Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Nov 1, 2008



+++Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. . This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

I do not own any of the songs in this story unless stated otherwise by me. There will be this thing that I want to start called the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack....feel free to download any of these songs to get a better listen to them and make sure you check the bottom of the page to find out more about the music.

I want to make this cool for the readers so if you....the reader....can think of any other cool idea's like the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack please let me know.

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 18:

By J.J

'Welcome to Edmonton International Airport" the stuardess said to me and Jessie as we walked off the plane

"Thanks" I said walking by

"Yeah, what he said" Jessie said not looking too good as we walked towards the baggage claim

"Dude you are a celebrity and you always travel, how are you sick?" I asked smiling

"I hate flying" he said putting his shades on over his face and his ballcap on

"Aww poor baby" I said

"So where do we get our bags?" he asked

"Uhm where everyone else gets their bags" I said laughing a bit "So much for you travelling'' I said

"I am used too my bags being brought to me" he said matter of factly

"Oh well, welcome to the real world. You think its bad now, just wait until we get into the wilderness" I said smiling

"Yay" he said over sarcastically

"Oh lighten up" I said as we rounded the corner to the baggage area

I looked up at the clock that showed expected baggage wait. It read five minutes. Not so good when Jessie was already impatient. So I walked over to him since he decided to flop right down on a chair and wait.

"Jessie, I have a propositon for you" I said

"Oh yeah and whats that?" he asked

"Well why don't you go and rent us a car, while I wait for baggage. Its going to take about five minutes" I said

"Okay sure" he said standing up with a smile on his face

"Alright, so uhm" I said looking around then spotting the direction of the car rentals "Its just down through those doors" I said pointing to the doors.

"Sweet, alright. Be right back" he said as he walked in that direction

"Okay then" I said to myself.

I stood there for at least a good five minutes, and by five I mean ten. I wasn't too thrilled, but unlike Jessie I wasn't wearing a baseball cap, let alone any shades. To be honest that would make you stand out even more, wouldn't it? But regardless of standing out or not I was getting looks from some people. As if maybe, but not, or could it be kinda looks. I just minded my own business though but it didn't last for very long......

"Jessie Jordan?" someone asked as they approached me

"Yes?" I asked

"Hi, I have a message for you that your ride is outside and waiting" the man said as I seen my bag and Jessie's coming

"Great thanks" I said grabbing on to mine.

When I got a hold of Jessie's I was so relieved. I thought it was going to be some sort of public swarm. Really this was an escape to be away from all the madness. I began to walk out the front revolving doors and stepped outside trying to find Jessie. Then I heard a honk from behind.

'Oh no he didn't' I thought as I walked up and noticed it was him in the drivers seat.....'Oh yes he did' I thought feeling totally defeated.

The back gate opened and I through the bags inside and then walked up to the passenger's side and got in the front.

"An Escalade Jessie? Its not all too practical" I said

"Yes it is. Navigation system, DVD player, heated seats and pretty much everything else you can dream of" he said

"Do you always go over the top?" I asked kind of annoyed as I seen his smile disappeared

"If it makes you feel any better........its a hybrid'' he said putting the jewel of suv's in drive and out of the airport.

"So the city wasn't all so bad'' he said taking a sip of his Wendy's pop as I drove rolling my eyes

"Well when we get there the whole technological crap is out the window" I said

"I didn't even want to come but you made me" he said sounding kinda angry

"What? I certainly did not, you didn't have to come with me" I said getting angry

"Listen to us. We sound like a couple" he said quietly

"And this is exactly the reason why we aren't one" I said angrily

"Sorry.....geesh" he said "God, do these tree's ever end?" he asked as we drove through the mountains just minutes away from our destination

" they don't" I said

"I can't wait. Probably going to be a nice big log cabin, maybe a pool. Hey do you think there will be a resturant on the property?" he asked

"Haha uhm I don't think there will be a resturant. But I am sure everything will be just perfect" I said now lightening up since I knew what was in store.

We pulled up to the road and there was a side gravel parking area and pretty much the rest of the way down was a trail. I got out and grabbed the bags and handed Jessie his as he got out and looked up at the mountains in awe.

