The Smithy

Published on Apr 3, 2009


The Smithy 13

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

We stopped in Marseilles and picked up some freight, then made the quick trip to Algiers. From Algiers we were to steam to Alexandria and the Suez canal. It became very warm as we progressed. I must admit I found this wonderful. I had lived my life in a cold and damp climate. The sun filled days steaming through the blue Mediterranean seemed almost magic to me.

We were lucky on one respect. Sir Edmund, M. LeFarge and Wolf had no attachment to the English custom of dressing for dinner and maintenance English dress in climates that were entirely inappropriate for woolen tweed suits. We could wear lighter cloths. The officers wore white shirts and only work ties at dinner. When they were not on duty they wore what we wore, pants that would have been undergarments in Jolly Old England and no shirts at all. The boiler room crew wore nothing at all except towels to wipe off the sweat.

The Cleopatra was a fairly new ship, but the officers and crew were always busy. I hadn't fully realized a steamer's boiler requires constant attention. For all practical purposes the boiler was a bomb continuously on the verge of exploding. The Engineer and Mr. MacAffee were always alert as were the stokers. He stokers were all men of what we called the lower orders in England, but they knew full well the dangers they faced. If anything happened they would all die horribly.

I loved Oxford, but being on the Cleopatra made me aware of an aspect of the modern age I had not understood. At Oxford the dons taught and the students studied if they felt like it. No one was essential for the operation of the University and if a Don decided to take a year off and travel, all was well.

The Cleopatra was a sophisticated machine of the most powerful and modern sort. It depended on men to keep it running. Every man played his role and was essential to its smooth operation. It runs for 24 hours a day and for weeks without a break. The officers were either on duty or on call at all times. No officer could decide to rest and miss his watch. The Engineer's cabin was next to the boiler room. He was either cleaning the equipment, fixing it, or was worried about the equipment.

At Oxford if Professor Doodleberry decided to not give his lecture on Roman Literature of the Augustan period, there were no repercussions other than minor inconvenience. If our Captain decided to sleep a day, the Cleopatra was endangered. If the Engineer failed in his duty, the ship might well be lost. It seemed to be the concept of upper class and the lower orders makes little sense on the ship, and perhaps in much of modern life.

The trip to Algiers was fast, but we had to wait a day to load the cargo. M. LaFarge had connections in the city and he took Wolf and me to visit a friend. We went to a walled house in the Arab part of the city. Knocking on the door an Arab butler let us into a heavily landscaped courtyard. The streets of the Arab section were hot and dusty. The courtyard was what the garden of Eden must have been like. It was lushly planted and cool.

"M. Le Professor!" a man exclaimed. "It is a great honor the see you again." The man was richly dressed and a nobleman of some sort.

"Sheik Osmin, I am pleased to introduce you to Graff Wolf von Babbleburg, and Mr. Robert Fairbairn of Oxford. They are distinguished scholars and members of our expedition."

The Sheik spoke perfect French and greeted us with multiple expressions of gratitude that such distinguished guest would enter his humble abode. I replied the honor was all ours. We were strangers in a distant land and could hardly have expected to be so courteously received in exquisite home. I assumed extravagant language was expected and had guessed correctly. Tea appeared with fruits and pastries.

The house bustled with servants and retainers. Several sons appeared. I think they were sons, but the may have been nephews or other relations. The Sheik was tall, massive and imposing with a distinguished looking grizzled beard and piercing brown eyes. Several older men sat to the side. Several spoke French and the rest sat and looked at us approvingly. Apparently M. LaFarge was partially responsible for the plant filled courtyard and the Sheik was greatly impressed with the professor's knowledge of plants.

Two of the younger men spoke English and were interested in Oxford. Murad and Abdul were handsome and in their late teens. They had a English Tutor. Their names stuck me as Ottoman, and that was the case. Murad explained the Sheik's father had been the Ottoman ambassador or emissary to Algiers. He had married the daughter of local leader and inherited the title from her family. His grand father had been a Turk, but his grand mother was Armenian. The family was noted for its tolerance of foreigners and of other religions. "We and our family have prospered greatly," he said.

