The Beckham Boys

By Nifty Story

Published on May 16, 2014


Subject: The Beckham Boys - Part 13

This is story depicts sexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live. If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it.

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The Beckham Boys – Part 13

Dexter could barely contain his excitement as he drove Brooklyn, Romeo, Dakota and David over to the LA Convention centre, where Comic-Con was being held that year. "This is awesome man. For once babysitting you guys has a perk" he mused.

"You can thank me later Dex" Dakota replied, smiling at the large black body guard. "Well, Chandler I mean, since he got us the VIP passes"

"Well whoever, it's cool" Dexter replied, as he got off the exit ramp and headed up towards the VIP valet parking area, pulling into the small queue of cars.

"Who is Chandler anyway?" Romeo asked.

"He is in 'The Walking Dead', he plays Carl, haven't you seen it?" Dakota asked, turning to look at Romeo who was sat in the back seat across from him, David Mazouz in between them.

"Dad barely lets me watch it, so no way is Romeo getting to watch that show" Brooklyn snorted, "Plus, he would get nightmares" Brooklyn said, turning around from the front seat to smirk at Romeo.

"No I wouldn't" Romeo shot back, annoyed, not wanting to appear babyish.

"Yes you would. You remember how you got scared over Voldemort coming to get you when we saw the last Harry Potter, and that was a kids film!" Brooklyn chuckled, Romeo reaching out to grab Brooklyn just as Brooklyn moved out of his grasp.

"Hey guys, cool it, I don't have time to play these fool games" Dexter shot at the two eldest Beckham boys, the two of the settling down.

Dexter rolled the car up to the Valet stop, and got out along with the boys and collected a ticket from the attendant. He ushered the boys into the convention centre as the attendant drove away the black Range Rover to park it.

Dexter went over to the reception booth to collect their passes, returning to hand one to each of them to hang around their necks. The five of them paused as they entered the huge convention centre, sights and sounds all around them, and people dressed in every costume imaginable, from Star Wars to obscure Anime.

"So, where to first? I want to see the artists section, so as long as we get there I don't care where else y'all want to go" Dexter said finally, breaking the awed silence.

"We should probably go and say hi to Chandler and thank him for these" Dakota said, holding up the VIP pass hung around his neck.

"Sure, good idea, gotta show respect where it's due" Dexter agreed. He consulted the small map in his hand, working out where the celebrity signings were going on. "It's over in section C, which is that way" he said, pointing to his left.

"OK, come on them" Brooklyn responded, leading the way. Romeo slipped his hand into Dexter's as they followed, not being a big a fan of lots of people in one place, Dexter allowing it despite his otherwise gruff nature. Romeo was the sweetest of the Beckham boys, and also the one who got the most nervous at large events like this so Dexter was used to his reaction.

They passed hundred of stalls along the way, all of them stopping to look at different points. Dakota was fascinated with the Star Wars vintage stuff he saw, David and Romeo geeked out over a Marvel toys stand and Brooklyn admired some Firefly memorabilia. Dexter stopped at more than one of the comic stands, eyeing up issue number 1 of Hellblazer at one stand, perfectly sealed inside a collector case and trying to decide if it was worth spending out on.

"Come on Dex" Brooklyn said, dragging the tall black body guard away as the reached the edge of section C where the Celebrity signature booths were located.

Dexter consulted the map again, seeing that Chandler was in booth C27, and led the way down towards it, stopping to pass through the queues as they went, some stretching right around the edge of the convention centre as people waited for autographs and pictures with their favourite stars.

Dakota was stopped on the way by a young girl who asked for his autograph and a picture, much to the other boys amusement. The blonde 14 year old happily obliged her, before they headed on their way again, finally reaching the queue that led into Chandler Riggs' booth.

"We don't need to queue, we can just go right up there and talk to him" Dakota instructed, familiar with the set-up having been in one of these booths himself before.

"OK, lead the way then" Dexter offered, Romeo still gripping his hand tightly as they passed through the crowds, some people giving them dirty looks thinking they were skipping in line.

They reached the table where Chandler was sat, currently talking to a fan made up in zombie make-up and signing a picture for her. Chandler was a cute 14 year old boy, with shaggy brown hair that fell over onto his face, blue eyes and pale skin dotted with a smattering of freckles. He was slim but not overly so, and was wearing a black Minecraft t-shirt and grey slacks. He had a serious look on his face as he concentrated on the signature in front of him, before looking up at the zombie girl and giving her a sweet, nervous smile as he squinted his eyes, revealing perfect white teeth.

"Here you go" Chandler said, handing the signed picture to the delighted girl. He motioned for the next person to come forward when he noticed the group off to the side, spotting Dakota. "Hey man, you made it" Chandler said, animatedly.

"Yeah, thanks for these" Dakota responded, gesturing to the VIP passes around his neck.

"No problem, you wanna come sit in the green room? I can take a break in 10 minutes, OK?" Chandler said, gesturing behind him.

"Sure, OK" Dakota replied, looking up as a convention staff member came over to lead them in the direction of the green room area hidden behind the signing booths, Chandler thanking her as she led them away and then going back to his signing.

Chandler struggled to concentrate on the next fan, barely hearing what he was saying as he thought about what he had just seen. Not only was Dakota there, but also the Beckham boys and David Mazouz. Dakota hadn't said who the passes were for, so it was quite a surprise. He felt his 5 inch uncut dick begin to stir in his slacks as he thought about Romeo Beckham in particular, especially given what he had seen only a few days before.

The convention staff member led Dexter, Brooklyn, Dakota, Romeo and David back into the green room, which was basically just a large open square with chairs spread around and a table with food and refreshments on one side. Oddly, there wasn't one bit of green in the room, something which always confused Romeo about these places.

