Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Nov 21, 2007


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

I woke up in my room in the mansion. I bolted up, unsure of if everything that had happened with Magneto was a dream or not while my head was groggy from sleep. As soon as I was fully conscious I realised it had happened. I had lost the love of my life. Anger and rage began to boil under my skin, I cooled down and went to find the rest of the X-Men. I searched the main mansion and found no one. I went down into the sub basement and found everybody sat around the war room table all in their pyjamas. It had never occurred to me to think about the time, I knew it was after dark that was all. All that was rushing through my head was what we could do to rescue Peter from Magneto. The Professor looked to me.

"Sam, take a seat, we have been discussing the abduction of Peter and how to get him back. Jean had just filled us in on the details."

I was relieved to see that they were as eager to get him back as I was.

"However, it is proving difficult as we don't have any intelligence as to the location of Magneto or where he might choose to incarcerate him"

I was horrified.

"What, how can you not find him, use your powers or something, please I need to get him back. I think the only reason why Magneto took him was because I let it slip that he's my boyfriend. He was threatening to rip him apart and I just screamed at him to get his hands of my boyfriend. Then I leapt at him and the next thing I know Jean is waking me up." They all looked at me, all of them thinking it was my fault, all of them blaming me. If I had only kept my mouth shut. It had proved the fears of an inter-team relationship to the professor. I began to cry and just ran out of the room, up the stairs and up into the lift, I just hit roof and went up. I ran out onto the roof terrace and lent on the railing, crying my eyes out, I just wished I could have felt Peter's hands on my hips or him holding me but I wouldn't.

The rage I felt was building up again, I had to do something I couldn't just allow Magneto to get away with it. I needed Peter back, I needed to be able to touch him, to hold him. My fellow team mates were proving to be of no use to me, so it came down to me doing it alone again, well I knew how to work best alone.

I was brought of my mental reprieve by Jean, who had followed me.

"We will do all we can, we have to find where he is first, just be patient we will get him back as soon as we can."

I turned round, I knew I was angry but how I reacted looking back on it scared me, it felt like I was no longer me, like something was making me more angry.

"In the mean time, he could be tortured and what do I do sit here and drink cocoa, and watch movies. I can't and more importantly I won't. I will find him myself if I have to hunt Magneto down across the planet. I have to and I have to do it alone, tell them not to follow me, I will return with him or I won't return at all. This is how it has to be, Jean I'm sorry"

I felt new power running through me, I felt stronger then I had ever done before I felt every cell in my body filled with ethereal energy. It felt like I could reach out and touch the entire ether in one go and change the world if I wanted to. Blue flames erupted from my body and I was carried up into the air, I didn't feel energy been drained from me as I did when I normally used my powers, it felt more natural. I reached out with my ethereal senses and scanned as far as I could. I felt an area with strong mutant presence, I felt sure that I could feel Peter in there somewhere. I willed myself to be there, I felt my body slip into the ether and then come out.


I stood and watched as Sam floated into the air, surrounded by what looked like Phoenix Force aura, however it was blue flames not red. He shone brighter and then seemed to vanish in a flash of blinding blue light. When I looked again I was alone on the roof top terrace.

I got into the lift and went down to the war room. The Professor and Scott were still in there.

"Scott, Professor. Sam's gone, he was surrounded by what appeared to be Phoenix Force, but the flames around him were blue. He told me that he had to go and find Peter and then he vanished in a flash of blue light, I think he's going to free Peter from Magneto and the Brotherhood."

The Professor and Scott exchanged glances. None of us where sure what to do, we all just stood there in silence.


I looked around me I was outside what looked like abandoned warehouse building. To make sure this was the right location I opened up my ether senses and probed the building. Even if there were any psychics in the building they wouldn't be able to sense the probe. The only people who would be sensitive were mystics. I probed each of the signatures in the building.

