Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on Jul 17, 2006


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

Ok this story is set in the Ultimate X-Men Universe, though as it progresses there will be subtle differences, such as the continued of sentinels, where none are in use in the graphic novel. The X-Men team members might not correlate to the current rosters. The main team of X-Men at the beginning of my story will consist of Professor Xavier, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Poitr 'Peter' Rasputin (Colossus), Marian (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), James 'Logan' Howlett (Wolverine) and Elliot Boggs (Magician). Also Allison 'Ali' Blaire (Dazzler)(Currently in a coma) and Warren Worthington III (Angel) (Actting as a spy for Xavier in the Academy of Tomorrow) will also be considered members of the X-men.

Chapter 5 They sat down on the bed and made themselves comfy. I sat cross legged at the end of the bed and when they were settled and ready to hear the story I began to tell them my history. "I was born on Manhattan Island, New York. My name is Samiel Dantalion Kilgrave. My Grandfather was Erik Johannes Vandermell. The 3rd richest person in the world, he was CEO of Vandermell Conglomerate. He died just after I was born leaving everything he owned to me, because he had fallen out with my mother for her anti-mutant bigotry. So he left me the family fortune in a trust fund that I couldn't access until I was 18, so it doesn't matter that my parents disowned me, because I gain control of my grandfathers estates.

My parents, as it turned out were two of the founding members of the organisation known as "The Friends of Humanity". Before the development of my mutantcy became obvious. My parents had made sure that it was always happy they gave me almost everything I wanted. I was trained by the best Gymnast and Martial Artist experts for years. I was also trained by the best dancers my parents could find. This would actually prove very useful to me in later life. Unknown to his parents, the training would help their mutant son to survive on the streets. When I was very young child, I think it was just before my eighth birthday the first signs of my mutantcy emerged, my hair which had been blonde turned a vivid blue colour, also several bookshelves had collapsed. Thinking back maybe my powers had caused the bookcase to fall over. My parent's who were renowned mutant haters kicked me out of their home that very day. After nearly beating me to death, that is. I spent many nights sleeping in doorways with New York's other destitute and vagabonds. My emotional development was enhanced as I, had to become self-sufficient. I had to everyday find food and every night find shelter, I had to avoid the dangers of he streets. This emotional period of my life, triggered an early development of my mutant powers, I found that he could see and manipulate ethereal energy to produce magical results. It was after not long after the full development of my powers, I think I was halfway to nine at this point that I took to a life as a professional thief. Stealing from the wealthy to survive. I went under the name of Nightshade. While under the guise of Nightshade, I would go for any jewels and riches that I could get his hands on and pawn off onto the black market.

I was not an evil person by nature, and would only take from the wealthy that which they could easily afford to replace. If I had any spare then I would use it to help out the other destitute of New York.

