To Fulfill a Prophesy


Published on Aug 23, 2001


teen2b slow)(34/56)

The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author.

If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This story is presented in serial form and you'll read a lot of background, before you get any mindblowing sex scenes.

If you are bothered by same sex relationships, read no farther. This is a story about the interaction of males with each other in a fanciful setting. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.

Thanks to those who are encouraging me to continue with the presentation of this series.

I have not acknowledged e-mails, instead using my time to write. I do appreciate hearing from you. Hope that you continue to enjoy. LJB

To Fulfill a Prophesy

Section 34

Dale - Tuesday afternoon

Dark hair appeared first from the limo as Tim Wright emerged at the front entrance of the castle'. I was there to greet him and was impressed by the 6', narrow framed man who extended his hand to shake mine as I introduced myself. He was understandably nervous, but handled himself with a calm exterior and self assured manner. He continuously glanced about him, taking in all the sights of the castle' grounds. I wanted to let him see Kevin as soon as possible, so we headed immediately to the cafeteria, where the group had started their lunch.

To describe Kevin's reaction to Tim being there as excited, would be a gross understatement. He was so excited and surprised that he almost knocked Tim over as he ran and jumped into his arms. Kevin could hardly contain himself and took several minutes to calm down enough to help Tim get his lunch and join everyone at the group of tables, where we all sat. I introduced everyone to Tim and was very surprised at his reaction to Davey and Jamie. Ted quickly realized that Tim had seen them in his dreams and Davey confirmed, they had visited him last night to help prepare him for his visit. I though about it and realized this incident may well help explaining to Tim what was going on, when we met with him later.

After lunch, I escorted Tim and Kevin to Kevin's room and settled them in the lounge area, so they could visit with each other until we had our meeting with Ted. Kevin later told me Tim had asked him to relate everything that had happened, since Kevin had left him. Kevin told him everything as it had happened, but left out the parts about his submissive relationship with me and his desire to be dominated. He had previously explained some about his relationship with his brother, Mark, but had not gone into any detail at that time either. During their talk, Kevin sat on the couch next to Tim and maintained a physical contact with him, either by wrapping his arms around Tim and laying his head on the attractive man, or leaving his hand lingering on Tim's leg or thigh, as they talked. Tim was quite aware of these contacts and hugged his young friend regularly to reassure him.

Just before 2:PM, I returned to Kevin's room to collect Tim for our meeting. I told Kevin we may be gone for two, or more hours and he said he thought he would wait there, in his room, or he might go around the corner and visit with Denny. He had the books Denny had loaned to him and said he would read for a while. I picked up the books, looked them over and then handed them to Kevin, before we left.

When we arrived at Ted's office, I was pleased to see Dean had chosen to join us. We all sat in the lounge area of the office, as we wanted this meeting to be as informal as possible.

"Thank you for arranging your schedule to come and meet with us, Tim." I said.

"I would do anything I can to help and support Kevin." he replied.

"I though so," I told him, "in fact, I'm kind of counting on that." He looked at me a little quizzically. "We have a number of items to cover this afternoon. We don't expect any absolute commitments from you, today, in fact we would like you to take this evening and tonight to think over what we are going to propose to you. In fairness, I should tell you we know quite a bit about you." I placed a moderately thick folder on the table. It had his name, plainly marked on it.

"May I ?" he asked, indicating the folder. I nodded and he picked it up and leafed through it. We waited for him to review it and when he had closed it and put it down, we began to talk again. "I must say your sources are very thorough."

"I hope you will forgive our intrusion when you understand how important it was to be certain you could deal with what we are about to discuss." Ted told him. "We believe, because of the way you dealt with Kevin about his `dream spirit' and now, you have experienced it yourself, thanks to my son and his cohorts, you may be able to accept what we are going to present to you." Ted handed Tim a copy of The Prophesy and we waited while he read it carefully. We could tell from the look on his face he understood what it meant. Ted then explained everything that had happened since Dean had found Davey.

