The Beckham Boys

By Nifty Story

Published on Apr 25, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live. If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it.

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The Beckham Boys – Part 11

Romeo Beckham was bored. It seemed like had been sat waiting for the photographer to adjust the lighting for hours rather than the ten minutes it had actually been. The adult models had already finished their sets, and had left for other jobs.

He had started modelling with Burberry a year or so ago, and whilst he found it fun as it let him wear some cool clothes, fashion being something he was interested in, he hadn't realised just how much waiting around you had to do.

His Mum, Victoria Beckham, his brother Cruz and baby sister Harper had headed over to the green room, but Romeo had to stay for the lighting checks as each adjustment was made, having to stand there whilst each setting was checked.

They were working on the summer wardrobe promotion today, so Romeo had spent most of the day getting in and out of shorts and t-shirts. They had a small partitioned off changing area for him, but he had only used it thus far to put on the swimwear, not bothering to go back there if he just had to change a top or shorts.

He had just finished the swimwear section, and was sat on a director's chair shirtless, wearing a pair of chequered board shorts, with a pair of crocs on his feet. He was left with just the photographer and one his lighting assistants.

"I need the other lamps, I think they are in studio 3, will you go and get them for me?" The photographer, a white English man called Joe who was in his late 30's, had greying black hair and wore thick black rimmed glasses, asked his young female assistant.

"OK Joe, I will be back in five, I want to get the spare bulbs from the van as well while I am at it" his assistant replied, grabbing a crate from the corner of the room on her way out of the double doors.

Joe went back to adjusting his lights, occasionally using a small light sensor to check the result.

"Romeo, can you come over here again darling, I need to test these settings" he asked, Romeo getting up to head over to the white framed area, and standing patiently whilst Joe tested the settings.

To Romeo, Joe was just about the campest person he knew. Romeo knew Joe was gay, he had seen him kissing a man once before, but it didn't bother him. He liked him, as he at least spoke to Romeo and not at him the way most adults did.

"Good boy, I think we have it now, we just need to wait for Julie to come back with those spare lamps and bulbs, and we are set. Where did your Mum and siblings go?" Joe asked.

"To the green room, Harper was getting bored. I'm bored too" Romeo moaned, honestly.

"I am sorry about that, we do seem to have to do a lot of tedious little tasks on these shoots" Joe soothed, reaching out a hand to rub Romeo's bare shoulder affectionately, the cute 10 year old smiling in response.

Joe was not only gay, but also a boylover, and these shoots with Romeo were one of his favourites. He was a simply stunning looking boy, and today Joe had been treated to multiple views of him nearly naked as he changed in an out of the various clothes, watching hungrily as the tight blue briefs the young boy wore came into view.

He hadn't been alone with him like this for a good while, it was rare for there not be someone else buzzing around. On the few previous occasions he had tempted himself by asking Romeo slightly risqué questions about the type of underwear he liked, or perhaps making a few subtle comments on the boy's body, never daring to say anything too obvious.

"You have done really well today. The clothes seem to fit you much better, maybe as you are filling out more. You are certainly getting bigger, in all areas" Joe said, taking a risk and moving his hand from Romeo's shoulder to glide slightly over his bare chest.

"Yeah, I guess so" Romeo said, noticing Joe's movement.

Romeo had long suspected that Joe liked boys as well as men, and enjoyed the few moments that they had had alone together in the past. With the events of the past week, especially the encounter in the airport lounge toilet, he decided he would have some fun with Joe to stave off the boredom.

"Joe, what clothes do I need to wear next? I may as well get changed so I am ready" Romeo asked.

"Uh, let me see" Joe replied, reaching out to grab a some papers, "it's the smart section next, so you need the white shirt, navy pullover and tan slacks"

"OK cool, I'll go get them on then" Romeo replied, heading away from Joe and over to the sectioned off changing area where the clothes rail was located.

He found the outfit Joe had described and laid it on the chair in front of him. He then reached down to the chequered board shorts he had on and pulled the waistband back to reveal where the waist string was located, took a deep breath in and tied it in a very tight knot.

"Joe?" He called out from behind the partition.

"Yes darling?" Joe replied, camply.

"I can't get the knot undone on these shorts. Can you come and help me with it please?" Romeo asked, trying to sound both frustrated and innocent all at once.

Joe's heart skipped a beat at the request, and had to control himself from walking over to the partition too quickly. Romeo was stood there, the knotted string in his hands, the waistband of the board shorts he was wearing pulled out slightly. He had a distinctly frustrated look on his face.

"Let's have a look at it then" Joe said, reaching out to take the knot from Romeo, his hands brushing the smaller boy's hands as he did so. He moved a bit closer to him, and stood over the knot looking down. He pulled the knot out a bit and realised it gave him more of a view down into the boys shorts, and that it seemed Romeo did not have any underwear on, something he carefully took in as he worked on the tight knot.

Romeo watched as the older man worked on the knot, allowing him to pull it out a bit further and pulling in his tummy a bit to allow him more of a view down into his board shorts, noticing him looking there. He felt a slight stirring in his dick at teasing the older man without his knowledge.

Joe worked at the knot a moment longer before managing to get it undone, it not being quite as tight as it first appeared. "OK, done! Anything else you need help with darling?" he asked.

"No, that was it thanks" Romeo replied, smiling his cutest smile at Joe. Joe turned to leave and as he was walking away Romeo quickly pulled the shorts down and stepped out of them, leaving him naked bar the crocs on his feet, and reached over to the grab the next outfit from the chair, "Is this the right outfit Joe?" he asked, as the older man had just reached the corner of the partition.

