To Fulfill a Prophesy


Published on Aug 23, 2001


teen2b slow)(32/56)

The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author.

If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This story is presented in serial form and you'll read a lot of background, before you get any mindblowing sex scenes.

If you are bothered by same sex relationships, read no farther. This is a story about the interaction of males with each other in a fanciful setting. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.

Thanks to those who are encouraging me to continue with the presentation of this series.

I have not acknowledged e-mails, instead using my time to write. I do appreciate hearing from you. Hope that you continue to enjoy. LJB

To Fulfill a Prophesy

Section 32

Dean - Monday night

Monday passed at a steady pace. Ted and I alternated staying with Denny. He slept on and off through the morning and early afternoon. Shortly after lunch time his fever finally broke and he began to sweat. During the course of the afternoon and evening, we changed his bed and pajamas three different times. Once the sweat started he just soaked everything right through. We made sure he kept drinking the whole time, so there were no complications for him with dehydration. Water, fruit juice, pop, iced tea, Freshie, there was just no end to the line of glasses readied for him to down. And the line of visitors was endless. Everyone on the estate knew about what had happened and everyone stopped by his door at least twice through the day to check up on him. Mr. Chen came by hourly, you could almost set your clock by him. Our security team also always seemed to have one representative in attendance at all times.

When Denny did finally awaken he was weak and very quiet. It wasn't hard to tell he had lost a lot of energy, because this was not the active little boy we were all use to having around. Either Ted or I would carry him to the bathroom when he woke and then he would just lay in his bed while we read to him until he would drift off, back to sleep. One of the other boys was always in the room with us. Even Kevin fit right in and took his turns. They would each sit on the side of his bed and hold his hand, as if they were passing their strength or energy on to him. They didn't seem to discuss it with each other, they just each did the same thing, in their turn.

Neither Ted, nor I had slept at all during the night. We were too worried about Denny and about each other. The Doctor had speculated Denny was fighting some kind of viral infection he had picked up over the weekend. We could not determine where he might have been to be exposed, when the rest of us were not also exposed, but he was the only one who manifested any ill effects. Anyway, everything that could be, was canceled, or put on hold for the day. By dinner time, our youngest member was feeling and looking much like his regular self. It became a chore to keep him in bed for the evening. He actually managed to get us to let him go as far as the couch in his lounge area, so a little television could be watched.

Monday night, the `dojo' was held without Ted and myself, but we insisted everyone else go. It gave our group a chance to re-focus on something else and their presence helped the rest of the staff know Denny was all right. They all joined in the recreational swim after the class and I think it helped relieve a lot of the tension. Jason approached us in the afternoon and asked to be allowed to stay with Denny overnight on Monday. He said he would sleep in Davey's bed, where he could keep a regular check on Denny. Davey was to sleep with Jamie again and they readily agreed to this. It would allow Ted and me to get a good night's sleep and also give Dale a night alone with Kevin. We knew Denny would be in good hands, so we agreed to the arrangement.

Ted was restless through the night and I know he got up and went to check on Denny himself at least twice. Jason continued to push the fluids and Denny was sleeping peacefully and this seemed to help Ted to settle more when he came back to bed. I am sure the scare from Davey's phone call the night before, was replaying in his head on a regular basis. We had made love when we came to bed and were laying peacefully in each other's arms, sharing the warmth and security we had wrapped ourselves in. The phone rang and I made a joke about not answering it, as if we were not there. Ted picked up the receiver and identified himself and then listened. He was out of bed before I even knew he was moving and had dropped the telephone receiver.

"Denny's dying." was all I heard him call to me, as he ran through the bedroom doorway. I was out behind him, as fast as I could move, but he was gone by the time I reached the same doorway. I caught up to him inside Denny and Davey's room, heading toward the bathroom. When I saw the situation and that he was checking Denny for injuries, I knew I would be most effective acting in support of his efforts. And so, we worked together, performing like the team we have become over the years, united in a common goal. When the smoke had cleared, there was no question in my mind, I wasn't going to leave Ted's side for a moment during the night. And that's where I stayed, until morning when we paired up with our sons to take care of the morning's needs.

While Jamie and I watched over Denny, waiting for Ted and Davey to return from breakfast, it gave us some time to do some more talking, just between the two of us.

"Dad," Jamie questioned, "were you scared when this all happened last night ?"

"Terrified." I admitted

"I was scared, too" he said.

"There is nothing wrong with being afraid about something," I counseled, "but you pass the terror at some point and just do what has to be done."

"Yeah." he agreed. "Davey did that first. He has more experience than I have in controlling his emotions."

"You and Davey seem to have hit it off really well, this weekend." I observed.

"We are brothers, Dad." he told me, looking surprised I would not realize this. "You do understand we are both Guardians, don't you ?"