"You have not yet met our Mr. Chen." Dean commented. "He is the 110th son of his family line and he presented and partially translated The Prophesy to my father about 20 years ago. When they determined I was not one of the Guardians, they held it secure until Ted and I were told about five years ago. Davey is a Guardian. My son, Jamie is also. Kevin is the third Guardian and we are waiting for the fourth to appear."

"Why do you believe Kevin is a Guardian." Tim asked.

"The fact that Kevin is here, says a lot." Dean offered. "Davey appeared to him in his dreams and he tells us this is not new. Davey has appeared to him many times."

"Do you remember the books I looked at in Kevin's room." I asked and Tim nodded. "That was the first time I had noticed them. One is in French and the other two are written in German. Kevin intends to read them, while we are gone. I believe Kevin is the linguist and will be fluent in all languages." Tim nodded, understanding our points.

"There were four figures in my dream." Tim told us. "The fourth was the youngest, smaller than the others."

"That could be Denny." Dean suggested. "He is very close to Davey, in fact all of the boys seem to favour him. They include him in everything. He is too young to be a Guardian. Each have indicated that puberty was the onset of their realization. The fourth Guardian also appears to be the most powerful and each of them has been older as they turned up. Jamie will turn 13 this weekend, Davey just turned 14 and Kevin is only recently 16." A look of shock came over Tim's face.

"Kevin is only 16." he repeated. "I had no idea. I figured that he was at least 20. Age just never came up in our talks and I never thought to question it." It was easy to see this had really shaken him.

"Tim, there are a few things you do not know about Kevin." I counseled him. "Put the age thing away for now, we will deal with it a little later." He looked at me, staring deep into my eyes.

"You don't know what I've done." he told me.

"Yes, I do." I assured him. "We will deal with it later and it will be all right." His eyes said he believed what I had told him and he seemed to accept that I understood.

"Tim, we believe Kevin needs you." Ted told him. "Our job is to see these boys have what they need to become men, who love and trust and are in touch with the world and mankind. The special feelings Kevin has for you and the information about you we have seen, make you the perfect candidate to help Kevin achieve those goals."

"I love Kevin." he shared with us. "I never believed about love at first sight, but it did happen to me. I have dreamed and plotted about how I could be with Kevin and now, three strangers are telling me it's the best thing for Kevin, too. I can't believe this."

"The problem here is Kevin also needs some special help and he needs to be with the other Guardians." Ted outlined. "He also needs to be protected from unknown forces The Prophesy warns about. To do this, we need you to be here, rather than Kevin going with you."

"To that end," I said, "we have three jobs we would like to offer to you. The first is in your current field of truck driving. It is a day job, with one of McAdams' subsidiary companies, doing short hauls. It is week days and will allow you to live here, with Kevin and us and have your weekends free, to spend with us all. The salary is excellent and you would have the full line of corporate benefits."

"The second job," Dean described, "is using your BA degree in Education. I see you taught for two years after graduating and then gave it up, so I don't know if this will appeal to you. Denny and Davey are behind in their schooling. They will require special instruction on a continual basis. The other boys may also required additional support. We will be traveling, often and the boys should be instructed about the places we go and things we see, even if it's only nature craft at the `cabin'. There will also be a need to teach them formal etiquette, protocol and diplomacy. This job will give you full access to the boys, other than when they are attending regular school."

"The third job is that of a security man, similar to what Dale, Anson, Jason and Digger do." Ted told Tim. "It means providing security and protection for the family, on a continual basis and in your case, Kevin in particular. I have decided to bring a fifth person into the team, to allow for providing holidays and time off for all members. We will train you fully and license you for the job. This job would leave you free, most of the time, to supervise Kevin's care and activities."

"As I told you earlier," I reiterated, "we don't need an answer from you right away. You can think this over. If none of this is acceptable to you, we will make whatever arrangements are needed to allow you to visit Kevin on whatever basis your two schedules will allow."

"What about my transport cab ?" he asked.

"If you decide to join with us," Dean told him, "McAdams Corp. will take it from you at a more than fair price. If you do not, then we will also buy your cab and lease it back to you, at a much better deal than you currently have. The least we can do is help you defray some costs."