Joe heard Romeo call after him, and turned to look back over his shoulder, and did a double take. Romeo must have removed the board shorts whilst he was walking away, and now stood there naked, holding the next outfit in his hand.

Joe took in the sight of the tanned, toned torso, a tight tummy leading down to a completely hairless pubic area and what looked like a 2 inch uncut penis, which if Joe's eyes did not deceive him, was beginning to expand in size. He was silent for a moment, unable to speak.

"Well, is it Joe?" Romeo asked, unable to stop the smile from spreading onto his face as the stunned man before him looked his naked body up and down.

" looks like the right one" Joe finally managed to reply, stammering out the words, feeling his dick become erect inside the black trousers he was wearing. Romeo was a stunningly beautiful boy.

"Cool" Romeo replied, and reached out to pick up his earlier discarded blue briefs, stepping into them and pulling them up his slim thighs to cover his now almost fully erect uncut 3 inch dick, before getting the rest of the outfit on.

Joe had not moved from the spot, and had watched the 10 year old dress, seemingly paralysed by having seen something he had long fantasized about. Romeo finished dressing and looked over at Joe, noticing the now rather obvious bulge in his trousers.

"You know, what you said about me filling out and stuff fitting better, I think you are right. Your clothes look good on you too, like you have filled them out as well" Romeo said, letting his eyes dart down to Joe's crotch, before smiling and then walking past Joe and out to stand back under the lights, just as Joe's assistant came back in carrying the now filled crate.

"I got the lights and bulbs Joe, are we ready here?" she asked.

"Uh....yes I think I have everything set" Joe managed to respond, slowly regaining his composure. He couldn't be sure, but the last words, look and smile Romeo gave him seemed to be a direct reference to the erection that was now bulging out the front of his black trousers. He grabbed the paperwork from the side and carried it in front of him to hide it from his assistant.

Was Romeo teasing him? It certainly looked like the young boy had an erection well under way when he was getting changed, though he only had a quick glimpse of it. If only his assistant had not yet come back, he could have asked a few telling questions.

He looked over to where Romeo was waiting patiently, the boy giving him a lovely smile, again looking as innocent as any other 10 year old boy.

"OK, get that light set-up there with the extra bulbs, and we will start. Ready Romeo?" Joe asked.

"Yep" he chirped back.

The double doors went again, Victoria and the other Beckhams heading back in, and as the shoot resumed, Joe was left to wonder whether the innocent looking 10 year old was perhaps more knowing than he let on.

The shoot finished, and goodbyes were said, Romeo coming over to give Joe a warm friendly hug. This was not unusual for him, except this time Romeo tiptoed up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek as well, making Joe's heart skip a beat at the sweetness of it.

Joe watched as Romeo headed out of the studio after his Mum, before the small boy turned as the doors were closing and gave a very obvious wink accompanied by a wicked little smile, the doors swinging closed in front of him.

Dexter was waiting for them outside the studio, the tall black man holding open the doors of the Range Rover as Victoria strapped Harper in, before both getting in and heading back to the Beckham home.

When they arrived they noticed David Beckham, Brooklyn Beckham, Dakota Goyo and little David Mazouz heading into the house, another black SUV pulling off having just dropped them off from the football event. They had all gotten back into their regular clothes now, having showered at the training ground.

Victoria and the rest of the kids followed in after them, and they shared stories of their day, before David headed into the kitchen to help Gloria prepare lunch for the large group, wanting to try out some of his new chef skills he had learned courtesy of his friend Gordon Ramsay. The meal the two prepared was well received, Victoria complimenting her husband on his new found talent.

They sat around the sun terrace for a while, before heading inside and beginning to tidy up, Brooklyn, Dakota and David playing with Harper whilst Romeo sat playing on his I-pad.

"Mum, can we go swimming please?" Cruz asked, the 8 year old fidgeting from one foot to another hoping for a yes.

"You need to give your food some time to go down first really. You can in half an hour, OK?" she replied, smiling at the sudden frown on her youngest son's face.

"Can't we swim now, pleeeeaaaaasse" Cruz begged.

Victoria reached out pinch the cute little boy's chin between her thumb and fore finger, "OK, but only if your brothers will go out too so they can stop you from sinking with all that food in your belly" she replied, deciding to give in considering how well behaved Cruz had been that day.

"Coooool!" He replied, running off to the hallway to go and get changed.

"Hey, wait a minute, your brothers haven't agreed yet!" she called after him, Cruz excitedly running back in and over to where the other boys were.

"Can you come swimming too please" he asked, quickly.

"Not now Cruz, we are going to go and finish the Fifa tournament" Brooklyn replied, Harper sitting on his lap.

"You can do that later, we can only swim during the day" Cruz whined.

"Oh, OK then, just don't go on about it" Brooklyn shot back, giving in, deciding it might be nice to go for a swim.

"I didn't bring any swimming stuff" David Mazouz piped up, sitting on the other side of Brooklyn.

"Oh, didn't you?" Brooklyn replied, thinking. "You can borrow some of my old shorts if you want?"

"We gave away a lot of your old sports stuff to the goodwill Brooklyn, I am not sure if there will be anything to fit David. David, come over her for a second please" Victoria asked, motioning for David to come over to her. Victoria watched as David came over, and had him turn around for a few moments.

"I think he will be able to fit into some of your shorts Romeo, he's very slim and looks about the right size" she finally said, having a good eye for sizing clothes from her fashion designing.

