The Beckham Boys

By Nifty Story

Published on Aug 6, 2013


This is story depicts sexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live. If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it.

Please send all feedback to

The Beckham Boys – Part 5

Brooklyn woke up with a fright. He was having a nightmare where he was being chased by the paparazzi, which wasn't unusual for a Beckham. Except that this time the paparazzi were all 30 stone and naked, and were saying they were going to rape him like a little bitch. Brooklyn wasn't too keen on that idea!

Despite this scary dream, and the sweat soaked sheets beneath him, Brooklyn's dick was rock hard, the same as it was every morning. He was still in just his white boxer briefs, which were viciously tented out by his 5 inch teen dick.

He decided to not to waste it, he never did, the morning was his favourite wanking time, and he slipped his hand under the waist band of his boxer briefs and grabbed his achingly hard dick.

He decided he wanted something to look at while he wanked and rolled over to one side of the bed, releasing his dick, and looking on the floor for where he had put his Mac book before Romeo had come in the night before, leaning down to pick it up and open it on the bed, before sitting with one leg underneath him in a half cross leg position, and the other leg hanging over the side of the bed.

He started the Mac up, and then went to his hidden area and clicked on the private browser programme his friend had told him about, and opened it up. He called up one of his favourite sites, which was a message board where all sorts of pictures were posted, everything from young girls, some even younger than Romeo, right up to old men, and everything in between, even stuff with animals!

He browsed around the girl section for a bit, his hand giving his dick a little squeeze every now and then before going to the boys section. The first post at the top of the board made him stop in an instant and gasp.

"Fuck!" he said out loud, far louder than he realised.

The top post on the board was titled "First class lounges have their perks" and front and centre on the page was a picture of his brother Romeo in his blue PSG kit, in the bathroom from the airport. He was holding his top up revealing his tummy, and his shorts were pulled down revealing his hard little dick. His face was clear as day, a big cheesy grin plastered all over it.

Brooklyn couldn't believe it, and sat and stared at the screen for a few seconds, not knowing what to do next, before clicking into the post to read what the poster had said.

"Was in the first class lounge when I saw those hot Beckham boys breeze in with their Dad, tried following hot little Brooklyn into the toilets but was too late not to look suspect, but noticed this little hottie deliberately flashing me a look of his underpants. Then the little bugger got up and said loud as you like that he wanted the toilet and practically beckoned me to follow, and this is what I got to see. Blew a load into a urinal as he watched, hot little fucker he was too, but he had to go before I could get my lips around that sweet little dick of his, god I thought I would die of a heart attack. Quick Google tells me this is the younger brother Romeo, hot or what?"

There then followed perhaps 6 more photos of more of the less the same thing, and then perhaps 200 posts, mostly saying how amazing the pictures were, and how lucky the guy was, but a lot also saying how they wished it the guy had pictures of Brooklyn too, which made Brooklyn smile.

But only for a second, as he now knew that if he could see these pictures, then so could his friend who had told him about the site, and anyone else in the world. Romeo was in big trouble! Then he thought about the type of site he was on, and realised that no one would report the pictures as it would give away that they went to the site, so Brooklyn though he might just get away with it.

But what about the police? Brooklyn realised he had to do something to get the pictures taken down and noticed a little chat icon in the top right hand corner, and clicked it to open a chat window. He saw the moderator names at the top and clicked on one called "BoyWatcher" and opened a private chat window.

"Hey, can you take the pics of Romeo Beckham down please" Brooklyn typed.

He got a response a few seconds later.

"No, they are hot" came the response from BoyWatcher.

"But he will get into so much trouble, please take them off" Brooklyn replied.

"Why should I?" BoyWatcher replied.

"Because he will get in trouble, it's not fair, and our parents will go mad" Brooklyn replied.

"Your parents? Who are you?" BoyWatcher replied.

Brooklyn realised he shouldn't have said that, and thought for a second.

"Who are you?" BoyWatcher messaged again, and then the same message a third time.

"Brooklyn" Brooklyn replied, his hands trembling.

"BULLSHIT" BoyWatcher replied.

