Tales of a Real Dark Knight

By Author James (James Geckler)

Published on Aug 21, 2002


Disclaimer: This story, though maybe not in this chapter but in subsequent chapters, will have celebrities in it. I have no knowledge of their sexuality and this is not intended to imply their sexuality. This is all from my own mind.

Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox.

Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros.

X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox.

The Vampire Chronicles and all related characters created by Anne Rice. Copyright Anne O'Brien Rice.

Star Wars and all related concepts created by or based on the universe created by George Lucas. Copyright 20th Century Fox, LucasFilms Ltd. and Lucas Books/Ballantine Books.

I don't know for sure if I will use all the above elements, but just in case, I have myself covered.

This story has taken on a life of its own. From its inception a year ago, I had only thought it would last ten chapters maximum. As you can see, it has grown tremendously. Mostly due to readers emailing me and telling me they've enjoyed it or have received help due to certain issues addressed. I've enjoyed writing this story but it would not have been written without men and women reading it and telling me they've enjoyed it. I do hope that you continue to enjoy each new chapter as our hero lives and grows.

I have received many emails from people who have enjoyed it and some from those who do not. I would enjoy hearing from you. Any emails you send, please tell me what chapter and story you are commenting on. Thanks.


I also have several online messenger services. Some of you know them, however, in the recent weeks I've changed my screen name. If you want to chat with me in real time, email me and tell me the services you use and I will tell you my screen name.

Author's Note: The Boy Band Story Awards is coming up. If any of you would like to nominate my story for anything, I believe the nominations begin October 1st. I got into writing because I wanted to create these characters and tell their stories. I didn't expect the story to grow like it has. If I didn't have readers, it probably would not have lasted as long as it has. Thank you for your support. Chapter 16 Avenger

I stood on the balcony looking at the night sky. The city was rather quiet, serene, peaceful. Part of me had peace inside. Yes, I wasn't with the man I loved, but Lance was happy, wasn't he? He had someone in his life that he cared about and that cared about him. Who was I to interfere in such a matter? I couldn't play with Paul's heart like that. It would be selfish and cruel.

A car tore into the parking lot and I saw Justin leap from the driver's side. He ran as fast as he could into the building.

"What the hell is going on?" I thought as the Batman in me took over.

A few minutes later, the door flew open and Justin came in out of breath.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You have to...get over...to Lance's...right away," he said between gasps of air.

"Calm down. Take deep breaths." Once his breathing became a bit more normal, I asked him to tell me what was going on.

"Lance is in trouble. He needs you, Eric."

I did not need any more incentive. I ran to the spare bedroom and pulled on my suit in record time. Once the mask was in place, I pulled the door open and Justin stared at me.

"Which way are you going?" he asked.

"The least inconspicuous." I walked toward the balcony door and opened the door with my power. I walked to the edge, stepped up onto the ledge and then jumped into the air. I used my power to leap to the roof of the building next door and then I ran with all my might toward Lance.

Within fifteen minutes, I was running through the woods near the playground down the road from Lance's home. I wasn't sure what kind of trouble I would find Lance in. I hadn't taken the time to ask Justin. But on the other hand, Justin didn't act as if I had time to inquire. He was excited and out of breath. I had hoped he didn't tell Lance I was alive. As much as I wanted to be with Lance, I couldn't bring myself to be selfish enough to ruin another person's life. It would be wrong.

I came to the back of Lance's house and jumped over the wall to the patio and pool easily. The bedroom light was on. This late at night, where else would he be? I jumped into a tree and climbed up the branches so I would have a decent view of the bedroom and Lance.

As I got higher, I heard moaning. I looked into the window and saw Paul penetrating Lance. They were both moaning, in the heat of the moment. My heart broke. Any happiness I had inside me evaporated.

Then I noticed something strange. Tears were coming out of Lance's eyes. He wasn't moaning in pleasure. He was in pain! I looked down at the point of penetration and saw blood flowing out of Lance. Paul was grinning wickedly and pumping harder and harder enjoying the pain he was giving Lance.

"The bastard is hurting Lance," I whispered. "The son of a bitch!" I screamed and leapt forward. I flew several feet and smashed through the window.

Paul looked up at me in fear as I stood up amongst the glass. Using my mutant powers, the glass flew from the floor back into place as if nothing ever happened.

Lance had his eyes closed. The pain was that overwhelming.

