The Smithy

Published on Sep 3, 2008


The Smithy 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

In would have guessed that sex with a group of academics might be more delicate and refined than that with working men. I soon realized Sir Edmund and Isaac Woolrich were interested in sex as sex, pure and simple. Sir Edmund began to suck me the second we were naked. He wanted to fuck and he wanted to be fucked. Isaac had the same interests. Their interest in sex was totally uninhibited. It was as if fondling a man's genitals or taking a cock in the ass was as ordinary as shaking hands, or hugging a dear friend.

"The highest expression of human existence is the ability to feel pleasure," Sir Edmund explained as he fondled my balls. "And no human pleasure can equal that generated by the genitals. There are those who talk of spiritual love and platonic relations, but as far as I can tell, they are little more than fairy tales."

"Some have a fear of pregnancy. Child bearing is wondrous and terrifying, creative of a child, but often destructive of the mother," he continued. "But when your partners in the sexual experience are all men, your mates and pals, there is no limit to the pleasurable potential."

I looked around the room as he spoke. Robin sat in Ram's lap. Ram held his legs up so Ronnie had full access to Lord Cloverton's ass. I hadn't seen Ronnie's tool, but it must have been long. The frantic begging that had marked the initial penetration was now replaced by a slow moaning. Beside me, the Earl was on his hands and knees. Billy was screwing him doggy style.

Isaac and Jack joined us. They were both erect.

"Have you been giving our young friend a lecture on the pleasures of sex?" Isaac asked. He had an amused look on his face. "Jack doesn't need a lecture. He can feel it." Isaac bent over and licked Jack's member.

"Jack's a child of nature," Sir Edmund whispered in my ear. "You are a proper English gentleman. It's hard for you to feel without guilt."

"What do you mean?"

"You have been warned that the pleasures of the flesh are sinful and evil," he explained. "A stiff upper lip, being true to your class, propriety and good manners are all barriers to our true nature. We suppress our natural inclinations and hide them from view."

"Can not our natural inclinations lead us astray?" I asked. Sir Edmund put his arm around me and Jack. Isaac dropped to the floor where he could minister to all three cocks. It may seem childish, but I was proud I had the biggest of the three cocks. Sir Edmund had girth, but not length. It was a hard and solid tube of flesh. Jack was average in size. Isaac seemed to like all three of the organs and didn't show any favoritism.

Isaac looked up at me and I knew I was supposed to take his place. I was game. Isaac had a long cock of moderate girth. He head was big, but not huge. His balls were big. At first I thought he wasn't fully erect, since his cock drooped. He was hard as steel. His cock curved in the opposite direction from mine. From this angle I could swallow the entire thing. There was no urge to choke or gag. It was a perfect fit. When my nose was buried in his bush I swallowed a few times. Isaac's cock twitched, but he didn't shoot.

"That's a beautiful sight," Sir Edmund said. "Does it feel as good as it looks?"

"Oh yes," Isaac said.

I slowly pulled away and moved on to Sir Edmund's meat. There was no way I could swallow his. I had been able to do it when I had first sucked him, although even then it had been a mouthful. Now he was fully erect. I opened my mouth wide to take the head. It was a beautiful shade of bluish lavender. He had been leaking man juice and the light of the fire sparkled in the quivering drool. When I got the head in my mouth, my tongue sought out the slit. The cum slit was wide as was the tunnel. Instead of licking the slit, I tongue fucked it.

I don't know how deep in the shaft I got, but it seemed deep. My lips held the tender flared edge of his cockhead and my tongue pushed into the shaft. He was moaning. I moved on to Jack, but he was gone. Turning my head I saw he was feeding at Isaac's cock. He had watched me take it all and was trying to do the same. I returned my attention to Sir Edmund's organ. All was well.

The evening was somewhat like a game of sexual musical chairs. We all admitted our interests and Sir Edmund and Isaac's lack of shyness was contagious. After an extended period of play, Ronnie brought out drinks and cakes. I had been so preoccupied by the sex; I hadn't realized I was hungry. We all were.

