The Beckham Boys

By Nifty Story

Published on Apr 13, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live. If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it.

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The Beckham Boys – Part 9

Gloria made her way through the Beckham household, collecting discarded clothes from the various laundry baskets as she went. It was after 10AM, and David Beckham and Harper were the only ones who had made it up, the two of them sitting out on the sun terrace picking at a breakfast Gloria had made for them.

She had collected everything from the Master Suite, the basket wedged under her arm, and had just done the younger boy's rooms, as well as Harper's. She made her way down the hallway to Brooklyn's room, who had his friend Dakota Goya staying over. Gloria liked Dakota very much, he was such a polite boy.

She approached the door and gently wrapped her knuckles on it, getting no answer, and assuming the boys were still asleep. Fairly typical for teenagers across the world on a Saturday morning. Or any morning for that matter.

She turned the handle, opened the door and entered the room quietly, not wanting to disturb the boys. She headed over to the corner of the room where Brooklyn's laundry basket was and picked out his dirty clothes, along with what looked like some of Dakota's clothes as well.

She looked across to where the boys were sleeping, and was able to make them out curled up together, seemingly shirtless. She smiled to herself, thinking how nice it was that the two boys were so close, never for a moment thinking it was anything more than that, and certainly not that the two boys were naked under the sheets. She had seen them in a similar position before, when Dakota had come to stay over previously.

As she left the room and closed over the door, Dakota stirred at the sound, and sleepily looked over his shoulder towards the door. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and then suddenly thought what it must have looked like if someone had just come in, and wrestled himself from under Brooklyn's arm.

"Brooklyn!" Dakota hissed, sitting up and nudging his sleeping friend in the side. "Brooklyn, wake up man!"

Brooklyn stirred from sleep, not wanting to be awake so early, well early to him anyway. "What....what is it? What time is it?" he croaked, his voice hoarse.

"I think someone just came in here, they must have seen us, and we are like naked dude"

"Oh, it was probably just Gloria getting the dirty laundry, don't freak man, she won't say anything. Let me go check the basket" Brooklyn replied, dismissing Dakota's concerns. He pulled the cover back and swung his legs over the side of the bed, stretching like a cat and letting out a big yawn, before getting out of the bed and padding over to the laundry basket, stopping to turn on the light.

"Yeah, it's empty, she gets the stuff every morning and I am normally asleep when she does it" Brooklyn said, over his shoulder.

"Are you sure? I mean won't she think it's weird, us being naked and in bed together?" Dakota seed, worriedly.

"Chill out man, she's seen it all anyway, she won't say anything, if she even saw anything at all as we had the sheet on us right?" Brooklyn replied.

"OK, if you're sure, I don't want anyone to know"

"You ashamed of me or something?" Brooklyn quipped, turning to smile at Dakota.

"No, of course not, I just don't want the grief you know. I mean I wanna tell people my way" Dakota replied, seriously.

"Chill man, I know, I am just messing with you. We should get dressed though, my Dad will probably coming looking for us next and he will say something if we are naked in bed together" Brooklyn laughed.

"OK, can I grab a shower first then?"

"Yeah go for it" Brooklyn replied, watching as Dakota got out of bed, stood up and stretched his 5"4" frame as tall as he could, admiring his tight ass as he did so.

Dakota turned around to look at Brooklyn, and noticed the admiring look. And reached down to grip his morning wood, standing hard, straight out from his sparse patch of blonde pubic hair at it's full 6 inch length.

"You know, you could get in the shower with me Brooks" Dakota said, smiling at Brooklyn and noticing he was sporting a rock hard 5 erection of his own as he stared back.

Brooklyn thought about it for a moment before answering. "I wanna, but I don't think we should risk it with Dad up. Gloria will tell him we were still asleep and he will come looking for us soon, and I can't lock the door to the bedroom".

"OK, we don't wanna get caught do we, plus you make a lot of noise" Dakota smiled, giving his dick a lazy rub as he padded over to where Brooklyn was standing, reaching out to grip his friends erection with his free hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Shit man, don't, you're gonna make me wanna do it too bad, go get in the shower" Brooklyn gasped, torn between wanting to repeat the previous nights experience and not wanting to get caught by his Dad.

"OK, if you really don't want to, I guess it can wait" Dakota replied, flashing Brooklyn his best Hollywood smile, leaning over and giving him a gentle kiss on the lips before releasing Brooklyn's still hard 5 inch erection and heading off to the en-suite bathroom to shower.

Brooklyn breathed a sigh of relief, and went to sit back down on the bed, grabbing his grey boxer briefs from the floor to put them on, just in case his Dad did come in.

Dakota finished his shower 5 minutes later, and came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, his blonde hair now a dark brown, his tanned, toned torso glistening with water.

"It's free man, hurry up and get it done so we can do something" Dakota said, practically pushing Brooklyn in the direction of the bathroom.

"I won't be long, wait for me OK? We can get breakfast together"

"Sure" Dakota responded, and headed over to his bag to fish out a white t-shirt and some LA Galaxy shorts Brooklyn's Dad had given him, placing them on the bed, along with his blue boxer briefs from the night before, content to wear them for another day.

He began to towel off, standing naked as he went over his body getting dry. With the towel in one hand he went over to Brooklyn's chest of drawers and reached out to grab his friend's deodorant and sprayed some under his arms and around his body, before letting the towel drop onto the floor and heading back over to the bed to get dressed.

