The Smithy

Published on Aug 23, 2008


The Smithy 4

by Bald Hairy Man

this is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

By now it was getting quite late, and I retired to my bedroom. The next day would be busy for the men, preparing the house for the ball. The first guests arrived at noon and were greeted by the Earl and his excited daughters. I saw Sean and Billy hauling luggage to the bachelor's quarters. There weren't enough footmen and household servants to handle the load. The guests were all well connected and wealthy. I did note that none of Queen Victoria's grandsons were in attendance. I suspected the Earl was smiling inwardly.

I was of course invited to the ball, but I begged off. I didn't have my formal attire, and I said I might prefer to spend the night reading. Out of politeness her ladyship begged me to come anyway, but when I demurred and reminded her of my back problem. She said she understood and looked slightly relieved.

I knew one or two of the men from College. I told them about the accident and Tristan's misfortune. I was with one of Tristan's sisters and she told them about my bravery in trying to lift the wheel to free Tristan. "Were there no footmen?" Lord Cloverton asked. I knew Cloverton slightly. He was a pleasant fellow, but I realized he simply could not visualize traveling without a retinue.

The Earl took me aside in the library during a quiet interlude in the afternoon. "You are a handsome lad and a good sport to boot," he said.

"I enjoyed meeting you last night," I said. "It was a pleasure."

"Let me assure you, the pleasure was all mine," he said. The Earl leaned close to me and whispered. "Ram enjoyed you too. He is always seeking out new experiences and you provided him with one last night. He was much impressed. Ram told me you are new to the sport?" I noted the Earl's conversation would seen entirely innocuous to anyone who chanced to hear us.

"I am," I replied. "I played for the first time four days ago."

"You are lucky," he observed. "I wish I had learned to play when I was your age. By the way, Lord Annandale is here with his daughter Arabella. He injured his foot on the trip here and will not attend the ball."

I didn't know why he mentioned this, then I understood. "Is Lord Annandale a sportsman?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he replied. "A great sportsman. He is injured, but he can still play. I put him in a suite away from the noise of the ball. It is quite quiet and secluded there. I can tell him you might visit him to pass the time, if you're interested?" "That would be nice," I answered. The Earl smiled. Three carriages arrived and the house resumed it's normal character, noisy and confused. Most of the guests arrived between four and five and the place was in an uproar. There was light refreshment available, but the main dinner would be a t 11:00 at the ball. The bachelor's quarters were over flowing with men and servants. By 8:30 it quieted down as everyone was dressed. I returned to my room and found a plate of food and wine. Someone had remembered I wasn't going to the ball.

Shortly after all the guest went to the ball room someone knocked on my door. I opened it.

"Mr. Fairbairn?"


"I'm Lord Annandale's man," he said, "I am to take you to his quarters. If you wish." The man was my Father's age. But was dressed in Lord Annandale's livery. He wore tight pants in the 18th century style and I saw they barely contained his impressive equipment.

"Come in while I get my coat," I said, "I'd be happy to meet his Lordship."

He came in my room and closed the door. "Not half as happy as he will be," he said with a wink.

"I'm Robert Fairbairn."

"Cox here," he said. "Valet and all purpose man to his Lordship."

"And a lot of cock I see," I said looking at the bulge in his pants.

"I see you're a connoisseur," he replied. I put on my coat and we went to Lord Annandale's rooms. His Lordship was a handsome man and rather younger than I had expected. He was on the bed and had been drinking. While we were talking, he slipped to his side and began to snore. Cox came over and put a pillow under his head.

"The Doctor gave him a powder for the pain," Cox said. "I'm afraid he should have mixed it with water, not whiskey."

I laughed. "Does this happen regularly? I asked.

"Not at all. This is a first," Cox replied. "He will be very embarrassed tomorrow morning."

"Do you share his taste for entertainment?" I asked.

Cox looked me in the eye. "That I do, Sir." he replied. "His Lordship likes them younger than me, so I don't get much fun. Luckily I like to watch."

I stepped closer to him and cupped his impressive equipment in my hand. He looked at me and winked.

"Perhaps I should wait for him to wake up." I said. By that time his hand was in the front of my trousers, searching for my genitals. "That would be nice Sir," he said as he began to take off his clothes. Lord Annandale's livery was pale green satin with masses of white lace and the family crest embroidered on the waist coat. There was a powdered wig too. Cox transformed himself form being a pop-in-jay to a ruddy working man as he stripped. He had shocking red hair, and his a heavy coat of red hair on his body. He reminded me of a orangutan I once saw in a zoo.

His skin was white but he had pink tits and a huge, pinkish-purple cock head poking out of his foreskin. I dropped to my knees and easily coaxed it out of the shroud. It came to life quickly. He knob was large and barely fit in my mouth.