The house possessed a hamman, a Turkish style bath, and the Sheik asked if we would like to use it. He winked at M. LaFarge when he asked. I assume the baths had pleasures other than that of the steam. The house was palatial and straight out of the Arabian Nights. The hamman was extravagant.

There was elaborate tile decoration throughout the house,but the hamman was all marble. It looked more like an emperors tomb, than a bath. The undressing room was all gold and white, the bath itself was white and green with purple accents. The green was Verde Antique, and the purple was porphyry. This was as close to a Roman bath as I would ever find.

"Normally you keep you intimate parts covered, but the Sheik is a modern man. He and his friends have a taste for younger men," the Professor explained to Wolf and me. "I trust you aren't offended?"

I smiled. "I doubt it would be a problem," I said.

"By the way, you should tell them if you are ready to shoot off. It is polite," LaFarge said. "If you take their seed you will become most popular. This is rare in this culture, but they enjoy it. It is rare, but very exciting for them."

Wolf smiled and said, "I may well become a most popular man."

The hammam was hot of course, but the pool was cool. It was fed by a deep well. The combination of Turkish, Arab and Armenian traits made for handsome and masculine men.

There were ten to fifteen men in the bath from time to time. Some were just bathing; others were there for more complete relaxation. The Sheik was with five men who I took as his brothers. Actually, two were brothers, one an Uncle and the rest were cousins. Murad and Abdul attended as did several other younger men who spoke only Arabic.

They ranged from being quite hairy to being downright gorilla like. The sheik, a cousin and Murad had thick coats of curly black hair. I assumed that was the Armenian part of their heritage. We were uncut, which was a curiosity for them. The younger men were partially excited, and two were fully erect. That didn't cause any embarrassment. Indeed it seemed to generate favorable comment from the older men.

Both Wolf and I were soon at half staff. The caused smiles and approving looks. There was nothing rushed about the time in the hamman. It apparently was a part of everyday life for the men. The Sheik sat next to me.

"Sheik Osmin, your house is magnificent," I said.

"M. Fairbairn, you must call me Osmin. There is no need to be formal in the bath!"

"I am Robert to my friends and I would be great pleased if you would consider me a friend," I replied, then we talked hydraulics. He was most interested since water was a precious commodity in this desert land. He knew much on the subject.

Clothes make a man they say, but Osman needed no clothes to be manly. He was an ox of a man, thick and solid. When he was covered in his robes, I would have guessed he was fat. Nude it was clear he was a powerful man. He bulky frame was all bone and muscle. In some respects he reminded my of Ralph, the Smithy, except Osmin was taller and more hairy. His cock was similar, but I guessed it would be larger when erect. He remained soft as he sat next to me. I was still semi erect. He liked that.

"Some English men are so shy, they try to hide their excitement," he said. "I see you are not one of those men. You are a manly man yourself. So many favor the boys."

"I find older men attractive. Some say I am of a serious disposition and I tend to seek out mature men," I said.

Osmin reached over an stroked my cock. "I can see you are attracted," he said. "You are attractive too. My grand father liked taking his guests to the hamman. Of course there was no way to conceal a weapon in the baths. He had lived in Constantinople for too many years to be unaware of that advantage. It was even more useful here in Algiers. Allah is great, but he had not been able to stamp out treachery."

"I am afraid neither Jesus nor Buddha succeeded in that task either," I said.

Osmin nodded. "In the bath men can neither conceal treachery, nor their passions."

"Was your grand father a passionate man?"

He nodded again. "He must have been. His wife was Armenian and a Christian, so multiple wives was impossible. She bore him eight children, all sons. I am afraid our seed is potent in the extreme and he didn't want to wear her out. In the hamman he found enjoyment that did not disrupt the domestic harmony. Here it it easy to find men who shared his interests and passions."

"My mother was frail and delicate," I said. "I can appreciate that. Your father shared the same tastes?"