Nightshade was never caught and only a select few people knew of his existence, NYPD found no evidence of him on any of the crime scenes. Which with his more then capable manipulation of mercurial energy is hardly surprising. It's wasn't until I was just coming up to 10 before i came back into contact with my family, more specifically my Mother and Father. I was walking through central park, where the "Friends of Humanity" were holding an anti-mutant protest. Some of the protestors noticed my bright blue hair. I lied and told them that it was dyed, but I was dragged before the people who where running the rally. My former parents, they instantly recognised me. The shock of seeing his mutant son before him drove Julius Kilgrave, my father over the edge. The fear of someone realising that this mutant was their son drove him to begin beating me once again. However, this time i was more then willing to stand up for myself. I grabbed my father's fist before it touched me and threw the people who were keeping me down on my knees, off of me in one movement. In a fit of rage I punched my father in the gut, causing serious internal damage, which would later kill him. My powers exploded into life, quite literally. A wave of mercurial energy flew out of my body, sending the people in a 10 metre proximity flying. My mother flew into a metal rail and was impaled, killing her instantly. Several other protesters were seriously damaged and four others were killed. The FBI had been monitoring the situation; they found me not far from the scene and took me in to train me as agent. S.H.I.E.L.D. found out and took me into their mutant operations division and trained me in many forms of martial arts and educated me in everything I would need to be the best black ops and covert ops agent they could train. I spent the next 9 years of my life working for them. As my powers developed I trained myself to use them more effectively. With the training given to me by S.H.I.E.L.D. I became an assassin and bounty hunter for the US government, before I was 15 years old. I was known as Phantasm and I changed my appearance to that of a ghostly figure, whenever I was on a mission. As soon as he turned 18 I took on the name of Robert Jules, and bought a penthouse suite in the famous Flat Iron building, using this as his headquarters. Under the Alias of Robert Jules, he was known as a playboy, and to most people he was a rich boy. However, this was a cover for his real job, assassin for the government. That was until I was ordered by S.H.I.E.L.D. to go and terminate a powerful Sorcerer known only as "Lord Magick" what I had been told was that he was alone. However, when I entered I was met by a small army of mutants all working for him. I had been sent to be terminated because I had started to refuse to do certain operations and planned to regain my families' fortune and no longer work for the government. That's why when I saw Fury I got into such a bad mood and stormed off on my own. It wasn't because of you. I was just so pissed off to see him there. Jean looked at me and told me something I didn't want to hear, but I knew I needed to hear it. "Sometimes we do work alongside S.H.I.E.L.D." "I can deal with that I suppose" She hugged me, and then got up off the bed and left the room. Leaving me and Peter alone, I couldn't look him in the eye. I feared that his feelings for me had changed, I feared that because he knew what I had done in the past he wouldn't like me. He just crawled over to me and lifted my head up so I was looking at him, he kissed me. "Your past doesn't matter to me, all I want to know is this Sam Kilgrave, Archmage, X-Man and my boyfriend, the man I love is there. So your past is shady. I used to be an arms dealer for the Russian Mafia, we all have things we don't like about ourselves in our past. All that matters is our future, and you're my future." He made me feel so good. For all the evil I had done in my life for the government, lying, breaking in and killing. I finally had control of my own life, and to top it all of, I had my Peter, the only person I had ever truly loved and he loved me too, I felt warm inside. I kissed him again, this time it continued as he pushed me down onto my back, our tongues started to wrestle each other. I felt his hands slowly pushing up my hockey shirt. My hands started to explore down his back, heading inexorably to his tight butt. The muscle on his ass was incredible so firm and hard. By now my shirt was around my neck. Peter pulled away and slipped the shirt completely off, as soon as it was off we got right back to kissing. I could feel his hands exploring my body, I started to pull his shirt up towards his head. His hands came off my body and grabbed my wrists and he had me, he held my hands down on the bed. He was completely in control. I clicked my fingers and heard the bolt close on the door. He began kissing down my body, I'm sure he had left a hickey on my neck, down to my nipples, be began to suck on them and lick them. It felt so good, is started to moan in pleasure, I wrapped my legs round his hips, and he must have known that he was really turning me on. He pulled my hands up and together. And put them both under one of his own hands, the spare hand began to slide down my body, all the while he was kissing down my body. His hand reached my waist and he began to pull off both my sweatpants and my boxers at the same time. "Stop, Peter" He stopped instantly and looked up to me. "Why what's wrong" "Are you sure you want to do this, I can wait if you want to wait." "Just enjoy it ok, I want to do this" He pulled my boxers and pants of completely, his head went down and he put my dick in his mouth, how he managed to put my entire 7 inch dick in his mouth is beyond me, but he did. I couldn't help but moan out in pleasure, I could feel his tongue going around my shaft, and his mouth was so warm, I nearly creamed then, he started sliding his mouth up and down the length of my dick. When he reached the top he would allow his tongue to lick the head of my dick before he went right down to the base again. He was driving me crazy I could barely hold my self from cumming. I just moaned. "Oh, god Pete if you don't stop I'm going to cream all over" He just carried on sucking me off, "Oh god, Uhhh uh I'm going to cum I oh" True to my word I came in Pete's mouth, he swallowed every drop of my seed. When he took his mouth off of my dick he looked up at me and crawled up and laid next to me. I was laid naked on the bed and he wrapped his arms round me. We just laid there for several minutes enjoying the heat of each others bodies. I made the first move, I got up and grabbed my underwear from the floor. "Right mister I'm starving I need to eat and then how about you and me work out for a bit." He just smiled and grabbed me and dragged me down to the bed, where he planted a kiss on me. "I love you, you know, I really do" "Love you two babe" He laughed. "What's so funny mister" "You've never called me anything but Pete or Peter or my real name I like it when you call me babe, makes me feel special." I grabbed the rest of my clothes and put them then grabbed hold of his hand. And started dragging him off the bed he finally got up and we went hand in hand down the corridor. "Ok Mr Rasputin where is the kitchen" He looked over at me "What happened to babe?" "You might hear it again if I like how you treat me." "Just follow me Mr Kilgrave, of the Vandermell family" I snorted, "Hardly there are no Vandermells left my mother was the only one to have that name, and I'm stuck with Kilgrave." "Well I just thought what are you going to do with all the money, you will be like one of the richest people in the world. Are you going to leave the X-Men?" "Hardly you are the best things that have happened to me ever. I'm going to give some of the money to charities and make several new mutant friendly sanctuaries and centres on several of the islands that my grandad owned. Some will go to funding the X-men, the rest will remain where it has been for a long time. I see no need to become a rich play boy, I have had to work to live since before I was teen, I don't intend for that to change right about now." He squeezed my hand tighter and we carried on walking into the kitchen, where he proceeded to make me a big sandwich. We sat and ate, and Peter began to tell me all about the battles and what he had done while he had been at the institute. I sat and listened enthralled, he had done so much and been through so many hardships. It just made me love him all the more, I enjoyed spending time with him it seemed to give a meaning to life. To keep him happy and make him feel good made me feel special and warm inside to. I had done some horrible things, killed people and maimed others. But he was willing to see that past that and see the person the human being under the assassin. For him I would go to hell and back.

OK well thats Chapter 5 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 6

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