"Is this like a valet parking spot or something like that?" he asked and he seemed serious

"Uhm you could say so" I said putting my bag over my back as he did the same and began following me

"We are going down a trail? Why are we going down a trail? And where did the stone path go? Now its just packed dirt" he said

"You ask to many questions" I said as I kept walking

"Are you mad at me?" he asked trying to keep up

"Yeah you could say so" I said not stopping nor looking back

"Why?" he asked

"Because this is all just supposed to be a getaway and we are stuck with an escalade, and dreams of a fancy log cabin" I said

"I'm sorry about the escalade. But wait, what do you mean dreams of a log cabin?'' he asked and I didn't answer "Jay?" he called

I just kept walking and I ignored him the whole way through. Which turned out to be a thirty minute walk through trails and trees with only small signs guiding us to our destination. When we got there I was so relieved. It wasn't exactly the way I pictured it was going to be. Turned out the 'five star' sleeping accomodations was just a small shack sort of thing, and there was a fairly big tree house thing on the lot in a huge red wood tree.

'Oh lord' I thought when I looked back and seen Jessie's face

"This is it?" he asked

"I imagine so. Its beautiful out here" I said taking in the sight of a big hill leading to a valley with a huge river running through it.

"We are sleeping here?" he asked

"Hey well, its not a tent and from what I can see there is nobody else around" I said

"Yeah so nobody can hear you scream" he said

"Oh come on its just for the weekend" I said

"Ugh I can't believe we are just in the bare woods" he said

"Come on, you will like it" I said

"Sure, what the heck is the tree house for?" he asked

"I don't know but lets see what the place looks like" I said walking over to the shack.

I walked over and sure enough the key that I had opened the door. Inside seemed old but clean, but stale at the same time. There was a little table in the one and only room that was there and a little bed in the corner underneath a small window. On the bright side there was a back door that opened to show the beautiful view in the valley. I threw my bag on the bed as Jessie did the same.

"One bed huh? I like where this is going" Jessie said with a smirk

"Haha funny" I said walking out the back door noticing a small chest that had dishes inside.

'This is an escape alright' I thought

"So what do we do now?" he asked

"Whatever you want. We can hike, go fishing, uhm check out the river or something" I said

"Hhm I am kinda tired. Hey what are those other keys on the ring?" he asked checking out the key ring.

"I don't know, I guess we will find out. There must be something else out here" I said

''Well lets check it out then" he said

"I thought you were tired?" I asked smiling

"Nah, if I can find something better around here I will gladly stay awake" he said

"Are you sure? Do you think you will be able to keep up?" I asked

"Oh yeah not a problem" he said

"Oh would you please slow down or wait up for me?" Jessie called as he tried to keep up on the trail behind me.

"Thought you said you could keep up" I said as I stopped for a second while he caught his breath

"I lied. Man this is torture" he said

"What? There is so much to explore and so much to do. Its fun" I said

"You have a wierd sense of entertainment" he said

"So, at least its peaceful" I said

"Ya thats true" he said

"So wanna keep going?" I asked

"No, can we rest for a minute?" he asked

"Alright sure, we have been gone for well over two hours" I said

"Good, I am going to sit right here" he said walking over and sitting on a huge rock.

Then I looked behind him and I seen the coolest thing standing right there.

"Jessie don't move" I said trying to freak him out

"What? Shit, is it a bear or something?" he asked quietly

"Just turn around and don't make eye contact" I said

"Oh my god" he said kinda freaking and then he looked back.

The look he gave me was so priceless. It was making me laugh but I tried to stay as still as possible so that the three deer standing not even twenty feet away from us didn't take off. I slowly walked over to Jessie and sat on the stone next to him. I reached into my small bag that I brought and pulled out a bag of baby carrots.

"What are you doing?" he asked quietly

"I am going to try and feed one" I said

"Are you crazy, then what are we supposed to eat?" he asked

"Oh relax there is a ton of food back at the shed" I said

"If you say so" he said

I opened the bag of carrots and threw one on the ground infront of the deer. Two of them got spooked but the younger looking one sniff the carrot and ended up eating it. So I dumped the bag out on the ground infront of the stone and the baby came and started eating some then off course Jessie's foot slipped and spooked it away.

