Through the Time Warp

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jun 21, 2023


If anyone's reading this. :-) Howdy everyone. I am back with the 3rd round of time fun, and boy band-ism.

Please send your comments, good or bad, to I respond to all emails, and it's a lot of fun to find out who's actually reading my stuff. Oh, and if your not reading this on my website already, please check it out at

Disclaimer: Um...I guess by now you noticed Lee and a member of Nsync getting closer...but as I have said...Lance in this story is just a character, and not meant to represent the real Lance of Nsync. And if the real Lance did want to date me...he'd have to ask my boyfriend about it first. LOL!

Through the Time Warp (My adventure with Nsync) Chapter 3

After sitting outside for a while, Chris left the others setting where they were. Something inside of him was bugging him about Gertrude. He wanted to know more about her life story.

"Hello, Chris was your name right?" Gertrude asked him.

"Yes, that's me. I was wondering would you mind telling me more about why you live on your own." Chris asked.

"Oh, you wouldn't want to know that. And besides what makes you think I'm going to open up to a complete stranger about something so personal. We weren't even properly introduced." Gertrude went on.

"Well, then I'll introduce myself. My name is Chris Kirkpatrick, glad to meet you." He said taking her hand and shaking it.

"Ha ha ha! That was fun. Oh okay, that deserves a little something. But after you hear this you and your friends will probably want to leave. And I am rather lonely." Gertrude did look scared.

"Don't think that way. I'm sure we can handle it whatever it is." Chris reassured her and gave her a small hug.

"Please don't touch'll regret it after I tell you the truth... What I am." Gertrude was holding back the tears.

"Okay. Just tell me. It's obviously something you need to talk about." Chris stated.

"You're right about that. Okay. Well you see I was different than the other girls in my town. They were all normal...not me. I...I never was very interested in boys like the other girls were. Most of them were getting married, but I never did. When I turned 25 I knew that I would never care for men the way most women did...and then another girl my age...she kissed me. I don't know why, but she did. And it felt so right. It was what I was missing. I fell in love with her, and I think she loved me too... There you see. You're speechless! Please don't tell anyone." She started to panic.

"No Gertrude! I'm not upset at all. There are lots of women like you where I come from. They are called lesbians. I had a couple of them as friends." Chris told him.

"Lesbians? That wasn't what the people of town called Sara...They called her a witch. They burned her alive. They were convinced that she had put me under a spell. I didn't argue with them...otherwise they would have killed me too. I ran away the next day. I never want to go back there again." Gertrude was openly crying on his shoulder.

"It's okay Gertrude. Things are going to be okay. You'll find someone that loves you someday. And if it's any help. I love you. You took us in when you could have let us starve. You're a lifesaver. You're not a bad person." Chris told her.

"Thank you Chris. I never thought I'd hear someone understand I felt. You're a Godsend. You wouldn't believe how many times I felt like killing myself. So just maybe, I'd be with Sara again...I thought she would be the only one to ever care for me. Thank you for your friendship." Gertrude was happy once again.

It took a lot of talking, but he finally convinced her to tell the others her story. Gertrude was amazed that they all accepted her for who she really was. It was then that she realized how lost they really were. They had to be from another world or something. She probably never knew how right she was.

The next morning:

"I don't know what I'll do without you boys. You brought so much joy to me. Please say you'll visit again." She asked.

"I will if it's at all possible." Chris said hugging her warmly.

"And remember what I told you Gertrude your never alone. God will always be with you, and loves you no matter what." Jerry told her.

"Thank you boys. Good luck on finding your way home." She waved them goodbye.

They planed to head towards the city, and see what was there...but when they made it out of eyesight of Gertrude they started to vanish again.

"Here we go. I have the address typed into the transport dialog box, unless I have read wrong...All I have to do is hit this center button and we will be in front of the building." I told them.

"Really, it's in North Carolina isn't it?" Lance asked in amazement.

"According to the computer we can go anywhere in the United States in less than a minute." I informed him.

"That's amazing, this sure would have made touring easier." Joey joked.

"Yes it would have! Come on guys lets go." I said.

Soon we were on our way to an exhibit on early 21st century music. I thought it'd be a hoot to see who made the cut. I guess it was breaking our rules, but we just couldn't resist.

"This is so breaking the rules guys." Joey said right before I hit the button.

