Through the Time Warp

By Lee McDougal

Published on Sep 6, 2023


Your still reading? GREAT!!! I'm glad you made it all the way to the last chapter. I guess you might as well see how it ends. :-) I hope you have enjoyed my little creation. I know I have enjoyed writing and sharing it with you.

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Through the Time Warp (My Adventure With Nsync) Chapter 13


"Where did Jerry go?" Josh asked as he searched for his boyfriend. Seeing that none of his friends were around either... He walked a way, till he found a bed.

"Geez, just what I need! I haven't got nearly enough sleep on this trip." He said as he lay down to sleep.

But the bed quickly changed to an operating table... J.C. was strapped in tight and couldn't move.

"Welcome Josh, we've been meaning to do this operation for a long time. Are you ready to have your kidney removed? I'll get a fortune on this thing on the Internet." This doctor with long black hair said.

"Who are you?" J.C. asked.

"I'm Dr. Hatezmen of course." She said as she made the first cut with her scalpel.


"That wouldn't be any fun now would it?" As she continued to hack at him.

The pain for Josh was quite bad...and he almost blacked out. Hell, he wanted to black out, but something was keeping him awake to feel every move of the blade.

"STOP!" He screamed once. He could hardly say much more.

"Don't worry we are almost to the pay dirt!" She said as she found his kidney.

J.C. could see the blood flowing out of the cut, and could feel something pounding on the inside as she touched his vital organ. He knew he had to get off that table before he died.

"I'm out of here." He screamed, as he yanked and managed to break from the table. He was bleeding still, but he knew that bitch wasn't going to help him. He ran out of the operating room, and down a long corridor, while holding onto the wound...praying that his insides didn't pour out.

"Okay Josh, you've got to think this through... there has to be someway to get out of this situation. Find a real doctor. He'll fix me all up." He said.

"I need help." He said going up to a nurse's desk that he just found.

"Oh, looks like you've already been helped sir. Dr. Hatezmen is a very fine surgeon! Don't you agree?" The pink haired nurse asked.

"I need to be stitched up before I bleed to death!" He screamed at her.

"But isn't that the point of the wound anyway? Why ruin a perfectly fine slow death?" She asked and dismissed him as she went on a coffee break.

"Okay, they are all crazy. I have to find something to stitch this up myself." J.C. said.

He walked slowly looking for a supply room, but it was getting harder to walk. He was getting weak from blood loss.

"Someone help me please!" He moaned into the air.

"You will make it, just keep trying a little longer." J.C. heard Jerry say, but he couldn't see him anywhere.

"For you my love." Josh said as he pushed himself around one more corner. There was a supply closet, where he managed to find something to fix the wound. He wasn't sure how he knew what to do, but the knowledge came to him all the same. He soon had the wound closed, and bandaged. But soon after the bandage was applied, his wound was wasn't real at all. The time warp soon took him on to be with his friends.


Justin was glad this trip was almost over, but he was worried that he wouldn't be seeing his new friend Lee much after today. He couldn't tell Lee this, but he didn't have many friends...And it was really nice to have someone around to talk to. He thought seriously about asking him to go on tour with them, but he didn't really know the words to say to do so. He wasn't used to being open about his feelings. He had closed much of the world off through his arrogance. It would still take a good while for him to break through these boundaries.

"Lee...I was wondering why don't you..." Justin started to ask Lee something, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Wha-t everyone's gone? This sucks...I hope it wasn't something I said." Justin stated as he starting walking alone. It was getting dark very quickly. Justin didn't like the reminded him of when they were in the cave in prehistoric time. But worse than that, because now he was all alone. He longed for his friends.

"This really sucks. Why is it getting dark so fast? I didn't think it was that late...does this place even have a time frame?" Justin pondered.

Justin didn't find any answers, but he did find that walking around in total darkness wasn't easy. He stumbled quite a few times over rocks or small holes in the ground. He lost his balance a great many time before eventually falling flat on his face.

"Real great Justin, now you're not only alone and scared, but also you can't walk. I think my hand is bleeding... There's something moist there anyway. I can't even tell if I'm bleeding! I hate the dark." Justin managed to get back up, and continue to struggle through the dark.