Just as he was stepping into his blue boxer briefs the door opened and David Beckham, Brooklyn's Dad, put his head around the door. "Hey, you two had better get out of bed.....oh, sorry Dakota, I didn't realise you were up" David said, as Dakota quickly pulled his blue boxer briefs up, letting the waist band snap into place against his tight, tanned tummy.

"Yeah we are, sorry we slept so late, but we were really tired" Dakota responded, self conscious at knowing David had just seen him naked, the older man not having taken his eyes of him. He felt his cheeks grow red as he stood there.

"It's OK, you're teenagers, all you do is sleep! Come and get some breakfast when you are dressed OK?" David replied, noticing Dakota's embarrassment. "And I will knock next time, I didn't mean to catch you starkers Dakota" he teased, smiling at the blonde haired boy.

"Yeah don't worry, we've all got the same right" Dakota replied, trying his best to act cool.

David smiled back and put his head back around the door, closing it behind him, leaving Dakota to continue getting dressed. He pulled the LA Galaxy shorts up his smooth tanned legs, before pulling the white t-shirt over his still damp hair. He sat on the end of the bed and looked around for his socks, before putting them on as well.

Just as he had finished, Brooklyn came out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Sorry I was so long, it's just so nice to have a shower".

"No problem, and you were right about your Dad, he just came by. He caught me naked man, it was embarrassing" Dakota replied.

"Oh shit, sorry, but I did say he would. It's not like he hasn't seen us naked before though is it."

"Yeah I guess so, but it's still awkward"

"Don't worry about it, he won't care". Brooklyn replied, reassuring his friend and continuing to towel off from the shower. He placed the towel on the bed and headed over to get some clean clothes out, opting for some navy shorts, a white shirt and a white t-shirt, along with some clean boxer briefs and socks, before heading back over to the bed where Dakota was still sitting, admiring the view with a little smirk on his face.

"What?" Brooklyn asked, noting the smile.

"Well, I just thought, your Dad has been in right, so he won't be coming back will he?" Dakota asked.

"No, I don't think so....why?" Brooklyn replied, thinking he had an idea where this was going.

"Well, we could, you know..."

"We could, I guess, but we can't be long" Brooklyn warned.

"How about I just do you, and you can owe me?!"

"OK, I ain't gonna say no to that" Brooklyn replied, and headed over from the side of the bed to stand in front of Dakota, who was still sitting. Brooklyn's dick had begun to become erect at the thought of what was about to happen.

Dakota reached out to grip Brooklyn's quickly hardening uncut dick, giving it a few gentle strokes as it reached its full 5 inches, rolling the foreskin back and forth. He looked up at Brooklyn's face, as the 14 year old looked down at him with a calm and interested look.

Dakota rolled back Brooklyn's foreskin again and bent down further, letting his tongue dart out to lick the pink mushroom head for a second, making Brooklyn gasp.

"You know, I really don't think we have time Brooks" Dakota teased, still gently wanking Brooklyn.

"Shit man, do it, please Dakota" Brooklyn begged, reaching down to grab his friends head gently in an attempt to push it onto his dick.

"Oh, it's like that is it?! You're gonna rape my mouth or something?!" Dakota said, playfully.

"I will if you don't starting sucking me, I wanna cum man" Brooklyn said, anxiously.

"OK, I will let you, this time" replied Dakota, letting Brooklyn gently push him by the head onto his dick, letting it slip into his warm wet mouth and began to bob his blonde head gently back and forth, swirling his tongue around the pink mushroom head as he did.

Brooklyn loved the feeling of being inside Dakota's mouth, and began to gently face fuck him, Dakota offering no more resistance, letting his friends 5 inch erection slip in and out of his mouth at an ever increasing pace, still gripping him with his hand.

Brooklyn began to pant as he face fucked his young friend, looking down now into Dakota's eyes as he passively let his mouth be used to pleasure Brooklyn. The look on his face seemed to make it all the more hotter, and Brooklyn began to increase his pace, never breaking the stare with Dakota. He knew he would not last much longer.

Dakota stared back at Brooklyn, and began to grip onto his dick a bit harder, but still loose enough that it was able to slip in and out of his mouth as Brooklyn pumped it, panting away gently, his hands now resting either side of Dakota's blonde head.

Brooklyn started to pump deeper into Dakota's willing mouth, feeling his orgasm began to grow from within his tummy, and make its way to his dick, trying desperately to hold onto it as long as he could, before he couldn't hold it any more and he thrust deeply and violently into Dakota's throat and began pumping his hot teen cum into him, Dakota doing his best to swallow it as he did.

Dakota just about managed to swallow Brooklyn's cum, enjoying the feeling of being used by him, and continuing to suck him gently, now having control back from the heavily panting Brooklyn. Brooklyn reach down to push Dakota off his dick, it sliding out of his friends mouth with a slick wet sound.

Brooklyn looked down at his friend, a satisfied look on his face, and a small bit of cum on one side of his mouth. "That was awesome man, thanks"

"Hey no problem, it was cool to help you out" Dakota grinned back, watching as Brooklyn's chest continued to go in out and out quickly as he tried to recover his breath.