"Well that was cool" he said

"Yeah it was, I didn't think we would see anything our first day" I said

"Neither did I" he said then I heard his tummy growl

"You must be hungry" I said

"Yeah I am starving, can you make me something'?" he asked

"Yeah sure lets get back" I said standing up giving him a hand.

We began to walk back towards camp and it was sure going to be a long hike. On the way back there was a raspberry bush that I decided to ransack so we could have a little snack on the way back. It was pretty late in the year and I think had it been a couple weeks from now it would be really cold. I mean during the middle of the day both Jessie and I had pullovers on.

Anyways we were coming around the corner towards camp and I seen that the back door was open to the shack.

"Jessie did you leave the door open?" I asked

"Yeah I must have, sorry about that'' he said

"Meh no worries, I had all of the food put inside the cupb...." I stopped as I heard something from inside of the shack

"Whats that?" he asked

"I don't know'' I said moving closer.

"Don't get too close'' Jessie said as I crept even closer and peered my head in the door to see a big brown bear with its head in our backpack eating the food.

"What is it?" Jessie asked as I seen the bear take its head out and look back at me.

"Run!" I yelled as I booked it away from the door and towards the tree house

"Why?, ah shit!" he yelled as the bear came and stuck it's body out the door and playfully ran after us.

"Oh shit oh shit" I yelled as I began to climb the ladder up the tree house with Jessie literally pushing me up from behind.

''Jesus!" he yelled as I pushed the floor entrance door open and climbed inside with him right behind me.

Now that was the wrong thing to do. Running away from a bear, that is. Apparently you are either supposed to make yourself look bigger or play dead or yell or something. Well there was no fucking way I was going to attempt any of those. That bear was huge and the tree house was a small sprint away. I looked over at Jessie and he was just laying there on the floor laughing.

"What the hell is so funny?" I asked out of breathe.

"Oh nothing, just how you tried to trick me earlier into thinking there was a bear, and lone behold you got spooked by one after all'' he said laughing

"I don't find it funny at all actually, because that fucker ate our food, and just incase you haven't noticed we are now stuck in the tree house and the vehicle is a good half hour away" I said

"Well then lets call somebody" Jessie said pulling his cell out of his pocket

"No use" I said simply

"Damn no service" he said

"Told ya" I said then I looked down the tree house entrance to see the bear was still there looking up. "Oh he is just a little guy" I said

"What he isn't little, he was big" Jessie said

"No I mean he wasn't an adult. He probably was just going to play with us" I said

"Yeah and tear us apart" Jessie said

"He isn't even smart enough to climb up here to get us" I said

"Well maybe we can spook him or something" Jessie said as he got up and started yelling down the entrance at the bear.

Of course the thing didn't budge an inch. It in fact ended up laying down at the bottom of the ladder and passing out.

"Just great" I said.


"So I guess we know what the tree house was for" Jessie said as he laid back against the wall.

"Yeah" I said trying not to bump my head on the four foot high ceiling.

"So what to do now?" he asked sarcastically

''Jessie stop. I am tired and it is cold" I said

"Well then why don't you lay down?'' he asked

"Because I am going to wait until that fucker moves and then I am booking it out of here" I said

"Now you want to leave?" he asked

"Yeah I do. This is totally not what I thought it was going to be and it actually ended up turning out horrible'' I said

"Hey hey don't be so hard on yourself, its not your fault" he said

"Yeah actually it is. Its all my fault, but thanks for trying" I said laughing a little bit.