They found a spot to sit, Dexter thanking the staff member as she left to go and attend to Chandler again, and they began to look around the room, pointing out people they recognised. Most of the people were older TV stars, Dexter smiling when he saw Mr. T in one corner.

"Well, what is this?" a tall blonde man said, as he bent down behind David Mazouz and put his arm around his neck, causing Dexter to flinch before he realised who it was.

"Kiefer!" David said, excitedly, before getting up off his chair and moving around it to give Kiefer Sutherland, who played his on screen father in Touch, a warm hug which the older man returned, genuinely pleased to see David.

"What are you doing here buddy? Where's your Mom?" Kiefer asked as he released David from the hug and held him by the shoulders.

"She's at home, I am here with my buddys" David said, gesturing to the group behind him.

"Hey guys. Hey aren't you guys David Beckham's kids?" Kiefer asked, recognising Brooklyn and Romeo.

"Yeah" Brooklyn replied, sheepishly.

"Cool, is your Dad here too?" Kiefer asked, being a big fan of soccer.

"No, it's just us here today" Brooklyn replied.

"OK, cool, well tell him I am a big fan for me OK?"

"Sure" Brooklyn responded, as another man walked up to Kiefer, this one bearded and looking impossibly built.

"You ready to go? Scarlett says they have a table" the man said, placing a hand on Kiefer's shoulder.

"Sure thing Chris, I was just catching up with my little buddy David here" Kiefer replied, gesturing to David in front of him.

"Oh yeah, you were in that show too weren't you. Good job man, you were very believable" Chris said.

"Thanks, but I'm not as good as Kiefer. Your Captain America right, I mean Chris Evans" David said, stumbling over his words.

"Sure am" Chris Evans smiled. "Cool" Romeo said, staring at Chris Evans in a starstruck way, not believing he was stood there.

"Sure is little guy" Chris responded, smiling at the cute 10 year old and his stunned reaction, used to seeing it from kids now.

"OK, well we better go. Send me an E-Mail, let me know how your getting on with that guitar I gave you. And say hi to your Mom for me" Kiefer said, reaching out to tousle David's curly brown hair, before waving goodbye to the others and following Chris Evans out the back entrance to the green room.

"That was so cool, I mean Captain America, he's huge" Romeo said finally, staring after the two movie stars as they left.

"Not that big man" Dexter quipped, flexing his own muscles slightly.

"But he's Captain America!" Romeo said, his day made already.

"It was pretty cool. That Kiefer Sutherland is cool too" Brooklyn commented.

"Yeah, he is so nice. I actually really miss him now we are not on the show any more" David said, sadly.

"That's how it is thought isn't it, I mean you make friends and then it's over and you are onto another set. Kinda sucks" Dakota lamented.

"I guess, but it doesn't always end does it" David replied, smiling at Dakota.

"No, I guess not" Dakota replied, smiling back at the 12 year old.

The five of them sat and spoke for a while longer, Dexter going over to the refreshments table to grab cokes for all of them whilst they waited for Chandler, the shaggy haired 14 year old appearing behind the convention worked 10 minutes or so later, apologising for taking so long.

"I can have a 15 minute break and then I gotta go sign some more. I am only on until 11AM though and then I don't have to be back until a panel thing at 6PM so we can hang out and see the convention between then" Chandler said, his Georgia accent coming through as he spoke to Dakota.

"Cool. Hey you know David right?" Dakota said, Chandler nodding and reaching out to fist bump the 12 year old.

"Yeah sure, you were there when me and Dakota Skype'd right? How you doing?" Chandler asked, smiling.

"I'm OK thanks. Thanks for getting us in" David replied, looking over to Dakota slightly nervously, knowing about the two 14 year old's past.

"No problem dude. You guys are the Beckham's right, Dakota said you would be coming" Chandler said, turning to Brooklyn and Romeo. Dakota looked on in a puzzled way, knowing he hadn't mentioned it to Chandler at all.

"Yeah, I'm Brooklyn and that's...."

"Romeo. Yeah I know, you guys are kind of famous" Chandler responded, smiling at the two Beckhams.

"I'm Dexter, this rabbles body guard. Thanks for the passes man, I really dig these kind of things" Dexter interjected, reaching over to shake the 14 year old's hand rather than offer a fist bump, Chandler's hand being limp and swamped inside his grip.

"That's cool" Chandler replied to the huge black body guard.

"So you want a coke?" Dakota asked, getting up.

"Sure, thanks Man" Chandler replied, watching as Dakota went over to the refreshments stand.

"So how do you and Dakota know each other?" Dexter asked.

"Oh, we met at one of these things a couple of years ago, when he was doing promo work for 'Real Steel' and I was doing some for 'The Walking Dead'. We had booths side by side and I guess we just hit it off" Chandler replied, his eyes glazing over, thinking back to 2 years ago.

2 Years Ago -----------

Chandler Riggs was not looking forward to having to sit in a hot booth at yet another convention. He had begged his Dad to get him out of it, but had been told that it was part of his contract on 'The Walking Dead' and that he had no choice.

Chandler still got very nervous at these Promo things, even if he had done 5 or 6 of them since the show had started. He found it weird that all these strange people wanted to come and talk to him, and his wrist usually ended up hurting from signing his name again and again. It sucked.

He followed his Dad into the green room, still confused that it was called that and yet never actually green, and headed out to his booth, sitting down at the white tablecloth covered table in front of him.

He watched as his Dad laid out the bundle of photos that he would be signing, handler Chandler a small collection of different coloured Sharpie markers. The booths were not due to be opened for another 5 minutes.