"I really hate this! J.C., Lance, Lee, Joey, Chris, Jerry, anyone can you hear me?" He screamed into the darkness. But no response came to him.

He walked a bit longer before striking something solid; probably a root or something wooden-like. In any case, when he ran into the object it tripped him even worse than the last time. He fell forward. He tried to brace his fall with his hands, but that just managed to hurt his hands. He still fell all the way biting his lip from the impact. He felt blood trickle from his lip and into his mouth. He could feel his hands start to swell with pain.

"I give up; walking in this isn't possible. I'll just stay here till the sun comes back out." Justin whimpered as he closed his eyes...hoping to close out anything else out there in the dark.

That didn't help anything though. He could hear something moving in the background. He could hear leaves being crumpled like footsteps in a forest. He heard howling like the call of the wolf, and most of all he heard his little heart beating wildly. He didn't know what was in that field, but he was sure it was out to get him. And he wouldn't even see what killed him. No it was much to dark to see anything.

"This is much darker than the cave." Justin realized. "I am in real trouble; I have to think of something to do! What would the guys do? They have been calling the shots...not me. Now what am I supposed to do. How could they leave me here?" Justin said feeling very abandoned.

"Wait maybe this is the fears that Mary was talking about? Yeah, it has to be. I have to over come it somehow! I have to for Mary, and for the guys." Justin said getting up once again.

His legs were a little tender from the fall, but he pushed himself on anyway. He tripped a few more times, but he never gave up. He kept walking till he came out of the dark...and the light was so bright he thought he'd go blind. But he was glad to see the light. Very glad!

"Thank you Mary." Justin said as the time warp began.


Jerry was setting in a nice comfortable chair at his home, not thinking about anything too seriously. Just shifting from one bubble gum thought to another...things like what should I wear today, and would I see Josh today. Just little peaceful things like that were running through his mind. He was so glad to be back home. He didn't even question how he got there.

"I am so glad to be home, and I don't think I ever want to leave again! Certainly not to be gone for that long." Jerry said as he got up out of his chair to go water his plants.

He delicately tended to his houseplants, which he had been ignoring for quite sometime. "Here you go guys, I'm sorry I left you dry for so long. But you seem to be okay." He said smiling at the fact that they were still green.

It was all very beautiful. And everything was just the way he liked it. He had a pot of warm coffee brewing in the kitchen, the craft channel on in the living room, and his cd player was jamming out some of his favorite classical cd's. It was indeed great to be home.

Starting the water in his shower, he slipped his boxers off. He got under the spray, and felt the warm mist soothe his tired body. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted a healthy amount into his hand. He then started lathering it into his hair. It felt good to take the time to pamper himself, so he spent quite a lot of time massaging the shampoo into his hair and scalp. After he was satisfied that he had done an overly good job, he bent his head under the water to rinse away the shampoo. After he finished that, he grabbed his towel, wet it, and poured the liquid soap onto it. He took his time rubbing all over his body, making sure to get every part soapy, and clean. Then he headed back to his cock. It had become quite hard sometime in the shower, so he spent some extra time cleaning it. The warm wash cloth felt great rubbing against his rigid cock. He almost started to masturbate, but he thought he would wait and see if he'd be seeing Josh today, first. He had much rather cum with him, than alone.

Jerry rinsed off the remaining soap, and turned the water off. He got out and made sure to dry everywhere. His penis was still very stiff, and he took his 8 inches in his hands. "I want to wait, but it's so both ways!" He squeezed it once, and decided it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and masturbate. After all, he had plenty of cum to go around. He went to his bedroom laid down and started the deed. It didn't take long before he was shooting cum onto his chest. He was thinking of the way Josh had made love to him when he had reached his orgasm. It was very good too!

After he had cleaned himself up again, he heard the phone start ringing. He rushed to pick up, hoping that it was Josh.

"Hello." Jerry said into the phone.

"Hey babe!" J.C. answered.

