The Smithy

Published on Apr 23, 2009


The Smithy 15

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

We stayed in the main room of the bath for a while. Omar said there was a second room attached to it,he called the Paradise Pavilion. It was domed, with a skylight open to the sky above and a large tree in the middle. The room was planted with exotic flowers and plants and there was a ring of fountains on the edge of the space. At first I thought there were garlands hanging from the tree; they actually concealed hammock like swings. It was a lovely room.

Suleiman and several of the other men who had been in the hamman, dropped their towels and got on the swings. Then I realized the function. They slipped their legs into silk ropes. These held their legs in the air and opened their asses. A servant oiled their orifices, then came to us and oiled our members. Omar invited LaFarge to use his son.

The butler took each of us to our appointed playmate. I went to a groom named Mustafa. He was a big, hairy man and as soon as my cock touched his hole he moaned in pleasure. He spoke a little French and apparently Osmin and sent word I had a taste for older, masculine men. Mustafa was a cousin of some sort. He liked younger men and was both responsive and enthusiastic.

Jimmy was connected with a thin hairy groom. It was good for all of us. Technically this could have been called an orgy, but it was both relaxed and almost casual. At first I thought it was Omar being hospitable to his his guests, then I thought it might be related to our rank. It was almost entirely anal and seemed to be a way for us to get acquainted with Omar, his family and friends. We spent the entire time between meeting and dinner in sexual play.

Suleiman and LaFarge got along well. When I said it was casual and relaxing, that applied only to the initial period. As the afternoon progressed the action became more intense. What had been more of an anal and genital massage became more intense and sexual. As guests we topped, but the situation evolved. They were all circumsized, and we were all uncut. They regarded this as exotic. Omar watched my cock as I fucked. Mustafa's is hole peeled back the foreskin, but was tight enough to pull it over my cock head when I withdrew. This fascinated Omar.

Mustafa was beefy and hairy like the rest of the family, he had a muscular ass that gripped my cock firmly. His own member was thick too. His head was fully exposed and drooled manly fluids. I collected some of this and tasted it. This pleased both Omar and Mustafa.

After a while I took Mustafa's place on the swing. His fat cock was both filling and enjoyable. I have heard that in oriental cultures it is desirable to make noise as you eat. This is considered a mark of appreciation for a meal well cooked. I was moaning as Mustafa plowed me. This was considered polite. They wanted to hear you enjoying it.

Omar took his turn at my ass too. He was as thick as his cousin, but longer. He was careful when he entered me first, but got wilder as he discovered I could take it. I came close to shooting. He pulled out just before I shot off. I wanted to jerk myself to an orgasm, but he wouldn't let me. "There is a long afternoon to fill," he explained.

The swing was unexpectedly enjoyable. It was low stress and the connection with ones partner was only the cock. It was purely the sex organs connecting, with no other distractions. The swing was adjustable so my ass could be at the perfect height for each man.

I felt like the pendulum in an over sized sexual clock. Mustafa and Omar were the strikes that rang in the hours. Truthfully speaking they rang in the hours, half hours, quarter hours and minutes. There were four swings. All of their occupants were moaning in response to the throbbing cocks. My mechanical interests came to the fore and I wondered if it would be possible to coordinate the men's moans and create a swing powered sex organ.

During a lull, servants brought fruits and pastries as well as cool drinks. The servants were all nude and completely unconcerned about their nudity as they served us. Apparently naked and erect men enjoying themselves was normal for them. While it was informal, everyone was aroused. There is no way for nude men to hid their interest. LaFarge and Suleiman were chatting and clearly their coupling was most successful. LaFarge's impressive organ glistened with oil and the lubricant from Suleiman's ass. Jimmy had a cluster of men surrounding him. They were the grooms from Omar's stables.

We ate and talked and then men began to return to the swings. LaFarge attracted younger men. He was both manly and handsome. He had a fatherly way with them they found attractive. I later found out fathers in that culture tended to be demanding task masters. It was easier to develop a friendship with an uncle. Age was regarded as an indication of virtuous living. M. LaFarge's white beard impressed them.