"Unless I am very mistaken we seem to be a most congenial group," Sir Edmund remarked. "I have been in few groups of this size before. Everyone is willing and open to the possibilities. I confess to being intrigued by the opportunities for shared orgasms, and multiple penetrations. I assume Ram and the Earl have some knowledge of the Indian classic Kama Sutra. I have never shared an ass with another man's cock. I have never screwed a man when I was being screwed. Do any of you share my interests?"

"You know damn well I'm interested," Isaac said. "I have wanted to be in a daisy chain of men, linked cock to mouth in a circle of lust. I want to know if the pleasurable sensations are amplified by multiple participants." Each member of the group expressed interest and willingness. I wondered if Billy and Jack would want to participate. Jack suggested the chain might consist of men linked cock to ass.

He glanced at me when he said this. I knew he wanted to fuck and this arrangement would insure his cock spent some time in the warm recesses of at least one or two of the men.

"I'm a top man," Ronnie said in his deep bass voice. "But in the interest of scientific inquiry," He winked at Sir Edmund when he said this. "I'd be willing to open up my hole for one of you, or all of you for that matter."

"Ronnie, you are a true gentleman and scholar," Isaac said mock seriously. "Is there anyone here who would be willing to contribute their mouths, cocks and asses to this scientific inquiry?" He raised his hand and every man in the room raised his hand at the same time.

"I'd love to screw every man in this room and feel every man's cock in my hole," Ram said.

"I'm not sure you'll fit in mine," Jack cried. Everyone laughed.

"You'll know soon enough," the Earl said. He got on the floor and got Jack next to him. He took the young stoker's cock into his mouth and began to suck with obvious relish. In a minute we formed an irregular ring on the Persian carpet on the floor. I was on the floor sucking Ronnie as Robin sucked me. Ronnie had a club cock. The head was the same size as the shaft and was perfectly straight. It was seven or more inches long and the head was deep red and so hard I could see my refection in it. It had been in Robin's ass, but it tasted only of Ronnie's man juices. I smelled only the musky man smells of his bush and bull balls.

Until I encountered Ronnie's balls, I thought of balls as a minor accessory to the manly scepter, the cock. He balls were the size of small apples or large eggs. They hung low and were heavy with man seed. I had hardly begun appreciating them when Sir Edmund call out and told us to switch partners. I rotated and took Robin's cock as Ronnie took mine.

I didn't find Robin particularity attractive, but in the spirit of the moment, I did what I could. His cock was smaller, but it was easy to take in its entirety. This I enjoyed. Ronnie enjoyed my cock with evident relish. He let a finger wander toward my ass hole. I shifted my leg to give him better access.

I moved my finger toward Robin's ass. He greeted the movement with obvious enthusiasm. His ass was already lubricated and my finger penetrated deeply. I inserted another finger. I continued sucking as my finger pushed and his cock began to drool profusely. My finger must have touched the prostate gland as Ronnie's thick digit pressed mine. It seemed as if we united in pleasure.

I soon realized Robin was fingering Jack and Jack did the same to his neighbor. We were now linked mouth to cock and finger to prostate. After a short while Ronnie began to slide up against my back. I shivered in anticipation that his cock would soon be nuzzled against my ass. With my fingers in Robin's ass I began to pull him towards me and pull his ass to my cock.

The circle began to contract, as each man's cock got closer to his neighbor's quivering hole. I shivered again as Ronnie's organ pushed against my hole. My ass wasn't lubricated, but Ronnie must have been oozing enough to slip in. Sean was moaning as Ram fucked him.

Ronnie eased his knob into my ass, but once it was in, he thrust the rest into the depths of my body. As he did, I rammed Robin. Robin's ass was needy. He needed another man's cock in his ass to be complete. He cried in pleasure as he fucked Jack while I massaged his ass. Soon we were all connected.

"Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!" the Earl called out. Soon cocks plunged into asses in a rhythmic pattern. Ram was the first man to shoot his seed. The first ejaculation started a chain reaction of orgasms. Each man drained his balls into his mate's ass as another man filled his ass with man seed.