Chandler looked around the room at the other celebrities, waving to Andrew Lincoln when he saw him, the British actor who played his Dad on 'The walking Dead' waving back, and wishing he was sat next to him instead.

He looked at the booth to his left and saw an older, grey haired man, and read his name card as someone called Gil Gerard from some show called 'Buck Rogers' having no clue what that was. To his right was a still empty booth, and looking at the name card it read Dakota Goya – 'Real Steel'.

Chandler had seen the film about the robots, thinking it was pretty cool, and wondered if it was one of the adult actors from that as he did not recognise the name. He got his answer a few seconds later when a woman led out a 5" foot tall blonde boy, who looked to be about his age. She repeated the process of setting up his pictures and pens that his own Dad had just gone through.

Dakota looked around the room, feeling nervous having never done one of these conventions before, glad that he had his Mom with him. He spotted the shaggy brown haired boy sitting in a booth of his own beside him, and gave him a nervous little wave and a smile, getting something similar in return.

The signing commenced, people filling in at a relentless pace as the two boys dutifully signed the pictures and posed for awkward photographs. Dakota's Mom, Debra, and Chandler's Dad Will had struck up a conversation at the back of the booths, sharing stories of guiding their sons through the showbiz world, seemingly getting on like a house on fire.

A break for lunch was called, and Chandler's Dad led the way for Dakota's Mom, holding back the curtain that stood in for a door into the green room.

"Dakota, this is Chandler and his Dad Will, say hello" Dakota's Mom instructed once they were all in the green room, watching as Dakota stretched out a hand and politely said hi and shook the two Riggs' hand's, the boy's smiling nervously at each other.

"Let's go and grab some drinks and leave these two to chat. Stay here OK boys, don't wander off" Will instructed, talking to both 12 year olds.

"OK Dad" Chandler replied, obediently, leading Dakota over to a couple of spare chairs. The boys sat silently for a moment unsure of what to say to each other.

"This sucks" Dakota said finally, the blonde 12 year old smiling.

"Yeah, I thought it was just me that thought that. Why do people even want our signatures anyway?" Chandler said, letting out the breath he was holding.

"I dunno, and some of the guys are kind of weird, like they wanna do more than get your autograph" Dakota laughed, Chandler nodding in agreement.

"Hey, how old are you?" Chandler asked.

"12, you?" Dakota replied.

"Same" Chandler said, smiling back.

"What is 'The Walking Dead'?" Dakota asked.

"Oh, it's a TV show about Zombies and stuff, have you not seen it?"

"No, I'm not really allowed to watch stuff like that, my Mom is kinda strict" Dakota replied, disappointedly.

"My Dad is like that too. But I saw Real Steel, that was a cool movie"

"Thanks, it was fun to work on, with all the robot models and stuff"

"Wasn't it all like green screen work?" Chandler asked.

"Some of it was, but they had full size robots too" Dakota replied.

"Cool. Most of the zombie stuff on our show is real, I mean make-up, some of it is pretty gross"

"Wicked, do you get to kill any of them?" Dakota asked, sitting on the edge of his seat, interested in the gory aspect.

"Yeah, sometimes, the fake blood and stuff is cool, but it gets kind of sticky"

"Awesome" Dakota replied, reaching down into his Mom's bag and fishing out an Ipad, "Hey, you wanna play a game or something? Or watch some Youtube videos?" Dakota asked.

"Sure" Chandler said, getting up to go and sit next to Dakota, the two boys putting their heads together over the Ipad.

"You two look thick as thieves already" Dakota's Mom said, leading Chandler's Dad Will back over to the seating area with the drinks.

"No surprise there, not like there are many people their age here. It's nice for Chandler to have someone to play with as he hates these things" Will agreed.

"This is Dakota's first. Are you staying in the Hilton too? For tomorrows singing?" Debra asked.

"Yes. I have a twin room with Chandler. He is getting to the age where he hates sharing" Will replied.

"I know what you mean. Dakota insisted he have his own room this time, it was difficult to even get him to agree to it being joined to mine" Debra laughed.

"You have your own room? That's cool" Chandler said.

"Hey, why don't you guys share, I mean if Chandler wants to and it's OK with you Will?" Debra asked, seeing Dakota's face light up.

"That would be kinda cool, at least I wouldn't be bored" Dakota chimed in.

"Sounds fine to me, what do you think Chandler" Will asked his son.

"Yeah cool, thanks Dad" Chandler replied, smiling, before going back to the Youtube video he and Dakota had been watching.

"Well that's them happy" Will said, Debra agreeing before they settled back into their conversation.

The signing continued for a few more hours, both boys growing ever increasingly bored as it went on, practically running out of the booths when it was finally time to call it a day.

They headed over to the Hilton, stopping off at the restaurant to grab some dinner. The two 12 year olds both had burger and fries and seemed to have become fast friends much to the delight of the adults.

They headed up in the lift together, going to Chandler and Will's room first so Chandler could grab his PJ's and laptop, before heading further down the corridor and going into Dakota's room that adjoined Debra's.

"You two boys settle in here, and get ready for bed. Will and I are going to have a quick drink in the bar and will be back up to check on you soon, so behave yourselves, OK?" Debra instructed, wagging her finger at the two 12 year olds, Dakota rolling his eyes at his Mom.

"OK Mom, I promise" Dakota replied, Chandler nodding in agreement as he put his stuff on one of the double beds.

"Call down to reception if you need us, OK son?" Will instructed, reaching out to pinch Chandler's cheek.