"I'll take the teaching job." he stated.

"You don't have to decide right now." I advised him. "The offers will all remain open."

"No," he told us. "I have decided. I would very much like to have the teaching job, even if access to Kevin didn't go along with it."

"That's settled." said Ted. "now we need to deal with Kevin's more specific needs."

Jason - Tuesday afternoon

Looking after Denny overnight Monday, had been no problem at all. I had wakened every two to three hours, gotten him up to the bathroom, helped him drink at least one glass full of fluid and put him back to bed. He really is a great kid. He was cheerful and cooperated each time I disturbed his sleep and never made a fuss about any of it. Once during the night, I had to change his pajamas and bedding. He was still sweating quite a bit and was soaked, but Ted had warned me to look for that. I heard Ted come in and check Denny twice, through the night and he seemed satisfied that all was well.

Tuesday turned out to be a nice, bright day. About a quarter after six, in the morning, I opened my eyes and came face to face with two big eyes and a small nose, sitting over a big smile. Denny was up.

"I feel a lot better, Jason." he whispered to me. "Where is Davey ?"

"Davey is safe, where you can't wake him up," I croaked, with a dry morning throat, "and you are supposed to stay in bed today."

"Aw, Jason. I don't want to stay in bed any longer." he actually almost whined.

"Your Dad's orders." I told him.

"Can I go see him ?" Denny asked. Now there was an idea. Who was I to keep a boy from the Dad he loves and needs during his convalescence. I nodded to him and pulling on my robe, took him over to his father's door. Using my security code, I opened the door and let him in, reminding him to be quiet. I might have some explaining to do later, but for now, I was going to have a little more sleep.

Dale asked me to take Kevin in to lunch. Kevin didn't know his friend, Tim, was coming. They decided it would be best not to tell him, just in case something happened and Tim could not make it. Shortly after we sat down to eat lunch with the group, minus Denny who Ted had put back to bed when they got up, Dale brought Tim into the cafeteria. Kevin was more than a little excited when he saw him. He just about knocked the poor guy over. After we had eaten, Dale took Kevin and Tim away and I went back to stay with Denny while Ted and Dean went to their meeting.

Denny was much healthier today. He needed to be entertained. I was kept busy reading stories, playing cards and board games and finally I interested him in a Disney film and reved up the DVD. During the afternoon, he still kept drinking his fluids and tracked a steady trail to the bathroom. Davey and Jamie came in for a while and helped to keep him busy. There was still a steady flow of staff stopping in to see how Denny was managing and I was surprised how many of them he knew by name. Being active, the afternoon passed quickly and Dean was back before I realized so much of the afternoon had been used. He told me Dale said he would meet me in our suite, as soon as he had everyone looked after.

When I entered our suite, Dale and Tim were sitting in the lounge talking. Dale got up and re-introduced me to Tim, this time as his partner. I told them I would leave them to finish their talk, but they both insisted that I stay.

"We have been talking," Dale explained, "about how Kevin would accept a submissive role to Tim, without becoming totally dependent on him. I think we are going to be able to make that happen by forcing him to make a choice and then stand by his decision."

"Have you any experience with domination, Tim ?" I questioned.

"Yes, Jason." Tim told me. "My last relationship was similar to yours and Dale's, but I was not willing to go farther into aspects of humiliation and degradation when my partner wanted to experiment, so we broke up and I allowed him to move on. He changed his mind after he was beaten up, but by then, the relationship was over for me."

"I'm sorry." I responded. "That must have been hard for you."

"I've been hurtin' pretty good," he said, "but being with Kevin helped me to feel better about the type of relationship I wanted for myself and my partner. Dale told me about the changes he made and what you two have now and it seems a lot more real and accessible to me, with the right partner."

"Jason, we're going to need you to help us tonight." Dale advised me. "Kevin has accepted more than I expected he would and much faster than I thought possible. You are going to be the one to prepare him for this final leap."

"You know I will do whatever you need of me." I assured him. "I am yours."

"Forever." he responded, wrapping me in a tight hug.

