Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Apr 14, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy..........

Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy....

The Surreal Life Chapter 7:

By J.J

I woke up the next morning to silence. My eyes opened slightly trying to adjust to the light that was entering the room. With the white sheets and white walls, the room was very bright. I lifted my arms up and rubbed my eyes. I relaxed my body and thats when I felt Zac's behind me, and his arm draped over my side.

"Good morning" he said

"Good morning" I said back "You been awake long?" I asked

"Yup" he said

"How long?" I asked

"About half an hour" he said

I rolled over and he was now propped up on one arm staring at me with a gorgeous smile, and I had to say.....some pretty messed up hair. It made me giggle a little bit, but he stopped me when he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I flopped back over on my back and stared at the ceiling. For some reason my mind went into panick mode when the events of last night suddenly flashed through my head.

"Are you ok?" he asked me

"Yeah I am fine" I lied flashing a fake smile

''Are you sure?" he asked

"Oh yeah I am fine" I said leaning over and grabbing my boxers off the floor.

I sat up without the covers falling off my lower half and I put them on. I then stood up and made my way into the washroom without saying anything to Zac. I got in and I shut the door and locked it. Obviously he knew something was wrong with me, but then again I didn't even know what it was. I went over to the sink and washed my face in cold water. I stared long and hard at myself in the mirror. But the person looking back at me wasn't the same.

I quickly turned on the shower and did a record speed wash. I hopped out and put my boxers back on and went out into the room. Zac wasn't there though so I grabbed my clothes and put them on quickly. I went out into the living room and took a look around and Zac wasn't there. So I peaked into his kitchen and he wasn't there either. I had to say though that his hotel room was huge. So I made my way back out into the living room and grabbed my shoes off the floor and put them on. Without looking back or thinking I left the room and made my way out of the hotel through the lobby.

The morning air was a little bit colder then I expected, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I began walking back up the street to where my hotel was and all I could do was pray to god that there were no paparazzi out there. On my way back to my hotel so many things where running through my head. I seemed to have lost who I really was, and if that's what losing virginity is all about, then it is far over rated. I kicked a couple of rocks on the side of the road while I kept my head down walking.

Shortly I made it back to my hotel and I was making my way up the stairs to my room when I bumped into Jessie coming down the stairs.

"There you are" he said to me

"Yeah, my room is here" I said trying not to make a scene

"Zac just called me and said you left without saying anything" he said

I just walked past Jessie and began making my way up the stairs with him right behind me.

"Whats wrong with you?" he asked

"Nothing okay" I said as I made it to my hallway and got to my door.

"Somethings gotta be wrong" he said

''No there isn't anything wrong ok!" I yelled as I hit my door.

I stopped and stared at the door for a minute and thats when all hell broke loose. I felt the first tear fall and then the rest came naturally. I felt Jessie put his hand on my shoulder and he turned me around to look at him. I couldn't even look him in the eye but he caught me before I could slide down on to the ground and begin balling. I felt him tighten his grip and pull me into a really tight hug.

"It's okay" he said to me rubbing the back of my head as I cried

''No its not" I said between breathes.

"Lets go inside and you can tell me what happened" he said

He let me go and held my shoulders as I looked at him and nodded 'okay'. We went inside of the room and I flopped down on the couch. Jessie walked into the kitchen a grabbed me a bottle of water and some tissue. He handed them to me and then sat down on the couch across from me. I didn't say anything for a minute but I just couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I did something really stupid last night" I said

"What did you do?" he asked

"I don't really want to get into details, but lets just say I let something go" I said

"Whoa wait what? You don't want to see Zac anymore?" he asked

"No thats not it" I said feeling another tear trying to break free

"Wait a minute, you were sick yesterday" he said

"No I wasn't. That was all made up" I said

"So you lied about being sick, and so did Zac. Wait that means" He said putting his hand over his mouth

"Yeah I know" I said

"You guys had sex?" he asked

"It was so stupid. I was so stupid. What did I do?" I said to myself

"Wait your a virgin?" he asked

"I was" I said sounding defeated

"Well its not that bad" he said

"I know but I went into panic mode" I said

"Why?" he asked

"I don't know. I just didn't seem right to me" I said

"Dude, I think you need to think this over and talk to Zac at least'' he said

"Yeah I know" I said

"So what are you waiting for?'' he asked

"Your right'' I said

I grabbed my cellphone out of my pocket and dialed Zac's number, and oh boy did he ever answer quickly.