"Yes he did. My mother was the only child of the leader of a great clan. By getting married to my father there was no threat of her becoming a secondary wife. My father treated her with the greatest respect and affection. He became the clan leader when his father in law died. He too knew the value of the hamman."

"He liked it both for the protection it provided and the enjoyment it gave?" I asked.

Osmin nodded. I glanced around the steamy room. Wolf was with two older men. He was sucking one as the other sucked him. M. LaFarge was with Murad and an Uncle. They were sharing the professor's huge organ. I reached over and fondled Osmin's cock.

"You are a handsome young man," he said. "And not shy!" He was smiling. I didn't know what was expected in this exotic culture. I had been with Ali and Abdul at the Duke's Chateau, but Osmin was a man of rank.

As I fondled his cock and balls, Osmin whispered, "Often it takes the soft mouth of a young man to wake it up." It was my turn to smile. His sexual equipment was partially concealed in his thick bush, but just his head was a mouthful. He was only semi erect, but I tasted some of his ball juices immediately. All was well.

I assumed he was a top, like Ali the only other Arab man I knew. Osmin was sitting on a marble bench and I was on the floor as I sucked him. My ass hole was exposed. "My Uncle Ali would like to penetrate you," Osmin said. "He is a nice man and most gentle."

"I think I would enjoy your member," I said.

He laughed, "That will come in time!" he said. "I am big. "It is best if my relatives prepare the way. You will enjoy it more." I spread my legs so my hole was more exposed. Ali was a white haired man who was a slightly smaller version of the Sheik. He rubbed some oil into my hole and them slowly eased his cock deep into me. I had not focused on Ali and was pleasantly surprised. When I said he went deep, I understated the case. He was gentle too. It was more of a genital massage than a fucking.

As he went deeper, Osmin got more excited. His cock was monumental, both long and thick. I felt Ali twitching and ejaculating in my ass. When he pulled out another cock immediately replaced him. "Robert, my father-in-law wants you too." Osmin's father in law was shorter than Ali, but much thicker. He definitely was a fucker, but Ali's load lubricated my insides well.

The flow of juices from Osmin's balls was reaching a flood stage. I glanced up at him. He looked calm, collected and serene. He would have been a good card player. His face betrayed no trace of his state of arousal. The father in law had an extended and vigorous orgasm. With each ejaculation he rammed me hard and must have shot a dozen spurts. I felt the seed squirting from his cock like a miniature fire hose. He collapsed on top of me, exhausted.

"My dear Robert, you have inspired my father-in-law. The last time he did this was when he first played with Murad!" Soon I was on my back on a bench with my legs on Osmin's wide shoulders. He cock was fully erect and the cock head was nuzzled in my hole.

"My friends did their jobs well,"he said. "Seed is dripping from your ass." He made a quick, hard thrust and he was in. With a second thrust the curly hairs of his bush tickled my ass. I almost passed out in ecstasy. I became a passive man whose sole purpose was to respond to Osmin's cock and react to his every movement.

Wolf and M. LaFarge later told me I was magnificent. I thought I could do nothing, but react to Osmin's member, but they said I was a full participant. Had I been able to think, I would have recoiled from this subservient role. Wolf told me I had done well. Osmin and his friends saw me as the perfect guest. In a society in which traditions centuries older than Islam were important, the Sheik was a guarantor of fertility and his sexual prowess was of great importance.

The sheik was getting older and had reached the time men's sexual functions often diminish. He demonstrated his manliness with me. Not only had he fucked me to the moon and back, I was a European. There was considerable unhappiness with the creeping colonial expansion of France in North Africa. That I, a European, was the Sheik's sexual plaything was noted with approval.

It was time for us to return to the ship, but Osmin asked if we could stay for the night. This was fine with us. The Sheik dispatched a messenger to the Cleopatra to see when the ship would sail. The messenger returned with the words that the was to sail at 6:00. the next evening. We stayed as the Sheik's guests.

We had a grand feast that evening. The guests were all male. The women of the household were at a rural home, leaving only the male servants and relatives in the town mansion. The food was good and the men cheerful. That night Professor LaFarge slept with Murad and Abdul. Wolf was with one of the uncles and two nephews.