Brooklyn bent down so that he was eye level with Dakota, and leaned forward to take his friends head in his hands and then kiss him on the lips, tasting his own cum there as he did.

"Really, thank you, you're so good at that" he said, as he broke away for moment, almost whispering, before giving Dakota another kiss and then getting back up.

He picked up the towel from the floor and wiped off his glistening and now flaccid dick, before beginning to get dressed as Dakota watched.

"Man, I am hungry" Dakota said out loud, not to anyone in particular.

"Didn't you just eat?!" Brooklyn shot back as he pulled his shorts up.

"Yeah I guess, but I can't live on cum alone, I need some bacon or something" Dakota replied, grinning.

"Well, Gloria will cook you anything you want man, she's awesome, you know that"

"Yeah true, hurry up so we can go down to the kitchen" Dakota replied, getting off the bed and beginning to pace around the room as Brooklyn pulled his socks on.

"OK, done, let's go" Brooklyn said, getting off the bed and following after Dakota. They headed down the hallway into the kitchen, and both said hello to Gloria.

"Hello boys, you look so cute when you sleep" She said, motherly.

"Um, thanks. Was that you that came in then?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yes, I no wake you, no?" Gloria asked, concerned.

"No, we were kind of awake anyway. Dakota is really hungry, do you think you could cook us some breakfast, with like, lots of bacon. Dakota really needs some more meat" Brooklyn said, giving Dakota a sideways look and a little wink, causing Dakota to begin to go red in the face.

"Sure, I do now yes, you go outside and be with your Papa, I bring OK?" Gloria replied.

"Thanks Gloria, you're the best" Brooklyn replied happily, reaching out to give the older woman a kiss on her cheek, making her smile. He was such a good boy.

The two boys headed out towards the sun terrace, Dakota giving Brooklyn a hard dig in the ribs as they went.

"Hey, what was that for?!" Brooklyn complained.

"You know what meat boy, very funny" Dakota replied, giving Brooklyn his best angry face.

"Well, it's true isn't it, you do want meat, mine weren't enough for you!" Brooklyn teased, laughing to himself.

"Let's just get outside, try not to say anything else yeah?" Dakota shot back, smiling back at Brooklyn's infectious good mood.

"Sure thing" Brooklyn replied, as they headed out onto the sun terrace and over to where David, Brooklyn's Dad, and Harper were sitting still enjoying the remains of their breakfast.

"Hey Dad, hey Harper" Brooklyn said, going over to give his little sister a kiss on the head.

"Finally managed to drag yourself out of bed then?" David replied, "Are you having something to eat?"

"Yeah, Gloria is making us something now" Dakota replied.

"Good. What have you two got planned for the day? We could head over to the park and kick a ball around if you want? You can't spend the whole day playing games again"

"Yeah OK Dad, sounds good" Brooklyn replied, looking at Dakota to check if it was OK and seeing his friend nodding.

"You think you can help me with my crossing David?" Dakota asked. "I have been practising but I still need a bit of help"

"Sure thing" David replied.

The three of them chatted back and forth for a little while, before Gloria came out onto the sun terrace with a large plate loaded with bacon, eggs and toast, both boys letting out excited noises and saying thank you as she placed it down between them, placing a plate in front of each boy.

Dakota loaded up his plate as David and Brooklyn looked on amusedly, before stopping and realising he was being watched. "Oh, sorry, I am just really hungry"

"It's OK, you eat up, there is hardly any meat on those bones anyway from what I saw" David teased, causing Dakota to go red as he remembered David had seen him naked that morning.

"Uh, thanks" Dakota replied, awkwardly.

The two boys ate in contented silence, before David got up and grabbed Harper, telling them to be ready to go in 10 minutes, and that he would get Dexter to drive them.

A short while later all three were in the car along with Dexter as they drove across to the nearest public park, one that also had some full size goals with nets. Dexter parked the car and got out to collect the balls and football equipment from the back of the Range Rover, handing it to David as he came up beside him.

"Can you pick up Victoria and the boys from LAX? I think they get in at two, so grab them and drop them home, and then come back for us" David instructed.

"Sure thing, will you guys be OK here?" Dexter asked, never found of leaving his charges alone in public.

"Yeah, we will be fine Dex, see you about 3 or so, I will give you a call if we wander off to get a drink or something"

"OK, see you later" and with that Dexter headed back to the car, and off to LAX.

The three of them spent a few hours at the park, David helping Dakota with his crossing, before they were challenged to a game by some other people in the park, David playing in goal to make it fairer.

Dakota scored a goal from just inside the opposition half, and ran over to David to celebrate, David saying it was better than his own goal earlier in his career, much to Dakota's delight.

Dexter showed up at around 3.30PM and watched from the side lines as the game came to a close, before heading over with David, the boys and some of the other players to a drinks stand where David treated everyone to something, before sitting on the grass and chilling out for a while.

They headed back to the Range Rover a short while later, Dakota still raving about his wonder goal, telling Dexter about it in minute detail as Brooklyn and David looked on.

"He is never gonna to shut up about that now" Brooklyn teased as they headed back to the car.

"Hey, it was a wonder goal man, even your Dad said so, and he should know" Dakota shot back.

"Yeah Brooks, it was pretty special, even you have to admit that" David said, smirking at Brooklyn.

"Yeah, yeah, OK, it was good, but don't let it go to your head" Brooklyn teased.