"Who...who are you?" Paul asked.

I did not answer. I held up my hand and launched Paul into the bathroom. With a wave of my hand, the door slammed shut. I walked over to Lance and wiped the tears away with a gloved hand, then moved his hair back. He began crying in great sadness.

"Sssh," I whispered. "You're safe now."

"Eric?" he replied. "No, Eric's dead."

"Lance," I said.

Lance looked up at me and his eyes, once focused, widened in shock. "But...y-y-you're dead! You can't be..."

"Lance, it's me," I said. I reached up and pulled off my mask revealing my scarred, goateed face and baldhead.


"I know."

I knelt down and took him into my arms. He kissed me over and over and over.

"God! You're alive! Thank God, you're alive!"

"I've missed you so much!" I said kissing him back tears welling up in my eyes.

The bathroom door opened up and Paul stepped out wearing a pair of sweatpants. I turned to face him, my anger coming back to me.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "You're eyes! They're red!"

"The better to burn you with," I replied.

"Don't hurt me," he begged his hands clasping together as if in prayer. "Please, don't hurt me."

"How many times did Lance beg you not to hurt him? How many times did he tell you to stop?" With those words, I realized I could have stopped this when I first returned to the U.S. Had I been selfish and approached Lance right away, I could have ended his suffering and pain he received at the sick man who cowered before me. Eric could have been the hero instead of Batman right now.

Paul just looked at me speechless.

"What about all the times you hit me, Paul?" Lance said, his anger taking over his sadness. "What about all the times you would hurt me and tell me not to say a word? You've terrorized me for the past few weeks!"

"Lance. Baby. I...I need help. I can be better if I just get the help."

"I'll help you," I said.

"What?" Lance and Paul exclaimed simultaneously.

"I'll help you out the window!"

Waving my hand, Paul lifted up off the floor. I jerked my hand to the side and Paul went flying out the window, the glass breaking for a second time, and landed in the pool with a splash. I stood and walked over to the window. Turning to Lance, I said, "Stay here." Then I floated out the window and down to the poolside.

Paul made his way to the edge and started to pull himself up. I walked over and kicked him in the face knocking him back into the water.

"You enjoyed torturing Lance. Let me show you some torture."

My body tingled with electricity and a charge shot out of my hand hitting the water. Paul screamed in pain. I held it for a moment then released him. He did his best to tread water. He was panting hard and was weakened extremely by the shock.

"Please," he said between gasps. "Don't...don't kill me. Don't...reduce yourself...to my level."

"Reduce myself to your level? What level might that be? One who inflicts pain for his own pleasure? I do that. But there is a difference. Lance did not deserve the pain you caused. You, however, do."

'And I deserve to be at your level,' I thought to myself. 'I could have stopped you from hurting Lance. I could have ended all of Lance's pain, but I didn't. I thought it would have been selfish to return to him. It would have. But he would have been spared.'

"A year ago I was accused of a murder I didn't commit. I cleared my name not too long ago. This time, I would be happy to take the blame for it."

I shot another charge into the pool and Paul screamed in pain.

The patio door slid open and Lance came running out tying his robe. "Eric! Stop!"

I ended my charge and looked at him. "He hurt you! He deserves this!

"I just got you back. I don't want to lose you again to a prison sentence."

I turned to Paul and glared at him.

"Please, Eric," Lance whispered. "Please."

Lance's simple word of compassion, "please", cut through my anger and reached my heart.

"Eric, he's drowning!"

I looked to the spot Paul was in and saw only bubbles coming up. I reached out with my powers and floated him to the surface and over to the poolside. Deciding I didn't have to be completely nice to him, I dropped him from three feet off the ground to the hard concrete, on his face. He moaned in pain, which was rather satisfying.

"Call the police, Lance. This guy needs to go to jail for what he's done to you."

Lance went inside to make the call. I took the opportunity to talk to Paul one-on-one. I walked over to him and knelt down beside him. He opened his eyes and struggled to look at me. Most of his energy was depleted from what I had done to him. I reached down and grabbed him by the throat and brought him close to my face.

"I will be with Lance for a long, long time. I know that you will not serve a lot of time for what you did. I will just have to be content with what you've gone through tonight.

"But understand this. If you ever, at any time, try to contact Lance, or hurt anybody again, I will find out. And I will come...for...you."

My voice deepened at my last words and I felt heat pour from my eyes. They were glowing with the heat of my fury and Paul was viewing it up close and personal. An added incentive to behave himself, I thought.