"Cool, I will give him some to try on, come on David" Romeo replied, getting up from the sofa and then reaching out to grab the 12 year old's wrist and dragging him away excitedly, Brooklyn getting up to hand Harper to Victoria before heading off down the hallway after them with Dakota in tow.

Romeo led David into his room and closed over the door, before heading over to his chest of drawers and rummaging around for his swimming stuff. He pulled out a pair of green speedos for himself, and pulled out two pairs of shorts and a pair of black speedos for David to try on.

"One of these will probably fit you, they are a bit big on me, try them on" Romeo replied, handing the swimming costumes over to David before heading back over to the bed and sitting down to start taking off his shoes and socks. Romeo still wasn't sure if David was going to be part of the games he had shared with Brooklyn and Dakota, but figured he might be about to find out.

He watched as David kicked off the chequerboard vans he was wearing, bending down to pull off the his trainer socks, before standing back up and pulling his long sleeved grey t-shirt over his head.

He revealed a pale white torso, with a nice tight tummy and innie belly button, before he reached down to undo the button on his navy blue combat shorts and letting them fall over his hips and onto the floor where he stepped out of them.

Romeo had just taken his tan slacks off, wearing just his white shirt and tight blue briefs as he watched David Mazouz slowly strip down, now standing there in only a pair of equally tight dark green briefs.

David pulled the briefs down revealing a flaccid 2.5 inch cut dick, small balls hanging loosely and a still hairless pubic area. Romeo had pulled his white shirt over his head without bothering to undo the buttons, and had stood up to pull his blue briefs down, his now erect 3 inch cut dick springing up against his stomach with a loud slapping sound, causing David to look over at the 10 year old.

Neither boy said anything for a moment, David taking in the sight of the now naked Romeo Beckham in front of him, his erection jutting straight up and tight against his hairless pubic area. He felt his own dick begin to grow, his hand going to it as it quickly reached its full 3.5 inch height, his too resting against his hairless pubic are.

"Guess you are gonna play too then" Romeo said, smirking at David.

"What?" David replied, not getting Romeo.

"Tonight, you know, sex stuff?" Romeo replied.

"Oh yeah, I guess so" David replied, giving his own dick a gentle rub as he looked Romeo up and down. He was so cute.

"We could.....I mean maybe.... we could do something now, if you want?" Romeo asked, moving his hand to his 3 inch erection and beginning a slow wanking motion of his own.

David nodded and moved closer to Romeo, releasing his 3.5 inch erection and reaching out to replace Romeo's hand on his own erection. "Sit on the bed" he instructed the younger boy.

Romeo did as he was told, and sat on the end of the bed, spreading his legs, before David knelt in front of him and began to explore the younger boy's 3 inch erection, rolling the foreskin back nd forth over the pink mushroom head in fascination at the difference from his own dick. "It's cool that it has the skin on it" he remarked.

"I guess. Brooklyn's is the same, but Dakota's is like yours isn't he, so we will have two of each" Romeo replied.

"Yeah. So you have done stuff with Dakota then?" David asked, stopping his small wanking movements on Romeo for a moment to look up at the younger boy. He knew Dakota had done stuff with Brooklyn, but hadn't fully realised that Romeo had been there too until that moment.

"Yeah, last night was the first time" Romeo replied, reaching out his hand and placing it over David's to urge him to go back to wanking him again.

David thought about that for a moment, and wondered if it meant that Dakota liked doing stuff with these Beckhams more than him, suddenly feeling a bit worried, not thinking he was as handsome as they were and wondering why Dakota wanted him. He was gazing off into space, still wanking Romeo and hadn't noticed that someone else had come into the bedroom.

"You two are nuts" it was Brooklyn, clad in a pair of board short style swimming shorts, shirtless. "Mum and Dad could have come in, can't you wait?" he asked the two boys, David kneeling in between Romeo's legs, his hand on his still hard 3 inch erection.

"Uh yeah, I guess so, sorry" David replied, sheepishly, releasing Romeo's dick to a disappointed sigh from the younger boy, who now got up and grabbed the green speedos he had laid out for himself, pulling them on and covering up his erection, before reaching into the speedos to adjust it so it would not be so obvious.

"Sorry Brooks, we...I guess we just wanted to do it quick. See you two out there" Romeo replied, heading past his brother, leaving Brooklyn with the still naked David Mazouz, who was kneeling at the foot of the bed where Romeo had been sat.

Brooklyn watched David stand up, taking in the site of the 3.5 inch erection and nice slim body, David grinning sheepishly as yet another Beckham boy checked him out.

"Hey, I didn't know you, Dakota and Romeo had already done stuff" David asked as he tried on the first pair of shorts and found they fit OK, if a little snug on his bum.

"Yeah, last night, why?" Brooklyn replied.

"No reason, I just didn't know, Dakota didn't say. I mean I knew about you and him, and you and Romeo, but I didn't get that you had all done it together without me"" David replied, looking down slightly.

Brooklyn could see the disappointment on the 12 year old boy's face, realising just how much he must love Dakota. "Oh, I thought you kinda knew. I mean when we spoke in the kitchen this morning and you said you knew about it all, me and Dakota and Romeo?"

"I meant I knew about you and Romeo, not Romeo and Dakota as well"

"It was just messing around. It's not the same as you and Dakota. He told me about you, I mean what you mean to him" Brooklyn said, trying to reassure the younger boy.

"Really?" David replied, looking up suddenly, "what did he say?" he asked.