They headed back in the car and a short while later they turned into the drive and parked in front of the house. The boys piled out of the car and headed into the house, both of them still slightly sweaty from the football.

"Hey Dad, we are going to go and get in the pool, OK?" Brooklyn said.

"OK, make sure you say hi to your Mum first though, OK?"

"OK Dad" Brooklyn replied, as he followed Dakota up the steps and into the house.

Brooklyn found his Mum in the living room, with Harper sat on her lap, and bent down to give her kiss on the cheek. "Hey Mum, I'm glad your home" Brooklyn said.

"Me too sweetheart, Hi Dakota, don't I get a kiss?" Victoria said, smiling at Dakota, who awkwardly bent down to give her a kiss too and say hello.

"So what are you two going to do? Your brothers are out in the pool Brooklyn if you want to go and cool down after all that football?" she suggested.

"Yeah we are going to go get changed now" Brooklyn replied, beginning to head towards the main hallway.

"OK, well I will see you out there in a bit, it's a bit too hot for Harper right now, I don't want her to burn"

"OK Mum" Brooklyn replied, and then headed off towards his room, dragging Dakota in tow with his arm as he went.

They got back to the room, and Brooklyn rummaged around in his chest of drawers for his board-shorts style swimming shorts, grabbing a spare pair for Dakota, before both boys quickly got changed and headed out to the pool area with a towel.

Romeo and Cruz were busy splashing about, and throwing some mini American footballs back and forth to each other. Cruz was wearing short, red swimming shorts and Romeo was wearing his team GB speedos, with a white and blue design. Brooklyn and Dakota both executed dive bombs into the pool, joining in the fun, no hello's necessary.

They continued to play around for a while longer, before Romeo decided to get out of the pool and sit on the side near a corner for a bit to have a break, his legs dangling into the pool. He leaned back, placing his hands behind him causing his hips to push forward.

Dakota came over to the side to talk to him as Brooklyn messed around with Cruz, tossing the younger boy across the pool causing him to scream with glee. Romeo chatted away to Dakota, his tanned skinny torso now beginning to dry off a bit as he looked down at Dakota who was still in the water up to his waist, his arms on either side of him on the sides of the pool, where he had positioned himself in the corner half facing Romeo.

"It's cool you could come to stay. How long are you gonna be here for?" Romeo asked.

"I dunno, long as I can I guess. My friend David is probably gonna come over to stay on Tuesday as well. He's 12, so only a bit older than you, he's pretty cool" Dakota replied.

"Ace, it will be good to have someone else to play with" Romeo replied, innocently. Dakota smirked at the comment, thinking something else as Romeo looked back over to the rest of the pool at his brothers.

Dakota took the opportunity to give the unaware Romeo a look over, noting the all over tan the 10 year old boy had, his skinny arms and legs and tight tummy, before letting his eyes rest on the younger boys still wet team GB speedos, noting the small bulge, wondering when he would get a chance to see what was inside them.

Romeo continued to look over the pool, but out of the corner of his eye shot a glance in Dakota's direction and saw where his brother's friend was looking, and smiled to himself know he was being perved on. He felt himself begin to get hard, and decided he would give Dakota something to perv at.

He looked back towards the house quickly to make sure it was clear, and then leaned back further, letting out a sigh, and as casually as he could reached down with his right hand to give his crotch an innocent looking scratch, adjusting his now rapidly hardening dick slightly so it made more of an impression in his speedos.

Dakota watched as Romeo scratched himself, before realising that the younger boy was getting hard, a small tent forming at the front of the small blue and white speedos as he leaned back further.

Romeo knew he had reached his full 3 inch erect length now, and dared a quick look down to make sure it was obvious, pleased at the sight of the tent at the front of his speedos. He looked over to Dakota slightly to make sure he had noticed, pleased to see that the older boy had his eyes glued to his crotch.

Romeo flexed his dick slightly, and Dakota could not help himself but let out a gasp, his right hand going under the water to grip his now rock hard 6" inch erection through his swim shorts. He was so intent on the view that he hadn't noticed that Romeo was staring at him, until he looked up into his face and saw the smug smirk there.

"Busted" Romeo said, grinning.

"Yeah, I guess so" Dakota said back quietly.

"I'll show you later if you want, if you show me yours too?" Romeo said, bending towards Dakota to whisper.

"I wanna do more than see it Romes, didn't Brooklyn talk to you yet?" Dakota asked.

"About what?" Romeo replied, confused.

"About me and him and you doing stuff. He told me about you and him, did he not speak to you?"

"No, what did he tell you?" Romeo replied, looking over to his older brother who was still playing with Cruz.

"Everything. But it's cool man, we do stuff too, and we kinda thought we could all do stuff together, if you want I mean"

"Really? AWESOME!" Romeo replied, quite loudly, his hand going to squeeze the front of his speedos, his 3 inch erection now painfully hard at the idea.

"What's awesome?" Cruz asked, having stopped playing to look over.

"Oh, nothing" Romeo replied, letting his hand drop away from his dick, Cruz heading back over to the other side of the pool.

Brooklyn shot Dakota a glance that said 'What gives?', and Dakota mouthed back that it was cool, Brooklyn looking from Romeo to Dakota and realizing what they were talking about, Romeo giving him a quick thumbs up, causing a big smile to break out on Brooklyn's face before he went back to playing with Cruz.