Inside the building were 18 mutants. 15 of them were animal evolutionaries, no threat to me, not with this much power running through me. One psychic was in there for definite, he might prove interesting. I could sense Magneto in there and then I scanned the last signature. I knew it instantly.

The last signature I read was Peters that was all I needed. Magneto would learn not to piss me off, and he had just done the worst thing imaginable, he had taken my boyfriend. That wasn't going to piss me off, that was enough to make me furious. Time to teach him his lesson.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it, when I got no answer I blasted it apart.  I stepped into the doorway and leaned against the doorframe, there were about 10 mutants looking at me, all of them were part animal.

"Knock Knock"

I laughed out loud. A wolf evolutionary came snarling at me, its clawed hands going for me, I grabbed hold of its wrists and rolled backwards as I landed on the floor I brought my bent my left leg and as I rolled onto my shoulders kicked him squarely in the chest sending him flying out of the door way with my ethereally enhanced strength. I flipped back onto my feet and looked around me.

"I want what's mine, I came to get my boyfriend and my crystal, now if you want to flee, and I don't blame you if you do, it would be very wise after all. If not, know this before we dance, I will not hesitate to pound you into a bloody pulp to get you out of my way. Not one of you is a match for me, I will win and I will cause you pain. Is that understood?"

Three of them fled through a back door onto the docks.

I strode into the warehouse, three of the animal evolutionaries faced me, all of them were similar, insectoid mutation, lengthened legs, clawed feet and hands and wings on their back, and they wore face masks. Their wings began to flap and buzz they floated up into the air.

They flew at me, claws going for me, my hands were charged and I threw a bolt of lightening at them it hit one of them and spread into the other three, they fell to the floor, smoking slightly. As they landed on the floor, the others looked at them and looked at me.

An arachnid evolutionary jumped down from the ceiling and landed right in front of me, he made me jump.

"Uhhh, gross. What do we do to spiders everybody, here let me show you all"

With a flick of my wrist he went flying and smashed through a support beam and carried on into the wall. The rest of the animal evolutionaries ganged up on me. I blasted them away with a few well placed energy balls, not to rend them unconscious, but to stop them from attacking me. some of them looked up at me.

"Go, now leave. Take the injured and get out of here." They grabbed the people who were injured and carried them out of the building.

"Well done little X-Man, you dealt with the cannon fodder, lets see how you deal with true Homo-Superior. Unus, give him a show."

I looked over and a man with a tattooed face stood in front of Magneto, blocking my way to him. I figured that he must be the Psychic.

I felt a slight twinge in my head, so he was a telepath, no threat to me. His faced showed great concentration and sweat began to bead on his forehead.

"Sir I cant get into his mind, its like a fortress."

I brought my index and primary finger of both hands to my temple, I concentrated and placed mental images into Unus' head, so he was afraid of bees. I made it seem like he was been chased by a swarm of killer bee's he ran out of the building screaming. I just laughed at him.

Magneto rose into the air and cleared the debris from all around us.

"Little X-Man you found me, and you managed to plough through my troops and even managed to deal with one of my best psychics. Let me guess you want your little boyfriend and crystal back. How about I offer you a deal, you can have control of Australia when Homo-Superior inherits the earth. If you leave the X-Men and join me, your precious boyfriend will be yours to do with as you wish. What do you say to that."

"The name's Archmage I'm an X-Man and I came for one reason I want what you stole from me back. Hand over Colossus and my crystal, if you refuse I will tear you apart to get them, but if you do hand them back I will leave you alone. How about that offer."

He looked at me and laughed. He tried to hold me again, trying to control the Iron in my blood. The flames erupted from my body again and became a film around my body and I found I could still move. I looked around the warehouse and saw Peter chained on a wall behind Magneto, there was also a safe close to him. Peter seemed to be unconscious and still in his steel form.

"Nice try your tricks wont work on me twice, I can resist your powers, lets see you do the same with mine"

I hurled a bolt of energy and he floated out of the way. I carried on throwing balls of energy and he kept avoiding them. I stopped and he laughed again.