"I am" Brooklyn typed back.

"No way, prove it then, click on the cam icon next to this window, show your face" BoyWatcher replied.

Brooklyn thought for a few seconds, and wondered what he had gotten himself into.

"See, knew you were full of shit, see ya" BoyWatcher said.

"No wait, I'll do it, hang on a sec" Brooklyn replied, clicking the cam button next to the window as BoyWatcher had said. The little timer icon appeared and a separate window loaded up, one box for BoyWatcher's cam and one for Brooklyn's.

After a few seconds Brooklyn saw himself in the lower of the two boxes, his face and naked chest clearly in view. A second later he saw a man that looked a lot like one of the paparazzi chasing him in his nightmare just before he woke. The guy had a bowl of what looked like cereal in his hand, and spat out his most recent mouthful of it. He was silent for a few seconds, seemingly not believing what he was seeing.

"Can you hold up three fingers please?" he asked suddenly. Brooklyn dutifully held up the three fingers.

"Holy shit, it is you" BoyWatcher said out loud.

"Yeah I told you" Brooklyn replied. "Please take down the pics of Romeo, he will get into so much shit, he didn't know that guy would put them online, he was stupid, please, please take them down" Brooklyn pleaded, tears forming in his eyes.

The man he knew only as BoyWatcher put the bowl of cereal down off camera, suddenly looking a bit guilty. "OK, yeah, OK I will Brooklyn" he replied, seriously, still seemingly in shock at being in a webcam session with none other than Brooklyn Beckham talking about naked pictures of his little brother, and on one of the most explicit porn sites going.

"Thank you soooooooo much, can you do it now please? I don't want anyone else to see them" Brooklyn said, suddenly happy.

BoyWatcher made some keyboard moves, and then stopped, a strange look coming on his face.

"Brooklyn?" he asked.

"Yes?" Brooklyn responded.

"If I take these down will you do something for me?" BoyWatcher asked.

"What?" Brooklyn replied, suddenly wary.

"Let me see your dick for a few seconds" BoyWatcher replied, almost croaking out the words.

Brooklyn thought about it for a few seconds, weighing up removing the pictures with showing some perv his dick, and decided it was worth it. "OK, but that's it, I aint doing nothing else, OK?" Brooklyn replied.

"Yeah, of course!" BoyWatcher replied, his hand moving down just out the cameras view, to his dick. He watched as Brooklyn moved up onto his knees, it looked like he was already hard as anything, and pulled down his white boxer briefs, his 5 inch dick coming into view, with a very tiny little patch of pubic hair at the base of his dick. He watched as Brooklyn gave it a slight stroke, before he moved his hips a bit nearer the camera to be sure that his dick could be seen.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful!" BoyWatcher replied, wanking as hard as he could out of camera before letting out a moan and cumming all over his legs and the carpet beneath him.

Brooklyn heard the grunt and moan, and figured that the guy must have cum, and a big grin spread on his face. The guy had cummed in like 20 seconds, Brooklyn figured that he must be hot if he had that effect on the guy. "Did you just cum?" he asked.

"Yeah, sorry, hope you don't mind, couldn't help it" BoyWatcher replied.

"Nah its cool" Brooklyn replied, pulling up his white boxer briefs and returning to his original seating positing, the camera back on his face, a big grin plastered all over it. "So are you gonna remove the pics now?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll do it right now, but only for you" he replied, giving Brooklyn a wink that made him shudder a bit, although he kind of liked it too.

"Cool, thanks" Brooklyn replied, and closed the webcam window down.

"Be done in 5" BoyWatcher typed in the chat window. "Hope to see you on here again sexy boy" he typed.

"Yeah OK, I come on here a lot" Brooklyn replied. "My screen name is buster7".

"Cool, I will message you, see you around Brooklyn" BoyWatcher replied, the chat window then closing.

Brooklyn waited 5 minutes and checked, and saw that the pictures were removed, with a message from admin saying that they had been removed at the request of a family member, who BoyWatcher had been able to verify via webcam.