The two adults headed out into the hallway, hearing the giggles commence behind them once the door had closed. "You think they will be OK?" Will asked, pausing at the door.

"Yeah, the mini bar is empty and there is a block on the TV, so there isn't much they can get up to. We can check on them in a while. I am looking forward to that glass of wine you promised me" Debra said, leading the way.

"You're probably right, they are good boys" Will agreed, as they entered the lift and headed down to the bar.

"This is awesome, having our own room" Chandler said, whooping and running around the room as the door closed and their parents left.

"Yeah sure is. What do you want to do?" Dakota asked.

"Lets play Minecraft on my laptop" Chandler said, going over to his laptop and opening it before sitting cross-legged in front of it, Dakota getting into the same position beside him, their bare knees touching, both boys wearing shorts.

They played the game for a little while, Dakota being impressed with how much Chandler knew about it and hearing how the shaggy haired boy had even setup his own servers.

"That's cool man, I kind of suck at computers, well if you don't include Xbox" Dakota mused, getting up off the bed and heading over to his bag to retrieve his PJ's from it, consisting of a Superman t-shirt and red shorts.

"I was too, but I guess I learned" Chandler replied, looking up from the screen as Dakota got his PJ's out. Chandler was lying on his tummy now, propped up on his elbows as he played the game.

Chandler watched as Dakota pulled his X-Men t-shirt over his head to reveal his slim, tanned torso and then pulled his Superman PJ top over his head, his blonde hair emerging in a tangled mess. Chandler thought suddenly that Dakota had a nice body, and continued to watch out the corner of his eye as Dakota undid the button on his shorts and let them slip down his thighs, revealing grey boxer briefs that had bunched up onto his hips, nicely framing the small package he had there.

Dakota hooked his fingers in the sides of his underwear, hesitating a second and looking over to Chandler and seeing him look away quickly, before deciding to turn away to the side and pull them down, blocking Chandler's view as his soft, hairless 2 inch cut dick came into to view, quickly pulling up his red PJ shorts and covering himself up again.

Chandler was disappointed not to get to see Dakota's dick, but he did at least see his butt and felt a stirring in his pants, having recently realised that he liked boys more than girls. He did his best to concentrate on the Minecraft game in front of him as he felt his dick grow, reaching its full 3 inches and resting painfully inside his briefs as he lay on his belly on the bed. He didn't want to risk reaching down to adjust it into a more comfortable position now that the blonde haired Dakota was heading back over to the bed to sit cross legged beside him again.

"Hey, aren't you going to get changed too?" Dakota asked after a few minutes.

"Uh...yeah... I guess" Chandler responded, getting up and keeping his back to Dakota somewhat, his dick still partly hard inside his shorts. He pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing his pale white chest and small pink nipples, his back to Dakota, who was having a look of his own.

He pulled his plain grey t-shirt over his head and unfolded the long PJ bottoms on the bed in front of him. He unbuckled his belt, and undid the button on his shorts, looking up for a moment and seeing the reflection of Dakota behind him in the window, noticing that the blonde 12 year old was looking right at him. A small smile spread onto his face, knowing that Dakota was looking at him, and he decided to turn around slightly as he let his shorts fall to the ground, his tight blue briefs coming into view. His now rapidly growing erection made them tent out slightly.

Dakota looked on as Chandler lowered his shorts, spotting the blue briefs and then watching as Chandler turned slightly. He could see his bulge now, and it looked like he had a boner! Dakota couldn't help but look as Chandler lowered his briefs, his 3 inch erection slapping back against his hairless pubic area, his balls drawn tight to his body. It looked like there was extra skin on the end of Chandlers dick, and Dakota realised he must not be cut like he was.

Chandler stepped out of his briefs and then pulled his PJ bottoms up, not daring to look at Dakota, wondering if he was watching the whole time and hoping he had seen his boner, feeling suddenly horny at putting on the little secret show for his new 12 year old friend.

Chandler headed back over to the bed, the front of his PJ bottoms still being pushed out by his erection, and smiling to himself when he saw Dakota was staring at his crotch. "Hey, how is it going with the game?" Chandler asked.

"'s OK" Dakota replied, mumbling, his eyes going back to the screen in front of him, darting back to Chandler's crotch again a few seconds later and then back to the screen.

"Cool. I am getting bored of Minecraft though. Wanna do something else?" Chandler asked, suddenly deciding to see where things might go with Dakota.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Dakota asked, pushing the laptop away and towards Chandler, still sneaking in occasional glances at 12 year old Chandler's crotch, the tent still well in place.

"There is this cool site I found, with like pictures and stuff. But you gotta promise you won't tell anyone, OK?" Chandler said, moving to sit cross-legged on the bed again next to Dakota, turning the screen of the laptop to face him.

"Why, what is it?" Dakota replied, intrigued.

"Well, you gotta promise before I'll tell you" Chandler insisted.

"OK, I promise, so tell me" Dakota replied,sitting up and turning to face Chandler properly.

"It's naked pictures and stuff" Chandler said finally, smiling.

"What, like porn? I have seen it before you know, on my brother's computer" Dakota said, proudly.

"Yeah, but this is different stuff, like stuff you're not supposed to see" Chandler said.

"What stuff?"

"I'll show you" Chandler replied, moving the laptop towards him and clicking into a folder and then double clicking on an icon called 'Private Browser'. He typed in part of an address into the address bar, before the browser completed the rest of it for him and the site began to load.

Dakota's eyes widened as the page loaded, seeing it was a message board and that right on the front page was a picture of a woman and what looked like a boy his age, the woman sucking the boy's dick.

"No way!" Dakota said, shocked at what he was seeing.