"Fuck, we better not end up like one of those movies where the guys are trapped in the woods or anything" he said

"Haha no that won't be happening" I said

"Good" he said

"Well its too bad we couldn't bring the much more appreciated escalade closer" I said

"Now your thanking me?" he asked as I sat next to him

"In a different way....ya" I said laughing

"Hmm is that fucker still under the ladder?" he asked

"Yeah" I said as I peeked down the entrance "He must have gotten sick or something from the junk food I packed" I said

"Good serves him right" Jessie said as I stopped to look out the small window. "What are you looking at?" he asked

"The there are so many" I said as Jessie sat up on his knees and looked out the window

"Wow, your right. Its beautiful" he said

"So I am guessing we might stay up all night" I said

"Why?" he asked

"Because that bastard might come up the ladder and tear us to shreds while we are sleeping" I said trying to sound convincing as possible.

Jessie gulped

"Haha, no I was just joking" I said

"Good don't scare me like that'' he said

"I won't but I am going to sleep" I said as I just laid back on the floor and turned to the one side.

"Okay good night" Jessie said

"Yeah'' I said as I yawned

I just stared at the wall and all I could think about was how horribly wrong this retreat was going, and how my countless efforts were not making it any better. I could tell that Jessie didn't want to be there from the start and now I felt even worse then before. Then Zac began to pop into my head and everything just built up on me. Living in fear of Justin, having to deal with the public and the whole gay thing, then the break up with Zac and the encounter, and now I am with Jessie in the Rocky Mountains having the worst time ever. And to top it all off I am starting to get feelings for Jessie.

As you can guess......oh yeah.......the fireworks just burst out.

"Hey, hey whats wrong?" Jessie asked putting his hand on my shoulder while I stayed facing the other way.

"Everything" I said between sobs

"What do you mean everything?" he asked

"Well, there is the whole stupid Zac thing.....sniff sniff......And now the public digging into my life every second, and then Justin" I said

"Wait, what? What do you mean Justin?" he asked sounding kind of pissed

"He told me....sniffs he would totally ruin me. And lets not get started on my family" I said with the fakest laugh ever.

"Shhh....." he said rubbing my shoulder "Everything will be fine. I won't let anything ever happen to you" he said putting an arm around me and spooning up behind me.

"Thank you Jessie" I said sniffling

"No problem" he said...............awkward silence.........."Hey at least we weren't eaten by a bear. That would have been a bad one to add to that list" he said

"Ha ha.....sniff.......your too much" I said as I rested my head on his arm while his other drapped over me holding me ever so tightly.

"Jay? Jay?" Jessie said shaking me lightly out of my sleep

"What? No, I don't want to go to work today" I said half asleep

"I think he is gone" he said

"Who?" I asked as I sat up and realized where we were.

"That bear. We should make a break for the truck" he said

"Okay" I said sitting up while Jessie laughed a bit

"Dude...." he said

"What?" I asked

"You totally need to get to a bathroom, you look like a bushman" he said as I felt my hair was a mess.

"Pssh, at least I am sexy no matter what" I said smiling with my eyes half open.

"Okay, lets make a break for it" he said as I got up and followed him down the ladder

I walked over to the house, shack thingy, with Jessie and took a careful peek inside.......empty......good.......Then I salvaged whatever we had left. Mostly wallets some clothes, and the keys to the place. The bastard bear even managed to wreck the case of beer that we had....possibly explaining why he was acting so wierd and passed out for so long.....drunk.

Moving quickly I followed Jessie out the front and made sure the doors where locked. Then we started the long walk back to the truck. Mostly talking about random things, like the 'what would you do if' kinda stuff, and the 'if you had to chose to sleep with one' thing. It wasn't the most pleasant conversation but it was pretty much all we had at the time. Finally, with a much shorter walk this time, since we were in a hurry, we made it to the escalade. I threw the torn up bags into the back seats and relaxed in the front and passed out.

"Hey, wake up" Jessie said shaking me a little bit.

"Huh?" I asked sitting up

"We're here" he said

"Where is here?" I asked rubbing my eyes as I noticed we were driving through a city

"Edmonton" he said

"Holy shit, how long have I been out for?" I asked

"About four hours but that doesn't matter now. What do you want to eat?" he asked

"Uhm it doesn't matter, you can pick" I said

"Okay good" he said signalling into the Olive Garden parking lot.

