and let him push into me a little bit. Maybe about an inch. It was a really sharp pain at first but I could feel myself relaxing as he didn't move in or out but just stayed in the same place. Now I was relaxed and I didn't really feel the pain at all. I let out a few loud moans at first but I was doing my best to mask the fact that it did hurt.

I looked Zac in the eyes and he had this look that I can't even describe. "I want you inside of me" I said

Then he had frowned his eyebrows down a little bit and I began to feel him push into me more. I immediately had one hand above my head holding on to the edge of the bed, squeezing tighty. And my other hand was up around the back of his neck. He then let out some moans as he pushed himself all the way into me slowly. My grip on the edge of the bed increased and my arm was now holding him tightly around his back with my nails nearly digging into him. He burried his face down in the crook of my neck and was kissing and biting my neck as he began to go in and out at a quicker pace.

He then hit a spot inside of me that made my whole body get a chill and a rush of pleasure. I moaned out loudly as this time my nails were scraping off a top layer of skin from his back. He began to go faster and he was biting my neck and letting out short quick moans as I grasped his body while he fucked me. Then he put his head up after a good few minutes and had this look on his very red face. His eyebrows were frowned and his mouth was opened, but I couldn't hear him breath.

Then he gave some short hard thrusts that made the bed shook against the wall, and that was when he came inside of me and I came in between our torso's around the same time. He collapsed on top of me and the both of us were panting heavily. We were both as sweaty as ever and out of breath hardcore. He managed to get some strength to lift his head to kiss me gently. Then he collapsed back down over my shoulder.

We layed there in quietly as the music was just coming to an end. Just as it ended before changing to another song he quielty said.......

"I love you''


OH wha bam! how was that guys? I hope this chapter did the trick and I would really love to hear some more feedback.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

P.S: There is a teaser below this........

Next time on the Surreal Uprising.........

'I walked into the room and he looked up at me.

"How could you do this to me? I loved you" he said beginning to cry

"I'm sorry, but we are over" I said walking out

Next: Chapter 7

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