"Josh! When are you coming over? I mean, if you can that is." Jerry asked.

"I'll be coming over this evening. I hope your ready for an all-nighter, because I'm going to make love to you over and over again." J.C. cooed into the phone.

"You know I am! What time will you be here exactly, so I can make sure to have supper ready?" Jerry asked.

"Probably around 6, but all I want to eat is you." J.C. told him.

"No, you'll need your energy for all that lovemaking. So I'll make sure to have a nice dinner ready for you." Jerry told him.

"Okay babe. I'll look forward to it. I have to go now, practice." J.C. said.

"Okay bye dear, I love you." Jerry said.

"Bye, love you too." Josh said hanging up.

Jerry decided to clean up a little since he had company coming over, but the way he kept the house...there wasn't much to clean. He was all done by around 12, and had the rest of the day to get ready for Josh. He was about to go to the market to buy the groceries when he heard the phone ring again.

"Who could that be? It's probably just a sales call, nothing to worry about. I'll just let it ring." Jerry said.

It rang five times when Jerry said, "I'm sure it will stop ringing soon." But it didn't it rang four more times, before Jerry felt himself being pulled towards the phone. "Stop ringing. I don't want to talk right now. I have to get ready for my date with Josh!" He screamed at the phone.

It rang 3 more times, and Jerry realized it wouldn't stop until it was answered. "Damn you." He said as he picked up the line. "Hello." He spoke into the phone.

"Hi...are you enjoying your vacation from reality?" A voice asked into the phone.

"What are you talking about?" Jerry asked confused.

"Your not really at home man, all of this is fake. Just look around, you're still in the field with the rest of those guys. You're just day dreaming, wake up before they all leave you behind!" The voice demanded.

"I don't know who this is, but go away." He said slamming the phone down.

But the phone started ringing again as soon as he put it down. Jerry fell to the floor crying. "Why won't they just let me be! I want to be home!" Jerry screamed as his house started falling apart. It was all a lie. His living room disappeared around him, and soon the walls of the house started to flicker like the light of a candle, and soon it was all gone. He was on the field, but this time all alone.

"You'll never make it home!" That voice from the phone stated, and laughed evilly at Jerry.

"I just want to go home!" Jerry screamed. He started running across the field thinking he could run all the way to the end, and then make it home finally. But the field was as endless as time itself. It had no end, or beginning-much like a true plain.

"I will never see my home again." Jerry said giving up and falling flat on his ass. He couldn't run anymore. And he was utterly out of ideas.

"Don't give up Jerry. You know you can make it, just use your heart." Lee said smiling offering his hand to his friend.

"Lee!" Jerry said letting himself rise up with Lee's help. He leaned in and gave Lee a huge hug.

"There, that's better. Now come on, we don't want to be late. The others have already made it." Lee told him.

"Thank you, my friend." Jerry said as they walked together hand in hand. Friendship would lead them home... The time warp started.

Back in Lee's Perspective*

We had all made it through the field of terror... I didn't know the real name of the place, but that was as fitting a name as any. I was really glad to be out of there, and so were my dear friends. There before us stood a large door, with six small holes. We didn't expect this, but we were pretty sure what to do.

"This is it guys! We are going home." Lance said hugging me close to him.

"I can't believe we all made it! That was really rough." J.C. said.

"It was rough on us all." Chris said smiling. We all came in for a group hug. We had come a long way, and it was time to end this trip, for better or for worse.

We each walked up to the door one at a time to place our stones in. Each of us had a wish in our hearts, and little did we know how significant they would be to the rest of our lives. I didn't know their wishes at the time, but later on they revealed them to me.

Lance and I had the same wish strangely enough... We wished that we would never be apart. Justin wished that he would have a friend that he could trust and share everything with. Josh wished that he would be able to get more sleep from now on. Jerry wished that he and Josh would continue to get closer. Joey wished that he would meet a girl that he could love as much as Chris. Chris wished that he would never be lonely again. All these wishes were simple, and from there hearts... All of which would come true, but like all wishes...there were sacrifices to be made.