I released my grip and he fell to the ground with a thud. I stood and turned around as Lance came out. He looked over at Paul. "Is he...?"

"He's alive. Unfortunately."

"The police will be here soon. What do I tell them?"

"The truth. He has been abusing you. Batman came to your rescue. There was a fight and Paul was pushed out the window. A bolt of lightning struck the pool, electrocuting Paul. It was then that you called the police."

The sound of sirens was heard in the distance and getting closer.

"I better get my mask and get out of here."

I turned toward the house only to be stopped by Lance. "When are you coming back?"

"In a little while. I can't be here when the police are here."

I floated up to the bedroom. Grabbing my mask, I pulled it on and looked out the window at Paul lying on the ground, Lance looking upon him. The doorbell rang and Lance went inside. The police were coming in. I would have to time this right in order to get out.

Lance answered the door and I heard him tell the police where Paul was. They headed through the house and out the back. I snuck downstairs and out the front door, running down the street toward the park. As I ran I looked up at Sheila and Beth's house. Jack was looking out the window down at me. He waved.

"Batman! You're back!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm back," I answered. Then I headed off towards town.

It probably sounded weird to go back into town, especially with what just went down, but I had to give Lance and the cops time to clear things up. Also I had to tell Justin that Lance knew I was alive. I asked Justin not to tell anyone that he had seen me before now. I didn't want Lance to get hurt over not being the first to know. He had enough on his plate to deal with without any more drama concerning me.

Two hours later, I headed back to Lance. Quietly I made my way back down the street. There were no police cars to be seen. I jumped up on the wall and saw Lance standing looking up at the sky.

"Lance," I said.

He turned and his eyes met mine. "Eric," he replied, relief evident in his voice.

I jumped down and ran over to him, pulling my mask off as I moved. I threw the mask to the ground and pulled Lance into my arms, our lips meeting. I kissed him deeply as if my life depended on him as it does on oxygen.

"You came back," he said as he pulled away from me. "I can't believe it."

"I'm here, Lance. And I will never leave you again."

We kissed again.

A few minutes later, he and I lay naked in the bed cuddling with each other, my arms wrapped around him in protection.

"It all seems so unreal," he said. "I have been so alone for the past three months trying to accept you were gone. And now you are here and it seems like I've lived a nightmare."

"I know what you are going through in some ways. I woke up around a month ago and had no idea who I was. Thanks to my mutation, I eventually regained my memory. After doing what I had set out to do in England, I came here to find you with Paul. That hurt me. But I realized why you were dating. You thought I was dead and was moving on with your life."

"Had I known you were alive, I would never have looked."

"I know, Lance, and I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked.

"If I knew what Paul was doing to you, if I had been a bit more selfish and made myself known to you, you wouldn't have been abused by Paul. I feel so horrible about that."

"How could you have known?" Lance replied looking up into my eyes. "You aren't God. You aren't omniscient. You are a fallible, human being. I know you never meant harm to come to me. I know you want only my happiness. That makes me love you even more than I already do. Nothing will change that. Not even what happened with Paul."

Tears formed in my eyes and I kissed him on the head. "If anything ever were to happen to me, I would want you to move on with your life. I would want you to find someone to be with."

"I thought you were gone," Lance whispered again. "I thought I was without love."

"Do you remember the song I recorded and sent you?"

Lance nodded. It was NSYNC's "That's When I'll Stop Loving You" that I had sent Lance a few months ago before I "died". That song rang true.

"You would never be without love so long as I am alive. It was a lie that I died. When it is true that I am gone, even then though, I will probably never stop loving you. My love for you, Lance, is forever."

Lance turned and looked at me tears streaming down his face. I leaned down and, for the first time since I came back, passionately kissed the man I loved, the man who was my soul mate.

We became lost in each other kissing and caressing each other. We ended up moving to a side-by-side position and kissed and embraced until we eventually fell asleep with our lips in contact.

To Be Continued...

Eric and Lance finally together again. I know all of you are happy to see this come to pass. I don't have any plans for them ever to be apart. The only thing that would cause that to happen in the story is if something in real life were to happen to Lance. And the only tragedy I could see is something happening during his trip to outer space. If this is posted before that trip, let us all send thoughts of safe return to him.

Next: Chapter 167: Trials of a Real Dark Knight 17

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