I wasn't exactly dressed good enough, let alone looked good enough to go out in public. But none the less we ended up sitting down and eating anways. I had some fancy fettucini while Jessie had some sort of stuffed mushroom pasta or something. Yeah sure the food was good and all but it just felt wierd eating alone with Jessie out somewhere.

Yeah we lived together and stuff and I cooked for him all the time, but this wasn't the same. Then it all sorta hit me. I was living with him, cooking for him, cleaning, going out to dinner, and now we were on a vacation together. I was probably really blind to not realize what was going on. Were we kinda dating without knowing it? Good lord........

"So uhm Jessie?" I asked

"Yeah?" he asked as he put another mushroom in his mouth

"So, uhm. I've been thinking and well.....uhm" I said trying to find the right words to say

"What are you thinking about?" he asked

"Uhm, nothing.....Never mind" I said

"No, now you have to tell me. You can't just start something and leave me hanging like that" he said smiling

"Okay, well.....we are cool right?" I asked

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be cool. Everything is going great" he said not realizing what I was thinking

"Alright thats good. But uhm have you met or....well.....are you thinking about dating anyone?" I asked

"Uhm no not really. Just haven't even been looking" he said

"Oh" I said

"Why did you ask that?" he asked

"I don't know. Just wondering how you were doing and stuff'' I said

"Well that would be a first" he said smiling making me feel kind of bad "What about you?" he asked throwing me off guard

"Me.....ha.....well it has never crossed my mind" I said "Check please'' I said to the waiter as he walked by

"Is everything ok?" Jessie asked

"Yeah.....great" I said finishing off my clamato juice

As soon as Jessie was done eating his food I put some cash in with the check and left a decent tip at the table. Then we both got up and headed outside to the escalade.

"What do you want to do now?" Jessie asked

"Lets go out clubbing" I said

"You aren't old enough" Jessie said as we both go into the vehicle.

"Yeah but I can get in. I am almost eighteen and I have a few tricks up my sleeve'' I said

"Oh yeah, like what?" he asked

"Well first we need to hit a clothing store, and then I need stuff to do my hair" I said

"Wow, alright then'' he said driving off towards the nearest mall.

After a good half an hour shopping at hollister I found the perfect outfit. There was a nice pair of stonewashed jeans with the rips in all the right places and a nice tight while hollister pollo shirt. And just for kicks I went to a place called Dragon FX and got my eyebrow pierced with a small barbell with two small spikes on the ends. Then I ran over to a local walmart and grabbed some got2b hair products and did my hair in the escalade.

"Wow" Jessie said

"Wow what?" I asked

" ya you just look good'' he said

"Well thanks, so do you" I said to him

"Thanks" he said as he just changed into a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt

"So are you excited to go to a gay nightclub?" I asked

"What? Thats where we are going?" he asked

"Ch'yeah. I heard the normal clubs out here are so melodramatic" I said

"Whatever you say" he said begining to drive towards downtown edmonton.

"Hey man, its all good. All kinds of people go to the gay clubs" I said

"You sound like you know all of this from experience" he said

"I don't, but come on. Don't you watch any movies?" I said smiling.

"So what is the club called mr expert?" he asked

"Its called Play and its central downtown" I said

"Geesh, did you live here before?" he asked

"No, mapquest duh'' I said laughing.

"Alright then".....

We drove for a good ten minutes through traffic and made it to downtown. Now since parking was retarded I found a multi level parking place and we parked up on the second floor. Then we walked maybe a city block to get to the club. There was a huge line up and of course, as expected, a bunch of people recognized me, but not too many knew who Jessie was, and that didn't make him too happy, but it made me laugh.

"Hey hot stuff" I said walking by the bouncer

''Hows it going?" the bouncer asked as he called us up to the front of the line

"Not too bad you?" I asked turning around with Jessie in toe

"Oh great night. So what brings you here?" he asked as Jessie was standing behind me looking kind of nervous.

"Hhm, I don't know. Probably the fact that this is the hottest spot in Edmonton, and well.....hhm.....I just want to have fun'' I said

"Well.....uhm.......gosh.....okay" he said

"And if you keep this quiet I will make sure I leave you a......hhm......good tip" I said as I ran my hand down his chest.