"I know right, there's crazy stuff here"

"Won't we get into trouble looking at it though?" Dakota asked, suddenly worried.

"No, it's all private and hidden, no one will know, trust me" Chandler reassured him.

"Cool. So what are we going to look at?" Dakota asked, excitedly.

"Anything you want? What about the girls section?" Chandler offered.

"Sure" Dakota replied, sitting and watching as Chandler clicked around the various pictures, seeing girls their own age and older, not believing it.

"This part is cool" Chandler said, clicking onto the 'Boys/Girls' section and bringing up various pictures of people engaged in sex acts, smiling as he noticed Dakota's hand move down to squeeze at his crotch and the small bulge that had formed there, wondering if seeing boys had brought it on.

"This is cool, what is that section" Dakota pointed, gesturing to a section call 'Boys'.

"That's the boys part, like boys our age I mean, wanna see?" Chandler asked, hoping Dakota would agree.

"Um....but isn't that kinda gay" Dakota said, looking up to Chandler's face nervously.

"Maybe, but I don't mind looking, I mean if you want to as well?" Chandler said, trying to appear neutral.

"OK, just a quick look maybe" Dakota replied, nervously, hoping not to ruin his new friendship.

Chandler clicked on the section and brought up the pictures of boys, smiling as he looked over to Dakota, the blonde 12 year old staring intently at the screen and squeezing his dick through his red PJ shorts.

"Cool huh, I like this one" Chandler said, moving to click on a picture.

"You have looked at these before then?" Dakota asked, looking at Chandler and noticing that the shaggy haired 12 year old was squeezing his own dick through his PJ bottoms, before looking up to his face and seeing a knowing smile there.

"Yeah, I like them. So do you don't you?" Chandler said, moving his eyes down to Dakota's crotch and his hand squeezing there, and then smiling again.

"Yes" Dakota whispered, feeling his face grow hot. "Can we look at some more?" he asked.

"We could, but can I, I mean do you want know" Chandler said, afraid to say the words.

"What?" Dakota asked, confused.

"Get them out, and like play with them?" Chandler said.

"Play with what?" Dakota said, still not getting it.

"Our dicks stupid, I mean mine is really hard, and you're playing with yours anyway"

"Uh...OK, you go first" Dakota said, nervously.

Chandler lifted his grey t-shirt and reached into his PJ bottoms, pulling out his 3 inch uncut erection and grasping his hand around it, pulling the PJ bottoms down to rest under his hairless balls as he did so. Dakota watched intently, squeezing his own dick as Chandler revealed all.

"Cool, what's up with the end of it?" Dakota asked, confused by the skin covering the pink mushroom head on Chandler's dick.

"It's just the foreskin, I didn't get cut as a baby, my Dad didn't want me to be like that" Chandler replied, matter of factly. "Hey, you gotta show yours too" Chandler urged, pointing to Dakota's crotch as he squeezed his dick gently.

"Oh....yeah...sorry" Dakota responded, before reaching down into his red PJ shorts and pulling out his now erect 3.5 inch cut dick, holding it out slightly so Chandler could see it, before wrapping his hand around it and covering it somewhat shyly.

"Cool, yours is a bit bigger than mine" Chandler remarked, looking down to his own dick.

"Not by much, wanna measure them?" Dakota asked, getting up onto his knees suddenly and holding out his dick, "We can stick them together and see whose is bigger" Dakota offered.

"OK, cool" Chandler replied moving onto his knees and bringing his dick up next to Dakota's, the two 12 year olds holding them side by side.

"Hey, does the skin go back or is it stuck there?" Dakota asked.

"It goes back, why?" Chandler replied.

"Pull it back so it looks like mine, then it will be fairer" Dakota said, Chandler nodding and rolling back his foreskin to reveal the pink mushroom head of his dick and placing it back alongside Dakota's dick.

"Yeah, yours is a bit bigger, like this much" Chandler said, holding his thumb and forefinger about a half inch apart.

"It's nothing though, yours is cool" Dakota replied, reassuringly.

"Thanks. Can I.....can I touch yours?" Chandler asked.

"Uh....OK, but like be gentle" Dakota said, releasing his 3.5 inch cut dick to slap against the hem of his superman t-shirt, reaching down to pull it up and reveal part of his tight tummy.

Chandler reached out and gently gripped Dakota's dick and began exploring it with his fingers as the blonde boy looked on, enjoying the feeling of having Chandler touching his dick.

"I wanna feel yours too" Dakota said suddenly, smiling as Chandler pushed his hips forward, before reaching out to grasp Chandlers 3 inch uncut erection, stopping to roll his foreskin back and forth. "The skin is cool" he remarked.

"It's a pain, I think I would rather have one like yours" Chandler mused as he continued to gently explore Dakota's achingly hard 3.5 inch cut erection. "You don't have any hair either" Chandler said.

"No, not yet. I mean there are like 3 tiny hairs on my sack, but you can hardly see them" Dakota said, releasing Chandler's dick and sitting back on his heels as Chandler released his dick.

"Cool. So do you wanna jerk off?" Chandler asked.

"Uh OK" Dakota replied, knowing the term but never having actually done it, not really knowing how.

Chandler watched as Dakota awkwardly pawed at his dick, alternating between rubbing it and squeezing it. "You have jerked off before, right?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah, not much, but I have done it" Dakota replied, trying to sound honest.

"OK, well you wanna see what I do?" Chandler asked, sensing the lie in the other boy's words but not wanting to call him on it.

"Sure" Dakota said, relieved.