"You can't hit me with those little things, they move to slowly and I can just fly out of the way of them. Face it Archmage, you cant beat me just join me."

"Never, and who said I was trying to hit you with them. I realised I couldn't hit you with them. That wasn't the point though."

I pointed behind him, he turned slightly and saw the balls of energy floating behind them. I caused them to come flying back at him, he raised a magnetic shield just before they struck him. They exploded, when the smoke cleared, he was unharmed.  A metal spike floated up and he threw it at me with his powers, I jumped into the air and dodged it and then started levitating objects and at hurling them at him.

He just  flew out of the way or threw them back at me if they had metal in them or were made of metal. He lifted up an I-beam and hurled it at me, I grabbed hold of it and caused it to melt. Then caused the molten metal to fly back at him, he shielded and the metal hit it. I shaped it and cooled it so that he was stuck inside the ball, then using my power held it closed as he tried to get out, trying to bend the metal or break it apart.

I ran over and ripped the door of its hinges and saw the crystal inside the safe with several CD's, I grabbed it and the CD's and placed the CD's inside my suit and put the crystal in a pouch on my belt. I ran over to Peter, I snapped the chains of his wrists and ankles and he dropped to the floor. I grabbed hold of him and shook him to wake him up.  He came round slowly, looked up and returned to normal. The fight with the evolutionaries and manipulating so many objects had taken it out of me, and holding Magneto in the metal sphere was draining me to fast. I only had one option left, what was worse was I didn't know if I would be able to do it, but I had to try.

He opened his eyes and looked at me

"I'm dreaming, get out of my head Unus, or I swear I will pound you when I get free."

"No Hun, it's my turn to save you. Like you did when you caught me back in the mansion. Now let's go, grab hold of me"

He managed to get onto his knees and I bent down and he put his arm over my shoulder, the flames covered his body as soon as he came into contact.

I released the hold over the metal sphere and saw Magneto rip it apart. I reached out with the remainder of my power and felt the ether begin to absorb both of us. I waved goodbye to Magneto.  I was hoping I could do it and apparently I had the power I had attempted to teleport us back to the Institute, in the middle of the living room. That was the intended target, however, before I could make out where I was I passed out.


Sam had been gone for over an hour, all I could do was to wait for his return. I had gone back and started to watch a movie.

All of a sudden there was a flash of bright blue light and Pete and Sam appeared in the middle of the room. landed and crashed onto the table which broke and they landed on the floor, surrounded by pieces of the table.

Professor, its Jean, Sam and Peter have just appeared in the Rec-Room, they are both unconscious I'm going to take them to the Med-Bay I suggest you meet me in there

I'm on my way now Jean

She lifted them up telekinetically and carried them to the Med-Bay, hooking them up to the monitoring and analysis equipment. She went over and read the read out on them just as the Professor came into the room.

What's the verdict Jean

Both are fine generally. Peter seems to have been tortured by some psychic, traumatised slightly but he will be fine after rest. Sam is in a regenerative coma, he should be fine. He also has retrieved that crystal, as well as several CD's I suggest you talk to Doctor Strange and find out what the crystal is. I will analyse the CD's and see if they contain any useful data.

I will contact him immediately. However, Samiel's sudden flux of power has me worried, it seems that when emotionally traumatised he has more energy and more of a destructive personality and certainly willing to do more damage. I have just done an over-view of his actions and he just destroyed a cell of the Brotherhood and would have killed them if they had been able to do anything more to oppose him. Magneto managed to hold his own. Against him, apparently his magnetism skills can keep his energy powers at bay. However, he did manage to keep him contained for a while.

Don't hold it against him, you know what I was like when the Phoenix Force took hold of me and I'm sure it was in him. I know it sounds stupid but I swear it was the Phoenix

The Professor looked visibly worried by what I had said and I knew why. The Phoenix force had the potential to destroy vast areas and kill many people. Or so the legends of the Hellfire Club told us.

Next: Chapter 10

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