The site went mad with discussion of who it was that had requested the pictures be removed, most assuming it was Brooklyn's Dad, David Beckham, with lots of people posting "Hi David" on the board.

Brooklyn browsed around the site for a bit longer, mainly reading the comments on the thread that had Romeo's pictures, but also looking at the other pictures that had been posted of boys, some older than him, some his age, but his favourites were the ones of boys younger than him, especially those that looked to around the same age as Romeo, around 10 years old.

He didn't really have the appetite to wank anymore, but still had his hand wrapped around his teen cock, giving it the occasional squeeze when he saw a cute boy. He began to think about how he had learned about the site in the first place almost a year ago now, from probably his best friend on the planet.

2 Years Ago -----------

As part of being a celebrity, not that he really thought of himself that way at all, the Beckhams often got invited to parties, music concerts and movie premiers. Most of the time they turned the invites down as his parents were so busy, but on one particular occasion, around 2 years ago now, David had taken his three sons along to a movie premier in LA for a film called "Real Steel".

It was basically about boxing robots, and Romeo, who was 8 years old at the time, had been pleading to see it for weeks, almost incessantly, so David had agreed to take him, Brooklyn (12 years old at the time) and Cruz (6 years old at the time) to see it.

Brooklyn didn't really want to go, he was going through an odd period where things were just being to change for him, and he hated the attention and cameras, and knew a premier would be full of them. But he had gone along anyway; his Dad hadn't left him a lot of choice.

They had arrived at the premier and gone through the motions, the poses, the fake smiles etc. before going to see the movie. All three boys ended up really enjoying it, even Brooklyn. So when a promoter pulled David to one side and asked if they wanted to go to the after party where they would get to see some of the robot models up close, David was bombarded with all three of his boys begging to go.

He of course gave in, and took the directions down and bundled all three boys into their waiting SUV and headed over to the party. The place was really loud, with most people over in the dance floor/bar area away from the robot models, which were huge, with the three boys separating somewhat to look at them. Brooklyn particularly liked one of the Japanese ones, and had wandered off somewhat to get a good look at it as his two younger brothers stuck with his Dad.

He was admiring it when he felt someone tap him lightly on his shoulder, causing him to turn around. Brooklyn found himself looking at the young boy from the movie suddenly, and realised he must be here for the party too. "Umm... Hi...Max?" Brooklyn mumbled out, realising that was not his name but not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, it's Dakota, not Max, that was just my characters name in the movie" the boy replied, half in a kind way, half in a "Duh, Stupid" way.

Brooklyn went red, realising he must have seemed pretty stupid calling the boy Max. Dakota was around the same height as him at the time, perhaps 5" tall, and had dirty blonde hair in kind of a Justin Bieber style. He had blue eyes, a cute little freckle covered upturned nose, and a generally pixie like little face. He was roughly the same build as Brooklyn, slim without being skinny, and was dressed in a blue blazer, white T-shirt and jeans, with a pair of back loafers.

"Um yeah, sorry, I guess I didn't really know what to call you, so kinda panicked" Brooklyn replied, trying to play it cool.

"It's cool, it happens a lot, don't worry. Are you Brooklyn Beckham?" Dakota asked, suddenly looking hopeful.

"Yeah?" Brooklyn replied, wondering how Dakota knew his name.

"COOL!" he blurted out excitedly. "Is your Dad here? I'm a MASSIVE soccer fan; I think he's like the best player ever!" Dakota gushed, his voice still high and unbroken, just like Brooklyn's at the time.

Brooklyn felt a bit deflated, suddenly realising that he was hoping that for once someone wanted to talk to him and not just his Dad. "Yeah, he's over there, with my little brothers" Brooklyn pointed, over to the far side of the area with the robot models.

"Ace! Can you take me to meet him? I'm kinda nervous to go on my own" Dakota said, half looking down at the floor, nervously and hopeful all at once.

"Sure, OK" Brooklyn replied, not really bothered.

"Cool, can we go now?!" Dakota asked, grabbing out to Brooklyn's arm and half dragging him in the direction of his Dad, not really waiting for an answer.