Ronnie had been disciplined as he obeyed the Earl's commands, but once he began to climax, he became a wild man. He grabbed my shoulders to insure I took every inch of his rod. I felt him twitch as each squirt of man seed was projected from his organ. It was lovely.

The party was over now. We were spent. I returned to my college with the Earl and his retinue. The next week was quiet and I was much involved with my studies. There were many students who didn't seem to study at all, but I was cursed with my father's intellectual curiosity. I enjoyed getting beneath the surface of academics. Several weeks later Ronnie appeared at the gate and asked to speak with me.

"Sir Edmund wanted to know if you might attend him later this afternoon?" he asked. "He will be at his offices."

"I should be able to do that," I said. "Is this some special occasion?"

Ronnie smiled. "Not at all. He was away in London arranging for expeditions for the last two weeks," Ronnie replied. "I think he just wants to renew your acquaintance. Is 5:00 acceptable for you?" I said yes.

Sir Edmund's office was in the Oxford Museum, a modern building of unusual design that enclosed a cast iron and glass display area. Skeletons, fossilized dinosaurs and curiosities filled the light and airy room. I asked for Sir Edmund and a porter took me to the top floor of the building and then into the attic. His office was in the turret roof over the main entrance. It was a gigantic space, filled with large drawings, specimens in glass jars and a green house area filled with exotic plants.

"Mr. Fairbairn, it's so good to see you again," Sir Edmund said. "Welcome to the mad scientist's lair!"

"I had no idea such a space existed," I said. "It's good to see you again." We shook hands. Ronnie went to the door and closed it behind him. Professor Woolrich emerged from a dark corner of the room and greeted me warmly.

"You know I am not one to beat around the bush," Sir Edmund said. "I enjoyed meeting you two weeks ago. I was hoping you took it well. I was afraid it might have been too much for a man of your character and upbringing."

"I assure you I enjoyed it as much as you, if not more so," I said. "I have to admit until a little more than a month ago I was a novice in matters sexual."

"Your introduction was gentle?" Isaac asked.

"At first it was gentle, but when things got more intense and forceful I was so excited, it made no impact on my emotions," I said. "To tell you the truth, at first, I was unsure I could participate, but my natural urges took over. At least I hope they were natural urges. There seems to be a drive that takes control of my actions."

"Indeed there is," Sir Edmund exclaimed. "I once thought myself too refined and cultured to be driven by sexual urges. This is pure, unadulterated foolishness. Isaac and I have found a circle of friends who share our enthusiasm."

"I do," I said.

"Most of our friends are older men," Isaac added. "You may have noted, they are quite varied in social status. That doesn't bother you?"

"Not at all," I said. "The Earl and Ram must have told you about my earlier experiences."

"They did," Sir Edmund replied. "I thought you might be a like spirit. Let me be direct. We would like for you to join our group. Frankly, we would like to have a man who could satisfy the desires of some for relations with a younger man. I seemed to me you liked relations with them, so it is good for all."

"It seemed to me you had several younger men at the gathering."

"Sean and Billy were good men, but they are humble men. There is a chance they are simply submitting to men of higher rank," Isaac said.

"Lord Cloverton?"

Edmund laughed. "He certainly is willing, that is clear! I like Robin, but his interest are well beyond what can be regarded as normal. He is usually entirely passive. You are. . ."

"Both passive and active and hung like a horse!" Isaac added. We all laughed.

"I am honored," I said as I bowed to the men in mock seriousness. "Do you have regular . . conclaves?"

"We would like to, but it is never as regular as we might wish. Most of us are men of affairs and scheduling is difficult," Edmund said. "We do have a token to identify members." He removed a small box from his pocket. In it was a gold signet ring. It was simple and small and embellished only with an engraved image of a cock, a rooster, not the male organ. He slipped it on my finger.

"You are now a member of the Rising at Dawn Society," Edmund said. "We meet twice a year for a breakfast at dawn. Informal meetings occur when members encounter each other. Saturday afternoon there will be a gathering at Isaac's house. Can you attend?" I nodded. We shook hands and I returned to my college.

