Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Jul 9, 2006


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

Ok this story is set in the Ultimate X-Men Universe, though as it progresses there will be subtle differences, such as the continued of sentinels, where none are in use in the graphic novel. The X-Men team members might not correlate to the current rosters. The main team of X-Men at the beginning of my story will consist of Professor Xavier, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Poitr 'Peter' Rasputin (Colossus), Marian (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), James 'Logan' Howlett (Wolverine) and Elliot Boggs (Magician). Also Allison 'Ali' Blaire (Dazzler)(Currently in a coma) and Warren Worthington III (Angel) (Actting as a spy for Xavier in the Academy of Tomorrow) will also be considered members of the X-men.

Chapter 2 We fell backwards onto the bed, knocking several bags of my clothes onto the floor. I could feel his tongue beginning to explore my mouth, he was hanging above me holding himself over me and my hands just reached up and grabbed hold of his waist. We kissed for what seemed like forever, until he finally broke away from the kiss. I looked into those deep blue eyes. "I've got to go I will see you in a bit I promise" Before the words settled into my head and were processed he was up and out of the room. I sat there in shock for several minutes. My brain couldn't work out what had happened, then all I could feel were tears running down my cheeks. I collapsed back onto the bed and cried. There was a knock on the door, some time later. My heart jumped I hoped it was Pete back again. "Sam, hey its Jean are you in here" She opened the door looked over to me, in an attempt to hide the fact that I was cry in wiped my face with my sleeve. "Hey, what's wrong" "He just left Jean, I mean he told me he liked me, told me not to hate him and that he understood that I might not want him around. He got up to leave and I grabbed him and kissed him. It was so good Jean. Then he told me he had to go and ran out on me. I don't get it I mean what did I do wrong?" "Sam you did nothing wrong, its just a lot for him to take in at once. Plus there are some things he needs to sort out with his own life before he can do anything more with you. He kind of had a thing with Jean-Paul Beaubier, Northstar. Trust me when I tell you this, he will come back just give him time. Relationships are hard for Peter. Now stop crying, that was a shit attempt to hide it from me, plus you know I'm a telepath so no chance there."

I let out a small laugh, it was true, she would have known that I was upset before she stepped foot in the room. "Now, cheer up give Peter some time to sort things out and while you wait you have me to keep you company. I see you didn't get much unpacking done" She looked at the bags and boxes and then around the room. "Right Mister, lets get decorating, I know how much you fags love this sort of thing" I laughed again. "Yeah that and our brilliant fashion skills are renowned. So how the hell did you think you would get away with wearing that top with those pants, such a no-no hunny." She telekinetically hurled a pillow at me. "Bitch, they... Oh crap it doesn't go does it. I hate you right now." She dropped on the bed next to me and for some reason we both burst out laughing. "Jean I think you're the first real friend I have ever had, and I know that I haven't actually known you that long but I really do consider you a friend." "Same here. Now lets get to work on your pad. We need it too look good for when Pete gets back." She grabbed some of my bags of clothes, "You put the decorations up. I will put your enormous wardrobe into that tiny closet, if I have to telekinetically pack every last item into it and hold the doors closed." "Jean I kind of have a weird system when it comes to clothes. So I think it would be best if I did it, then its how I like it." "Yeah, I know. Telepathic remember, so I will do it just like you had planned in your mind." She was true to her word, she started putting things in the closet exactly how I would have put it in. While she got on with that I started putting up the posters up on the wall. I put the Laptop on the desk and took out the CD rack I had bought for my new CD collection. I took out all the pieces needed to assemble it, I took another look at the picture and felt the ethereal energy around me. With a wave of my hands every piece laid out on the floor gained a blue aura and began to slot into place. Within seconds the rack was assembled. "Wow that was really impressive, you've got a great deal of control over your telekinesis. But I got to say that I never saw things glow blue when a telekinetic manipulates them. How did you do that?" "Hasn't the Professor explained my power to you yet. I'm not actually Telekinetic. Though I can see how it would look like that to you. No my mutant power is really weird. I'm technically Psionic, however, where you energy goes into a specific part of you brain that allows you to read thoughts or move objects. My energy is used to connect my mind, to the Ether, it's the energy given off by everything in the universe. Its what magic uses to manipulate the universe to the casters will. So you see my mutant ability allows me to control the ethereal energy as I will. It gives me a greater degree of control and while sorcerers and sorceresses find it taxing to use the energy, because my mind is so in tune with the energy and the Ether, I don't find it taxing to use it. But the bigger the amount of power I channel drains me, and I need to go into a kind of regenerative coma. While in this coma, the Ether rejuvenates my body and mind. Its like a really good healing factor. Except my mind no longer is connected to the physical world, it goes into the Ether and regains the energy that I spent. When in the coma my body is impervious to harm, so I could go into a coma as I see a building collapsing on me and when you dug me out I'd be fine." "Wow that's a pretty cool power, so how long will you be in a coma for to regenerate that energy?" "About a second I did it just after I completed the task like just before you went wow" "Oh ok thats weird to think that for a moment you no longer were here but in the ether." "Yeah you think that's weird, technically when my mind enters the Ether, I'm in everything and everywhere in the universe." "That is kind of freaky." "So that explains the passing out on the blackbird, you used a lot of energy in the fight out of that Castle, then you smashed 10 sentinels with you power. I just thought you were a really powerful telekinetic. But it makes sense, now I get the whole blue glow. It's the ethereal energy that you use to manipulate your surroundings." We carried on and soon had the room done, it looked much better now, that it actually like I lived in it and not like it was some sort of hotel or hostel room.