"I guess we are going then" Brooklyn giggled, swept along in Dakotas sudden enthusiasm.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited!" Dakota replied, releasing Brooklyn's arm and trying to play it cooler.

"It's OK, come on" Brooklyn replied, leading the way over to his Dad.

The two 12 year old boys headed over to where David Beckham and his two other sons were, looking at a robot model and speaking with another person dressed in black, most likely a staff member of some kind.

"Dad" Brooklyn called out once they were almost in front of his Dad, to get his attention. "This is Dakota, he wanted to meet you so I said I'd introduce him, he's a big soccer fan" Brooklyn explained.

"MAX, it's you!" Cruz blurted out as he turned around to look at Dakota, making the same error as Brooklyn had had first saw him.

"Where is Adam?" Cruz asked, suddenly mesmerised. He hadn't yet caught on fully to the difference between the movie world and the real world. "Real Steel" had been a documentary as far as he was concerned!

David was bending down, about to correct his 6 year old son when Dakota suddenly replied. "He's just getting his batteries charged buddy; he had a tough fight, so he needs a bit of fixing up".

"Really? Cool!" Cruz replied, believing Dakota completely.

Dakota turned to the staff member for second. "Hey do you think you can get some of those toys they were giving out, so that my buddy here can get one?" he said to the man dressed in black, Dakota reaching out to put a hand on little Cruz's shoulder.

"Yes of course Dak...I Mean Max" the staff member replied, suddenly realising the game. "They are just over by the front there" he pointed.

"Did you hear that Cruz, go with this nice man and see if maybe he can get you one of the toys" David motioned, looking at the staff member and seeing him nod in agreement, before David gave Cruz a little pat on the behind and a gentle push in the direction the staff member was going in.

"Come straight back OK? Romeo why don't you go too?" David said, motioning for Romeo to follow his little brother, Romeo nodding silently and doing as he was told, following after Cruz and the staff member.

When both boys were out of earshot, David reached out his hand to Dakota "Thanks for doing that Dakota, you probably made his day" he beamed at the cute, blonde, little 12 year old.

"Umm, that's OK" Dakota replied, still shaking David's hand, not quite believing that he, Dakota Goyo, was shaking a soccer legends hand.

"I'm gonna need that back buddy" David laughed, as Dakota finally released his hand.

"Sorry, I... I just can't believe it's really you" Dakota blurted out. "Your my favourite player ever, like even better than Messi or Ronaldo. Your free kicks and your crossing are like better than anyone's, is it true you can like hit a target with a ball from anywhere? What was it like playing for Real Madrid? How can I be as good at free kicks as you, is there like a special trick to it?" Dakota gushed, suddenly finding his voice again, the words coming tumbling out as fast as he could say them.

David smiled at Dakota, used to this kind of reaction, especially from young boys. He did his best to answer the questions and several more as Brooklyn looked on, before a promoter caught David's eye and asked if he would mind posing for some photos in the sponsor's area. The price of admission it seemed.

"Dakota, it was really great to meet you, keep practising the free kicks OK? Brooklyn, wait here for you brothers, I'll go and get these photos done and then we will head home. OK?" David asked Brooklyn.

"Yeah OK Dad" Brooklyn replied. Watching as his Dad walked away.

"Oh. My. God! That was so fucking cool!" Dakota blurted out as soon as Brooklyn's Dad was out of earshot, suddenly grabbing Brooklyn in a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" Dakota said, as he gave a confused and surprised Brooklyn a squeeze, before releasing him.

"You're welcome!" Brooklyn replied once he was released by Dakota, seeing how happy he looked, not being able to help himself but be infected by the other boy's joyous enthusiasm.

The two boys chatted about various things for another 10 minutes, Dakota telling Brooklyn about how the movie was made and taking every opportunity to quiz his new friend about his famous Dad.

A short while later, Dakota's Mom came over, and listened as Dakota explained who Brooklyn was and excitedly told her about how he had met his idol and how cool he was, Brooklyn also telling her how cool Dakota was with little Cruz.

"We need to go now honey, you have the early junket to do tomorrow, remember?" Dakota's Mom reminded him.

