Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Nov 23, 2007


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.


I woke up once again in the Med-Bay on a bed, next to Peter, who seemed to be sleeping soundly. I took of the probes on my body and turned off the machines. I searched for the crystal and didn't find it or the CD's I figured that Jean must of removed them.

I left the med bay and hit the button for the lift. I waited and it opened. In it was Jean, she looked at me, ran and hugged me then let go of me and slapped me across the face. I was shocked.

"The hug was to say thank god your alright. The slap was to tell you never to do that again. The professor was mad when he heard you had left on your own. What happened, I want to know everything. The professor is on his way to see you as well."

"Ask him to meet us in the kitchen. He no doubt wants to hear what happened and I'm starving."

We walked into the kitchen and I started to prepare a sandwich. Jean sat at the table as the professor entered the room.

"It is good to see you back and awake."

"I have to apologise for my behaviour earlier, and I can understand if you wish to no longer have me as one of you X-Men."

He raised a hand and silenced me.

"You appear to have a form of multiple personality, much like Jean here, they seem to have manifested in a similar way. As a bird of flame, a Phoenix if you like except your flames are blue. They make you act irrationally and come at times of emotional stress. However, your `Phoenix' seems to have a more docile manner, though willing to destroy if the need arises.

The data on the CD's you recovered from Magneto's location held some very useful information. While you have been unconscious I contacted Doctor Strange and asked him to visit, he arrived an hour ago. I have just finished having a conversation with Doctor Strange in person. He would like to talk to you in the Study. However, I must exercise one point. Please do not go off like you did before."

I nodded and grabbed the sandwich and walked off out of the kitchen following Jean and the Professor to the study, eating as much as I could. I entered and saw a middle aged man wearing a cloak. I presumed he must have been Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme.

He looked me up and down, then jumped to his feet.

"Little Sam Kilgrave I cant believe it has been nearly 18 years since I last saw you and your grandfather. That was when we made this crystal. Sorry I jump ahead. My name is Stephen Strange, please sit all of you and let me explain. This crystal and its importance to Sam here"

We all sat down around the Doctor and listened intently to him.

"Well right where to begin. Well I was very close to Fate. He and I were friends for a very long time, I remember your mother well. Though she grew very distasteful shall we say. Anyway Erik was very keen on his grandchild, to be able to see you Samiel he had to pay his daughter a vast amount of money and gave you a fund that he would use to pay for your education. All the martial arts and dancing was paid for by him. As was your parent's house, and most of what they owned. He disowned them but loved you too much to let you be punished for his daughter's mistake. However, he knew of your power and thought it be best to limit them. That was after he saw that he would die within a few months. He knew that if left unchecked the development of your powers without his guidance would cause you to be driven mad. So he and I created several psychic and mystical barriers within you to keep the vast well of your power kept from your active control. Most of these protective barriers would disintegrate when your mind was able to accept certain things. However the final seal was a combination of psychic and mystical and the only way to break the final seal and learn true control of your powers. The final seal will give you access to your full potential and grant you the knowledge of how to control the energies within you. However, practice and patience will be needed to gain mastery. To make up for removing much of your power source from your control he gave your regenerative sleep a twist, instead of only healing your physical body it regenerated your energy from the ether as well."

I interrupted him for the first time.

"What do you mean power source"

"Every cell of your body produces ethereal energy every second, you are a walking magical engine, and your powers use this energy to manipulate the world around you. Your energy supply will be limitless. However, it would still fatigue your body you would not become omnipotent. However, you will finally be able to use your powers as you were given to you. I can tell from the vibes around you that you only have the final block left on your powers. This means that you are ready to accept your full powers. If you wish to that is"

I nodded. Jean and the Professor remained silent, they knew that this was my choice to make.

"Now you must touch the gem with your powers and I will free the mystical side of it."

I lifted the gem into the air and felt my powers seemingly connect into it. It felt like it was drawing me within it. Though I felt safe in its touch, like it was familiar and friendly.

Doctor Strange was chanting under his breath, the crystal suddenly began glowed a brilliant azure and then the light engulfed me. I felt it invigorate my body, I felt my powers swell. The limits on my energy reserve vanished and every cell seemed to spark with energy.

"It is done, you are complete again. How do you feel young Kilgrave"

"I don't know how to describe it, I just feel alive"

"I am pleased, however, I must cut this visit short. I must take my leave rather rapidly I'm afraid. I have an urgent appointment in New York. Charles I will talk soon. Mr Kilgrave the pleasure was all mine"

With that he vanished in a flash of light leaving the three of us in the room in absolute silence. Jean was the first to break the eerie silence.

"How do you feel"

"Like every cell in my body is alive, and full of energy. I know how to use it, don't ask me how but I can do many more things then before with my energy. I feel so alive it's unreal"

The professor smiled but remained silent. I think that deep down he was worried about my new expanded power especially when I had tapped into the Phoenix Force earlier that day. To be honest I was also a little apprehensive, but at the same time I felt free, like had regained something that had been taken away from me. I stood up.

"You're not getting out of it that fast, you have to tell me what happened with Magneto. So sit back down and tell us everything."

I sat back down and retold what had happened.

"You managed to teleport, all the way back after using that much power, no wonder you passed out as soon as you arrived. That was amazing, and you managed to hold your own against Magneto, as well as taking out so many of his troops."

"Yeah, well this is going to sound strange but I didn't feel like it was my power at all."

Jean bolted upright and looked at me.

"Like you were given the power by the something else and allowed to use it. Like you aren't acting like yourself, like its personality is influencing you, it's suggesting how you behave."