"I didn't expect this," he said. "but the attention is more than welcome. Let's go to the bed where we can share better." Cox rolled his master to the side. When we got on the bed, he sucked me as I sucked him. He seemed to be hungry and swallowed my entire member. I tried to do the same for him and was surprised when I succeeded. From this angle it fit my mouth. His shaft was thiner than his knob, and curved in a way that made it easy to swallow.

When I pulled off is organ to get a breath, I suctioned some of his man juices from his balls. Once I discovered the secret to getting his juices, I milked him. I was so excited by this I hardly noticed he was milking me. I had a feeling of almost brotherhood as we shared our manly juices.

He pulled off. "Can I ask you a question, Mr. Fairbairn?"

I said surely.

"Would it bother you if I shot my load into your mouth? You're a gentleman. Some don't like a common man's seed," he asked.

"I like man seed," I said. "I'm not so sure there is much difference between a common man's balls and those of an aristocrat."

"Lord Annandale thinks there is," Cox said. "He'll feed me his, but not take mine. He likes to breed me like a dog."

"Does that offend you?"

"Not at all, truthfully speaking," he answered. "He's got a long, thin one that fits easily and feels good. It sort of tickles. He can also stay hard for hours. Once and a while I'd like to fuck a man."

"When did you get to do this?"

"The last time was when we visited the Earl. He's a fine man and neither he nor his friends put on airs. I had a great time in the Turkish bath."

"Were you here with Lord Annandale?"

"His lordship was there and he had a good time," Cox said. "He let the Earl and the Earl's men have their way with him, but not me, nor anyone from our house. The Earl seemed to take all who had a mind to." As he talked he move a finger toward my hole. When I didn't object, he licked his finger and returned it to my ass. He continued to talk as his finger pressed deeper. "I had never seen him take it until the Earl popped him," Cox said. "Up to that time, I thought his arse was virgin, but he took the Earl's big thing easily." By now his finger found my nut and I sighed in pleasure. He massaged the small gland.

"I see everything in your arse is in working condition," he said as he played with the gland. "I was really surprised when he took the Indian Giant's monster. It slid in his ass like a hot knife through butter. His Lordship likes to be in charge, but he was the Indian's cock slave the second the member was on the dark side of the arse."

Cox moved again. He spit on his cock and then spit into my hole. Then he spread my legs wide and nuzzled his cock head into my hole. "This may sting a little when I pop you, but it will feel great when I'm in," he said. He was in very quickly. Cox was both forceful and gentle. I knew he would penetrate me, but he seemed almost relaxed and casual about it. There was a quick twinge of pain when the bloated tip of his cock entered, but then my ass closed on his thin shaft. I felt the odd sensation that his cock head alone was in my ass.

The bulbous knob explored my rectum. The sensations were unexpectedly pleasurable. He continued to talk. Cox was an amusing man and had many curious tales to tell. The sensations in my ass began to intensify as he continued his slow movements. But now he had propped my legs on his shoulders and was stoking my cock. He spit on his hands to lubricate my cock.

"You got a beautiful one," he said as he stoked my member. "Sometimes the big ones aren't that pretty. I like them big, mind you, but some are just tubes of man meat. Yours is big and pretty, lovely head, thick shaft, nice ripe balls."

He let my legs down, straddled me and then sat on my cock in lightening like quick movement. My cock slid into his cock like a hot knife into butter. He moaned in pleasure as he skewered himself. Once it was in, he sat still for a few moments, then he began to bounce on my cock. He bounced three or four times. I filled his ass with my seed. When he was done, he got off my cock and fed me his cock. My tongue barely touched the tip of his cock when he unloaded the entire contents of his balls in my mouth.

"You're a good lad," he said. I was tired and went back to my room. The ball was still underway. I slept well. When I woke the next morning the revelers had just gone to bed. I, with the servants, were the only one stirring. That afternoon I returned to Tristan's house with his daughters. The party had been a success and the girls had selected their future husbands. The gentlemen in question knew nothing of their good luck, but the girls amused themselves with fantasies.

At the Ramble Lord and Lady Redborough greeted the girls as conquering heroes. Tristan was much better. As then entered the house, the doctor was leaving.

"I hear that Tristan is recovering," I said. "I am Robert Fairbairn, a friend of his from Oxford."

"Dr. MacEwan here," he said. The doctor was a distinguished looking man. "He is well on the way to full recovery. I'm afraid he may get suffocated from the attention lavished on him."

"They do dote on their children," I said.

He smiled. "By the way, you were quite right about Virgil. He was in a bad way. I cleaned out the infection and gave his wife instructions how to keep it clean. He has turned the corner."

"I'm pleased. When I visited him I didn't get a good feeling."

"It strikes me as odd that while the Redborough's are kindly they seem to have a blind spot in some areas," the Doctor said.

"Perhaps they were preoccupied with Tristan?"