"Hello?'' he sounded scared

"Hey its me" I said

"Where are you? Are you okay?" he asked

"Yeah I am fine, and I am at my room with Jessie" I said

"Okay I am on my way over'' he said

"Okay" I said and hung up

"See that was easy'' Jessie said making me crack a smile

"God I was such an idiot" I said

"Well I am not going to agree with you on that one, but I can say its not all that bad" he said

"Yeah I know. I think I know why I panicked" I said

"Why's that?" he asked

"Because after we were, ya know done. Well Zac said he loved me" I said

"What!" Jessie yelled standing up

"Is that bad thing?" I asked kinda nervously

"No not at all!" he yelled again "Dude this is amazing! I knew this was going to happen'' he said

"You did?" I asked

''Yeah, it's like you guys were meant to be together or something! I could feel it!" Jessie said clapping his hands and sitting down

"You are too much" I said laughing a bit

"I know but as soon as you guys start dating, then well you are my lil bro" he said

"I am so honored" I said sarcastically

"Well anyways since he is on his way here I am going to go and leave you two alone" he said getting up to the door

"Alright then" I said

"And play nice" he said

"Oh shut up, I aint going to do anything" I said

"Okay what ever you say" he said sarcastically after he left.

I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom and washed my face since I really looked like crap. Then I ran into my room and changed quickly into a pair of Jeans a white plain t-shirt. And after about five minutes of sitting on the couch listening to my demo tape I heard a knock at the door. I got up and put a smile on my face and answered the door. Without even thinking I opened my mouth to talk.

"I am really glad to see you" I said then I looked up

"Oh really now, that would be a first" Justin said to me

"I thought you were someone else" I said

"Zac right?" he asked "Anyways I need you to come with me, we have a meeting to attend and some big plans" he said

"Okay uhm give me a second" I said running back into the room and grabbing my hotel card key and I wrote a note on my table telling Zac I would be back.

"You ready?" Justin asked me

"Yeah I am" I said as we left the room. I ran down the hall to Jessie's room quickly and gave him my card and told him to give it to Zac.

I walked back over to Justin and we went downstairs to his S.U.V and got in. We began driving down the road and I decided to end the silence.

"So what are these big plans?" I asked

"A concert'' he said with a smile on his face

"What kind of concert?" I asked

"Well its more like an award show" he said

"Oh dear god the grammys?" I asked sarcastically

"No, you aren't there....yet" he said

"Well tell me then" I said

"The 2008 MTV music awards" he said

"Saaaweeet!!!" I said overexcitedly

"So you will be opening them up and doing a big closing performance'' he said

"Thats awesome!" I said

"Your welcome" he said

"You set all that up?" I asked

"I sure did" he said

"Thank you so much" I said giving the dashboard a good slap

"Hey watch it'' he said

"Oh no the poor escalade" I said

"You'll understand when you start driving'' he said

"Yeah okay" I said

"So how was your paparazzi issue?" he asked

"Is it that popular?" I asked

"Well it is on the cover of a few tabloids and on youtube" he said

"Oh shit, I swear to God I am going to knock out the next one I see'' I said

"Don't do that. It only adds fuel to the fire, trust me" he said

"Well to answer your question, it sucked. Royally. I got sick and need to hurl so we went to a gas station and they just happened to have shown up. Then they wouldn't move so I kinda lost my temper" I said

"Yeah I could see that" he said grabbing one of the tabloids out of his center console and handed it to me.

When I seen my pictures of me trying to get to the bathroom and trying to buy my water and stuff I had to laugh. They weren't exactly flattering, but the part that got me the most was the section that showed Zac in the car. I read the little entry next to his picture and it wasn't too impressive. For some reason the media has this fascination that Zac is gay and such and such, but the publicity is that him and Vanessa are dating. Well actually if you don't know that then you are an idiot. So anyways on the section it was adding some fuel to the fire by accusing him of being gay again and this time I was involved.

I read....

<"This run in at the local Shell was a bit of a suprise. Zac Efron, 20 and Jesse Jordan 16, were spotted together making a pit stop. When asked by paparazzi Jesse made it very clear that he was going to be sick and for some reason needed Zac's assistance in the washroom. One photographer had stated that the bathroom door was locked with the two of them inside and they were in there for quite some time.