"Just that he really cares about you, even loves you. Dakota is my best friend, I know when he means something, and you're really special to him David, so don't worry about it OK? Plus you get to have lots of fun with me and Romeo too, if you want to?" Brooklyn smiled.

"Yeah, I mean it will be cool tonight" David replied, feeling happier now.

"OK great, we better go, come on" and with that David followed Brooklyn out of the room and off to the pool area.

The five boys splashed about in the pool for several hours, David having to get out to let Dakota put some sun tan lotion on him, him being fairer skinned than the rest and by the end of the day all of them were wrinkled and ready for something else to eat.

Gloria made a light dinner, the family eating silently for the most part. Romeo asked to sleep on the floor in the older boys room again, Victoria saying no before David Mazouz piped up and said it would be cool if he could and that he didn't mind, Victoria finally agreeing. All four boys shared a semi conspiratorial smile, knowing what was to come later.

After dinner they headed off to their rooms to get changed into some PJ's before going back into the TV room to complete the FIFA tournament as had been planned earlier, before being sent off to bed at 10PM, much to collective groans about it being too early.

The four boys, Brooklyn Beckham, Romeo Beckham, Dakota Goyo and David Mazouz headed into Brooklyn's room, Romeo closing the door behind them being the last one in. Gloria had laid out a sleeping bag on the floor for Romeo to sleep in, next to the already set-up fold out bed that was to be David's for the night.

They spent a short while talking about the FIFA tournament, exchanging ideas for what they could do tomorrow, before the conversation dried up, all four thinking about what was to come next, Romeo and David sitting on the fold out bed and looking at the two older boys, no one knowing what to do.

"Fuck, how do we even do this?" Brooklyn said, breaking the awkward silence.

All four boys began laughing, Dakota reaching out to grab Brooklyn in a head lock, the two younger boys joining them on the bed in a play fight, which soon involved pillows and more laughter.

They eventually collapsed onto the bed together, David on top of Brooklyn and Romeo being held by Dakota, all out of breath.

"I don't think that's how" Romeo said, causing the other three to laugh.

"You got a better idea then?" Dakota responded.

"Maybe" Romeo replied, and turned to face Dakota, before moving his hand and placing it into Dakota's shorts, and boxer briefs.

"How about this?" Romeo asked teasingly, as Brooklyn and David looked on.

"Might work" Dakota replied, feeling his dick swell to its full 6 inch inches as the 10 year old manipulated it inside his shorts, "but maybe we should try it without the clothes" he added.

Romeo removed his hand from Dakota's shorts and unceremoniously pulled his PJ top over his head and tossed it away, it landing on Brooklyn's head, before quickly half rolling off the side of the bed to pull his PJ shorts and blue briefs down in one move, kicking them off onto the floor, his 3 inch erection slapping into place against his hairless pubic area.

Brooklyn grabbed his little brothers PJ top off his head and threw it to the side, shooting Romeo a mock angry look, before pulling his own t-shirt over his head and then bringing his hands to his waist and slipping his boxer briefs down his thighs, grabbing the bundle of clothes and putting them on the floor.

Dakota had followed suit, and was soon also naked, reaching over to help David release his arm from his t-shirt when it became tangled awkwardly, "Thanks" David said, smiling at Dakota.

"I want to do something with David first, you stopped us earlier" Romeo said once they were all naked and sat on the large double bed, looking over at Brooklyn.

"Well that's up to David isn't it" Brooklyn replied.

David nodded silently and moved over to where Romeo was sitting, putting his arm out to move Romeo's legs so they were spread out in front of him rather than in a kneeling position, and pushing lightly on his chest so that Romeo leaned back onto his hands.

Romeo watched as the curly haired 12 year old reached out to grasp his erect 3 inch uncut dick and slowly began to roll the foreskin back and forth, again looking at it with fascination, his other hand reaching down to his own painfully hard 3.5 inch cut erection and beginning to wank it.

"No, let me" Brooklyn interrupted, moving David's hand and beginning to gently wank the smaller boy as he wanked his little brother.

Dakota was left leaning back against the head board, watching as David slowly and gently wanked Romeo, he in turn being wanked by his best friend Brooklyn. He wrapped his hand around his own erect

6 inch cut dick, enjoying a lazy wank at the sight before him.

Brooklyn turned back to look at Dakota, "You can jump in any time you know, don't just sit there on your own" he quipped, smiling at his friend.

"But it's so hot watching you three" Dakota replied, smiling.

"Don't be lazy, come on" David urged, watching with a smile as Dakota got up and moved over to kneel behind him, before he felt himself being pushed over and onto his knees, his tight little bum now exposed, Brooklyn no longer having access to David's dick.

"Hey" Brooklyn complained.

"I think Romeo can keep you occupied, I need David's ass" Dakota replied, reaching over to push Brooklyn up the bed towards his brother's head, before bending down to part David's bum cheeks and begin to gently tongue the 12 year old's hole, causing David to gasp.

Romeo watched the exchange and reached out to pull David's head down onto his hard little 3 inch dick, the curly haired boy willing let it slip into his warm wet mouth, Romeo now putting his hands on either side of David's head as he sucked him, feeling David's tongue expertly probe the slit and then the whole pink mushroom head.

Brooklyn bent down to Romeo's head with his own, using his hand to move his cute little face away from watching as David Mazouz sucked him, Romeo's eyes now gazing up at him, before giving his brother an affection and gentle kiss on the lips, letting his tongue slide past them.