I spent the night with Osmin and his brother, Hussein. Hussein had arrived just after the feast, and could easily have passed as Osmin's twin. He seemed aloof during the feast and his actions odd. LaFarge came to me and whispered, "Hussein is blind." Hussein was an educated man and spoke English and French well. He was polite and seemed shy.

When we went to bed, Osmin told me Hussein was his favorite brother and a close advisor. "Alas, blindness excludes him from most social life," Osmin explained. "The superstitious believe it is a divine curse and shun him when he is not in my presence."

"He is a handsome man," I said. "Almost as handsome as you."

Osmin smiled. "In some ways he is more impressive than me," he whispered. "I think we three might have a good time tonight."

I know you should like a man for what he is rather than for any particular characteristic. Hussein was a nice enough man, but the prospect of his being more impressive than Osmin was exciting. The reality was more exciting than I had suspected.

When we got to the bed chamber, Osmin left and I was alone with Hussein. I disrobed. "Osmin said you are a handsome man," he said. "He tries to find me friends to sport with. It is not necessary. I am content." He stripped off his robe. He was slightly shorter than Osmin, his chest was hairy. I stroked his chest hair. He liked that.

"I am content with my situation. There is no need for you to please me for Osmin's sake," he said. I slipped my had into his loin cloth. There was no need to talk any more. I was odd to be with a man who hadn't seen me. I led him to the bed and removed his loin cloth. The second my lips touched his member, he was erect.

Like Osmin, his juices were all ready flowing. Unlike Osmin, he wanted to suck my organ. He licked it a few times. "Once I enjoyed looking at cocks," he said. "Now it is the taste I love," he said. He licked my cock as if it were a rare delicacy. I sucked him as he sucked me, coaxing the sweet fluid from his balls. His cock was as thick as Osmin's fater-in-law but as long as Osmin. Hussein was relaxed and unrushed. Osmin rejoined us.

Osmin lubricated my ass and then guided his brother's organ to my hole. Soon I was squirming on it. Osmin fed me his cock and felt a bit like a roast suckling pig on a spit. The night dissolved into a sexual haze. At one point I was skewered on Osmin's cock and he fucked me to an orgasm as Hussein sucked up my seed.

Later Hussein returned the favor and screwed we until Osmin got to eat my sperm. I was afraid Osmin would have little to taste after mt spectacular orgasm earlier, but I was wrong. I had thought my balls were drained, but Osmin got a mouthful. Later Osmin fucked me as I sucked Hussein and I took his brother's seed. It was more than a mouthful. Osmin told me to save it. He pulled out of my ass, flipped me over and kissed me long and hard. As he did, he sucked Hussein's cum from my mouth.

During the course of the night, the two brothers neither sucked nor fucked each other. I was the conduit for their passion. Apparently I was the proxy that allowed them to have sex together without violating a taboo against incest.

Needless to say, I also took Osmin's seed and fed it to Hussein. After that I fucked both of them. I hadn't expected Osmin to open his ass for me. He did it with obvious pleasure. Hussein was to my rear and fucked me again. That is when Osmin got very excited. I realized in Osmin's mind, Hussein was fucking him, not me. I acted as an extension on Hussein's huge cock. I fell asleep early in the morning and woke early unexpectedly refreshed.

We had to get back to the ship, so we dressed and said good bye. Osmin gave us gifts and letters of introduction to other members of his family in Alexandria and Constantinople. "Show this to any official if you need help," he explained.

Back on the Cleopatra, I discussed the night with Wolf and M. LaFarge. Wolf had much the same experience with Murad and Abdul. LaFarge explained that for all practical purposes we were members of Osmin's family now, and members of the clan, he had a similar experience with Osmin's father and uncle years earlier.

"You were found worthy to be the receptor and transmitter of their seed," the Professor said. "Had you been a woman, you would be a wife now. As a male you are an honored brother. The Osmin's are powerful and wealthy, a letter from them with his seal is of great value, especially in difficult times."

Next: Chapter 14

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