"Su....sure....Okay, welcome to Play" he said "Now, they wont i.d you in there because you made it past me. And I will cover for you" he said quietly

"Thanks stud" I said as I touched his shoulder as Jessie and I walked past him.

"Dude" Jessie said

"I know" I said smiling

"Your good" he said

"One of the many things I am good at" I said

"Well now, this place is happening" Jessie said as we turned a corner to see a whole bunch of people dancing and having a great time.

"I told you so" I said

"So ground rules" Jessie said stopping me dead in my track like when you scratch a record off the table

"Uhm, okay?" I asked kinda confused

"Anyone is fair game?" Jessie asked

"Whatever you want. I don't plan on hooking up with anyone but if you do, well then props to you" I said

"Sweet" Jessie said as he was eye balling some high class looking young guys walking by....pssh snotty bitches

"Alright, well what do you want?" I asked snapping him out of it

"That one over there" he said pointing to a young guy serving shooters on a tray in only his underwear.

"I meant a drink" I said

"Oh" he said smiling "Whatever you want to get me" he said

"Alright then" I said looking over to the bar to see the hottest bartender ever working. "I will be back, just stay here" I said

"Alright" he said

I began to walk over towards the bar and thats when more and more people started to notice me. They didn't say anything though. Either they were too in shock, or they were just eye balling me. Well those were the guys that checked me out with their boyfriends giving me dirty looks. Anyways the bartender basically dropped what he was doing and came over to serve me.

"What can I get for ya?" he asked all sexily

"Yeah, can I get a Coors light and a gin and tonic" I said

"Sure thing" he said doing his fancy hand work making me my drink and then passing me Jessie's

"There you go" he said

"Thanks, how much do I owe you?" I asked in a husky tone

"Don't worry its on the house" he said

"Thanks" I said grabbing the drinks

"Oh your welcome" he said as I turned and walked back to Jessie

"There you go" I said handing him the beer

"Thanks, wow bar tender like you much?" he asked in a matter of factly tone

"Ooh someone sounds jealous" I said

"I am not jealous. Fair game remember" he said

"Yeah sure, lets just see if you follow through with that one" I said taking a sip of my drink.

We moved our way more into the club and found a nice table to sit at, but the sitting didn't last for very long. I had about five more gin and tonics and I was up and dancing away. Jessie on the other hand was conversating with some people who looked a little nerdy. I actually kinda felt bad for him. That was until I met this guy named Ryan. Oh so sexy. Tall, muscular, brown hair, blue eyes........damn.....and a golden tan to match.......drools. Ryan ended up buying me a few more drinks and thats when I noticed a smaller guy, around my size walk by me and give me a dirty look.

I wont lie. The little guy was fine, but definately not my type. Stuck up gold digging bitch pretty much summed it all up. I just ignored it and danced some more with Ryan and some other guys, that was until I looked over to see how Jessie was doing and thats when I seen the bitch sitting at the table talking to him. The most disturbing part was that his hand was rested on the other guy's leg.

..............hold up.........

Was I jealous? I didn't really know, but I sure was getting pissed off. I looked around the dance floor to make some sort of distraction and thats when I seen the prize. A couple of cages and a three poles to dance on.

"Ryan, I will be back okay" I said

"Where are you going?" he asked putting his hands around my waist

"Don't worry, I will be back" I said trailing my hand down his ripped chest.

"Alright then hot stuff" he said

I walked over to the other side of the dance floor. Actually walking was an understatement. I pushed my way through and I made it to the Dj's stand. I went up the little steps and got his attention..

"Hey you got good tunes handy?" I asked

"Ya, sure do. Why you gonna sing something for us?" he asked

"No just wanna dance" I said

"Take a browse" he said moving out of the way letting me infront of his laptop.

I browsed for a couple seconds and I found the song I wanted.

"Okay, found one" I said

"Alright, so two songs after this and yours is on" he said

"Thanks" I said

"Sounds good" he said handing me the mic.

"Thanks" I said getting down and moving back towards the dancing stand.