The two brothers broke apart, Brooklyn now moving to kneel in front of Romeo's head before gently feeding his 5 inch uncut erection into his mouth, Romeo moving a hand off David's head to grasp his brother's erection and begin to energetically suck it, causing Brooklyn to gasp.

Dakota continued to rim David's tight little hole, enjoying the muffled moans that escaped from his mouth, still filled with Romeo's dick, as he expertly sucked the younger boy. He withdrew his tongue and reached out to insert a finger into David's hole, adding a second as he began to feel it loosen, David moaning as he did so.

David was enjoying being slowly finger fucked by Dakota whilst he sucked on Romeo's gorgeous 3 inch uncut erection, using his hand to wank it in time with his head slowly bobbing up and down. He let the head slip out for a second to release a moan as Dakota found his prostate, the sensation driving him crazy, before bending back down and letting Romeo's pink mushroom head slide noiselessly back over his tongue, engulfing the thin shaft again.

Brooklyn fed his 5 inch uncut erection into Romeo's mouth at a fast pace now, watching his little brother's cheeks puff out every time he slid inside him, Romeo concentrating on the task before him, his eyes occasionally darting down to where David was sucking him whilst being fingered by Dakota.

"Did you bring the lube I gave you David?" Dakota asked, letting his two fingers slip out of David's tight hole for a moment.

"Yeah, it's in the side pouch of my rucksack" David replied, letting Romeo's dick slip out of his mouth for a second to reply.

"You're gonna fuck him?" Brooklyn asked, suddenly interested, still feeding his 5 inch erection into his little brother's mouth.

"Oh yeah" Dakota replied, grinning at his friend, before slipping off the bed to retrieve the lube from David's bag, returning to the bed with the blue and white tube.

Brooklyn watched as Dakota squeezed out some of the lube onto his fingers, reaching over to massage some of it into David's boy hole, before using the rest to get his 6 inch cut erect dick nice and slick.

Dakota lined the pink mushroom head of his now painfully hard 6 inch cut erection against David's hole, the younger boy still sucking Romeo, and gently began to push it in, feeling David's tight bum grip his dick as he did so. He moved it in slowly, stopping when a sharp gasp escaped David's still busy mouth and reaching out to rub his back gently, before David nodded that he should continue.

Brooklyn saw Dakota gently slide his dick into David, before he began to slowly slide it back and forth into the 12 year old, causing him to move forward slightly towards Romeo with each thrust. He turned back to Romeo as he felt the younger boy release his dick. "Hey, why are you stopping?" he asked.

"Watch me sucking you, not them" Romeo demanded, Brooklyn reaching out a hand to caress his little brother's face by way of an apology before the 10 year old clamped his mouth back over his 14 year old brother's dick and resumed his sucking.

Romeo used his tongue to swirl around his brother's pink mushroom head, releasing it to slide his tongue down along the shaft on one side and then back up the other, before engulfing it again, looking up to see his brother watching him intently.

Brooklyn began to force more of his dick into Romeo's mouth, Romeo letting him begin to face fuck him, happy to be Brooklyn's little cock slave, enjoying the attention he now had from his older brother. He could feel David begin to increase his pace sucking his dick, his 3 inch uncut erection beginning to get ever more sensitive, and feeling that he was close to an orgasm.

David continued to glide Romeo's dick in and out of his mouth, looking up at him to see the 10 year old's mouth being fucked by Brooklyn, the older teen now moving his dick in and out of his brother's mouth at an ever increasing pace.

Dakota began to move in and out of David's tight hole at a greater rate now too, feelings of ecstasy shooting through the 12 year old's body each time the tip of Dakota's 6 inch dick touched his prostate.

Dakota effortlessly glided his dick in and out of David's tight hole, reaching around now to grasp his lover's 3.5 inch uncut erection and begin to mercilessly wank it, feeling David force his bum back onto him, almost trying to get more of the older teen's dick inside him.

Brooklyn could feel his orgasm beginning to build now, knowing it would not be long before his little brother Romeo had yet another mouthful of his cum. He let his dick slip out of the younger boy's mouth, Romeo making an annoyed sound in response.

Brooklyn reached down to wank his own dick now, deciding that his cum would look much nicer on Romeo's face, before the younger boy reached up to take over the wanking for him, the two brothers staring at each other wordlessly, Brooklyn watching as Romeo's face contorted as David continued to suck him expertly.

Romeo wanked Brooklyn's 5 inch uncut erection as fast as his little hand would let him now, suddenly desperate to taste his older brother's teen cum. He could see Brooklyn begin to tense and then felt the orgasm shoot up the shaft of Brooklyn's dick, a loud moan verging on a shout escaping his mouth, before the pink mushroom head of his dick expanded and shot first one, and then two large loads of white cum out onto Romeo's face. Romeo used his small hand to continue to pump the last few dribbles of cum out of his older brother's dick, before pulling it back into his face to lick it clean.

Brooklyn bent down to Romeo's face, and gave him a kiss to say thank you, before working his tongue over his face and cleaning his own cum from him. He felt Romeo's face twitch suddenly and turned to look at where David continued to suck his little brother's dick, whilst being fucked mercilessly by Dakota who made a slapping sound against the 12 year old's tight bum every time he entered him. Brooklyn watched as Romeo's body contorted, the muscles in his tight tummy tensing.

"FUCK" Romeo gasped, feeling his orgasm shoot through him, his breath barely able to escape his body. The feelings were so much more intense, "Oh fuck it feels so good" he moaned, feelings of ecstasy shooting through him as David continued to suck on his still hard 3 inch uncut erection.