He watched as Chandler got off the bed and pulled his PJ bottoms right off, before sitting back the bed and lying down, his head and shoulders resting against the headboard. He gripped his 3 inch uncut erection in his hand and began to move his hand up and down, his foreskin rolling back slightly with each stroke.

"Cool, that's how I do it too" Dakota said.

"Well do it then. Take your PJ's off though, like me" Chandler instructed as Dakota followed suit and removed his red PJ shorts and moved up to lay next to Chandler, looking over to where his new 12 year old friend was wanking, doing his best to copy the same movements on his own dick.

"This is awesome" Chandler said, "So do you like boys too, I mean like for sex, or aren't you sure yet?" Chandler asked.

"I think I like boys and girls" Dakota replied, as he began to wank, not wanting to admit that he didn't think about girls at all.

"I like just boys, I think I am gay, is that cool?" Chandler asked, bravely.

"Yeah, totally, I mean I am jerking with you aren't I" Dakota replied, smiling up at Chandler who had a nervous look on his face.

"Cool. You wanna do each other then?" Chandler offered, releasing his own dick and reaching out to Dakota's.

"Uh...OK, cool" Dakota replied, releasing his dick and reaching over to Chandler's, gasping as he gripped onto his dick and began to wank him, taking Chandler's dick in his hand and following suit.

The two boys wanked each other, their breath slow and steady, both enjoying the feelings the other boy was giving them.

"I think I am gonna get my cum soon, what about you?" Chandler asked.

"Uh.....what's a cum?" Dakota asked, unsure.

"You know, when you get the awesome feeling?"

"Uh yeah" Dakota replied nervously.

"You haven't had one have you? It's OK, you can tell me?" Chandler soothed, not wanting Dakota to feel bad.

"Well no. To be honest, I haven't really jerked off before, I kind of didn't know what to do, until now I mean" Dakota admitted.

"Cool, so I get to see your first cum. That's kind of awesome you know"

"Is it? You don't think I am a baby or something then?" Dakota replied.

"No, honestly. It's kinda hot" Chandler smiled, looking at Dakota.

They resumed their wanking of each other in earnest, Chandler now feeling his small body beginning to grow warm as Dakota wanked him, his little pink mushroom head feeling like it was on fire, knowing he was close to getting his cum.

He began to buck his hips, pushing his bum off the bed and forcing more of his 3 inch uncut erection into the blonde boy's hand, enjoying the sensations. "I'm getting it, do it faster" he gasped, Dakota obeying and moving his hand up and down Chandler's impossibly hard little dick faster now, watching the boy beside him as his face contorted in what looked like pain.

"Shitttttt" Chandler gasped, reaching down with his other hand to push Dakota's hand off his now painfully sensitive dick as his cum hit him, his little dick pulsing and trying to shoot out cum that wasn't yet there, his breath coming out in painful gasps.

Dakota watched on in wonder as Chandler's dick twitched, looking up to see the slight tremble in his 12 year old friends body, seeing the pained looked on his face as he panted.

"Shit, are you sure that is a good thing, it looks like it hurt" Dakota asked, nervously.

"'s....awesome" Chandler said between panted breaths, now starting to calm down, taking his still hard 3 inch uncut dick into to hands to inspect the now angry red mushroom head to see if he spurted anything, disappointed to see he still hadn't.

"What is it?" Dakota said, noticing the disappointment on Chandlers face.

"I wanted to see if I had any sperm, but I don't"

"Oh, I know that one, that's that white stuff right, what babies are made from?" Dakota asked.

"Yeah. Anyway, that cum was awesome, thanks man. Want yours now?" Chandler asked, turning back to Dakota and beginning to wank the blonde boy's 3.5 inch cut erection at a faster pace.

"OK" Dakota croaked, watching as Chandler turned to him and began to wank his dick harder now, gripping his thin shaft firmly in his hand.

Dakota spread his legs slightly as Chandler's pale white hand wanked his dick faster now, Chandler's gaze focused between his legs for the most part, his eyes only occasionally darting up to Dakota's cute face to see the changing looks there, seeing that Dakota was enjoying the feelings.

Chandler moved his hand at a faster rate now, noticing the change in the sound of Dakota's breath as he wanked him, knowing that his friend was close to a cum of his own, his first no less.

Dakota could feel something build in him now, the feelings in his little dick beginning to intensify, not knowing what to make of it. The feelings grew stronger now, and he suddenly felt the urge to pee, like he hadn't gone for ages, and panicked not wanting to pee on Chandler or the bed.

"Chandler stop, I gotta pee dude, like right now" he warned, trying to move off the bed.

"No you don't, trust me" Chandler urged, pushing Dakota down with his free arm and wanking him even harder.

"Dude...I really......ahhhhhh fuck" Dakota moaned out as an incredibly intense feeling hit him, his whole body shaking, his dick feeling like it was on fire, causing him to hold his breath at the almost painful sensations coursing through his tiny body. He felt himself twitch finally, another small cry leaving him, and then a strange new feeling coming from his dick, like he had just pissed, but different.

"Shit dude, you shot sperm" Chandler said, marvelling at how Dakota had managed to do it on his first ever cum, watching as the small clear dribble of cum came out of the end of his blonde friends still twitching dick and rolled down over Chandler's hand.

Chandler released Dakota's dick as he bent down to look at it, his first ever orgasm still causing his small, slim body to tremble, barely able to stop his hand from shaking as he reached out to grip his now painfully sensitive 3.5 inch cut erection and examine it, noticing as another small drop of clear liquid appeared at his piss slit.

"Is that the sperm then? I thought it was supposed to be white?" Dakota asked, puzzled.