"Yeah OK Mom, but I want to stay here with Brooklyn" Dakota moaned, not wanting to go. The press junkets were really boring and lonely; Dakota didn't get much of a chance to spend any time with anyone his own age.

Just as they were getting ready to go, and Brooklyn was saying his goodbyes, David returned with the two younger Beckham boys in tow.

"Hey Mom, this is David!" Dakota excitedly introduced the soccer star to his Mom, like they were now old friends. The two parents exchanged pleasantries, Dakota's Mom seemingly a bit star struck at seeing the handsome icon stood in front of her.

"Dakota was really good with Cruz, he's a lovely boy. Are you in town for long?" David asked.

"For three weeks on the press junket. It's hard on Dakota, he gets bored easily" she replied, looking over at her young son who was now huddled with Cruz, Romeo and Brooklyn looking at the toys the two younger boys had been given.

"Yeah, I bet it is. You know, I am sure the boys would love it if Dakota came over for a play date, you too of course. Victoria and I would love to have you both over if you have the time?" David offered, looking over at the four boys who seemed to have become firm friends despite little more than half an hour having passed since they had met.

"Really? That would be lovely, thank you David; we would love to come over. I think we have a free day on Saturday, if that suits you and Victoria of course?" Dakota's Mom asked.

"Yeah that's fine". The two adults swapped phone numbers, and exchanged a few more pleasantries about the town, the weather etc. before David called out to the boys. "Come on boys, we have to go" he said.

The three Beckham boys let out collective moans, all of them asking if they could stay longer.

"No, we have to get home, its late, and Dakota has to be up early tomorrow too" David replied, smiling as his boys gave him their best puppy dog faces, hoping he might change his mind. "Anyway, Dakota and his Mom are coming over on Saturday, so you can see him then" he said.

"Cool" Wicked" "Great!" all four boys replied, Dakota going over to his Mom's side to thank her.

And with that they left, all saying their goodbyes and heading on their separate ways.

Dakota and his Mom came over on the Saturday, and several more times whilst they were in LA, and the boys all became firm friends, particularly Dakota and Brooklyn given that they were the same age.

After that Dakota and his Mom headed back up to Canada, where they were from, the boys keeping in regular touch via Skype, with Dakota coming to stay for a few days during each holiday, and Brooklyn going up to visit him in Canada too. They quickly became best friends despite the distance.

Present Day -----------

It was during one of the trips to Canada that Dakota had shown Brooklyn the website late one night, when they were both 13, with both boys having a hand inside their pyjama bottoms giving their then 4 inch stiff erections a squeeze as they looked at the pictures, the girls only of course. Neither boy was about to look at naked pictures of another boy, despite how close the two of them were.

Brooklyn thought back to that moment, and the sight of Dakota's obviously erection tenting out his pyjama bottoms, his own dick now suddenly harder than it was before.

He began to wonder whether Dakota, like him, looked at the boy's pictures too, and if so, had he seen the pictures of Romeo. Even if he hadn't, if he did look at the boys section he would see the thread for sure and know in an instant that it was Brooklyn that had the pictures removed, and then they both would know each other looked at the boys section. Brooklyn's 14 year old brain was spinning from all the if's and buts.

He decided there was only one way to find out, and opened up his Skype account, signing in and then seeing that Dakota was also signed in. Brooklyn had spoken to him the day before and knew that he was on a location shoot near New York, so it would be around 11AM where he was now.

He also knew that like him, Dakota had a morning wank as they had joked about it, and Brooklyn also knew that the site in question was Dakotas favourite wank material. He had told him as much a few times. So it stood to reason, that if he had seen the site that day and looked at the pictures, then Dakota would say something.

Brooklyn tapped on the call button, dialling Dakota for a few seconds, before he saw his friends face and upper body fill the screen. Dakota hadn't changed too much since they were both 12; he still looked the same really, except he was perhaps 4 inches taller. He was wearing a blue T-shirt, and it looked like he was sat on a sofa with his laptop on his knees.

"Brooks, what's up buddy?" Dakota greeted his friend.