Colossus<<< In front of me was an email to Jean-Paul. I had just finished it, I had to tell him. Even if we weren't going out officially or really seeing each other in any way. We had been on a date and I thought it was only right that he knew that I was going to try and have a relationship with Sam.

Dear Jean-Paul

I'm sorry to do this over an email but I couldn't bear to tell you over the phone. There is a new student at the Institute and he and I kind of hit it off. I mean h is gay and likes me too. Right now I think that its best I go with my heart and I really like this guy. I want to make a go of it. I thought it was only fair that you know. I know we aren't going out or anything but I just wanted you to know.


I hit the send button and watched as the `message sent' screen came up. Now with that thing sorted I had one more task I had to do before I went and saw Sam before we went for dinner.

Sam<<< Jean and I sat there and watched Will and Grace together after we finished . It was good to hang out with her. To have a laugh with her, she loved this show as much as me, we laughed at all the same jokes. I enjoyed her company, which was broken when I heard a knock at the door. "Yeah, come in" Pete walked in through the door. Jean got up and headed to the door. "I just remembered Scott wanted to see me I best run" She darted out of the door as fast as she possibly could. Pete just stood there he didn't come over to me, he made no move. I knew it, he would choose Northstar over me, who wouldn't, he was a former Olympic athlete and what was I just some sort of freaky witch, who had been locked up in a dungeon. "It's ok Pete, Jean told me about Jean-Paul, you want to go with him its fine. I just thought that..." "Sam, Shut up and kiss me, its you I want, not Jean-Paul." He ran towards me and jumped, he landed on the bed next to me. With one hand he pulled me close to him and kissed me. I melted, what he had just said finally entered my head he wanted me. I sat there and revelled in the kiss, the feeling of his body so close to me. The heat from his body was warm and made me feel safe and content. For the first real time in my life, I felt happy and no longer on edge. One of my hands started wandering over his body. It pushed up under his white tank top, it roamed seemingly of its own free will, and I felt his skin the muscles firm under the skin. A small moan escaped from between our lips, I realised that I was slowly pulling off his top. Inch by inch it crept up revealing more of has skin; his beautiful abdomen and a glorious six pack were on show to me. He pulled away from the kiss. "Sam, what if Jean walks in on us?" I reached out with my mind, the lock on the door glowed slightly and then the bolt shot across locking the door. I ignored the urge to go into the regenerative coma. It would only last a fraction of a second; I would do it later when I had a moment to myself. "Ok well I guess that's that sorted" He leant back in and carried on kissing me, I pulled his top up to his neck and pulled away from him, dragging his top over his head and throwing it on the floor. He pulled my top off while he had a chance. I pushed him over onto his back and placed my legs at either side of him, as I restarted the kiss, I slowly lowered myself on top of him. His tongue was in my mouth and mine was in his, I could feel every the heat from his body and his heartbeat. It felt good, I had never felt this way before, I opened my eyes, and he was looking into mine. I felt lighter and closed my eyes again. We kissed for what felt like forever. Knock, Knock Some one was at the door, all of a sudden we hit the mattress. "What was that we were in mid air" "Sorry I must have levitated us up by accident, sometimes when my emotions are running high I lose some control over my powers." There was another sharp knock on the door. "Hold on one minute be right there." I reached over and grabbed Peter's top and my own and threw his to him. He quickly put his on as I did the same. He went to the door, and opened it, I was still sat on the bed, in the corridor was Professor Xavier. "Thank you Piotr, would it possible for Mr Kilgrave and I to have a private conversation before we go for diner there are some things I would like to discuss with him." "Yes sir, Sam I will see you at diner" Pete walked out after Professor Xavier had come in, he shut the door behind him. "Sam, I'm sorry if I disturbed you but I thought it would be best for you to discuss a few things before we continue and school starts up. Now I want to know if you wish to join the X-men if you don't then that is fine you can be schooled here with the rest of the students" "You really think I have what it takes to be a member of the X-men sir, I mean really." "Yes, I do, you have a great power, your abilities to manipulate reality with your use of ethereal energy is incredible. Your control is impressive, though you have some issues at certain times. Plus with your federal education in espionage and technology you will be very useful in field operations that require more, shall we say subtlety then Wolverine uses. So what do you say do you want to join the team. I do also mean the senior team, I know you work well with marvel, erm I mean Jean and you and Piotr seem to be getting along very well." "Yes I would love to join the X-Men" "Next thing your code name, I thought of one Archmage, what do you think of that one?" "I like it" The Professor reached down and took a box out from under his wheelchair. He held it out to me and I took it. "This is your uniform, I suggest you wear it when you're in lessons and always on missions." Your timetable and some other things you will need around the school and out of it are also in the box. Now before you open it, I suggest you come to diner please follow me. "Before we go, can I ask you one thing." "You can always ask questions of me. Or talk to me at anytime, that's what I'm here for. I know it will sound strange to you, but I want you to think of me as a father figure. You haven't had any parents in a long time and with the governments involvement you may have difficulties with certain social aspects. So if you need anything or just to talk about anything do not hesitate to come and see me." "Ok I promise I will, and I may take you up on that offer, all I need to ask though is one thing at this point in time. Do you care that I'm gay and may have a relationship with Peter" "Not at all, while I have some slight reservations about having a relationship within the team. Yours is not the only inter-team relationship so I don't have much against them until I see empirical evidence against them. I cannot tell you who to love in any respect that would be unethical. I don't have any qualms with your sexual orientation either. That would be rather hypocritical of me, to preach about acceptance and then be a homophobe. Now I think you will enjoy diner and I'm rather hungry so shall we go to diner." "Ok lead the way"

OK well thats Chapter 1 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 3

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