Jimmy's grooms were all thin, wiry men, weatherbeaten and use to hard work and hardship. Jimmy was a more muscular version of them and they thought he was handsome. They were vigorous lovers and that was fine with Jimmy. He could give and take.

After the break I returned to the swing and was with several older men. Anthony and Sergius were from the Coptic side of Omar's family. Sergius had a massive beard and and spoke French. From the way he was addressed I guessed he was a priest, or monk. His cock was long and quite thin. I took it easily. Sergius liked to explore my ass, his knob was broad and I could feel him investigating my rectum. I had not been oiled again, but he was a leaker and his own juices lubricated me.

He was slow and deliberate and we talked as he slipped back and forth in my hole. I mentioned the attitude to sex was casual and relaxed here.

"This is not sex!" Sergius said. "It is only sex if it is with a woman. No chance or pregnancy means it's not sex."

"That makes sense to me."

"The only requirement is that you not spill your seed on the ground," he explained. "That would be a waste. Many feel the seed contains a man's strength. It is better to share it with a friend than to waste it. It is best if you give it to a good friend or a relative. It gives him strength." I must have looked disappointed. He quickly added, "Honored guests are always welcome to receive our seed." I squeezed my ass to thank him. Sergius smiled and picked up the pace.

Sergius had low hanging, bull balls. I felt them slapping against my ass he he began to pound me. He suddenly stopped and I felt an explosion of warmth in my ass as his steamy seed filled my ass. He stayed in until the last drop was in me. I squeezed my ass to milk the seed. That was apparently exactly the right thing to do. He was the first to inject his sperm in my ass, but not the last.

When he pulled out a young man came over and licked his cock, and another cleaned my ass of any trace of sperm. This struck me as a lowly job, but the youths did it with obvious gusto. I got out of the swing and Omar winked at me as he got in the contraption. Swirls of hair surrounded his puffy anus. It was well used. A young man oiled my cock and I placed it at the center of the anus and pushed. His hole opened and peeled my foreskin back, then caressed my cock head. I had heard Jimmy talking about ass lips. Omar had them. His ass kissed and caressed my knob, then I would slip deep and rub his prostate. His son, Suleiman, got behind me and eased his cock into my ass. Omar and Suleiman never played together but they watched each other. They seemed to have shared the same tastes. They never made a direct sexual connection, but they were always near each other.

My connection with Mustafa and Sergius had been successful and they brought their friends and relations for me to enjoy. Sergius explained that other Europeans who had visited Omar had enjoyed the hamman but had only topped and been sucked. There had been no reciprocity. This they attributed to European customs. LaFarge, Jimmy and I were fully open to the potential for mutual enjoyment. This was exciting for the men.

Sergius whispered, "Omar has never taken to the swings with a visitor before. You are the first outside of the family." I said I was greatly honored by his kindness.

Mustafa was from a minor branch of the family. He was what we would have called a poor relation in England. Mustafa's visit to my rectum had been an honor to him and he was greatly pleased. While in England a sexual connection with someone from the lower orders was shameful, he it was regarded as indicating generosity of spirit.

Mustafa brought son, Ali, over to me. He was handsome and almost beautiful. He spoke only Arabic, but cock's speak a universal language. Ali was smooth except for a thick bush and had large balls in a low hanging sack. He sucked me and toyed with my foreskin. Had a cock that was long and quite thick. I returned to the swings and let him fuck me. This caused an outbreak of celebration. Not only was I the first European he had screwed, I was the first man to open his ass for him. He had come of age as his member popped into my ass.

It may have been the first time his cock felt the warm insides of a man's ass, but Ali had been watching carefully. He was a master cock's man. He wanted every inch of his cock in my ass and he wanted to drain his balls in me. Remarkably, he took his time. He would build up a head of steam and then relax. He would rest with only his cock head on the dark side of my sphincter. I knew if I just tightened my ass muscles I could have made him shoot. I tightened my sphincter a little and Ali smiled at me. I relaxed and he cooled off. We understood each other.

We were surrounded by Ali's relatives. I guessed there were an uncle or two, some cousins and a brother in addition to Mustafa, his father. They seemed to be interested in seeing how long Ali could fuck me before he shot off. That was fine with me. They also gave him some helpful hints as to what felt good and would be good for me.