Denny - Tuesday night

It was nice having Dale and Kevin putting me to bed on Sunday night. I really hadn't enjoyed the time in the pool after dinner. I felt awful tired and my head was hurting. Kevin read me a chapter from my story book and Dale gave me a hug and a kiss and then they left. I guess I fell asleep, but I woke up feeling really sick to my stomach. My head was really aching and I knew I was going to throw up my supper. I tried to get to the toilet, but I don't think I got that far.

I remember some of my dreams that night. Jake, my Mom's boyfriend was chasing me. I was running away from him, because I knew if he caught me, he was going to hurt me. I remember running up and down stairs, trying to get away. Then Davey was there. And we were riding over the fields and in the forests. I was riding Boots and Davey was riding next to me. I looked around and I saw all my friends riding their horses. We were on the beach then, building castles in the sand. There was hot dogs and hamburgers on the Bar-B- Que and potato chips on the table. I looked around and I was skiing behind the boat with Dad on one side of me and Uncle Dean on the other side. I knew that they were always with me.

Someone was holding my hand and when I opened my eyes, I saw Jamie sitting on the bed next to me. He said something and Dad and Uncle Dean appeared beside him. They got me up and took me into the bathroom. I'm glad, cause I really had to pee. They put me back to bed and I went right to sleep again. When I opened my eyes next time, I was all wet. Dad came and changed my pajamas and then he changed my bed. He wanted me to drink some juice, so I drank as much as I could. He sat with me for a little while, but I think I went back to sleep again, cause when I opened my eyes again, Davey was sitting beside me, holding my hand. It went on and on like that. I'd wake up, go to the bathroom, get changed, drink as much as I could and then go back to sleep.

I finally woke up feeling better than I had. Dad let me sit up in bed for a while and he sat and read to me. I drank a whole bunch of things and then I had to go and pee. Dad washed my face and hands while I was in the bathroom. Uncle Dean came in when I was going back to bed and he asked Dad what he thought about me going down to supper with them. Dad bundled me up in blankets and carried me down to the Dining Room. Everybody clapped and cheered when he dug me out of the blankets and I was really happy to see everyone. I had some soup and juice, but I got real tired again and Dad took me back up to bed.

During the night, Jason was there to get me up to the bathroom. He asked me to drink a glass of juice every time he got me up and I did it. I felt a whole lot better. I woke up and it was daylight outside. This is when I usually get up. I looked around and Jason was sleeping in Davey's bed. I went over and stood beside him. He was like Davey and opened his eyes after I stared at him for a little while. He wouldn't tell me where Davey was, but he seemed to think it was a good idea for me to go and see my Dad. He even got up and opened the door for me.

I went into Dad's bedroom. It was still dark in there. I went around the bed and stood next to his side.

"Dad." I called. A hand came out from under the blankets and grabbed the front of my pajamas. It lifted me up and pulled me in under the covers. Before I knew it, I was wrapped tight in my Dad's big arms, up snug against him.

"What are you doing out of your bed, little man ?" he whispered to me.

"I feel all better this morning, Dad." I whispered back to him. His hand went up to my forehead.

"Well that feels normal." he said. His hand then went up under my pajama top and felt my tummy.

"That feels normal." he whispered. His hand then went down to my feet.

"They're freezing." he told me. "Guess that's about normal too."

"How is he ?" I heard Uncle Dean ask.

"Feels good." Dad answered. "You can stay here, Denny and warm up, but you are going to have to stay in your bed most of the day, today." I knew there was no use trying to argue with Dad. I would just wait and see what happened. Right then I would warm up my feet. Dad really jumped when I moved them back onto his legs.

A little while later, Dad's alarm went off and he and Uncle Dean got out of bed. When he saw I was awake, they took me into the shower with them and soaped me all over. After the shower, he wrapped me in one of his big, fluffy towels and put me back in his bed, while he got dressed. When he was all ready, he scooped me up, still wrapped in the towel and carried me back to my own room. Clean pajamas on and then he tucked me back into my own bed. Dad called down to the kitchen and asked for breakfast to be sent up.