Since performing at Christina Aguilera's tribute last week with fellow performer Jessie McCartney, sources say the two have stayed in touch quite closely. No word yet on any 'dating' situations and when we asked Vanessa Hudgens she did nothing but laugh. Flip to page 24 to see more of the show from the Dirrty tribute">

"They are all bastards I swear to god" I said getting a little angry

"So is it true?" Justin asked me

"Is what true?" I asked

"Are you and Zac dating?" he asked me

"No and even if, that would be none of your business" I said

"I am your boss, everything you do is my business" he said

"Yeah okay sure, so if I do something wrong are you going to save the world in four minutes?" I asked

"Haha no, and do you like the song?" he asked

"No not at all actually. I don't like Madonna at all" I said

"I see I see, so much for you working with her" he said

"Oh please as if, so what you and her can bash me like you did Britney at the rock and roll hall of fame?" I asked

"Are you defending Britney?" he asked

"I sure am" I said

"So what are you going to do work with her?" he asked laughing

That sparked an idea! but I kept quiet.

"Nope, not at all. Its just disrespectful to bash someone" I said

"Like you did to me?" he asked

"No, you asked for it" I said

"Whatever, anyways I am done arguing with you" he said

"Oh no, don't forget you started it" I said smiling

"Whatever" he said

We made it to Tenman Records and I was quick to jump out of the vehicle. I honestly didn't want to be that close to Justin, especially alone. I walked in the door, Justin in toe, and we made our way into a boardroom that was empty. I sat at one end of the table as Justin made his way to the other end, and took a seat.

"So where is everybody?" I asked

"It's just you and me" he said

"Okay so give me the scoop then, and why did we come all the way over here if it was just going to be you and me?" I asked

"To get you away from Zac'' he said

"Oh really?" I asked in a rude tone.

"Yeah really. Anyways so I need you to open for the MTV Music awards, and don't say no, because you can't" he said

"Pssh" I said rolling my eyes

"Also, we need to get working on a music video for you a.s.a.p as your single hits the radio next week" he said

"Is that all?" I asked

"Yeah pretty, much I have taken care of the rest'' he said

"What do you mean about that?" I asked

"You know, I am your manager, your publicist, your everything" he said

"Point is?" I asked

"I am making it easy for you, and you don't need to be ruining your reputation" he said throwing a tabloid on the table

"Oh what the gay thing? Give me a break. Nobody has asked me yet, and when they do I intend on telling the truth" I said

"Well that will be your mistake, and what is Zac going to take that road with you?" he asked

That made me stop and wonder.

"What did I put an end to your little boyfriend just now?'' he asked with a grin on his face

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked

"Because I want you" he said

"Your dating Jessica" I said

"So, I still want to be with you" he said

"No Justin. I am done okay. I can't take it anymore" I said

"And what do you mean by that?" he asked

"I mean you. God one minute you and me were good, then the next you are off and about and then started dating" I said

"And that bugged you so much?" he asked

"Yeah it did Justin. It did alot" I said

"Well what do you want me to do?" he asked

"I want you to stop wanting me" I said

"Oh I see how it is" he said

"What! What do you see?" I asked yelling

"You and Zac, your just the perfect little power couple aren't you" he said

"I..." he cut me off

"Say it, and say it like you mean it. Tell me that you love him" he said

"Leave me alone" I said getting up to leave and I actually went out of the room.

I was pissed but when I got to the front lobby I realised I was stuck. There weren't really any taxi's driving by this area and I certainly didn't want to walk considering this would be a hot spot for paparazzi. So I walked back inside and went back into the boardroom. Justin was sitting there with his head down.

"Take me home" I said

He just looked up at me and said "How could you do this to me? I loved you" he said beginning to cry

"No okay you fuck face! You did this to me! You ruined everything and to think I was actually stupid enough to ever believe that there was something between me and you! I hate you more then I hate anything right now!" I yelled

"Don't go" he said as I went to walk back out the door

"Oh yeah and for the record I do love Zac, and just to piss you off I lost my virginity to him last night, so I am sorry Mr. Ego but we are over" I said walking out.

Thats right I said it! I love Zac and just to get under Justin's skin I had to inform him about my virginity. It made me feel so good but at the same time I was fuming. I walked past reception as a clerk said goodbye to me I just flipped her the finger and kept walking. When I got outside I was greeted by a hot sun and a lack of cars doing down the hillside from the studio. So I began walking and I grabbed my cellphone out of my pocket to phone Zac but oh lucky me there was no reception where I was. So I just continued walking.