Romeo felt the sensation die down and moved to push David's head off his now sensitive dick, the 12 year old resisting and continuing to suck him, Romeo now feeling yet a another wave of orgasm hitting him, his small dick feeling on fire. He clamped his eyes shut, almost unable to bear the feelings as a second orgasm ravaged his small body.

Brooklyn looked on with amazement as Romeo seemed to have a second orgasm, unable to believe what he was seeing, not realising such as thing was even possible.

David finally released Romeo's 3 inch dick from his mouth, smiling up at the younger boy who eyes were still closed, barely able to cope with what had just happened to him. David knew all about double orgasms, before bending over to collapse his head onto Romeo's tummy to enjoy Dakota's now rampant fucking of his tight little hole.

Dakota was pounding David's hole now, barely aware of anything but what was going on in front of him, feeling David tightening the muscles of his anus to grip him ever harder, his 6 inch dick sliding in and out of the younger boy. He continued to wank David's hard 3.5 inch erection, delighting in the gasps coming from the younger boy.

Brooklyn sat back now and watched the scene before him, Dakota pummelling David's bum whilst he wanked him, Dakota and David both with their eyes closed. His own dick had now gone flaccid, but he began to play with it again, feeling it begin to recover. Romeo shared a look with Brooklyn, both Beckhams watching as David and Dakota make love.

"DAVID, I AM GONNA CUM" Dakota shouted, before thrusting deep into David's hole and gasping loudly, feeling a jet of cum shoot into the 12 year old, his body tensing unbearably, before another load left him, and his orgasm faded.

David felt his own orgasm build now as Dakota continued to wank him before releasing his dick as his orgasm hit. David, desperate to cum, reached back to push Dakota off him, causing Dakota's now rapidly softening 6 inch erection to slip out of him with a sucking sound, and flipping onto his back with his curly haired head resting against Romeo's crotch next to the younger boy's still amazingly hard 3 inch erection. "Suck it" David demanded, gesturing to his dick.

Dakota obeyed, still trying to recover from his own orgasm, bending down to take David's 3.5 inch erection into his mouth and beginning to suck him for all he was worth, gripping it tightly with his thumb and forefinger as he added a wanking motion at the same time.

David's back arched up off the bed as his own orgasm now finally hit him, and he tried to push as much of his dick into Dakota's willing mouth as he could manage, feeling the older teen clamp hard onto it, before a few small drops of clear cum escaped him. "Ohhhhhhh" David moaned.

Brooklyn and Romeo continued to watch, Brooklyn now fully hard again, wanking his 5 inch erection at the sight before him. David began to pant now, his head going back to rest against Romeo's crotch, absolutely spent.

Dakota finally released David's dick, which was still half hard, and admired the angry red mushroom head, watching as David's tight tummy moved in and out quickly as he recovered his breath.

All four boys sat wordless for a moment, Brooklyn still gently wanking his now hard again erection.

"Well," Brooklyn finally said, "that was OK I guess" he quipped. The other three boys laughed, some of the sexual tension released for a moment.

"That was so hot, you two fucking I mean" Romeo said.

David turned around and moved his body so he was looking up at Romeo, his head just a few inches from Romeo's still hard 3 inch erection, "Thanks, bet you loved the double cum too" he asked.

"Yeah it was awesome, I wanted you to stop after the first one, how did you know?" Romeo asked.

"I get them too, mainly before I started to shoot, it's awesome!"

"Yeah, I guess you are both little freaks. I can only get one at a time" Dakota said, reaching out a hand to ruffle David's hair. David turned around again and reached up to Dakota, getting off the bed onto his elbows and smiling as Dakota bent down and kissed him tenderly, Dakota reaching out to put a hand onto the 12 year old's head and hold him, before pulling him up into a hug, David sighing contentedly. Brooklyn and Romeo watched on at the affectionate sight.

"Hey, are you two really in love then?" Romeo asked, never afraid of a direct question.

"Yeah, I love him more than anything" Dakota replied as he released the younger boy to let him sit back on his heels, David's eyes glowing with the profession of love.

"Cool" Romeo replied, wondering if he would ever find someone like that, before Brooklyn reached down to ruffle his hair affectionately as he saw the thoughtful look on his face

"Don't worry, you will find someone too, and you'll always have me" Brooklyn said, lovingly.

"Have you? Do you think I can really have you, I mean like Dakota had David?" Romeo asked, smiling mischievously.

"You mean you wanna put it in my bum?" Brooklyn asked, smiling.

"Yeah, can I?"

"I guess so. Dakota, you got that lube stuff?" Brooklyn asked, holding out a hand to grab the lube as Dakota passed it to him.

"Cool, we get to watch the Beckhams fuck" David laughed, suddenly interested, his dick now having gone back to its fully erect 3.5 inches, reaching over to grab Dakota's now flaccid dick in an attempt to encourage it back to life as well, smiling as he felt it begin to stiffen at his touch.

Brooklyn moved back up the bed and placed his head up near to the headboard, scooting his bum down and raising his legs to expose his hole as Romeo moved up to kneel between his legs.

"You should put a pillow under your butt, it will make it easier for Romeo to put it in that way" Dakota suggested, moving over to place another pillow underneath Brooklyn, his hole now more exposed.

Romeo squirted some of the lube he had taken from Brooklyn and began to work it into his older brother's hole, Brooklyn gasping as Romeo's small fingers entered him, enjoying the sensation.