"This is it we are going home." Joey said as he put in the last stone. The door started to open, and we entered without fear. What was left to be afraid of after that field!

When we had gone through the door, the final time warp of this trip began. We were soon driving down the road in my car...wait a second, how did we get in my car.

"You guys what happened to the van?" I asked after realizing we were in the car.

"What van?" James asked as he squeezed my hand.

"Lance, we were in a van when we fell into the time warp." I said.

"Lance? My name is James silly." James said smiling at me. He of course was right...James was his real name, but I had been calling him Lance through out the trip. That was the first time I had heard him called after all!

"Well, James...where is the rest of the guys?" I asked.

"They are probably at home. Like we will be soon." James told me.

And he was right, I wasn't sure how, but soon I was pulling into the driveway of a place that I had never been...but knew all the same. "This is our home?" I asked.

"Of course it is silly. We've been living here for a little over a month now. You're not having second thoughts already are you?" James asked looking a little worried.

"No, not at all!" I said kissing him trying to comfort him. But I was confused a lot. Why didn't he remember the name Lance, and what was going on?

We soon walked into the apartment and I saw on the table a picture of James and I together... `James' yes that was starting to sound more and more normal. In fact as I write this last page...most of my memories of life before the time warp were fading away. It's almost like that life I had before was gone all together. I called Jerry that afternoon and he remembered a little more than I did. He helped me to finish this book, but for the life of me I'll never shake off this nagging wonder of what else we forgot. I remember most of the trip itself, because that existed in both worlds. The only difference is, Lance and the others remember getting back at different points in this time frame. We were all 7 living in Florida now, but I know I used to live in Alabama. I wasn't sure how I got here either! But as these final memories fade out, I was sure I'd remember more about my new it were.

Life is a strange and wonderful thing, and as I said before all our wishes came true...but there were sacrifices to be made. There was no more Nsync. And I was even forgetting the songs they used to do. Jerry and the other guys don't seem to remember the music thing much either. Jerry says he can still hum the beat to a song called "Bye Bye Bye". But it only seems to make us all a little uneasy when he hums it. I guess we wanted to forget it all, or had to. But in any case it was gone soon enough.

James and I have been living here together for 5 months now, plus the month I don't completely remember, and we have never been happier in our lives. I think!

James was now a music teacher, and was really good at what he did. Josh ran a successful net-based business that kept him and Jerry both busy (and wealthy). Chris hasn't found a boyfriend yet, but he's really busy working lately. He started a day care center, and his kids keep him quite happy. Joey met a really nice girl, and fell head over hills in love with her. They are pretty serious, and will probably get married...Chris was taken aback by that, but he didn't let it get him down for too long. James and I made sure of that-by visiting him often. Friends can work wonders! Justin was an actor, and still did a lot of traveling. But he would always come to see me when he was in town. I never thought it would happen, but the two of us have become really close. As for me, well I'm a teacher as well. I guess in this lifetime I followed my passion for numbers, because I was a math teacher. But I wasn't to rough on the kids; I was more worried about them learning than what their scores are. And the students were learning a lot! And so am I, about life, love, and that your world can be turned around in just one moment... All thanks to my trip with Nsync...Through the Time warp.

The end.

Well, that's all there is too it. I'd like to thank some people now. I'd like to thank Nsync for ruining my day by canceling their concert here in Alabama-the day of the show. I'd like to thank Aaron for reading my story, and better yet liking it! I'd like to thank Robert for being my friend/father/brother/partner in crime etc. I'd like to thank my net friends for being my support group. I'd like to think the guy that gave me the expression "Penis" you know who you are! Thanks man for always keeping me guessing, and never really committing to anything more than maybe. And I'd like to thank the GWG for always encouraging (whatever) me and making my life a little more difficult. I'd like to thank Garrett whom I based most of the sexual portions of the book on-though the times were vastly over estimated. You might be an asshole G, but you sure know how to work your body. I'd like to thank Tony for getting my hopes up of a new relationship, and letting me down 2 weeks later...though it really has nothing to do with this story. I'd like to thank for hosting my website, and never giving me any trouble. I realllly appreciate that.

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