Zac's p.o.v

"Where is he?" Zac asked as Jessie opened his door

"I don't know dude, he said he was waiting for you and then all of a sudden he left" Jessie said

"Did he leave with anyone?" Zac asked

"I don't know man he told me to give you this key so you could get into his place" Jessie said handing him the card key

''Dude I don't know what to do" Zac said

"Oh don't you start crying on me too" Jessie said

"He was crying? Oh God what did I do?" Zac said to himself

"Dude its okay I talked to him" Jessie said grabbing Zac's shoulders

"What did he say?" Zac asked stepping into Jessie's apartment and taking a seat on the couch

"He just said that he panicked and went into panic mode after last night, something about it being his first time" Jessie said

"Oh fuck" Zac said

"What?" Jessie asked

"Dude he probably wasn't ready" Zac said to himself

"I know virginity is a interesting thing to lose" Jessie said

"He told you?" Zac asked

"Yeah he did, well I pretty much figured it out myself" Jessie said

"Shit well I am going to try calling him again" Zac said grabbing his phone

When he dialed the number the automatic message said that the customer was not availible at that time.

"Damn it, still nothing" Zac said

"Well just sit here and wait" Jessie said simply

"No man I don't know where he is and I need to find him" Zac said

"Why would he be in such a bad situation?" Jessie asked

"Because of Justin. I don't trust him man" Zac said

"Wait, you mean?" Jessie said

"Yeah him and Justin have a history if you know what I mean" Zac said

"Holy shit dude, thats crazy" Jessie said

"I know, but enough of this I am going to look for him" Zac said

"Are you sure?" Jessie asked

"Yeah I am sure, if he comes back before I get here then call me okay" Zac said getting up and going to the door

"Will do" Jessie said

Zac left the hotel room and rushed down to his car. When he got in a began to drive away he distinctly recognized the sound of tires squealing. Thats how panicked he was. The events from last night kept flashing into his head and he couldn't figure out what went wrong. Even in the morning when J woke up he seemed fine. It was as soon as Zac left to get coffee that J. dissappeared.

He slammed his fist's into the steering wheel a few times because now all he could think about was Justin putting his hands on J. There was no other place that he would be other then with Justin and it angered Zac every passing second. He slammed his fist's hard this time and let out a loud shout. He didn't know what was wrong with him but for some reason the only word popping into his head was love. He told J. he loved him because thats how he really felt inside.

Time passed as he drove for a good while and had no sight of J. anywhere.

J.J's p.o.v

It was now raining and it was starting to get dark. I had to hide my cellphone away deep in my pocket so it wouldn't get soaked but that didn't seem to do much as I was drenched from head to toe. I kept my head down at passing traffic so nobody would recognize me, problem was, I was lost. There weren't even any sidewalks going down the hillside and it was primarily a non busy freeway.

At one point I gave up and sat on the side of the road as the rain hit me hard. I tried my phone countless times and regardless I had no service, not like it mattered though because my battery died soon after. I kicked a few rocks into the rain pelt puddles and even contemplated flagging down a stranger but at this time traffic was now slim to none. What shocked me too was that I never even seen Justin drive by me or leaving the studio from when I started walking.

After another good half hour I came up to a bus stop that had a small shelter next to it on the side of the road. I ran into the shelter and checked the bus schedule and there were no running buses at this time. I seemed stuck. My life was going into a crazy spiral. I hadn't talked to my mother in a couple months and I rarely ever spoke to my best friend Chelsea. It seemed now that I had been living in California all my life and I was starting to lose memory of where I came from. Out of anger I decided to walk back out in to the rain and I kept my head down this time because the rain was beginning to hurt and I was starting to feel really really cold. Not even to minutes from the bus stop and I heard what sounded like someone hitting the brakes. I turned my head up to look and it was Zac. He was stopped about ten feet infront of me and he got out of the car.

Damn panick mode kicked in again and I froze. I didn't know what to do. He got out of the car and took a long hard look and when he recognized it was me he ran over to me and embraced me in a tight hug. I didn't hug back I just stood there.

"I am so sorry" he said to me

"I'm sorry too" I said reaching my arms up and hugging him back, thats when I broke into tears.

"Where have you been? Are you okay?" he asked

"I don't know, I was at the studio and......."I didn't finish

"What?" he asked letting me look at him

"I don't feel so good" I said

"Your shivering and your lips lost their color" he said

"I didn't want to but I did and I am so stupid" I said panicking

"Did what?" he asked looking at me

"I left you!" I yelled out "I made stupid move and I left you!" I said

"It's okay you are here now" he said hugging me but I didn't move at all

"J?" he said

And thats when everything went black......................

"I need help here!" Zac yelled as he carried J.J's limp body into the emergency room

Quickly a handful of nurses and a couple of doctors came with a modile bed but before Zac could follow he was stopped dead in his tracks.