"Yeah that it, I don't think it goes white until you are bigger or something. I never have had any" Chandler replied, disappointedly, but still pleased for his friend. "That was an awesome cum Dakota, did you like it?" Chandler asked.

"Are you kidding? It was the best thing I ever felt, I can't even describe it. Thanks man, I mean for showing me and everything" Dakota replied, beaming sweetly at Chandler.

"No problem, we can do it again in a bit, if you want? Plus there is other cool stuff we can do too?" Chandler asked, hopefully.

"Cool, what do I do with this?" Dakota asked, gesturing to the small dribbles of clear cum still on his dick.

Chandler jumped off the bed and headed into the bathroom, returning with some tissue a few moments later and handing it to Dakota. "Here, use this" Chandler said.

"Thanks. I am glad I met you Chandler" Dakota beamed.

"Me too man, this is gonna be fun" Chandler smiled back.

Present Day -----------

Chandler headed back out to finish off his signing, leaving the Beckhams, Dexter, Dakota and David in the green room with his Dad Will, who had joined them a short while later, Dakota filling him in on the goings on in his life.

"You are doing very well for yourself Dakota, I am proud of you" Will said, genuinely pleased.

"Thanks Will, Chandler is doing awesome too. And David is doing great, especially in the film we have just wrapped on" Dakota replied, praising David and getting a nice smile from his 12 year old lover in return.

"Indeed, how are you boys doing? It must be tough to have such a famous Dad?" Will asked, curious.

"Yeah it can be, we get a lot of attention and it's not always nice" Brooklyn answered seriously, pleased that Will didn't just assume that they must be living a dream life because they had money and were famous.

"I understand. Chandler gets a lot of that too, but thankfully he gets to lead a largely normal life. It is nothing compared to what your family goes through. It must keep you busy too Dexter, standing watch over them?"

"Sure does, but I have grown pretty attached to them, even these two" Dexter said, smiling at Brooklyn and Romeo.

"well they are very nice boys. So what are your plans? Chandler will be done with the signing in about an hour, and you boys are welcome to go and hang out with him in his room at the Hilton. We can probably get them to send up some food too since the studio is paying? Me and Dexter hear can grab a drink and a meal in the bar and leave you to it" Will said.

"There is a comic thing I want to check out, based on Captain America, which starts soon, so I think I will go and look at that with the boys. After that, the boys can hang out if they want to, that sounds fine to me" Dexter replied.

"Cool, I want to see that Captain America thing too" Romeo chimed in, suddenly excited by the idea of Captain America having seen Chris Evans before.

"That will be kinda lame, the Captain American thing I mean, no offence Dex" Brooklyn moaned, Dakota nodding along.

"Well you two can hang out here with me and wait for Chandler if you want, I mean if Dexter doesn't mind?" Will offered.

"Me too please" David piped up, wanting to stay with Dakota.

"Are you sure? I shouldn't really, but if you are here anyway and it is closed off like this, I suppose it will be OK for half an hour" Dexter responded, really keen to go and see the Captain America comic thing.

"It's no problem, I have to be here for Chandler anyway, so a couple more boys won't make any difference to me. You go ahead with young Romeo and we will see you back here in half an hour or so"

"Excellent, thank you Will, I owe you one. Come on squirt" Dexter said, getting up and holding out his hand out for 10 year old Romeo to take, heading out of the green room area and back into the main hall.

Dexter led the way past the celebrity signing area and over to section A where the comic stands were, the people in front of him making way for the large black man and the small boy beside him.

"This is it I think, can you see?" Dexter asked, looking down to Romeo beside him.

"Yes I can see" Romeo replied, watching as an artist began to draw and talk about how it was done, and how it evolved, Dexter watching on, captivated by seeing a master at work.

Romeo began to fidget, feeling the two cokes he had drunk in the green room working their way into his bladder, knowing he needed to pee but not wanting to miss the show. He looked around and spotted a toilet off to his right, perhaps 10 foot away.

"Hey Dex, I gotta pee" Romeo said, pulling on Dexter's arm and dragging his attention away from the artist.

"Damn boy, can't you hold it? He is getting to the good part" Dexter said, bending down to whisper to Romeo.

"No, I am desperate. Anyway the toilet is just there, look. I will be quick, I promise" Romeo said, pointing over at the toilet, Dexter following with his eyes.

"OK, but be quick, use a stall and do not talk to anyone, OK?" Dexter said sternly, bending down to look Romeo dead in the face.

"OK, I promise. Can I go now, I am bursting" Romeo begged, hopping from one foot to the other.

"OK, go" Dexter replied, pushing the 10 year old off in the direction of the toilet and watching him go for a moment, before the words of the artist brought his attention away from watching Romeo.

Romeo walked and then broke out into a small run as he headed over to the toilet, and didn't notice the man he walked past as he went, who followed the 10 year old with his eyes as he reached the rest room door, moving to quickly follow after him.

Romeo went into the rest room, saw the urinals in front of him and decided to ignore Dexter's words about using a cubicle, knowing he was fit to burst. He moved to the nearest urinal and quickly pulled down the waist band of his white football shorts and blue briefs at the same time, resting them under his hairless balls and barely managed to roll his foreskin back before a powerful stream of piss erupted from his dick. Romeo sighed contently as he got his relief, and didn't notice as the slim, brown haired man came and stood beside him at first.

Romeo concentrated on his peeing, feeling like it would never stop, and was suddenly startled by the voice beside him.

"Hey there buddy, we really have to stop meeting like this" the man said.

Romeo looked up at the man's face, his pee still streaming out, and reconsigning the businessman from the toilet back at the airport. "It's you?" Romeo said, surprised.