"Hey" I said to two sexy young guys

"Yeah" one of them said

"You guys use a stripper pole?" I asked

"Hells ya" the other said

"Good, come up and dance with me to my song" I said

"Sweet'' one of them said

I noticed that Ryan guy practically groping another guy while they made out on the floor......figures.....Then I moved towards the pole and me and the other guys danced for the next couple of songs. Nearing the end of the second song, Bounce with me, I got ready to get up there.

I told the two guys the song was coming up right away, so while the lights were dim we all got up to the each. Then the lights became brighter with a redish glow and thats when the song started and people started looking over.

It was Marylin Manson's cover of Tainted Love........oh yeah the rock version.

It started out with the three of us on seperate poles. Basically all we were doing in the beginning was dancing around them. But then as soon as the verse started thats when I slowly took off my shirt and the club was going crazy. Then the other two guys came over to my pole and I took off both of their shirts for them.....oh my god they were built.....Then with my back against the pole I went down low two the ground so I was on my knees.

I put my face close to their crotch one at a time and undid their belts and pulled them out with one quick pull. Then I stood back up with one was infront of me on his knees undoing my belt while the other was behind me with his face in the crook of my neck while his hands roamed across my chest. I could hear the DJ say "WHOA!!!" over the mic. Then as I pulled out the belts, the guy on his knees did the same to me, and as he stood up and moved out of the way the other undid my button on my jeans and pulled them down just past my waist. Oh lordy the club was freaking out.

I looked over and I could see that Jessie was either stunned or in a trance. The guy he was talking to looked like he was trying to snap Jessie out of it but he wouldn't even look away from me..... mission accomplished. To stir things up a bit I pushed the one guy down on his back and grabbed a drink from someone off to the side. I took a big gulp of was harsh.....then with a smile on my face I pulled my pants all the way down and poured some of the drink onto the guy's chest and lowered my self and crawled on top of him while I licked the body shot off of him making some people scream like crazy.

Then the three of us got up on the pole and danced around it. If I was watching myself do this I would definately be hard, and to make things harder one of the guys grabbed a pitcher of water and slowly dumped it over my head. Thank god the underwear were black. I was shocked for a second but I realised.....who wouldn't like a young guy all wet dancing on a stripper pole in a gay club? So being wet and all, I decided to grind in between the two guys while I had my eyes on Jessie the whole time, who still had the same facial expression.....

When the song had ended I gave the guys a quick hug and gave them a smack on the ass. Then I gathered my clothes, and put my pants back on. Then when I got back to the table, the guy that was trying to get down Jessie's pants was leaving and I looked at him and giggle and said "Ah bye bye", then said "Bitch" under my breath loud enough for him to hear me, then I sat down next to Jessie.

"That was awesome" he said

"I know eh." I said taking a sip of Jessie's beer feeling the buzz kicking in "Say....Jessie.." I said

"Yeah?" he asked leaning in closer so he could hear me.

"I am really tired.....we should get outta here" I said with a smile on my face that he didn't notice since I said it into his ear.

"Okay sure" he said getting up.

When I got up I put my shirt on and I made sure I acted a little drunker then I was so I had an excuse to put my arm around Jessie's

"You okay?" he asked

"Oh yeah....fine" I said as I waved goodbye to the bartender.

We left the bar and Jessie flagged down a taxi, since we were both incapacitated to drive. Through the taxi ride back it was quiet. Both Jessie and I kept looking out the window and when we would look at each other we would both smile. Thats when I noticed he was pretty drunk, well ya.....drunk.

"We need to find a hotel" he said

"Not a problem" The cabby said

"A nice one too, I mean like five star'' I said

"Easy goes it" Jessie said

"Not a problem" the cabby said

Thats when I noticed Jessie's hand on my thigh. I didn't move it or anything. I kinda just looked at it and was like 'oh shit. I didn't know that was there...oh well' sorta deal. Luckily within a couple of minutes the cabby found a hotel. I can't remember what it was called but all I know is that they issued us two different card keys. Walking through the big lobby I snuck a glance at Jessie's card and noticed his was a different room number.

Not Good.