"I understand it, Jamie." I told him. "I just have a very hard time thinking of my son as being something other than my son."

"I will always be your son, Dad." he wrapped his arms around me. "I just have three brothers we didn't know about. I only started to know them in the last few months and that's because of Davey being in my dreams. My gifts only started, after he had told me about Prophesy and the part I would play. I was so afraid you would be the one, until Davey said it wouldn't be you." He stopped and looked at me with a look of panic on his face.

"The one for what ?" I asked him. "I would be the one for what ?" He turned pale at my question and I could see him trying to think quickly.

"Oh, Dad." he stammered. "Please don't ask me. I shouldn't have said what I did and they will all be really upset with me. Please don't ask me to explain. I can't lie to you and I can't say any more. If you must know more, ask Uncle Ted, but please don't ask me." He was so upset by what had just happened I knew I couldn't push him about it. This had to have something to do with what Davey and Ted had been discussing, about telling me, in the Library yesterday afternoon. Neither one of them had explained when I had asked about it.

"It's okay, Jamie." I tried to soothe him. "I won't ask any more, but I do have something else I want to ask you about." There was a look of relief on his face. "I know you will be honest with me and not tell me just what you think I may want to hear."

"No Dad." he assured me. "I'll be honest."

"How would you feel, when school gets out for the summer about coming and staying here with me, with all of us ? And in the fall, staying here and living with us while you go to school locally." Jamie looked at me with an expression on his face like he was going to cry. I thought I had done this wrong. He thought I was going to take him away from his school and make him live in this huge, cold house.

"Dad," he began with a tremble in his voice. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the worst. "Yes. Yes, yes, yes. That's what I've been wishing for months. Yes. As soon as possible. Thank you. Thank you for asking me and for wanting me to come." I was so relieved. I grabbed him and hugged him and kissed him all over his face.

"Great." I yelled and suddenly remembered where I was and our sleeping `little man'. No harm done luckily. Jamie continued to hug me.

"What about Mom ?" he asked me. He looked a little worried about having to deal with his mother over this.

"It's okay." I assured him. "I will deal with your Mom." That would be the next obstacle. A very big obstacle, but I did have a plan.

Ted and Davey returned, having dressed and had their breakfast. When they came in the room, Jamie went over to Davey and the two of them stood about two feet apart, looking into each other's eyes. Davey suddenly got an annoyed expression on his face and Jamie reached out and put his hand on Davey's arm, as if to calm him. Davey appeared a little more understanding, but then just slowly shook his head back and forth two or three times and broke their gaze. He looked over and saw me watching them and got a look, like they had been caught with their hands in a cookie jar.

"I have a 9:AM appointment in my office with Dale," Ted announced, "so Davey is going to stay here with Denny, until one of us gets back." I nodded to acknowledge I had heard him.

"You and I need to have a discussion, today." I told Ted and something in my tone seemed to queue him there was a problem. The boys also both looked at me.

"Sure, Boss." he replied. "Whenever you want." I know Ted and his tone and manner were a little too trivial. That was also the first time, since we started sleeping together, he called me "Boss".

Later that afternoon, Ted and I were again together in Denny's room, while the young boy was sleeping. It seemed a good time to have our discussion.

"Do you have something to tell me ?" I asked Ted. He sat looking at the floor without saying anything for several minutes. When he looked up at me, there was a tear rolling down his cheek. I had never known Ted to shed a tear. My heart melted and any annoyance I had felt was gone. I went over and sat next to him on the couch, putting my arm around him. "What is so serious ?"

"Dean, I've put off telling you this for quite a while. I likely would not have told you at all, but Davey has been after me, because he feels it is effecting our relationship. When Chen finally finished translating the Prophesy, the most difficult line to translate in it, was a warning. We have never disclosed the line to anyone, including you." He reached into his pocket and withdrew a copy of the Prophesy. I read it over and found the line I had never seen before.

In the world of new beginnings, a Shogun (Leader/Prince) of infinite wealth, after being lost and found again by his

Samurai (Warrior Chief) will both learn that their real riches lie elsewhere. To them will come four treasures to be nurtured and guided. They will father the four to manhood. During the course of their growth, the Father will meet a fatal end.

I read it again and again. This would indicate I was going to die. I am the only known, living Father of a Guardian.

"Why would you keep this from me ?" I asked him. "If I am to die, then I should know about this, shouldn't I ?"

"Not if you aren't the only Father of the Guardians." he told me. It finally became clear to me. Ted planned on adopting three of the Guardians, hoping he would be the Father referred to by Prophesy. He was out to protect me again and he knew I wouldn't let him, if I had known the truth. The price of protecting me would be his life, instead of mine.

"Ted, Jamie let it slip this morning," I told him, "I am not the one. He said he was upset by the prophesy too and Davey told him I was not the one. So I can adopt the two boys we have and the fourth one, when he arrives and not be the one. You can still adopt Denny and be safe."