"Shit, can't we go do it now?" Romeo asked, going back to squeeze the front of his speedos as Dakota looked on.

"Nah man, we gotta be careful. We will do it later, we'll come get you when it's safe, OK?" Dakota asked, looking over to see if Cruz or anyone else was watching before reaching out and putting his hand out to squeeze Romeo's dick, the younger boy moving his hand to let him access it, and gasping as Dakota gently fondled his hard little erection through his wet speedos.

Romeo gasped as the older boy fondled him, before pushing his hand away and slipping down into the pool and moving up bedside Dakota in the corner, reaching under the water to pull the front of his speedos down to release his hard little dick, which slapped against his hairless pubic area, before grabbing Dakota's hand and pulling it under the water and onto his dick.

Dakota smirked at Romeo's forward nature, and began rubbing the rock hard little dick under the water, Romeo closing his eyes as he did so. A splash of water came their way a second later, Brooklyn heading over with Cruz close behind.

"Hey!" Romeo moaned, not being a big fan of being splashed.

"Sorry, just thought you guys should cool off" Brooklyn replied, giving the two boys a knowing look. "Come play with me and Cruz, we can do something else....later, can't we?" Brooklyn said, nodding over towards the house.

"Yeah OK, sorry man" Dakota replied, releasing Romeo's dick under the water and helpfully pulling the younger boy's speedos back up to cover it up again, much to Romeo's disappointment.

They headed back into the game, playing until well up to 6PM until Victoria told them to come inside and get dried so they could have some dinner. Once they were all changed Gloria laid on a Spanish tapas style meal that they were all fond of, especially Dakota, who once again ate his weight in food, or so it seemed.

Romeo, who had gotten changed into a pair of white shorts and yellow t-shirt, fidgeted his way through the meal, unable to stop thinking about what would happen later, his hand glued to his crotch under the table, giving his constant 3 inch erection a squeeze every few seconds until Brooklyn aimed a kick at his shin and gave him a 'Cut it out' look.

They finished up the meal, before Gloria cleared everything away and they headed back inside the house so that Victoria could put Harper to bed. Cruz, at 8 years old the youngest boy in the house, had slouched onto the sofa beside his Mum and looked barely able to keep his eyes open, clearly warn out from all the playing in the pool.

"Come on sweetheart, you should come to bed too" Victoria said, reaching over to rub Cruz gently on his tummy.

"Mum I'm not tired....really, I wanna stay up with the others" Cruz replied, sleepily.

"You can do that tomorrow, come on" she replied gently, tugging Cruz up off the sofa as she carried Harper on her other side, the young boy too tired to argue as she led him off to bed.

Dakota and Brooklyn were lazing on the other side of the coach, Romeo sat at their feet not wanting to be too far from them, too excited to contain himself. David was over in the kitchen area with Gloria, talking about the meal in Spanish.

"Hey, should I ask Mum if I can put the fold out in your room Brooks?" Romeo asked.

"Yeah, good idea, it will be easier if we are all in the same room. And cool it would you, you're being a bit hyper. Save it for later OK?" Brooklyn replied, admonishing his younger brother.

"OK, but I can't help it!" Romeo replied, through almost gritted teeth.

"Well try, lets go play Xbox. Go ask Dad about the bed before we do" Brooklyn pointed towards his Dad.

Romeo headed over to his Dad, and reached out to hold onto his hand and lean against him, David looking down to his son. "Yes sweetheart?" David asked, sensing Romeo had a question.

"Can you put the fold out in Brooklyn's room for me, I am gonna sleep in there with them tonight" Romeo asked, giving his Dad his cutest face, knowing he rarely refused him.

"I dunno, won't they want to have their own space?" David asked, looking over to the two older boys for confirmation.

"It's OK, I don't mind, it will be fun, like a proper sleepover" Dakota replied across the room.

"OK, well I will do it in a little while then, Gloria can get you the spare covers too" David replied, reaching down to ruffle Romeo's hair, smile at him and then give him a kiss on his forehead before pushing him off back towards the boys with a pat on his little bum.

"Cool, he never says no to you" Brooklyn whispered as Romeo came back. "Lets go to the TV room".

The three boys headed off down the hallway, passing Victoria as they did and promising to play their games quietly, Victoria telling them to be in bed by 9PM at the latest.

They played Xbox for a couple of hours, before David put his head around the door to say he had the fold out set-up and that they should go to bed. He came in and gave Brooklyn and Romeo a kiss goodnight, and reached out to ruffle Dakota's hair affectionately before he headed off to bed himself, the boys following out of the room a few moments later once they had everything turned off in the TV room.

Romeo headed off to his room to get changed, as Brooklyn and Dakota headed into Brooklyn's room, both opting for a t-shirt and boxer briefs to wear to bed. A few moments later Romeo came in the door and closed it behind him, Dakota taking in the short t-shirt and tight red briefs that the younger boy was clad in, the front already tented out with an obvious erection.

"Could you be more obvious?" Brooklyn laughed, pointing down to the younger boy's erection and choice of clothes.

"What? Not like anyone saw is it, and anyway, I'll be naked soon" Romeo grinned back, Dakota laughing.