"Not much man, I couldn't sleep, thought I would call you" Brooklyn replied, rubbing his eyes for dramatic effect.

"Cool, what you been up to since yesterday?" Dakota asked.

"Nothing much, just got back from the UK" Brooklyn replied. "I'm still jet lagged, it sucks" he said.

"Sorry, jetlag blows. Work has been hard, they made us film in the rain again, I don't know why these films seem to insist on me getting soaked in each one, they are trying to kill me" Dakota moaned.

"Yeah that must be rough, at least they give you a wetsuit though" Brooklyn offered.

"Yeah, but then you gotta get out of the thing, try having your Mom pull a wetsuit off you without you giving her a dick flash and see how that goes for ya!" Dakota laughed, making Brooklyn giggle in return.

"Yeah...awkward!" Brooklyn agreed.

"So what you gonna do now, it's morning there aint it? Shouldn't you be meeting Mary and her five sisters about now!" Dakota teased.

"Yeah, in a bit, but not with you watching, ya little sicko!" Brooklyn laughed back. "Anyway, I didn't see anything good on the boards yesterday. What about you, you see anything good on them this morning, any hot girls?" Brooklyn probed.

Dakota was suddenly quiet, his 14 year old brain trying to come up with an answer other than "Yeah, I saw your 10 year old brothers cock this morning and blew my load" knowing if he said it then Brooklyn would know he was looking at the boys section and that he was a raging homo. "Umm yeah, some hot Brazilian chick, you should go check it out" Dakota lied. There was always a hot Brazilian chick on the site, guaranteed.

Brooklyn was relieved, as Dakota's answer told him that his secret was safe. Brooklyn knew Dakota really well, and if he had seen the pictures he wouldn't be able to resist saying something, or so he thought anyway.

"Yeah I will in a bit" Brooklyn replied, before hearing a loud slamming sound come from Dakota's end of the Skype chat. "What was that?" Brooklyn asked, as he saw Dakota turn towards the sound.

"Oh that's my call, I gotta go, see ya Brooks, chat later yeah?" Dakota said hurriedly, not looking at the computer as he hurried to close the chat, Brooklyn not being able to get a goodbye out before the screen went partly blank and then he could see the room spinning in the cam window at Dakota's end.

It seemed that in Dakota's rush to close the chat that he hadn't ended Skype properly, and their chat was still running. It looked as if the Dakota had almost tossed the laptop onto another sofa opposite where he was sat, and that it had landed on a pillow or something, as Brooklyn could see the other sofa Dakota had been sat on across the room from an slightly raised angle, though through a smaller window, like the laptop lid had been half closed, but not enough to cover the camera.

Brooklyn was about to close the chat when he heard faint voices coming from Dakota's end of the Skype chat, before a few seconds later seeing Dakota drop himself back on the sofa across from where he had tossed his laptop. He could now see all of Dakota save for his feet, and could see that he had on a pair of khaki coloured combat shorts, the ones with all the extra pockets.

The sound appeared to be muffled somewhat, so whilst he could tell Dakota was taking to someone off camera, he couldn't make out what was being said. Brooklyn was about to call out, to tell his friend off for saying he had to go when he didn't, when he stopped.

On the screen he watch as Dakota stopped talking, and moved his hands down to pull up the hem of his T-shirt to reveal his tight toned tummy, his fingers going down to undo his green fabric belt, and then the button on his combat shorts, before opening the zip and then lifting his bum slightly so he could pull them and what looked like blue boxer briefs down in in one movement, the shorts and boxer briefs now pooled at his feet.

Dakota spread his legs apart and took his dick in his hand and gave it a few stokes, Brooklyn gasping as he watched his friend get what looked like a 6 inch erection, bigger than Brooklyn's own now painfully hard 5 inch dick. Brooklyn could see that Dakota either had no pubic hair, or that it was impossible to see due to his fair hair colouring. His dick was uncut just like Brooklyn's, and he watched as Dakota skinned back to reveal the head of his dick, which looked wet and glistened with precum.