When it came, there was some for me and also some for Dad and Uncle Dean. They sat and ate with me. I had some hot cereal this morning and a piece of toast with jam. Dad said if I ate it all up, I could have a banana in the middle of the morning. I ate it all.

People came and went all morning. Dad made me lie down and have a nap, but when I woke up, he gave me more juice and my banana. At lunch time, Mr. Chen came and stayed with me while everyone else went to have lunch. They said a friend of Kevin's was coming and they all needed to be there to meet him. I wanted to go too, but Dad said if I did, I wouldn't be able to go down for supper. Mr. Chen talked with me while he was there. He asked me about my dreams and I told him what I dreamed while I was sick. He asked me what my best memory was and I said it was Dad snuggling with me in bed the morning after we came home from the hospital.

The afternoon passed, much like the morning. I had another nap and then played games with whoever was in to visit with me. I spent some time on the couch watching some television too. Dad let me walk down to dinner. I wore my robe and slippers. Tim, Kevin's friend was there and I finally met him. He seemed familiar to me. I think he was in one of my dreams. I stayed the whole time at dinner and even had some of the dessert.

Dad made me go back to bed after dinner. I didn't mind, cause I was getting awful tired. Dad missed dojo' again tonight. He stayed with me, while everyone else attended. I'll be glad when I can go again. Dad played cards with me and he read two chapters from "Swiss Family Robinson". I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and went pee. Then Dad tucked me in and said I was to have a big sleep. Tomorrow, if I am still better and my temperature stays down, he will let me get up and dressed.

Kevin - Wednesday morning

I held Dale tightly all through the night on Monday. I had accepted I was his property and I was determined to serve him, but he had told me he was going to give me to someone else. This was my second night sleeping with him and tonight we were even alone, but he would not use me, even though I had asked him to do so. He pointed out correctly I should be prepared to go with whoever he told me and I should be ready to trust him to look after me, but it was hard.

Dale knew all about Tim. I had told him, because it was his right to know. He didn't discipline me or anything for being with Tim, even though I made it clear it was my doing, not Tim's. Maybe that's why he won't touch me. He holds me and he let's me hold him, but that's as far as our contact goes. I may have to disobey him to get him to punish me for all the things I have done wrong.

When Tim said my name in the cafeteria on Tuesday at lunch time and I turned and saw him standing there, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the best of the wonderful things that have happened since I arrived here and met all these people. Dale was standing behind Tim, so I knew he had arranged for me to see him. After lunch, Dale took Tim and me to my room and left us alone to talk. Tim asked me what had happened since he last saw me and I told him almost everything. I didn't tell him about my belonging to and serving Dale. I wasn't sure how he would react if he knew Dale was my new Master. Dale came and took Tim to the meeting they were having and told me they might be two or three hours. I decided to wait in my room.

It was close to five o'clock before Tim came back. When he came in, he was not as happy as when he had left. I asked him what the problem was and he told me Dale had told him the rest of the story. My heart sank. I didn't know what to say to him.

"Tell me about Mark." Tim said to me. I told him everything. I didn't leave out any detail. I told him about sleeping with Mark, being his slave, watching him use and abuse his other slaves. I told him about the loss I felt when Mark had been killed and how lost I was, until I found him and I spent that very short time with him. I told him how important he had been to me and that he still was. I told him I loved him.

"Now tell me about Dale." Tim said. I told him how Dale had taken me over, after I had arrived here and that he was now my Master. I told him I loved Dale as my Master, but not in the same way I loved him. Tim was most important to me, but I was bound to Dale.

"Why didn't you tell Dale you had already accepted me as your Master ?" Tim asked.

"I thought you were gone and I would never see you again." I explained. "I thought if I mentioned you, he would just discipline me for allowing someone to touch his property. I was afraid."

"You knew how to reach me." Tim told me. "If you truly wanted me, you could have contacted me and you knew I had promised to come and get you. I think for some reason, you decided belonging to me was secondary to belonging to Dale."

"That's not true." I cried. "You are the most important person in my life. I want you."

"We'll have to see about that." he answered.

Next: Chapter 36

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