"Hey, you want something to munch on?" Dakota asked Brooklyn

"Sure" Brooklyn replied, expecting just Dakota to move over and then smiling as David did too, the two boys taking a position on either side of his head. Brooklyn reached out to grasp Dakota's now fully hard and still slick 6 inch cut erection with his right hand, and David's 3.5 inch cut erection with his left and slowly began to wank the two boys in tandem.

Romeo moved his butt forwards and positioned his now painfully hard 3 inch uncut erection, the pink mushroom head resting gently against his brothers slick hole. He pushed forward and felt it begin to enter, Brooklyn gasping for a moment, before the rest slowly slipped in. Romeo's dick being smaller and thinner made it a far easier fit that Dakota into David.

Brooklyn watched as his little 10 year old brother began to thrust in and out of him, enjoying the sensations he was beginning to feel, smiling as Romeo's dick slipped out as he messed up his timing, the younger boy grinning sheepishly at him before re-entering.

"Wanna open up there buddy?" Dakota asked, impatient to get his dick into Brooklyn's mouth.

"No, not you, I wanna taste this one first" Brooklyn replied, pulling David's 3.5 inch dick jutting out from a hairless pubic area towards his mouth, looking up at the curly haired 12 year old before clamping his mouth tight around his dick, tasting the new member's flesh for the first time.

"Mmm, that feels nice, shame you ain't getting none of this" David teased, looking over to Dakota as he slowly fed his dick into Brooklyn's mouth.

"Oh, I've had it already, I can wait" He quipped back, Brooklyn giving his dick a hard squeeze to remind him who was in control, Dakota letting out a little yelp, before Brooklyn resumed his gentle wanking of Dakota's dick.

Brooklyn enjoyed the sensation of sucking a new dick, and explored David's 3.5. inch erection gently with his tongue. He released it from his mouth to run his tongue along the thin shaft and down to the still hairless balls, hanging loosely below it. He took each one into his mouth and swirled them around gently, careful not to hurt David.

David watched intently as Brooklyn explored his dick with his tongue and mouth, Brooklyn's tongue now snaking its way back up the shaft, rounding the underside and over the slit, before letting the pink mushroom head slide back over his pink tongue and into his mouth, Brooklyn using a thumb and forefinger to wank it gently in and out.

Romeo continued his steady pace as he stroked his 3 inch erection into his brother's warm hole, enjoying the sensations, not having anything to compare it to. He reached out a hand to grasp onto Brooklyn's now achingly hard 5 inch cut erection and began to roll the foreskin back and forth, wanking his 14 year old brother as he gently fucked his hole.

Brooklyn finally released David's now glistening dick and turned his attentions back to Dakota's 6 inch cut erection, letting it slide into his mouth, doing his best to deep throat his 14 year old friend, pleased that he was able to get all the way to the base causing Dakota to moan loudly as he did so.

"Awesome" Dakota moaned, as Brooklyn moved back up his now glistening shaft and then repeated the act, before releasing Dakota's dick and moving to put David's back into his mouth, pulling in Dakota's now too, doing his best to suck the two boy's dicks at once, his cheeks puffing out with the large mouthful.

Romeo watched as his older brother took the two dicks into his mouth at once, and began to increase his thrusting into his hole, and his wanking pace on his 5 inch dick, knowing all the sensations would hit Brooklyn at once, smiling as a muffled groan escaped Brooklyn's double dick filled mouth, Brooklyn looking down at him, releasing the two dicks and smiling at his 10 year old brother.

Brooklyn began to alternate between Dakota's 6 inch cut dick and David's 3.5 inch cut dick now, giving each one a hard suck whilst he wanked the other, before switching. He felt David pull away from his grasp, "What is it?" he asked.

"I just want to do some sucking of my own" David replied, smiling as Brooklyn took Dakota's dick into his mouth now, David sliding down to Brooklyn's crotch and bending down to take Brooklyn's 5 inch dick into his mouth, Romeo still wanking it as David sucked.

David let his mouth clamp onto Brooklyn's dick, rolling his tongue around the head expertly, before pushing Romeo's hand off of his brother's dick, replacing it with his own. He let the dick slip out of his mouth and ran his tongue down the shaft, taking the hairless balls into his mouth in a repeat of what Brooklyn had done to him a few moments ago, before making back up to the shaft and swirling his tongue around the tip of the pink mushroom head.

David gripped onto Brooklyn's shaft now, and began to rub the very tip of his dick back and forth over his wet, pink tongue in the fashion he knew Dakota liked so much, occasionally slapping the head onto his tongue, and was rewarded with a groan from Brooklyn.

"You are really fucking awesome at that" Brooklyn said, looking down to where David was treating him to an expert blow job, having released Dakota's dick from his mouth for a second.

"Oh, you have no idea" Dakota agreed, looking back at David as the curly haired 12 year old continued his act on Brooklyn's 5 inch uncut dick. Dakota slipped his dick back into Brooklyn's mouth again, and began to slide it in and out more quickly now, feeling Brooklyn grip his shaft more tightly in response.

Romeo continued to pump his dick into his brother's hole, feeling the sensations build now as he watched David Mazouz suck his brother, taking mental notes of the things he was doing so he could try them out the next time he sucked Brooklyn, not wanting to be outdone. He increased the pace of his thrusts now, hearing a slapping sound each time his hairless pubic area connected with Brooklyn's tight ass cheeks.