Brooklyn quickly jumped off the bed and pulled his own white boxer briefs down and off completely, sitting back down to adjust the laptop screen for a better view, before leaning back and beginning to wank his own 5 inch teen cock, watching his best buddy do the same, seemingly unaware that Brooklyn could see him.

Amazingly, Dakota still seemed to be talking to someone off camera, and Brooklyn wondered if he had some kind of girl groupie with him, when the person Dakota was talking to suddenly came into view, albeit visible from behind only. And it wasn't a girl.

From what Brooklyn could see it appeared to be a skinny boy, perhaps the same age as Romeo, with curly brown hair and pale whit skin. He was fully dressed in what looked like an olive green long sleeve t-shirt, with the sleeve cuffs covering the boys hands almost completely, and dark grey chinos.

Brooklyn watched as Dakota continued to stoke his cock back and forth, motioning to the boy to come over to the sofa, before saying something to him. The boy then kneeled down, still only visible from behind, and moved up to the edge of the sofa between Dakota's knees.

The boy reached out a hand, stopping to pull up his sleeve up with the other hand, and took a hold of Dakota's hard 6 inch cock, before seeming to bend down and take it in into his mouth, his head now bobbing up and down. He was giving Dakota a blowjob!

Brooklyn couldn't believe what he was seeing, not only was he getting to see Dakota's hard cock properly for the first time, but he was also getting a blowjob from a boy who looked no older than 10 years old. Brooklyn wanked his own dick furiously, knowing he was about to cum given the hot scene before him.

He watched as Dakota closed his eyes and put both hands on the younger boys head, now seeming to face fuck him, the young boy allowing his mouth to be pummelled. It was too much for Brooklyn, and he let out a stifled yelp and shot his teen cum all over the laptop screen in front of him.

Brooklyn quickly scrambled on the bed and grabbed for his white boxer briefs from the floor, using them to clean his cum from the screen before it reached the keyboard and ruined it, watching as Dakota seemed to reach a crescendo of his own a few moments later and let out a moan that Brooklyn could hear plain as day despite the muffled sound, before watching his now cleaned screen as Dakota tensed up, before seeming to calm down and then reach out to rub the smaller boys head affectionately, his eyes now open, and the boy seemingly talking to Dakota.

Brooklyn couldn't see any cum on Dakota, so it was either over the younger boys face, or down his throat. Brooklyn began to get hard again at the thought and began willing the younger boy to turn around, hoping to get a look at his face.

It wasn't to be though, and Brooklyn watched as the younger boy got off his knees and moved off camera, Brooklyn only catching a half second glimpse of the side of his face, not telling him who the boy might be.

He watched as Dakota pulled up his blue boxer briefs and combat shorts, before doing them up and putting his belt back in place. Dakota sat there for a few moments, his head falling back onto the sofa, seemingly worn out from the cum he had just had. He then got up and to Brooklyn's horror headed over to the previously discarded laptop.

Brooklyn hurriedly closed the Skype window, and lay back on his bed.

A few thousand miles away, Dakota picked up his half closed laptop from the other sofa in the his small set trailer, and opened it up, intending to close down the laptop and head off to set for real this time.

He noticed that the Skype programme was still open to the chat/call window with Brooklyn from earlier, but that the chat was closed. He moved his mouse to close Skype, when he stopped, and went still.

"Shit!" he said out loud. He noticed the time stamp on the end of the Skype video call, and saw that it was timed to just a few seconds earlier. Had Brooklyn just seen what he was doing?

"What is it?" his little friend asked from across the trailer, noticing the worried look on Dakota's face.

"I think my buddy Brooklyn just saw you suck me off on Skype, I didn't close the window properly!" Dakota replied, suddenly going very pale, feeling like his life was over.

"Are you sure?" his curly haired friend replied.

"I think so, what am I gonna do?" Dakota replied, turning to look at the other boy.

"We will think of something" the boy grinned up at Dakota, before turning to leave the trailer, Dakota following after him.

End of Part 5

Once again thanks for all the great feedback, keep it cumming ;)

So what about that, Dakota Goyo now in on the act, and a mystery little curly haired friend too. Part 6 coming soon!

But what do you think so far? Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Next: Chapter 6

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