"The problem is I started out ready to adopt the boys to save you from the prophesy, but along the way, I fell in love with Davey and Denny. They are my sons and I can't adopt or not adopt them as a convenience. I want them, every bit as much as I want you. If something happens to me, I want them to go on knowing I loved them and they were a part of me."

"But to lose your life over a certificate of adoption."

"It's a piece of paper to us, maybe. But for them, it could mean who they are and that they belong. It allows me to be theirs as much as them to be mine. It's what the Prophesy charges us to teach them, to love and trust."

"We are not going to resolve this in one sitting." I told him. "We will talk about this more, a lot more, before we decide, together, how we are going to handle this. I love you, Ted Tanner and the prospect of losing you is just not an acceptable option."

Ted - Monday evening

I arrived at my office precisely at 9:AM. Dale and the two corporals he had suspended were waiting. I asked them to come in immediately. Dale sat, they stood.

"The Captain is not pleased with the quality of your work and the responsibility and initiative which you demonstrated supervising the care of our newest young guest." I told them. "Do you wish to comment on his observations ?"

"The `Captain' is a new man here, whereas I've worked for the Corp. for several years." Harold, the man who had been in the outer office yesterday, said. "I think he may need to adjust his expectations as to what we are expected to do around here on a weekend. Baby sitting isn't exactly what I signed on for." He smiled broadly at Ted, knowing the Boss would recognize him as being around for a while.

"I can see where the Captain should have expected more from me." said Brian, the young man who had sat in the room with Kevin. "I should have made sure what the instructions were myself and known the boy was not to be held like that." He had said a lot about being a junior man on the job and both Dale and I, immediately thought about how we had met Anson.

"The Captain is the senior officer for this facility and his decisions come to me only for review." Ted outlined. "His having you come for a personal review of the matter was a courtesy, which he extended for your benefit, not his. Have you decided what to do in regard to this matter, Dale."

"Yes, Sir." Dale replied. "Harold will be transferred to Head Office." The man grinned widely. "He will be assigned to security patrol, where all he will need do is check doors and punch time clocks, so he is not taxed by the work load." The grin had disappeared and a look of shock had replaced it. Harold hung his head and was silent., well aware his job could hang in the balance. "Brian will remain at this facility. He will be scheduled to work the Observation Room and will also be given responsible for the security of the facility, when the team is absent. If he learns and shows he can cope with these responsibilities, he will be promoted to Sergeant in six months." Brian looked stunned and Harold couldn't believe what he was hearing. Both were dismissed and left the office area in opposite directions.

"That was a very judicious decision." I advised Dale. "I hope you aren't still wondering why I chose you to be the Captain of our team." Dale was slightly embarrassed at the compliment, but he gave me a big smile.

"I need to check something out with you." Dale advised me.

"I know. Davey told me you would." I responded. "I'm having a hard time adjusting to being told ahead, what is going to happen."

"I have already gone ahead this morning and made some arrangements." Dale reported. "I have requested reports and a trace on Tim Wright. He is the truck driver who assisted Kevin on his trip and he has become a very central figure in Kevin's focus. If the reports check out the way I expect them to, I will make arrangements for him to meet with us, here, as soon as possible. At that time, I would like to have a driver's job to offer him, which will allow him to remain here, if he is willing. Can you guide me where to go to arrange the job."

"We will do that together with Personnel, so next time, they will know you and you can proceed as you see fit." I told Dale. Two telephone introductions later, Dale was well on his way to having exactly what he wanted. He made a call to central security and was told the reports he wanted would be in his hands by noon.

I returned to Denny for the rest of the morning. I sent Davey out to find Jamie, so they could join up with the others to go horse back riding. This took a little insistence on my part, but Davey gave in when he found I couldn't be swayed. Dean spent his morning in his office downstairs and after he had lunch, he came to stay with Denny, while I went to eat. The riders returned and after showering, met me in the cafeteria. I noticed Brian had joined their group and figured Dale had a hand in this new addition. Kevin seemed much more settled since last night and helped to tell me about the ride they had been on. Jamie and Davey both voiced their intention to lay down after lunch and have an hour's nap.

When I returned upstairs, Denny was awake and feeling a little stronger. He had begun to sweat again so Dean and I changed his pajamas and bedding. We made sure he drank as much as he could hold and then I read to him from his `Swiss Family Robinson' book. He was back to sleep, before I had completed the chapter. Dean and I were alone and quiet for the first time that day and it was time for our discussion.

"Do you have something to tell me ?" Dean asked me and our conversation went from there. I felt guilty about having held back information from him, even if it had been for his own good. It was not a matter of trust, as far as I was concerned. I trusted no man more than Dean. This was a matter of survival. His. I felt so much better when he knew the whole picture, but I was still greatly concerned about his safety and what he would want to do to resolve this problem.