We got in the elevator and headed our way up to the top floor...........What is it with celebrities and top floors?.........Anyways when we got to our different room doors we kinda stopped. Jessie had put his car key in but never opened the door. I had my door opened already a bit but I looked over to see Jessie just looking at fell for the bait.

Whoa hold up? Was I going to have sex with Jessie? Did I want to? Holy shit, I got feelings for him, and I falling hard. WTF man. There was no way I had this little game going this far and that I was actually going to do it.

So.....I guessed wrong. Jessie ended up coming closer to me and I pulled on his shirt and pulled him into me while we kissed deeply in the hallway. I could taste the liquor on him and it wasn't pleasant, but what do I know? I am just a horny teenager. Jessie ended up pushing so hard into me, we ended up kinda falling into the room with me on top of him.

I got up and so did Jessie and our lips never disconnected. That was until I took his shirt off and he took mine off. He then pushed me on the bed and undid my pants while he was on top of me kissing me and biting my neck. I then reached down and got a hold of his pants and undid them and as he was trying to pull my pants down, my hands were already going underneath his underwear grabbing his ass while I slid his pants down.

And the one thing about liquor that I am sure everyone knows about is..................The rest was pretty much a hot sexy dirty mess. Tossing and turning, rolling pushing. From the bed to the floor, back to the bed, and back on the floor. Doggy style to cowboy, sixty nine to missionary. Hands intertwined as the others are squeezing the bed for dear life, and the occasional back grab or scratch. Hot sweaty aggressive sex..........mmhhhmmm......and the shitty part about liquor is that you tend to pass out right after from all that hard work with barely an recollection of what just happened.

To say the least the next morning was kind of bad. Actually thats a bit of an understatement. When I woke up I felt great. Just peachy. That was until I rolled over and seen Jessie just staring at the ceiling with a horrified look on his face. It didn't hit me, I didn't know why I was in bed with Jessie. That was until the events from the previous night came slamming right back into my not a dream, because when I looked under the sheets I was naked. And so was Jessie and the bed just stunk of sex. As if the nearly destroyed room wasn't enough to give me a sign right?

Instinctively I grabbed the bed sheet and kinda rolled off the bed with the sheet wrapped around me. I sat in the corner next to the bed and just looked at Jessie, who had quickly covered his groin area with one of the pillows. I began searching the room for a sign, any sign....and there wasn't.....not one condom anywhere. Fuck!

"Oh my god" I said

"Yeah" Jessie said just staring at me.

"Did we?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"You sure?" I asked hopefully

"Yeah I'm sure" he said

"Oh no" I said slapping my forehead

"What?" he asked kinda scared

"We actually did it" I said

'"What? Was it bad?" he asked

"No no....just nevermind" I said standing up with the bed sheets still wrapped around me

"Oh okay" he said just nodding with the most scared look on his face.

"I mean.....ugh" I said sounding defeated

"I don't know why I did it. I like girls, oh my god why did I do that?" he asked to himself as I picked up some of my clothes off the ground

"I don't know" I said sounding kinda pissed now

"All I remember was I was talking to this one guy, and he was nice and all but he wanted sex and I wasn't comfortable with it. Then you started dancing up there and looking over, and took your clothes off and dear god" he said putting his hands on his head as I threw a bed sheet on him and put my underwear on quickly before he could look.

''Oh my god" I said

"What?" he asked looking like he was about to cry

"I am so stupid. Fucking stupid!" I yelled

"Why are you yelling?" he asked

"Because stupid me, having a good time and getting jealous and all when I seen you with that guy, stupid fucking me having feelings for you and actually thinking it would work out, then.....oh look at me....I am Jesse Jordan, I think I'm so hot so I am going get up and strip to get your attention....fuckinhg stupid idiot!" I yelled at myself

"You what?" Jessie asked looking scared as I just realised what I blurted out.


So what did you think? I know eh? This chapter is all over the place. But hey its up to you, the reader, to tell me what you thought of it all. So lemme hear your feedback. Don't be shy I wanna know whats on your mind.....Next chapter is coming soon

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~Surreal Uprising Soundtrack~

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