"Sure is buddy, looks like you have Niagara falls coming out there?" the man said, smiling.

"Yeah, I was desperate" Romeo replied, looking down to where his pee was finally tailing off after what felt like ages.

"I can see. Looking nice there" the man remarked, looking at Romeos soft 2 inch dick, still exposed. He had his own dick in his hand and Romeo looked down to see that the man was not peeing, and was sporting a 7 inch erection.

"You have a stiffy" Romeo remarked, matter of factly.

"I can't help it, you have that effect on me little guy" the man replied, quietly.

"Hey, why did you put my pictures on the internet?" Romeo said, suddenly remembering and feeling angry, reaching down to put his still soft dick away and turning to face the man.

"Uh...yeah....I am really sorry about that. I didn't think about it, but they are gone now, I deleted them" he said, sheepishly.

"It was mean, and my brother saw them too" Romeo replied, angry.

"Yeah I know, I am really sorry Romeo, honestly. I feel really bad about it" the man replied, Romeo suddenly smiling at this adult saying sorry with his hard dick still hanging out in front of him. Something about it made Romeo giggle suddenly.

"What's funny?" the man asked, confused.

"I guess this is all just kinda weird" Romeo smiled.

"I guess so" the man agreed, "I don't suppose you want to watch me cum again, or better yet show me that hot little stiffy of yours?" the man asked, expecting a no.

"Uh....OK, but we gotta be quick because my bodyguard is outside and he will come looking for me in a minute" Romeo replied, looking up at the man.

"OK, lets go into a stall then" The man replied, suddenly excited, feeling his heart beat faster as he steered the 10 year old towards the nearest cubicle, Romeo walking in ahead of him before he reached around and closed over the door and locked it.

"Get it out then sweetheart" the man instructed, beginning to wank his 7 inch dick as Romeo put his small hand into his white football shorts and fished out his now erect 3 inch uncut dick, the man gasping as it came into view.

"God that is one nice little dick" he purred, "Can I touch it?" he asked, hopefully.

"Sure" Romeo replied, nonplussed, confused at the man's reaction to his dick, not seeing what the big deal was.

The man reached out and grasped the warm, hard little dick in his hand, gently rolling back the foreskin to reveal the pink mushroom head, gasping to himself, not believing the luck he was having in the past few weeks. It was definitely time to go buy that lottery ticket.

Romeo enjoyed the feeling of having the older man gently rub his 3 inch erection, and reached out to grab the older man's 7 inch erection in return and begin to wank it.

"Oh baby, that's so nice" the man groaned as Romeo expertly wanked the larger uncut dick. "You wanna try sucking it for me?" the man asked, a desperate tone in his voice.

"Sure" Romeo replied, getting down onto his knees and wrapping his thin lips around the large pink mushroom head, letting the adult dick slip into his warm, wet little mouth. The man groaned as he did so.

"Damn, suck it little guy" the moan moaned, feeling he was about to cum any moment, the scene and sight of Romeo Beckham sucking him just too much to take.

Romeo sucked in as much of the man's dick as he could, managing to get about 3 inches of the thick adult dick into his mouth, before taking it out and rolling his small pink tongue around the pink mushroom head, making the man groan as he did so.

"Watch out....ahhhh" the man warned, as his cum shot out, his orgasm surprising him, the premature release uncontrollable. He watched as some of his sperm hit Romeo on the side of the face and then looked on in amazement as Romeo clamped his small mouth around the pink mushroom head and took the next burst straight down his throat, before releasing it from his mouth and looking up at the man, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Cool" Romeo said, getting up off his knees, reaching up a hand to wipe the cum from the side of his mouth nonchalantly.

"God, that was so hot, did you like the cum?" the man asked, barely able to believe that the small 10 year old had not only not recoiled from the cum, but actively looked to swallow it.

"It was nice thanks, I like cum" Romeo said, smiling.

"What do you mean? That's not the first cum you have had?" the man asked, shocked.

"No, silly" Romeo laughed, "I better go now, before Dexter comes looking for me" he replied, moving past the stunned man.

"Wait, don't you want me to do you too?" the man asked.

"No thanks, I have brothers for that" Romeo replied, turning to smile a wicked little grin at the man, before heading out of the stall and exiting the bathroom.

"Where did you get to? I said to be quick" Dexter asked as Romeo came back to his side, glowering down at the small boy.

"Sorry, I had to pee bad. I came as fast as I could" Romeo smiled back, giving Dexter his most innocent looking face.

Dexter smiled back at the younger boy, noticing that his face seemed to be wet, and reaching into his jacket for a tissue and handing it to Romeo. "Looks like you didn't dry your face properly, here" Dexter said, handing him the tissue.

"Thanks, I thought I had gotten it all" Romeo replied, using the tissue to wipe his cheek, knowing it was cum and not water, smiling at how close he was to Dexter knowing the truth and feeling his still hard 3 inch uncut erection twitch inside his blue briefs in response. Luckily, his AC Milan top was baggy enough to hide it.

Romeo turned his attention back to the artist giving the show in front of him, and smiled to himself, feeling that this was going to be an interesting day.

End of Part 13

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter, which I think will set up the next instalment nicely where we get to see what happens when you throw a shaggy haired 14 year old into the boy orgy mix.

I plan on stopping this story once I hit 15 chapters, having a story arc planned in my head. I am looking for other ideas for stories after this, so please feel free to suggest any that you like the idea of.

Otherwise, please keep your feedback and comments coming, they are greatly appreciated.

P.S. An extra special thank you to Andy Mann for taking the time to proof read this chapter for me. Go have a look at some of his stories, which can be found here:

Next: Chapter 14

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