"Yeah well go and get some PJ bottoms at least, in case you have to cover up" Brooklyn responded, sending Romeo back off to his room, returning a few moments later with a pair of PJ bottoms in his hand, his erection tenting out the front of his red briefs just as obviously as before.

"OK, happy now?" Romeo asked, holding up the PJ bottoms.

"Yeah I guess" Brooklyn sighed. "We can't do anything until Mum and Dad are asleep, like an hour or so, so let's watch Youtube or something for a bit, OK?"

"Oh goddamit" Romeo sighed, "I can't wait that long"

Dakota laughed and reached out to poke at Romeos erection, who had sat on the end of the fold out bed in front of the two older boys who were lounging on Brooklyn's bed, Brooklyn's Mac Book sat in front of him.

"It won't be for long Romes, we gotta be careful OK?" Dakota soothed before Brooklyn could give a frustrated response to the younger boy.

"OK, I guess I can wait an hour" Romeo harrumphed, moving up onto the bed and crawling over to sit between Brooklyn and Dakota, the blonde boy reaching out to give him a playful hug as he did so.

They watched a load of Youtube videos, all three laughing and commenting, the thought of what was to come out of their minds for a while, and before they knew it an hour had passed.

"That was awesome, I wonder how they did that last shot?" Brooklyn wondered out loud at what they had just seen.

"Probably green screen, anyone can do it nowadays, there are loads of programs." Dakota responded.

"However they did it, it was pretty cool" Romeo agreed.

"Yeah. Anyway, ain't it booty time?" Dakota said, grinning at the two Beckham brothers.

"Yeah I guess it's probably safe now" Brooklyn said, looking at the time on his Mac Book.

"So, how do we do this?" Dakota asked, unsure at how it would work.

"Well, since he has been so patient, and is so horny, I think little Romeo here needs some attention first, don't you Dakota?" Brooklyn teased, poking Romeo playfully in the side.

"That sounds fair to me" Romeo agreed, smiling.

"OK, well I think you should strip for us, so we can see if you are worth it, what you think Brooklyn?" Dakota asked.

"Sounds good to me" Brooklyn agreed.

Romeo smiled and crawled over the laptop towards the end of the bed, Dakota giving his bum a squeeze as he crawled past. He got off the end of the bed, and faced the two older boys, his hands gripping the hem of his t-shirt.

The two boys looked on, Dakota with his hand inside his blue boxer briefs, as Romeo slowly pulled his t-shirt over his head, his hair being messed up as he did, revealing his toned chest and tight tummy, all of which was a golden brown from the hours in the sun.

"Sexy" Dakota purred quietly as he looked over the younger boy, whose hands were now at his sides.

Romeo hooked his thumbs into the waist band of his tight red briefs, the front of which was now tented out by his obviously hard little erection, and began to gently tease them down his thighs, his tongue poking out slightly as he looked at the older boys.

He pulled them down just far enough to reveal his hairless pubic region, the waistband caught on his erection, and then turned around and bent over, before sliding the briefs down to revel his tight little bum, Brooklyn and Dakota gasping in unison, Brooklyn now having released his 5 inch erection from his boxer briefs and openly beginning to wank as he watched his 10 year old brother put on the sexy show for the two boys.

Romeo let his briefs fall to the floor before stepping out of them, and then turned to face the two older boys, his hands now covering his pubic area.

"Let us see it then" Brooklyn urged, looking over to Dakota who had also gotten his painfully hard 6 inch erection out, his blue boxer briefs bunched under his balls.

"Hmm, I don't know if I should" Romeo teased, knowing the older boys wanted to see it, watching them both wank their own hard dicks, as he gripped his own rock hard 3 inch erection, still hiding it with his hands.

"Come on!" Dakota moaned.

Romeo smiled, and slowly removed his hands from his crotch, his dick slapping hard against his hairless pubic area, as Dakota gasped.

"Shit, it's even better than the pictures" Dakota hissed.

"Pictures, you saw them too?" Romeo asked.

"Oh yeah buddy, fucking hot" Dakota replied.

"Come get on the bed Romeo, lie down between us" Brooklyn said, patting the bed beside him.

Romeo did as he was told, as Dakota got off the bed and removed his clothes, now naked, Brooklyn following suit a second later.

"Yours is bigger" Romeo said, looking over at Dakota's and then Brooklyn's painfully hard teen dicks.

"Not by much" Brooklyn corrected, causing Dakota to laugh.

"Hey don't be jealous, can't all be hung" Dakota quipped.

"Yeah yeah, it's only cause you're a few months older than me"

"Yeah, tell yourself that if it makes you feel better" Dakota replied. "Anyway, what are we gonna do with him you think Brooks?"

"I don't know, maybe we should give him a closer inspection" Brooklyn replied, having positioned himself at Romeo's head, with Dakota positioned at his waist.

Dakota nodded and bent down towards Romeo's hard, uncut little 3 inch erection, and grasped it gently with his thumb and forefinger before slowly rolling back the skin revealing a glistening head beneath, Romeo with his head off the bed looking down at Dakota, a small gasp escaping his mouth.

Brooklyn reached out his hand and turned Romeo's face towards him and away from looking at what Dakota was doing, and bent down to kiss his 10 year old brother gently on the lips, probing with his tongue before Romeo opened his mouth and let his older brothers tongue in, Romeo's eyes closing.