The rest of the day and evening was spent with Denny and Dean. It was very encouraging to see him improve over the afternoon and by dinner time, he was hungry and not very satisfied by soup and Jell-O. Still the liquids continued. He was napped out' by evening and we carried him to the couch and let him watch some television, while his bed was changed once again. Dale stopped in, before heading for the dojo' and handed me a file for review. He reported his investigation proved to be as productive as he had hoped and a meeting had been arranged for 2:PM tomorrow. Tim Wright would arrive at the `castle' for lunch with the family and then have time to visit with Kevin and Dale before the meeting.

Jason came up to Denny's room after the recreational swim that evening. He said he was going to watch television for a while and go to bed early. We knew Denny would be safe and well looked after with Jason there. That meant Dean and I had the rest of the night for ourselves. We had agreed to not talk more about our problem with the Prophesy, today. We headed for my room and the shower. It was so relaxing to stand under the hot water and relax. Having my man by my side, made the experience complete. We soaped each other slowly and completely, reaching all the cracks and crevices one might sometimes miss when alone. By the time we finished, we were both squeaky clean and hard as rocks.

After drying and stretching out on my big, oversized bed, Dean found some lotion and proceeded to rub it sensuously into my shoulders and back. The warmth from the shower and the creaminess of the lotion made his firm touch seem totally luxurious. He rubbed lower and stroked my butt cheeks, with long sweeping motions that encouraged me to push up into his hands. He slowly stroked the backs of my thighs and my calves. Instead of asking me to turn over, he went back and applied more of the lotion to my butt. This time as he stroked, his thumbs followed the crease down and into the depths of the valley, rubbing over the tight, pink pucker of my tunnel. I spread my legs and he stroked between them, reaching my ball sack and after light, tickling strokes, returning to my tight pucker.

More lotion was applied to my crease and his fingers and his strokes turned into circular probing of my tightest muscle. I felt one of his fingers carefully slide through the ring, into me. He moved the finger back and forth, probing deeper and deeper until he passed over his ultimate goal within my tunnel. The surge was electrifying. He drew back and eased two fingers into me, this time twisting them back and forth, stretching the tight ring. Again, he pushed in, until his finger dragged across my switch and I was hit with a thousand stars flashing through my head. By the time I felt his movements again, he had three fingers in me.

"I haven't been fucked in over ten years." I whispered to him.

"And did someone love you then ?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Well then it's long past time you were loved again." he whispered back to me. He pulled slightly at the sides of my hips and I lifted up, onto my knees. I felt the head of his probe, knocking at my back door and he slid into me slowly and smoothly. His preparation had insured I felt no pain or discomfort. I was filled. He slowly pulled back and then slid into me again. He hit the mark this time and the sparks and stars started to shine. By the time he had started a steady pace of withdrawal and reentry, I was soaring among the stars. I was vaguely aware of my cock starting to spurt, without having been touched during this entire event. When that happened, my ass ring contracted and the pressure started Dean filling me with his nectar. I think he yelled out at the time, but I was so far gone, I'm not even sure what universe I was floating through. When I next became conscious, I was flat on the bed, Dean was flat out on top of me and he was licking my ear.

"That was okay." he whispered, his voice still not quite in sync with his body. "Maybe we should do it this way every once in a while."

"If you can do that every time," I whispered back to him, "you can be the top from now on."

"I don't think so." he giggled. "It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here." We both chuckled and then we fell asleep, in exactly the same position we had finished our love making.

The Prophesy of the Guardians

The House of Chen, being both old and honourable, shall be the Caretakers of this vision of the yet to come.

From this time forth, one son will be born to the House of Chen in each generation to the number of 110.

These males shall be the Caretakers and shall guard this knowledge until its time arrives.

In the world of new beginnings, a Shogun (Leader/Prince) of infinite wealth, after being lost and found again by his Samurai (Warrior Chief) will both learn that their real riches lie elsewhere. To them will come four treasures to be nurtured and guided. They will father the four to manhood. . During the course of their growth, the Father will meet a fatal end. He will be held first and forever

Each Guardian will possess gifts.

One will hold the gift of dreams and control of the emotions.

One will hold the gift of looking into and influencing the minds of his fellow man and knowing truth.

One will hold the gift of communication and know all languages, written and spoken.

One will hold the gift of prophesy and he will be the catalyst to the power of the four.

Each will sense the presence of others.

Together, as one, the Guardians will hold a gift never allowed before to man.

There are dark forces and men who fear the power of the Guardians and would use it for their own purposes.

Care must be taken to preserve them while they grow and develop their skills. They must learn to love and trust, so that they may serve the needs of mankind.

(Complete translation)

Next: Chapter 34

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