Mustafa and his brother alternated feeding me their cocks. They were half hard but, still drooling precum and the remains of earlier orgasms. Once and a while some one would take Ali's place. The oil was losing its effectiveness and I asked for more. One of Ali's uncles shot his load at my ass and pushed it into my chute with his cock. That was remarkably pleasurable. Two other men were kind enough to add there loads to my ass and Ali got to push it into my ass.

They sat one of Ali's smaller cousins on my cock as I relaxed on the swing. I'm big and was afraid I might hurt him, but that wasn't a problem at all. He shot off almost immediately and Omar was close enough to take the load. Finally Ali popped in a spectacular orgasm. The room was filled with applause. A bald description of this event makes it sound demeaning, but it had all the feel of a family reunion. They were all friendly and happy, enjoying me as I enjoyed them.

When they were done, Omar picked me up and took me to a divan on the side of the room. Suleiman was waiting there for us. That is when the real fucking started. My ass was well used and very sensitive after my time spent with Mustafa's family. Omar deep cocked me. My love tunnel was ultra sensitive and I could feel every throbbing vein in his organ. He and I were both moaning as his cock worked its magic.

When he got too close to shooting, Omar pulled out and let Suleiman take a turn. We were all excited and had time for another round of orgasms before dinner. Dinner was a great banquet, and the next day we went off to see the Pyramids. When we returned to Omar's house there was a wire asking that we return to the ship. There had been some confusion and the Cleopatra had to leave earlier than expected.

We got back in time to a allow the ship to leave the next morning. We got to the Suez Canal and a pilot boarded the ship to guide us. This put a end to our normal routine, since we didn't know if he shared our sexual tastes. I was tired and I seem to have slept my way through the canal to the Red Sea. The pilot left and the voyage became hot and boring. We picked up a new crewman, a steward named Raj. He was a tall Indian with a fierce black beard and massive eyebrows sheltered by a turban. Raj looked more like the leader of a army than a steward, but proved to be a find. He spoke English well and had a ribald sense of humor. I got to know him better later in the voyage.

Mr. Harmon, the engineer, got sick with some sort of a lung ailment. He was moved to a cabin on the cooler, upper deck and Mr. MacAffee took over his role with me as his assistant. This was hot and dirty work, but I enjoyed it. My status as an useful man greatly increased with both the expedition members and the crew. The crew had a tendency to see the passengers as baggage.

A steam valve blew in the boiler room and burned Gordy, one of the stokers. I was near by and pulled him to safety and shut down the control valve that fed the broken piece of equipment. I narrowly escaped a bad burn myself. Sir Edmund and M. LaFarge had some medical knowledge and had some medicines that reduced the Gordy's pain. Sir Edmund and LaFarge nursed him back to health.

LaFarge was acquainted with the work of M. Louis Pasteur and had read about new approach to medical treatment that emphasized germ control. This proved to be most successful. Gordy returned to the boiler room a week later in good condition. This event greatly reinforced the crew's attachment to the expedition members.

I was functioning as a member of the crew, but there were some pleasant interludes. I had a chance to get to know the stokers better. Jumbo was deaf, but not unintelligent. He appreciated the time I spent with him, both sexually and as companions. Many times I could understand what he wanted. Oddly, Bull, who was of limited intelligence, also understood. We had good times together.

Jonathan also joined us in the boiler room from time to time. He was much enamored with the Captain, and Wyeth, but he felt a urge to experience the pure sexual excitement of the Stokers. He was embarrassed at his urges, but nature is a harsh taskmaster and we have little control of that strongest of urges, the need for sex.

In my cabin we had whispered conversations about his fantasies. We laid on the bed naked and fondled each other as we talked. Jonathan had fucked Gordy, but as yet no common man's cock had penetrated his ass. I noticed he had been interested in sperm and had intercepted it mid air on his first visit to the boiler room showers.

I asked, "Do you think you could open your ass to Bull or Jumbo's cock?"