Dakota watched on as the two brothers kissed, Brooklyn reaching out to gently grasp one of Romeo's little brown nipples and begin to gently tease it with a finger. Dakota bent back down to the younger boys crotch, and began to gently wank his foreskin back and forth, before reaching out with his tongue and tracing up Romeo's inner thigh, a shudder going through the small boys body beneath him as he did.

Brooklyn let his tongue slip out of Romeo's mouth, and slowly moved his mouth down to his neck, kissing him gently there, Romeo still with his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of the two older boys working on his body at the same time.

Dakota worked his way up to Romeo's hairless balls with his tongue, and then let each one gently slip into his mouth, rolling them around as he did so, before releasing them and moving Romeo's legs up to expose part of his bum, letting his tongue gently trace the perineum down into his hole, using his hands to part the smaller boys cheeks before sliding his tongue in to flick out at his tiny hole, Romeo gasping loudly as he did so.

"Shit" Romeo gasped, opening his eyes to look down at what Dakota was doing, Brooklyn shushing him as he continued to gently kiss down his brothers body, having now moved onto his chest and rolling his soft pink tongue around each little brown nipple in turn.

Dakota continued to gently rim the 10 year old, looking up at him when he heard the gasp, knowing Romeo was enjoying the feelings, before moving back up to Romeo's hairless ball sack and tracing a line with this tongue to the base of his hard little 3 inch shaft.

Brooklyn made his way further down his little brothers body, over his tanned torso and onto his tight tummy, stopping to flick his tongue into Romeo's little innie belly button, before moving down to his hairless pubic area, his head now meeting Dakota's, the two boys stopping to look at each other and smile.

"Please, please suck me" Romeo gasped, looking down at the two boys, Dakota gently wanking Romeo's hard 3 inch erection as he looked back up at him.

"I think we can do that, but are you going to be quiet?" Brooklyn asked, teasingly, flicking his tongue over the tip of Romeo's dick as Dakota continued to wank it.

"Yes, I promise, please do it" Romeo begged.

"Maybe he needs someone to gag him, or something to keep his mouth busy?" Dakota suggested.

"Good idea!" Brooklyn responded, before moving back up the bed and kneeling beside Romeo's head, his hard 5 inch dick in his hand, before placing the tip of it onto Romeo's lips, who turned his head and let the dick slip into his mouth.

Dakota bent down, rolled back Romeo's foreskin, and engulfed his hard 3 inch erection into his mouth right up to his hairless pubic area, hearing Romeo's muffled moan as he continued to suck on his older brothers dick.

Brooklyn fed more of his dick into his willing brothers mouth, and alternated between watching his friend's blonde head bob up and down on his brother's dick, and then his brother's mouth as his cheeks puffed out each time Brooklyn fed his dick into it. Brooklyn could feel Romeo's tongue swirling around on his dick, and gently increased his pumping motion.

Dakota continued to wank the small boy's dick, using his tongue to twirl around the pink mushroom head before sucking it in tight, pushing the foreskin further back as he went down the shaft. It felt impossibly hard, and Dakota could feel the smaller boy squirming beneath him at the sensations he was feeling.

Brooklyn continued to feed his 5 inch dick into his 10 year old brother's mouth, gently so as not to choke him, Romeo now sucking harder, his little mouth gripped tightly onto the older boys dick.

Romeo could feel his tummy begin to tingle, and began to suck harder on his older brother's dick, letting his eyes dart down his own body for a second to where Dakota continued to suck him. Romeo felt like his little dick was on fire, the older boy sucking him even better than Brooklyn had before.

Dakota continued to suck Romeo, and began to feel a tremor in the smaller boy, and looked up to see the tremble in the smaller boys torso, and watched as he continued to suck Brooklyn. He gripped the smaller boys dick hard now and began driving his head up and down on his dick, the angry red mushroom head slipping out of his mouth at one point as he upped his pace.

Romeo could feel his orgasm building, running from his tummy to his toes, he couldn't take it any longer, and still Brooklyn was feeding his hard teen dick into his willing little mouth. The sensations built, and he felt his whole body tense, gripping hard onto Brooklyn's dick in his mouth, and it then felt like his dick had burst open. He let Brooklyn's dick out of his mouth and let out a loud moan, his small body shaking uncontrollably.

Dakota let Romeo's 3 inch erection slip out of his mouth and watched mesmerised as the smaller boys dick twitched violently, his little body shaking, small moans escape his mouth now that Brooklyn's dick had been released, his eyes clamped tightly shut.

Brooklyn too watched his brother as his orgasm hit, marvelling at how intense it looked for the smaller boy, sharing a glance and a smile with Dakota.

Romeo felt the feeling subside, and lay there panting, before finally opening his eyes to look from his brother, who was still kneeling over him, and Dakota. Both boys were smiling at him.

"That felt really nice" Romeo managed to gasp out.

"Yeah, it looked like it, I think we lost you there for a minute" Dakota quipped.

"Did I shoot?" Romeo asked, suddenly hopeful.

"Dakota looked down to the smaller boys still rock hard 3 inch erection, and took it in his hand and examined the tip, seeing nothing but an angry red mushroom head. "No, sorry buddy, you will soon though" Dakota replied, reassuringly.

"Yeah course, anyway you already have the best part of shooting, the feeling." Brooklyn chimed in, bending down to kiss Romeo gently, reassuringly.