I was shocked at how accurately she managed to describe it. Then again from what I had been told by Jean and Peter she had the same thing inside her. The Professor joined the discussion

"Yes, this Phoenix Force, may not be what I originally thought, or maybe it's a kind of standard psyche to all Omega Level mutants. Seen as as I have only heard of you and Jean been considered Omega Level, this is something of an enigma even to me. I will consult some of my contacts and find out what they know."

There was a beeping coming from the Professor's wheelchair.

"Ah, it appears that Peter has begun to wake up, I suggest you go and spend some time with him."

I ran down to the Med-Bay as fast as I could, when I got into the room, I saw Peter, half naked in his normal form sitting up taking off the monitors, and looking slightly confused. I ran over to him and hugged him tight. He pushed me off of him.

"Is this an illusion, are you messing with my mind Unus"

I looked at him, a tear ran down my cheek. I was devastated by the fact that he didn't know that I was real, or if I was a merely a psychics projection into his mind.

"Kiss me, now and prove you're the real one"

I lent forward and kissed him. I broke away and looked him in the face. He jumped of the table and hugged me and kissed me again.

"This is real, you got me hard. Unus couldn't get the you he put in my head to get me hard like you do when you're close to me. What happened, the last thing I remember was Unus trying to get into my head, but he couldn't do it. He tried to use you to tell me all the secrets of the mansion. So I had to make sure that it was you and not another illusion."

"Come on lets go, the professor told me that we should have some time together. Lets got to my room, or yours."

I grabbed his hand and we walked up to my room, I locked the door. And as soon as I had Peter grabbed me and took me to the bed, we had a heavy make out session. We laid and spooned each other on the bed and I told him everything that had happened with Magneto and then Doctor Strange. He seemed happy for me but a bit intimidated, or fearful of me.

"I love you Peter and no matter what may happen to me, how my powers make me act I would never harm you, or my friends. I love you too much to let anybody hurt you"

He flipped me over and kissed me harder. I felt his hands touching my back, his fingertips were lightly touching my flesh. It sent feelings and shivers all down my spine and was driving me wild.

"Oh my god, that's so good baby. You're driving me wild, I just want you now"

He smirked and then continued to kiss me. I collapsed next to him on the bed within minutes. We just cuddled for a while and I noticed that he still had several flesh wounds that looked painful. I drew some of the energy and let it sink into the wounds, the flesh melted back together completely healed. He just smiled and kissed the top of my head and we went back to the silence, just sitting there in each others arms, feeling the heat from the others body and knowing how we felt about each other was all we needed. Words could never describe how I felt, and it was better not to even try and explain the feelings, it would only ruin the moment.

There was a light tap on the door, I grabbed the sheets and pulled them up over us, so that only our head were visible, before I flipped the latch mentally.

"Come in"

Ororo walked in and looked over at us and blushed slightly.

"Sorry did I disturb you, I wanted to see how you both were after what happened."

I smiled

"Don't worry about it Ro we were just cuddling and then this one here healed my cuts and grazes, after what Magneto and his goons put me through. I was just about to suggest we go and get something to eat, I'm ready to eat a horse."

I burst out laughing. I don't know why but I had funny mental images of him unhinging his jaw and swallowing a pony whole.

She looked at me puzzled

"Sorry Ro, I just had images of this one eating a full pony in one gulp, it was funny in my head."

She smiled.

"Right well it seems to me that you are both fine. I think I'm going to head into the living room, Jean, Kitty, Rogue and I are having a chick flick night, so if you fancy watching Legally Blonde, Moulin Rouge & Dirty Dancing and eating copious amounts of chocolate and ice cream, you two are welcome to join us. There will be gossip and general girlyness, if you feel up to it then come on down."

With that she walked out closing the door behind her. I looked up to Peter, I just ended up staring into those big blue eyes for what seemed like forever.

"You fancy going and been big mo's for the night. Or do you want to stay here and just chill out for a bit"

I got up and grabbed my Pyjamas from the closet and threw him another set for Peter.

"Lets go, I feel like been bad and eating chocolate and ice cream. To be honest I was sold when she said Moulin Rouge, I love that film so much. Ewan McGregor is so fine, I would have him any day"

Peter, who by this point had managed to get the sweat pants on, bounded over to me and lifted me up so that I was looking down on him.

"What's he got that I don't"

He laughed out at me. I looked down on him trying my hardest to keep a straight face.

"My unconditional love, no matter what he does he will always be able to have me, all he has to do is call and I'm his."

I lent in and kissed him as he lowered me down.

"Now put your body away or we might not end up leaving this room"

"Now that is tempting"

I laughed and headed to the door, he grabbed the hockey top and put it on as we headed down the corridor. Kurt was walking towards us up the corridor.

"Hey Kurt you ok?"

He just totally blanked us and carried on walking pretending not to of seen us at all, and went into his room. I was slightly pissed off with him. I decided that I was going to confront him about it, because I could tell that Peter was upset by the way he acted. I needed to see what the problem was and try and fix it. We got to the living room and they had just begun to play the adverts before Legally Blonde. Peter grabbed a sofa while I grabbed a tub of ice cream and two spoons from the table and went and sat with peter and snuggled into him, we watched the films ate at least three tubs of ice cream and far to many chocolate bars and gossiped, by the time we finished it was well past two am and we all said our good nights and headed to bed.

This time I didn't even need to ask he just followed me back to my room. I opened the door and no sooner had I got in then Peter grabbed me and took me to the bed. The next thing I knew I was been kissed and feeling his hands pulling off my hockey top. One thing led to another and the sun had just began to come over the horizon by the time we finally fell asleep, sweaty, exhausted and content in each others arms.

Next: Chapter 11

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