"I am sorry but you can't go back there" The nurse said to him

"But.....'' he said looking as the hospital personel wisked J.J away into a room down the hall

"I need you to answer some questions for me" the nurse said

"Okay" Zac said pacing back and forth

"What happened to him?" the nurse asked

"I don't know, he was walking and it was raining" Zac said

"At this time of night?'' the nurse asked

"I think he was walking for a while" Zac said

"Okay, I need his full name please'' the nurse said

''His name is Jesse Jordan" Zac said

''Okay well we need to be in contact with his family" The nurse said

"Uhm he's from Toronto, uhm I don't know his family's number" Zac said

"We can work that out later, okay so continue with what else happened to him" The said

"Well I seen him and went to pick him up to drive him home, but during a conversation his mind switched all of a sudden and thats when he blacked out. Then when I got him in the car his body started to shake violently" Zac said

"Is this all?" The nurse asked

"Uhm, he is going through alot of stress...." he sighed "He lost his virginity yesterday and hes been under pressure to do alot of work" Zac said

"Okay so most likely a panic attack" The nurse said writing down all of the information on the paper "Thank you" she said looking back up

Then she was gone. She walked off to the room that J.J was brought to. Zac sat down and put his head in his hands. He felt his cellphone starting to ring so he grabbed it out of his pocket.

"Hello?" he answer

"Hey Zac is Jessie did find him?" Jessie said

"Jessie man.....'' he said and then started crying

"What happened? Are you okay?" Jessie said

"I am at the hospital, I found him" he said

"Is he alright?" Jessie asked

"I don't know he blacked out and then started shaking" Zac said starting to cry some more.

"Holy shit dude I will be right there" Jessie said

"Okay" Zac said sniffing

Zac hung up his phone and got back up pacing the waiting room of the hospital. He couldn't hold it back anymore, he just kept crying not knowing if the one he was beginning to love was ok. He did this and he hated himself for it. Things didn't need to be rushed, especially in such a stressful time.

He sat there silent to himself for a good half an hour. He went through to cups of coffee and held back every tear he could. Ten minutes later Jessie, Vanessa and Ashley came through the door. Zac stood there for a second but he couldn't hold it in any longer. Vanessa ran up to him and embraced him in a hug and Ashley came to his other side and hugged them. Jessie just stood there staring at Zac. He didn't know what to do.

Shortly after, one of the doctor's came out to the group.

"How is he?'' Zac asked

"He is..................

When I woke up I had a massive migraine. The lights above me were bright and my vision was blurry. I felt someone giving my hand a squeeze and when I tried to sit up a hand lightly rested on my chest and gently laid me back down. My vision was starting to come through and the first person I saw was Jessie sleeping in the chair directly across from me. Thats when I realized I was in the hospital. I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand again and when I looked over Zac was staring at me with red puffy eyes and he was sniffling.

"Hey" I said softly

"Hey" he said back

"What am I doing in the hospital?" I asked

"You suffered from a severe panic attack and went into a siezure" Zac said

"Thats it?" I asked sarcastically

"The doctor said you will be fine, you just need to take it easy'' Zac said

"I feel like shit right now" I said resting my head back on the pillow

"I know, but you'll feel better" he said calmly

"I thought when you woke up in a hospital they'd drug you and make you sleep....hhm....bastards" I said laughing a little bit

"So, I know I am not supposed to talk about this but are you okay?" he asked me

"Yeah I am feeling a little better" I said simply

"No, I mean are you okay?" he asked

"Oooh, yeah I think so. I just had so much to deal with and it was all piling back up" I said

"I know man, you should just take it easy" Zac said rubbing his hand on my head

I sat up slowly and leaned over and gave him a deep passionate kiss, but he didn't kiss me back. He just froze in place. Thats when I felt his body shudder and I could hear him crying.

"Whats the matter? I am not dying or anything am I?" I asked

"No, I.....I just" he said leaning his head into my shoulders crying

"What?" I asked

"I was so scared" Zac said sniffling

"It's okay, I am okay now" I said

"I know, but everything isn't okay" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked pulling him up making him look at me

"The hospital called your mom.......sniff, sniff.......and.........sniff.............your being deported back home to Canada" He said

"WHAT!" I yelled

"I don't want you to go" he said hugging me

"What! no! no!" I said

"I am so sorry" he said

"I love you Zac" I said hugging him tightly.


OH! I don't know why but my mind just keeps coming up with these really good twists......don't worry it gets better, but as for the present.......

what did you think? Give me a shout and let me know people

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 8

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