Dakota could feel his orgasm building now, and placed his hands on either side of Brooklyn's head and began to face fuck him, desperate to cum. He felt his body begin to tingle, then grow tense as the feelings grew in the pit of his stomach, before his orgasm him like a wave, building from the base of his dick and exploding out at the tip, releasing one short burst of cum into Brooklyn's mouth and letting out an agonised groan, the orgasm almost painful.

Brooklyn felt Dakota's pink mushroom expand in his mouth and then recognised the familiar salty taste of his friend's teen cum, enjoying the feeling of his mouth being fucked, along with his bum, his dick being expertly sucked by David, it was almost too much and he knew he was close to cumming himself.

David continued to suck Brooklyn, looking up to watch as Dakota shot a load of cum into the 14 years old's mouth, somewhat jealous it wasn't his, and decided he had to have some cum right now. He quickened his pace on Brooklyn's dick, gripping the shaft tightly and wanking him furiously at the same time, watching as Brooklyn's face contorted.

"OH FUCK, MMMM, YEAH" Brooklyn moaned loudly as his orgasm hit, and felt two bursts of cum leave his still painfully erect 5 inch dick into David's willing little mouth, feeling the 12 year old clamp onto him and sucking the cum out of him like a vacuum before releasing the now angry red dick.

Romeo was riding the wave now, and knew he was close to cumming, not quite believing this was happening, his slim little hips pistoning his 3 inch uncut erection in and out of his 14 year old brother's hole.

David moved over to him now and kissed him, Romeo letting the curly brown haired 12 year old's tongue slip past his lips, tasting Brooklyn's cum there as they exchange saliva, his breath coming out of his nostrils in short bursts.

Brooklyn watched as his little 10 year old brother pummelled his hole, before David reached over to begin to French kiss him, an unbelievably hot sight. His cute brother Romeo and David making out whilst Romeo fucked his hole like a little rabbit.

Romeo felt his orgasm coming now, and bucked wildly as he came, his little body shaking uncontrollably before he felt the final wave and pushed his dick in as deep into Brooklyn as he could, Brooklyn letting out a sudden yelp as the younger boy grazed his prostate releasing a sudden wave of ecstasy, before Romeo released from David's kiss and collapsed onto his older brother's chest and panted like a boy who had never breathed before.

David moved back up to Brooklyn's head, pushing his hips forwards, Brooklyn noticing and opening to let the 3.5 inch cut erection back into his mouth, David now beginning to angrily thrust in and out of the 14 year old, determined to get his own cum.

Romeo had looked up to watch as David pummelled Brooklyn's mouth, before the small boy's back arched and he grabbed onto the sides of Brooklyn's head with his hand, pushing as much of his dick into him as he could, his orgasm crashing over him, before he squeezed out a tiny drop of clear cum into Brooklyn's mouth, his immature balls not able to manage any more so soon after cumming.

Dakota moved across to David and pulled the now panting boy close. "Didn't I say this would be fun?" he teased, ticking David in the ribs, a beautiful giggle escaping the 12 year olds lips between pants, before bending over to gently kiss him.

Romeo recovered his breath finally, his dick still inside Brooklyn's hole, and pushed his arms onto the bed to raise himself up and look at Brooklyn.

"Nice?" Brooklyn asked, amusedly, still tasting the mixture of Dakota and David's cum in his mouth.

"Yeah, I want you to do me next" Romeo asked, hungry for more.

"Cool, but I don't think I can right now, we aren't all permanently boned like you" Brooklyn laughed, "Come here" he motioned, as Romeo worked his way up on onto Brooklyn's chest, his head resting under his older brothers chin, a contended sigh escaping him.

"OK, I guess I can wait a little while" Romeo responded, feeling warm and safe in his brother's arms.

David and Dakota moved up to the other side of the bed, Dakota lying with his back out towards the edge of the bed with little David spooned in front of him, his arms gripping him close, both boys looking across to where Brooklyn and Romeo were sharing their own embrace.

"This is going pretty well" Dakota said, catching Brooklyn's eye.

"You can say that again" Brooklyn agreed, gripping Romeo tighter to his chest causing him to complain about Brooklyn squeezing him to death, before the younger boy reached up to give his brother a gentle kiss on the lips, letting his head fall back onto his chest and turning it so he was looking at David and Dakota.

"I hope I find that too" Romeo said, as he looked at the two boys.

"What?" David replied.

"Someone who loves me, like Dakota loves you"

"You will" David smiled back, before closing his eyes and trying to snuggle himself closer to Dakota, who looked down to the 12 year old in front of him before closing his own eyes.

"We can do more of this tomorrow, I think we better call it a night" Brooklyn said, rousing the two boys.

"Probably best" Dakota replied, moving off the bed and sitting on the fold out, pulling David down with him and snuggling in together before pulling the covers over the two of them, Dakota with his back to the door shielding the younger boy in front of him.

Brooklyn moved Romeo gently off his chest, rolling off the bed to go and turn out the light, before getting back into the bed and feeling Romeo wiggle his way up his naked body and spooning into him. "You're the best brother ever" Brooklyn whispered into little Romeo's ear.

"You too" Romeo whispered back, before both boys settled down and finally dozed off.

End of Part 11

So, that's another chapter done, I hope you enjoyed it.

It was somewhat more difficult to write as the mechanics involved with a foursome took some figuring out.

There is plenty more to come, and it won't be long before another mystery guest appears!

Please keep writing and giving me your feedback, it is always gratefully received!

P.S. An extra special thank you to Andy Mann for taking the time to proof read this chapter for me. Go have a look at some of his stories, which can be found here:

Next: Chapter 12

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