"Yeah I guess" Romeo replied, disappointedly.

"Don't feel bad, you will have plenty of cum in a minute" Dakota said.

"For sure. Come sit on the side of the bed" Brooklyn instructed, moving over to get off the bed, motioning for Dakota to follow suit.

Romeo did as he was told, and watched as the two older boys moved to stand in front of him, his head at perfect dick height, one boy slightly to the each side of him.

"Open up" Brooklyn said, and guided his glistening 5 inch dick into Romeo's mouth, as Dakota moved to push his into the little boy's mouth as well.

Romeo let Dakota's 6 inch erection into his mouth, his checks now puffed out with two teen dicks, and did his best to roll his tongue onto both dicks, before letting them slip out. "They are too big, I can't fit them both in, I will have to do one at a time" he commented.

Dakota gasped as Romeo reached out and gripped his 6 inch cut dick with his small, tanned hand and began to wank him, watching as he did the same to Brooklyn's uncut 5 inch dick. Romeo's eyes darted from one dick to another as he licked his lips, like a kid unable to choose between two delicious desserts.

Romeo bent his head down and let Dakota's dick slip into his mouth, beginning to suck on it, all the while wanking his older brother's dick with his right hand, and then switched, taking Brooklyn's dick into his mouth instead and wanking Dakota's now glistening wet dick with his left hand.

Brooklyn and Dakota shared a glance with each other, and then concentrated back on Romeo's happy little face as he alternated between sucking the two dicks, occasionally trying to fit both dick heads into his mouth at once.

Romeo sucked and wanked the two boys for all he was worth, his wrists now beginning to hurt slightly as he did so. As he took each boy into his mouth he rolled his tongue around the pink mushroom head, and used it to further explore Brooklyn's foreskin where it had bunched at the base of the head.

Brooklyn, having been sucked for longer, felt his resolve begin to go, and his orgasm beginning to build, "Shit, I am close" he blurted out.

Dakota looked over to Brooklyn, who now had his eyes closed as his little brother worked on his dick and then switched back to Dakota. Dakota could feel his own orgasm building, and bit his lower lip, his breathing becoming heavy as the small boy wanked and then sucked him.

Romeo continued to alternate his mouth between the two boys, loving the taste of each dick, feeling each teen pump into his hand, before he felt a twitch in Brooklyn's dick and quickly let Dakota's slip out of his mouth as his older brother's hot cum erupted out of his dick, Romeo catching most of it in his mouth, some dripping out the sides as he sucked and swallowed for all he was worth as Brooklyn silently pumped his 5 inch dick into his little brother's mouth, holding his breath as he did so.

"Romeo" Dakota gasped, as he felt his own orgasm beginning, and watched as the first squirt hit Romeo in the face before the little 10 year old clamped his mouth over the end of Dakota's dick and took the next three quirts, like a boy who had not had a drink for months and was desperate for it, his hand still pumping his older brother's dick as the last dribbles of cum oozed out, Brooklyn panting heavily.

Romeo continued to suck Dakota dry, before letting the end of his dick slip out of his mouth, his hands still pumping both dicks, both older boys panting, before releasing them and sitting back on the bed.

Brooklyn looked down at Romeo, his cute little face covered with cum, more still at the sides of his mouth, with a shit eating grin plastered across his face, the smaller boy happy with his work.

"Did you both like that?" Romeo asked, innocently, very pleased with himself.

"Fuck dude, you were awesome" Dakota said, bending down to kiss Romeo on the lips, tasting the mixture of his and Brooklyn's cum, before bending back up and ruffling the smaller boy's hair.

"Yeah, you did great, you sucked us dry. You look like a little cum monster now, it's all over your face" Brooklyn laughed, looking down at Romeo, who got up off the bed and headed over the mirror to look at himself, his 3 inch erection still jutting out from his hairless pubic area, still an angry red from his earlier dry cum.

"Yeah, it looks cool, like a porn movie or something. wanna do it again?" Romeo asked, turning back to look at the two older boys and giving his own dick a little tug as he did so.

"Dude, I need a rest, that was too intense" Dakota shot back, Brooklyn nodding his agreement and collapsing down onto the bed beside him, Dakota following suit, but face down.

Romeo tugged on his dick a few more times, wanting to cum again, before deciding to give in for a bit. He crawled onto the bed between the two older, naked boys, Brooklyn pulling him into a gentle and affectionate hug as he did so, Romeo's dick poking Brooklyn in the side.

Dakota turned over onto his side and snuggled in close to the two brothers, letting his leg intertwine with Brooklyn's, resting his hand on Romeo's bare backside.

"Maybe we could have a little break then, but not for too long, I want to cum again" Romeo said, sighing, suddenly feeling tired.

The two older boys sighed in agreement, and before any of them realised it, they had slipped into a gentle, dreamless sleep.

End of Part 9

I plan on getting back to writing this more regulary again now. I am sorry for the delay in releasing a new chapter, I hoped you liked this instalment.

Thank you to all of you that have taken the time to write to me. It really helps to inspire me, and you have all given me some interesting ideas.

Please get in touch and tell me what you think!

P.S. An extra special thank you to Andy Mann for taking the time to proof read this chapter for me. Go have a look at some of his stories, which can be found here:

Next: Chapter 10

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