After I hit the button we experienced the same flash as before. And we were in front of the building. Joey and Lance were in shock, but for some reason I was somewhat okay with it.

"Well, if you didn't want to come, you should have said something before we left." I said walking towards the door.

"How do we get back to that place?" Lance asked.

"Oh I got the address written down here." I said handing him a piece of paper.

"That's good. I didn't notice you writing anything." Lance said.

" Well, that's because I didn' Never mind. Let's just go inside." I changed the subject quickly.

He probably would have asked how I had the address, but I didn't have time to explain it, or a desire to do so yet. When we got in the place it quieted any questions he might have had. We walked around and checked out all the displays. Well we looked at some of them anyway. There was an amazing display set up for the Backstreet Boys, and I really liked it. I found myself fighting the urge to listen to the tracks of the new songs that weren't out yet. But I knew it would only spoil the how would I be able to take any of the stuff home? They probably don't have cd's anymore.

After looking around for a while we decided to head back to our `home'. We were tired. But the boys were strangely quite.

Joey decided to stay on the bottom floor, and Lance and I took the room right above him. Joey thought it'd be weird for us all to share one bed. I think he assumed we'd have different rooms also, but Lance was pretty frank about wanting to stay with me.

"Okay Lance we need to talk." I told him.

"What's wrong dear?" He asked.

"Nothing, but I want to make sure I'm not confused here. You do like me right? I mean your not just going to use me for sex or something?" I asked.

"Of course not Lee! I would never do anything so hurtful to you. I never even thought we'd have sex tonight. If that's what you were thinking. I want to get to know you better first. I just don't want to be alone. It's just so scary being so far away from home." Lance told me.

"I know how you feel. Thank for reassuring me." I gave him a kiss.

"Thanks for putting up with me for the night." He said as we lay down in the bed.

"Trust me, it's my pleasure. I really like you." I corny!

"I like you too Lee, a lot." Lance hugged up to my back, and soon we were out like a light.

We were in serious shock. We didn't know what to do, but we knew we had to keep searching for something that would send us home. I really would have gone crazy at this point if it weren't for Lance. I started crying sometime in the middle of the night, and he held me closer and kept telling me it was going to be all right. But would it be? I didn't even get to say goodbye to my mom.

At Breakfast:

"So what do we do now?" Joey asked.

"Well, we need to all get a shower, and then decided where to go next. There must be some reason we came here." I told him.

Suddenly I fell out of my seat. My head got really swimmy, and I started to see numbers flashing in my head.

"What's a matter! Lee speak to me." Lance was screaming.

"Calm down. I'm fine." I told Lance getting up and setting back at the table.

"What do you mean calm down! You were out nearly 10 minutes." Joey shouted.

"Oh my, not sure what that was about. But I got this number flashing in my head over and over. 347. I didn't know I was out so long though." I told them.

"Do you think it means something?" Lance asked.

"It has to mean something. It was like a premonition or something." I told him.

"What is it an address or something?" Joey asked.

"Wait maybe it's a floor number, how far does this building go up?" Lance asked.

"It has around a thousand floors I think." I told Lance.

"We were brought to this building for something. I bet that's what the number is about! Let's head to that floor." Lance suggested.

"Okay, it sounds like a good place to start." I stated.

I got up and walked over to the computer. It took me only a few seconds to type in the floor number, and hit send. We again flashed and arrived in a room very similar to our own rooms.

"They sure didn't waste a lot of creativity on this place!" Joey complained.

"For all we know all the buildings might be the same. Come on let's look around." I told him.

Lance started looking in the bedroom, Joey in the living room type area, and me I looked in the desk there at the computer. What I found was quite amazing. It was a shinny red jewel.

"Hey you guys look what I found!" I screamed to them.

"Wow, that's beautiful what is it?" Lance asked.

"I don't's kind of heavy." I said.

When Lance and Joey touched it while I was still holding it...a flash of light showed up, and the jewel started flashing... Soon we started to go transparent again.

"Man it's happening again!" Joey screamed.

"Maybe we are going home?" Lance suggested cheerfully. He grabbed my hand.

"I hope so." I said.

Back at the van.

"Were back! Look there's Jerry and the others." I screamed.

"But we are still transparent." Lance said still holding on to my hand.

"Chris!" Joey screamed. And hugged at his friend tightly.

"Jerry, are you guys okay?" I screamed at him.