"I really don't know," he said. "Think about it often. I think about you. You are so free and easy and accepting. Everything seems easy to you. I have no problem with Captain Lewis or Mr. Wyeth."

"Those have been good experiences?"

"They were lovely," he whispered. "It was hard to believe such handsome men would do that for me. They actually filled me with their sperm. I could feel it spurting. I don't know what a women feels when a man fills her, but it couldn't have been better than I felt. I knew they felt the same way. I wish it wasn't called fucking. That seems too crude."

"Have you done the same for the Captain?"

"Not quite," Jonathan responded. "One night I just sat in a chair and the captain just sucked me. I shot off and he took the cum, but he continued to suck. I must have had six orgasms that night. That was beautiful too."

Two nights later I had Jumbo in my cabin when Jonathan appeared. "Oh, your busy," he said. I told him to stay. We had a fine dinner earlier complete with wine and Jonathan was mellow and relaxed. Jumbo thought Jonathan was attractive and, of course, was attracted to the scholar's impressive organ. We sat on the bed talking as Jumbo took care of both of us.

Jumbo was gentle and careful. I pointed out to Jonathan that his eyes were active and engaged. He asked if Jumbo liked to be fucked. I said he did, but I told him I had discovered his true interest was in fucking.

"I hate to sound too scientific, but Jumbo possesses a beautifully shaped cock. Not beautiful per se, but most effective," I explained.

"He looks like a bruiser," Johnathan remarked.

"Working as a stoker builds muscles," I said. "He's just a man like you and me. For years he bottomed because that's what his mates thought he liked. I discovered his other interest. He takes what comes his way."

"How would he know what you would like to do?"

"I have a little bottle of oil here. If I were to rub some on you hole, he could take it from there," I said. I could almost see Jonathan's mind working things out.

That isn't what happened. Jonathan pulled his legs up on the edge of the bed so I could oil his ass, but Jumbo's tongue was in the hole before I could oil it. Apparently this was a new experience for Jonathan and he loved it. Fifteen minutes later Jonathan was fully impaled on Jumbo's cock. Jumbo was a lot thicker than the Captain or Wyeth, so his cock was more of a challenge. Fortunately, Jumbo was sensitive. I think he understood both how excited Jonathan was and how uneasy the man felt.

Jonathan was really tight and this felt good on Jumbo's cock. Jumbo took his time. Once he was half way in the rest just slipped into place. I had been watching Jonathan's hole adapt to the invader when the entire organ vanished into the ass. At first I thought Jonathan passed out, but then I noticed Jonathan was still hard. Jumbo was motionless for a short while, then he pulled out leaving only the tip of his cock head in Jonathan's ass. Jumbo slowly pushed it in again. I watched Jonathan's hole quiver then open slightly. Jumbo did this several times until it was a single, smooth movement into Jonathan's rectum.

As he thrust deep, precum pumped from Jonathan's cock head. It looked as if Jumbo was pumping Jonathan's manly juices from his balls. It was beautiful to watch. Jumbo slowly picked up the pace of his thrusts until he was feverishly pounding Jonathan's hole. They shot off together.

Jumbo and I licked the sperm from Jonathan's torso. I licked it up. Jumbo kissed it up. It was as if he was trying to savor every single drop of Jonathan's seed. I slipped a finger into his cum filled ass. The entire tunnel was filled with Jumbo's cream. I slipped the finger in deeper and pressed his prostate. This set off a second round of ejaculations. Fortunately Jumbo was ready and suck the fresh sperm right from the spigot. We all cooled off and my visitors left.

I was a little afraid this might diminish Jonathan's attachment to the Captain, but this wasn't the case. The captain saw me the next day. "I ran into Jonathan last night after he left your cabin. He sure was glowing," he said. "I fucked him and it was wonderful. His ass was smooth as silk. I take it it was Jumbo's seed?" I nodded.

"I didn't know Jumbo topped," the Captain remarked.

"I'm afraid I introduced him to playing the top," I said.

"Was he good?"

"Very good," I said. "He is both skilled and good at it."

Much to my surprise Wolf joined us too. He was handsome and manly and was a great treat for the men.

Next: Chapter 16

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