A day later I got an invitation to Isaac's house for tea at 3:00. It was a pretty day and I walked to his cottage. While it was quite near Oxford the house was quite secluded and I might not have found it if I hadn't encountered another member of the Society who knew the way.

"Are you lost?" he asked.

"I'm not lost yet, but I may be soon," I replied. I saw his ring and moved my hand so he could see mine.

He smiled. "Follow me!" he said. "Isaac's taste in gardening tends to favor the over grown. I'm Seth, Lamb."

"I'm Robert Fairbairn," I replied. Seth was a big man who dressed in expensive, but rather loud clothes. "Are you related to the inventor?"

"My father is an inventive man," I said. "He has a knack for inventing machinery."

"I'm deeply honored to make your acquaintance," Seth replied. "I've worked on doing the same sort of thing, and I was shocked when I found he had already created what I had been working on for years. It is a most impressive achievement." We had reached a big hedge. Going through a small maze, we arrived at Isaac's cottage. This was indeed an ancient, half timbered house. While it was ancient it was in good condition. Isaac greeted us and we went in the place. It was a warm and sunny autumn day and the house was comfortable.

To the rear was a small garden surrounded by a great hedge, making the place entirely cut off from the outside world. Standing in the garden was Ram, Big Jack, Earnest and much to my surprise, Ralph, the Smithy. All of them were naked.

"Leave you clothes in the house," Isaac said. "I will join you when the last guest arrives." I had never been naked outside, but, as always, I did as I was told. Seth was portly. But he had been muscular and he was still solid. His belly was impressive, but the family jewels hung low and very visible below the paunch. A big bulge in the foreskin gave promise of an impressive organ. He went to Ram and Big Jack and I went to Ralph. Earnest looked uneasy but Ralph put his arm around his shoulders. Earnest relaxed as he felt Ralph's protective embrace.

"Do you know these folks?" Ralph asked. "Ram said I'd like them."

"Very much so, I think," I answered. I glance at Seth who was on his knees sucking Big Jack and Ram.

Ralph smiled. "Everyone is really shy, I see," he remarked. He dropped to his knees and sucked me. Earnest smiled and joined Ralph at my cock. I got Ralph to stand so I could suck him. Sir Edmund arrived with Ronnie and two other men, I didn't know. Edmund joined Seth, Big Jack and Ram. The other men joined us.

"Is there room for more?" one man asked.

"Of course," Ralph said as he rose. The sun showed off every hair on his body and I saw him as an ancient god, like Odin, or Thor. "Ralph's the name," He said to the new man.

"I'm Lord. . ." the man started to say. "Frederick Karl is my name." He had a slight German accent. He was a slim and trim body with a coat of blond hair on his chest. Frederick Karl wasn't handsome so much as he was elegant and almost delicate. The contrast between him and the massive blacksmith was striking.

Frederick Karl put his hand out and stoked Ralph's reddish pelt in clear admiration. "Wotan," he said as he sank to his knees and tried to swallow Ralph's cock in a single gulp.

The man with Frederick was short and stocky. With a barrel chest and massive shoulders, he was an impressive specimen of manhood. "I am Max," he said in a very strong German accent.

"I am Robert. This is Earnest," I said. "Earnest is deaf, so he may have a hard time understanding." Max didn't understand that, but after some gestures, he figured it out.

"My brother is deaf," Max said in German. Max went over to Earnest and hugged him. All was well. Isaac came with a final guest, a white bearded Indian, and he was naked except for a turban. He must have been sixty but was in good condition and he must have been well over six feet tall.

The Indian looked at the assembled men, saw me and came to me like an iron filing to a magnet. Isaac came with him. "Robert, this is Ravi. His English isn't as good as Ram's. But he'd like to meet you," Isaac said.

Ravi's skin was dark and his chest was covered in black hair that was beginning to turn white. He was uncertain what to do, but his cock was rock hard and sticking straight out. The sunlight glistened on a bead of precum that appeared on his slit. I collected it on my finger and then licked it. Ravi smiled.

Next: Chapter 6

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