"Lee..." was the last thing I heard.

Soon we appeared in a dark room, it was uncomfortable. The floor was metal.

"Where the hell are we now?" Lance asked.

"I don't know, but where's Joey at?" I asked him.

"We are right here." He said. Then Joey and Chris both walked out from behind a stack of hay.

"Wow, you Brought Chris with us this time!" Lance pointed out.

"But where have you been Chris?" I asked him.

"I was with the others. We went to the time of the 13 colonies." Chris said.

"Really! We were in the 51st century!" Joey said excitedly.

"Wow! That's amazing...have we gone insane." Chris asked.

"I don't think so, but the question is. Where are we now?" Lance asked.

"I don't know, but I think I hear a train." Chris pointed out.

"Could be. You're in a train cart son!" A hobo said walking out of the shadows.

It was quite a start. "And you guys sound crazy all this time travel hooey! This here is the year 1900 no reason acting so childish!" He stated.

"Great now we are back in the past." Lance sighed.

"It could be worse. We are a lot closer now!" I reminded him.

"You're right babe." Then Lance kissed me.

"Wait a second! Why are they kissing?" Chris asked Joey.

"Lance and him are a couple I guess. They've been kissing since the 51st century... or since the never mind. The point is they are together." Joey stated.

"Gee that was fast." Chris commented.

"Well, things like this are hard when you are alone, and they really needed each other. Like I needed you!" Joey said giving his friend a hug.

"Thanks bud! I'm glad I'm with you too. If we have to be on this crazy ride, we might as well stick together." Chris said.

We didn't know where the cart was going, but we just set down and watched the world go by us. Sometime after the brief introduction with Cliff (the hobo guy) he opened the cart door for us. It was much nicer with air blowing through. It felt so odd to be on a train with no particular destination. I guess things like that didn't seem to matter when you were lost in time. All that matter was finding a way to get to our friends, and we knew in our train was going to take us there.

I hadn't noticed before, but I still had the red jewel. It somehow made it into my pocket. I was glad to have it too! For some reason I felt it must be part of the puzzle to getting us back home. And the reason we had been sent to that apartment! From that point on I knew to be looking for similar jewels.

On a beautiful lake:

"You guys how did we get on a boat?" Jerry asked.

"I don't know, but where did Chris go?" Josh asked.

"I saw him grab on to Joey; maybe he's with them?" Justin said.

"Maybe, but where are they?" Jerry worried about them all.

"I don't have a clue, but at least we know they are still alive. They are probably going from place to place like us!" Josh tried to comfort Jerry.

"Yeah, probably so, but where are we now?" Justin asked.

"I think a better question would be when are we or something like that." Josh sighed.

"I bet we are still in the past. It still doesn't look very populated." Jerry noted.

"Yeah, but we can't be sure till we find someone else." Josh told him.

"Good point. Maybe there's someone in that house" Justin said pointing at a cabin in the distance.

"It's as good a place to start searching as any I suppose." Jerry agreed. After a little experimenting they managed to get the boat engine started. They were heading toward the house by the lake.

After they made it to the dock, Josh got out and tied the boat up. Jerry and Justin got out with a little help from Josh. Then they all looked at the house together.

"We got to go knock!" Josh told them.

"Right." Jerry said. He suddenly was filled with gusto and marched up to the door and knocked.

No one answered so after a few tries, the three of them decided to just try opening the door. It wasn't locked so they walked into the house. The first thing Jerry saw was a newspaper setting on a table.

"Look there's a newspaper! I bet it has the date on it." Jerry said excitedly.

"But if no one is here it could be really old!" Justin pointed out.

"Well, it should still give us some idea, don't you think?" Josh said picking up the paper.

"Wow, this is dated March 5th 3030." Jerry read over Josh's shoulder.

"You're kidding me right?" Justin said wanting to scream, or cry.

"I'm afraid I'm not. If this were today's paper, then we'd be celebrating Lee's 1050 birthday!" Jerry joked.

"That's a scary thought." Josh said.

"Yeah I guess so, but why does everything look so deserted!" Justin asked.

"I don't know, I guess we'll have to look around for some clues or something." Jerry suggested.

To be continued.

If you made it this far, and like what you see...make sure to join me again next week! I promise more fun with the boys, and who knows what will happen next? Well me...but that's not really the point. LOL!

Next: Chapter 4

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