He looked me in the eye. "You are a man who is is liberal and generous in his attitudes and sentiments," he said. I understood he thought I was being kind rather than realistic about my hosts. "I greatly appreciate that, you have done a great service to Virgil." We shook hands and he left. I went to see Tristan who did indeed look better. I told him about the party at the Earl's. He enjoyed that, but was scandalized I had not attended to ball. I assured him I had enjoyed myself.

I was surprised to note the servants seemed to be more differential to me. When I walked in the gardens, the gardeners tipped their hats to me and in the house, the maids curtsied. At dinner I noticed my meat was particularly choice, and wine glass was never empty. Lord Redborough mentioned I seemed to be quite the servants' pet.

My visit came to an end when I received a telegram from my father saying my Aunt had died and I had to be at the funeral in two days. He asked that I get there, quickly and said he would bring my mourning attire with him. I was off on a horse to the nearest train station in two hours. My visit to Tristan had not been what I had expected it to be, but it was rewarding in many other ways.

I am a cautious traveler so I always allow extra time to insure I am on time. As I passed Ralph's cottage, I stopped to talk with him. He was hard at work , but was glad to see me. I told him of my time with Tristan and of my visit to the Earl.

"The Earl is a right randy gentleman, isn't he?" he said. He winked at me. "It is a friendly house." clearly he knew about the Turkish bath.

"That it was," I observed. I told him of my adventures there. "Might I visit you again sometime?" I asked.

"I would like that," he said. "You enjoyed the party?"

"I did, but I enjoyed the night before the party even more."

"I was thinking that too," he said. I had to get on my way. We kissed and I left. I got to the funeral and then spent some time at home with my father before returning to the University. I felt more mature and my friends, who I had looked up to the year before seemed younger. I now understood they weren't that knowledgeable. Most importantly, I now knew I didn't know everything and I couldn't be absolutely assured the my judgments were sound and correct. They still were blissfully unaware of that reality.

The Earl visited Oxford and he had been a member of my college. I saw him in the quadrangle and he came over to speak to me.

"Mr. Fairbairn, it's good to see you. I knew you were here, but had no idea you went to my college," he said. What chatted and exchanged pleasantries. One of his daughters was engaged to the son of a Duke, so his wife was happy. "By the way, I going to visit an old friend here for dinner tonight, you might enjoy meeting him. We all share some common interests."

"I would hate to impose on a private party," I said.

The Earl smiled. "Don't give that a moments thought," he said as he leaned closer to me. "The gentleman is a sportsman, like ourselves." I agreed to go with him. I had no experiences since I had left the Earl's castle four months earlier. Logically I should have realized there were men in Oxford who shared my interests, but I couldn't conceive of a way to meet them, so I put the idea out of my mind.

That evening the Earl met me at the college gates in a carriage. Ram was with him as were Billy, Sean's son, and Jack, the stoker. We drove to a small, house on the edge of town. A tall, heavily bearded man greeted us warmly. He introduced himself as Edmund Bannister, but I knew him as Sir Edmund, noted botanist and famous explorer. Two men were with him. Unexpectedly, one was Lord Cloverton, who I had met at the Earl's house party, and the other was a huge, bruiser of a man named Ronnie.

Apparently Sir Edmund knew Ram and Billy already. He greeted them warmly. Jack and I were new to him and he was more than cordial. I thought the house was small at first, but I realized it was new and well appointed. I don't know if a place can be modestly luxurious, but that would describe it well. It was very different from the showy mansions that distinguish our times.

Sir Edmund and Ronnie served drinks. Apparently Ronnie was Sir Edmund's man, but there was no sense of the normal servant-master relationship. Ronnie addressed Lord Cloverton as Robin, and Robin gazed on Ronnie as if he were a god. I tried to visualize Ronnie and the rather delicate Robin coupling, but I couldn't.

One more man joined our group, Isaac Woolrich. He was an archaeologist famous for his Mesopotamian expeditions. He was a bearlike man with white beard. Woolrich was much taken by Jack.

The room was low and a fire in huge fireplace made it warm in no time. It was furnished in oriental rugs and pillows on benches, chairs and divans. There was a slightly oriental air about the place that co-existed well with the English character of the house itself. I was chatting with Ram when I saw the Earl and Billy disrobing on the other side of the room. Ronnie was stripping Robin next to the fireplace. Issac was with Jack.

Sir Edmund took me under his wing. He put his arm around my shoulders. "Are you a shy man?" he asked.

I smiled at him. "No sir," I said. "Not at all."

"Does it bother you to feed from the cock of a man you've just met?" he asked. I dropped to my knees and unbuttoned his pants. A minute later we were both naked. Sir Edmund was sitting on a chair, and I was sucking his cock.

Robin, Lord Cloverton, was moaning on the other side of the room. He cried out, Stop! Stop! I can't take any more." A second or two later he'd beg, "Get it deeper. Go all the way." I assume Ronnie was the man going deeper. But I was too occupied with Sir Edmund to look up.

Next: Chapter 5

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